The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 21, 1909, Image 5

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Of L cl and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped Irra our
The Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Henry,
pastor of the Memorial Lutheran
church, at ShippensburR, Pa.,
end president of the West Penna.
Synod, died on Monday of acute
indigestion. The funeral servic
es will be held this afte noon at
2 o'clock, services in charge of
his classmate, Rev. Dr. Valentine
of Philidelphia.
Pictures, yes, get your pictures
framed at Thos. B. Stevens &
Sod. They have just received a
nice line of mouldings and mat
board, and they are fully equip
ped to frame any sort or size of
picture you have.
Adam Grissinger took a sled
lead of High School pupils to
Huston town, Tuesday evening.
The party was composed of Rose
Fisher, Murme Rummel, Daisy
Kelly, Elizabeth Harris, Pauline
Lysle, Josephine Runyan, Maria
Alexander, Robert Alexander,
Amos Stoutea9le, Rex Irwin,
Russell Stevens, Oram Wible,
and Russell Mock. ' They had
supper at the Indian Queen Ho
tel, and speak in the highest
terms of praise of the nice sup
per served by Mrs. Downs.
Always have Kennedy's Laxa
tive Cough Syrup handy, espe
cially for the children. It tastes
nearly as good as maple sugar.
It cures the clod by gently mov.
ing the bowels through its laxa
tive principle, and at the same
time it is soothing for throat ir
ritation, thereby stopping the
cjugh. There is nothing as good.
Sold by Trout's drug store.
County Superintendent, J. G.
Dell of Huntingdon county is
sending to the teachers of his
county notices like this: "The
14th of February, 1909, will be
the one hnndreth anniversary of
the birth of our first martyred
president The Great American
Washington was an Englishman,
who became the "Father of his
Country." You are asked to
make the day memorable to every
pupil in your schools, by having a
special program for the occasion.
The teacher who may not be suf
ficiently patriotic to hold a speci
al Lincoln service on that day is
to be pitied. We have none. Let
every pupil study his life,-that
life which was great because of
its simplicity. Have Patriotic
selections recited and national
songs sung. The program should
includo Lincoln's Gettysburg
Speech, O Captain! My Captain,
and Lincoln's favorite poem, O
Why Should the Spirit of Mortal
be Proud?" .. V
Matter of Much Importance That is Tee Pre
quently Nejlected.
During cold weather, when
houses must necessarily be kept
closed most of the time, extia
precautions should be taken to
keep the air pure.
No matter how low the temper
ature, the windows and doors on
the first floor should be opened
for at least 15 minutes the first
thing in the morning. If the
cook or maid be instructed to do
this as soon as Bbe arises, the
house will be nicely warmed
again by the time the family is
After each meal there should
be another thorough airing of the
lower floor. No matter how per
fect the system of ventilation, it
is impossible to prevent cooking
odors. This airing is doubly neo
essary should there be smokers
in the family.
Each bedroom should have the
windows flung wide open until
after breakfast. If this is not
done for the sake of daintiness,
it should never be forgotten in
the interest of health. '
In a family sitting-room there
Bhould be some arrangements
made by which there is aeon
stant change of air without draft.
If it can be managed in no other
way, the window should be rais
ed a few inches and a screen
placed in front of it
There is no surer sign of bad
housekeeping than ahouse which
bas an odor of any kind, and the
custom of some women to burn
Boentrd wafers In their rooms in
lieu of fresh air, is not to be cop-
School Report.
Report of Primary school, Mc
.CoDnellsburg, for fourth month.
Number enrolled, 44; average at
tendance, 43; per cent, of attend
ance, 98. Those who attended
every day, Russel Carmack, Nor
man Doyle, Carl Grissinger, Ted
Hamil, Cletus Hess, Carl Houpt,
Francis Houpt, Charles Lynch,
Willis Mellott, Keller t Mentzer,
Donald Nace, Horace Pittman,
Bruce Ray, Floyd Sipes, Dwight
Steach, Vincent Stevens, Elwood
Wilkinson, Chester Woodal.Tom
my Woodal, Helen Bender, Mar
ion Bender, Rose Daniels, Edna
Doyle, Mary Fisher, Mazie Ham
il, BeuWh Johnston, Myrtle Mc
Quade, Margaret Mellott, Winnie
Mellott, Mary Pittman, Anna
Mary Sipes, Helen Steach, Mar
tha Taylor, Helen Washabaugh.
Nora Fisher, teacher.
Report of Intermediate school,
McConnellsburg, fourth month.
Number enrolled, 42; monthly av
erage, 39; per cent of attendance,
95. Those who attended every
day during month-Grace Steach,
Samantha Mellott, Eleanor Sin
nott, Lucille Grissinger, Minerva
Pittman, Dorothy Hamil, Faith
Reed, Retta Woodall, Elwood
Grissinger, Robert Hamil, Lewis
Largent, Walter Largent, Pierce
Henry, Mac Morton. Guy Reed,
Hollis Wible, McCauley Lynch,
Wayne Taylor, John Stouteagle,
Pete Morton, Ross Hamil, Harry
Steach, Willis Daniels, Earl Evet
hart, Arlington McCurdy.
