FULTUN COUNTY NEWS Published Every Thursday. B. YY. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. MARCH 18, 1909 Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. HOVKHTLS1WO BATIS. Persiuare of M lines a times II 50. per square eneh subsequent Insertion.... 50. Atl advertisement Insrrted for lese than t-ee month ehuriced by the square. , 3 uios. Sdion. 1 yr. Oiie-fo'irth column One h:ilf nolumn One Column .115.00. 1 .oof) 1 laono . a .00. I 40 00 0 .00 .. 40.00. I 56.00. 75.00 EASY TO MIX THIS. Simple Receipe for Kidney or Bladder Trouble or Rheumatism. What will appear very interest iog to many people here U the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple pre scription, whi.?h is said to be 8 positive remedy for backache or kidney or bladder derangement, il taken before the stage of Unght's disease: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in tea spoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this prescription, stated that the in gredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good prescription phar macy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to c!o so. lie fur ther stated tnat while this pre scription is often prescribed in rheumatic afflictions with splen did results, he could see no rea son why it would not be a splen did remedy for kidney and uri nary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most important organs and help ing them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and waste matter which cause sickness and suffering. Those of our readers who suffer can make no mistake la Living it a trial. The Man Who Dares. Don't Kill Your Town. Any man who deliberately buys his goods from a mail order firm sends away money which should be used in his own town. What ho does lessens the pros parity of his neighbors, aud is i direct injury to himself. In so doinj he restricts h's credit at the local store, which he may need 8ometim9 to tide over a temporary hard spell or a dull season. . Jt means the sending away of a dollar where it will never reach his pocket again. We say to the farmer and to the rural dweller : Mailorder houses don't help pay your taxes. They don't buy your produce of you. They don't buy your live stock or your grain. They don't spend their money on your schools, your churches, or your homes. They don't spend their money on your highways. They don't extend your credit when you need it. They don't do any of these things and a hundred others that you expect tnd get of your home merchants. In fact they don't care a cent for you or yours. And yet a goo many good peo ple, charmed by pretty pictures aud brilliant descriptions of cheap, shoddy articles, send their mouey to those tirms that they are beuetiiing themselves and do it under the false impression. We can say with all the assur ance of positive knowledge, that there isn't an article in any mail order catalogue that the McCon nellsburg merchant can not du plicate, penny f c penny, time, postage and freight charges tak en into consideration. Not only this, but you can see what you are buying before you pay for it. The next time you get a tiOO page catalogue, do yourself the justice of starting a fire with it. The Kansas City Star sagely concludes that the man whose cireer means deeds, results the man who does things--is not afraid to risk mistake. He of whom it can be said: "lie has uev er made a serious error of judg ment-has a record that is (law less," will be found to be one who has done little or nothing worth while. lie is so cautious in con templating a move that he hardly dares to make it before its possi ble effect has been minimized or lest. (Guarding himself against the reproach of public failures, he denies himself thi satisfac tion of work well done. It is his habit to study a situation until the time for action has passed lie shrinks from responsibility, as he fears criticism, lie is sway ed by the supercautious thit goes with a futile mediocrity. The other type of maa investi gates, decides and does. Criti cism and the chance of ridicule are iguored by him. Between action and hesitation he chooses action every time. When Itctmes to taking a chance or waiting to Bee what will happen he takes the chance. Uo would rather risk a m'stake than do nothing, lie is w lliog to listen to both Bides and then acts on his own judgment, welcoming the responsibility. It he lueets with failure he does the best thing possible to amend it. If he is ruccessful he gathers new hope in dealing with the next problem. That's the American pirit. What a Woman Will Not Do. There is nothing a woman would not do to regain ber lost beauty. She ought to be fully as roalous id preserving her good looks. The hero drink called Lane's ' Family Medicine, or Line's Tea, is the most efficient , aid id preserving a beautiful skin and will do more than anything eUe to restore the roses to faded cheeks. At all druggists' and . dealers', 25c. Health