The General Demand of the Well Informed of tho World hat always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxafrivo remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could auction for family two because its com ponent parts ore known to them to be wholesome and tndy Iwncficial in effect, acceptable to tho syatom and gentle, ye prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of thq laxative for its remark able success. That is ono of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine - manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sole by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. THE CHAMPION OF THE AIR. WHY not v pQPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY Gives froniM mid I'osHlvr Relief In Evory iiute. noiu oy iirujnrisi, rrm Sl.w. Trial Packatre by Mail lie. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props. Cleveland, 6. Strong Love. "And you told her you loved the ground she walked on?" said Count Hlckoff. v "Ah, yes, monsieur," responded ; Count Subrosa. "And did sho believe It?" "Most assuredly, Count. You Bee, she was standing on her father's rich coal mine." Chicago News. "bitArWii. iM) riTAUKH ci'sk. Cartoon hy Ilcrryman, in the Wssliington Stnr. TORTURECmLDREN ISfWiTSoT IRONS. NllALFNT ( ATAKKRAT. JKLI.Y tun I NrsfntM and Catarrh. Trlnl treaUMi t bv flfs'l tree, ith.'i "i, nitit,-'j"Ji'i'. '"mi The Two Alternatives. "We get somo sad cases," uaid tho attendant at the lunatic asylum to the visitor, and oponed the door to the first cell. Inside was a man sitting on a stool and gazing vacantly at the wall. "Sad story," said the attendant; "he was in love with a girl, but she married another man and ho lost his reason from grief." They stole out softly, closing the door behind them, and proceeded to the next inmate. This cell was thick ly padded, and tho man within was stark, staring mad. "What is this?" inquired the visi tor. "This," repeated the attendant "this is the other man." Illusti ed Bits. A Waiting. A now railway was being made, and, the design including a small .inn. tho officers of the line paid a visit to he owner, an old lady. "Madam," aald the surveyor, "we understand that you own this farm, and it Is my duty to Inform you that our new railway will run through your barn." "Oh! will it?" said the old lady. "Well, lot me tell you that the last train will havo to be not later than 9 o'clock, because you'll not catch me sitting up after that to open the doors for it or anything ilia. So mind!" Tit-Bits. A Fair Kxchange. Never before bad Willie been In the country. He foil into raptuiea of delight over many things, but above all did he admire a Jersey calf. "I'd like to buy It," ho said to the owner. "But what would you give in ex change for it?" was the respense. "Mjr baby sister." gravely answer ed the boy. "Wo often have a new baby, and we've never had a calf." liove's Voting Dream. Together they wero occupying a rustic seat on the lawn, he and she, and she, at least, seemed to b un conscious of the flight of time. "How bright and shimmering tho evening star appears tonight, George?" she said. "Pardon me, my dear," replied George, "but that Is the morning star." Chicago News. True To His Word. Long "When I let you have that $5 you said you couldn't pay ma for a couple of weeks." Short "Let mo see how long ago was that?" Long "About three monthB." Short "Well, I may be a little Blow, but at all events I'm no liar." Chicago News. NOT A MIRACLE Just riiita Cause and Effect. There are some Quite remarkable things happening every day, which ieem almost miraculous. Some persons would not believe that a man could suffer from coffee drinking go severely as to cause spell of unconsciousness. And to find com plete relief In changing from coffer to Poatum is well worth recording. "I used to be a great coffee drink er, so much so that it was killing mo by laches. My heart became so weak I would fall and He unconscious for an hour at a time. The spells caught ma