Gertrude Hoke, teacher.
Harrlsonvllle M. E. Church Notice.
Sunday, January 24, 19C8.
Siloam Sunday school, 9:30 a,
m; communion service and bap
tism, 10:30. Thursday, January
28, prayermeeting, 7 p. m.; leader
David E., Sipes.
Ebenezer- Baptism and com
munion service, 2:30 p. m.
Asbury Sunday school, 9:30
a. m. Kevival and communion
service, 7:00 p. m. Rev. C. W.
Bryner, of McConnellsburg, will
conduct the services and lift the
quarterly collection. A full at
tendance is desired. Come and
cheer our brother's heart by
your presence, and receive the
blessing God has in store for
those who are faithful,.
L. W. McGarvey,
Needs Revision.
The divorce statistics of this
country are not pleasant reading
and reveal a deplorable amount
of domestic infelicity. Admit
ting as all do, that in some in
stances divorces are necessary
and make for better domestic
conditions, yet it cannot be denied
that divorce is far too frequent
and that some reform is needed.
Probably what is most needed is
a higher conception of the mar
riage state and fewer injudicious
marriages. Many people enter
upon the marriage relation who
are altogether unfitted or unpre
pared for it. Then, too, many
people seem to look upon mar
riage as almost a ioke or a piece
of fun, and they learn by sad ex
perience in most cases the truth
of the old adage that ' those who
marry in haste repent at leisure."
If the sacredness of the institu
tion were more fully recognized
and better judgment shown in
forming ties there would soon be
a falling off in divorce statistics.
The Miolster'a Wife.
The minister's wife ought to
be selected by a committee of the
church. She should be warrant
ed never to have headache or
neuralgia; she should have nerves
of wire and sinews of jron, she
should never be tiredshe should
be cheerful and intellectual, pious
and domesticated; she should be
able to keep her husband's house
darn his stockings make his
shirts, cook his dinner and copy
his sermons." She should keen
up the style of a lady on wages
of a day laborer, and be always
at leisure for "good works," and
ready to receive morning calls.
She should be secretary of the
Band of Hope "and presidant of
the Missionary Society ; she
should conduct Bible classes and
mothers' meetings; should make
clothing for the poor and gruel
for the sick; and finally, she
should be pleased with everybody
and everything and uever desire
any reward beyond the satisfac
tion of having done her own duty
v and other people'! too. Ex.
Waynesboro '
Make another of their great and unusual Piano sales on a new
plan. Read how it is done :
By reason of the fact that a large number of the biggest
and most reliable piano manutacturers of the United States
have, for this year, concentrated their advertising efforts in one
direction, and, after due consideration, have adopted The As
sociate Advertising Company plan of direct dealing for cash
(or its equivalent), instead of immenss sums pf money spent in
very expensive magazine advertising. The Associate Advertis
ing Company diverts so much money on the purchase price of
each piano, and the coupon issued by them will be honored by
the Reliable Troup Bros. Piano Stores on presentation, wheth
er a cash or time purchase, if presented on or before February
1,1909. . 7
This plan of the Great Chicago Advertising Company is only
given to large and reliable dealers who can guarantee so many
sales and Troup Bros', was the firm selected for this territory.
How well they will carry out their part of the contract you are
all informed.
Bring in Your Coupons
And Have Them Cashed
To those who hav.e no coupons we can offer you better
goods and prices than ever before. These prices will not last
very long, only through this special sale.
Racket Store
Carrying Deadly Weapons.
Among the various proposi
tions for breaking up the habit
of carrying concealed deadly
weapons is one that a person who
carries a pistol shall be made to
pay a license fee of $100 for the
privilege. It comes from Pitts
burg. This is just as good a remedy
as most that are advanced. Very
few persons would care to pay
that amount of money just for
the permission to carry a gun
The difficulty with the sugges
tion is, however, that it could not
be enforced even as a law. Near
ly if not quite all the States now
have laws making it a misde
meanor to carry a concealed
deadly weapon and yet many
thousands do carry such weapons
unknown to the authorities. It
is only when such persons get
into trouble with their guns
troubles which the law is intend
ed to prevent that the fact is re
vealed. People who carry deadly weap
ons must expect to have some
use for them or they would not
carry them. With some they
are an incentive to crime and are
brought into use without much
provocation, but in a majority of
cases the fact that they are car
ried is never known. No doubt
there would be less of that sort
of thing if there were more fear
of the law.-- There would be more
fear of the law if it provided a
severer penalty. In most in
stances dot it is a fino of no
great amount; if a term is prison
were imposed it would mean
But the main thing is to catch
those who carry guus without
the right to do so. None of the
suggestions for abating the evil
tell how that can be done and for
that reason none is wholly effective.
Subscribe for the News.
The Createst Newspaper of 'Its Type.
It Always Tells The News As It
IS. Promptly and Fully.
