The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 08, 1908, Image 7

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acts ontAy yot prompt
ly on me bowels, cleanses
the system effectually,
assists one in overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently. To got its
oenejicial ejects bay
tKe genuine.
flunulncturcd by tho
t I
W. I.. lim!n mnfcn, and lelU morn
mr-n'B S3.0O ami S3. SO shoe than any
othrr maiutracliirr-r In tho worm. n
cnuae lliey hold thnlr ahnpe, flt In llrr.
and wear longer than any other make
8hoe t All Prioet, for Every Member of the
, Men, UoyB,
Women, Mltiee a Children
" f imlly,
W L DoTml.eM 00 ud SB .00 Ollt Edge Shoe, .-annot
M eanauaa ,ny pric. w. u. uoa(i ,i.bu uu
$3.00 ,hol art tht twit In the world
Tat Color Kueleti Vmtxi I I , -' -t
etr'l'nke 1 n Nutt.fUiit.. W. L, buuplaa
rutin" and prion U atampatl on bultom. Sold
eYery whore, stioee mailed from factory to any
part of the world. Cat.iloirue tree.
W. I.. DOUilLAS. 157 Spark St., Brockton. Man.
Only A Short Trip.
Mr. Meeker Oh, Doctor, my hus
band seems to be wandering in his
mini this morning.
Doctor Don t let that worry you;
he can't go very far. Chicago News,
HJrks' Cnputllne Cures Women's
Monthly Pinna, Backache, Nervousness,
and Headache. It's Liquid. Effects imme
diately. Prescribed by physicians with best
results. 10c. 23c, ana 60c, at drug stores.
A man can think he Is having tho
grandest time In the world doing
something bo would know anybody
else was a fool for doing.
To Drive Out Maluriu and Uuild Up
the System
Take the Old Shaudard Grove's Tastb
JjCttO Chill Toxic. You know what you
aro'takiug. Tho formula is plainly printed
on every bottle, showing it is sfmply Qui
nine and Iron in a tastuluss form, and the
moat effectual form, i'or grown people
and children. SOc.
A Ghost Club's Test.
The London "Ghost Club," a scien
tific organization with a shivery
name, is about to propound a test
that ought to go far toward deter
mining whether the dead can com
municate with friends on earth.
These students of the spiritual world
have a secret diary kept by one of
their members, recently deceased,
aird the "man on tho other side '
will be questioned as to its contents.
Tbie book was sealed by Its owner be
fore his death and will not be open
ed until the club has assembled in
solemn conclave to prosecute Ita in
quiry. The names of many of the
investigators ought to be a guaran
tee) of the good faith of the Investi
gation. If the slightest loophole be
left open for trickery, the "tests"
will be to leave the vital question
exactly where It has remained since
the days of the Fox Sisters and the
Davenport Brothers. B rooklyn,
The Incumbent of an old church in
Wales asked a party of Americans
to visit his parochial school. After
a reoitatlon he invited them to ques
tion ihe scholars, and one of the
party accepted the invitation.
"Little boy," said he to a rosy
faced lad, "can you tell me who
George Washington was?"
"Iss. surr," was the smiling reply.
" 'E was a 'Merlcan gen'ral."
"Quite right. And can you tell
me what Qeorge Washington was
remarkable for?"
"Iss, surr. 'E was remarkable c'ob
'e was a 'Merlcan an' told the
trewth." The rest was silence.
CasbeH'B Journal.
Uut Tells Facta About Postum.
.From the Indiiinupoli Nevm.
Startling Statistics Brought Out at the Tuberculosis Congress by Professor
Flatter, of Yale.
when they are beginning to earn
money. The minimum cost of doc- I
tors' bills, nursing, medicines and loss
Of earnings amount to over 2400 In
each case, while the earning power
which might have been If death had
not come brings the total cost to at
least $8000 for each Individual.
If this sum Is multiplied by the
138,000 deaths, the cost, It Is seen,
Is bigger than the Immense sum of I
$1.000, 000", 000. Professor Fisher es- i
timaien mat over nan iuib t-uoi iuuo
upon the victims themselves, but the
cost to others than the consumptive
Is over $440,000,000 a year.
As a matter of self-defense, he
averred, It would be worth while to
tho community In order to save mere
ly a quarter of tho lives now lost by
consumption to invest $5,500,000,
000. At present only a fraction of
one per cent, of this sum Is being
used to fight the disease.
Professor Fisher expressed his be
lief that Isolation hospitals for lB
curable consumptives are the best in
vestment of all, because In this way
the most dangerous consumptives are
prevented from spreading the disease
by careless spitting in their hornet
I and neighborhood
Washington, D. C. Professor Irv
ing Fisher, of Yale University, read a
paper before the International Con
gress on Tuberculosis which created a
decided sensation. Professor Fisher's
paper was on "The Cost of Tubercu
losis," and he made the startling an
nouncement that tho great white
plague costs In hard cash over one
billion dollars a year.
He estimated that consumption
kills 138,000 persons every year In
the United States. This Is equal, he
said, to the deaths from typhoid
fever, diphtheria, appendicitis, men
ingitis, dlnbetes, smallpox and cancer
all put together. Then again, he said,
It generally takes three years to die,
during which time the poor victim can
earn little or nothing.
"Five million people now living In
tho United States are doomed to fill
consumptives' graves unless some
thing can be done to prevent it," de
clared Professor Fisher. "As each
death means anxiety and grief for a
whole family, I estimate that there
will be over twenty million persons
rendered miserable by these deaths "
The scourge, he said, picks out Its
victims when they are young men and
young women, at the very time of lite
Weekly Review oi Trade and Latest
Market Reoorts.
New York. Hradstreet'B says:
While events generally lend to
ward steady, If Blow, Improvement,
conservatism still rules purchasing In
wl.ole.vile and Jobbing lines, and nt
several large centers fall trade, no
tably In dry goods, has reached and
passed Its maximum. Taken ns a
whole, trade, though In a few In
stances rqunl to a year ago at this
date, Is still generally below the
normal, and the approach of the elec
tion has a tendency to discourage
all but absolutely npccBsary pur
chases. Western trnde ndvlces are
good as a whole, though house trade
is nn the wane, and traveling sales
men are relied upon to take care of
reorder business.
There Is very general agreement
that stocks are small In retailers'
hands, and color to this Is given by
the ma:iy orders given for Immediate
shipment, which throws unusual bur
dens In turn upon jobbers, Whole
salors and niimiiTnct urcrs.
There la rnther more doing nt the
lnrger Eastern market?. In some kind
of men'n-wear fabrics and foreign
dress fabrics. Food products, such
ns groceries nnd meats, are also
relalively more active. The leather
trades are quiet, hides are dull, but
firm, while shoe orders are not equal
to expectations.
Business failures in the United
States for the week number 267.
against 2fifi last week and 160 in
the like week of 1907.
Wheat, Including Hour exports
from the United States and Canada
for the week aggregates 6,439,526
bushels, against 3.491,911 bushels
last week and r, 272, 737 bushels this
week last year. Corn exports for
the week are 69.982 bushels, against
12,443 bushels last week and 1.193,
190 bushels In 1907.
St., Gardiner,
After Ail Hope Hntl Vanished.
Mrs. I, H. Bsnnett, 63 Fountain
Me., says: My back
used to trouble mc
so severely thnt at
last I had to glvo up.
I took to my bed nnd
stayed there four
months, suffering In
tense pain, dizziness,
headnche and Inflam
mation of the bind-
ri der. Though with
out hope, I began
using Poan's Kidney
Pills, nnd In three months was com
pletely cured. Tho trouble has nevei
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents n box.
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
It -cords Show 1907 Was the Worst Year in History of Industry.
Washington, D. C. Accidents in 92,535 tons for each life lost. Mis
coal mines of the United States dur
ing tho last calendar year resulted in
tho death of 3125 men. and injury to
5316 more, according to statistics
just made public by the Geological
Survey. The death record among the
coal miners during the year was
greater by 1033 than in 1906, and is
said to have been the worst year In
the history of the coal mining Indus
try. The figures do not represent the
full extent of the disasters, as re
ports were not received from certain
States having no mine Inspectors.
West Virginia reported the heaviest
death rate in 1907, 12.35 per thou
sand employes, and this State also
showed the lor.est production for
each life lost 65,969 tons. New
Mexico stood next on the list with a
death rate of 11.45 and a production
of 77,332 tons for each life lost. Ala
bama was third, with a death rate of
7.2 per thousand and a production of
souri had the lowest death rate, head
ing the roll of honor with .95 and
499,742 tons of coal mined for each
life lost.
Statistics do not bear out the pop
ular idea that most mine disasters
result from explosions. Of the total
number reported during the last year,
947 deaths and 343 Injuries resulted
from gas and dust explosions, and 201
deaths and 416 injuries were caused
by powder explosions. The chlel
cause of death among the miners, the
report explains, was due to the falllnj
of mine roofs and coal. Such disss
ters caused 1122 deaths and 2141
E. W. Parker, chief statistician ol
the survey, asserts that much benefit
will result from tbe action of Con
gress in appropriating $15 0,000 to in
vestlgate mine disasters and take
steps to decrease the number of ac
cidents each year.
Thirty feet Under Water in Hold of Wreck When Attacked.
out of the darkness and one twined
"We have UBed Postum for the
past eight years,'' writes, a WIb. lady,
"and drink it three tlmas a day. W
nersr tire of it.
"For several years I could aearcely
eat anything on account Ot difcpepsia.
Ideating after meals', palpitation, sick
headache in fact was1 fa such misery
and distress I fried living; on hoi wat
er and toast for nearly a year.
"I had quit coffee, ther canae of my
trouble, and was using hot watlV, but
this was cot nourishing.
"Hearing of Postum I began drink
ing It and my ailments disappeared,
and now I can eat anything I want
witnout trouble.
"My parents and husband had
about the same experience. Mother
uld often suffer after eating, while
Vt drinking coffee. My husband was
J "reQt coffee drinker and suffered
"om indigestion and headache.
After he atoppod coffee and began
Postum both ailments left him. He
will not drink anything else now, and
e have it three times a day. I could
rlte more, but am no gusher only
tite plain facta."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
"ek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wei vine," ,n pkg.. "There's a Rea
on. Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to tine. They
Bnulne, true, and full of htuuaa
San Francisco, Cal. Wrapped in
the tentacles of a giant devil fish,
Martin Lund, a diver employed by
the Coast Wrecking Company, fought
for his life in the hold of the wrecked
steamer Pomona, which lies In thirty
feet of water In Fort Ross Cove off
the Marin County coast.
The devil fish had evidently entered
the vessel's hold during the night.
Lund had been at work some time
before be was attacked. A giant ten
tacle four inches in diameter first
gripped one leg. Before Lund real
ized what was happening another en
circled his thigh.
The diver began to chop at the rubber-like
bonds and at the same time
gave the hoisting signal to the barge
above. Two more tentacles squirmed
about his neck. As the efforts of th
men on the surface to comply with
his signal threatened to pull his hel
met off, Lund was forced to signal
them to stop.
With only his left arm free he
hacked at the tentacles until they
were partially crippled, but he wai
being drawn toward the fish when he
saw the outline of the body. Plung
ing toward it lie drove his knife with
all his force into the head, repeating
the blow until he had slashed It Intc
sections. In its death throes the oc
topus tightened Ub tentacles until the
diver was almost crushed In its em
brace. Lund finally cut himself free and
was brought to the surface fainting.
Washington, D. C. Physicians and
the laity will be greatly Interested in
the result of a series of experiments
made by the navy surgeoni recently,
through which they believe they have
demonstrated that mercury is a spe
cific for tuberculosis. The Govern
ment Bureau of Medicine and Surgery-has
published the reports of Med
ical Director C. T. Hibbett and Sur
geon Barton Leigh Wright.
Surgeon Wright, who is the origin
ator of the treatment, says he discov
ered the efficacy of the drug by acci
dent. He was treating a case which
required mercury. The patient was
tubercular as well. To the surgeon's
astonishment the tubercular lesions
began to heal.
