The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 21, 1909, Image 8

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    FurnlturB Kepalrlng and Up
holstering ilnnp at Tims. H. Ste
vens A Sou.
Rev. J. Stockton Roddy, of tlar
nsburg, will preach in the Pres
,by terian church at Greenbill next
Sunday morning, and in McCon
ncUsturp in the evening.
Yon Salk. Horse, good work
er and driver. Call on or address,
not later than January 28th,
- I, D. Thompson,
.McConnellsburg, Pa.
Hidks Wantkd. II i g h e s t
market price paid for beef hides,
horse hides, wildcat skins, and
all kinds of grease, at Paul Wag
ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg.
The Grant County Press says
that Mr." P. M. Llarper, of Himes,
Grant county, W. Va., recently
butchered a hog that weighed
!GS pounds before it was killed,
and dressed pounds after.
This is said to be the biggest
porker ever killed in that state.
HIDES. James Sipes & Sons
pay the highest market price
for beef hides at their butcher
shop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins,
sheepskins and tallow.
The advertising merchant 19
the one who does the business in
these days of push and enter
prise. Thero are more newspa
per readers today than ever be
fore in the history of the world.
The newspaper places your busi
ness under the eyes of the buyer,
lie sees what he wants, and,
knowing where to Bud it looks up
the wideawake merchant who
asked him to come and see him.
Success in these days of sharp
competition calls for eternal vig
ilance. You can't keep a husiler
For health and happiness
De Witt's Little Early Risers
small, gentle, easy, pleasant little
liver pills, the best made. Sold
by Trout's drug store.
RhodaRedinger, sixteen-year-old
daughter of Thomas Reding
er, was standing near the open
fireplane at her home near Chan
eysville, Bedford county, on
Wednesday morning of last week,
when her clothes took fire, and
she ran into the yard screaming
for help. Iler father came to her
assistance, but all the clothing
was burned from her body, and
in terrible agony she sufferel un
til death came to her relief that
Clarence Conrad accompanied
by his sister Lois, and Paul Mar
tin, by his-sister Lvdia, drove
down and spent last Friday eve
ning very pleasantly in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Tobie Glazier be
low Webster Mills. As there is
always more or less danger con
nested with traveling after night,
the girls, in order to protect
themselves against the perils of
fast driving, "swapped" drivers,
and had the satisfaction of get
ting home in perfect safety.
A great many peopie have kid
ney and bladder troubln, mainly
due to neglect of the occasional
pains in the back, slight rheuma
tic pains, urinary disorders, etc.
Delay in such cases is dangerous.
Take DeWitt's Kidney and Blad
der Pills. They are for weak
back, backache, rheumatic pains
and all kidney and bladder trou
ble. Soothing and antiseptic,
and ct promptly. Don't fail to
get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder
Pills. Accept no substitute.
Regular size '0c. Sold by
Trout's drug store.
Sufficient snow fell the latter
part of last week to make tine
sleighing and sledding, and our
people are making good use of it
Charlie Mellott and wife and
Miss Annie Polk spent last Fri
day in the home of Mrs. Mellott.
Rev. Luther McGarvey is con
ducting a very successful seiies
of revival services at the Asbury
M. E. church at Greenhill.
TheSy es Mill school Is getting
along very nicely this winter with
S. L. Wiuk as teacher.
There will bo preaching in the
Sideling Hill Christian church
next Sunday at 10 o'clock, and at
Ebenezer at iJ o'clock.
There was singing at Miss
Blancho Mellott' lust Saturday
Mrs. Email ne IJarr lias moved
from the Bard Mill property, and
Mr. Spade and wife are going to
move In.
'' Daniel Mellott and Andrew
' Truitx had a nice visit in the home
Qf William Mellott in .Bedford
,-. i
j.W-i--U ,s;V tea .
1 . . I H H E H "
T .. , . . , I
i scik yuur mauiiiie ngni By
using the rizht pasolincs.
Thre tji.cial griden. Made from
Pennsylvania Cruda Oil. C.vo Inatan
titwous.powcrfcl, cl..n explosion. Pos
itively will not form carbon iposilo
on ipark pluia er In cylindera. Ignites
readily never iaU.i. At. your dealer,
Wirrl- Oil Worlca Co.
Iuili'pr ndf-nt OH lU-Cnora
Plttnbttr,-:, Pa.
The people of this vicinity are
enjoying the tine sleighing.
The protracted meeting began
at the United Brethren church
Monday night.
Clem Chesnut and wife spent
Sunday with Mr. R. A. Skiles
and family.
