FULTON COUNTY NEWS Published Every Thursday: B. W. PCK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. FEBRUARY 4, 1909 Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. TEN EARS FOR 121. MIVSHTISIHQ RATH. Per square of a lines S time II W. tr square each subsequent Insertion.... hO. Am advertisements Inserted for less than t-r-e months charged by the snuara. 3 .ih , i'. nirts. I 1 yt. Oi- Joiirthnoluno. G ift half oolumn.... One Column ...II.V1. ... '.ISuU. .... 10.00. vo w i i30.no 4O 0O i fto no 66.00. 75.00 INDIGESTION ENDS. Misery From Your Disordered Stomach Goes in Five Minutes. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach, if you will occasionally take a little Diapep sin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digest ed; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes belching, dizzi ness, a feeling of fullness after eating, nausea, indigestion (like h lump of lea'' in stomach), bilious ness, heartburn, water brash, pain in stomach and intestines, or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effectivo remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It d'gests your meals when your stomach can't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment o? sour. Get a large 50-ccnt case of Pape's Diapepsin from your drug gist and start taking to day, and by to-morrow you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything you want without the slightest dis comfort or misery, and every particle of impurity and gas that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away with out the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Their Greatest Mistake. Men and women make their greatest mistake when they think that happiness may be found in society. Thore is no tragedy more pitiful in modern life than that error of pride which leads one to wish for the so called fashionable life. Ilere we have a sure road of gilded misery lead ing amid tinselled joys to an or chard in which the only harvest is Dead Sea fruit. We do not sufficiently appreci ate the simple pleasures that lie about us. There is a familiar story of a vessel's crew almost dying of thirst off the coast of Brazil. Another vessel pissing near was hailed, and implored to "Send water or we perish. " The quick reply was that if they would dip down they would get all they wanted. The great fresh water current of the Amazon had pro jected itself far into the ocean, and tor days the men hed suffer ed for fresh water when abund ance was all about them. It is that way in the affairs of human kind. We search the faroff ho rizon for that which is within our reach. A little patience, a little sur render of pride, a little interest in others, a Jittle trying to do good, will make the whole out look of life radiant. Try it, and see how rich and how prompt will bo your return. "between the Editor and the Header," in The Ladies', World for February. A Safe and Sure Cough Cure. Kemps Balsam Dm aol ranlila Opium Morphine, r any other ire)tlc r babil-toralag drag. Nothing at a poiaopotis or harm ful cliuncU-r cuter into iu com position. '1 Ins clean nnil pure cough cure cureicoiiKlnthat cannot Uj cured by any other medicine. It has saved thousands from con sumption. It lias saved tliouanmU of lives. A 2V. bottle contains 40 duocs. At all dnj.-Kiils', 2So, .Vic. and t)L X lw I ceDt aartklaa. klmm. I s 44? Fancy Prices Paid for Prize Corn at Har rlsburj Last Thursday. Exhibits ot prize corn, ten ears to each exhibit,, sold last Thurs day afternoon at the joint session of the Pennsylvania Live Stock Breeders' Association and Penn sylvania Dairy Uniou, at Ilarris burg, for as high as $22. The auction of the corn exhibits, which had been awarded prizes on Wednesday afternoon, was held m the Chestnut Street ilall after the addresses of well-known breeders and educators. Tho corn comprised fine exom- ples of yellow dent, whtt.t e.aid dent, white dent and Hint. The bidding at times, when some blue ribbon exhibits were offered, was spirited. Each exhibit was ac companied by a card showing who