HHWM Get a good Shampoo or Mas BAge at Downos' the barber. Mrs. L. A. Youse and Miss Myrtle Cowan spent art of Sun day at John Shaffer's. A Rood hair cut and shave adds to your appearance, (iet it at Downes' the barber. W. J. lhno and his brother Wilson L., of Dublin township, were among the business visitors at the County Scat Monday. Mr. Samuel P, Shull, who had been spending several weeks at his farm at the Juniata Cross ings, has returned to Wilkins burg for the winter. Hidkn Wanted. Highest market price paid for beef hides, horse hides, wildcat skins, and all kinds of grease, at Paul Wag ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg. Ex-Sheriff Jim McFerrin, of Franklin county has sold his farm known ss the "Maxheimer farm" near St. Thomas to Elmer .). Miller, of Hamilton township, Franklin county, who intends making a stock farm out of it. Sadie F. Mellott got a pig from Mrs. Lucina Fohner. It is now It weeks old, weighs 75 lbs., is 18 incnes in height, 40 inches in length. It is the new Yorkshire breed. Sadie would like Mrs. Fohner to tell how much the mate of it weighs. HIDES. James Sipes ft Son pay the highest market price for beef hides at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and taibw. A clever swindler, posing as a pure food inspector, is victimiz ing milk men m some parts of the state. He claims to be ex amining milk for any taint of cattle plague. Local dealers should be on the alert. A call has beeu issued to the Road Supervisors of Fulton coun ty to meet in convention at tho Court House on Friday, Decern ber 11th, for the purpose of ef fecting an organization to accom phsh greater results in rond mak ing in this county. Every super visor in the County ia requested to be present. A light shawl was lost several days ago between D. F. Trout's north of McConnellsburg and this place. The finder will con fer a favor on the owner by leav ing the shawl at the News office. Mr. Malachi Litton, of Thomp son township, was among those registered at the Fulton House for dinner Monday. Mr. Lu ton's family have passed through a siege ol typhoid fever beginning in July, that has been a moie than ordinarily sore affliction. First his wife took it, and after passing through a regular course of it suffered a relapse, which, of course, was worse than the first, and for a long time her life was despaired of. About the time she was out of danger, their son Oscar, took it, and of course passed through a regular period of the disease. Both are out, but like others who have had it, it will be a Ion-, time before they are a well as they were before they had it. The Difference. Tennyson or Longfellow could take a piece of worthless paper; write a poem on it and make it worth (15.0). That's gei.ius. Rockefeller can write a few words on a sheet of paper and make it worth 5,000,000. That's capital. Tho United States can take an ounce of gold aud stamp upon it an "eagle bird" and make it worth 20. That's money. A mechanic can take raw ma terial wc rth 5, and make it into watch springs worth 1,000 That's skill. A merchant can take an article worJ.li 75 cents aud sell it for 1.00 That's business. A ditch digger works ten hours a day and han lies several tons of earth for 1.25. That's labor. The printer of this can write a check for 90,000,000 but it would u 't be worth a di me. That's rough. Fvery person who Is "posted' calls on Leslie W. Seylar for his Drugs. That's good judgment. There is Linnuajte in Laughter. A laugh is a good thing- some kinds of laiivf at least. But there are smiles thaf. are as cruel as a knife thrust, and the laugh ter of the thoughtless, echoing person is meaningless. It is curious how, now and agaiu, anecdote after auecdote will raise a laugh or a smile long after the oriaiual jest or point has been lost sight of. A drawn down countenance, a mis-pro nounced word, even an ungener ous personal remark will drtw forth a loud echo of what started as spontaneous mirth. Uje laughs on and on, because, seem ingly, it would be discourteous to relax one's lace to its natural lines again. Have you ever listened quite impersonally to the words that brought forth these sounds ? As senseless, as void of wit, wisdom or real jollity as the conversation of fairly intelligent persons well could be. But it the laugh is purchased by the sacrifice of a kind thought, by the telling of a half-truth, by the dragging down of some se (yet belief, either yours or an other's, to parade it as harlequin then the price is too high. There is so much that is legiti mately tunny; there are so many wavs besides unkind ones; there is so much of the humorous thit is close to the borderland of ten derness, that it is really well worth while "maKing people laugh" by such means as leave no sting, that carry n.) hint of treachery. Use your wit cantio.isly. See that your humor has no vanity pushing it along into notice; and, if you aren't funny a bit, and