The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 03, 1908, Image 7

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    Xt 9 JHI
Catarrh Twenty-five Years
Had a Bad Cougti
Mis Sophin Kittlesen, Evanslon, Hi.,
"1 have born troubled with ralnrrh for
nearly twi-niy live years anH have tried
many cnreii lur it, but obtuinetl very little
" I'hen my brother advised me to try
I'erunn. nml I did.
"My health ves rery poor at the time
I began taking I'eruna. My throat was
very ore anil J had a had cough.
"Peruna has cured me. Thechrnnlc
catarrh Id aoncand myhealth Ik very
much improved.
"I recommend I'enma lo all my friends
who arc trmiMed na I was."
PERUNA TABLETS I -Some people pre
fer tablets, rather than medicine in a fluid
form. Such people can obtain l'cmna tnb
lets, which represent the medicinal ingre
dients of Peritna. Each tablet equals one
average doae of Penina.
Mn-a-lln the Ideal Laxative.
Ask your DranKlM for a Free IV'
runs Alumnae for 10OI.
Weekly Review ol Trade and Latest
Market Renorti
Braaatreet'i says:
Enlargement and expansion arc
till the dominating Influences Id
trade and Industry, and the volume
of sale and of orders booked by
wholesalers and manufacturers con
tinues to ehow gains, particularly In
the commercial and manufacturing
centers, stir,, certain evidences of
Irregularity are found In the reports
that mild weather is restricting sales
of winter goods at retail In the above
sections, and Southern advices are
that Improvement In that section Is
rather slower than expected, and that
low cotton prices and holding of that
product by producers are checking
trade and collections. Idle cars are
reported growing fewer In number
rapidly. Heavier buying of pig Iron
Is reported at the East and Ijake
markets are more active, but Pitts
burg reports transactions smaller.
Prices are higher.
The beginning of the tariff hear
ings at Washington brings to the at
tention of the business community
the fact that revision of some kind
Is promlTed and that Congress, early
In 1909, will have this matter in digest.
8eason's cleverest cartoon by Davenport, in the New Tor'. Mall.
no matter where you are. if you trap or bay
fur write to-day lor our new plan to make ex-
jr.o'8." CORHT HIPE a FUB C0.,CDKBT. PA.
"wa "J iiirtii ui miD,
TlEA CO., Dept. IM. Minneapolis, Minn.
-the kind difficult to obtain eisewhtire-U
cur specialty. Try us and ho convinced. Sat
isfaction yours or money back. Prices always
tile lowest consistent with lust work. W are.
noMIUSM Kodak and Photo headquarters.
Hall orders attended to urojiei I v and nromntly,
B-OALbSM OPTICAL CO., Itlclmiuiid, Va.
Belief And BliKteis.
It Is not generally known that
thought may produce a blister on the
hand or an ulcer on tho foot, us
well as many other actual physical
changes In one's organism which are
little short of miraculous. I have
no doubt that St. Francis of Assisi
received the stigmata of the cruci
fixion on his hands and feet, as his- :
torically described. 1 have no doubt, i
because its possibility has been put j
to the proof within the past few
years, and by a friend of mine whom
I will name. Prof. Krafft-Eblng, of '
Vienna, told a young woman he j
would place a small fly-plaster upon '
her which would produce 'a blister I
In a few hours. He actually only
put a postage stamp upon the skin,
without her knowledge, and cover- I
ed it over so securely with bandages j
that she could not interfere with It.
The blister appeared as suggested. !
Dr. Frederick Peterson, In Collier'.
Railroads Plan Gigantic Improvements Costing Millions ol
Dollars National Prosperity Association, Having
No More Work to Do, Disbands.
The certain return of prosperity Is eloquently indicated in items
in the news of the past week.
From all over the country have come reports of the reopening of
factories after ten months of cessation. Whirring machinery tells of
the employment of thousands of men and women who have had noth
ing to do.
While only a short while ago mills were running on half time,
to-day they are rushed with tvork and arc giving employment to all
who apply.
