Horn to Mr and Mrs. John Llatnil, at Knobsville, last Satur day morning a son. Thos. B. Stevens & Son bead quarters for furniture. Mrs. David Wible, on the Greer farm near Knobsville, lias been quite ill during the past few days. Furniture Repairing and Up holsteriug done at Thos. 11. Ste vens & Son. llev. iiice will preach in the Reformed church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m., and down the Cove at Hebron at 2:30 p. m. Hides Waxtkd. Highest market price paid for beef hides, horse hides, wildcat skins, and all kinds of grease, at I'aul Wag ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg. We notice the name of Hon. James A. McDouough, in the list of members on the Committee of Banks and Banking in the lower house of the legislature. HIDES. James Sipes & Sons pay the highest market price for beef hHes at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. Miss Frances Daniels, who is teaching at Salix, Cambria coun ty, this winter, is very much pleased with her school, and says that the patrons are free in their expressions of appreciation of the work she if doing. For health and happiness DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little liver pills, the best made. Sold by Trout's drug store. The Union Sunday School at Need more will hold graduating exercises in the P. O. S. of A. Hall at that place next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in honor of the teachers' training graduated class, who will at that time re ceive their diplomas. After nine months of Ihe most severe drought conditions that the Schuylkill region has ever ex penenced, reservoirs are again full, the thaw which has been on with but a few days' break since the first of the month having re plenished springs and streams. A great many peopie have kid ney and bladder trouble, mainly due to Dcglect of the occasional pains in theSback, slight rheuma tic pains, urinary disorders, etc. Delay in such cases is dangerous. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Blad der Pills. They are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trou ble. Soothing and antiseptic, and act promptly. Don't fail to get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. Accept no substitute. Regular size SOc. Sold by Trout's drug store. Oa Saturday the 10th inst while Mr. and Mrs. Charles Di bert, of near Imlertown, Bedford county, were in Bedford, their two sons, Ralph and Lloyd, aged 10 and 13 years, respectively, got h )ld of a shot gun and while play lag with the firearm it was ac cidently discharged. The young er boy had one ot his ears and the side of his lace cut oil and was so badly injured that he died that night. It is supposed that the boys did not know that the gun was loaded. A bold holdup occurred near the White Pine sanatorium Fri day evening shortly after dark. Harry Verdier, driver of the bug from Mont Alto to the camp, bad almost reached his destination when a man suddenly sprang from the bushes and grabbed the reins of the team. The bus came to a stop and before any demand could be made upon the driver or occupants of the wagon Verdier opened fire on the would be rob ber. After severul shots were ex changed he made good his escape in the underbrush. BEST BY ANY TEST and Ihs best let la Its u:. "Family Favcrile" LAMP OIL Gln tli nonrt to natural of any urti. flcinl licht known. !,irn white, clear, steady and fullflamo to the la.-t drop. Will not emokn. "nmolP'or fltkor. Costa no mora thar ordinary tank wairon oil and infinitely better. Most any dealer can aupply you. Wavcrly Oil Works Co., '"fcjf PiMsbnrif, Pa. pt Wanrly (pacttl Auto OUiua Wmrlj OuoIumi. '4 mi Ohm, Amperes and Volts. When an electric current is llowing in the trolley wire or electric lighting circuit there are three factors involved. One ot these is the pressure expressed in volts which causes the current to tlow; another is the resistance or opposition offered by the cir cuit of the flow which is express ed in ohms; the last is the cur rent strength or volume, ex pressed in amperes, which is maintained in the circuit as a re sultof the pressure overcoming the resistance. The ohm Is named in honor of George Simon Ohm, a distinguished German ejectrician. The volt is named after the Italian scientist, Volta. The ampere is named after the French scientist, Ampere. Ttieunit of curren1. is called the ampere. The unit of elec trical pressure or electromotive force is called the volt. The unit of resistence is called the ohm. The unit of electric power is the volt-ampere, and this is called the watt. Seven hundred and forty six watts per hour equal one horse-power. The unit of energy the product of electric power and time is called the joule, but this unit is