sometimes two or three times a day. "My friends, and even tho doctor, tola me It was drinking coffee that caused the trouble. I would not be lieve It, and still drank coffee until I ould not leave my room. "Then my doctor, who drinks Pos tuni himself, persuaded me to stop toffee tnd try Postum. After much Mutation I concluded to try it. That a elghumonths ago. Sine then 1 had but few of those spoils, for more than four months. "I feel better, steep better and am wtf ry way. I now drink noth ' but Fostum and touch no coffee, d as I am aareaty years of age all n,y friends think the Improvement jte remaritable." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Crsk, Mich. Read "The Road to WHllle." In pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new. one nUlars from ttsuu to time. They genuine, true, Bad fall of human uitei ext. Charity Agent Reports Harrowing Cruelty to State Wards in : Tllinrvie Qtokkl "CV-W IT-,;,. T- T I j-wmvio oiauutu YV nil x ui iv.3 nail xuill jul auu iiuiua Broken Also Among Crimes Against Little Ones Many Sold For Money The Rev. Mr. Virden Relates Instances of Persecution by Foster Parents and Public Institutions. Chicago, 111. How the wards of the State have been abused and tor tured wathe subject of a sonsallonnl recital by the Hev. Charles Vlrdcn. agent of the State Board of Chari ties, to the Stnto Conference of Char ities, held at Rock Island. His paver was entitled "The State Visitation of Children," and said, in part: "During the laBt two years I have personally handled approximately fr,0 special cases. Most of the children are well cared for when placed In family homeB. The had cases are exceptions. For example, I have found them tortured with hot lions, stabbed with toasting forks and scis sors, limbs broken, hair torn out by the roots, lashed until black and blue from head to foot, faces cut and scarred and eyes blinded. "Numerous other caseB of crime against children in the form of as sault have been prosecuted, and In the three years of my incumbency ton of these offenders have been sent to the penitentiary and numerous Jail commitments and fines have been Im posed. Many Children Sold. "There has been a wholesale traffic In children in Illinois. I have a re ceipt In my possession for a child who had been sold for a stipulated price. "One of the most distressing cases occurred In Qulncy, 111., whore a child was taken from Its mother, a rovtUff girl, when less than an hour old, placed In a market basket, absolutely nude except for a covering of an old piece of quilt, carried about the streets and offered to any one who would accept It. Tho infant finally was given to a woman who had been a pensioner on the county for a num ber of years. "The evidence showed that this was at least the second child that had been sold from this institution. Tho saddost part of It all Is that there Is no law In the Stnte of Illinois pro hibiting the sale of a child." In speaking of other specific cases the Rov. Mr. Virden r.ald: "A girl of thirteen years, commit ted by tho .luvenllo Court, was made a household drudge. Our State agent found that she was being boaten with a horsewhip. The girl was removed and placed in a good homo, where she wns given a rhance for education and religious training. Din nel With Hot Knife. "A girl, having only one paren living, seven years old. was In the homo of a family at Alton, 111. The evidence showed that this child was covered with bruiseB. Her face was burned, her hands wero hacked with a red hot knife and the sight of one ra was destroyed. The foster moth er, charged with having Inflicted these wounds, wns fined for assault and battery, and will bo tried under the cruelty act. "A girl was the victim of her step father's attacks for ten yoars, after she was seven years old. Her step father was sent to tho penitentiary and tho girl sent to a good homo. "Two girls, aged five and ton, wero forced to beg on the streets for their mother, who kept a disreputable re sort. They aro now In