Railroads are feeling the Alnddin-like touch of prosperity and are
planning to expend millions of dollars upon improvements. There has
been a loosening up of the money market so that funds to carry ou the
gigantic projects contemplated are to bo had readily.
Correspondents send in glowing reports of conditions in nil tho
manufacturing centres. In the Northwest, the South, the East
everywhere there are signs of better times.
One positive evidence of tho improvement In conditions Is given
in the disbandinent of the National Prosperity Association, of St. Louis.
Its chairman, E. C. Simmons, explained that now that prosperity u
swiftly returning, there is no more work for the organization to do.
News of a Week That Shows
Evidence of Better
At a email dinner of a legal as
sociation held In Washington not
long ago one of he speakers told
of a farmer's son in Illinois who
conceived a desire to shine as a legal
light. Accordingly he went up to
Springfield, where he accepted em
ployment at a small sum from u
fairly well-known attorney.
At the end of three days' study ho
returned to the farm.
"Well, Bill, how'd ye like tho
law?" asked his father.
"It ain't what it's cracked up to
be," responded Billy gloomily. "I'm
sorry I learned it."
(.low of Health Speuks For I'ostum.
It requires no scientific training to j
discover wnetner conee disagrees or
Simply stop It for a time and use
Postum in plnce of It, tben note the
beneficial effects. The truth will ap
pear. "Six years ago I was in a very bad
condition," writes a Tenn. lady, "1
Buffered from Indigestion, nervous
ness and insomnia.
"I was then an Inveterate coffee
irlnker, but it was long before I could
he persuaded that It was coffee that
hurt me. Finally I decided to leavo
It oft a tew days and And out the
"The first morning I left off coffee
l had raging headache, so I decided
I must have something to take the
place of coffee." (The headache was
tuused by the reaction of the coffee
drug caffeine).
"Having beard of Postum through
a friend who used It, I bought a pack
age and tried It. I did not like It at
llrst, but after I learned how to make
It right, according to directions on
I kg., 1 would not change back to cof
fee for anything.
"When I began to use Postum 1
weighed only 117 lbs. Now I weigh
170, and as I have not taken any
lonie In that time I can only attrlbuts
my recovery of good health to the us
1 Postum In place of coffee.
"My husband says I am a living ad
vertlsement for Postum. I am glad
to be the means of Inducing ray many
friends to use Postum, too."
Name given by Postum Co., BattM
' ' ek, Mich. Read "The Road to
WellvMe," In pkgs. "There's a Ben
son." Kver read the above letter? A
Jew one appears from time to time.
Ir are genuine, true and full of hu
"" interest.
Washington. D. C. Reports re
ceived by the International Brother
hood of Operative Potters during the
week Indicated a general opening up
of work everywhere in that Industry.
The force at the Riverside Pottery at
Wheeling. W. Va., has been greatly
Increased, and the firm is getting or
ders In a steady stream.
The Dresden Pottery Is working at
full force. The Klondike Pottery will
have no slack time this winter, its
employes having all they can do. The
Sebrlng Pottery, at Scoring, O., has
had the busiest November it has
known in years. It Is expected that
the American China Company, of To
ronto, will operate steadily to the
year's end.
The Union Buffalo Cotton Mills, of
Union, S. C. which is said to operate
more looms than any other textile
corporation in the South, received
such a rush of orders that It will be
obliged to run all of Its three Im
mense plants to their fullest capacity.
This sets going 17,000 spindles and
800 looms, which were Idle during
the summer. The mills employ 2000
men and women.
Tho Falos & Jenks Machine Com
pany, of Pawtucket, R. I., employing
400 hands, began working on a flfty-five-hour-a-week
schedule. The fac
tory had been running on half time.
The Easton & Burnham Machine
Company, of Pawtucket, R. I., started
Its factory on full time, after running
on short time during the summer. It
employs 100 men.
Lumbermen of Tlfton, Oa., report
that all the. mills are booked with
enouRh orders to keep them going
full tilt for three months. Some are
declining orders until March 1.
The American Tobacco Company
agreed to take seventy-five per cent,
of the 60,000,000 pounds of tobRcco
of the Burley Leaf Tobacco Society.