too small for practical pnr poses and the kilo watt-hour is used instead. The kilowatt hour is the work doDe by a thous and watts working for one houi. These electrical terms are as familiar to electrical engineers as foet and niches are to the aver age boy; the layman does not un derstand because be has never boon taught, has never had to use the terms, has never read about them. It is easier to understand these terms if we consider electricity as a fluid and liken it to a current of water flowing through a pipe. The rate of flow of water in the pipe depends upon gravitation and the height of the reservoir or source above the outlet. The greater the height of the reser voir or source above the out let, the greater will be the pressure of the water and the greater the flow in gallons per minute. It is just the same with electricity. A current flows from a high potential to a low potential whenever the two are joined by a conducting wire. It is merely a difference of level. Watch a stream of water from the nozzle of a garden hose striking a bank of soft earth. Considering it as a stream of electricity, which unfortunately cannot be seen, the force of the Btream or flow ia the amperage; the wattage the amount of work done in washing away the dirt. Suppose the in tenor of the nozzle and hose is rough, which offers a resistance to the ready flow of the stream; this friction and resistance is represented by ohms m an elec tric circuit. Many Delaware county farm ers are in love with the black- snakes on their places, and be heve the reptiles are better th in any cats or dogs in removing the rats and mica from their premis es. It is a well known fact that the snakes destroy hundreds of pests in a season, and for this reason they are liked by many of the farmers. Sale Register. Thursday, February 27 Jacob Clouser, Intending to remove in tha Spring, will sell at his resi dence on the McQuade farm, 2 milts west of McConnellsburg, horses, cattle, hogs, farming im plements. Sale oegins at 10 o' clock. A. L. Wlble, auctioneer. Thursday, March 4th, C. J. Brewer intending to quit farming will sell at his residence 2 miles south of McConnellsburg a large lot of horses, cattle, hogs, farm ing implements, &a. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. A. L. Wible, Auct ioneer. Thursday, March 11, J. J. Con rad, intending to remove from the County, will sell at his resi dence 2J miles southwest of Mc Connellsburg, live stock, farming implements, hay, corn, household g.xds, etc. Sale begins at 10 o' clock. Credit 9 months. Tuesday, March 10, Mrs. M A. Kelly w'll sell at her residence in McConnellsburg, household goods, wagonmaker's tools, etc. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. A. L. Wible, auctioneer. Thursday, March 25, Mrs. Susan Rummel will sell at her residence, 1 mile west of McCon nellsburg, household goods, &c. Sale begins at 1 o'clock. LACK 01- MANNERS. While it is true, shamefully true, that the average American boy and girl are sadly lacking in manners, it is notoriously true that there are men and women in the same boat. Of course, they were brought up without manners, therefore, not born and reared to the man ner of polite society so-called, but really polite and well refined. The fact of the matter is that those who have shut up into the social world like mushrooms, without either social -culture or refined sense, are the boorishest of the boors, and the most offen sive, for their offending is made all the more distasteful because of their self-importance. Do our numerous woman's clubs ever discuss ill-manners as a s cial defect? They can find no better subject for discussion, nor a more inviting field of labor. Culture is something that can not be outlived, nor worn out, nor even forgotten if once well grounded in the life of the boy and girl, and it is one of the best legacies that can be left to them. ASKS US TO PRINT I -- , -inlin, r - ...t. u a.m i I J- - .Slbjolulely Vure The Only Baking Powder made from Royai Grape Cream of Tartar M&da from Grapca A Guarantee of Pure, . Healthful, Delicious Food lgS-S Simple Recipe (or Home-Made Rheuma tism and Kidney Cure. To relieve the worst forma of Rheumatism, take a teaspoon ful of the followiug mixture after each meal and at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. These harmless ingredients can be obtained from our home druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle. Belief is generally felt from the first few dosea. This prescription forces the clogged up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter and urkc acid, which causes' Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and torturous dis ease, but dangerous to life, this simple recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here at home, who should at once prepare the mixture to get this relief. It is said thit a person who would take this prescription re gulat ly, a dose or two daily, or ev)p a few times a week, would nevur have serious Kidney or Uri nary disorder or Rheumatism. Cut this out and preserve it Good Rheumatism prescriptions which re illy relieve are acarce, indeed, and when you need it, you want It badly, . Administrator's Notice. Notice in hereby Riven that leiierx nl admin istration have been naritrtl to! he untleritfned upon the estate r Mn KHz. I,. tii eenouKh. late of l.lcklnif Creek two . Kulton Co.. Pa., ilcneaa ed. All pernon having olalma axaln-a nid e tate will preem them properly authenticated for aettletnent. and those owing the same will please call and aettle. THOS. 8. MET7XF.R. Harrlxonvllle. I'a.. 1-SSflt. Administrator. Farm and Store Property for Sale. With a view of moving to Mercers burg I oiler my property for sale on privuto terms. It Is located miles southwest of Mercorsburir, Pa., directly along the public road leading from Mercersburg to Duns Gap, consisting of Do acres, more or less, good quality of slate land, level, having thereon eroded a two-story frame dwelling house with eightrooms, summer kitchen, cellar, store room and warehouse, frame bank barn, wagon shed, buggy sheds, hog peu, Chicken bouse and other necessary out-buildings. Buildings and tences are in good repair. Two wells, besides run ning water on the premises. This has been a profitable store stand for more than thirty years, widely known as the Rrubaker and Witter store. Fruit trees of different kinds, and the property is convenient to school and church. This property is seldom offered for sale, hence it is worthy the attention of buyers I also have 15 acres of Timber land which I will sell at a reasonable price to the purchaser of property. Possession given April 1st, l!)0!t. Any person wishing information call .on or address, G. L. Wolf. (on the premises) Route No. 3. Mercersburg, Pa. Itonse and Two Lots for Sale IN NEW GRENADA. The undersigned offers at Private Sale, his home 4n the village of New Grenada, Fulton county, Pa., situated on Rock street, consisting of two front lots, having erected thereon a two story Dwelling, with a one-stoiy kitch en attached, Stable, Corn-crib, large Wagon shed, an. other outbuildings. Well of never-falling water, fruit trees, etc. Kxcellent lots in good state of cultivation. Property convenient to school, church, postofHce, and only three miles from coal mine. This property can be bought right, and on reasonable terms For further partic ulars, call at the premises, within the next three weeks, and see the owner. Benjamin F. Ciudkr. Cures Coldtg Prevents Pneumonia VALUABLE FARM AT Private Sale. Or. account of ill health, the under signed olTers for sale his farm situate in Kast Providence township, Bedford county, Pa., 2 miles from Gapsville, 3 miles from Mattie, and 8 from Kverett. The farm contains FIFTY ACRES, forty acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. Ten acres is in timber. The improvements are a tjootl Six-Kooin Dwelling House, Bunk barn, and other outbuildings. (Ju tne place are two good ap.Jle-or chards, one Peach orchard, and" v Fruit of All Kinds such as pears, plums, cherries, grapes, &c. The farm is well watered by springs, and has a drilled well near the house. Township road runs through the farm. Terms very reasonable. This is an excellent chance to acquire a nice home, and if interested you should ap ply soon to BENJ. MILLS, 114 -Jt. Gapsville, Pa. MIDWINTER Clearance Sale FK. T 'vj John S. Wilson's Store, Three Springs. While there is practically three months of winter weather to be expected yet, the wide-awake merchant begins early to clear his stock to make room for Spring purchases. The old way of merchandising was to carry over from one season to another all unsold goods, and never parting with an ar ticle unless the full retail prices was received. That day Is gone by. Goods bought for the winter trade must go In the winter, and it Is much better In the end that the itock should be closed out at profit or no profit, than to be at the trouble of storing it away and beginning next winter's business with old out-of-date stutT. During the Month of February we shall sell at way-down prices, Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing Blankets, Arctics, Rubbers, Carpets, and with these goods will go at Special Prices. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Housefurnishing Goods. We want it distinctly understood that when it comes to quality of goods we will not be under sold by anybody. ' g FULTON COUNTY BANK 8 j McConnellsburg, Fa. p (OliOANIZED IN 1887.) - 0 jjj 3 per cent. Interest Paid on Time Money. 