The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 22, 1908, Image 4

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    FARM for SALE
Wells Valley
A flood Red Shale farm in Well
Valley, convenient to Hroail Top in u i -ket,
containing 15 acres. Over 100
cleared and in good state of cultiva
tion, 26 acres of (food Meadow, it nev
er failing springs, land principally
level. Improvements -BANK BARN
44x72, in manner new; MANSION
26x25 both In fair condition. Phone
in house, running water at house and
barn, wagon shed, corn cribs, 2 story
spring house, and all other necessary
out buildings. Good fruit, good out
let for stock.
This property can be bought right.
If not sold will be for rent to parties
who can give good reference.
Wells Tannery, l'a
Got Six Months.
Charles Sehaubla, the letter
carrier, who was arrested m
Chambersburg several weeks ago
for pilfering from the mails,
plead guilty before the United
States district court at Scranton,
Tuesday, on the charge ot tarn
pering with the mails. A strong
plea was made for a light sen
tence, aud Schaubla got off with
six months in jail and tine.
Schaubla will have his own choice
of any jail in the district in which
to serve his time, and it is under
stood that he will select the cus
tody of Sheriff Gillan.
Short Sketch
Of The
New Grenada
Mr. John It. Fisher and son
Harry, of Bedford, came down
to McConnellsburg, Tuesday and
returned Wednesday.
Mrs. Maria Mann, of Saluvia,
is spending the time this ween in
the home of her sister, Miss Mary
Daniels, of this place.
"Uncle" John Hann, of Saluvia,
was in town yesterday. He says
game is right plentiful this fall.
We presume it is always plenty
to them that know where to find
Central Europe is experiencing
the coldest weather which it has
known in forty years. In some
piaces the thermometer shows
15 degrees below freezing.
Married Man In Trouble.
A man ied man who premits
any member of the familv to take
anything except Foley's Houey
and Tar, for coughs, colds and
lung trouble, is guilty of neglect.
Nothing else is as good for all
pulmonary troubles. The gen
uine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no opiates and is in a yellow
package. Trout's drug store.
The New Grenada Baseball
Team was organized June 27,
I'.iom, at which time officers were
electod, men assigned positions,
goods ordered, etc. The Team
was at a disadvantage for several
weeks by not having a good
ground Later a fairly good
ground was procured from New
ton Staines. Twenty-two games
were scheduled and played. The
Team wou 10 and lost 7. Per
cent of games won, 68. 18; percent
of games lost, 41.81. Games
played on home ground, 12;
games lost on home ground, 2;
games won on home ground, 10.
We wish to express many
thanks to Mr. Geo. Shaffer for
the interest he manifested in our
games, the encouragement he
gave us, etc. Mr. Shafler umpir
ed several of the games, and his
work was always highly satiHiac
tory. We also wish to thank
many others for service render
ed us. Everything that was done
for the team was highly appreci
ated by them. Every good citi
zen will stay with his home base
ball team.
Our last games were played
with the Fort Littleton team.
The first game resulted in a score
of !1 4 in favor of visiting team
The second ! 7 in favor of home
team. The third game was play
ed on Fort Littleton's ground.
At the beginning of the fourth
the score stood 3 1, in favor of
New Grenada. An error a mix
up and some violations of base
bull rules were instrumental in
scoring 5 runs for the Littletou
team. Both Teams scored one
run after the fourth, thus ending
the game 4 7. We not only ad
vise but urge, that those connect
ed with base ball say less and
consult theic rule books more;
and, again, we would like to sug
gest some motherly things as to
courtesy, but space an J time will
not permit.
Some features of the last game
were long hits by L. Morton and
J. Alloway, and a catch made by
H. Shaffer. Our pitcher, D. Al
loway, had 12 strike outs in the
last game, 18 in the first, and 5
in the second, making a total of
30 in the three games. Consider
ing that this is his first season as
pitcher, he did excelleut work
throughout, and we predict a
great future for him next season.
(Vote (orM.)
HrvHD and Kern.
Miss Cora R. Peck, who for
several years resided in the home
of her uucle, the editor of the
News, was married, in Cumber
land, Md., on Thursday of last
week to Mr. B. H. Sheirer, of
Hyndman, Pa. They will reside
in Hyndman.
Mr. S. D. Stevens and Clarence
Berkstresser, of Chambersburg,
are spending a few days in this
county thin week. Mr. Stevens
is the D, D. G. M. of the Odd
Fellows of Franklin county, and
installed the officers at Mercers-
burg on Monday night.
Why James Lee dot Well.
Everybody in Zanesville, 0
knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural
route 8. She writes : "My hus
band, James Lee, firmly believes
he owes his life to the use of Dr
King's New Discovery. His
lungs were so severely affected
that consumption seemed inevi
table, when a friend recommend
ed Now Discovery. We tried it,
and its use has restored him to
pertect health. " Dr. King's New
Discovery is the King of throat
and lung remedies. For coughs
and colds it has no equal. The
first dose gives relief. Try it
Sold under guarantee at Trout's
drug store. 5oc. and $1 00. Trial
bnt'e free.
When yon auk for the
and do not get
Kemp's Balsam
You are not getting the beat and will
bs disappointed, hi Mr S BALSAM
ousts no more than any other cough
remedy, aud yon are entitled to the
best wbeu you ask for U
Kemp's Balsam will atop any oongh
that can be stopped by any mediclue,
and cure coughs that cannot be cured
by any other medicine.
tt is always the Beat dough Oura.
At ail druggists, Site., 60c. and $1.
'pi III lag alsw.
Jot'ph P. Mc ullen,
Albert J. Hnrr.
PsoM r, Oarlln.
Kdward B. Selberllch,
Attron Q. Krause,
Clureuce lieb.
JamcN T. Nulty,
M anuel I Howard.
John C, Ferron.
Juhn Howtml tmneohower,
LoulK N. Spencer.
Alexander W. nlxoo,
John T Flannery,
Oliver Perry lleeniel.
Harry I). SchaelTer.
Chsriei A. MoCsrty.
John Franklin storie.J
John 1. Welsh.
2yruji (JelwlokH
George Oerr Kraune.
Siitrnifi M Huyer,
Henry Wuber
J Hawley llslrd.
John K. Holland.
John F. Pauley.
Howard I, Msuxhall,
Hobert X. Brou n.
Howard Mutchler.
Wl nam l.ewli Neal,
Fred. A- Shaw.
Henry Meyer,
Wesley 3. emffey,
IX'nnliJ. Hoyle,
Csxper P. Muyer.
(Vole (or 3i i
Chutin and Watkins.
Kllsha Kent Kane.
John Duff (Jill.
John 11 HeHton,
Lawlfl I F.uvenftou,
Samuel K. Feltou.
Irvl"K Woods Hut-kins.
Kolui.d M Kuverison.
.lon;i- K. sehultx.
leUl. Hrmltlaks,
How urd Leopold.
Daniel S VouNelda,
Wui. Rlchmoud.
W. II. Berteln.
William H. Mulerry,
John Peter Sehue.ler,
Justus F Warner.
James Mansei.
Frunklln P. Johnson.
Jeremiah S. Yuukey.
Silas 0, Swallow,
John 1 .. Kd wards.
Cyrus's Oriesi.
A. McAlpIn,
Lewis Cass Wick,
John O. Stoner.
Milton S. M
Isaac Mondcrau,
tieorire F. Kline.
W. ; Kreeinun.
Kdwin J. Ptthlun.
.lames P. Knox;
Knox 0. Hill,
llouert S. (llass.
Thoinus P. llerschberger.
(Vote (or 34.)
Debs and Han fori).
General Election.
Kdwurd J. Cook,
Bdward J Hi twins,
i eorge Fitch,
Robert M. Greer,
K. Hurt-lay Sptcer,
leorge Nuu,
John Zelllioro,
a Mahleu,
Murlln J. Flyzlk.
William O. Price.
Charier Herwegh,
George LotiVe,
Chaile O Alter,
Henry Peter,
I Joseph M. Achhatnmer,
Percy Vlze,
Fred W Whiteside.
Martin .1 ltrnnn
Georif Davles.
Jerome F. Huck.
Jesse W. Green.
Andrew Hunter,
Cornelius F. Holey,
Oeorvo W. Guthrie,
Anrus McKtie.
Arthur J. Dennis,
Frederick G Mother
E Howard Deal,
Daniel K Young.
Julius Weher.
Thomas Thut cher,
Simon Lib roe,
Howard P. Hunter.
WH KICK AS. Id and by au act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled. "An act relating to the elections
within tills Commonwealth. ' passed the
day of June, Anno Domini 1WM. and amended
the Urd day of June Anno Domini U
made the duty of the Sheriff of every county
within the Commonwealth to give public notice
of the General Klectlous and In such notices to
enumerate the officers to be elected and irlvea
list of ull the nominations made, and designate
the place at which the election is to be held,
I. JKFFEKSON HAHUIS, High Sheriff of
the county of Fulton, do hereby make known
and give this PUBLIC NOTICF. to the Electors
of the county 6f Fulton, that on
The I Irst TtiCNtJuy after the First Monday
of November next, being thclrd Jay of
the month
A General Election will be held at the several
Election Districts established by law In said
County, and as published below.