The deal Involves 1 0,000,000.
After a shut-down of six months,
the Illinois Steel Company reopened
four of its plants at South Chicago.
700 men being put to work. Several
additional furnaces, requiring 600
men, will be blown at once.
Prominent railroad men, Including
Donald O. Reid, of the Rock Island,
and E. C. Converse, of the Baldwin
Locomotive Works, and the United
States Steel Corporation started the
organization of a 12,000,000 corpora
tion to manufacture steel. Most of
the bonds have been subscribed. The
works will he located near Gary, ind.
Contracts were awarded by the
Crescent Steel and Wire CorapRny to
construct a new plant at New Cor
nerstown, Ohic.
The United States Steel Corpora
tion decided to erect a $3,000,000
plant at Monessen, Pa., In the Mo
nongabela Valley.
The Schoen Steel Company, ol
Pittsburg, announced that it would
take on 300 more men and spend $1,
500,000 in improvements.
The National Tube Works, of-Mc-Keesport,
Pa., placed Its plaut on full
The WestlnghouseEleetrlc Companj
put all its departments on full time.
The Republic Iron and Steel Com
pany, of Pittsburg, ordered every on
of its furnaces run to full capacity.
Every spindle in the cotton mills ol
Midham and New London counties,
Conn., has been started up, and the
mills are rushed with orders.
The American Woolen Company's
mills at Moosup. Conn., are prepar
ing to run full time, after a bad pe
riod in which less than half time wai
The Michigan Lake Superior Powei
Company, of Chicago, which suspend
ed because of the financial conditions,
started to reorganize, and it is expect
ed to resume within a few weeks.
Mills of the International Papei
Company, at Berlin, N. H., idle foi
three months, reopened with a re
duced force.
J. D. Farrell, of Seattle, Wash.,
representative of E. H. Harriman, In
the Pacific Northwest, has been called
to New York. Financiers and con
tractors say that railroad construc
tion work on a scale heretofore un
known is about to be inaugurated in
the Pacific Northwest. The North
Coast, Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul and Harriman system are the
three factors in the spending of mill
ions for a dominant position in Pu
get Sound and Northwest Coast.
Ofllclals of the Lackawanna Rail
road announced that improvements
costing 25,000,000 will be begun
soon. Plans have been drawn for the
extension of the road to Chicago. The
electrification of the suburban lines li
Generally, the shipment of curren
cy, gold and silver to financial Insti
tutions in rural districts begins to de
cline In Novembor, In accord with the
slackening of trade and the receipt of
money ,'rom abroad on grain and cot.
ton exportation.!. But confidential re
ports of the St. Lo.ils reserve n gents
show that the shipments to all cen
tres In the South and West are al
most as larg? as last mouth. To th
growing trade and invigorating In
dustry la attributed the activity.
Conditions In the whole South show
remaikable Improvement.
Wholesale Markets
New York. Wheat Receipts, 88,
700 bush. 8pot barely steady; No.
2 red, 1.1 ly, 1.1 2 elevator; No. 2
red, 1.12, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
Northern Duluth, 1.15, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 1.14 V4,'
f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 35,475 bush. Spot
stendy; No. 2 new, 72 elevator
and 76 for old; No. 2 new, 71 to
arrive, and December, and 73 f. o. b.
afloat spot.
Oats Receipts, 31,500 bush. Spot
quiet; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 53ffJ)
54; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.,
5356; clipped white, 34 to 42
lbs.. 55 56.
foultry Alive, spring chickens.
12; fowls, 11; turkeys, lOfj-15;
tiressed steady; Wesern spring
chickens, 14 f(20; fowls, 11 14;
iprlng turkeys. 14 f 1 8.
Butter Firm; receipts, 3,875;
creamery specials. 31 Tt 31; held,
common to special. 20Q 29.
Philadelpliia. Wheat Quiet but
steady; contract grade, November,
104 1.05c.
Corn Steady; moderate demand;
mneraoer, dm ft fy 69c.
uats unn; fair demand; No. 2
wntte, natural, 55t8i55c
I) ...... mi . . .
uunei nrra; goon demand; ex
tra western creamery, 32c; do.
nearby prints. 34.