can't be, remain content to laugh at the pleasant jokes of ottiers, and to frown down quite inde pendently those that are unkind. Let your laughter be as honest as your speech, At present the epidemic of measles in Carlisle has reached an almost alarming stage, there being reported 1-io cases in total by the officers of the board of heal th. A BRIGHT Clear Light i The Irwin Store. We are ready with a Com plete Assortment of . Family Favorite lamp oil IjHolliday -:- Goods Absolutely tho lwt oil possible fo nroduce from the best known Bource I'ennsylvanla crude, oil. Smokeless. Bootless, odorless. Burns clean and steady to the last drop without renajusnng wick. Your dealer knows it's good oiL He can supply you. Waverly Oil Works Co. Independent Refiners Pittsburg, Pa. Aim mak.niof W.Terly HpoH.l Auto Oil ftou Y avorly Clunulkue. Sale Register. Tuesday, December 8. Sam uel Paylor, intending to quit housekeeping will sell at his res idence, on the old Dagenhart farm, throe and a half miles southwest of McConnellsburg, household goods, consisting of stoves, bedsteads, chairs, also apples, potatoes, corn, wheat, rye, oats, hay, wagnn, buggy, harness, 1 horse, farming imple ments, &c , S de begins at 10 o' clock; credit 8 months. Wednesday, December 10. Andrew L. Lamberson and Alex. Lamberson will sell at public sale at their residence 2 miles south east of Webster Mills on the old John Sowers farm, Horses, Cat tle, Hogs, Corn, Hay, Cornfoddei , Harness, Farming Implements &c. Sale at !) o'clock a. m. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. On Friday, December 11, 1908, at 12 o'clock, m., Geo. A. Harris, agent for owners, will sell in front of the Court House, McConnells burg, Pa., the following real es tate : The John Daniels farm contain ing 4";0 acres in Licking Creek township; the O. W. Mellott farm and the R&lpb May farm in Bel fast township; a house and lot in the village of Fort Littleton; the Cleveuger Brick House property, corner third aud Market streets, McConnellsburg, Pa., and a nice building lot containing one fourth acre fronting on Market street, McConnellsburg. These properties will be sold on easy terms. For full description see' large bills. Prospective buyers should examine these properties before day of sale. Notice of Anual Meeting. A meeting of tho Shareholders of The First National Bank of McConnellsburg will be held at its Banking House on Tuesday January 12th, 1901) between the hours of 12 o'clock m and 2 o' clock p. m. for the election of Directors, for the ensuing year. Mkhkill W. Nace, Cashier. I 'Baking Powder -Absolutely rURE Insures delicious, health ful food for every home, every day. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes. Safeguards your food against alum and phosphate of lime harsh mineral acids which are used in cheaply made powders. Combinj Wet Hair it Injurious. "I've just washed my hair, and 1 can't do a thing with it!" is an exclamation so often heard as to be stock for the joke makers, say 8 a contributor to the Design er. Much of the anuoyance de pendent on washing the hair might be dispensed with if the owner would refrain from comb ing it until dry. It is tho per sistent manipulation while wet which takes all the electricity out of it, and renders it stringy and lifeless when dry. This was demonstrated to be a fact wheu a frieud and myself took a shampoo at the same time; I combed mine out while wet, as usual, but she r ifrained, and when dry, her hair was soft, iluffy and tractable, while mine was almost unmanageable. FOR CHRISTMAS BUYING. Our special effort this season in the direction of Original Novelties and New Features has met with most gratifying success, and we shall deem it a privilege to show you a very ex tensive assortment of FANCY DECORATED CHINA, CUT GLASS, SIL VER NOVELTIES. SILVERWARE, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, BOOKS. FRAMED PICTURES, LADIES' AND GENTS' TOILET CASES. CARD ALBUMS AND Card boxes, Toys, Dolls and Novelties of all kinds for the Children, Groceries Candies. GOLDEN STAR AND WHITE SEWING MACHINES. We feel confident that the most critical examination of our stock will convince you it is not equaled elsewhere in merit or in price. We invite you to give us your business. ....... THE IRWIN STORE. John S. Wilson, Three Springs, Pa. I have just opened up a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of : Serges, Mohair, Plaids, Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, Outing, Canton Flannel, and . Muslin at very low prices; quality considered." We also have a complete line of Blankets, Underwear for every person; Hosiery in fact everything- in the Clothing line you need to keep you warm. A complete line of ... All Kinds of Notions. Work and Dress Shirts tor men and boys. Our line of Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing, Overcoats, Raincoats, Pants, Etc., are all of the latest styles and patterns. HARDWARE-Steel Ranges, Heat ing Stoves and shelf hardware. Paints and Oils. Then we have a complete line of SHOES, just, received our fall shipment. Then we have a . complete line of . ... Staple and Fancy Groceries. Flour and Feed, in fact everything that is usual ly kept in a first-class country store. Highest market price paid for Country Produce. . . You will find our prices to be as low, and on many goods much lower than elsesvhere. Thanking you for past tavors, and asking a con tinuance of same. I am, Respectfully, John S. Wilson. 