The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 15, 1908, Image 2

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    tAf Est news
An automobile containing Mrs.
. alter Boreman. of the Island of
Tencrlffo; Lady Sutton and Herbert
Ataley. of London, turned turtle near
Boston because their chauffeur was
forced to sneeze.
Fire of unknown origin destroy
ed the plant of the Greater New York
Metallic Bed Company In the bust
nets section of Philadelphia, entail
ing a loss estimated at 150,000.
Two dwellings In Philadelphia col
lapsed as the result of an explosion
which occurred several years ago.
One person was killed and soveral
were Injured.
The cruiser Yankee, ashore on
Hen and Chicken shoals. Is being bat-
Two American Aeronauts Fall About
4,000 Feet
Great Britain, France, Germany, tbo
United States and Othsr Nations Re
presented in F.vent at Berlin 80.000
People Horror -frirken When the
American Balloon Conqueror Bursts.
Berlin (By Cable). The interna
tional balloon race, which startod
Sunday from the suburbs of Scbmar
gendorf, was the occasion of a thrill
ing accident, two American aoro
nuuts having a narrow escape from
death. Tho American balloon Con
queror, the only American built craft
tend by heavy seas and It Is now ,n conte.t. having on board A.
1 i ' v 1 1 i 1 1 it . will uu imjwv
save her.
Workmen at the Shonango Mills,
at Newcastle. Pis., may resent the
Holland Forbes and Augustus Post,
less than two minutes after the
start, burst at an altitude of 4,000
plan of tho Steel Corporation to t For 2,000 feet It shot down
. . . i in ....... ,. .... ..... t11n
mil in me mill uuru uuiu .
Greer 11 Ills.
The federal building and a num
ber of other buildings at Carrabelle.
Fla.. were destroyed by a fire, the
loss being estimated at $100,000.
The wireless telegraph station on
Russian Hill. San Francisco, was In
uninterrupted communication with
Honolulu, 2,200 miles distant.
Regist ration in New York City for
the first three days shows a marked
falling off as compared with that of
four years ago.
The Pittsburg Buffalo Coal Com
pany closed what is said to be the
largest coal contract ever made, with
the M. A. Hannn Company.
Tho commute of tho International
Tuberculosis Congress awarded a
number ( prizes to Maryland insti
tutions. Tha South Mountain Iron Com
pany's stove manufacturing plan' at
Pine Brow, Pa., was destroyed by
Tho bones of five bodies were
found In the ruins of the elovator
that was burned Friday in Ulchford,
Sixty well-developed cases of
measles have been reported to the
health department, Chamborsburg.
Tho Water Works Department of
Augusta, G., Is fully restored for
the first time since August 26.
Re. John Costello has been plac
ed In charge of St. Mary's Episco
pal Church at Waynesboro, Pa.
At Delta, Pa., William Bennington
killed his wife with a shotgun and
then committed suicide.
A negro was lynched by a mob
at Younker, Ga. He had committed
a series of murders.
There Is no promise of early set
tlement of the shoe lasters' strike at
Lynn, Mass.
Five new cases of cholera are re
ported In Manila.
To perpetuate the memory of the
51 patriotic women of Edenton, N.
C, who first defied the mother coun
try in October, 1774, by declining
to use any more tea, a bronze tablet
was dedicated to them by the Daugh
ters of tho American Revolution.
While riding on a Chicago and
Western Indiana Railroad freight
train at Nlnety-tlrst Street, Chicago,
Garrett Kelly, a locomotive fireman,
was killed almost instantly by a shot,
fired aimlesbly in the dark, it Is be
lieved. Angered because of a news Item
printed in the Morrill News, Perry
Rover, marshal of Morrill. Kan., shot
and killed J. H. Schmucker, editor
of the News, and then committed
su Iclde.
Judge Heaton. of the Superior
Court, at Fort Wayne, Ind., holds
that the letters "O. K." written on
the back of an order for money and
having a signature under them mean
"all right" and are equivalent to an
Judge Pike, of Reno, Nev., refused
to grant a divorce to Virginia Harn
ed, the wife of E. H. Sotliern.
A contest over the million dollar
estate of Joseph F. Greenough, of
Boston, claimed by three women, has
been settled out of court.
Mrs. Flora Avery, of South Dako-
llke a bullot. and then the torn silk
assumed the shape of a parachute,
' and tho rapidity of tho descent was
checked. Coming closo to earth,
i however, the basket smashed Into
the roof of a house, but the two
men oscapinl with but slight injurios.