good homes. "A girl thirteen years old did the washing and Ironing for a family of seven. She had no school advan tage An Investigation showed that she wore her foster mother's old clothes and shoes; was overworked and received no salary; that her life was Insured In tho benefit of the mother-in-law in the homo. The child was returned to the home on trial upon the cancellation of the life Insurance policy, and promised that she was to receive new clothes and $2 a week. I protest against the In surance of thelivesof those children," WORLD'S RUTHLESS WASTE. London. Henry E. Armstrong, professor of chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Central Institute, addressing the annual meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute at Middles borough, said it was difficult to keep calm when ho reflected upon the ruth less way the world's stores of timber, iron, coal and oil were being used up. It made the scientist shudder to see the Indifference displayed in all civil ized landB to the Inevitable conse quences of such waste in the nowise distant future No comment was provoked by the fact that the steamers Lusltanla and Mauretanla devour dally a thousand British Scientist Shudders at Big Steamers' Coal Consumption-No Substitute Yet or more tons of coal while crossing tho ocean. This extravagance was gloried In as an engineering achieve ment when it ought to be anathema tized. Tho public comforted itself with the belief that science would dis cover a substitute for coal, and there fore felt no compunction In recklessly destroying the capital won from the ' sun In past ages, but science could 1 not at present support the illusion. Professor Armstrong earnestly j urged serious scientific study of eco. nomical methods of fuel consumption, I outlining tho direction such study ought to take. COMMERCIAL COLIINI! Weekly Review of Trade and Latesf Market Reoorts. Bradstreet'a says: "Although trade reports are some what irregular In character, owing largely to varying weather conditions In different sections of the country and uncertainties caused by Impend ing elections, the general undertone Is toward sustained Improvement. Country trade has been comparative ly quiet, because the farmors have been taking advantage of the Ideal weather to complete their harvesting. However, the heavy marketing of crops has made for an Increased rail way tonnage and Improved collections considerably, while exports of wheat are heavy. Iron and steel are quiet. Impending elections being a deter rent Influence, but production Is in creasing In anticipation of forthcom ing good business, and there Is more doing In other Industrial llneB. There Is less Industrial Idleness, and in some Instances business Is developing for the first quarter of 1909, especially In Bhoes, lumber and pig Iron. "Business failures In the Hnlted States for the week ended October 8. number 2"ifi, against 22.r last week, 192 In the like week of 1907, 192 in 19nr,. isn in I9nr, Pnd 19S In 1904. "Wheat. Including flour, exports from the United States and Panada for the week aggregate n,(!52,6B2 bushels, ngalnst fi.47S.R25 bushels last week and r., 29a. 292 bethels this week last year. Corn exports for the week are 17.759 bushels, asalnst 18, Sift bushels last week and 34.3, 694 bushels In 1907. For the 15 weeks ended October S the corn exports are fifi3.o:,3 bushels, against 15,371.984 bushels In the same period last yenr." Wrmlelo Mar'oM. New Vork. Flour Receipts, 83, 02(! bbls. ; exports. 7. 005; market quiet, but firm. Huokwheat flour firm. Cornmoal easy; fine white and yellow, $1.70; coarse, $1.65. Rye dull. Wheat Receipts, 250,800 bush., exports, 186,330. Spot market strong; No. 2 red, 1.07 (g1 1.08 elevator; No. 2 red, 1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Dulutb, 1.1 3 M t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. 