THIRTY FOUR PERSONS to be electors of
President and Vice Presfdeu; of toe United
ONE PERSON to All the office of .fudge of
the Superior Court of thj State of Pennsylva
nia. ONE PERSON to All the ofiloe of Represen
tative In Congress, for the dfstiict composed
of the Mies of Frunklln. Fulton. Hunting
don. Mifflin. Juniata. Snyder and Union.
ONE PERSON to repressnt the County of
Fulton in the Genera) Assembly of Penusyl
ranla. ONE PERSON to till the office of Associate
Judge of Fulton County, Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON to till the office of Prothon
otury. Register and Recorder, and Clerk of lhe
CourtN of Fulton County. Pennsylvania,
THREE PERSONS to till the office of Ooun
t i iiiiiuiiv.iouers f KiJltwii i.oLijty. Peunsyl-
TWO PERSONS to till the office of Auditors
of Fulton County, Penusylvuula.
I have enumerated the officers to be eleeted
and here publish the following list of CANDI
I) TKS certified by the Secretary of Stale
anil County 'ommisiMonen.
(Vote for 84.)
HlMM and Graves.
(Vote for M.)
Tuft nnd Shermun,
Ueujamlu Franklin Jones, Jr.
Morris Lewi Clothier.
John Hurt.
Howard a tier DavlH.
Frederick Taylor Chandler,
Ellis A. Gimbel.
George .lay Elliott,
Etlward Warner Pallon,
George ChrluiUn Hetel.
Joseph deltennevllle Abtxtt,
John Watts Uaer liausman,
Reese Albert Phillips.
Theodore Leonard Newell,
John Uett Ma thl a,
Adam Haln MHler,
William Johu MeCabe.
George Wallace William.
DAVld Jewett Waller. Jr.
William Strode Settle,
Robert Chrltman Neal.
Jacob Croyle Stlneinau,
Tlioniua Shipley,
William Frederick Reynolds,
Andrew White McCuIlough,
John Tlmolhy Kogers,
Edward League lawes,
.leru'iie Valid I ..,-. m i,-
jwry Wilson.
Oueur Holmes iiubcook,
Alexaudnr Holland Peacock,
Homer David William.
John L Uarretl,
William Houghter,
Robert ti. Cathourt, Jr..
Charles B Connolly,
Joseph M. Crouch
John P. Correll,
William F. Craig, Jr.,
Edwin H. Depuy.
Thomas Dolan.
Herman L. Duhrlng. Jr.
Thaodow Eichhom,
James A. Fulton.
James P Guffney.
Jesse Willis Galbrftath,
William J. Griffith,
Johu L Harding,
Samuel M. Helllgman.
George F. Hlldebrand,
i .i,.t W. Klrby. -John
W. Lafferty.
William La Fontaine,
Owen K Lally.
tieorge V. McDonald,
Kdward J. Maher,
James Frederick Martin,
Newell H. Motstager.
Joaeph r. O'Neill,
Stanley J. Oram.
Wheeler H Phelps,
John a. Phllllpa,
Robert Miles Itobinsou,
Silas Edgar Trout ,
Samuel P. Wheeler,
William H White.
(Vote for S4 )
Socialist Labor.
(iilhatis and Munro.
Herman Splttal,
J. G, Gardner,
L. M. Iaepple.
John Drugmund.
W M Thomas.
Thos. Wieldlug.
Amtdo Mori,
August Clever,
George Peurse.
Grant Hughea,
George Snyder,
Otto Marowsky,
Chas Hupp.
L. M. Harhydt.
J. A McConnell,
J as. A. Gray,
P. H. Gruimgle.
Arthur Losey,
W. J. Marshall
Win. Peak,
Fred. UhJ.
Win. Cowan,
Wm. Crum.
P. Rowan.
Wax. Staley.
Peter Auller.
Ernest Hlldebrandt,
James Clark,
Wui Hughes.
Cltaa. a. New,
George Staley.
Johu Humllora.
Geo. Ohls,
Cuiu. Durner,
JudKcuf the Superior Court.
(Mark One.)
William D. Porter,
Webster Grlin,
Daniel Sturgeoo,
Thomas H. Kennedy.
Indt peudeiiee
Luther S, Kauffman,
Representative m Conftreafl.
(Mark One )
Benjamin K. Pocht.
George C. BehU.
Benjamin K Fuel) I
Representative In the General An-
(Mark One
Clarance R. Aker.
Jan. A McDonough,
A. J. Remsburg.
Associate JudKe.
(Mark One.)
Himiii K. Mnrkley.
John W Hoop.
Pruthonotary. Register and Re
corder, aud (Merk f the Court.
(Mark One.)
Saul Burkhart.
Geo. A. Harris,
County Commissioners.
(Mark Two
Daniel W. Cromei
S. A. Neablt,
Emanuel Keefer.
Democratic, '
James R. Sharp.
County Auditors.
(Mark Two.)
Repu bllcan.
A. F. Baker,
C. C. Rotx,
Demoo ratio.
David H Myent.
William Wink.
I alno hereby make Known and ,'ive notice,
that the place of holding the aforesaid election
In the several boroughs aud townships within
said countv are as follows, to wit:
The Electors of Ayr township to meet at the
Public School House near Webster Mills.
The Electors of Bethel township to meet at
the Public School House at Wurfordsburg, in
said townships
The FJectors of Belfast township to meet ut
the place lately fixed for said purpose, to wit:
The frame building near u the lute residence
of DennlHsMellott.
The Electors of Brush Creek township to
meet at tin- place latel fixed for said purpose,
to wit: the carpenter shop of C. C. Mellon, at
Emmavllle. In said township
The Electors of Dublin township to meet In
East room on tlrst floor of building nearly n
posite M. S Wilt 's Hotel, ou luuds.of said Wilt
In Fort Llttleton-
The Electors of Licking Creek township to
meet at the place lately Uxed for that purpose,
to wit: John G. Metxler s hotel, Harrisonvllle
The Electors of Taylor township to meet at
the place lately fixed for thut purpose, to wit:
J. W. Cutchull s store room, in said township
The Electors of Tod township to meet ul the
Douglas School House. In said township -
The Electors of Thompson township to meet
at Centre School House, No. In said town
ship The Electors of McConnellsburg liorough to
meet at the place lately tlxed for that purjMme.
tp wit: The Commissioners' office ut the Court
House In said Borough
The Electors of Union township to meet at
the place lately tlxed for said purpose, to wit:
George Screlver's carpenter shop. nearGeorge
Schelrompf 's store, in said township -
The FJectors of Wells township to meet at
the school house, ueur lhe Methodist church.
In said township.
J very person excepting Justice of the Peace
who shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust under the Government of the
United Slates or of this State, or of any city
or Incorporated district, whet hern commission
ed officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or
agent, who Is. or shall be. employed under the
legislative, executive or judiciary department
of this State or of the United States, or of any
oil v or Incoi-uoi ateddihti ict. and also thai every
member of Congress and of the State Legisla
ture, and of the select or common council of
any city, or commissioners of any incorporated
(tlvirtct. is ny taw meapanie or homing or exer
olslng, at the same time, the office or tippotM
ment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk of any elee-
tion oi tnis common weaim; ami no inspector
Judge, or other officer of any such election.
shall be eligible to any office to be then voted
for, except that ot an election omeer.
Every male cltlxen twenty-one years of age
possessing the following qualifications, shall be
entitled to vote at all elections; First, he shall
have been a oltlzenof the United Statesat least
month. Second, lie shall have resided in
the Stat e one year lor If. having previously becu
a qualified elector or native born citizen of the
Mate, he shan nave removeu tiiereirom ami re
turned, within six mouths) Immediately preced
ing the election. Third. He shall have resided
In the election district where he shall offer to
vote at leust two mouths Immediately preced
ing the election. Fourth, If twenty-two years
of age or upwards he shall have paid within
two years a Slate or County lux. which shall
have been assessed ut least two months aud
paid at leastone month before the election. -State
Constitution, Article VIII, Section. 1.
Given under my hand, at my office, In the
borouuh of Mc 'nnnelNburg. the aoth day of
October. A. D. RNIh, and of the Independence of
the United States, the one hundred and
More Alert, More Thorough and
More Fearless Than Ever.
Read In Every English Speaking Country
A President of the United StateB will
be elected this year. Who is he ami
who is the man whom he will beat V
Nobody yet knows, but the Thrice-a-Week
edition of the New York World
will tell you every step and every de
tail of what promises to be a campaign
of the most absorbing interest. It may
not tell you what you hope, but it will
tell you what is. The Thrtoe-a-Week
World long ago established a charac
ter for impartiality and fearlessness
in the publication of news, and this it
will maintain. If you want the news
as it really 1b, subscribe to theThrlce-a-Week
edition of the York
World, which comes to you every oth
er day exuept Sunday, and is thus
practically a daily at the price of a
regular subscription price is only 11. 00
per year, and this pays for 156 papers.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
together for one year for 11.75.