The race In which 23 balloons
i participated, representing Oreut Brlt
lan, France, Germany, the United
States, Italy, Belgium and Spain,
. started at 3 P. M. in the presence
' of at least 80,000 spectators. The
. sunshine was brilliant and the heat
i was that of summer. Amid the
trains of "America" and a volley
of cheers, tho first balloon was sent
1 sway. It was the America II., under
command of James C. McCoy, who
was accompanied by Lieutenant
J Voghmann. The balloon was decorat
j td with the Stars and Stripes, and
' It sailed away to the southeast at
a rapid pace, the aeronauts waving
their hats.
A representative of each of tho
other nations followed the American
balloon In succession, at Intervals of
two minutes, the national hymn ot
I he respective countries ringing forth
as the ropes were cast loose.
A Cry Of Horror.
I The second batch of eight balloons
was led by Forbes, in the Conqueror,
j which was started with some dlffl
, culty, owing to a gusty wind and too
much ballast. But eventually it shot
up and reached a high altitude in an
. Incredibly short period, tho basket
! swaying violently. Then, almost in
stantly, a cry of horror arose from
I the crowd, who saw the silk collapse
, and shouted: "The balloon is rlp
' ping up!"
The thousands who had gathered
, there stood for a moment petrified.
1 Some turned away, fainting, as they
saw tho balloon falling with llght
nlngllke rapidity. At the same tlmo
showers of sand and appurtenances
of the balloon shot downward with
! equal rapidity and then daylight was
seen through the envelope, great
ragged edges of the silk showing
on either side.
"They are killed," went in a hush
ed whisper through tho crowd, but
I Bhortly the remainder of the envelope
: appeared to take, first, a triangular
; shape and then was transformed Into
; a Bort of parachute at tho top of the
j not and the progress of the wrecked
balloon was considerably arrested.
It came down slower and slower,
meanwhile being swept by the wind,
! far to the southeast, and finally dis
appeared from view behind a block
of houses. The suspense among the
: crowds was terrible. But a few
minutes later a telephone message
j was received from Friedenau, which
1 announced that the men had landed
and had not boon seriously injured.
I A sigh of relief went up and people
threw their hats In the air for Joy.
I The other balloons were 3enl up,
after a brief delay, without further
Forbes' .Story.
A. Holland Forbes who appeared
Roof Sails Skyward and Firebrands
Rain on City.
Rtchford, Vt. (Special). WKh a
concuslon which shook the entire
village, a large grain elevator, hav
ing a capacity of 600,000 bushels,
exploded, causing tho death of 11
workmen and 2 women. The ex
plosion blew off the entire roof of
the building, scattering Umbers In
all directions, and almost distantly
flames burst out all over the struc
ture. Twenty-one men wero employ
ed In the building, of whom 11 are
missing and undoubtedly periahod.
All lived In Rlchford.
Mrs. John Jellfore. who was walk
ing with a companion along the Ca
nadian Pacific Railroad track close
to the elevator, and an unknown
woman who (was with hor, were
burned to death.
The elevator was owned Jointly by
tho Canadian Pacific and Boston and
Maine Railroads, and was occupied
by the Quaker Oats Company, of
Chicago. The amount of grain it
contained was very largo. Tho flames,
which are supposed to have been
startod by spontaneous combustion
Horse With Shoe Missing Key to
the Mystery.
Ora Lee Found on Road With Two
Bullets In Her Head -Was to Wed
Guy Rasor-Uorse, With Shoe Gone,
Found la Stable of Rssor Police
Bold Him.
Wadsworth, O. (Special). With
unusual energy the police authorities
are endeavoring to unravel the mys
tery of the murder of Ora Lee, 21
years old, a handsome factory girl,
whose body, pierced by two bullets,
was found on the road between
WadBworth and the hamlet of Cust
ard Hook.
Guy Rasor, the man whom Miss
Lee was to have married. Is detain
ed by the police pending develop
ments In an Investigation. Rasor
denies all knowledge of the tragedy,
and In support of his denial exhibits
a marrlaaje license procured at Woos-ter.
The body of the young woman
was found bv Charles RaBor. n cousin
In tho dry rust of the grain, spread of Guy RMOr, as he passed along
so qmcKiy tnat me umitea uro ap
aratus of the village was of no avail.
Nothing could prevent tho entire
destruction of the elevator and Its
Tho heat set fire to a flour shed
Government Awarded Right To Ap
peal Its Case.
Philadelphia (Special). Judges
Dallas. Gray and Bufflngton, of the
United States Circuit Court, handed
down an order allowing the govern
ment to appeal from the decision of
the court In the suit of the United
States in the matter of constitution
ality of the "commodities clause" ot
the Hepburn rate bill.
Counsel for both the government
and the defendant coal roads will pe
tition the Supreme Court of the
United States to give this case prece
dence over all other on account of
lis great Importance.