The mercury is administered by . in
jection Into the muscular tissue In
order to avoid digestive derangement
Dr. Wright .-ays.
"I am convinced," he adds, "that
in mercury we have a specific for tu
berculosls, and that the only question
remaining is how long a time will be
required to effect a cure. We follow
the well established rules of treat
ment during the administration of
the drug open air, rest, proper food
In abundance, sanitation, personal hy
giene and selection of climate." Surgeon-General
Rlxey declines to com
ment on the testa.
Of course it is not claimed by Dr.
Wright that the new treatment will
restore the lost lung tissue, but where
there Is enough lung tissue to support
life he believes the victim can be saved.
Wholesale Market
.New York. Wheat Rerelp;
133,000; exports, 10.S00. Spo.,
strong; No. 2 red, 1.08 V4 ft 1.10 ele
vator; No. 2 red, 1.10 f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 Northern Dulnth, 1.13
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter,
1.10 (. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 1,075. Spot,
firm; No. 2, 85 Vi elevator and 86
nominal delivery. Option market
was without transactions, closing U
9oc. net higher. September closed
85 V, ; December, 77; May, 73.
Oats Recolpts, 54.000; exports,
4,000. 8pot firm; mixed, 26Q82
pounds, 53; natural white, 6"0S
pounds, (8H0G6; clipped white, 32
40 pounds, 55 fL 61.
Poultry Alive, firm; spring chick
ens, 14; fowls, II; turkeys, 14;
iressed. steady; Western spring
hickens, 15 (ft 19 ; fowl3, 1415'3;
iprtng turkeys. IOC M,
Eggs--Irregular; receipts. 9,978;
itate, Pennsylvania, and nearby fancy
elected white, 32j?34; do., fair ti
holce. 26ffi 31; brown and mix.1
fancy, 18980; do., fair to choice,
263 27.
Philadelphia. Wheat firm, 1c.
higher: contract grade, September.
103 103.
Corn firm. Vic. higher; No. 2 fr
local trade, 87 87 Vic.
Oats firm, fair demand; No. 2
white natural. 54 Vi (ft 56c.
Butter firm, good demand; extra'
Western creamery, 26c; nearby
prints, 28.
Eggs firm, good demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nenrby firsts, f. c,
25c. at mark; do., current receipts,
In returnable caseB, 24c. a' mark:
Western firsts, f. c. 25c. at mark:
do., current receipts, f. c, 24c. at
Cheese firm, good demand: New
York full creams, choice, 13 4
13 tto.i do., fair to good. 12V413.
Live poultry quiet but steady;
fowls, 12 14c; old roosters, 9H
10; spring chickens. 14 15; spring
luckB, 11 11; old ducks, 10
Hullimore. Flour Firm and un
changed. Receipts. 6,611; exports,
Wheat Firm: spot contract, 1.04
91.04i No. 2 red Western, 1.06
ft 1.08; September, 1.040 1.04;
October. 1.04 1.04; December,
1.05 1.06: steamer No. 2 red,
1 .04 1.04; Southern by sample,
!097; Southern on grade. 1.00
01.03. Receipts. 59,667; exports,
Corn Steady; year, 68 69:'
January, 68 68; Southern
white corn, 80 84; Southern yellow
corn, 86. Receipts, 2,377.
Oats Easier; No. 2 white, 52
52; No. 3 white, 51 51; No. 2
nixed, 51. Receipts, 4,537.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western export,
8fl)8l, Receipts,. 1,973.
Hay Firm; No. 1 timothy, 14.00;
,o. 1 clover mixed, 11.50 12.00.
Putter Steady; fancy Imitation,
20081; fancy creamery, 25 26;
fancy ladle, 20; store packed, 16.
Eggs Quiet, 23 24.
Cheese Quiet; new large, 13'
new fiats, 13; view small, 13.
Rain Storm Uncovers Rich
Placer Pockets of Gold.
San Bernardino, Cal. Jacob L.