and Good Looks. Dyspepsia has been called the American disease. True it is that many of the inhabitants of the United States suffer from in digestion, and of this number a greater part are women, for two or three reasons. In the first place, they take less exercise than men, they are more irregular in regard to the times that they take their meals than men. Many wo men who are in a position to afford the indulgence of their tastes and whims form a habit jf stayn g abed in the mornings and having their breakfast brought to them. Sucii a habit is detrimental to the health and to the looks. If one is not well and strong and needs more rest in the day, it is far bet ter to get up iu the morning and take the breakfast with the fami ly and have a rest lator. The air of the room in which one has spent the night is apt to be close. The body is improved by taking an upright position after having been recumbent the eight or more hours, and the circulation Is stim ulated. Tiie effect upon the mind of being up and about tends to improve the tone ot the system. 1 have seen women who in times of wealth and prosperity were self-indulgent, lying in bed in the morning and lazily beginning the day, when adversity came, and they were obliged to go forth to some business regularly, improve in health and appearance more than one would believe "llealth and Good Looks," in The Ladies' World for March. "INCURABLE" HEART DISEASE SOON CURED By the Great Specialist in Treating Heart Disease and Dropsy, FRANK LIN MILES, M. D., LL. 13. Who Will Send S2.M Worth of Special Treatment and New Book Free. To demonstrate the remarkable cur ative powers of his new and complete Special Personal Treatments for heart dlHease, short breath, ptiin In the aide, oppression In the chest, Irregular pulse, palpitation, Bmotheilng spells, pulling of the ankles or dropsy, Dr. Allies will send, free, to every afflicted person, $2.50 worth of treatment. The worst cases soon relieved. They are the result of 28 years ot extensive research and remarkable success In treating the various ail ments of the heart, stomach and nerves, which so often complicate each race. So astonishing are the results of his treatment that he does not hes itate to offer all afflicted persons a two-pound Trial Treatment free. Certainly nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such confidence In their treatments. There Is no reason why all afflicted persons should not avail themselves of this liberal offer, as they may never have such an opportunity again. Delays are dangerous. No death comes more sud denly than that from heart disease. Mr. J. B. H.tnn, 119 W.MarytnndSt.. Indianap olis, Ind., curedafier 8 physicians failed. Mrs. Klvlna Somlers, Deeatur, Neb., utter 10 failed. Mr. P. W. Human. Speneer, low 11, affer H failed. Mr. I,. A. l'r.iut, Lisbon Fulls. Me., alter 12 fail ed. Mrs. Mary DeHart, Greenville, Pa., alter II failed. Mr. C K. Smith. W avne, Mli h., after 8 failed. Mrs, Elizabeth Houl, Kiwlesport, O , af ter 4 failed. Other cures from yuur Htate sent on request. Many cured after." to 1ft physleians and professors hadpronounced ihem"lncurublc. " Send to Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. n., Elkhart, Indiana, at once, for Heart Hook, Examination Chart, Opinion and Free Treatment. Describe your dis ease. Please mention this paper. PLEASANT KID0E. Reuben Mellott and mother, and Charles Mellott, wife and daughter, spent last Sunday in the home of the former's brother, E. V. Mellott. Rev. Powers spent last Tues day night in the home of Anthony Mellrtt. Miss Louie Fisher is visiting relatives and friends in this vicin ity. Simon Dtniels, wife and two children, and Lucy Mellott, spent last Sunday in the home of Ro land Sharp. Mrs. Mary Swope is very low, and Mrs. Anthony :s not any bet ter. There will be preaching at Eb eiiezer next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Geo. W. Sipe, wife and grand daughter spent last-Sunday in the home of their daughter. Walter Fohner is visiting rela tives in this community. Mrs. Mary Sharp and Daisy Mellott spent last Monday in the home of Simon Daniels. Danger To Life. The speed limit of automobiles will be increased to -4 miles an hour on suburban and country roads, and 15 miles in towns, with consequent increase iu danger to life and also in damages to roads which you must pay, unless you uso your personal influence at once upon your Representative to oppose Senate Bill No. 85, now in the House. Mr. Charlie (Iixson and family moved last week from the James II. Kendall tenant house in Ayr township into the I'hilipOlt house in the East End extension, which Mr. Hixson purchased last sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Hixson are excellent people, and we extend to them a cordial welcome to our community. Hou8ecleaning time will soon be here, and then you will want to throw away some of your old carpets and get new; and some of the furniture is getting