The assignment of errors upon
which the appeal was allowed are
about 10 In number and were filed
by L. Allison Wllmer, Bpecial as
sistant to Attorney General Bona
parte, and by District Attorney J.
Whltakcr Thompson.
It Is contended that the Circuit
Court erred In holding that the
"clause" Is not a valid exorcise of
the powers of Congress under the
Contitutlon, as to the regulation of
commerce, and that the measure
or uuy ivusur u- mm ' would deprive the railroads of their
the road In the early hours of the ,. ... . . , ,.,
day. Two bullets had entered the
girl's skull, one piercing the fore-!
head, while the second crashed
through between tho eye and nose.
No nositive motive for the mur-
neHr me elevator anu toe snea, io- jer of the pretty young woman nas
get her with 75 freight cars standing
near it, were burned.
Tho wreckage and flro blocked the
tracks of the Canadian Pacific Rail
road completely for many hours, so
It was necestary for trains to make
a detour by way of Sherbrooke. Que.
The total lose Is estimated at
yet come to light. The band ot
farmers, led by Marshal Brlcker, that
hurried to the scene of the murder
as Boon as word of the tragedy was
received, met Guy Rasor on the road
walking toward Wadsworth.
The police theory Is that Miss
Lee was killed while riding in a bug
gy with a male friend. The princi
pal clew that led to the detention
of Guy Rasor Is the fact that along
the road where the murder was corn-
Walls of Burning Elevator GollapHo mitted are plainly seen the tracks
In Buffalo. ' of. a horse with one shoe mlsBing.
I An examination of the stables at the
Buffalo, N. Y. (Special). One fire- Rasor home disclosed the fact that
man was killed and eight injured one of Rasor's horses has a shoe
In the collapse of the burning walla missing from one of its front feet.
, it , , i . , Rasor refuses any explanation con-
of a small grain elevator on Broad- featJe ofl the He
way. The elevator and a flour and declares he can prove an alibi.
feed mill, owned by A. Nowak & Another police theory Is that a
17 .VJLT a a Tif . "-"8 rival tor inc anecuon m n m power to regulate commerce between
ui uuuui ti,u. itiav have shot t ie c r on learning . ,. . , vi.i. i
- . . , , in, nmirs, i-iim i mw nuiiii iimum
property without due process of law.
It Is aUo contended that the court
was wrong In declaring the law dis
criminative and a prohibition, and
not a regulation of interstate com
merce. Judge Bufflnglon filed his opinion
dissenting from the decision of Judges
Gray and Dallas, who declared the
commodities clause to bo unconstitu
tional. Judge Bufllnglon quotes and
Indorses tho words of Chief JiiBtlce
Marshall, who In an opinion said:
"The question whether a law be
void for Its repugnancy to the Con
stitution Is, at all times, a question
of much delicacy, which ought seldom,
if ever, to be decided In the affirma
tive in a doubtful case."
The opinion says that the prior ac
tion of any state in authorizing car
riers to own manufactories or mines
can In no way detract from the pow
er of Congress to thereafter regulate
interstate commerce. "Manifestly,"
he says, "such purchase under state
authority created no obligation or
contract on the part of Congress that
It never would, In pursuance of Its
Turkey Sends Four Warships to a
Greek Island.
Remsrkable Realignment In Europe as
the Result of Vthat Is Declared to
Be a Secret Conspiracy Interesting
Game of Diplomatic Strategy De
monstration of Servians.
marriage to
me dead fireman was Joseph 0f ner appronching
ociieuuamraer. Rasor.
The elevator burned fiercely for Miss Lee left Wadsworth ostenBi-
over an hour before the firemen got Dlv to prepare for her wedding. When
the upper hand. Then two compau- the bodv was found the hands were
ies were sent through the windows folded over her breast and the legs
on the third floor to drench the straightened out as If the corpse had
Bmoulderlng Interior. The last man been carefully arranged after death,
had no more crawled off tho ladders The girl's suitcase was on the ground
when the oposlte wall collapsed, hurl- beside her. Her handbag was still
restrict carriers from the Interstate
carriage of their own products. In
effect, it would place In each stnte
a veto on the power to regulate con
ferred on the United States.
Vienna (By Cable). War between
Austria-Hungary and Servla Is a re
cognized possibility, although It is
believed here that It will be averted.
King Peter Is in a difficult position
on account of the clamor of tho
Servians for war, particularly since
his tenure on the throne never has
been very safe.
The Austrlans, on their part, have
a new feeling of national enterprise
on account of the forward movement
in the annexation of Bosnia and Her
zegovina, and would be more ready
for further adventures now than
they were a week ago. That the
government recognizes tho possibili
ty; the military precautions In Hun
gary show. All the bridges over the
Save and the Danube near the Servi
an frontier are strongly guarded by
patrols, and four Danube River mon
itors were concentrated at Budapest.
