INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS A Of l cl and Oeneral Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped frra our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Miss Maye V. Stiver, who had been spending a few weeks visit ing her uncles in this place, re turned to her home at tiedford Tuesday afternoon. DA. Charlton and daughter Miss Carrie, near Maddensville, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Charlton found the road between this place and Fort Littleton in a bad condition. Thomas S. Metzler, of Harris onville, was a business visitor in town Monday, Mr. Metzler has taken out letters of administra tion on the estato of Elizabeth L. Greenougb, late of Harrison ville, deceased. Pictures, yes, get your pictures framed at Thos. D. Stevens & ' Son. They have just received a nice line of mouldings and mat board, and they are fully equip ped to frame any sort or size of picture you have. Mr. and Mrs. Unger Mellott, of Hyndman, Bedford county, who have been visiting the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josh ua L. Mellott, and other friends in this county, spent a few hours in town Monday. Attention is directed'to the ad vertisement of L. L. Cunning ham's property in New Grenada. This is a very desirable proper ty, and any one wishing a home in that beautiful little mountain village, will do well to investigate this opportunity. Mr. Jeremiah Bru baker and daughter Ntra, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Myers all of Shimps town, Pa., took advantage of the sleighing last Wednesday and drove over and spent the day with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N. Fryman. Orville Taylor spent Monday in town. Mr. Taylor who had been spending some time at Sal tillo in the home of his sister, Mrs. S. G. Curf man, has been at the home of his parents Mr. an Mrs. James Taylor at Huston town for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hein baugh, of Johnstown, Pa., are spending this week among friends in this place. George sold his lots up at the Forks of the Pike yesterday, and now has closed out all his real estate holdings here. He expects to return to Johnstown in a few days. Joseph H. Lohr of Hustontown, was in town Monday, and called a few minutes at the Mews office. M r. Lohr is the inventor and" pat entee of a combined washer and wringer, that has attracted much favorable comment. Thq patent may be purchased from Mr. Lohr on advantageous terms. Always have Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup handy, espe cially for the children. It tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures the clod by gently mov ing the bowels through its laxa tive principle, and at the same time it is soothing for throat ir ritation, thereby stopping the o lugh. There is nothing as good. Sold by Trout's drug store. Miss Alice Michaels, who had been visiting friends in Lewis town and Waynesboro, came to McConnellsburg and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ge.i. W. Hays, returning to her home in Everstt last Saturday. She was accompanied home from here by her mother, Mrs. Eliza Mi chaels, who hid been here since Thanksgiving. They Like The News. Among the letters received re cently, was one from Wm. B. Sipes, a leading merchant in Mt. Carroll, 111., and one from H. W. Dubbs, a successful insurance man in Pittsburg, Pa, Eash of these letters contained a five-dollar bill with instructions to place it to their respective accounts on n hnn -lotion. Both these gentle men are now paid ahead well into tho year 1913. Mormons At Work. Workinsr in the vicinity of Waynesboro are several mission aries of the Mormon cburcn, wno have made house-to-house can vans ai.d have endeavored to pre sent to the people of the commu nity the tenets of the latter day aaiuU. Surprise Party. A very pleasant event occurred last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Edward S;rait, near Sipes Mill. Early in the' morning carriages and buggies began to roll in, un til there were about fifty persons assembled, carrying with them baskets heavily laden with rich edibles, which were emptied out upon the table about 1 o'clock, be mg grand enough for any king or queen. Mrs. Strait being cur ious as to what was going on, went and lootced up the date of ber birthday, and found it was her birthday. It made her feel as in the days of Beelzebub, and she wished for many more such occasions as this, and only sorry that they did not come oftener. Mrs. Strait received many beautiful presents, and will long hold the day in remembrance. About 4 o'clock the crowd be gan to break aud wend their way homeward, feeling that the day was well spent Those present were : Roland Sharpe and wife, Charles Mellott and wife, William Deshong and wife, Mitchell Mellott and wife, Riley Deshong and wife, Clayton Deshong and wife, Sherman Bard, Edward Mellott, Ralph Decker, Andrew Strait, Earl Pal raer, Earl Mellott, Claude Strait, Frank Strait, Ralph Deshong, Ross Hollenshead,. Wishart Desh ong, Harry Mellott, Hixson Strait, Thomas Hollenshead, foster Hoi lenshead, Wilbert Deshong, Elvie Deshong, Ulysses Deshong and wife, Anna Polk, Lola, Mattie, Ada, and Mary Deshong; Mary, Maggie, and Daisy Mellott; Bes sie Skiles, Myrtle Deshong, Alda Sharpe, Lena Strait, Cleo Strait, Mrs. Etta Hollenshead, Elmer Deshong, Daisy Strait, George Wink, Mabel Mellott. One Who Was There. PLEASANT RIDGE. Our school is