&BKB Firm; good demand; Penn
sylvania and other nearby firsts, free
cases, .jfic. at mark; do., current re
ceipts, in returnable cases, 34, at
I mark; Western firsts, free cases, 35,
at mark; do., current receipts, free
cases, 33 (FT 34, at mark.
Cheese Firm ; New York full
creams, choice, 13 14c. ; do.
fair to good, 13-3 13.
Poultry Alive, quiet but steady;
fowls, 10wllc. ; old rooBters, 8;
Spring chickens, 1011; ducks, 11
Baltimore. Flour Firm,
changed; receipts, 13,747 bbls.
Wheat Quiet; spot, contract
1.05 (ff 1.05 ; No. 2 red Western
1.07 1.07 ; Novembor, 1.05
1.05; December, 1.05 g
1.05; steamer No. 2 red, 1.02
dji.uzvi; receipts, 16,924 bush.
Southern on grade, 1.01 1.04
Corn Firm; new. spot, mixed
1 1 & 7 1 ; new, November. 70 (3
u V ; year, 68 Q 68 ; January
67 67; February, 67;
sieamer mixed, 68 S 68; recelptB
.14,69 1 bush.; new Southern whltt
corn, 66 r71; new Southern yellow
corn, 66)71.
()ats Firm; No. 2 white, 54 (g
on; ino. 3 white, 63 54; No. 5
mixed, 53.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western export
82 Iff 83.
Mutter Firm, unchanged; fancj
imitation, zCT25; fancy creamery
31 32; fancy ladle, 20 21; store
packed, 1819.
Eggs Finn, unchanged; 32 Q) 33
Cheese Firm, unchanged; new
large, 14; flats, 14; small
Invention of Grout Importance to
Ironclads F.xliihited in Germany.
Cbarlottenburg. Germany. At a
meeting of the League of German
I Naval Architects, Dr. Anschuetz
kaempfe, of Kiel, exhibited a compass
without a magnetic needle, which has
just been inveated. It Is in the form
of a gyroscope, which, when suspend
ed In a certain way, always adjusts
Itself parallel to the earth's axis.
The invention is regarded as of
great importance to ironclads, where
the compass needle Is frequently de
flected by the adjacent metal.
The Lnbor World.
Mnoti tie a uti. i : jo saSej o eausApe
ne jo; pawutp epeui eeq muo(
pou sjsiuedjso (puvjluia) eesuB
The new liability bill of New Zea
land provides that evsry worker who
Is a party to a strike shall be liable
to a 50 fine.
By a referendum vote the Poster
Artists' Association of America has
decided to affiliate with the American
Federation of Labor.
A dispute having arisen In tho
plumbing trade at Glasgow, Scotland,
the master plumbers decided to issue
notices ol a lockout.
Dancing Masters Solve Problem
of Clingsome Drapery.
Paris. Women are now wearing
tklrts so tight that old-fashioned
cances are impossible, and It became
Imperative to devise means to meet
the crisis. If the present styles re
rulted in stopping dancing they would
deprive the dancing masters of a live
lihood. They met, resolved and forthwith
decreed that waltzes, polkas and all
other dances be danced with shorter
steps until fashion gives women freer
use of their lower limbs.
Live Star.
New York Beeves Receipts, 2,
e. ao trading; reeling steady.
Calves Receipts, 668. Marko'
dull and unchanged. VealB. 5.00 0
8.75; a few at 9.00; fed calves, 3.50,
good to prime Western calves, 4.5(
U 5.50.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,
067. Sheep slow, but steady
I.umbs dull and weak, to 25c. lower
sheep, 2.60 4.00; culls, 1.50(3
2.00; lambs, 4.00 ft 6.00; culls
Hogs Receipts, 3,809. No sales
feeling Bteady.