The government explains that this
maneuver was planned sometime ago,
but the Austrlans would have Bel
grade at the mercy of their guns
If that were necessary.
The newupapers contain warnings
to Servla. The Wiener Tagblatt
says: "The next few days will b!iow
whether official Servia Joins In this
game of bluff. If It wishes to make
a declaration of 'bankruptcy, that can
Boon be managed. The people of
Belgrade must not forget that when
once the mischief has begun there
can be no pardon."
The Die Ziet says: "Servia seems
to be drifting Into nn ndventure, it
cannot be warned loo strongly
against this error. Servia can, under
certain circumstances, lose Its Inde
pendence." Other Vienna papers Bay thnt the
sleepy days of Goluchowskl hnve
gone und that Von Aehronthal is not
to be trifled with.
Berlin ( Ry Cable). A special dis
patch to the Lokal Anzeiger from
Budapest says that four Austrian
monitors proceeded down the Dan
ube. All passengers coming from
Fervla by railroad are compelled to
show their passports at tho frontier
before entry into Austria.
ing the entire two companies to the
ground In a mass of shattered tim
bers. Schellhammcr was taken out
Willed $50,000 To Dry Party.
Chicago (Special). The Prohibi
tion national party Is to receive $50,
000 to carry on its work against the
liquor traffic, according to announce
ment made from the Chicago head
quarters. The fund probably will
not be available for this campaign.
The bequest was made by Dr.
Charles E. Latimer, of New York,
who died at Palm Beach, Fla., Sep
tember 20.
on her right wrist, and In her left
hand she clutched a handkerchief.
There was no evidence of a struggle
A hundred yards from the body
tracks In the duBt Indicated where a
horse and buggy had been hitched
to the fence.
Rasor apparently Is bowed with
grief. He declares the last time he
Incendiary Reaped Grim Harvest in
New York.
ta, who had not seen her daughter to be little the worse for his ex--for
Id years, met her in court in perlence except that he was Buffering
New York City. somewhat from shock, gave a thrlll-
Bartels, Thelen & Co., of Boston, ! Ing account of the accident,
and Chelsea, made an assignment, I "We had some difficulty." he said,
with liabilities between $400,000 "in getting away, but once wo left
und $500,000. ' the Bround everything seemed right.
ni! mouu'eu aim"1 pei p'-uun uui i iv
to an altitude of 4.000 feet. As I
looked at tho recording Instrument
The Chicago and Alton Railroad
has ordered 1.000 cars rrom the
Standard Steel Car Company, of
E. H. Harriman Is to rinirganlze
the Gould Interests in Pittsburg and
place L. F. Loroe in control.
FUty studen'B were hurt In a class
niBh at tho Bennett Cotlagf of Modi
cine and Surgery , Chicago.
J . M. Brown and sister, of St.
Earl Of Ilosslyn Weds Again.
London (By Cablo). The Earl
of Rosslyn, who last year was di
vorced by his second wife, who was
a Miss Anna Robinson, of New York,
Thursday entered upon a third mat
rimonial venture. He was married
in a registry office to Vera Bayley,
the daughter of an ex-offlcor of Lancers.
New York (Special). Eleven per
sons were killed, more than a dozen
saw his fiance was Wednesday night. Injured and 30 more escaped death
when they went driving.
American Fishermen And Canadlun
Officers In Combat.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. (Special),
i A fight with rifles between Ameri
can fishermen and Canadian officers
is said to have taken place on Lake
Superior, opposite Whlteflsh Point.
Boats arriving at the Canadian Soo
tell of seeing the trouble at a dis
tance. Local Canadian officers ad
mit hearing of the affair, but decline
to discuss it. Americans are said
to have been fiBhlng In Canadlau
waters at this end of the lake for
some time and soveral days ago of
ficers weit to the scene to" make a
seizure. It Is reported that the fish
ermen escaped.
by the narrowest margin In the Incen.
diary fire which wrecked the tene
ment house at 71 Mulberry Street.
That a deliberate attempt was
made to destroy the house and Its
occupants as well, the police and fire
men do not doubt. Three barrels
stuffed with rubbiBh soaked with oil
j were blazing fiercely In the lower
UU1., V I, l llllf. U1L lilt (,DI.UtC W 1 lll.
GO or more persons who were sleep
ing on the upper floors. Some of
these died in their beds overcome
by smoke and then caught by the
flames. Others, who had been arous
ed too late, fell unconscious before
they could reach a window and were
burned to death, scarcely an arm's
length from safety. Many were In
jured by Jumping from upper win
dows to the street or by being crush
ed as they fought for positions of
safety on the choked fire-escapes.