Tbomaaon, of San Bernardino, was
prospecting among the old Mexican
placerB near Hesperia when h was
overtaken by a furious Btorin, which
! forced him to seek shelter. After u
quarter of an inch ot rain nnn tanen
in less than one hour, throwing the
canyons into roaring torrents, Thom
ason returned to his work. When the
water subsided he found scores of
rich placer pockets, and within a few
nouns panned out $10,000 in gold.
Women In the Day's News.
Boston has a woman pickpocket
aged seventy-two.
Miss Palmer, daughter of General
W. J, Palmer, has adopted nursing aa
a career in London.
The will of Jane Blauvelt, who left
money to the First Reformed Church
at Yonkars, N Y has been contested
by relatives on the ground of "undue
Attacked in her home by a man
who tried to chloroform her, Mrs.
Qeorge Hudson, No. 315 East 201st
street, New York City, repulsed him
with a broom-
Kansas Mastodon Tusk
Crumpled When Found.
Concordia, Kan. A large ivory
tusk, seven Inches In diameter, was
found near here in a bed of clay. The
find was made by Frederick Dutton,
who was canoeing in the river. The
tusk crumpled Into small pieces when
taken nut, but parts of it were
brought here, and Mr. Dutton will
make a further search for the skele
ton of the mastodon, which Is believed
to be buried In the bed of slit and
clay. Years ago the lower jaw of a
mastodon was found In this district.
Live Stock.
The World of Sport.
Sixty-four yachts started in the fall
regatta of the Larchmont Club.
The Dixie II. wou thi mile cham
pionship for motor bohts, showing
groat speed.
J. Campbell Thompson's four-ln-haud
trotted a mile In 8.50 In a
coaching race at Syracuse.
Charles M. Daniels broke the Amer
ican record for swimming 330 and
440 yards across tidal water.
"Tom" Nicholson, of St. Andrew's,
won the national sod quolting cham
pionship of America at Van Cortlandt
New . York. Beeves Receipts,
83 7, Feeling nominally steady.
Dressed beef slow at 7 to 10 per
pound for native sides.
Calves Receipts, 310; market
steady. Calves. 6.00 to 9.50; West
ern calves, 3.75; city dreesed veals,
8 to 14; country dressed do., 7 to
12; dressed grassers and fed
calves. t to 7.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,
100. Trade extremely Blow. Sheep
barely steady; lambs weak to 25c.
lowor. Sheep, 2.50 to 3.50; lambs,
4.75 to 5.75; culls, 3.50.
Hogs Receipts, 3,950. Feeling
weak, to 5c. lower.
Chicago. Cattle- Receipts, about
5,000; market steady. Steers,, 4.40
7.20; cows, 3.25 5.25: heifers,
3.004.25; bulls, 2.50 ir4.50; calveB,
3.508.00; stockers and feeders,
2.60 4.50.
Hogs Receipts, about 13,000;
market 10c. lower. Choice heavy,
...lunl 7.40; butchers, 7. 3007.40;
light mixed. 6.86 7.00; choice light.
7.0007.25; Ipackers, 6.8007.15;
nigs, 3.75 0 6.25; bulk of sales, 6.86
Sheep Receipts, about 18,000;
market lower. Sheep, 3.50 0 4.60;
yearlings, 3.86 04.25; lambs, 3.60 0
When a man talks in his sleep his
wife begins to sit up and take notice.
An l iiforr inu.le Fat Woman.
"Suffering from an overabundance
of superflous adipose tfosue."
This is the diagnosis of U:e Emer
gency Hospitnl physicians In tho caio
of Miss Mary Knox, 44 vcnis old, ."
feet 5 Inches tall, weighing 3.0
The woman's cane was brought to
tho attention of the police at No.
2 stntlon late yesterday afternoon.
It wan said that she wa3 hOlplOMi
penniless, nnd really a flt Biiliject
for the county home. The patrol'
wagon took Miss Knox to the Emer
gency Hospital, where after a thor
ough examination, t lie foregoing was
agreed upon.
"It is an odd rase," said Dr. W.
L. C3 1st. "MIS3 Knox Is too fat to
walk without assistance, as she would
fall if she encountered the least ob
struction. Then when she is down
she can't arise without help. The
police say neighbors have been car
ing for the helpless woman for some
Ten years ago Miss Knox Is said
to have been as lithe and slender
as a gazelle. When she began to
take on flesh no manner of dieting
made any difference; she was des
tined to become very corpulent, nnd
very corpulent she did becomo.
Kansas City Journal.
Yes; John Had A License.
John Ricklnger and Mary Owcnrr,
of RensBelaer, having decided to
get married, John hurried to the city
clerk '8 office.
"I want a license." he said, throw
ing a Bilver dollar on the clerk's
The clerk asked several questions,
winding up with "Do you promise
not to loan, transfer, or give away
the license?"
"What do you think I am?" de
manded John in a huff.
With the license John and Mary
went to the Rev. Mr. Careys.
"Have you a license?" usked the
"Sure," said John, handing over
his paper.
The clergyman read It, and smil
ed. "You've got a license to hunt, not
to marry."
In offering his apologies next day
the city clerk said ho thought every
body was looking for a hunter's 11-
censo this tlmo of year. New York
nearness Cannot Ik- Cured
Jylooal application as theycannot reach the
Duieaaod portion of thoear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, aud that ts by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness iscauwd bynn
inflamed condition of the mucons lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When thin lubeis in
flamed you have a mmbritip sound or impor
foct hearing, and when it Is entirely cloi-ed
Deafness is the result, and unless tho infill ra
mation can be taken out and this tnlio re
stored to its normal condition, bearing will
be destroyed forever. Ninecasesout of tea
arecausedbycatarrh, which Is nothingbutan
inflamed condition of the mncons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (caused byratnrrh)tbtttcniv
not be curedby H all's Ostarrh ( 'nre. Send for
tfrcularu f ree. F.J.CmTOSY & 0o.,Toledo,O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Am His Life Without A Holiday.
George Hay ward, aged 91, who
has Just died at Needham Market,
lived nearly all his life In the same
house. He never had a day's holi
day aud never saw the Bea.
Hayward was formerly In busi
ness as a butcher, and he was in
tho habit of wearing an apron at
church on Sundays beneath his frock
coat. London Daily Mall.
How Ho Ht'lped With The Letter.
Visitor That was a beautiful let
ter I had from your mother yester
day, Tommle.
Tommie Yea, but I had to help
her with it.
VlBltor Help her with It!
Tommle Yea, I licked the stamp.
The Circle.
The greatness that Is thrust upon
a man is apt to annoy his neighbors.
TniIALKNT "( ATAKUHAL Jfcl.l.Y (im
X Peafneaa ami Catarrh. Trial treaunri t by
tnall free. KI-:a i'I,' , Hinm-apolla. Minn
CI lances.
"Think of the chances
man has for education!"
enthusiastic modernist.
"Yes," answered the
youth, "but think of the chances he
takes on being based." Washington
a young
said the
I'hyslclal Tests For Employes.
One of the leading railroad com
panies in the East has decided to
establish a rule for physical tests
before employing men which will be
us severe aa that required for enter
ing the army or navy. This decision
Is based on the new Federal em
ployers' liability act. passed by the
last Congress, tho railroad taking
the position that. In order to avoid
tho payment of heavy damnges it
will be neeesB.iry to require a high
er degree of efficiency Bmong em
ployes than heretofore.
Tho trnvellng public wllll be pleas
ed to learn of the new rule. As a
general proposition, railroad men are
a rugged lot, but the reports Of the
Interstate commerce commission
show that many accidents are traced
to the physical Inefficiency of rail
way trainmen. It will be better for
mankind If employes charged vlth
the transportation and care of hu
man lives are required to show a
clean bill of mental and moral
health before they secure or are al
lowed to retain their positions.
Omaha Bee,
Hicks' Cnpudine Cures Headnche,
Whether from toll. Heat. Stomach, or
Martini Strnm. No Acctnmlid or dangernus
drugs. It's Liquid. Effect! immediately.
I0t., 23c, and Uc, at drug alorea.
Wbsrn ft Woman is smart Is to fol
low u mnn'o Judgment to flatter him
when eho knows It is wrong.