Chicago. Cattle - Receipts, estl
mated about 8,000; market etoadj
to strong. Steors, 4.60 7.75; cows
3.005.25; heifers, 2.504.60;
bulla, 2.754.60; calves, 3.00
7.5 0; stockers and feeders, 2.50 ii
Hogs Receipts, estimated abou
30,000; market strong. Choice heaw
shipping, 5.90 0 6.05; butchers, 6.8f
i-j-fi-OO; light mixed, 5.4005.65
packing, 5.60 5.-96; pigs, 4.25
6.35; bulk of sales, 5.650 5.85.
Sheep Receipts, estimated about
20,000; market weak to 25c. lower
Sheep, 4.0006.00; lambs, 4.75
The World of Sport.
Yale has thirty-fire candidates for
positions In the hockey team.
W. K. Vanderbllt heads the list ot
winning owners on the French turf,
with a total of 1263,640.
Arthur Curtlss James has been
named to succeed Cornelius Vander
bllt as commodore of the New York
Ynoht Club.
There is going to be a bitter fight
to restore racing at Hot Bprlngs, Ark.
The business men there have com
bined In favor of the sport, and they
say they hope to be successful In their
UUI AiSli Wnko.
In 1905 the sum of $27.605, OOti
was expended by employers In Ger
many lor the direct aid of their em
ployee. More than two-thirds of this
was given as voluntary contributions
by private firms and Individuals.
Out of 42 existing blast furnaces
In Belgium only 31 are at present
'.n operation, as compared with 36
at this time a year ago. Tho out
put of pig iron for 24 hours com
prises: Four furnaces, 390 ton of
forge pig; three, 200 tons of foundrv
pig, and 24, 2,858 tons of Bessemer
and basic pig.
The islauds of the Pacific Ocean
contain the largest known deposits
of ulgli-urade phosphates. A London
company controls the doposlts In
Ocean and Pleasant Islands, lu the
Gilbert group. The deposits on
these Islands are estimated ot 50,
000,000 tons, of which scarcely a
million tons have been marketed.
Nearly a third of Sicily's great
lonion crop each year Is consumed In
the raauufaolure of citrate of lime,
while the peel of tho same fruit
yields almost the whole of the
world's supply of essential oil or es
itmue of lemon.
A llaniceraua daw of Kidney Trouble
end How It Was Checked.
Mrs. Lucy Qnebeck. Mechanic St.,
Hope Valley, R. I., says: "Eight
years ago I contract
ed severe kidney
trouble and my back
began to ache con
tinually. Every day
It seemed worse.
The least pressure
on my bark tortured
me. and I could not
stoop without a bad
twinge. The kidney
secretions passed Irregularly with
pain, and I bloated badly. My head
swam and spots flitted before my
eyes. One doctor said 1 was Incurable.
However, I found prompt relief when
I started using Doan's Kidney Pills,
and the troubles 1 have related grad
ually disappeared.'
Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Seedless Apple DteeOTCMd.
A seedless apple tree, bearing a
sweet apple that looks something
like the sheep-nose, has been found
on the farm of C. E. Bell, at Esk
ridge. Samples of the apple were received
by the State Horticultural Society,
and next spring an effort is to be
made to propagate them by grafting
the buds from this tree, the same as
grafting Is done in other tree3.
It is believed a variety of seed
less apples will be developed. The
tree on Mr. Bell's farm has been
benrlng three years. There is no
sign of a seed, but there l a small
core, which apple men think can be
entirely removed by careful propaga
tion. Chicago Inter Ocean.
When The Weather Was Cold.
An American and a Scotchman
were discussing the cold experienced
In winter In the north of Scotland.
"Why, It's nothing at all compared
to the cold weather we have in the
States," said the American. "1 can
recollect ono winter when a sheep,
Jumping from a hillock Into a field,
became suddenly frozen on the way
and stuck in the air like a mass ot
"But, man," exclaimed the Scots
man, "the law of gravity wouldn't
allow that."
"I know that," replied the tale
pitcher. "But the lnw of gravity
was frozen, too!"
$100 Reward, $10O.