Mrs. Emaline Chesnut spent
Sunday and Monday with David
Forner's family.
John Gladfelter and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel Sipes.
Miss Mary Reeder, ol Cham
bersburg, spent two weeks at the
home of her parents T. J. Reed
er, and returned to Chambers
burg Monday.
Mr. Peter Mellott, of Andover,
is engaged in sawing lumber for
Thomas Reeder on the farm he
purchas'ed from S. M. McElha
ney. George Deshong and lamily
spent Sunday at the home of
James Chesnut.
Sale RrRiMr.
Wednesday, January 27
Gcorgo W. Ileinhaugh will offer
at Public Sale several valuable
lots of ground in the Erst Eud
Extension McConnellsburg. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock. See adver
tisement elsewhere in this paper,
and also larye posters.
Satuiday, February 20 Jacob
Clouser, intending to remove in
th a Spring, will sell at hii-resi-dencoon
the McQuade farm, 2
milts west of McConnellsburg,
horses, cattle, hogs, farmi-g im
plements. Sale oegins at 10 o'
clock. A. L. Wible, auctioneer.
Thursday, March 11, J. J. Con
rad, intending to remove from
the County, will sell at his resi
dence 2J miles southwest of Mo
Connollsburg, live Btock, farming
implements, hay, corn, household
goods, etc. Sale begins at 10 o'
clock. Credit 9 months.
Tuesday, March 10, Mrs. M.
A. Kelly will sell at her reside ice
in McConnellsburg, household
goods, wagonmaker's tools, etc.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock A. L.
Wible, auctioneer.
Thursday, March 23, Mrs.
Susan Rummel will sell at her
residence, 1 mile west of McCon
nellsburg, household goods, &c.
Sale begins at 1 o'clock.
Private Sale.
We are having the real old
fashioned winter weather now:
Mr. Dennis Morgret and wife
spent several days visiting friends
Mr. Abner Morgret and wife,
of Berkley Springs, W. Va., were
visiting here last week.
On account of the inclemency
of the weather last Saturday eve
ning the institute at Cross Roads
was postponed for two weeks.
Mr. Ross Mellott and wife
epent Sunday with Mrs. Mellott's
parents, Eld. and Mrs. C.-L.
Chos. Gordon butchered a
porker last Thursday which tip
ped the beam to 525 pounds.
Mr. Thomas Wink spent Sat
urday evening and Sunday very
pleasantly in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Otho B&rnhart.
. The farmers are cutting hick
ory to supply the handle factory
that will soon be located here.
Or. account of 111 health, the under
signed otters for sale his farm situate
in East rrovmence townsiiip, m-uioru
county, I'a., miles from oapsv-me, ,i
miles from .Maine, and n irom r.vereu.
The farm contains
forty acres cleared and in pood state
of cultivation. Ten acres is in timber.
The improvements are a
(iood Six-Room Dwelling IIousu.
Flank barn, and other outbuildings.
On the place are two good ap lie-or
chards, one reach orchard, and
Fruit of All Kinds
such as pears, plums, cherries,
grapes, Ac.
The farm is well watered by springs,
and has a drilled welt near tho house.
Township road runs through the farm.
Term very reasonable. This is an
excellent chance to acquire a nice
home, and if interested you should ap
ply soon to
1-14 4t. Gapsville, Pa.,.
For Sals,
The Hugh Ewing tract of laud i
iu Licking Creek township con
tains 88 acres, 50 cleared and bal
ance in good timber. Can be
bought cheap and on easy terms.
Gi:o. A. Harms, Agent,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Farm and Store Property
for Sale.
With a vie of moving to Mercers
burg I oiler my property for sale
on private terms. It Is located I
(iJ miles southwest of Mertorrsburg,
I'a., directly along tho public road
leading from Mercersbnrg to Duns
Gap, consisting of" ill acres, more or
less, (rood quality of slate hind, level,
having thereon eree'ed a two-.-itory
frame dwelling house with eight rooms,
summer kitchen, cellar, store room and
warehouse, frame bank barn, wagon
shed, buggy sheds, hog pan, Chicken
houso and other necessary out-buildings-
Buildings and fences are In
good repair. Two weils, besides run
ning water on the premises. This has
been a profitable store stand for more
than thirty years, widely known as
the Brubaker and Witter store.
Fruit trees of dilTerent kinds, and
the property is convenient to school
and church.
This property is seldom offered for
sale, hence it Is worthy the attention
of buyers. I also have 1;j acres of
Timber hind which I will sell at a
reasonable price to the purchaser of
Possession given April 1st, 1!(I0.