1.09 f. o. b. afloat. Corn Receipts, 80,000 bush. Spot firm; No. 2, 84 He. nominal elevator and 85 nominal f. o. b. afloat to arrive. Oats Receipts, 78,000 bush. Spot steady; mixed, 26 (u 32 lbs. 52ff53c; natural white, 2GW31 lbp. 53 54; clipped white, 32 0 40 lbs. 54 59. Philadelphia. Wheat Firm, lc. higher; contract grade, October, 1.02ff 1.02V4C. Corn Quiet, but steady; No. 2, for local trade. 86 0 86 He Oats Dull, unchanged. Butter Firm; extra Westtrn creamery, 29c; do., nearby prints, 31. Eggs Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free coses, 25c. at mark; do., current receipts. In returnable cases, 24 at mark; West ern firsts, free cases, 25 at mark; do., current receipts, free cases, 24 at mark. Cheese Firm; New York, full ereums, choice, 13 c; do., fair to good, 12 13. Poultry' Alive, steady, fair de mand; fowls, IB ft 014 Mo. i old roosters, 100 10; spring chickens, 14 015; do., ducks. 11 012; old ducks, 11011. Baltimore. Flour Dull and un changed; receipts, 19,739 bblB. ; ex ports, 30.299 bbiu. Wheat Firm; spot contruct, 1.02 CP 1.02; spot No. 2 red Western, 1.04 ft 1.04 ; October, 1.02 1.02 ; Novomber, 1.02 01.02; December, 1.0301.03; steamer No. 2 red, 99099; receipts. 37, 055 bush.; exports, 315,644 bush.; Southern, on grade, 98 94 01.01 Corn Dull; year, 67067; January-. 67 0 67; receipts, 15,686 bush.; Southern white corn, 81 0 86; Southern yellow corn, 83 87. Oats Steady; No. 2 white, 53; No. 3 white- 62 0)52; No. 2 mix ed. 6151s; receipts, 8,932 bush. Rye Firm; No. 2 Western ex port, 83 084; receipts, 6,227 bush. Butter Firm; fancy Imitation, 22023: fancy creamery, 29030; fancy ladle, 20 021; storo-packed, 16 017. Eggs -Firm; 24 0 25. man wkkks Live StoCK SIGNS OF A COLD WINTER. A Close Observer oi Nature Tells What Is Coming in the Way of Wealhet New York Oity. There s no use talking, It's going to be a hard win ter, no matter 'Which Bill Is elected," said the wise young man who had Just returned from his vacation In Pike County, Pennsylvania, with a luxuriant crop of tan and freckles. "I forgot I ever knew so much about the country until I got out there again. I was born and raised In the country, and I'm proud of It. "How do I know it's going to bo a hard winter? Well, here are some of tho sure signs, and I surprised the farmers when I sprung my knowledge on them: "A heavy crop of nuts. You never saw the like of tho butternuts, hick ory nuts and chestnuts that there are going to be In lees than a mouth now. "A big fruit crop and nn abundance of wild grapes; the woods are full of this little wild fruit of the vine, and they will be. delicious when the frost touches tbem. "Heavy husks on the corn. The fanners Bay that Is a sure sign. "WastB and hornets building their neBt nearer the ground than usual. "The cricket and katydid orches tras working overtime; that's a sure euough indication of au early win ter, too. "Dame Nature is a good and thoughtful provider for all the little folk of tho forest and field, you know; that's why there is such a big crop of nuts and wild grapes and fruit so that the squirrels, tho mice and tho birds won't go hungry through the long winter. I tell you what, there Is nothing hlt-or-inlss about the Indications I have men tioned. All you have to bo is a close observer of nature to know what is coming in the way of weather." Wills Husband u Dollar In Four Installments. Chicago. Ono dollar, payablo in monthly Installments of twenty-Ave cents, is the bequest given Andrew Heckler by bis wife, Catherine E. Heckler, of Portland, Ore., whose will waB filed In the Probate Court here. In tbe will Heckler Is referred to as "the Individual who married me In 1906 in San Ulego, Cal., and who got from me thousands of dollars and when he could get no more deserted me. " Tbe estate consists of personam in. ui. i, M Women In I he Day's News. Mrs. Norman E. "Mack, of Buffalo, N. Y., 'confessed that she would like to vote. Viscountess Molesworth started a Jam factory en her estate near Mlns-tei-on-Sea, England. In the Luxembourg Oallery, is Parts, the works of only two women sculptors are represented. Miss Ruth H. Northrop, of Nor wich, Coou , has won tbe scholarship offered by tbe Norwich Art Students' Association. Tbe work she submitted consisted of three groups of animal nd figures modeled In clay from life. Sending 800,000 Return Postals South to Get Work For Aliens. Washington, D. C The distribu tion of aliens Is to be promoted by the Bureau of Information of the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor. Sec retary Straus has Issued order.) to start the work at each Immigration station, and the bureau has begun the enormous task of getting In touch with farmers, manufacturers and oth er employers In the South to learn what help they may need. This work will require the sending out of 806, 000 return postal cards. The World of Snort. Yale defeated Wesleyan by sixteen points to nothing In her opening football game at New Haven, Conn. aUoffen, the Chicago quarter back and captain, la said by many experts to be as good as the famous Eckor sall was two years ago. American lawn tenuis experts de feated their British rivals, and will go to Australia to play for the Davis Cup. Beats C. Wright defeated F. B. Alexander in the final round ot the tournament for the national lawn tennis championship. Chicago. Cattle Receipts, esti mated, about 5,000 head; market, steady. Steers, $4.40 07.60; cows, $3.25 0 5.25; heifers, $3 4.25; bulls, $2.6004.50; calves, $3,600 8.50; storkers and feeders, $2,60 0 4.65. Hogs Receipts, estimated, about 1 9,000 head; market strong to 6c. higher. Choloe heavy shipping, $6.5006.66; butchers,' $6,400 6.65; light mixed, $5.600 6; choice light, $6.20 0 6.35; packljg, $5,90 0 6.25; pigs, $3.6005.50; bulk of sal, $6 0 6.40. Sheep Receipts, abemt 22,000 head; market for sheep steady. Lambs weak. Sheep, $4.25 06; lambs, $4.7606.25; yearlings, $3.86 5. Pittsburg;, P. Cattle Supply light; steady. Choice, $6 06.25; prime, $5.6505.90. Sheep Supply fair; steady; lower on lambs. Prime wethers, $4.36 4.60; culls and common, $1.5002; lambs, $4 06.60; veal calves, $9 0 9.50. Kansas CHy, Mo. Cattle Re ceipts. 8,000 head, including 600 Southerns. Market steady to 10c. higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.75 07; fair to good, $4.60 0 5.76; Western steers, $3.80 0 5.66; Blockers and feeders, $2.50 0 4.75; Southern steers, $2.90 4.10; Southern cows, $2,0 8.25; na tive cows, $1.7504; native heifers, $2.7605; bulla, $2.7004.26; calves, $307. The United States Navy Included 158 shtis In 1110. One-fourth of the material taken from the bottom of the harbor, of San Padrb, Cal., by government dredging operations consists ot fos sil shells, which are ground and mix ed with chicken feed to supply lime. In Russia the sunflower Is raised for the seed oil, which is used tor cooking and In soap, while from tbe ashes of the sterna and leaves potash is obtained. Pennsylvania had 92 persons kill ed on railroads and atrest railways in August. nrvmght About Remarkable Change. Mrs. A. J. Davis, of Murray, Ky . says: "When I began using Doan s aw Kidney Pills, kidney HRbsM disease was slowly HfJ poisoning me. niz Y9ftfcT 7y spells almost JKkgttl made mo fall, sharp uflfflBfci?" PK'na like knife vqHEl thrusts would catch ' wHpr m( 'n the hack, and finally nn attack of grip left me with a constant agoniz ing backache. Doan s Kidney Pills helped mo quickly, and In three weeks' time there was not a symptom of kidney trouble remaining." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mil hum Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Peril Of The (Villar Button. A few days ago the news columns carried the story of a man wiio was stricken with a serious case of ver tigo while groping under the bed for his elusive collar button. Still later appeared tho story of an East ern man who wns overcome by heart failure after a violent struggle with a refractory button that refused to connect a tight collar. In each of these Instances the victim was a stout man of full habit and presumably of apoplectic tendency. The collar button has been the plaything of the flippant writers for a long time. Its amusing pranks, its almost human perversenesa, its power of effacing Itself when most wanled, have united In n striking il lustration of the moral obliquity of Inanimate things. But when the but ton forgets Its harmless mission and becomes an adjunct to tragedy, It can no longer hope to be regarded In an amusing light. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Muzzling The Cannon. Two recruits Btationed at a fort overlooking the sea were examining one of the fort guns. One suggested that they should lot It off, adding that nobody would bo any wiser. They loaded the gun, and one of them said he would hold a bucket over the muzzle to drown the sounds bo that they would not be hoard. Tho gun was fired, and the shell and bucket, with the soldier clinging to It. went flying gayly out to sea. An officer Immediately rushed up to the remaining soldier to Inquire the cause of the commotion. "Where Is Murphy?" he yelled. "Gone for a bucket of water, sir," coolly remarked the soldier. "And how long will he be?" roar ed the officer. "Well," said t,he soldier, "If he comes back as quick as he went he'B due any minute." Tight Corsets Ruin (ilrla' Voices. "The voices of some women speak ers often make those possessed of a musical ear wish for death," said Mme.Von Klenner. discussing "The Vox Humana" before the Rainy Daises yesterday aftornoon at tbe Hotel Astor. "Voices," Bald she, "have become worse and worse with civilization till at the present time, as a nation, Amer icans are known for their bad voices. Tho responsibility for this chiefly rests on the strain and effort used in speaking In subway and on elevated trains and on the crowded strpets. It 19 nlso due to a lack of control of the vocal organs due to too tight clothing and undue pressure on any part of the body or the lack of knowl edge of the formation and molding of tones. New York World. Kuprnr As A Disinfectant. Prof. Trilbert, of the Pasteur In stitute, at Paris, has demonstrated recently that burning Biigar develops formic acetylene-hydrogen, one of the most powerful antiseptic gases known. Five grams of sugar (77.16 grains) wore burned under a glass bell hold 'mg 10 quartB. After the vapor had cooled bacilli of typhus, tuberculosis, cholera, smallpox, etc., wero placed in the bell In open glass tubes, and within half an hour all the microbes were dead. If sugar Is burned In a closed vessel containing putrlfled meat or the con tents of rotten eggs the wffenslve oder disappears at once. Tho pop ular faith in the disinfecting quali ties of burned sugar appears, there fore, to bo well founded. Fixing The Minn'. Ho bad Just stolea a Wee from her ruby lips. "How could yo bo so heartless!" sihe exclaimed. "You are to blarae," he replied. "The moment I first saw you I lost my heart." Chicago News. Hicks' OapUdlne Curea ITemen's Monthly Paiua, pkukaoast NcrroBsnem. nnd Headache. It's Luuiid. Effects imme diately. Preaemhert by iihjticiiHia wi(U lieat results. In, . 25s.. sail mlc. at dnaa stores. A splendid way to get engaged to a young widow la trying to arvoid her. One halt the world manages to get along by inducing the other half to go short. Comntdlrlty Of Hotel Men. A rare feeling of eomradlclty ex ists among the hotel men of the I'nited States. The recent atartling suicide of Frank V. Dennett, one of the bet known hotel men In tho country, and former proprietor of the Gotham. In New York Clly, brought out such n volume of mes sages of condolence and sympathy aa might have followed the death of a leading statesman. An incident growing out of Mr. BMMtt'f untime ly death was the suicide of Mr. OiOfg Crouch, at one time a power In Wall Street. Mr. Crouch had lived at the Hoffman House. In New York, for many years. Happening to bear Its veteran managing clerk. MaJ. A. it. Peaeock, comment on the unfor tunate death of Mr. Bennett, Mr. Crouch, without a moment's hesita tion, ho'tened Into a brokerage office at tho hotel, locked himself into an Inner