pretty badly scuffed, or a little out of date, and it will have to be re placed by new. It may be worth something to you to know that what you may need in that line can be found at the big furniture rooms of T. U. Stevens & Son, right here in McConnollsburg, and at prices just as low, or a l't tie lower, than you cau get the name quality of goods for any where else. Koad their new ad vertisement on the last page of this paper. GfcM. Mrs. Jane Lynch spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs. Isaac Peck. The oyster supper at G. J. Mellott's was well attended last Saturday evening. Miss Eliza Mellott spent last Saturday evening in the homo of William Kelner. Mr. and Mrs. John MeJlot, sons Calvin and Webster, and daugh ter Maggie, spent last Sunday in the home of Mrs. Amanda Mellott. The little son of Jacob Hill, who had been at the Western Mary land Hospital, Baltimore, for treatment for paralyse in one cf his legs, was brought home last week. He is no better. Irene Mtllott spent Sunday ev ening in the home of John Mel lott. It is expected that our postof flce will be moved to Isaiah Mel lott's. Riley Kline, who had been on the sick list, is able to be out again it seems as though there are some chicken thieves in this vicinity. 3 LN t f . u nrnnc BpeclaJUt in LENSES FORTHEEYES In McConnellsburg, At Washington House Friday, March 26th. THOMPSON. Quite a number from our com munity went "a courtin" this Monday morning. Leslie IJarr, of McConnells burg, spent .from Friday until Saturday with friends in Thomp son, lie was accompanied home by his sister Miss Anna, who peut last week here. Edward Simpson left on Tues day of last week for Washington, Pa. . Andrew Pittman recently pur chased a horse from Andrew Souders. ' Rii-y Dan els has moved into the house with his father in law, Dennis Morgret. His son Roy accnpying the home mausion. John Bard and sou, of Pleasant Ridge, are busily engaged put ting up an addition to J. C. Com erer 's house, for his son Wilbur. David, Jr., aud Ross Gordon gave a party to a number of their friends last Friday evening. Mrs. J. C. Hewitt, who has been ill for some time, is now convalescing. Our hustling saw mill men Howard and "Collie" Pittman recently finished a large contract of sawing for G. J, Mellott nt Gem, and have now moved to Jared Pittman's. Alvah Gordon purchased the David McDonald farm, and will move upon it in the near future. The township lost two of its oldest residents, in the death rf Martin Bishop and Martha Strait There will be preaching at Da mascus next Sunday at, 10 a.' m. Sunday School will also beorgan izsd at the same time and place. Rev. Feltner will preach his last sermon, at Rfihoboth before conference, at 3 o'clock next Sun day afternoon. Notice. Notice i-hereby given that William StolTer has left the home of the under signed iu Belfast township, Fulton county, Pa., without just cause, and this is to warn all persons not to har bor him, or to sell him any goods or trust 1 1 i 1 11 In any manner, as 1 will pay do debts of his contracting. 3- li, 3t. Bknj. F. Ui.rji-OKD, C. AV RAY. Auctioneer, - Postofllce Address; McConnellsbun!, Pa. Fifteen Venn' Kxpfrienee. Owlntf lo the in uruusiiw number uf clls for my Mrvk''K. I have ileeideil to notify the public In this nmn ner that 1 nhail hold myself fa read i en.s for puMlu wales uutioo. Ato. Prices viotlerute, unci NfUlsiaction guuruLHeed. 4- 1-U. ly. NEW BAKERY. F. B. McDonald takes this method 'of Informing the people of McCoiinellsburg anil vicini ty that he is prepared, iu addition to furnishing bread at all times, to fur nish Cakes, Pies, and all kintls of pastry. Orders left with hlin will be prompt ly filled and satisfaction guuru ntued. WATCH REPAIRING. To the Public : After having worked at the Bench, more or less, for the past fifteen years, I have just return ed from Philadelphia, where I took a course of . Watchmaking and Engraving at the Philadel phia College of Horology, and I now leel competent'to do first class Watch Making and Eograv ing; and I would solicit, at least, a trial. I Guauantkk My Wokk Respectfully, D. R. Ramskv, 3 18, 4t Clear Ridge, Pa. pirates of the Air "They come like thieves In the night, dropping hundreds ol feet from high up In the sky, catch themselves, circle once or twice, then come at the owl like a thunderbolt." A quotation from the unuiuul and interfiling itory ol decoying htwki, which a but one ol the many aplendidly illustrated article which appear in the big March iuu oi , RECREATION J Thia Dumber it the firtt of i wriea ol double numbers at the regular price, and it the most u pcrb iuue ol an outdoor magazine ever published. It contains magnificent lull-page plalet worthy ol liaming, reproduced from photograph ol thrilling momenta in outdoor recreation. Nowhere elu will you find such helpful, entertain ing erticlea illustrated exclusively by the moat ex pert photographers, RECREATION is famous from the (act that the