Louis, wero lost In th
of Mexico for two days.
1- oreign
The Paris Temps expresses the hope
that Great Britain will give Russia
satisfaction in the matter ol the
Reported In Rome that the Abr iz-
zi-Eikius engagement is off, owing to
Mian Hiking' refusal to change her
M. Geraslmoff, a socialist member
of tho firs. Douina, was arrested In
St. I'otersburg, charged with endeav
oring to organize u strike by the
employes of the city street car lines.
The couctltutlouality of tbo law
prohibiting corporations from con
tiibutlng lo campaign lunda Is being
I. sled In the United States Dis.rict
Court In Honolulu.
to make a note of the altitude, I
heard a peculiar swish and said to
Post 'that sounds dangerous.' Im
mediately I enw that tho envelope
was rapidly deflating, tha gas escap
ing in clouds. Instantly I throw the
appaodlx cleur of the basket and the
ropes, and, drawing my Jacknlfe, cut.
the ropes that were attached to the
19 hags of sand hanging around tin'
"PobI in tho meantime threw over
every thing portable. We could see.
DOWQVar, that we were falling more
rapidly than some of the ejected
articles. But later, when the descent
of tho balloon was checked, we ob
served one bag of sand fall Into a
baby carriage, which war. smashed
to pieces, bu', unfortunately, the
nurso snatched out the baby and
!iaved Its life."
i 'miM-d By A Sneeze.
Lenox, Mass. (Special I. Because
j tholr chuuffour was forced to sneeze
i und lost control of h:s machine, an
! automobile party, consist lug of lira.
! Wulter Boroman. of the Island of
Tenerlffe; Lady Sutton end Herbert
Al.iley, of London, who were en route
from Lenox to the villa of J. Mai-
The cholera situation is reported i colm Forbes, of Boston, shot over a
he under' control In St. Peters- i Ihreo-foot embankment at Palmer.
in 'Inc tu rn.-'l turtle und tlie
1 sea u d i rom rerlous accident
because the machine Hhot clear of
the embankment
Only 72 new rases and 37 dea'.hs
from rholera were reported In St.
rotcrburz for the past 24 hours.
At a stockholders' meeting of the
rn ml Trunk Railroad the managi -maul
of the company waa nevorely
a. tacked.
Tho torpedo supply ship Solace
sal ltd from Honolulu for aiuoa on
By, having been delayed by Uro
iu ber coal buukers.
Twenty-live uvruons wore drowned 1 the West V rgiuia. Maryland. Pennsyl
t.j (lie result of the foundering of j vautu and South Dekota, with tor
ta French fishing schooner Juniata 1 pedo ties' royers Terry, Preble, Stuart
ci the Uraad Bauku. I rnd Hull will arrive here Tuesday
ti, 'n.rfL.. Pyift Ttaiiwuv I.. ''he Teuuessafl. Washington and
,.,, ,,! i, ... ,.r ,h.. , .,' '"Hlfornla. w'th the Truxton.
... ud dluhsrd th. kins ond Whlnple. are threo dayr
vtrtkesraaksrs. behind, and will arrive Fr( lay
Pacific Fleet lie turning
Honolulu ( Uy Cable). A wlrolesi
teleyruin ha.i boon received hero fron'
near Admiral Sxlnburne, command
ing tbo Paclflc fleet returning Trow
its cruico to Samoa with torpedo boat
i cVotroyerB In tow, announcing that
I ., . , . ,: 1 , W I .. I I, I
London has sold this week about
175,000 shares of American stocks
Nlplsslng's output now has climb
ed well above $100,000 a month.
Ten years ago the average freight
train on the Reading carried l'J'i
tons. Last year the average load
was 4f7 tons.
Last year the Pensylvanla Rail
road paid In taxes $3,979,000 and
the New Haven & Hartford $3,593,
000. A committee of three shareholders
has been appointed to audit the books
of the Monica Mines Company and
to prepare a plan of roorgaulzation.
Railroad officials say tho number
of idle cars Is steadily decreasing.
Tho chief demand for cars comes
from the West.
The great Roosevelt drainage tun
nel at Cripple Creek is in 3,500 feet
and progressing at tho rate of eleven
feet a day.
Twenty-seven railroads have re
ported an average gain of 1 per cent,
in net earnings for tho last week
of September.
The three metals silver, copper
and lead show little or no tendency
to advance. Indeed, lead Is on tho
decline and has boon for some time.
Owing to the strained situation
In Euro pa, the fact that tlie Bank of
K n gland did not Increase its discount
rata, was looked upon as encourag
ing. Output of the Nevada Consolidated
of My In August was 800,000 pounds
of copper and of tho Cumberland Ely
100,000 pounds. September output
tor the two was 1,300,000 pounds.
