The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 03, 1908, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B, W. PK, Editor and Proprietor.
Published Weekly. 91.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of 8 lines 3 timet II M.
Per square each subsequent Insertion.... SO.
An advertisements Inserted for less than
bree months oharKed by the square.
3 mos l Irons, j I yr.
One fourth column m.0O. 130.00 I
One half oolumn 21V 00 4000 M.00
One Column 40 00. M M. ITS.00
Paine Accepted Devoe's Offer.
Good yarn : How Devoe got
an agent at Delhi, N. Y.
Gladstone it I'aine wore agents
for ; we - mustn't tell
names. Devoe wanted 'em.
Paine was painting his big Colon
ial house. Said it took 10 gallons
of while for the trim.
Devoe sant him 10 gallons and
Raul : if you get it all on, no pay;
if you have any left, return it and
piy for the rest. Agreed.
He returned four gallons and
took the agency. Four or tivo
years ago. Ho knows now that
his old paint was aud is adulter
ated; that's why it took ten gal
Ions to equal six of Devoe.
Go by the name: there is but
one mime to go by: Devoe lead
and zinc.
J. A. Boyd, Mercersburg.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Clara A. Decker desires
to thank the many friends aud
neighbors for their help and sym
pathy during theillness and death
of her husband, George W. Decker.
"The Younger Set.''
"The Younger Set,' by Robert
W. Chambers, will be published
in serial form in The Philadelphia
Sunday llecord, beginning Sun
day, September 0th.
An advance order to your news
dealer would be advisable.
"I have used Dr. King's New
Life Pills for several years, and
tind them jnst exactly right,"
says Mr. A. A. Feltou, of Harris
ville, N. Y. New Life Pills ro
lieve without the least discomfort.
Best remedy for constipation,
biliousness; and malaria. l5c. at
Trout's drug store.
A Horse's Toe Nails.
Few persons realize that a
horse's hoof is really the same
thing as the toe nails of human
beings or if animals having toes.
The horn of a hoof grows just rs
a toe nail does. The hoof gi'jws
more rapidly in unshod hifses
than in those wearing shoes, and
it grows faster in horses which
are well groomed and well fed.
But on an average the horn grows
about a third of an inch a month.
Hind hoofs grow faster than fore
hoofs. The toe of the hoof being
the longest part, it takes longer
for the horn to grow down there
than at the heel. For instance,
the toe will grow entirely down
in from eleven to thirteen months
while the heel will grow down in
from three to five months. As the
new horn grows out any cracks or
defects ui the old gradually works
down to where they can be cut
off, just as with human finger
nails you can watch the progress
of a bruise from the root to the
tip. New York Sun.
Cun be cured only by
remedy thut will
lemuvo the cause.
The oftener yon
atop it with headache
powder or pilU the
quicker will it returu.
Generally , headache
cornea from u dia.
tiirlx-d stomach or
irregular bowels, and
almout invariably
I Lane's Family f
(a tonic laxative) will cure head
ache in short order by regulating
the bosvuie and reiuvigoratiag the
It is great blood medicine
and the favorite laxative of old
and young.
At druggist' , S6o. and 80o,
How It Feels to be Hanged.
1 will tell you how it feels to be
hanged. At Fort B irra ca,
Kloridh, on April, I, ISM, I Wn.
hung as a confederate spy. I
spent four minutes physically
and spiritually between earth
aud htiivon. Then a Yankre
sorgeant holievino, mi; lo be the
wrong man, cut me down, says
the Kev. J. T. Mann in Spare
My first sensation when the
barrel was kicked from under
my feet was that a steam boiler
inside me was about to explode.
Every vein and blood vessel to and
from heart seemed charged with
an oppressive fullness that must
find an avenue of escape. The
nervous system throughout its
length was tingling with a pain
ful pricking sensation the like of
which I never felt before or since.
Then followed the sense of an ex
plosion as if a volcano had erupt
ed. This seemed to give me re
liel aud the pain gave way to a
pleasurable feeling, one very de
sirable could it be secured with
'Ut death. With this sensation a
light broke in upon my sight, a
light of mihty whiteness, yet
strange to say, so transparent that
is was easier to pierce with the
eye than the light of day. Then
came into my mouth a taste of
sweetness the like of which I
have never since known. And I
felt myself moving on, with a con
sciousness of leaving everything
behind. Then I heard the sweet
est of music, and it seemed that
more than a thousand harps led
in each part, accompanied by
myriads of voices.