men who write (or its page have " Been There" and can start you planning your outdoor campaign. We want you lo become acquainted with the magazine and ell its helpfulness. BUY THB flARCM NUHBEIR AT ANY NEWSDEALER'S. 4t-E CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND US 25 CENTS AND WE WILL SEND YOU A COPY BY RETURN MAIL, and, il at the tame time, you 3I meal too the Dame end address ol the dealer who cannot supply you with ilia magazine, we will tend you llie beautiful RECREATION Calendar r. Remember RECREATION i the only magazine that will start you right and help you lo aisle the not! ol the outdoor season. Addioat RECREATION, 24 West 39th St.. New Yo.k. Better Not Get Dyspepsia If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion. But don't trifle with Indigestion. GENERAL DIRECTORY. A Rreat mnny people who have trlllod with Indigestion, have been sorry for It when nervous or chronic dyBpepsIa resulted, and they have not been able to cure It. Vse Kodol and prevent having Dyspepsia. Everyone Is subject to indiges tion. Stonmeh derangement follows stomnch abuse. Just as naturally and Just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. When you experlenre sourness of stonineh, brlchlntf of pas and nauseating fluid, blonted sensation, pnawing pain In the pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling you need Ko dol. And then the quicker you take Kodol the better. Eat what you want, let Kodol digest It. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab lets," physics, etc., are not likely to be of much benefit to you, in dlgBtire ailments. Pepsin is only a partial digester and physics ar not digesters at all. Kodol Is a perfect digester. If you could see Kodol dlgestingevery particle of food, of all kinds, In the glass test-tubes In our laboratories, you would know this just as well as we do. Nature and Kodol will always cure a sick stomach but In order to be cured, the stomach must rest. ' That Is what Kodol does rests the stomach, while the stomach geU well. Just as simple as A, 13, C. Our Guarantee Oo to your flni(ri?Ut lorlny nnrl rret a flol Inr bottle. Then uirr you have uwed the entire contemn of the buttle If you can hmientiy any, that tt hrui nut done you any piioil, return the bottle to the drurrirlnt and he will refund your monry without nut-H-Hon or delay. We win then pny tin. druir plt or the bottle. Don't hritni, all arujHrlxta know that our fruarant.-e Is iood. lliluotTcr applies ttthlar(re bottle inly and to but one in a family. The larjre lot tie rontnlna lift times as much as the Ufir cent buttle. Kodol Is prepared at the laboray torles of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. For Sale at 1 rout's Drug Store. 1909 rib 1909 SPRING SUMMER MILLINERY Mrs. A. F. Little has just returned from Eastern Cities, after having spent two weeks there purchasing a full line of Millinery and Fancy Goods. Mrs. Little has' taken great pains to secure the newest ideas, and is now able to accommodate one and all with latest styles, that can be found in millinery any where. See our ad. in next week's paper. MRS. A. F. LITTLE. A CARLOAD OF HORSES - AT Public Auction At the City . Hotel SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1909, AT I O'CLOCK P. M. The undersigned will sell at public sale at the City Hotel, McConnells tiurjf. I'a , on the above dute a carload of extra fine horses, consisting of BIG FARM IK ill 3K3, Single-line Leaders, good 13 Ig Mares in foal, pood li it,' General Purpose Horses, and some food 2 and 3 year old Colts. Tertns will be ipade known on duy of sale. . I., wibi.i:. Auctioneer. W. VL. FORNEY BUGGIES BUGGIES I have just refilled my sheds with a fine lot of new Top Iluigies, both factory and. hand-made; ranging In price from $4." 00 up to 175.(10 for the best hand-made Milllin-bm-tf burriry. My llo butfgv U a good, strong, substan tial one that I will guarantee to give good satisfaction. I Hill sell on time to suit customers. It will pay you to examine my stock before you buy elsewhere. Thanking the public for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of their favors I am, Very truly yours, W . R . EVAN HUSTOINTOWN, PA. STOCK OF MERCHANDISE FOR SALE. Having sold my farm, I desire to sell my stock of Merchandise, consist ing of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, (Jueensware, Hardware, Gro ceries, ic,' The room Is a good one, and can be rented on reasonable terms. Desir able location. Good point for busi ness. Call on or address, J. W. LAKE, 2-2.r, tf. l'leasant Hldge, Pa. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburjj, Pa. All legel bue newi and oollectiorn entrueted will eoelve eereful end prompt eHemloQ. i . J ! CfJfBllV -it i - - i . i 4 j;b n.i oi i4Ufi' Itus u m ; utl'm il agftvtit' lb J'"''i nf F4thlajliw . ,t t Hf ih m uifwr ..ii:V Mf at. . On "fl(l nun.oi I I6I rriMI lUlltl f, A fiKMlfte v. -v ubacriMr st MtX-iU fa I, it.lt Aei' IVaaifd. H .a-iiniwitlym-i m(i nh t - i. i. tftiwn 4 Uu( of 4 cntt 4 ft-iw-t tn CatBlu lht,utf y pt.taM 4 i M4mm IMA MgcaU. CO htm f J D) Dr1 BO YEARS) f CArEnltnwf A Tmasx Mark Design Copyrights &o. AnronaMHWilnff a ktfb and dmarlinofi amy inlfiilv MiMirtiiin our Jttiiiitia fitta whet liar u mvt tiltofi is prubftblf r4nlKila. ('tminiuntrev ttontrietlr "tti(.'itlitl. 