Northern f'aciflo directors declar
ed tho regular quartorly dlvldond of
1 per cent. There has been a
good dt ad af gosjlp recently to the
offoct that an extra dividend would
bo paid.
Speculation in the Nevada mining
s'ocks is dull. Some brokers say It
will not Improve much until somo
"f tho compuoies begin to pay dlvl
dunds, If that tlmo over comes. Tho
numbor of dlvldond payors In Tono-
nah. Ooldfltld, Searchlight, Rhyollte,
flawhlde and Manhattan is very
small, ludeed.
Northern Pacific earned last year
12 per cent, on Its raplal stock,
ir orLrnlngs this year are no larger,
ajtd tboy procilue to be smaller, the
mm .earned will not much oxcoed
7 per cent., owing to the Increase
iB the capltbl stock.
James J. Hill used to say that 60
per cent, of fross earnings was
enough to pay for operating expen
. Northern Pacific last year re
quired 5$ por cent. This is far
.ielow the ratio of most Eastorn
altroads. But Mr. Hill's method is
not to charge oven small Improve
ments to oreraUons
Irefers Death To Bride.
Philadelphia (Special). Rather
than marry the young woman of his
choice, though arrangements had
been completed and the license ob
tained, John Fitzpatrlck tried to end
his life with gas, but his chance for
recovery Is said to be good. The
marriage was postponed a year ago,
from time to time, because Fitzpat
rlck believed he did not love the
young woman well enough to be
come her husband, until he finally
became despondent.
Wild Demonstration At The King's
Palace Becomes Threatening,
Belgrade (By Cable). Tho clamor
for war with Austria-Hungary be
cause of the occupation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina is growing here
constantly and scenes of wild en-
huslasm are being witnessed on the
streets of Belgrade.
A mob of demonstrators forced
Its way to the precincts of the palace
and demanded to see King Peter.
The attitude of the crowd was so
threatening that troops and gen
darmes finally had to be called out.
They surrounded tho palace and had
o charge several times before the
war-fevered patriots would disperse.
Great crowds again surrounded
the paluce at night, shouting for war
and calling for the King to appear.
i'lnnlly King Peter, accompanied by
the Crown Prince, came to the bal
cony and Implored the people not to
cause disturbances. Ho Bald:
"Trus; me and my government.
Both will do their duty."
The crowd cheered the King, but
continued to shout "War with Aus
Boy Kills A Bear.
Winchester, Va. (Special). After
a lively fight 'with a big black bear
on Massannuten Mountain, u spur
of the Blue Ridge, In Shenandoah
County, Linden Allen, a young man
of Mount JackBOU, killed the beast
with a shotgun. Allen was squirrel
hunting when the bear Bprang out
of the undergrowth and attacked
him, after knocking over his dog
with ono of Its paws. The bear
was almost on Allen when the boy
fired both barrels Into its body. It
weighed nearly 200 pounds.
hlain In Philippines.
Manila (By Cable). Charles H.
Trotter, an American, and Vlncento
Toledo nnd Jose Canyan. Spaniards,
wore killed near Lubao. In the Prov
ince of Pampagna. by a party of
Filipinos. The men were murdered
with bolus and tholr bodlou mutila
ted. Fired On The New Flag.
Constantinople (By Cable). Ono
ot tho boats of a Bulgarian company
which runs a steamship line botween
Constantinople and Varna, narrowly
escaped serious trouble as a result
of flying the now Bulgarian royal
flag, which la unknown umong the
nations of the world. The stoamer
attempted to enter'tho Bosporus, and
tho obsorvers in tho forts, not know
ing hor nationality, fired two blank
shots across hor bow. Thereupon the
steamer turned around and departod
Railroad Slips Into River.
Now Orleans (Special). Seventy
five thousand dollars' worth of rail
road property slid Into tho Mississip
pi ltlver whou u section or earth 300
feet long and about 200 feet wide
caved In between Washington Ave
nue and Fourth Street, carrying
along ssyob freight cars and four
lines of railroad tracks. Undermin
ing the bank by high water was the
cause. The cars and two of the
tracks belonged to the Illinois Cen
tral Railroad and the other two
tracks belonged to Ine Puhlic Belt
Red Cross Will Sell Them To Swell
Tuberculosis Fund.
Washington, D. C. (Special).
In an effort to increase its fund for
fighting tuberculosis the National
Red Cross Association will issue a
special Christmas stamp for use on
holiday mall. The stamp will have,
of course, no carrying power, but
will be used simply as a Christmas
A special design has already been
prepared by Howard Pyle. Beneath
a wreath of holly will be the Inscrip
tion, A Merry Christmas and a Hap
py New Year." The stamps will sell
for 1 cent each or In little book
of nine for 10 cents.