3 0 Deposit It, when $ Borrow, when S ? you have a $ ln need surplus, with $ from L The Fulton County Bank:. The onicers are men with years of practical training ln their re- M Jff spective lines. They are thoroughly competent and exercise pru- M y dence and the utmost care In the management of this institution. 0 They do not have a dollar invested in stocks or corporation bonds.' 3 Individual liability and security to Depositors of more than JS 0 :wo.ooo.ou. 5j h W. II. NELSON, - - - Cashier.- If O EIGHTEEN STOCKHOLDERS 5 j DIRECTORS : J. Nelson Sipes, Chas. R. Spangter, A. U. Nace W Wm. H. NeUon, J. F. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F. Baker W 00000.000000 00 00000 0Z.0 000 BOOKKEEPING. PENMANSHIP. Open All The Year, Catalogue Free, 4 I4 ITheTri-StateBusiness College 1 Cumberland, Md. 1YPEirRI7WG j;j SHORTHAND. . OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT THE DOORS OF MXONNELLSBURG. Will the Citizens Pull Together, Open the Doors, and Let It In? The wise man grasps opportunity on the wing; the sluggish and slow reach for it after it is gone. ; . , . Automobile Bus Lines are tc-day to this country what electric street cars are ia comparison to the old-time horse-cars; or the water works of to-day to the old well and the windlass. Who would want to exchange the advantages of the water works of the modern city, and go back to the old well for his water. Where Is the man or the woman that would prefer to ride in the old style stage coach in preference to an auto mobile bus? We are safe ln saying without fear of contra diction, that there is not one. . ' In ourselves our fortune lies, and life la Just what we make it. Just so with any town or city, it is Just what Its citizens care to make it. McConnellsburg, situated in a luaailtlftil IrnlUt. K.,nMn,.n.ln.l U f...n ., . J . u,hm v.. u. . mivj aim duii uuuuou vj 1(71 uiic lai lua, lartutJU ojr a class of farmers second to none in the world, must work out Its own destiny if the people living In this beautiful little city ln this beautiful valley richer in dollars and cents than any other city of its sise in the world decide that the old stage coach is good enough for them, why, then stage coach it will be forever. Rut if they will say the best means of transportation procurable is not quite good enough for us then It will be Automobile Service From McConnsllsbnrg to Greencastle . Yia. Mercersburg. To make this line a success we must have the support of all the people on the line. We will give you the best service possible. We are confident that our service is a great deal better than an electric railway, as we are able to put you off at your door step, while an Interurban Car puts you off at certain stops, which may be a mile or more from your home, and which Is very inconveni ent. We also are able to carry freight of all kinds for you, which will be of great help to you when not desiring to take the time to go personally. There are at the present time a number of similar lines run ning, giving the best of satisfaction, and ' MAKING -:. MONEY for the stock holders. We have no road bed to build and this Is why we can pay a bigger dividend on money invested than a Street Car Company can ever hope to pay, and besides You Pay No Money iriio this Company until the cars are ln operation. So that your Investment begins working for you immediately. You are not waiting two or five years for the track to be comp eted before you can hope for any returns on your money, but get results at once. Stocks are 10 PER SHAKE FULLY PAID AND NON ASSESSABLE. Address, Standard Auto & Transit Co., Mercersburg, Penn'a. Or call upon JEFFERSON HARRIS, ' Sheriff of Fulton County. HANCOCK Marble and Granite WORKS. All kinds of Cemetery Woik at mod ern prices at least ONE-FOURTH lower than you have been paying. I use the very best grade ot Mar ble and Granite. I keep in stock a nice line of both Foreign and Domestic Granite. My lettering is as good as the best. All lettering and carving is done by pneumatic toolst which is a great -advantage over lettering by hand. t'j It wUI pay you to get my prices. Ev erything as represented. AUSTIN O. PECK, Hancock, Md. r XXX)XOOCO-0XX0000 WE ADVERTISE la order to Increase our business. We firmly believe, bow ever, that if our advertisements causes you to realize the Im portance of saving and induce you to start an account, they are more valuable to you than to us. For, the saver Is al ways the gainer. . The First National Bank oooooo , of McConnellsburg. 3 PERCENT COMPOUND INTEREST. ; . 1 " . On Dollar or mora received at any time. ( iOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCCO