GEO. W. REISNER & CO., ARE SHOWING A LINE OF DRESS GOODS THAT ARE Fully 25 PER CENT. LOWER THAN LAST FALL. A Nice Line of The New Browns, &c, A Splendid 56 Inch Suiting at 40c, and a Nice Lot of Trimming to Match. Ladies' Ready Made Skirts THAT RIT. Any price from $ 1 .25 to $6.50,the $5.00 Skirts are Beauties in black, blue and brown. blank: t s Undersk Good from 25c. to $2.00. Domestics are cheap. We hare a real good MUSLIN 1 yard wide at 5 c. We are sure this can't be beat any where. Outings, Flannelettes, Cantons all 2c. to 5c. a yard cheaper than last year, and a large line to select from. Hosiery We have a good Fleece Lined Hose for Children from 5 1-2 to 9 1-2 size at lOc, the best black Hose, Laaies, you ever saw 2 pair 25c. t A good grey with bright bor ders 50c. and up. A splendid Blanket for 75c. In wool, we have the best strictly home made all wool Blanket in this town. We have sold them for a number of years and know they are all right. UNDERWEAR! We have a very large stock in cotton and wool for Ladies. Prices from 25c. to $1.00. Union suits in cotton and wool. In Men's we have a splendid suit at 75c. will measure up to a good many $ 1 .00 suits. Our shirts, sweater coats, and sweaters-. a strictly all wool Men's sweater, 75c, goods that sold for $2. Respectfully, Shoos To suit all. A splendid shoe for Children, 5 to 8 size, at 60c. solid throughout. A perfectly solid Shoe for La dies at SI. 2 5. Don't fail to see these goods. Clothing! We have a very complete line of Suits for men, young men and boys. We know we can suit you in this line, in style, price and quality. LADIES' COATS! We have a nicely trimmed Ker sey Coat, long, at $2.50. A dan dy indeed at the price. Coats in brown, blue, black and grey, and price from 2.50 to $12.00, and all new. We want you to see these coats. GEO. W. REISNER & CO. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of L ocal and General Interest, (lathered at Home or Clipped frm our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Hot water bottles, 50c. up, at SevJar's. Col. S. M. Robinsou spent the time trom Monday until Wednes day in Cnambersburfr. Try alabastine on just one room, and you will never buy any more paper. A 55c. pack ojvers 450 square feet. Get it at Sey lar's drug store. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Urner Truax, of Licking Greek township on Wednesday of last week. Cashier Merrill W. Nace spent Tuesday night in the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Nace in Chambersburg. Wantkd An industrious young married man having a two-horse team and all necessary farm implements to take entire oharge of farm, and also to act as supervisor of Green Hill section C. & B. Turnpike Hoad. Good chance to make money. Good references are expected. Call on or address Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Harrison vllle, Pa. Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. D. C. I' lock, of Fort Littleton, spent Tuesday in McConnellsburg. Mr. Fleck looks well, and says he feels well yet be is badly crippled up with rheumatism. Their many McConnellsburg friends are always glad to see them. Wantkd Success Magazine requires the services of a man in McConnellsburg to look after ex piring subscriptions and to se cure new business by means ot special methods unusually etfeo tive; position permanent; prefer Que with experience, but would consider any applicant with good natural qualifications; salary tl.50perday, with co'ii mission Ptiou. Address, with refer Wees, R C. Peacock, Room 102, Success Magazine Bidg., New York. Mrs. Ruth W. Swope and son Howard were in town Monday. Mrs. Swope returned last week from Bedford, where she had a pleasant visit among friends. ARt YOU ONLY HALf- ALIVE? People with kidney trouble are so weak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley's kid ney Remedy makes healthy kid neys, restores lost vitality, and weak, delicate people are restor ed to health. Refuse any but Foley's. Trout's drug store. John J. Calimer, a tinner, fell from the roof of the Wolff block addition in Waynesboro. He landed on a cellar door 35 feet be low. No bones were broken, but he is terribly bruised. SAVED HIS BOY'S LIFE. "My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condi tion. 1 gave him two dozes of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orino Laxative saves his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis. Trout's drug store. Miss Louvina Long returned Sunday from an eight-weeks' visit among friends at Lemaster, Williamson, Ureencastle, Upton and other places. Mr. John Hawk, a grand-nephew of Miss Louvina, brought her home in his automobile and she was much delighted with the ride across the mountain. A Jeweler'! txperlence. C. R. Kluger, The Jeweler, 1060 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes i ' I was so weak from kidney trouble that I oould hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Reme dy cleired my complexion, curod my backache, aud the irregulari ties disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley 's Kidney Remedy to ail sufferers, as it cur ed me after the doctors and oth er remediej had failed. Trout's drug store. YOU ARE GOING TO BUY Stockers and Feeding: Cattle THIS SEASON You want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the least money . Write or wire at once to JOHN J. LAWLER 163 EXCHANCE BUILDING UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed. ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS REFERENCES: Live Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicago Any Mercantile Agency Thousands o our satisfied customers We handle more stockers and feeders than any firm in the world. A big election at all times. Sales , 40 to 50 loads daily. Come to Chicago and we will sell direct to you, or order at once by mail or telegram and we will ship just what you want direct to you at lowest mar ket prices. Write at once tor our plan of filling orders. We can save you money. Write us for quotations of prices before you buy. L. W. FUNK Dealer In Buggies and Wagons I have just refilled my sheds with a fine lot of Buggies and Wagons which I am. selling un der a written guarantee at Hock Botto m Prices I also have in stock a lot of Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles. 1 want your trade. Please oome and see my stock before you make a purchase. Thanking the public for liber al patronage in the past, and soliciting a oontlauance of the same In the future, I am yours, Very respectfully, W. R. EVANS, Hustontown, Pa. FOR SOKE FEET. "I have found Buckleu's Arni ca Saive to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burn, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing too, for piles. Try it! Sold un der guarautee at Trout's drug store. i!5c. Western Maryland Railroad Company. In Effect June 10. 1908. Trains lfn - Hancock uh follow); No. 5 5.60 a. in. (dally) for H&tferaiowo, Bftl llniore, Waynesboro, ChuinberBburtf, tud fntenuedlute. No. 410 00 a. m (weak duytO Httlllmore, Get tyKbury, York und Intermediate. No. I'M p. m. (week ayn) Bulttmore und In termediate Ntittoos. Vestibule train with observation buffet oar. No. 18 Ma. m. (week days) Cumberland, and Intermediate. No. S 1.00 p m. (week daya) Little Orleans. Old Town, Cumberland, Klklnn- and i VeHtlbule train with obHervatlon buffet oar. No. 6 8.4ft p. m. (dally) leaveH Baltimore 4.10 p. m , H age ru town 7.40 p. ra. AH i ruin- intake connection at Hruoevlll" for Frederick und trains 6 and 4 for point north and ftt Baltimore (Union Sutton) for 1'b.Ua, delphta and New York. F. M HOWKKL, C. W. M V i.its. Oeu. Pntu. Agt. Agent. DR. A. K. DAVIS, Hustontown, Pa. DENTAL WORK IN AIL ITS BRANCHES. Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Teeth extracted positively without pain. All Work Guaranteed. Will be In office from Tburiday ev ening until Monday morning of each week. M. R. SHAFFNER. Attorney at Law, Office on Square, McConnellsburjf, Pa, All logtl tnu.nwa und oolleouou enuruMad will eotjlvo ouref ul ad prompt ttugultoa Pianos Organs The undersigned takes this method of Informing the people of Fulton county that he Is prepared to furnish High Grade Pianos and organs at prices that are attractive. He makes a specialty of the LESTER m PIANOS an Instrument of national reputa tion; and the MILLER AND THE WEAVER ORGANS Being a thoroughly trained tuner, he Is prepared on short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. Satisfaction Cuaranteed. A sample lister Piano may be seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or organ let me kuow, I can save you money. L. W. FUHK, NLEDMORE, PA. Racket Store News We wish to announce to the good people of Fulton county that we now have our FULL STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS In stock. We have now been in business 11 years, and to the best of our knowledge, we never bought goods nearer right than this year, Our stock consists of everything found in a general store; such as : Shoes, Felt Boots, Rubbers, Under wear, Cloning, Hats and Caps, Blankets and Comforts, Win dow shade, Curtains and polea, Gloves -leather and cotton Han nel, Hardware, Table oil cloth, Floor oil cloth and Linoleum, Tinware, Cutlery, Watches, Clocks, Notions, Ammunition, etc. In SHOES we have most anything you may want $1.00 to $4,00. We bought 5doz. of a ladies' tip, medium weight, everyday shoe at $1.00. This shoe we sold last year at 91.26. Also, we have a man's buckle shoe that we sold last year at (I is this year at 1.20. In children's shoes, and school shoes, we can savo you money. See our 75c. shoes for children. CLOTHING ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Rfue ubAtltute. Priam SO. Trout's Drug Store. We handle Flelsher Bros, clothing, and It has the same reputation as Shippensburg overalls, shirts and corduroys. We have never had a single complaint about any suit of clothes of these people's make whether it be a 16.00 suit or a 10.00 suit. They are good, and this is one reason we sell so many. Call and see ihem. Say, it la raining now, and It always rains on Court week; and, If it does, remember we have the RUBBER GOODS for you. We can sell ladles' rubbers at 50c. this year, and the best man's rubber you ever did see, at 75c. Men's and Boys' underwear, 24c. to $1.25; misses' and ladles' underwear, 23c. to 90c,; bed blankets, 50o. to $1 25; haps, oapa und hats for everybody, A:, to 91.25; ootton flannel gloves, 6 to lite.; table oil cloth, 1.00 for 12 yds., or 14c. yd,; linoleum, in full pieces -not remnants 76o. yd.; loaded shells, 42c. box; the best double bit axes you ever did sea at 56o. ; Man's dou ble bit axea, 78c. ; tar rope, 0c. lb. Call and see us when attending Court, and see If we can't save you money. Reapeoifully, HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa.