The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 17, 1908, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B W. PoK, Editor and Proprietor.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1908
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Par square of ft lines 8 times II M.
Per square each subsequent Inseriton.... 60.
A(i advertlaementa Inserted (or less than
bree months charged by the square.
One fourth oolumn
One hlf oolumn
One Column
8 mos. I Amos. I yr.
30.00 1180.00
40.00 MOO
M 00. I 78 00
.118 cm
, . 28.00.
.. 40.00.
Watch-dog Tint Wouldn't Wtch.
Pay more for Devoe ; be glad'
to. It is full-measure and hon
est. Paint is a watchdog. How
would you like a watch-dog that
would't watch from two to Ave
o'clock in the morning? That's
How would you like a watch
dog that had a way of wagging
his tail at a burglar? That't
false paint. Tbe burglar is rain
and snow.
Go by the name i Devoe lead
and zinc.
J. A. Boyd, Mercersburg.
Because his wife reprimanded
him for drinking the whiskey in
a bottle contaimug lily leaves,
James Cramer, of Orrstown,
Frankliu county became euraged
and securing a pistol shot him
self through tbe left lung early
last Saturday morning. His con
dition is such that it is not ex
pected he can recover
For Sale.
One Show Tent, ilOxliO; one tent!xl:
Stringers and jacks to seat large teut:
Mass Drum pood as new: Holler Or
gan new: Graphophone and Records;
small magic lantern and 10 views
making a complete show outtlt. Big
moneymaking chance for some enter
prising fellow. Good reason for sell
ing. Chas. Dkshono,
9-10-5t. Webster Mills, Pa.
The people of Berlin, Somerset
county, have been completely
mystified over the disappearance
of N. A. Seibert, a well known
business man of that place. He
left home for Cumberland, Mary
land, on August 28, and has not
been heard from since. Relativ
es who have been looking for
him in vain lear that he has met
with foul play.
A Boon to Elderly People.
Most elderly people have some
kidney or bladder disorder that
3 both painful and dangerous
Foley 'b Kidney Remedy has prov
en a boon to many elderly people
as it stimulates the urinary or
gans, corrects irregularities and
tones up the whole system.
Commence taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy at once and be vigorous.
Trout's drug store.
What the country needs tbe
most, just now is rain, and plenty
of it. The streams and well8 are
extremely low and unless there
is a good settled rain very short
ly many hardships will be suffer
ed from drought. While we have
had but very little rain in this re
gion for quite a while, yet condi
tions elsewhere are much worse.
In some sections mines and in
dustries have been compelled to
shut down on account of not hav
ing enough water for their boil
ers, while farmers are experien
cing much incouvenience in wa
tering their stock.
Bad Breath.
A well-known physician, who
undoubtedly knows, declares that
bad breath has broken off more
matchus than bad temper.
J la re are ardent
lovers who must
sometimes wish
their svreethearts
presented sweeter
mouths to be kissed.
Good teeth cannot
prevent bud breath
when the stomach is
The best cure for
bad breath is a
cleansing out of the
body by use of
Lane's Family
the tonic laxative.
This is a herb medicine, sold In
Sc. and $oc. packages by drug
gists and It is saving more doctors
bills than any other medicine has
ever saved.
It cures headache, backache,
indigestion, constipation and skin
Mrs. Catharine Duvall is con
fined to her bed at present writ
ing but some better.
3ort McClain, suffering from
a severe attack of appendicitis,
bordering on peritonitis, is slow
ly recovering.
Ruth Cunningham at this writ
ing is a little better of the attack
of remitting fever, but very weak.
The principal attraction this
week is the show of Clifton Rem
edy Company, which is a very
fine affair aud conductod by a re
spectable company.
Miss Sarah Cook of East Broad
Top, Sundied with friends here
and took in the I. O. O. F. picnic.
The Oddfellows' picnic here
last Saturday was a most enjoy
able affair. Success crowned
the efforts of those who arranged
for it The day was tine and a
large crowd gathered, who were
orderly aud seemingly happy.