First Und Ttrhlnjf TCnuli TlirontoiipJ
Lntcr With BtOOdPofOfl In T.pjr
Rolled on Cnticura Krmrdtei.
"About twelve or fifteen vAnr njn I hnrl
a break. niz-out, Md it itchel. and vtttBf o
badly that I could not have any pei"c be
cause of it. Three doctor did not beln me.
Then I uned some Outieuni Soap, Cuticura
Ointment, nnd OotfattMl Heolvent and be
(ran to (ret better rifTt nwnv. They cured
m and 1 have not been bothered with the
Itching since, to amount to anything.
About two yenrp ajro I had la (rrippe and
pneumonia which left me with a pain in
my aide. Treatment ran it into mv lep,
which than iwelicd and began to break out.
The doctor wan afraid it would turn to
blood-poiaon. T uaed hia medicine but it
did no Rood, then I pttd the Cuticum
Uemediea three timea and cured the break-irj-out
on mv leu. J. I', llenneu, Milan,
IIo., May 13, 10)7. '
There is nothing more uncomfoft
ablo than being truthful in practice
us well as principle.
Mrs.Winalow's Soothing Syrup for Children
ta thing, oftttlfl t hi' l; urns, reduci- inttainnia-
tion, aUiyvntiin, eurea wind coUo,3tobottl9
When a woman makes tip her
mind to mairy a man he could escape
by dying.
For Sale lSiSEE
'aetata li States. Strmit'; num.
r-... nou ..luMr-ucacataluc M
Trains with Sttte main m,.leri ret; wa
oav it n. tmrm r a CTitr.i it rn
WorU's Urtut FaroDnlcn. UaJ fuu- dllg.. Kfc&fcfa
toSSF'SX Hfr. N( I M dlawtur. On'
!H 'a-Jft X$jr ' '.r own KU..I
1 naa.t ji .
ZIMMEIiMAKN Sim CO., Lona Troa. Icwi
ttoret fur., IWe af twUapaatU, d IO u.- ln-Mri.l
Srro. Dr. II. MUjaSjj M)J1, Saa a,, tj.
VlrrHa90,iVi'"I1Jur new law"iii.
MH?-aaJfc.-TJ-.Tia bT -JOHN W. MORHIS.
"Papa, dear, I feel it In my bones
that you are going to buy me a new
"Which bone, darling?"
"I'm not sure, but I think It's in
my wishbone." London ideus.
Take with a grain of salt what a
man says about his side of the ease.
The back is tho mainsprinft; of
woman's organism. It iuii-kly calls
attention to troublo by aching. It
tells, with other symptoms, such aa
nervousness, betid ache, iuins in tho
loins, Weight in the lower part of
tin; body, thnt n woman's feminine
organism needs iinmetliateattention.
In such cases the one mire remedy
whloh speedily removes tho cause,
and restores the feminine organism
to a healthy, normal condition is
elydia e. pinkham's
vegetable: compound
Mrs. Will Voting, of u Columbia
Ave., Rockland, Me., nays:
" I was troubled for along time with'
dreadful bOatkschea and n pain in my
side, nnd raa miserable in every way.
I doctored until I was discoui iifred and
thought I would never get well. I rend
what f.ydia ES, I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound had done for others and
decided to try it; after taking three
bottles I can truly say that I never felt
Co well in my life."
Mr?. Augustus T.yon, of East Earl,
Ii., writes to Mrs." I'inldiam :
"I had very severe backaches, and
pressing-down pains. 1 could not sleep,
and had no np petite. Lydiu K. Pink
ham':! Vegetable Compound cured me
nnd made me feel like a new woman."
For thirty years Lydia M Phik
ham's Vegetable Compound, nwie
from roots and herbs, has been ti.e
standard remedy for female ill&
and has posit ivel;. cured thousands Oi
women who have been troubled v-ith
displacements, inflammation, u! . -ration,
fibroid tumors, Irregn: liics,
periodic paint, backache, tl ' iear-mg-down
feeling, flatulency itirilMt
tion.d izzii ii ss.or nervous on -.vtion.