Read la Every Englisn Speaking Country.
Hustontown, Pa.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work a
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
All Work Guaranteed.
Will be In office from Thursday ev
ening until Monday morning of each
It has invariably been Che great ef
fort of the Thriee-a-Week edition of
the New York World to publish the
news Impartially In order that it may
be an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells the truth, irrespec
tive of party, and for that reason it
has achieved a position with the pub
lic unique among papers of its class. .
If you want the news as it really is,
subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edi
tion of the New York World, which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and is thus practically a
daily at the price of a weekly.
regular subscription price is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for 150 papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for $1.75.
- The regular subscription price of
the two papers is 92.00.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal bus new! and oolleotion entruxted
will eoelve oareful and prompt attention.
Notice is hereby given that Ada
Pearl Gladfelter, aged 15 years, who
has had her home in my family during
the past eleven years, has left my
home without my consent, and I here'
by warn all persons against trusting
her on my account, as I will not pay
any bills of her oontractlng.
Henry Huston,
1-14-09 3t. Hustomown, Pa
Trasz Marks
Copyright Ilc.
Anron ending a tiketrh and dMrrlptlnn mat
quickly atnertnln our opinion free whether an
ihTentlnn ll probably patentable, Comruunlra
tloim atrictlrcontldenttal. Handbook on Patent
lent free, olfleat aitem;y for eeeuruitf patenta.
Patent taken .Erouirh Munn M Co. recall
jwiol notice, wl. lout chanra, m tha
Scientific American,
A tiandaomelr II hurt rat ed weekly largest r1
tulatlnn of any attention Journal. Terini, S
your munioa, !. dwu djkii newiuwiBra,
SBtBroaowtr. Now Ynrk
Hranota VBoa lOt F B. WaataUutuo. D b
rear : four montha.
Mra. Susie Stouffer and Paul
and Rosalie, of Waynesboro, re
turned home after spending a few
days with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Aiort
Ephralm Anderson rmssed
away, January 14th, after a Ions
and serious illness. Interment
in the Clear It idee cemetery.
Services conducted by Rev. Cline.
The Hustontown and Clear
ridge Mutual telephone line to
complete from Hustontown to
Meadow Gap a distance of Eleven
miles. It bas thirteen thonea.
Bart Taylor is quite poorly at
thw writing. '
agent for,
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ser fullers, Satv-
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
TftaraaramofaMcCatl PattarvvaoM ltk CwH
tata ittn ui any Mkr male of ntucm, l
MLwwat il chair atyta, accuracy Ana ttwtuiiy.
lata ta
Klrf'tmll ftl m Tka Oum of rashtaa) a
4bwnbra ikm ny txfctf L-tMlwa' Mtf-lta. On
f4l ' aUbUMatHtia UfttLF.) C1 ft (I Ctrllla, I-aiMN
4tinh'r, ft mi. w aybacnaay fta a Mti.aH 'a
Ufa Ir'r. auuacrit Wy.
I.aJy Aftaft H".. Hafwt-Maa pwtaanaa t'iiiiftiM. Pttllara aiat(wi of 4
iir) ai.i riipit.RB Caialnw (itof ani mni
a4tt ft JU4im u MoCaU. hmm Yaat.
Dealer Id
Pianos ; Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fulton county that he Is prepared
to furnish High Grade Plinos and
organs at prices that are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
s t t PIANOS
an Instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he la prepared on short no
tice to tune pianos or repair organs.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
A sample Lester Piano may be
teen In the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ lot me know, I
can save you money.
We wish to announce to the trade that
our store will be open as usual until 9 o'
clock except Saturday. We are in busi
ness to serve the farmer and laborer, and
for lots of them that live two or three
miles away, it is impossible for them to
get to town before 8 o'clock; so you will
find us hereto serve you. Until further
notice we will open at 6:45 and stay open
until 9 at night.
Just gotJ50 Rolls of 25-lb. 500 sq. ft.
of sheating paper, at 45c. Thisjs heav
ier than the other lot.
Did y,ou see those extra large No. 8
Galvanized and IXX wash boilers that we
are selling at 85c: I-gal galvanized oil can
16c; 10-qt. galvanized pail, I5c; 12-qt., 18c;
tin pails, IO-qt., 10 and 20c.
Just got 3 doz. steel horse shoe ham
mers, at 25c; 14- 15- and 16-in. horse
shoe rasps at 20 and 25c; 12-in. horse
shoeing pincers, 48c; Hold fast shoe nails,
3c paper.
The greatest deal of them all is 3 doz.
14-qt. granite dish pans, at 25c. This is
a bargain. You pay this for tin elsewhere.
We have some more of those IO-qt. dish
pans, at I0c
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.
We will give Extra
ordinary Bargains in
We have the largest
line we ever had and
all new and up to
was such a
Skirts shown
in this Ton, the
very newest patterns
and fabrics at prices
that cannot be beat.
Don't fail to see all
these goods before
you buy.
Geo; W. Reisner & Co.
line of