Not a person was present but
who was weil bebaved, aud a gen
eral handshaking prevailed. Tbe
Saltillo Band was tine, and treat
ed us to lots of good music. They
are a well behaved, sober, and in
telligent organization. We con
gratulate SadtUlo on such a nice
turnout, and the leader, Sheri
dan Thomas, especially. Any
gathering needing music will do
well to give them a call. The on
ly thing we were short on was
visiting Oddfellows aud speakers.
Had they seen the dinner prepar
ed for their coming, more would
have laid their little business
cares aside and come. Hon John
P. oipes, who promised to assist,
not showing up, put a ban on the
afternoon exercises. Had he re
ceived the bumps on his body
that were given him here, he
now would be in a different cli
mate. Prof. Dell of Huntingdon,
gave us one of his grand lectures
on Odd Fellowship, or rather,
Secret Societies, which was ap
preciated by all. He is the right
man in the right place. He is an
orator, sure, like unto Billy Bry
an. Thanks to him. Come again
The Remedy That Do8.
"Dr. King's New Discovery is
the remedy that does the healing
others promise but fail to per
form," says Mrs. E. R. Pierson,
of Auburn Centre, Pa." it is
curing me of throat and lung
trouble of long standing, that oth
er treatments relieved only tem
porarily. New Discovery is do
ing me so much good that I feel
contidant its continued use for a
reasonable length ot time will re
store me to perfect health." This
renowned lough and cold remedy
and throat and lung healer is sold
at Trout's drug store. 50c. and
1.00. Trial bottls free.
Times are, hot, dry, dull, and
Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Mellottaud
two children, of Needmore, ipent
Saturday and Sunday with James
McKee and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Austin, of
Saluvia, were among those who
visited in the home ol Allison
Sipes on Suuday.
Reta and Marshall Layton, aft
er having spent almost three
weeks in the home of their grand
parents James McKee and wife,
have returned to their home in
Whips Cove.
Notwithstanding the very hot
and dry weather this summer,
James McKee had srme peaches
grow in his orchard that meas
ured over lJ'i inches in circumfer
ence, and of very hoe flavor, your
correspondent can vouch for this
having seen them measured and
also helped to eat the same.
Chester McElheney spent Sun
day in the home of Orlauda Wag
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mellott
add three children of Harrison
ville. spent a day recently, with
thd family of Mrs. Mellott'a
brother, Allison Sipes.
C. B. Hoover, who recently
graduated at Fasten Business
College, is spending a few days
at his home.
Misses Joanne Morton, Goldie
and Jessie Mason, all of MoCon
nellsburg, spent Monday night
in our town, on their way to In
diana State Normal.
N. E. Hoover, of Mount Union,
spent Sunday with his parents at
this place.
The funeral of Estella Peightel
which took place hereon Suuday,
was the largest in attendance of
any ever known in this part of
the country.
Tbe sick of this community
seem to be on tbe road to recov
ery at present.
On account of tho serious ill
ness of their mother, the daugh
ters of Mrs. Downes, Myrtle,
Maude, Floe and husband, Mr.
Bodle, and son Clarence and wife,
were called quickly to our town.
The local ball team went to New
Grenada on Saturday last and
crossed bats with the boys of that
town, but were defeated by the
score of 8 to 5. The game was
played before a large crowd of
people, who attended the picnic,
it was very loosely played by the
boys from here, as the score
shows, while the New Grenada
boys played a good game.
The quickest time ever made in
carrying the mail between this
place and Saluvia, was made last
Wednesday afternoon. The dis
tance is nine miles, and the actu
al running time between the two
points named was twenty and
one-half minutes. The vehicle
used to transport the carrier,
John V. Stouteagle, and tbe mail,
was an automobile, with VV. Sloan
W&rthin at tbe throttle. With an
automobile, McConnnellsburg
should receive the mail from the
east oy half past nine o'clock in
tbe morning.
Hogs sold in Chicago last Sat
urday at 7.80 a hundred, live
weight the highest price reached
since 1903.
For Term of Court Beginning Monday
October 6th, 1908.
Ayr Henry Carbaugh, George Mag
Ham. Belfast Milton Mellott.
Bethel Wm J. Miller.
Brush Creek A. J. Mellott. John
M. Martin, Anthony Spade.
Dublin-W. M. Comerer, David
I'raker, Wm. Orth, Mack Richardson.