had raised the corn, how long it had taken to grow and giving a full pedigree of the corn. Some of the corn had descended from prize seeds purchased years ago and which were planted in the West and developed there for some years before being brought into Pennsylvania and acclima tized and still further developed. The least paid for any ten ears was one dollar, and after the auc tion had ended many more ears from the exhibit were sold for a like sum. The idea in purchas ing the prize corn at that price is that the advertisement received by the purchaser will add value to the corn when grown and add materially to the value of the corn as seed next fall. Tommy's Persistence. Tommy, after going to bed, be came thirsty, or thought he did. According to the Detroit "News Tribune," he called out : "Ma, I want a drink." The mother's voice answered back : "Tommy, you go to sleep." Tommy grunted, turned over, and was silent for ten minutes. Then again : "Ma, I want a drink." "Tommy, you go right to sleep," was the reply. Intense silence again for ten minutes. Then : "Say, ma, I want a drink." "Tommy, if you don't go right to sleep, I'll come and spank you." More silence, this time for about two minutes. And then : "Say, ma, when you come to spank me, won't you bring me a drink?" Neib6orly Advice. 1 am not one of those who insist that everybody should mind his own business; that is too harsh a doctrine. One of the rights and privileges of a good neighbor is to give neighborly advice. But there is a corresponding rifeht on the part of the advisee, and that is to take no more of the advice than he thinks is good for him. There is one thing that a man knows about his own business better than any outsider, and that is how hard it is for him to do it. The adviser is always telling him how to do it in the finest possible way, while he, poor fellow, knows that the paramount issue is whether he can do it at all. It requires some grace on the part of a person who is doing the best he can under extremely difficult circums.ances to accept cheerful ly the remarks of the intelligent critic S. M. Crothers in Atlantic. Strange Fatality. A strange fatality seems to fol low the Lutz family of Pbilips- burg, N. J. Last Wednesday af terncon, William Lutz, a carpen ter, fell from the second story of a new silk mill building and broke his neck. lie died where he fell. A couple of years ago his father, Charles Lutz, fell down a railroad embankment and broke his neck. A month or two ago a brother, Oscar Lutz, was cut to pi?ces by a railroad train, and about three years ago, a younger brother got in the way of a runaway horse and was killed. . WEST DUBLIN. Misses May and Viola Mum mas, of Ilustontown, spent Sun day at Hiram Cle vender's. There was an oyster supper at Wilbert Erb'a oc Saturday even ing for the benefit of the Laidig base ball club. C. M. Brant spent Wednesday evening with relatives near Dane. 0. M. Brant spent Sunday evening at John B. Sipes's, "INCURABLE" HEART DISEASE SOON CURED By the Great Specialist In Treating Heart Disease and Dropsy, FRANK LIN MILES, M. D., LL. O. Who Will Send Sj.Sv Worth of Special Treatment and New book Free. To demonstrate the remarkable cur ative powers of his new and complete Special Personal Treatments for heart disease, short breath, pal a in the sldo, oppression In the chest, irregular pul so, 'palpitation, smothering; spells, pulling of the ankles or dropsy. Dr. Miles will send, free, to every afflicted person, $2.50 worth of treatment. The worst cases soon relieved. They are the result of 28 years of extensive research and remarkable success in treating the various ail ments of the heart, stomach and I rorvoo. which so oftu oompilratn e;irh , a.-' -, ,-m tu :. il'lllS a 1 H I ii'-s re. 