Keepathc breatti, teeth, mouth and body
antisepticully clean and free trom un
healthy fsrm-Ufs and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparation
alone cannot do. A
itermicidal. disin
fecting and deodor-
izing toilet requisite Ejrjrflrlyl.
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
(or inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh At
drufi and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
Hri "m iitt
MakM 70 IllRVr-nt Aiilc l, .: H h., I u Hami-dlea. Flavor-las
I iit,,.i.i,ii Kinds, Tullrl I'rcparutlona, Floe Bum a, Ktc.
Can-Oafjers Wanted in E,)ery County.
SO Trara Kiprrlrnfr, HH.OOO.OOO Output.
m . nr i Men in 1 1 I - -f 'imMt ton nhonlri maator Tlrm ! nnd K.
I Hn! II I HIPIII Vf II III "'" " ri. - 1 1- un-t.-r .tlroriapfrviiinB of lUllwa)
LiUUM! 1 UlUUI UUIIf OttcialA Main-line in li oar .rhock. Position ..WoluteJi
v I y iittaurtxl, when compettMit. Work for Unrd. Proprtui fr.
National Telegraph Institute, (Dept. A. N.) hkm! Jus.YicitN
l'HII.A.. PA.,
eoi.iiuBiA.8. a
Given Proirrptftni; PofttUvu Relief lu Ever
lire 9J.W.
Case. Hold ty Drua-alat. Pr
Trial Pafckure W Mail 10c.
WILLIAMS iPfr, Cft, Props. Cleveland, a
Patejuc your
later Tuur
Traae-alaraa. Uoprrig-til ,.wr Uaolit. Wrtliuira, no.
luraa, uto. How aol aa tj UuiuiLf tor auMlar U
UiMr i--.. .. .. who aarraU m lu civil war. nil 1
Hmvo uurepl avar iajun. lor For DUaks
una luatniotiou, aduxaaa, W. U. YUia, v. ,
lw iNuiar cuullo,) IVUI. uuuJlua. ililuX .W,
Waaiiiiuttou. L. U Ovar a rara' prajtlo.
A I - i 1 1. 1 1 1 IN ( I11S I'AI'KK IT WILL FAY
H N U 41
The small price la made poaalbts by tho
great demand for thia Razor. Tho small
profit on each aggregating aa largo a
eum aa if wo oold foworata greater price.
Tho benefit la tho oonaumer'a.
The Blade Is of the finest steel, scien
tifically made and tempered by a secret
process--and tho blado, of oouroo, la tho impor
tant part of any Razor. Tho frame ia of aatin flnlah,
ailver plated, snd "angled" oorreotly for safe,
quick snd olosn shsvlng. Tho tough besrded man
finda this Rasor s boon; tho soft boarded man
finds It a delight. Thoso blsdeo osn bo stropped.
Buy one snd you will recommend It to oil your
friends. 1 hst Is tho boot toat of any article.
In poatage stampa
or oaah brlnga It
prepaid by mail In
a spoolsl box.
rninai, 1 nai is ina uaai tee
25 cts.
rmrm 1
Write name snd full sddross very plainly.
UOUBKC. 13 Uoaard atraaet, M. V. CM.
Mrs. Morris, of White House fame.
Is In Washington, but has shown
no disposition to call on the President.
Malaria Makes Pale Blood
The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, rlrlvea n,,t M.iari- kiw- u-
" -f -.-wa- vvoar akwoeMeaM SSUVS UUUVUI U fJ VI"
airctoui Vam L...... .Va .,: ta t r a a a a . T
J wuui vuu tuc luitinK. loe lorruuia IS Dtalnlv minted on evarv hottlc ahnvino
la U 1 T,l ,-,1 .r Ai,ininA .i.i.l 1 ..... 1.. 1 .1 . ... mi . . '
. ':'"""'- Maaicicsa, anu me roost eueciuai lorm. ror adults aud children.
The Influence behind self-control is
usually somebody else's club.
color mora (oola brlnhlesr and taatar culora Uiaaw other d,T. Ona luc paokaaa oolora all attara. Taar dva in oold wi. ,... iau ... ..