Any person wishing information call
on or address, G. L. Woi.K.
(on the premises)
Boute No. 3. Mercersburg, Pa.
House and Two Lots for Sale
The undersigned offers at Private
8ale, his home la the village of New
Grenada, Fulton county, Pa., situated
on Bock street, contesting of two from
lots, having erected thereon a two
story Dwelling, with a nne-gtoiy Icitch
en attached, Stable, ' Corn-crib, large
Wagon shed, an other outbuildings.
Well of never-failing water, fruit
trees, etc. Excellent lots In good state
of cultivation. Property convenient
to school, church, postolllc.o, and only
three miles from coal mine. ' This
property can be bought right, and on
reasonable terms. For further partic
ulars, call at the premises, within the
ne.vt three weeks, and see the owner.'
Valuable Town Lots at
Public Sale.
Curos Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
Wednesday, January 27, I !)()!.
George W. IJeinbaugh will offer at
Public Sale on the premises on the
above Earned date, the following lots
of ground, situate in the Kast l'.nd Ex
tension, McConnellsburg, Pa.:
Jxitn 2, .'I, 4, and 5 on the Chambers
burg Turnpike, east of the Forks, and
lots 10 and 17 fronting on the Mercers
burg pike, and lying between grounds
of Cyrus Mentzer, and those of D. W.
Terms: Twenty dollars cash on the
day of sale; on the remainder, a cred
it of one year will bo given by pur
chaser giving rote with approved se
curity, with interest at 5 per cent. If
cash be paid, a discount of 5 per cent,
will be allowed.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock. ,
G. W.. IJkinhachh,
C. M. P.ny. 1VI Garlleld St ,
Auctioneer. Johnstown, Pa.
0.00X000 g00 0
Simple Recipe for Home-Made Rheuma
tism and Kidney Cure.
To relieve the worst forms of
Rheumatism, take a teaspoonful
of the followiug mixture after
each meal and at bedtime:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one
half ounce; Compound Kargon,
one ounce; Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla, three ounces.
These harmless ingredients
can be obtained from our home
druggists, and aro easily mixed
by shaking them well in a bottle.
Relief is generally felt from the
tirst few doses.
This prescription forces the
clo'ged up, inactive kidneys to
filter and strain from the blood
tho poisonous waste matter and
uric acid, which causes Rheuma
t'nyn. As Rheumatism is not only the
most painful and torturous dis
ease, but dangerous to life, this
simple recipe will no doubt be
greatly valued by many sufferers
here at home, who should at once
prepare the mixture to get this
It Is said that a person who
would take this prescription re
gularly, a dose or two daily, or
evsn a few times a week, would
never have serious Kidney or
Urinary disorders or Rheuma
turn. , '
Cut this out and preserve it.
Good Rheumatism prescriptions
which retlly relieve are scarce,
indeed, and when you neod it,
you want it badly,
Good Company for 1009.
You are careful what choice of
friends the young people of your
household make. You do not
open wide the door tq those whose
speech and behavior betray ill
breeding and laxv morals. Are
you as careful to shut it against
books and periodicals that pres
ent vulgar and demoralizing pic
tures of life and its purpose?
Perhaps you are among those
who have found that The Youth's
Companion occupies the same
place in the family reading that
the high minded young man or
woman holds among your as
sociates. The Companion is good
without being "goody goody."
It is entertaining, it is informing.
In its stories it depicts life truly,
but it chooses those phases of
life in which duty, honor, loyalty
are the guiding motives.
A full description of the cur
rent volume will be sent with
sample copies of the paper to any
address oa request. The new
subscriber who at once sends
$1.75 for a year's subscription
will receive fr-je The Companion's
new Calendar for PJO'J, "In
Grandmother's Garden," litho
graphed in thirteen colors.
Boston, Mass.
144 Berkeley Street. ;
McConnellsburo-, Fa.
3 per cent. Interest Paid on Time Money.
Deposit it, when $ Borrow, when
you have a $ in need
surplus, with $ from
The Fulton County Bank..
The ollicers are men with years of practical training In their re
spective lilies. They are thoroughly competent anil exercise pru
dence and the utmost care in tho management of this Institution.
They do not have a dollar invested In stocks or corporation bonds.
Individual liability and security to ' Depositors of more than
W. II. NELSON. - - - Cashier.
DIRECTORS : J. Nelson Sipes, Chas. R. Spangler, A. U. Nace
Wm. II Nelson, J. F. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F. Daker
Subscribe lor (he
only f 1.00 a year.
To Meet a Contingency.