'II' of hu nvatmerit that he docs iiot lev itate to orfor all afflicted perBoua t two-pound Trial Treatment free. Certainly nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such confidence In their treatments. There Is no reason why all afflicted persons should not avail themselves of this liberal ofTer, as they may never have such an opportunity again. Delays are dangerous. No death comes more sud denly than that from heart disease. Mr. J. B. Hnnn, 119 W.MnrylnrdSt.,Inillaimp. oils, Ind., cun-d after t phvsiciuns fiifli-d. Mr. Klvlna Somlcrs. Decatur, Neb.. uft.T 10 failed. Mr. P. W. Kunvan, Spencer, Iowa, after itfullid. Mr. I,. A. Prout, I,lsbon Fulls, Mr., after la full ed. Mrs. Mury DcHitrt, Gnenvilic, Pu., after It tailed. Mr. C. E. Smith. Wurrio, Mlrh., after 1 failed. Mm. Elizabeth Iloul, bui'livport, O , af ter 4 fulled. Other cure from your state sent on request. Many cured aftero to 15 physicians andprufessorshadpronouiKTdtbenV'iucu ruble." Send to Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. B., Elkhart, Indiana, at once, for Heart Book, Examination f'liart, Opinion and Free Treatment. Describe your dis ease. I'lease mention this paper. REPRESENTATIVE McDONOUGH SICK. Aesop Up To Date. A Hare,' meeting aTortoise one day, remarked as he looked at the Tortoise's heavy shell and short feet, "I think I could beat you in a race." "All rifrht,"' ans-vered the Tor toise. "It is not every race that is won by a 'hare.' " At the hour appointed for the contest the Hare soon lett the Tortoise out of sight and, feeling sure of winning,' lay down by the roadside to take a nap. After a half hour's sleep and rest he re sumethsrace. But the Tortoise had turned into a wayside garage and hired an automobile, and so he soon overtook the fleet footed Hare. The Hare was going at the limit of his speed, but the Tortoise was going at the speed limit and won the race by three miles and seven laps. When the Hare, in the course of time, arrived at the post he said, with a sigh, ''You'll never catch me m an endurance race again. " Moral Foot racing is healthy, but motoring is swifter.- St, Nicholas. NEW COMIC FEAIURtS. Two new and bright comic fe tures are now appearing in The Philadelphia Sunday Phess They are ectirely new and very funny, drawn especially for The Philadelphia Sunday Pkess. Mr. Softleigh is an easy old gentleman and is always getting into trouble because "He Cannot Say No." His experiences are very interesting and funny. The other new feature is an in teresting little chap called "Clura 8y Claude," who tries to help his papa in all his undertakings. He is very ambitious and industrious but his results are always the re verse, for he is always getting in to some mischievous trouble on account of being so very clumsy. These new features will appeur regularly every Sunday in the Comic Section of The Philadel phia DUNDAY PRESS. . AlSO, OUr famous Hairbreadth Harry, Mrs. Timekiller, Mr. Grouch, John, Poor John, Lucky Mike, and Mrs. Rummage. All these lamous comic people amuse thousands of readers of The Philadelphia Sunday Pkess, and why not you? They will entertain the young as well as the old. Order The Phil adelphia SuNDAy Press deliver ed to your home by your news dealer every Sunday., $5,000 A Pate Now. The advertising rates of both the Saturday Evening Post and the Ladies' Home Journal, issued by the Curtis Publishing Com pany of Philadelphia, have been increased, dating . from Jan. 1. Space In the former now costs the advertiser $5 per agate line, or $3,000 a page. The paid circu lation of the Saturday Evening Post is 1,200,000 copies, which is the largest circulation of any weekly periodical in the United States. The rate of the Ladies' Home Journal, the paid circula tion of which it 1,300.000 copicb. baa been increased from $0 to $7 an agate line, or $5,000 a page. The American Press, Is la His Own House In New Grenada. Went Home Irom Harrlsbuif Tues day. Took Cold. The murky weather of the past few weeks that has tilled strong poople with grip aud colds has made its influence tell to a greater degree on thoso who are physically weak at best. The many friends of Hon. .lames A. McDonough, who represents this county in the lower branch of the Pennsylvania legislature, will j learn with regret that he tins been obliged to get a leave of absence anil go tn hiV Ikuho in New (!nnj-1 uihi, where bt tuny Iihv tii? ad-.' vantage of quiet and careful home treatment. L. L. Cunningham received word that Mr. McDon ough was sick and wished to go to his home, and on Monday even ing Dr. C. A. II. McClain wen down to Harrisburg, and on Tues day accompanied Mr. McDon'.ugh to his home in New Grenada whereupon their arrival he pu Jimmv to bed, and he is still there; yet his condition last even ing was not alarming, and his friends think that he will be all right when he gets a little rest and quiet. Better Not Get Dyspepsia If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion. But don't trifle with Indigestion. EVANGELISTIC SEKVICES. Conducted by Rev. C. W. Bryner In the M. E. Church. Interest Increasing About Twenty Conversions. Evangelistic services have been in progress in the Methodist Episcopal church in this place since the tenth of January. Thev are being conducted by Rev. C W. Bryner, pastor in charge, and are increasing in interest and power with each successive night. Up to this time about twenty per sons nave sought lorgiveness of their sins, and have found peace in answer to their prayers. Mr, Bryner makes no effort at ora toi ical display, nor to any of the little tricks of the elocutionist, but he presents the plaia old fashioned truth in a way that is at once convincing and effective. Why's 'e There. A lawyer once asked a man who had at various times sat on sever al juries, "Who influenced you most, the lawyers, the witnesses. or the judge?" This was the man's reply : "I lell yer, sir, 'ow I makes up my mind. I'm a plain man, and a reasonin' man, and I ain't influenced by anything the lawyers say, ntr by what the witnesses say no, n6r by what the judge says. I just looks at the man in tho dock, and I says, 'It he ain't done nothing, why's he there ? And I brings em all in guilty." Bellman. A Kind H.srt. Head of Firm (to old bookkeeper) Henry, you're worked for us for thirty years, and during that time you have beon faithful and your work hns been satisfactory. But you are now so old tlint we must replace you with a younger man. We are very grateful to you, Henry, and, of course, will do the right thing. Have yon saved? Henry I couldn't, sir, w ith my large family. , "As I thought Then I want to say to you that we ahull be only too glad to keep you on for a tjiotitb or so at a reduced salary until you can place yourself elsewhere." New York Life. Loot ing Ahaad. "My dear," said he. "It's almost Im possible to lease a bouse for a shorter term than one year nowadays: so to protect myself I must ask you" "Ask me what. George?" Inquired the bride to be. "To agree not to seek a divorce until the explrntlou of the first year's lease." Catholic Standard and Times. English Mad Easy. A crow bar. Kansas City Times. Quit tha Thing. "That's a queer design you have In the comer of your blllheud." remarked Biopsy. "It's merely a little flower." replied the tailor. "Think It's appropriate, eb?" "Yes; It's a forgetmenot." Minneap olis Jourual. POIEYSIQEIfcYCUIS Makts Kidneys and Bladder Right A Rreat many people who have trifled with Indigestion, have been orry for it when nervoua or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not been able to cure it t!se Kodol and prevent having Dyspepsia. Everyone Is subject to Indiges tion. Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse, JiiRt as naturally nl .iti'f a surely us t round and h"ilth. rtoiiKieti ri-ults upon tl,s tKiu of Kodol. When you experience souiuess of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain in tho pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling you need Ko dol. And then the quicker you take Kodol the hetter. Eat what you want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab lets," physics, etc., are not likely to be of much benefit to you, in digestive allmcnta. Pepsin la only a partial digester and physics arc not digesters at all. Kodol Is a perfect digester. If you could see Kodol dlgestingevery particle of food, of all kinds, In tho class test-tubes In our laboratories, you would know this just aa well aa we do. Nature and Kodol will alwaya cure a sick stomach but In order Jo be cured, he titomach min't rest ''hut l T-lmt Kodol dos rente iba tomiit'h. while ilm stomuch gen well. Juul aa simple aa A, B, C. Our Guarantee J-MIre content, of tha Vottla If ou can lionutly My, thut It hu not dona yon tnr f,tu'n J1 bolt,e b "'" anS i L j i j?ou' money without qucie 5i?,.-'i.h?-0l.,,e- D't h"lita, all tm " know that oar mmrant-e la good. Ini to wS!'p'.le iu'helr?. bottlaonljr and to but one In a family. Tha lurire hot. !mSu? iiUm" ' w Kodol la prepared at the labor torlea of E. C. Da Witt & Co., Chicago. For Sale at Trout's Drug Store. GREAT REDUCTION SALE IN MILLINERY GOODS MRS. A F. LITTLE'S From this time until the end of the season, we will sell all our Hats, Shirtwaists, Baby Coats and Caps, Collars, Belts, Combs In fact, everything at astonishingly reduced prices. Call early. Store opposite Postofllue. MRS. A. F. LITTLE: J. K. JOHNSTON Kow is the time to buy your Muslins and White Goods. 1 Our New Taylor Book for Spring and Summer is ready for inspection and every yard of Fabric Is ALL WOOL r Don't fall to look these samples over before you select your New Spring Suit Men's Hats every style or shape. New Black Hats 2 for 25 cents. Shirts for Dress or Every Day. Fancy Dress Pants. Shoes and Rubber Goods. A few Ladies' Coats left and these we are going to sell at a BIO REDUCTION. If In need of a coat get our Prices. J. K. JOHNSTON. : This Is a Sectional Cut of a Combined -: Washing and Wringing Machine 1 Jhr r Invented and patented by J. II. Lohr, Ilus tontown, Pa., Decem ber 31, 1007, the Patent of which Is FOR SALE tf cheap, tor CASH. This combined ma chine washes and wrings the clothes at the same time, by the process of auction, friction and pressure, la very stm pie and easily construct ed, and doeslta work well. Has been in use over one year. For Information, call on or write J. H. LOHR, Ilustontown, Pa. Administrator's Notice. Notice ih berehv inven that let tr nf admin. Ixtratlon have been uranteU to the undemiuoed upon the entale ol Mra KIU. L. (Jrennnuirh. late of Uoklnu Creek two , Fulloa Co .l'B.. deaeua ed. All peraont huviriif olulm aKaltrnt paid et. tale will preaent them properly authenticated foraelllument, and thoae owlutf the aame will pleuaa eall aud aelUe. THOB. 8. MKTZLKlt, HurrlnoDvllle. l'a., I tf t. x Administrator. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE y Trasz Marks Dmionsj Trmort Mo4Vl ptiirM (nth Vmk Uit thmm ut any other man of ptwiaint. 1 bm to CLttuM ol iltir My l, ocuruf tni mpluily. ' Mef'Mll' MajaftiThQu.nn rithloiOfcoi trc ur.crtb th.n iv othf LadiaV Ma wm: Ont (' u.cniilfi(i numWra) fat 0ft rn1 I mU-r, A CO Ml. atri. .uktnUriii fcitCfUl fatt Vroo. aubarib today. La lr Aaron i WftMOit H pfOMloaui ot Wrai caao commtaatun. Patiani Catalog u( vl t dm na) ISomluta CIoIi,m (snowing uo piaamiuaao aaU 144vfJH TMS MeCJaJJL CO (Nov YaW IctlvcauitlalOfitraJ. Hsu id bonk on PaJMiiiA tout fro. Oldest suroiivy fur acH-urUi ytonto. Fototita tcafcon '.bnunh Muuu A Co. roooJaa tvU' Motico, wk joui oil a rut), in tb scientific Jlcimx ft titfiAoomolf llhsttrarsMl wooktf I .a r root et hi lotion ut any oionUHa toumol, Tortu. U four i four monUu, L ato4 broil nowodMOior, C. M. RAY. Auctioneer, FostotSca Address; Mcfonnellsburg, Pi. fifteen Year.' Kxperlenea. Owing- to tho' In oreaolo numher of oalla tor my aervloea. I have Uaolded to notify the public In thla (nan. ner that I ahall hold myaeli tn readloe. lot publloaalea. auction., o. frloea moderate, and aatlaf aotlon Kuaranteed, - -n. ijr. if GENERAL DIRECTORY. W, C. Preldent Jmlue Hon. S. Mo. Swope. Awoclate JudKea-D. T. Humbert. J. (loop. Prothrmotary. Ac fleorire A. HarrK DI!rlot Attorney Krunk V. I.vnuo. Treisiirer -Clmrli'H H. bteven. Slinrln-Jcft Hnrrls. Deputy bherlfT A. D. Ilohmnn. Jury Commissioner Dnvltl Hot!!. A. l mux, AiKlltora-Wm. Wink, D. H. Myers, C. C, Hot.. Co. Commissioner Fmunuel Reefer, .1. R. Sharp, Dnnlel W. Cmmer. Clerk H. Frnnk llrnry. County Superlnlendiiut II. C. Tjimlicrson. Attrney-W, Soott Alpxnniler. J. Nelsoo Slpes, Thomas V. H onn, F. MoN. Johnston. M. It. ShafTner. John P. Slpes. 