progressing very nicely under tho care of C. W. Mellott. D. H. Truax and Frank Mellott spent last Thursday aud Friday at the County Seat. Sampson Mellott lost a very valuable horse one day last week- Cause not known. The loss falls beavly upon Mr. Mellott. Mrs. Anthony Mellott is very ill at this writing. The sledding is now about done. Many of our people made good use of it by attending a series of very interesting protracted meet ing at GreenhilL E. W. Swope, one of our suc cessful-farmers near Sipes Mill, had quite a lively experience while hauling limestone one day last week. His horses became fractious and ran away giving Mr. Swope a swift chase for quite a distance. The team was finally caught by Mr. Bard. Rev. Daniels will preach at the Christain church Satuiday night and Sunday forenoon. C. W. Mellott has purchased a farm. -Aaron Dishong is very busy getting out timber to build a barn. Simon Daniels, wife and family spent last Friday in the home of Riley Deshong. A NICE HOME for SALE In New Crenada, Pa. The undersigned offers at Private Sale at a reasonable price, and on reasonable terras, bis home in the village of New Grenada, Fulton Coun ty, Pa., consisting of a new well fur nished 2-Story Dwelling and Kitchen attached, with Summer Kitchen, in which is a well of good water. Also, a Large Stable, Wagon Shed, Poul try House, Wood Shed, Etc. With a creek of water at rear of lots, and facing Liberty and Water Streets, In the central part of town, on the Dia mond Contains about Acre of Ground, or width of 4 lots, this is the property on which the ' New Grenada OH Company years ago bored for oil, and found a six-foot vein of coal on, and yet undeveloped; is 4 miles from Broad Top Coai Fields, In sight of Church, School and Post-ofllce. Any person working at coal mines can se cure a home near the works, or about H hours walk, to Woodvaleand Kob ertsdale. Also, If find sale of Home, will sellS Acres adjoining New Gre nada 1 acre meadow and 4 in timber. Also another traot in the Narrows of 25 Acres mountain land. Sale must be closed by April 1st, 1009. Posses sion given May 1st, or in time for gardening. This is no Fake Adver tisement. If any one baa any thought of buying a home, call and see me, or write. If unacquainted with the place, come and see. L. L CUNNINGHAM. A RARE OPPORTUNITY SELIABLE PIANOS RELIABLE MANUFACTURERS RELIABLE DEALERS : 3 TROUP BROS' PIANO STORES Chambersburg Shippensburg Newville Waynesboro Mercersburg McConnellsburg Make another of their great and unusual Piano sales on a new plan. Read how it is done: By reason of the fact that a large number of the biggest and most reliable piano manutacturers of the United States have, for this year, concentrated their advertising efforts in one direction, and, after due consideration, have adopted The As sociate Advertising Company plan of direct dealing for cash (or its equivalent), instead of immenss sums of money spent in very expensive magazine advertising. The Associate Advertis ing Company diverts so much money on the purchase price of each piano, and the coupon issued by them will be honored by the Reliable Troup Bros'. Piano Stores on presentation, wheth er a cash or time purchase, if presented on or before February 1,1909. , . . 7 This plan of the Great Chicago Advertising Company is only given to large and reliable. dealers who can guarantee so many sales and Troup Bros', was the firm selected for this territory. How well they will carry out their part of the contract you are all informed. Bring in Your Coupons And Have Them Cashed To those who have no coupons we can offer you better goods and prices than ever before. These prices will not last very longonly through this special sale. TROUP BROS. THE Racket Store Do The Best You Can. Do the best you can at all times! That should be the motto of every young roan who possesses ambi tion, and the desire to make a name for himself in the world of business. If he does that at all times, he has put his foot on the first rung of the ladder that leads to promotion, and not before that time can he fairly say that he has begun to climb upward. Do ing work in a half hearted manner puts a decided handicap on the youug man's future, for the moment that he regards his work as a grind he is beginning to walk on thin ice that will precipitate him into dismissal Iroai the ser vice of the firm for whom he is working; in truth, he places an obstacle in his path that cannot be surmounted. The difference between doing the best you can and performing your duties in a half hearted man ner is easily seen, for the latter way of working cannot be dis guised, as it has a false note that can be distinguished by the em ployer. The young man must make up his mind to give his en tire attention to his work, and not let it waver at any moment of the day, if be hopes to better his condition in the form of pro motion. He must make it a point to do the best that he can, wheth er the "old man," as many young men term their employers, is there or not, for the "old man" has been through the mill, as it were, and he can easily tell wbeth er all his employees are doing their best work or not.' He can not be fooled very long. Subscribe for the News. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type. It Always Telia The News As It IS. Promptly and Fully. Read In Every English-Speaking Country. DR. A. K. DAVIS, Hustontown, Pa. ' DENTAL WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Teeth extracted positively without pain. All Work Guaranteed. Will h In nfTI(A frnm Thiii-arlnv aw ening until Monday morning of each ween. It has invariably been the great ef fort of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World to publish the news Impartially in order that it may be an accurate reporter of what has happened. It tells the truth, irrespec tive of party, and for that reason it has achieved a position with the pub lic unique among papers of its class. If you want the news as It really is, subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edi tion of the New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and is thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 15i papers. We otTer this unequaied newspaper and THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2.00. M. R. SHAFFNER. Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburg, Pa All legal bui.neu and oolleotiona entrutited will eoelve careful and prompt attention. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Western Maryland Bailroad Company. In Effect June 10, 1908. Train leave Haiiooulc an follow; No. .W a. m. (dully! for HairnnUnwn. Hal llnuore, Vavuest)oro, Cliauiberoburtf, . and Intermediate. No. 4 1000 a. m week days) Baltimore, Get- nyaburg, York and lutermuUlate. No. M H p. m. (week day) llultlinore and In termediate NtallooH. Vestibule train wltb observation buffet oar. No. 1 M a. m. (week days) Cumberland, and Intermediate. No. 11.0 p m. (week dayN) Little Orleans, Old Town, Cumberland, hi kiu und ' wn(, Vestibule tratn with olmervalion buffet ear. No. .M p. ro (dally) leave Baltimore 4.20 p. w.. tlaventown T.40 p. m. All train make connection at llruoevtll for Kntderiuk aud tralu A and 4 (or point north and at Baltimore (Union Station) for Phlla, delpbia and New York. F. M. HOWKI.L, . . 0. W. MYERS. Uen.faia.AKt. .. Agent. C M. RAY. Auctioneer, Postofflce Address; KcCoDoellsburg, Pi. Fifteen Yean' Kxperlenoe. Owing to the In orealo nuaitwr or oall for my erf lue. I Bare deolded to notify the publlo In tbl ni na tter lut I Nbal) bold myself la readlne for publlo sale auction. Ao. Prion moderate, and aatUraotloa nuaraaieed. 4-1-0. ly. NOTICE. Notice is hereby (riven that. Ada Pearl Gladfelter, aged 15 years, who has had her home in my family during the past eleven years, has left my home without my consent, and I here by warn all persons against trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any bills of ber oontractlng. Henry Huston, 1-14-09 3t. Ilustomown, Pa. ' ST. M. COMERER, agent for i THE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines. Gaso line, Separators. Clo ver Hullers, Safe Mills, Sc. Engines on hand all the time. Trass Mark Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone lending a sketch and description nisf Qutckly ascertain our opinion free wfietuer a Invention Is probnbly patentable. Communlm. tliinsstrlotlrcorindenlioj. Handbook on Hsttut Kt free, oldest airency for securing patents. t'Htents taken browh Munu A Co. reoelft spn-uu notic. wK.iout cliswe. In the Scientific American. k hand-tomel? t Ha ft rat M weeklr I.nret el filiation of any cientlOo lournal, Ternn. $3 fAm-: frmr month, $L Bold brail newsdealer. !l(IUNNCfl.",B'"'Newyork nnch OHoo (06 F If- Wash Out on o It L. W. FUNK Dealer In Tssr. srs saors MrCall Fallen s.14 la iM It" .. Ik.s ol snr scW sasks el usii.ini. 1 IX Is ,suwiu vl ikslr urls, scewsey a4 snaputlln. Mef'Bll'a BUgamlaelTas - rs.kts) IMS .utiirib.rf th4B stir slksr l-M. M.IMims. tM sr'! sueissol eui. ' uoib-r, i 9 Is. xUscnksf (.la a (. il rs st Free, kuiixribs testst. I.adf ! Wsilfs, M"4T ni; ..) s4 rWI. Cisls l.ku. ss " .4 . VsMIIUsUkU.l04Ksisaa Pianos Organs The undersigned takes this method of informing the people of Fulton county that he Is prepared to furnish High Grade Pianos and organs at prices that are attractive. He makes a specialty of the LESTER it a -t PIANOS an Instrument of national reputa tion: and the MILLER AND THE WEAVER ORGANS Being a thoroughly trained tuner, he Is prepared uu short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A sample Lester Piano may be seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or organ, lot ma know, I can save you money. : L.W.PUHK, NLEDMORE, PA. We wish to announce to the trade that our store will be open as usual until 9 o' clock except Saturday. We are in busi ness to serve the farmer and laborer, and for lots of them that live two or three miles away, it is impossible for them to get to town before 8 o'clock; so you will find us here to serve you. Until further notice we will open at 6:45 and stay open until 9 at night. Just got250 Rolls of 25-lb. 500 sq. ft. of sheating paper, at 45c. This is heav ier than the other lot. Did y.ou see those extra large No. 8 Galvanized and IXX wash boilers that we are selling at 85c; 1-gal galvanized oil can 16c; 10-qt. galvanized pail, I5c; I2-qt., 18c; tin pails, 10-qt, 10 and 20c Just got 3 doz. steel horse shoe ham mers, at 25c; 14- 15- and 16-in. horse shoe rasps at 20 and 25c; 12-in. horse shoeing pincers, 48c; Hold fast shoe nails, 3c paper. The greatest deal of them all is 3 doz. 14-qt. granite dish pans, at 25c. This is a bargain. You pay this for tin elsewhere. We have some more of those 10-qt. dish pans, at 10c. HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa. i Look for' REISNEFTS New ad Next Week. CXcdcl Oyrprprla Curo ClgMts what ysxi at o A o