The regular subscription price of
the two papers is 92.00.
KILLthi cough
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
Now Discovery
HIM aT -vyvno ana a u.oo.
v V'OLDa Trial Bottle Free
mknfmf;nt to the conbtitct.
tion fkopohed to tik citi-
SYLVANIA, pruLisiir.n BY order
Proponing amendment to the ConHtltu
tlnn of the Commomvenlth of Pennsyl
vania ao aa to consolidate the courts of
common pleas of Philadelphia and Alle
gheny counttea, and to atve the Qeneral
Assembly power to establish a separAte
court In Philadelphia county, with crim
inal and miscellaneous Jurisdiction.
Section 1. Re It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives In Qenenl
Aasembly met. That the following- amend
ments to the Constitution of Pennsylva
nia be. and the same are hereby, pro
posed In accordance with the elffhtoenth
article thereof:
That section six of article five he amend
ed by striking out tho said section and
Inserting; In place thereof the following:
Section ft. In the counties of Philadel
phia and Allegheny all the Jurisdiction
and powers now vested In the several
numbered courts of common pleus, shall
be vested In one court of common pirns
In each of aald count lea, romposed of all
the Judges In commission In said courts.
Buch Jurisdiction and powers shall ex
tend to all proceedings at law and In
equity which shall have been Instituted
In the several numbered courts, and shall
be aubject to such changes as my be
made by law, and subject to change of
venue as provided by law. The president
Judga of each of the snid courts shall be
selected as provided by law. The number
of Judges In each of said courts may be,
by law, Increased from time to time. This
amendment ahull take effect on the first
Monday of January succeeding its adop
tion. Section 2. That article five, section
eight, be amended by mnklng an addition
thereto so that the same shall read as
follows :
Section I. The said courts In the coun
ties of Philadelphia nnd Allegheny re
spectively shall, from time to time. In
turn, detail one or more of their Judges
to hold the courts of oyer and terminer
and the courts of quarter sessions of the
peace of said counties. In such manner ns
may be directed by law: Provided, That
In the county of Philadelphia the General
Aasembly shall have power to establish
a sepnrate court, consisting of not more
than four Judges, which shall have ex
clusive Jurisdiction In criminal cases and
In such other matters as may be provid
ed by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing an amendment to tho Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, allowing
counties, cities, boroughs, townships,
school districts, or other municipal or
Incorporated districts, to Increase their
Bo It resolved by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania In General Assembly
met. That section eight, article nine, of
toe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read
ing as follows:
"Section 8. The debt of any county,
city, borough, township, school district,
or other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any such municipality
or district Incur any new debt or Increase
Its indebtedness to an amount exceeding
two per centum upon such assessed valu
ation of property, without the assent of
the electors thereof at a public election,
in such manner as shall be provided by
law; but any city, the debt of which now
exceeds seven per centum of such as
sessed valuation, may be authorized by
law to increase the same three per cen
tum, in the aggregate, at any one time,
upon such valuntlon," be amended, In ac
cordance with the provisions of the eight
eenth article of said Constitution, so that
said section, when amended, shall read
as follows:
Section 8. The debt of any county, city,
borough, township, school district, or
other municipality or incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed ten per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any such municipality
or district Incur any new debt or in
crease Us Indebtedness to an amount ex
ceeding two per centum upon such as
sessed valuation of property without the
assent of the electors thereof ut a public
election, In such manner as shall be pro
vided by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. Z.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing amendments to sections eight
and twenty-one of article four, sections
sleven and twelve of article five, sec
tions two, three, and fourteen of article
eight, section one of article twelve, and
sections two and seven of article four
teen, of the Constitution of Pennsylva
nia, and provldl. a schedule for carry
ing the amendments into effect.
Beutlon 1. Be It resolved by the Senate
nd House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly met. That the following
l proposed as amendments to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, In accordance with the provi
sions of the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment One To Article Four, Sec
tion Eight.