And the sensation of coming
back to life after I had been cut
down, was just as painful as the
first feeling of hanging. It was
acute torture. Every nerve
seemed to have a pain of its own.
My nose and lingers were seats
of the most excruciating agony.
In half an hour the pain was all
gone, but I would not go through
the experience again for the
wealth of the Indies.
II Can't Be Ileal.
The best of all teachers is ex
perience. C, M. Harden, of Sil
ver City, North Carolina, says :
' 1 find Electric Bitters does all
that's claimed for it. For stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles ii
can't be beat. I have tried it aud
find it a most excellent ruediciue. "
Mr. Harden is right; it's the best
of all uiedi .lines also for weak
ness, lamoback, and all rua down
conditions. Best too, for chills
and malaria. Sold under guarau
tee at Trout's drug store. 50c.
W. N. Stewart, of Trenton, N.
J., was a very pleasant caller at
the News office on Wednesday.
Dr. Skinner, one of the leading
physicians of Chj,mbersourg, and
physician to the Scotland Sold
iers' Orphan School, spent part
of Wednesday in this place.
Foley's Honey and Tar will give
immediate relief to asthma suf
ferers and has cured many cases
that had refused to yield to other
treatment. Foley's Honey and
Tar is the best remedy for coughs
colds and all throat and lung
trouble. Contains no harmful
drugs. Trout's drug store.
Three men lie at the point of
death at Kist Berlin, Adains'coun
ty, as the result of an attack on
them by .John Bossormau, aged
L'li years, who became suddenly
insane. John Bott, aged 40, and
Cornelius Baker, aged 70, are
sutferiug from fractured skulls,
and Nathaniel Baker is in a criti
cal condition from concussion of
the brajn. All the injuries are
said to have been inflicted with a
heavy plumber's hammer wield
ed by Bosserman. BossermoD,
it is said, was suddenly seized
with an insane desire to kill ev
ery person he encountered. He
was overpowered by two men
who happened to come along in a
buggy, but not until aftjr a hard
fight, when he was put m chains
and taken to the almshouse at
Hew to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis
are those who are habitually con
stipated. Foley's Ortno Laxative
cures chronic constipation by
stimulating the liver and bowels
and restores the natural action
of the bowels. Foley '8 Orino
Laxative does not nauseate or
gripe aad it mild and pleaaant to
take. Hefusesubatitutes, Trout'.
drag store.
Seek to Remember Only flood Points of
One's Neighbors.
If you would lucrease yur
bappiness and prolong your life,
forget your neighbor's faults.
Korget the slander you have
heard. Forget the temptations.
Forget peculiarities of your
fneuds, and only remember the
good points which make you fond
of them. Forget all personrl
quarrels or histories you may
have heard by accident. Blot out
as far as possible all the disa
greeables of life; they will come,
but they will grow larger when
you remember them, and the con
staut thought of the acts of moan
uess will only tend to make you
more familiar with them. Onlit
erate everything disagreeable
from yesterday; start out with a
clean sheet for to day, aud write
on it only lovely things.
Mr. H. M. Sipes who has a nice
position with the Logan Coal
Company of Philadelphia, with
collieries at Beaverdale, Pa., re
turned to his Work Monday after
having spent a few days very
pleasantly with his home people
in the couuty.
Cider Making at Waterfall.
Having purchased a line now Geiser
H -horsepower Engine and a new Grind
er, I am prepared to run my press
with more speed and satisfaction, and
will open up business on Tuesduy,
September 1, 1908, and Tuesday of
each week following until necessary
when 1 will run other days in the week
as muy be required. Thanking all
for past patronage, and asking a con
tinuance of the same, 1 uui
Yours respectfully,
8-20-31. N. U1. Ai.mwAY.
Farm at Private Sale,
Containing lit) uoies. 50 cleared.
Balance in line timber. 250 fruit trees
of various kinds, good water, good 5
i'ikiiii dwelling house, good bank barn,
new wagon shed, and other outbuild
lngs. 11000 bushels lime put on lately.
Lund in good cultivation. Located 2
miles northwest of Needruore. Pa.
This is a bargain. Cash, or easy pay
ments. Call on, or address
Kmohy A. I)i Kill.,
8-27-31. Locust Grove, Pa.
Cider Making.
The undersigned is prepared with u
tirst-clttss steam outlit at his home
near Jugtown, to do aider making,
and hcieby gives nntico that his mil!
will be ready for business on every
Wednesday until the first of October,
and after that time, on Wednesday
and Thursday of each week.
8-20-tf. Nli'K Hohman.
Hustontown, Pa.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work a
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
Ail Work Guaranteed.
Will be in olliee from Thursday ev
ening until Monday morning of each
Western Maryland Railroad Company.
In Eircet June 10. 1908.
Truins leuve. Hancock M follows;
No. tt H.tOu, in. (ilully) for HuKurstown. Hal
titmice. VVSYBSSboro, Chanibersburlf,
und luiermt-duie.
Mo. 410 00 u. ui twerk duys) Hall Injure. (Jet
. tysburg York aud intermediate.
No.2-:iip m. (week days) Haltlmore aud in
termediate stations. Vestibule train
with observation buffet car.
No. 1 H ftO a. m. (week days) Cumberland, aud
No. 8 1.03 p m. (wet k days) Little Orleans,
Old Town. Cumberland, Klkius aad
west. Vestltule train with observation
buffet car.
Wo.t-A4ftp.JH (dally) leaves JUItimore 4.20
p. m . llutfcrstown 7.f0p. in.
All trains make connection at Mrucevtl! for
Frederick and iralus 6 und J for points north
and at Haltlmore (Union Stution) for I'hila,
de phi and New York.
Gen. la s. Afft. Atfent.
Private Sale.
The Property of the Baltimore
Crosstie Company. .
3 Portable Engines and Saw
Mills Complete, 1 Set Bar
cus Stocks, 7 Pairs Truck
Wheels and Axles, 2 Log
Trucks, 1 Annl, 1 Black
smith Forge, 1 Low Down
Wagon, 3 Four-Horse Wag
ons, 3 Cut-OjfSaws, Lot of
Harness, Collars, Bridles,
and several other articles
too numerous to mention.
This entire outfit has only
been in use two years.
For further particulars
call or write io
Hancock, Md.
Nt'MnpR OVI).
PropfininK urnsndntsnti t the Conntttri
lion of tho Com inon wraith of TVnnsyt
vnnta so a to consolidate thr courts oT
rnrnnion lns of PtlltfttftlplitO ftfld Alle
gheny counting, ami to give the O'
Assembly pOWif to establish ft separate
cnurt In Phllrtflclphla county, with crlrn
In;i! nmj mlsecltaneniiH Jurisdiction.
H rf inn 1. W I resolved by the H nnto
and Houte of Rapn sc ntatlves In General
Assembly niH, Tbnt (he folloWtflfl amend
mr nts to the Const It utlOfl of ennsyl vil
li la be, mid the same arc hereby, pro
posed In accordance with the eighteenth
article thereof: t
Thnt section six of article five be amend
ed by striking out the said MCtlotl and
Insrrtlng In place therof the following:
Section 6. in the eountlci of Philadel
phia find Aliegheny all t bo lurladtctioti
nnd powers now vested In the MVCMU
numbered courts of common pleas, shall
be vested In one court of common plea
In each of said counties, composed of nil
the Judges In commission In said courts.
Such Jurisdiction mid powers shall ex
tend to all proceedings at law and In
npilty which shall have been Instituted
In the several numbered courts, and Khali
be subject to such changes as may be
made by law. and subject lo change of
venue as provided by law. The president
Judge of each of the said courts shall be
i leOted as provided by law. The number
of Judges In esirh of said courts may he.