The Idea originated In Denmark
where the stamps were sold by the
government. The first experiment
netted ? 2 0,0 00.
A Rumored Conflict.
Vienna (By Cable,. A telephone
message received hero from Budapest
says Servians killed three Austrian
gendarmes on the Bosnian frontier
whereupon gunboats bombarded the
Servians. No confirmation of the
story has boon received here.
$7.1,000 Fire At WilllnmsporC
Wllllamsport, Pa. (Special). The
cutting mill of the Wllllamsport Nail
Works was totally destroyed by fire
Involving a loss of $75,000 to $100,-
City Hall In Hack Yard.
West Point, Ga. (Special ).- -Mayor
Ceorge W. Howard, of Lnuett, Ala.,
locked up the Council chamber and
rofused to deliver the city property
to the newly elected Mayor, J. B.
Rutland. Rutland took the oath ef
office at 5. SO o'clock A. M. In the
street la front of the City Hall four
hours later he and his counsel were
Bworn In by Judgo Jordan. The
first Council meeting was held In the
back yard of the City Hall.
Two Americans Strickoa.
Manila (By caoie). Ten new
aaaaa of cholera were reported fo
the last 24 hours. The list Includes
two Americans, C. O. Hardough, of
the Civil Sorvive, and Charles Itldge
way, known as the "Blind Poet.
Tolstoi's Health Hcbtorod.
Bt Petersburg I By Cable). - The
health of Count Leo Tobtoi is com
plotely restored. He has resumed
his long walks and rldci In the conn
try round Yaanava Pollana and
hard at work st his books.
(irent Northern Passenger Train
Jumps Track In Montana.
Butte. Mont. (Special). Two men
were killed and one injured in a
wreck of a Great Northern passenger
train at Marias River. Tho dead:
William F. Ramscheck, fireman.
Unknown engine wiper.
Engineer Charles McCllntock was
severely Injured.
The train while traveling at high
speed struck a soft stretch of road
bed, the engine rolling Into the ditch
followed by the baggage and smoking
cars. Kiunsctiecu and the wiper were
burled under the wreckage. Tho
passengers were severely shaken up
Can Go Home To Vote.
Washington (Special). It was
announced nt the White House that
the President would not consider It
pernicious political activity on the
part of an employe in the classified
Bcrvice In going to his home lo vote
nt tho coming election. The Pres
tdent said It was the pnlrlotlc duty
of every employe of the Government,
who Is entitled to vote, to go to
his home and cast a ballot.
tThlna Legalizes Mexican Dollar
Peking (By Cable). An edict Just
issued established the Kuping Tael
as the standard coin of the empire
The tacl and the half tael will b
9;1 per cent, fine, and the smaller
coins SS per cent. The Mexican dol
lar has been legalized, ponding Ihe
preparation of the Kuping coins.
Thrust Ramrod In His Eye.
Staunton, Va. (Special). -Cadet
Savage, of the Staunton Military
Academy. Is lying at a hospital here
with a serious Injury which hp re
ceived in a singular manner. While
he waa asleep in his room at the
academy a fellow-cadet in an adjoin
Ing reom thrust a stool ramrod
through the wall and. It ran Into his
eye by accident. Young Savage is
from New York and hlB father was
summoned hare at once. He may
lose his eye.
Attorney General Bonaparte has
announced that James H. Wilkerson,
of Chicago, a special attorney for the
Department of Justice, hnd been of
fered the position of atslstant at
torney general, to take the place va
cated by Alford W. Coolcy, but had
refused to accept.
Bidding fair to rival the cotton
seed industry of America, the palm
oil and nut Industry of West Africa
only awaits Improved methods of cul
tivation and preparation for the mar
ket, says Consul W. J. Ycrbey, of
Sierra Leone.
The records In the case of Cap!..
Solomon Avery, Jr., of the Coast
Artillery Corps, stationed at the
Presldo, of( San Francisco, Cal., are
now under consideration at the War
Department and will bo transmitted
to the President for bis action in a
short time.
A special train loft Washington
for Fort Smith. Ark., carrying 100
prisoners,, transferred from the Uni
ted States Jail to the Fort Smith
penitentiary, because of the crowded
condition In (he Washington institu
tion. Orders were issued to the cruiser
Charleston, now at Bremerton Navy
Yard, to proceed on October 26 to
the Asiatic station via Honolulu and
Guam to, become the flagship of tho
third squadron of the Pacific fleet,
replacing the cruiser Rainbow.
The greater portion of the world's
tonnage for several months has re
mained unproductive, reports Consul
General DlSrlCh, of Antwerp, in fur
nishing statistics concerning tho de
pressed condition of the world's ship
ping trade.