Licking Creek Aaron M. Deshong,
II. M. Sipes.
Taylor Hiram Luidig, Andrew
Todd John Barmont, Ivemucl Div
ens, Otho Souders, Harry Trout, How
ard Weld.
Unton-A. F. Hill, Frank Ray.
Wells Henry Howe, Abram Burk -hart.
PETTr jurors.
Ayr .lames Hlvens, Lewis Crouse,
Leslie Mcliovern, Geo. Miller, Geo.
W. Mellott, Calvin Summers,
Belfast Wm. Lake, Amos C. Pal
mer. Bethel J. C. Fisher, Kdward Ritz,
Mapel Winters.
Dublin D. B. Barnett, L. G. Cline,
Wm. Fields, Lewis Kelso.
Licking Creek BalUer F. Deshong,
Kdward Sharp, H. R. K. Sipes.
McConnellsburg Henry Comcrer,
Harry Harr, Watson Lynch. Bruce
Todd J. C. Fore.
Taylor-Chas. Brown, B. A. Dea
vor, C L. Henry, Harry Locke, Geo.
C. Lamberson, M. D. Mathlas.
Thompson Wllber Coinerr, David
Gregory, Jacob t'eck, Jacob Weaver,
Union Harry Hill, Nathan Wig
Held. Wells Jesse Ake, Hayes Bivens,
Hillary Foster.
Cider Making.
undersigned is prepared with a
lirst-class steam outtlt at his home
near Jugtown, to do cider making,
and hereby gives notice that his mill
will be ready for business on every
Wednesday until the llrst of October,
and after that time, on Wednesday
and Thursday of each week.
H-2u tf. Nick Hiihman.
Specialist in
In McConnellsburg,
At Washington House
Tuesday, Sept. 22nd.
In Knobsville,
At J. C. lice's,
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.
In Hustontown,
At The Indian Queen,
Thursday, Sept. 24th.
In Fort Littleton,
At The Wilt House,
Friday, Sept. 25th.
'.KNR OF THIS COM Mi i vs K a L'i'H LOfl
Proposing amendments to tin- Cnnstltu
tlon of the Commonwealth of IVnnsyl
Vftnls. so as to consolidate the COUItl of
common plea of Phtlitdclphln and Alle
gheny count lea, and to give the General
Assembly power to establish a sepnr;ite
eoUfl In Philadelphia county, with crim
inal and mlacetlnneoua Jurisdiction.
SaCtlOf) t He It resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives In General
Assembly met. That the following amwui
menta to the Constitution of IVn.isylva
nla le, and the aame are hereby, pro
poaed In accordance with the elKhteenth
article thereof;
That aectlon six of article five be amend
ed by striking out the said sect Inn mid
Inserting In place thereof the following:
Section 6. In the count lea of Phil idi-1-phla
and Allegheny all tho Jurisdiction
and powera now vested In the several
numbered courta of common pleas, shall
be vetted In one court of common pleas
In each of aald count lea. composed of nil
the Judgea In commlaalon In said courta.
Such Jurladlctlon and powers shall ex
tend to all proceedings at law and In
equity which shnll have been Instituted
In the several numbered courta, and shnll
be subject ty such changes as may be
made by tnw. and subject to change of
venue na provided by law. The presld'-ni
Judge of each of the sntd courts shall be
elected aa provided by law. The number
of Judges In each of aald courts may be,
by law, Increased from thno to time. This
amendment ahull take effect n the first
Monday of January succeeding tts adop
8ectlon ?. That article five, section
eight, be amended by malting nil addition
thereto so that the same shall read hh
Section 8. The said courts In the coun-
tlea of Philadelphia and Allegheny re
spectively shall, from time to time. In
turn, detail one or more of their Judges
to hold the courts of oyer and terminer
and the courts of quarter sessions of the
pence of said counties, In such manner as
run y be directed by Jaw : Provided, That
In the county of Philadelphia the Gem ra'
Assembly aha.ll have power to eitftblitn
separate court, consisting of not more
than four Judges, which aha II have ex-
islve Jurladlctlon In criminal c:is-s and
In such other mutters, as may be provid
es by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1,
Secretary of the Commonwealtri.