room, and fired a bullet Into his brain, On the table .by the side of the dead body wns found a pack of cards, on top of which lay the seven of spades, known by fortune tellers as "the sign of death." From Loch 's Weekly. Disappointed. At a small dinner of a legal as sociation held In Washington not long ago one of the speakers told of a farmer's son In Illinois who Conceived a desire to shine as a le.;nl lisht. Accordingly he went, up to Sprlnfrfieid, where he accepted em ployment nt a smull sum from a fairly well-known attorney. At the end of three day's study he returned to Hie farm. "Well, BUI, how'd ye like the law?" a.-ked his father. 'It ain't what it's cracked op to be," responded Hilly gloomily. "I'm sorry I learned It." Llpplncott's. $100 Rennrd, $ioo. Thi Naders of t.hi paper "ill be pleased to Nam timt there is ut least one dreaded Iih c.irc that science has been able to cure in all its st aces, n nil that is Catarrh. 1 1 all's 'atarrli Cure is the only positive cure now known to Uia medical fraternity. Catarrh hCIO a con stitutional disease, requires a const it ut ional treatment. Ilall'sCatanh Cure is taken inter nally. acting directly u;ion the hlood and mu cous surfaces of the SI'S t era, t hetehy destroy ing the foundation of" the disease, sad pivinc the patient strength by building up tike eon titulion and assisting nature in dome its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it curative powers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars tor any ease thai it tails to cure. Band fto lift of testimonials. Addtes V. .1. CliK.NfV & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by DnieLMsls. 75c. Take Hull's iauiilv fills tor constipation He Knew. Sentlme'if.'il Young Lady Ah, pro fessor! What would this old oak say If it could talk? Professor It would say, "I nm an elm." Scrapbook. Ricks' On yd baa Cutvh Headache, Whether from t old. Heat. Stomach, or Mental Strain. No Acetamlid or dangerous ilnijis. It's Liquid, bffacta immediately. Ilk:., 25c., and 58cH at drug stores. If a man could solve the mystery of why a woman appeals to him she wouldn't any longer. To Drive Out Miliaria and Build L'p the System Tuko the Old Standard Unovi's Tastk- pBSjS ( m i i.i. TolVtC. You know what you urn taking. Tim formula is plainly printed ou every brittle, showing it is simply Qui little ann Iron in A tusuilwss form, and ia-i laost olfoetuai form, r'or gr.iwu poopl.i and children. -" I The only reason a patriot can gVt more excited about the Constitution than about his party candidate's plat form 1b he knows less about the former. A CURE AT CITY MISSION. Awful Case of Scabies Body it Mass of Sores from Scratching Her Tortures Yield to Cutlciiin. "A young woman came to our city mis sion in a nipst awful condition physically. Our doctor examined her nnd told us that she had scabies (the itch), inripient pare sis, rheumatism, etc., brought on from ex posure. Her poor body was a mass of sores frora scratching and she was not able to retain solid food. We worked hard over her for acven weeks but we could see little improvement. One day I bought a take of Cuticura Soap snd a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent, ind we bathed our patient well sud gave her a full dose of the Resolvent. She slept better that night and the next day I got n box cf Oaticnra Ointment. In five weeks this yonag woman was able to look for u position, -end she is now strong and well. Lanrn .lane Bates, 85 Fifth A-vc, New York, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1007." The man who falls to make good always claims he didn't have a fair chance. Mm. Wtnslow's Soothing Cyrup for Children teel hiiig,sol'VeiiH the gums, i cdni cKintlaicma- uoii.allio spent) cures wind co)ic,2AeabetUa Most people die before reaching the age of discretion. B. N. U. ;!. iForSaler: in 14 buiet. Mruut'g matn- nntii it ltuesaoJ ,.1 I L'iinj with Sute nutn m.iitrd fWj mm WrU Urgrrt Fata UWi. Umi TitU BUi ., PiuktUUki DROPSYm Discovfcity " W VP tl I-!. 