Postal savings banks and parcels
post were both wnrmiy indorsed by
First AsniBtnnt Postmaster General
'tunics P. Granfleld In bis address
to the convontiod$Df fourth clasB post
masters at Des Moines, Iowa.
Comptroller of the Currency Mur
ray has announced that he will put
nto immediate action a plan for the
formation of 1 1 districts of national
bank examiners with a chairman ex
aminer In charge of each.
The Navy Department has Invited
the various wrecking companies to
submi: bids for salvnging the cruiser
Yankee, wrecked off Spindle Rock,
at the entrance of Buzzard's Bay,
about two weeks ago.
The commandant of the naval
training station at Newport, R. 1.,
Informed the Navy Department today
of the death of Warrant Machinist
George L. Peary from heart failure.
The proposed arbitration treaty
between China and the United States
has been signed at tho State Depart
ment, Wu Ting-fang, the Chinese
minis it, acting on behalf of the
Chinese government.
Mrs. Donald McLean announces
that she has arranged for a $200,000
loan to complete the Continental
Hall for tho Daughters of the Revo
To abolish all grade crossings on
railroad lines in Belgium, says Con
sul Johnson, of Liege, would cost
approximately $(50,000,000.
That the United States government
may be sued and enjoined from in
fringing the patents of the Fried
Krupp Company, of Essen, Germany,
in tho manufacture of SprlngllelJ
rifles and other Army ordnance, was
decided by the Court of Appeals of
the District of Columbia In an opin
ion by Associate Justice Robb.
More than ever Impressed with the
fact that an efficient army Is tho
surest guarantee of peace, Major
Paul E. Straub has refirrned to
Washington from Germany, where
he witnessed the workings of the
Germnn"1 medical department.
The importance of India's grow
ing northwestern port of Karachi
has led to tho establishment of an
American consulate there.
W. A. G. Clark, at Rrtubalx, says
that "-while tho great. English wool
manufacturing industry is steadily
Increasing, the United States and
Germany are rapidly forging ahead
and Italy beginning to Bt niggle for
a plaoe among the leaders.
The Departmont of Justice will re
move from the District Jail 100 pris
oners nnd transport them to an In
dian prison' at Fort Smith, Ark.
The National Conservation Com
mission has caused the first compre
hensive attempt at a census of the
standing timber in the United State
ever undertaken.
ElbrUlge Henry Gobs Dead.
Melrose, Mass. (Special). El
bridge Henry Gobs, author nnd bank
er, died hero of pneumonia. He wai
78 years old. Mr. Goss had been
(reasurer of the Melrose Bank for
24 years and was tho author of num
erous historical works, the best
known of which Is a life of Paul
Revere, which he wrote in 191.
Thousand Rush For Homes.
Dallas, S. D. (Special). Thou
lng rush to register for the land lot
sands of persona joined In the open
tory in which Uncle Sam will give
away 828,000 acres of tho Rosebud
Indian lands. Registration opened
here and at Gregory and coutluuui
until October 17. The drawing be
gins October 19, but uotiflcatlon ot.
the suoccssful ones will probably nut
be until next March.
Heavyweights In Aeroplane.
Le Mans, France (By Cable).
Wilbur Wright, the American aero
plauist, modo two short flights with
passengers Monday. One was with
M. ho Hi--, who weighs about 216
pounds, and the other with M, Pol
iter, vice president of the Aero Club
of the fiarthe, who weighs 176
pounda. These demonstrations of
the machine's ability to carry
wetght were entirely satisfactory".
Experts say Pennsylvania's anthra
cite aoal will last 100 years more,
her bituminous four times as long.
Gnests Flee From Hotel.
Ebensburg, Pa. (Special). A fire,
which, for a time, threatened the
total destruction of the town and
eaused guests in two hotels to lies
for their lives, was finally extinguish
ed by the ose of dynamite and assist
ance given from adjacent towns. The
loss Is about $76,000. The firs,
started in a grocery store from an
unknown cause and quickly spread,
to the Central Hotel, Blulr House
and six residences, all of which uer
KUls Two With Ax.
Johnson City, Tenn. (Spoclal).
William Bales, 35 years old, went
to the home here of his brother-in-law,
Burney Bayless, and split onen
Baylcsn' head with an ax.. Tbt
murderer then followed his fleohil
wife, who was visiting ber sister, 10
the yard, and struck her with "
ax, Inflicting a fatal wound. Bal
was taken to Jail, fighting iu modi
rage, bound with a rope, and 1VU
left tied la his cell. He freed him
self aad oommltted suicide by 'isnf
ing himself with the rope with wh'U1
he bad boon bound.