Proposing an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, allowing
counties, cities, boroughs, townships,
school district a. or other municipal or
Incorporated districts, to Increase their
He U resolved by Vie Senate and House
.f Representatives of the Commonwealth
f Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met. That section eight, article nine, of
he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read
ing as follows:
Section 8. The debt of any county.
city, borough, township, school district (
or other municipality or Incorporated dla-
trlct, except aa herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum upon the hh
sensed value of the taxable property
therein ; nor shall any such municipality
or district incur any new debt or Increase
ita Indebtedness to an amount exceed ,i
two per ceritum upon auch assessed va :
at ion of property, without t he assent of
the electors thereof at a public election,
in auch manner us ahnll be provided by
law; but any city, the debt of which now
exceeds aeven per centum of auch as
sessed valuation, may be authorized by
law to Increase the aame thive per cen
tum. In the aggregate, at any one time,
upon auch valuation," be amended, In ac
cordance with the provisions of the eight
eenth article of auid Constitution, so thai
aald section, ' when amended, shall read
as follows:
Section 8. The debt of any county, city.
borough, township, achool district, or
other municipality or incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev-
r exceed ten per centum upon the as-
aeased value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any auch municipality
or dlatrlct Incur any new debt or In
ciease its Indebtedness o an amount ex
ceeding two per cento.n upon sucb as
aeased valuation of nroperty without the
assent of the electora thereof at a public
election, In such manner as shall be pro
vided by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing amendments to sections eight
and twenty-one of article four, sections
eleven and twelve of article live, sec
tions two, three, and fourteen of article I
eight, section one of article twelve, and
sections two and seven of article four
teen, of the Coestltutlon of Pennsylva
nia, and BVOvM . a schedule for curry
ing the amendments Into effect.
Section 1. He it resolved by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly met, That the following
I proposed us amendments to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn
alvunUi. In accordance' with the provi
sions of the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment One To Article Four, Sec
tion Eight.
Section Z. Amend section eight of artl
cle four of the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, which reads as follows;
"He ahull nominate and, by and with
the advice nnd consent of two-thirds of
all the members of the 8enute, appoint a
Secretary of the Commonwealth and an
Attorney General during pleuaure, a Su
perintendent of Public Instruction for four
yeara, aud such other officers of the Com
monwealth as he Is or may be authorized
by the Constitution or by law to appoint;
he shall have power to fill all vacancies
that may happen, lit otricea to which he
may apjolnt, during the recess of the
Senate, by granting commissions which
shall expire at the end of their next Bea
alon; he shall have power to till any va
cancy that may happen, .during the reoess
K,t the Senate, In the office of Auditor
General, State Treasurer, Secretary of In
ternal Affairs or Superintendent ol Pub
lic Instruction, In a Judicial office, or In
any other elective office which ho is or
may be authorized to hi); ff the viw iney
shall happen during the acsslon of the
Senate, the Governor shall nominate to
the Senate, before their nnal adjourn
Went, a proper peraon to fill aald vacancy;
but In any such case of vacancy, In an
elective office, a person shall be chosen
to aald office at the next general election,
unleaa (he vacancy ahull happen within
three calendar months Immediately pre
ceding auch election, In which cuae th '
election for aald office ahall be held at tho
aeoond succeeding general election. In
acting on executive nominations the Sen
ate ahall alt with open doors, and, In con
firming or rejecting the nomination nt
the Governor, the vote ahall be taken by
yeas and nays, aud ahull be entered on
the Journal." ao aa to i- .id aa follows:
He ahall nominate and. by and with the
advice and consent of two-thirds of alt
the msmbera of Ihs Senate, appoint a
r wrttEfy of the Commonwealth and an
Attorney General during plmsure, a Su
perintendent of Public Instruction for
four yenrs. and such other officers of the
Commonwealth as he la or may tw au
thorized by the Constitution or by law
to appoint; he ahall have power to fill all
vacancies that may happen. In offices to
which he may appoint, during the rtMSs1
of tho Senate, by granting commissions
which shall expire at the end of their
next aesalon; he shall have power to flit
any vacancy that may happen, during the
recess of the Senate, In the office of Audi
tor General. State Treasurer. Secretary of
Internal Affairs or Superintendent of
Public Instruction. In a Judicial office, or
in nny other elsjcttVt office which he la or
may be authorized to Sill If the vacancy
shnll happen during the session of the
Senate, the Governor shall nominate to
the Senate, before their final adjourn
ment, a proper person to fill said va
cancy; hut In any such case of vacancy,
In an elective office, a pernon shall be
chosen to said office on the next election
day n pproprlatc to such office, according
to the provisions of this Constitution, un
less the vacancy shall happen within two
calendar months Immediately preceding
such election dny. In which case tho elec
tion for said office shall be held on the
second succeeding election day nppro
prln te to such offlre. In acting on ex
ecutive nominations the Senate shall sit
with open doors, and. In confirming or
rejecting the nominations of the Gov
ernor, the vote ahnll be taken by yeas
and nays, and shall be entered on the
Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec
Hon Twenty-one.