1 ANNIE B. FREY j? M'CONNELLSBURG, PA. NEW MILLINERY It To Freshen Bread, was only after years of housekeeping that I found out how to freshen heme made bread so that it is as good as new, says a contributor to the Designer. I dip the loaf in cold water put it in a pan and bane it till it is heat ed throu, h; then I wrap it up in a damp cloth, and when cold it is as good us when tirst baked. To those who demand hot bread for breakfast serve reheat ed breidn, muthus, rolls or bis cuits. The term "warmed ove'W will be forgotten If the bread is reheated propetly, and the result will be equally delicious aud far more healthful than the freshly baked article. We present for the Full unci Wlnter-19 8-l0 the most superb line of high grade fashionable Imported and domestic millinery i has ever been our (food fortune to offer to our customers and trade containing all the very latest New York and Philadelphia styles and novelties. Our assortment of hats, plumes, fancy feathers, wings, aigrette velvets, ribbons, laces, nets for waists, veiling silk aud Persian, embroidery, hat bands, ornaments and pins of all kinds. The largest assortment of millinery novelties ever brought to Fulton J county. ? TRIMMING IS AN ART You get It here; so In baying from us, you not only receive the very lates., stylish, and most desirable creations, but, also, tho g Very Lowest Prices. f Come in and let these goods and prices make you one of our g many staunch friends and customers. K Potato Soup. Boil a quart of potatoes and mash fine in the water iu which they were boiled, says a writer in July Designer. Take a gener ous tablespoonful of butter, Dot melted, and mix with a teaspoou ful of flour; mix with the potatoen, season with salt aud a very little pepper; add one cupful of milk aud a little hot water if too thick. I like it bettor for the additiou of two or three carrots. Subscribe for the "News, 'only 11.00 a year. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND Farm for Sale. On account of advancing years the undersigned oilers at private tale his Mill property mid Farm at Fort Lit tleton, Fulton county, Pa. The Mill is splendidly locate, and, there is no better water power any place. The Farm contains 07 acres and besides Uu- Mansion BOMB there are two Ten ant houses. There is a good barn, aud all other necessary b'llldiug. Would like, if possible, to effect sale between this aud the first of January and a spleudld opportunity will be given the right man. For fuHher particulars call on or address. ELIJAH UALDWIN. Fort Littleton, Pa. oooooo OOOOO-OOOOOCX Noah Was 600 Years Old Before he knew how To build the Ark. Don't lose your Rrlp. Never too old to start a oooooooooooo SAVINGS ACCOUNT. The First National Bank of McConnellsburg, : I' ICR CENT COMPOUND INTPRi ST -oooooo oooooooo FULTON COUNTY BANK McConnellsburg, F. (OR9ANIZF.D IN 1887.) 3 per cent. Interest Paid on Time Money. Deposit it, wneu you have a surplus, with Borrow, when in need from The Fulton County Bank. The officers are men with years of practical training in their re spective lines. They are thoroughly competent and eiferciso pru dence and the utmost care in the management of this institution. They do not have a dollar invested in stocks or corporation bonds. Individual liability and security to Depositors of more than 1300,000.00. W. H. NELSON, - - - Cashier. ' EIGHTEEEN STOCKHOLDERS D1UF.CTORS : 3. Nelson Sipes, Chas. U. Spangler, A. U. Nace Wm. II. Nelson, J. F. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F. Uaker INSTITUTE Special Sales in Millinery During Institute Week. 4 4 We have the most attractive display of hats in town. Hats of su perior materials and excellent workmanship: Hats not equaled any where else The newly trimmed Velvet, Silk, and Felt Hats; in fact, hats In every fashionable color, among them some WORTH ALMOST DOUBLE THE PRICE WE ASK We will be pleased to have you call at our Store during Institute Week. Everybody welcome. All hats trimmed free. Store opposite Hostohice, MRS. A. F. LITTLE. J. K. Johnston's FOR ANY THING YOD NEED IN WEARING APPEARL. Ladies' Coats, Brown, Black, Castors, $2.50 to $15.00. Men's Overcoats, Dark-Blue, Black, Grey Rain Coats $2.50 to $1 2.00. Dress Goods, Any Color. Men's Dress - Suits, $5.00 to $13.00. SHOES-Felt Boots, Rub ber Boots and Shoes. Underwear for all Mem bers of the Family. J. K. JOHNSTON.