11 audita token i"(eiit4 lent frnts UliltMl affttiwy for Huriug pettptiu. nxi-ia nuCu. wk .lout obanr. lu turn Scientific Jlmericam tiiIaOuii nf aitr rtw I tank frleiiiilln Viurnal, T Smtr; ftiur ruontus. f aura byjui nwalAitnt tome Vboi KtrK TwtiUutiiiu It Ti . I ' ''l ft FoiEYSnoirEyAn 6ur Oc4rl Pf-avents PiMumenla President Jiultrr lion. S. Mo. Swope. Aimociatc JudKCH 1. T. Humbert, J. W, Hnop. Proihonof ry. Ac Qeorire A. tiiirrln. District Attorney Krank 1'. I.yrjuh. Trn, Niiver- t 'Imriof H. bteven. Miprlrf-JeiT HHrTtH. Deputy Sheriff A. D. Hohman. Jury Coinnil-oiloner. Duvld ltotJ. A. C. Truux. Auilltoni-Wm. Wlnlc, 1). II . Myers, C. C. Itoi. Co Commissioners Kmunuel Keefer, J. R, Slitirp. linulel VV. ( r- mer. Clerk -K Krurik Henry. County Supei Intfrmlcnl-n O. T.Arriberson. Attorney Y , heoii Alexander, J. Nelson Slpes. Thomas fr' W oun. t McN. Johnston. M. H. .HhalTrier. J tin I. Mpe. S. W. Kirk. F. V. Lynch. 11. N. Slpes, L. H. Wlble. nOHtlCGII OMICERS. Justine of the Peuee- L II. Wlble. Con-tub e Churlcs - teak. Ituriress-Hr. H. m. Wlshart, Counellmen 1. U (Irisslntrer. John A. Irwin, llur.lt Humnitl A TT . ..r . " . v. nurr. ucuikc r . neiM- ner I). E. Little. Albert stoner. " iieeiors- ,ionn t omerer. cnerlrs H. Stevens. H II. VVoollet, L. H. Wlble. M. V. K iir.ii T V Nlmin Ho rd of Heul'h H. 8. Wlkhnrt. M. D., pres ; John S. Unrrls. sec'y: (ieorire W. Hays W. L, MuKlbbln. M. 1).; John W. Mosser, M. D. , TF.R.MS OF COI RT. TliO first, tnrm nf t.ha PniM. XT',, I. ton county in the year shall commenca on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at Z o'clock p in. The third term on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday October, at 2 o'clock p. m. CHLRCUES. Presbyterian. Sabbath school at 9:15. Junior Christian Endeavor at 2:00. Christ ian Endeavor at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist episcopal Rev. C W. Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth League at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. United Presbyterian Kev. J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. ' KiVANGELioAl. IjTJTHERAN-Rev. Cal vinFassold Pastor. Sunday school 9:15 a. to. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. hristian En deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformed Pas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor at, 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every BYlday evening in tne Clevenger's Hall in McConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening In the New Hall at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonville Lodge No. 710 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Harrlsonville. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall at New Grenada. Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets in Warfordsburg every Saturday evening. King Post G. A. P.. No. 365 meets In McConnellsburg in Clevenger's Hall the first Saturday in every month at 2 p. m. Washington Camp, No. 550, P. O. S. of A. meets every first and third Saturday evening at their hall at Need more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum meets every first and third Monday evening in Clevenger's Hall, McCon nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. Washington Camp, No. 5o4, P. O.S. of A., Uustontown, meets every Satur urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No. 589, meets every Saturday, on or just preceding full moon In Lashley halj, at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8o meets at same date and place at 4 p. m. Gen. D. B. McKlbbln Post dNo.401 G. A. S., meets the second an fourth Saturdays In each month at Pleasant Ridge. Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O. U. A. M meets in their Hall at Clear Ridge every Saturday eveniog. The Aspasla Rebekab Lodge, I. O. O. P., of Harrlsonville, meets the 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month, in the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrlsonville. Clear Ridge Grange No. 1366. P. of H , meets the first' and third Friday nights each month in Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall. - DR. A. K., DAVIS, Hustontown, Pa. DENTAL WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Teeth extracted positively without pain. AH Work Guaranteed, Will be in ofllce from Thursday ev ening until Monday morning of each week. W. M. COMEHER, . agent for j UHEGEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, ' BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, do 1 rer Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time.