by law. Increased from tlriTv to time. This
amendment shall take effect on the (list
Mondny of January succ eeding Its adop
tion. Section 2. That article five, section
eight, be amended by making an addition
thereto so that the same shall read as
Section 8. The said courts In the coun
ties of Philadelphia and Allegheny re
spectively shnll. from time to tfTno, In
turn, detail one or more of their judges
to hold the OOUrtl of oyer nnd terminer
nnd the courts of quarter sessions of the
pence of said eountles, In siieh manner as
innv be directed by law: Provided, That
In the county of Philadelphia the General
A sscmbly shall have power to establish
a separate court, consisting of not more
tban four Jlidfes, which shall have ex
clusive Jurisdiction In criminal cases and
In such otlu-r matters as may be provid
ed by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. l,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
I' i I K C M M i N V i A I .T II OK PEN N
M 1 1 N W KA LTH, IN PORBU A Kl K 09
Proposing an atnendfrMIlt to tho Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, nllowing
counties, cities, boroughs, townships
school districts, or otlu-r municipal or
Incorporated districts, to increase- their
Ue It resolved by the Senate and House
if Representatives of the Commonwealth
f Pennsylvania In Oeneral Asc-mbly
met, That section eight, article nine, of
he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read
Insj as follows:
'Section 8. The debt of any county,
city, borough; towns! dp. school ilist riot,
or other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except ;u herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum up in the as
sessed value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any such municipality
or district Incur any new debt or l& crease
Its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding
two per centum upon BUOh assessed ve. :
ai ion of property, without the assent -the
electors thereof at a public electk
In such manner us shall be provided 1 y
law; but any city, the debt of whieh DOW
exceeds seven per centum of such
sessed valuation, may be authorized Ay
law to Increase the same three per ceu
turn. In the aggregate, at any one time,
upon suoh valuation," be amended. In nc
c rda nee with the provisions of the eight
eenth article of said Constitution, so that
.said section, when amended, sbull read
aa follows:
Hectlnn H. The debt of any countv, city
borough, township, school district, or
other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed ten per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any such municipality
or district li cur any new debt or In
cieasc Its Indebtedness to en amount ex
ceeding two per centum upon suoh as
sessed valuation of property without, the
assent of the electors thereof at a public
election, In such manner as shall be pro
vided by Inw.
A true eopy of Joint Resolution No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing amendments to sections eight
slid twenty-one of article four, sections
eleven and twelve of article, live, sec
tions two. three, and fourteen of article
eight, section one of nrticle twelve, and
Sections two und seven of article four
teen, of the Co: dilution of Ptutisylva
nia, and providi , a schedule for carry
ing the amendments Into effect.
Seci ion 1. Ho R resolved by the B natc
and House of Represep tati VSM of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen
eral Assembly met, That the following
proposed us amendments Ui the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn
Sylvsnla, In accordance wfh the provi
sions of the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment One To Article Four, Sec
tion Eight.
Section t. Amend Section eight of arti
cle four of the Constitution of peniiMyl
vtinla, which reads aa follows:
"He shall nominate and by and with
the advice and consent of two-thirds of
all the nu mbers of the Senate, appoint a
Secretary of the Commonwealth and an
Attorney General during pleasure, a Su
perintendent of Public Instruction for four
years, and such other officers of Lbs Com
liionweultb us he Is or may be uuthortzed
by the Constitution or by law to nppo.nt :
he shall have power to fill all vacancies
that may happen, In offices to which ho
may appoint, during the recess of the
Senate, by granting commissions which
shall expire ut the end of their next ses
sion; hs shall have power to till any va
cancy that may happen, during the reoesS
-f the Senate, In the office of Auditor
Oeneral. State Treasurer, Secretary of In
ternal Affairs or Superintendent of Pub
He instruction, In u Judicial office, or In
any other elective office which he Is or
may be uuth-jrhted to (111; If the vacancy
shall happen during the suasion oi tie
Senate, the Uovernor shall nominate to
the Senate, before their nnat adjourn
ment, a proper person to lill said vacancy,
but in any such case of vacancy, in un
elective ifilce. a person shall be Oboseii
to said ofllee at the next gein ral election,
unless the Vacancy shall huppen within
tl ree calendar mouths iminedituly pre
c ding suoh election, In which esse '. h
election for said office shall be In Id at the
I cond sueeevdUitf general, election in
acting on executive nominations the Sen
ate shali sit with open doors, and. In con
tinning or rejecting the nominations ot
the Governor, the vote stunt be taken by
... and nays und shall bs entsred on
the Journal, so ss to read as foLuws.