The readers of this paper will be pleased lo
learn that there la at least one drearlrH dis
ease that science has been able to cure in all
Its stages, and that is CaUrr h Hall'aCatarrli
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a enn
atitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. H.-iU'aCatarrh Cure is taken inter
nnlly. acting directly upon the blood and inu
eous surface of the svstem.tlisreby destroy
mg the foundation of the disease, and givin?
the patient strength by building up the con
stittition and assisting nature in dome its
work. The proprietors ha'-e so much faith
in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
eure. Send for list of testimonials. Address
. J. Ciikkkv A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 73c.
Take Hall's lamilv Pills for constipation.
He Realized The Situation.
"Miranda, I want to ask you to
marry me and tell me "
"Oh, George, this is so sudden!"
"To tell me what date you and
your mother have decided on for our
wedd ing. " Exchange.
Hicks' Capudlne Cures Women's
Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness,
and Headache. It's Liquid. Effects imme
diately. , Prescribed by phvaicians with best
results. 10c.. 25c.. and 50c.. at drug stores.
Even marrying money Is a failure
when you don't get it.
w. I.. DonirMMi makes ami soils tuoi
men' SJ3.O0 anil S)3.oo shoes than nuy
ot her manufacturer In the world, he
ransa they hold their shape, lit better,
antl woar lunger tlusa any other make.
. Shoes st All Mess Jar tvtrv Msmbar of the
Family, Mn, Boys, Women. Misses I Children
W.L DotvUsSl.SSaaSf 00 UUt Eds. Sio.i cmot
b equalled uf prlt, W L ttoaglu 11 60 ud
Viim Color Kmrtrtt t'erd Kj il n,0 rUj.
r- l'lii lo S,lNf Hilt. W. I.. Iliumln,
ne ann piire Is suuipixl oa bottom. 81
everywltere. Sboss taallrd flora factory to
inn ui in worm. uinio im.
W. L. DOuQIAS. 157 Spar St.. llrscM-M. Maes
We Buy
Kidoa and
Feather, Tallow, Bettwta, Cuuenj,
CcUen SU YelU K-u ). May AvpU,
WiM Cincvr. mU. W are dcaJarsi
tubUied m "Ow half a century in
Louis vUU"Mj can da better for you trun
i. ' or timmmmoa tncrchuto. Rr fere nee,
uy Bank ia Lawnlla. Write for wecUy
4 rice list and srapisiac tan.
ftl. Scbol A Sons.
127 I. fUarUt tt. LOUItV.LLE. KY.
fat..: yj k
tttesve, atOaJ-
i . i i Uar .. tio;.y.i.sf,n; yolir itVjokv, iVtlHiv .'IJ
iurM, H m mm m to um;i;, lur amiier ii
u.- ii ! i ' we. wUj b V .-.1 i i no QtVti war, iti .
Hsiv esjoarea uvr m ior lueia. t'jt .-...
mid iotruJUo ta, vii:- . tV. .i. Wilis, Att'T-ab-,
-i , , N -si y ' ( ii", J Vutt tlUUtitUg, fl J l.i C . - .
tWh J. Ovsr kt i iravKiit.
n S lutT i SaS ,.M r.n.i us ,re,
mil wm. S t u!ia,utsfe aa ao u lrln.1
We-... or. u. a. saass-s aawa, aa s, niuu, as.
Howard And how did the plain
widow Perkins capture the fastidious
Coward Oh, took him out In hr.r
car and showed him a few hundred
of hr building lots.
Howard Ah, I see a case of love
at first site Harper's Weekly.
limns Below the Knees Were Ttnw
Feet Swollen Sleep Itrnken
Cured in 2 Days by Cutlcum.
"Pome two months ago I had a humor
break out on my limbs below my knees.
They came to look like raw beefsteak, all
red. and no one knnwa how they itched
and burned. They were so swollen that I
could not get my shoes on for a week or
more. I used five or six different remedies
and got no help, only when applying them
the burning wa worse and the itching less.
For two or three weeks the suffering was
intense and during that time I did not
sleep an hour at a time. Then one morn
ing I tried a bit of Cuticurs. From the
moment it touched me the Itching was
gone and I have not felt a bit of it since.
The swelling went down and in two days I
had my ahoea on and was about as usual.