Section S. Amend aectlon twenty-one of
article four, which reads as follows.
"The term of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs shnll he four years; of the Audi
tor General three yenrs: and of the Stat
Treasurer two years. These officers ahnll
he chosen by the qualified electors Of the
State at genernl elections. No person
elected to the office of Auditor General
nr State Treasurer shall be capable of
holding the same office for two consecu
tive terms." so as to read:
The terms of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs, the Auditor General, and the
State Treasurer shall each he four years;
nnd they shall be chosen by the qunllfleNl
electors of the State at general elections;
hut a State Treasurer, elected In the year
one thousand nine hundred and nine,
shall serve for three years, and his suc
cessors shall be elected nt the general
election In the year one thousand nine
hundred and twelve, nnd In every fourth
year thereafter. No person elected to the
office of Auditor General or fitnte Treas
urer shall be capable of holding the same
nffl'-e for two consecutive terms
Amendment Thf To Article Five, Sec
tion Eleven.
SSOtfOfl 4. Amend section eleven of ar
ticle flve. which rends as follows:
"Except ns otherwise provided In this
Constitution. Justices of the peace or
aldermen shall he elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs and townships
at the time of the election of constables,
by the qualified electors thereof. In such
manner as shnll he directed by law. and
shnll be commissioned by the Governor
for n term of five years. No township,
ward, district or borough shall elect more
than two Justices of the peace or alder
men without the cons-nt of n majority
of the qualified electora within such
township, ward or borough ; no person
shnll be elected to such office unless he
shnll have resided within the township,
borough, wnrd or district for one year
next preceding his election. Tn cities con
taining over fifty thousand inhabitants,
not more than one alderman shall be
elected In each ward or district," ao ns
to read:
Except aa otherwise provided In this
Constitution. Justices of the peace or al
dermen shall le elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs or townships,
by the qualified electors thereof, nt the
municipal election. In such manner as
shnll be directed by law. and shall be
commissioned by the Governor for a term
of six years. No township, ward, dis
trict or borough shnll elect more than
two Justices of the peace or aldermen
without tho consent of a majority of the
qualified electors within such township,
ward or borouich; no person shnll be
else' d to such office unless he shall have
reshl d wlthn the township, borough,
ward or district for one year next pre
ceding his eh-etlon. In cities containing
over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more
than one ahh rman shall be elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment Four To Article Five, Sec
tion Twelve.