Section 2. Amend section sight of arti
cle four of the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, which reads as follows:
"He shall nominate and, by and with
the advice and consent of two-thirds of
all the members of the Senate, appoint a
Secretary of the Commonwealth and an
Attorney General during pleasure, a Su
perintendent of Public instruction for four
years, and such other officers of the Com
monwealth as he Is or may be authorised
by the Constitution or by law to appoint;
he shall have power to fill all vacancies
that may happen. In offices to which h
may appoint, during the recess of the
Senate, by granting commissions which
shull expire at ths end of their next ses
sion; he shall have power to fill any va
cancy that may happen, during the recess
ufi the Senate, In the office of Auditor
General, State Treasurer, Secretary of In
ternal Affairs or Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction, In a Judicial office, or In
any other elective office which he Is or
may be authorised to till; if the vacancy
shall happen during the lesslon of ths
Senate, tha Uuvsrtiur shall uumluut to
the Senate, before their nnal adjourn
ment, a proper person to fill said vucunoy;
but In any such case of vacaroy. In au
elective a person shull o chosen
to said ofnes at ths next general slsctlon,
unless ths vacancy shall happen within
tr.res calendar months Immediately pre
ceding such election. In which case t
election for said ofnee shall bs held at the
seoond succeeding general election. In
aotlng on executive nominations the Sen
ate shall sit with open dours. and. in con
tinuing or rejecting the nominations of
ths Governor, ths vote shall bs taken by
yeas and nays, and shall bs entered on
ths Journal," so as to read as follows.
lis shall nominate and, by and with ths
sdvlec and consent of two-thirds of all
ths -numbers of ,US Seuals, Appoint ft
Mecretsry of ths rofnrhbhWenHh ahd" aft
Attorney General during pleasure, a Su
perintendent of Public Instruction for
four years, and such othsr officers of the
Commonwealth as he Is or may he au
thorised by ths Constitution or by law
to appoint; he shall have power to fill all
vacsncles that may happen. In offices to
which he may sppolnt, during tha recess
of the Senate, by granting commissions
which shall expire at the end of their
next session; he shall have power to fill
any vacancy that may happen, during ths
recess of the Senate, In the office of Audi
tor General, Stats Treasurer, Secretary of
Internal Affairs or Superintendent of
Public Instruction, In a Judicial office, or
In any other elective office which he la or
may be authorised to fill; if tfce vacancy
shsll happen during the session of the
Senate, the Governor shall nominate to
the Senate, before their final adjourn
ment, a proper person to fill said va
cancy; but In any such case of vacancy.
In an elective office, a person shall be
chosen to said office on the next ehctlon
day appropriate to such office, according
to the provisions of this Constitution, un
less the vacancy shall happen within two
calendar months Immediately preceding
such election day, In which case the elec
tion for said office shall be held on the
second succeeding election day appro
priate to such office. Tn acting on ex
ecutive nominations the Senate shall sit
with open doors, and. In confirming or
rejecting the nominations of the Gov
ernor, ths vote shall be taken by yens
and nays, and shall bs entered on the
Amendment Two To Article Four. Sec
tion Twenty-one.
Section H. Amend section twenty-one of
article four, which reads as follows;
"The term of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi
tor General three years; and of the State
Treasurer two years. These officers shall
be chosen by the qusllfled electors of the
State at general elections. No person
elected to the office of Auditor General
or State Treasurer shall be capable of
holding the same office for two consecu
tive terms," so as to rend:
The terms of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs, the Auditor General, and the
State Treasurer shall each be four years;
and they shall he chosen by the qualified
electors of the Stste at general elections:
but a State Treasurer, elected In the year
one thousand nine hi and red and nine,
shall serve for three years, and his suc
cessors shall be elected at the general
election In the year one thousand nine
hundred and twelve, and In every fourth
year thereafter. No person elected to the
office of Auditor General or State Treas
urer shnll be capable of holding the same
office for two consecutive terms.
Amendment Three To Article Five. Sec
tion Eleven.
Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar
ticle five, which reads as follows:
"Except as otherwise provided In this
Constitution. Justices of the peace or
aldermen shnll be elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs and townships
at the time of the election of constables,
by the qualified electors thereof. In such
manner as shall be directed by law. and
shall be commissioned by the Governor
for a term of five years. No township,
ward, district or borough shall elect more
than two Justices of the peace or alder
men without the consent of a majority
of the qualified electors within such
township, ward or borough; no person
shall be elected to such office unless he
Shall have resided within the township,
borough, ward or district for one year
next preceding his election. In cities con
taining over fifty thousand Inhabitants,
not mors than one alderman shall be
elected In each ward or district." so as
to read:
Except as otherwise provided In this
Constitution, Justices of the peace or al
dermen shall he elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs or townships,
by the qualified electors thereof, at the
municipal election, in such manner as
shull be dlreoted by law, and shall be
commissioned by the Governor for a term
of six years. No township, ward, dis
trict or borough shall elect mure than
two Justices of the peace or uldermen
without the connent of a majority of the
qualified electors within such township.
ward or bo.-ough; no person shall be
elected to such office unless he shall have
resided within the township, borough,
ward or district for one year next pre
ceding his ejection. In cities containing
over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more
than one alderman shall be elected In
euch ward or district.