1 r.h.l US ,.,, - " ustss s suss, , u" Viulit i" THE J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. Hlllri lO IMflV WINONA, MINNESOTA. ll'llrlP.I HaaukaM D u . K,i..i..n U I...I. I.ii.. a. ..... V." " ' Can-Oajjerj Wanted in Extery County. 'rr EsiierlsBetj, SS,OOO.IH)a Output. BEST PROPOSITION wento AGENTS FACTS FOR SICK WOHEN LYDIA e. mnkham No other modlcine ha.s been no sin cossftil in relieving tho suffering of women or iv eivea bo mrinygen aine testimonials us has I.. villa K. li iiL limn' Vcff ctttble Compound. Jit every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia K. Pinkhtun's Veg. etulilo Compound. Almost every one you un i t baa either been bene fited by it, or has friends who have In the Pinkham J.aloi-tory at Lynn. Mas?., any woman any day mav see the lilea Oontainlog over one mil lion one hundred thousand letters from women seekhi"; health, and here are the letters m which they ois nly state over their own niiriui turcs that they were cured by Iydia K. l'inkha m's vegetable O mi pound. Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound has saved many women from urgjcal oparatiotut, Lydia E. Pfnkham'a Vegetable Compound is uv.mU- from root and herbs, without drugs, and is Whole some and harmlfisB, The reason why Lydia E. Pink hain's Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it contains in gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it ton healthy normal condition. Women who are suiXering from those tlist r.'ssing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose siht of these facts or donlit tho ability of Lydia E. Plnfcham'g Ratable Compound to restore their health. W. T.. nnntrliis mnkes n in it's V3.00 nml " ft 1 1 or limit any ntht'r liuililit'ftt nri-r 111 tlM W..iltl. Iih- t'ltttHO tha.y holsl tin ir -ii.ijir. fit brlter, Htttl Ttiiar loii4tr i It ini iiuy other nml(e. Shoes it All Prices, for Evorv Member of the Fimily, Mn, Beys, nom, Migtes & Children W L DouflM4 00 and $0 00 OUtEdr BhoM cannot be equal It l at any price. W. U Douilas $2.50 and $1.00 shoMhre Mm boat in the world t'nnt tlor Kurlttn t'mrH A'-rrfiajHrWy. cj-'i'uke n -...MM.itc. tar, L ... ii i.i"- and price la Mjunpesl on bottom, s ' 1 eyt rywhrre. Klioea nm-lot from fnt lory to any part of the world. ('.it&lo::u fm. W. I . DOUULAS. 157 jwrk Sr., Brockton. Man. TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps tbe breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite af exceptional ex cellence und econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed cytrn, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, 50 cents, or ' by muil postpaid. Large Trial Sample WITH "health AND BCAUTV BOOK SENT rrt- THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass. PATENTS BOUNTIES latar vutif mdttollfatrsn, Go pyrin ut yuiir ! WntiiuN flu. iumm, atu. Now Ml aa to Uuuatjr fur aoMlarv &u4 t bwii' rWtWwA, wUo aarrad m tba ctvti war. IMl liar Mwurva ovar 4i.ixw.tAJ for thaw. Ji'or biautea aud laelrnctioiia, Addraaa, W. il. WULa, AtC'v-aO- Uw.( Notary ubUc rtUU HnUdtU Ll fui. Av. VaaUiuitou. i. vj. Ovaraffi ritifaT . - wu.' t. Fwits efawip f fv flunetor. Onto 9mt9mmmm rdl.r ractviT.ia U tiwli msirrtir thxr nan HL1 - C i . tf tWrir ZIHMERMMW STEEL CO. Ltm Trsa. IsM. low. Wrlla quick. Dtt a i. VliluHT. Psru,Ttvtl7 Pale Delicate Women and Girls The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed onevery Uule?Bhowiagit is simnlv Quinine and Iron In a t!.rf1ec nnA tV.. - a rt , , .. . . '.. " .llllljl" cwtimi mnp. ror aau.ts.anq children. 50c. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ' - a'a.J i nuliu HUB MCg ItCaCEDY! j$S M ' yn want a pair of shoes thst yon dou't hare to squeave your foot lata I i wara wwk until they stwuihgd Into tC alW TjoS? iw tL" 8KKKEMKH3. TUsy m tSade to t tha u VSiiSjH; ;lit yooi vradaht and they UyjiUI brave the MttU to rult you. up matter how S(u UahX tauaflitvafa Ooular you aro. Loc k fur tha label. H jfflproMmJII PR ED. P. MULD CO., BnckUm. Mass. M