Section f. Ami nd aectlon twelve of ar
ticle five of the Constitution, which reuda
as follows:
"In Philadelphia there shnll be estab
lished, for ench thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of fiollce
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars; such courta
shall be held by magistrates whose term
of office ahnll be five years, and they
shall be elected on general ticket by the
qualified voters at large; and In the elec
tion of the said magistrates no voter
shall vote for more than two-thirds of
the number of persons tn be elected when
more than one nre to he chosen ; they
shall he compensated only by fixed sala
ries, to be paid by said county; and shall
exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and crimi
nal, except as herein provided, as Is now
exercised by aldermen, snbjeet to such
changes, not Involving an Increase of
civil jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, .na may be made by law. In
Philadelphia the office of alderman Is
abolished." ho aa to read na followa:
In Philadelphia there ahall be estab
lished, for each thirty thousand Inhab
itants, fine court, not of record, of police
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars; auch courts
shall be held by muglstrntis whose term
of office shall be six ye-irs. and they shall
be elected on genernl ticket at the munic
ipal election, by tho qualified voters at
large; and In he election of the anhl
mnglatrates no voter shall vote for more
than two-thirds of the number of persons
to be elected when more than one nre to
.be chosen; they ahall be compensated
only by fixed anlurles. to bo puld by said
county ; and shnll exercise such jurisdic
tion, civil und criminal, except ns herein
provided, us la now exercised by alder
men, subject to such changea. not Involv
ing an Increase of civil jurisdiction or
conferring political duties, aa muy be
made by law. In Philadelphia the utile
of alderman la abolished. s
Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec
tion Two.
Section G. Amend section two of article
eight, which reads us follows:
"The general election shall be held an
Dually on the Tuesday m-xt following ih
first Monday of November, but the (h i
erul Assembly may by law fix u different
day, two-thirds of all the members Hi etc
House consenting thereto," so as to
The general election ahall bo held bien
nially on the Tuesday next following tlx
tliat Monday of November In each even-
numbered year, but the Oenerul Aaaembly
may by luw fix a different day, two
thirds of all the members of each House
consenting thereto: Provided, Thut auch
election shull alwuya be held in an even
numbered year. ,
Amendment Slx-To Article Eight. Sec
tion Three.
Section 7. Amend section three of arti
cle eight. Which reads as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, borough
and township officers, for regular terms
of aervlce, ahnll be held on the third
Tuesday of February." so as to road:
All Judges elected by the electors of the
Siute at largo may be elected at either I
general or municipal election, as circum
stances may require. All electlona for
Judgea of the courta for the several judi
cial dlatricta. and for county, city, ward,
borough, and township officers, for regu
lar terma of aervlce. ahall he held on the
lliunlcfpu) election day; namely, the Tues
day next following the flrat Monday or
November in each odd -numbered year,
but the General Aaat nibly may by law
fix a different day, two-thlrda of all tbe
in' miners or each House consenting there
to: Provided, That auch election shall al
ways be held In an odd-numbured year.
Amendment Seven To Article Klght, Sec
tion Kourteen.
Section 8. Amend section fourteen of ar
ticle eight, which reads as follows;
"District election bourda ahall oonalat
of a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall
be choaeu annnully by the citizens. Uscl.
ejector shall tuive the right to, vot or
the Judge and one Inspector, and each In
spector ahall appoint one clerk, The first
election board for any new dlatrlct shall
be selected, and vaqpnetea In election
boards filled, ns shall be provided by law.
Election oflh era shall he privileged from
errent upon duye of election, and while
engaged In making up and transmitting
returns, except upon warrant of a court
of record of Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of the peace, In clllea they may
claim exemption from Jury duty during
their tcrcpa of aervlce," ao aa to read:
District election bonrda shnll oonalat of
a Judge and two Inapectnra, who ahall be
choaen biennially, by the cltlsena at the
municipal election; but th" General Aa
aembly may require aald boarda to he ap
pointed In auch manner aa It may by law
provide. Lnwa regulating th appoint
ment of aald bonrda may be enacted fo
npply te cities only: Provided, That such
laws be uniform for cities of the same
claaa. Each elector shall have the right
to vote for the Jinlge and one Inspector,
and nch Inapector ahall appoint ons
Clerk. The flrat Election board for any
n w dlatrlct ahall be aeleeted, and vacan
cies In elee'lon boarda filled, aa shall be
provided by law. Election officers shall
be privileged from arrest upon days of
election, and while engaged In making up
and tranamlttlng returns, except upon
warrant of a court of record, or Judge
thereof, for an election fraud, for felony,
or for wanton breach of the peace. In
cltlea they may claim exemption from
Jury duty during their Jerma of service.
Amendment Eight To Article Twelve,
Section One.