Amendment Four To ATtlcle Five, Sec
tion Twelve.
Section 6. Amend section twelve of ar
ticle five of the Constitution, which reads
as follows:
"In Philadelphia there shnll be estab
llshed, for each thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of police
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex
ceedlng one hundred dollars; such courts
shall be held by magistrates whose term
of office shull be five years, and they
shall be elected on general ticket by thf
qualified voters at large; and In the elec
tion of the said magistrates no voter
shall vote for more than two-thirds of
the number of persons to be elected when
more than one ere to be chosen; they
shnll be compensated only by fixed sala
ries, to be paid by suld county; nnd shnll
exercise such jurisdiction, civil and crlml
nal. except as herein provided, as la now
exercised by aldermen, subject to such
changes, not Involving an Increase of
civil Jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, as may he made by law. In
Philadelphia the office of ulderman is
abolished," so as to read as follows:
In Philadelphia there shall be estab
llshed, for each thirty thousand lnhith
Hants, one court, no of record, of police
and civil causes, with jurisdiction not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars; such courts
shall be held by magistrates whose ten
of office shall be six years, and they shall
be elected on general ticket nt the munlc
Ipal election, by the qualified voters at
large; and In the election of the sul
mntOatrntes no voter shall vote-for more
than two-thirds of the number of persouB
tp be elected when more than one are t
be chosen ; they shall be compensated
only by fixed salaries, to be paid by said
county; and shull exercise such Jurlsdlc
tlon, civil and criminal, except as herein
provided, us Is now exercised by alder
men, subject to such changes, not lnvolv
Ing an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or
conferring political duties, as may be
made by law. m Philadelphia ths ofllc
of alderman Is uboilshed.
Amendment Five To Article Eight. Sec
tion Two
Section 0. Amend section two of article
sight, which reads as follows:
"The general election shall be held an
nually on the Tuesday next following thi
first Monday of November, but the fjs-n
oral Assembly msy by law fix a different
day, two-thirds of all the members oi each
House consenting thereto," so as. to
The general election shull be held hlen
plally on the Tuesday next following tha
first Monday of November In each svsn
numbered year, but ths General Assembly
may oy law nx a different day, two
I h ! f , : Of nil fhd ...... I .... u . r U...
consenting thereto: Provided, That such
. ihmi bi.uii aiwuys ue field in an even
numbered year.
Amendment Six -To Article Eight, Sec
tlnn Thraa
Section 7. Amend section three of arg
ots sight, which reads as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, Uoraugh
nuu Lownsnip omcers, tor regular terms
of service, shall bo held on the third,
Auetiuuy of ru,ruary, so as to read:
All lUdlTtlS eliiCtnA hv tha nUclnra ,.f
Stats) at hal-aTai m I ha ttlmftA ml nlthiii
fensraf of municipal slectloo, s,g olrcuau
siimces may require. AU elections foi
iudSTes Of the OOUrla for th sauanal liMI
clal dlairlota m.n r,.i ...,,..,! ni ....
borough, and township ofjloers, for regu-
Him vi t-rvicu, snuii ue neia on
municipal siectlon day: namely, the Tues
dsy next following ths first Monday of
November In each odd-numbered year
but the General Assembly may by law
fix a different day. two-thirds of ull the
members of each House consenting there
U: Provided, That such election shall si
ways be held In an odd-numhrl vm-
Amendment Seven To Article Eighty ttft
iion rourisen.
Section I. Amend sectlun fDVsssap of s.r
tide eight, which readft as follows;
"District election, boards shall consist
f a Judge and two Inspectors, who snail
be chosen annually by ths ultlsuns- Each
fleet or shall hay ths rlgft. vot (y
tl-e Judga and An Inspector, and escn in
spector shall appoint ops clerk. The first
election hoard for any new district shall
be selected, and vacancies In election
boarde filled, as shsll be provided by law.
Election officers shall be privileged from
arrest upon days of election, and while
sngaged In making up and transmitting
returns, except upon warrant of a court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of the peace. In cities they may
claim exemptton from jury duty during
their terms of service," so as to read:
District election boards shall consist of
s Judge and two Inspectors, who shall be
chosen biennially, by the cltlsens at tha
municipal election; but the General As
sembly may require said boards to be ap
pointed In such manner as it may by law
provide. Laws regulating the nppotnt
ment of said Imards mny be enacted to
apply to cities only: Provided, That such
laws be uniform for cities of the same
olsss. Each elector shall have the right
to vots for the Judge and one Inspector.
snd each Inspector shall appoint one
clerk. The first election board fur any
new district shall be selected, and vacan
cies In siectlon boards filled, as shall bs
provided by law. Election officers shall
be privileged from arrest upon days of
election, and while engaged In making up
and transmitting returns, except upon
warrant of n court of record, or Judge
thereof, for an election frsud, for felony,
or for wanton breach of the penes. In
cities they may claim exemption fnm
Jury duty during their terms of service.