George ft. F.-rley, .V) South Slate St., Con
cord, N. H., May 14. lf7."
Every time a woman gets a new-
gown she goes around with a chip
on her shoulder.
Illi-ka' Ciipudinc Cures Headache.
Whether from ( old, Ileal, Stomach, or
Mental Strain, No Acetandid or dangerous
drugs. It's Liquid. Kffecta immediately.
10c, 2.V., and 5')c . at drug stores.
It's safe to judge a man by the
object for which he strives.
To Drive Out Malurin un! llnild Up
the System
Tako tho Old Standard (innvz'H Ta.stb
lxss 'iiiii. Tunic. Vo i kuuw what you
are tnkinrf. Th foruiul i in plainly printaj
ou every bottle, showing it is simply iai
uine and Iron in a tasteloas form, and tun
most effect oa form, for grown people
and children. 50o.
We might enjoy work more If we
didn't have to do it.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens theguius, re luces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wiud colic, 25c a bottle.
It takes a sharp man to carve out
n big fortune.
Itch cured in SO mintitea br Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
It Is a long honeymoon that
doesn't get eclipsed. B. N. U. 41).
Thin woman sayn. that sick
women Hhottlil not fall to try
I.ydla E. IMiikliani'a Veirc(all
Compound 'as she did. ,
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 lawrence
St., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs.
" I was practically an invalid for sis
years, on nrcount of female troubles.
I underwent an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
was worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydla B. 1'inkhnm's Vegetable
Compound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as 1 have not enjoyed In
many years. Any woman suffering' as
I did with backache, bearing-down
pnins, nml pei Iodic pnlns.should not fail
to use Lydia K. l'iukham's Vegetable
For thirty yearn Lydia E. Pink
hani's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots antl herbs, lias lioen tho
standard remedy for female ills,
ami has positively cured thousands of
women who have lieen troubled with
displacement, inflanunation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write- her for novice.
She lias raided thousands to
health. Address, l.utn, Mass.
Bonk let On
Let me tell you about
the 160 acres I am fApT.t.nVii
rules. This wood lakes tho place of Ash and
Hickory for Carriage-makers' usea. Hvsti Two to One. if. . UUbtll- ,
Has no, Ifei-kanlc-eburs. Ohio.
M like ?0 UlffVrenl Arllli If auc hold ftemllr-.
RvfrMt-ln all Kind-. Toilet PrrpwrKCIonK, Plnr omn.
Carttafrers Wanted in ExJery County.
Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains
and bruises.
It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the
tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need
to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on
lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates
instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion,
and reduces the swelling.
is an excellent antiseptic and germ
killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and
contusions, and will draw the poison
from sting of poisonous insects.
Price, 25c., SOc., and $1.00.
Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Sloan's bouk on horses, emtio, sheep and poultry seat I raw.
Many people crowd their feet into shoes
in an attempt to make their feet fit the shoes.
Don't choke your feet in that way : wear SKHEEMKKS.
They fit your feet. Look for the label, and, if yon don't
d these shoes readily, write the makers
for directions how to secure them.
FRED. F. FIELD CO., Liroctfon, Mais
UjTnisli mss my
l .".I iiM.rr a.KxIa liilahtcr stul faK-r ...lori. thau uui ,,,u,i: ,1... ...i,,.. -- - - - . ,,
Malaria Causes Loss of ADDetite
The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHtl.L TONIC, drives out Malaria aud builds up the
system. You know what you are taking. The iormula is plainly printed on every bottle, showine (t
Im almnlw IVtlnln. r. A T .... l .. . ..1 A t . . I i .. . a . ......
-u.u.uo auu uuu iu u lUDicicaa, nuu lie uiusi ciictmai I oral, for ttuults Sd Children Star
tler Hujoyiutattt.
"I enjoyed the wedding Immenae-i
"You don't snyi Didu'i the bride
appear at tier beat?'
WOMEN ,luftigsLfrd'-
Mend Isr s-oek, "Itcllsrisr Wsansss,"
VttNCM DHW1 CO., 90 W. 3M SI, M. Y. C:'J ,