Section 9. Amend aectlon one, article
twelve, which reada na followa;
"All offieera, whoae aelectlon la not pro
vided for In thla Conatltutlon. ahall be
elected or appointed aa may be directed
by law." so aa to read:-.
All offieera, whoae aclectlon Is not pro
vided for In thla Conatltutlon, ahall be
elected or appointed aa may be directed
by law: Provided, That electlona of State
offieera ahall be held on a general election
day. and electlona of local officers ahall
be held on a municipal election day, ex
cept when, In either caae, apeclal elec
tlona may be required to fill unexpired
Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen,
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend aectlon two of article
fourteen, which reada aa follows:
"County offieera ahall he elected at the
general electlona and ahull hold their
officea for the term of three years, begin
ning on the first Monday of January,
next after their election, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for,
shall be filled In such manner as may be
provided by law," so as to read:
County officers ahall be elected at the
municipal elections and ahall hold their
offices for the term of four years, begin
ning on the first Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified ; all
Vacancies not otherwise provided for.
shnll he tilled in such manner as may be
provided by law.
Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen,
Section Seven.
Section 11. Amend section aven, arti
cle fourteen, which reads an follows:-
"Three county commissioners and three
county aud Mora ahall he elected In each
county whei e auch officers nre choaen.
In the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-tlVe nnd every third year
thereafter; nnd In the election of said
offieera each o null fled electcr shnll vo--for
no more than two persons, and the
three persons having the hlglust hilWihe
of votes shall be elected; nny casual va
cancy Iti the office of county commis
sioner or county auditor shall be filled,
by the court of common pleaa of the
count y In which such vacancy shall oc
cur, by the appointment of an elector of
the proper county who shall have voted
for the commissioner or auditor whose
place Is tn be filled." so ns to rend :
Three county commissioners nnd three
county auditors shall be elected In each
county where such officers are chosen. In
the year one thousand nine hundred and
eleven and every fourth year thereafter:
and In the election of snld officers each
qualified elector shall vote for no more
than two persons, and the three persona
having the highest mnber of votes shall
be elected ; nny casual vacancy In the
office of count v commissioner or county
auditor shall be filled, by the court of
common pleas of the county In which
such vacancy shall occur, by the ap
pointment of an elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for the
commissioner or auditor whose place la
to be filled.
Schedule forHhe Amendments.
Section U That no Inconvenience may
grigs from the changes In the Const itu
tlon of the Commonwealth, anil In order
to carry the same Into complete opera
tion. It Is hereby declared, that
In the caae of offieera elected by the
people, all terma of office fixed by act of
Aaaembly at an odd number of yenra
shall each be lengthened one year, but
the legislature may change the length of
the term, provided the terms for which
uch officers are elected shall always be
for an even number of yenra.
The above extenalon of official terms
shall not affect offieera elected at the gen
eta! election nf one thousand nine hun
dred und eight; nor any city, ward, bor
ough, township, or election division offi
cers, whose terms of office, under exist
ing law, end In the year one thouaand
nine hundred and ten.
In the year one thousand nine hundred
and ten the municipal election ahall be
held on the third Tueaday of February,
as heretofore; but all offieera "hoscn at
that election to an office the regulur term
of which la two years, and ulso all elec
tion officers and ussessors choaen at thut
election, ahull eerve until the first Mon
duy of December In the year one thou
Band nine hundred and eleven. AH offi
cers chosen at that election to offices the
term of which la now four years, or la
made four years by the operation of these
atneudmenta or thla schedule, shall serve
until the flrat Monday of December in
tho year one thouaand nine hundred and
thirteen. All juatlcea of the peace, mag
latrutea, and aldermen, choaen at that
election, ahall serve until the flrat Mon
day of December In the year ono thou
sand nine hundred and fifteen. After the
year nineteen hundred and ten, and until
the Leglalaturo ahall otherwise provide,
all terms of city, ward, borough, town
ship, and election dtvialon offieera shall
begin on the flrat Monday of December
In an odd-numbered year.
All city, ward, borough, and townahlp
offieera holding office at the date of the
approval of theae amendmenta, whoae
terma of office may end In the year one
thouaand nine hundred and. eleven, ahall
continue fo hold their officea until the
flrat Monday of December of that year.