Amendment Eight To Article Twelve,
Section One.
Section 9. Amend section one, artlcla
twelve, which reads as follows:
"All officers, whose selection Is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall be
elected or appointed as may be directed
by law," so as to read:
All officers, whose selection is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall b
elected or appointed as may be directed
by law: Provided, That elections of State
officers shall be held on a general election
day, and elections of local officers shall
be held on a municipal election day, ex
cept when, In either case, special elec
tions may be required to fill unexpired
Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen,
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of article
fourteen, which reads as follows;
"County officers shall be elected at the
general elections and shall hold their
offices for the term of three years, begin
ning on the first Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified; alt
vacancies not otherwise provided for,
shall be 'filled In such manner as may bs
provided by law." so as to read:
County officers shall he elected at ths
municipal elections and shall hold their
offices for the term of four years, begin
ning on the first Monday of Jsnuary
next after their election, snd until their
successors shall be duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for,
shall be filled In such manner as may bs
provided by law.
Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen,
Section Seven.
Section 11. Amend section seven, arti
cle fourteen, which reads us follows:
"Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall he elected In each
county where such officers tire chosen.
In the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-five nnd every third year
thereafter; nnd In the election of said
officers each qualified elector shall vote
for no more than two persons, and the
three persons having the highest number
of votes ihall be elected; any casual va
cancy in the office of county commis
sioner or county auditor shall be filled,
by the court of common pleas of ths
county In which such vacancy shall oc
cur, by the appointment of an elector of
the proper county who shall have voted
for the commissioner or auditor whose
place Is to be. filled." so as to read:
Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall be elected In each
county where such officers are chosen, in
the year one thousand nine hundred and
eleven and every fourth year thereafter;
and In the election of said officers each
qualified elector shall vote for no mors
than two persons, and the three persons
having the highest number of votes shall
be elected; any casual vacancy In ths
office of county commissioner or county
auditor shall be filled, by the court of
common pleas of the county In which
such vacancy shall occur, by the ap
pointment of an elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for the
commissioner or auditor whose place la
to be filled.
Schedule for the Amendments.
Section 12. That no Incnnvenlencs may
arise from the changes In the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth, and In order
to carry the same Into complete opera
tion. It Is hereby declared, that
In the case of off)cers elected by the
people, all terms of office fixed by act of
Assembly at an odd number of years
shall each be lengthened one year, but
ths Legislature may change the length of
the term, provided the terms for which
such officers are elected shall always be
for an even number of years.
The above extension of official terms
shall not affect officers elected at the gen
eial election of one 'thousand nine hun
dred and eight; nor any city, ward, bor
ough, township, or election division offi
cers, whose terms of office, under exist
ing law, end In the year one thousand
nine hundred and ten.
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and ten the municipal election shall be
held on the third Tuesday of February,
as heretofore; but all officers chosen at
that election to an office the regular term
of which Is two years, and also all elec
tion officers and assessors chosen at that
siectlon, shall serve until the first Mon
day of December in the year one thou
sand nine hundred and eleven. All offi
cers chosen at that election to offices the
term of which Is now four years, or la
made four years by the operation of these
emendments or this schedule, shall serve
until the first Monday of December In
the year one thousand nlns hundred and
thirteen. AU Justices of the peace, mag
istrates, and aldermen, chosen at that
lection, shall serve until ths first Mon
day of December In the year one thou
sand nine hundred and fifteen. After the
year nineteen hundred and ten, and until
the Legislature shall otherwise provide,
ell terms of city, ward, borough, town
ship, and election division officers shall
begin on ths first Monday ot Deoember
In an odd-numbered year.
All city, ward, borough, ens) township
officers holding offloe at ths date of the
approval of these amendments, whoss
terms of office may end in the year ne
thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall
contlnus to hold thetr offices until the
first Monday of December of that year.
All Judges of ths courts for the several
Judicial districts, and also all county offi
cers, holding office at the date of the ap
proval of these amendments, whoss terwie
of office may end In the year one thou
sand nlre hundred and eleven, anell con
tinue to hold their offices until the fire.
Monday of January, one thousand nlaa
hundred and twelve.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. ft.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
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