8. W. Kirk. V. k. Lynch, H. N. Slpes, L. H. Wlble. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Justice of the Penoe-L. It. Wlble. Con-tub' e Charles Meak, Hurifcss-xn. H, 8. Wlshnrt. CoiiLollmen-U. L. Orlsslnuer. John A. Ira In, Hurry Hiiininll. A. U. Nace. Ueortre W. Rei ner n. R l.lttle. Albert Stonrr. t 'lerK - I.. H. Ible, S.'iunil OliTi'toiv -.lolui t'omerer. Chrl-: II. lrv.. S. H. Woolltt. L. II. Wlfle, M. W. Nace, T. W. Bloon, IJoard of Health-H. S. Wlahart, M. I)., p.ea ; Jolin M. Harris, aec'y: (feoree W. Hav. w. L. McKlbbln,M.D.;Jofin W. Moaser. M. D. T TF.RMS OF COURT. The first term of the Courta of Ful ton county In the year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third terra on the Tuesday next following the aecond Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term' on the first Monday October, at 2 o'clock p. m. CHURCHES. Presbyterian. . Sabbath school at 9:15. Junior Christian Endeavor at 2:00. Christ ian Endeavor at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist HiPiscoPAL Rt. C W. Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:00. United Presbyterian Hev. J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday evening at 7:00. The alternate) Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. 'm. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. " aVANQELlwAi, lUTHERAN-Rev. Cal vinFassoldPasior. Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. hristlan En aeAvomt 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformed -Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor at, 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet Ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every Friday evening in tne Cleyenger's Hall In MoConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening In the New Hsll at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No.' 607 merti eVerV Sn.t,lirrln.V PVAnlni, tn fAJt V .1 - - y ."ug in uuu fin- lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrlsonville Lodge No. 710 mefts every Saturday evening In Odd Fol lows' Hall at Harrlsonville. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev- FT V Rat.ll1rlQV Avanlnn 4m fA A . Hall at New Grenada. Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets In W&rfornahiirtf c: ... i , Ft w.wj oMuruir evening. King Post G. A. P.. No. 365 meets In McConnellsburg In Clevenger'a Hall the first Saturday in every month at 2 Washlnc-ton ruin Vn r n ' " v, i , v.. S. of A. meets every first and third Saturday evening at their hall at vi. more. Tunr apnea PumnM r 1 A 7 u.,wi, uji Arcatnura meets evnrv Hiar. .nd kiH i evening in Clevenger'a Hall, McCon- A., of New Grenada, meeta every Sat urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. Washington Camp, No. 664, P. O.8. of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. John ft T.vIa. D.. n An r- a imy u. A. Ak. , no. 089, meeta every Saturday, on or lutt DIWlllnir fill mnn. I f ..1.1 !.'- 1 p 4 iu jjanujej uatll. t O r .v. . TD...1. ir-l 1 Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8a meets at same date and place at 4 p.m. Gen. D. B. MoKlbbln Post dNo.401 G. A. 8., meets the second an fourth Saturdays in each month at Pleasant Ridge. Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O. IT, A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear Ridge every Saturday evening. The Aspasia Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. B, of Harrlsonville, meets the 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month, in the I. O. O. F. Hall at Harrlsonville. PORTLAND -CUTTERS. There Is no "vehicle on runners" that is at once so stylish and com fortable as the new Portland Cutter, and W. R. EVANS, HUSTONTOWN. PA., baa on hand for thla anaann'a . splendid line, and at astonishingly Attractive Prices. If you buy one without first seeing what kind of a deal you can make with Billy, you will regret it as long as you live. ! wvfla sskS stla pwatft