Congressman Burke, of Pitts
burg, has ottered a resolution in
the house providing an amend
ment to the constitution to meet
a contingency never heretofore
acted upon, which is the filling of
the presidential chair if the presi
dent elect should die at any time
btbween the date his election and
the day of his inauguration, Un
der the present laws great chaos
would result should a president
elect die beforo March 4. There
is nr law under which the vacan
cy could be tilled. It is held by
some good lawyers that the vice
president elect would not be eligi
ble to the presidency should tho
presidentelect die. before inau
guration. The proposed amend
ment to the constitution provides
that congress should be author
ized to devise a means of tilling
the presidential chair in the
emergency referred to. ?
Mtkas Kidneys an4 Uladdcr Hlyht
Now that the holiday
season is over, and ev
erythingsettled down to
the realities of the Yew
Year, let us talk busi
ness. The strengthe
ing cold weather ad-s
monishes us that we
must have plenty of
warm clothing, and the
place to get it is at
Will the Citizens Pull Together,
Open the Doors, and Let It In?
The wise man grasps opportunity on
the wing; the sluggish and slow reach
for it after it is gone. . . ,
Automobile Bus Lines
are to-day to this country what electric street cars are In
comparison to the old-time horse-cars; or the water works
of to-day to the old well and the windlass. Who would
want to exchange the advantages of the water works of the
modern city, and go back to the old well for his water.
Where Is the man or the woman that would prefer to
ride In the old style stage coach in preference to an auto
mobile bus? .We are safe in saying without fear of contra
diction, that there la not one.
In ourselves our fortune lies, and life Is just what
we make it. i
' Just so with any town or city, it Is just what its
citizens care to make It. McConnellsburg, situated, In a
beautiful valley and surrounded by fertile farms, farmed by
a class of farmers second to none In the world, must work
out Its own destiny If the people' living In this beautiful
little city In this beautiful, valley richer In dollii's and
cents than any other city of Its size In the world decide
that the old stage coach Is good enough for them, why,
then stage coach It will be forever. But If they will say
the best means of transportation procurable is not quite
good enough for us then It will be 1
Automobile Service From McConnsllsburg to Gieencastle
Via. Mercersburg.
To make this line a success we must have the support of all the
people on the line. We will give you the best service possible.
We are confident that our service is a great deal better than an
electric railway, as we are able to put you off at your door step,
while an Interurban Car puts you off at certain stops, which may
be a mile or more from your home, and which Is very Inconveni
ent. . We also are able to carry freight of all kinds for you, which
will be of great help to you when not desiring to take the time to
go personally.
There ars at the present time a number of similar lines run
ning, giving the best of satisfaction, and '
for the stock holders. We have no road bed to build and this
is why we can pay a bigger dividend on money invested than a
Street Car Compauy can ever hope to pay, and besides
You Ray No Money
Inio this Company until the cars are In opratlon. So that your
Investment begins working for you immediately. You are not
waiting two or five years for the track to bo comp eted before you
can hope for any returns on your money, but get results at once.
Standard Auto & Transit Co.,
Mercorsburg, Penn'a.
Sheriff of Fulton County.
John S. Wilson's,
. Three Springs, Pa.
Marble ::-and -:-Granite I
A full line of Every
thing You Need Dry
Goods, Groceries, No
tions, and the best of it
is that both the Quality
of the Goods and the
Price is all right.
4. A. AAA . Jk A J. A 1 A AAA J A AAA A W A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I 4
Open All The Year,
Catalogue Free,
The Tri-State Business College
Cumberland, Md.
n J
'J!IaSa2a'aaJI2a2aaa1Ia 2 HtZU 6222222
All kinds of Cemetery Woik at mod--"'
ern prices at least, ONE-FOURTH
lower than you have been paying.
1 use the verv best arade ot Mar
ble and Granite. .
I keep in stock a nice line of both q
Foreign and Domestic Granite. h
My lettering- is as good as the best. Q
All lettering and carving is done by O -
pneumatic tools, which is a great
advantage over lettering by hand. 52
It will pay you to get my prices." Ev- 5
erythina as represented.
Hancock, Md. 0H
A Business Luxury
A Checking Account !h Indeed a business necessity, and ha who
tries to got along without one U at a (re a', disadvantage. It is not
required that a person should have a large bulk of buslnoss in or
der to open an account. Professional men, farmers, and even wo
men are running checking accounts. If you have never done busi
ness in this way and are not familiar with the plan, come v6 us and
we will get you started. ;J '
The First National" Bank
of McConnellsburg.'