All judgea of the courts for the several
Judicial districts, and also all county offi
eera. holding office ut the date of the ap
proval or theae amendmenta whoae terma
or office may end In the year ong thou
aand nine hundred and eleven, shall con
tinue to hold their offices until the first
Monday of January, one thousand nine
hundred and twelve.
A true copy or Joint Resolution No. S.
Secretary or the Commonwealth.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines. Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
President rir,. Hon. s. Mo. Swope.
AHoolie JudRpx l T. Humbert. H K.
Mnrklf-y -
I'rntnmiiiury. o, (Jporue A. ll.rrn.
IHHtrlot Attorney- Krank P. l.ynvh.
TreMurer Chnrle B. btevenn.
Nhcrllt Jell UtrHn.
M-..iy v A 1). HuhmHn.
Jurv CommNNlonpr Ihivifl Rntz. A. V..
Audi ton 1). H. Myers. Anron M. 'itirlaml.
W. wink
CommlaMlonein 9. C. Urscey, William (;.
Davl. S A. NeKbll.
Clerk -M. Krank Henrv.
County M4urlnteudeut- H C. Lamtwrsoo.
AttomeyiVW. Scott Alexander, J. Nelnon
Nine. ThoniUM V. S oan. V. MoN. Johnntoii M
K shaffner. John I'. Slpex. S. W. Kirk. F. P.
hyach. H. N. 9lpe, U H. Wlble.
Justice of the Peace L, II. Wlble.
Con-table Uhurlen xtaak.
nuricewi Dr. H. 8. Wlaliart,
Couucllmen - I). L UrlsxlnKer, John A. Irwin,
Harry Munll. A U Nace. (leorire W HrW-
net f. K Little. Albert stoner.
Clerk - I,. H. Wlblr.
School ulreotorx John Comerer, chart,-- II.
Stevenx. B. II Woollet, L. H. Wlble. M. W.
Naco, T. F. Sloan,
Ho.nlof Hvalill H. K Wlahnrt M I) nr..
John H. Harris, aec'y: Oeorire W. Haya W. L,
McKlhbln. M. I).; John W. Moaxer. M. D.
The llrst term of the Courta rf Pni.
too countv in the vea.r ahall . - . r t ,
on the Tuesday following the second
monuay 01 .1 anuary, at w o'clock a. m.
The HO'(ind lrm commAnnAs r,n th.
third Monday of March, at 2 o'olock
p. m,
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, at 2 o'olock p. m.
Presbyterian. Kev. W. A. West,
u v.. i-asior. rreacning services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
ana every HaDday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Pabbath
school at 9:15. Junior hr iMisn En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Fraver meettrur WnrlnAaHn.
evening at 7:00.
Methodist kpisoopal Rev. C W.
Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening ut 7:00. The altarnatA KshhutV,
evenings are used by the Young Peo-
uie a onrisuan union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00. "
vinFassoldPastor. Sunday school 9:16
a. ro. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. hristian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m, Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'f omellsburgLodge
No. 744 meets every Fi-lday evening in
tne Cleyenger's Hall In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening in the New Hall
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd B'el
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonville Lodge No. 710 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows.' Hall at Harrisonville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meet, ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.. No. 365 meets in
McConnellsburg in Clevenger's Hall
the first Saturday in every month at 2
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S. of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum
meets every first and third Monday
evening In Clevenger's Hall, McCon
nellsburg, Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. 8. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 5ii, P. O.8.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or just
proceding full moon in Lashley hall
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8fl
meots at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKibbln Post dNo.401
G. A. S., meets the second an fourlb
Saturdays in each month at Pleasant
Clear Ridge Council. No. 940, Jr. O.
U. A. M., meets In their Hall at Clear
Ridge every Saturday evening.
TheAspasia Itebekab Lodge, I. O.
O. F., of Harrisonville, meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of each month, in
thel. O, O. F Hall at Harrisonville.
Make. KMay .Ml StaMer Right
I just refilled my sheds
with a fin. lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
dW a written guarantee ot
Rock Bottomv':: it
I also have In stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Pole.
1 want your trade. Please come
and soe my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage in the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same in the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
atop. tHm cough and .l. lung.