He shall numlnats and, by and with the
advice and consent of iwo-thlrds of ah
i lie members of ths ftensts. appoint ft
Merre t try of the Commonwealth and nn
Attorney Oeneral during pleasure, a Su-
ftsrlnti tident of Public Ins! ruction for
four years, and such other officers of the
Commonwealth as he Is or may be an
thOfJSed by the Constitution or by law
to Hp point, he shall have power to fill alt
Vacancies that may happen. In offices to
whb h he may appoint, during the recess
of the Senate, by granting commissions
which shall expire at the end of tie r
next session; he shall have power (o fill
any vnenncy that may happen, during the
recess of the Senate, In the office of Audi
tor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of
Internal Affair or Superintendent of
Public Instruction, In a judicial office, or
In ftrif Othet elective nfflre which he Is or
tuny bS BAIthOtiSed to fill; If the vacancy
nhall happen during the session of the
iei fttS, the Governor shall nominate to
tb. Semite, before their final adjourn
ment, p proper person to fill en hi va
cancy; but In any such case of vncmey.
in an elective office, a person shall be
enow n to said oflice on the nxt election
day appropriate to sitch office, according
to the provisions of this Constitution, un
less the vacancy shnll happen within two
cab ndnr months Immediately preceding
such election day. in which case the elec
tion for said office shall be held on the
second succeeding election day appro
prlnte to such office. In acting on ex
ecutive nominations the Sena tS shall sit
with open doors, nnd. In confirming or
reject Inf the nominations of the Oov
ernor. tho vote shall be taken by y.-nM
nnd nays, nnd shall be entered on the
Amendment TwoTo Article Four, flec
tion Twenty-one.
Beet Ion 3. Amend nectlon twnty-nne of
article four, which reads as follows i
"The term of the flecntary of Internal
Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi
tor fjeneral three year?: and of the State
Treasurer two yenrp. These officers shall
he chosen by the qualified electors of t hi
State at general elections. No person
eloc'ed to the office of Auditor General
or State Treasurer shall bo capable of
holding the sain1 office for two consecu
tive terms," so ns to rend:
The terms of the flcqretary of Internal
Affairs, the Auditor Oeneral, nnd the
State Treasurer shall each be four ynrs;
and they shall lw chosen by tho qualifier
electors of the State at general elections;
but a State Treasurer, elected In the year
one thousand nine hundred and nine
shnll SeTVe for three years, and his suc
copfifvrn shall be elected nt tho gen ore1
election In the year one thousand nine
hundred and twelve, nnd In every fourth
year thereafter. No person elected n
office of Auditor General or State Treas
urer shall h" capable of holding the sam
OfflCS for 1WO eonseriitlVP terms.
Amendment Throe-eTo Article Five, flec
tion Tb ven.
Poet Inn 4. Amsnrl section eleven of ar
UclS five, which reads as follows:
"Except as otherwise provided In thl
Constitution. Justices of the pence or
aldermen shnll be ejected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs nnr? townships
St the time of the election of constables,
by tho qitallfVd electors thereof. In such
mnnner as shall be directed by law. nnd
shall be commissioned by the Governor
for a term of five yenrs. No township,
ward, riistrtoi or borough shall elect more
than two Justices pf the peace or nlder
Rtsn without tho consent of a majorltv
of the qualified electors within such
township, word or bOTOUab ; no person
shnll bo sltCted to such off! OS unless ho
shall have resided within the township
borough, ward or district for one year
next preceding his election. In cities con
taThlng over Ifty thousand Inhnbltnnts
not more 1 ban one n Merman shall he
elected In each ward or district,' so as
to read;
Except as otherwise provided In this
Constitution, Justices of the peace or nl
dennsn shall be elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs or townships,
by the qualified electors thereof, at the
municipal election, In such manner as
shnll be directed by law. and shall be
commissioned by the Governor for a term
.of nix yenrs. No tOWnSl.lO. ward, dis
trict or borough shall elect morn than
two Justices of the peace or aldermen
Without the consent of a majority of the
qualified electors within such township
ward or bo.ough; no person shall be
'd to sin h office unlet-- he shall have
d wlth'n the township, borough,
Ward or district for one y. ar next pre
Ocdlntf his i lection. In cities containing
over fifty thousand inhabitants, not more
than one alderman shall be elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment Four -To Article Five, Sec
tion Twelve.
Section fi. Amend section twelve of ar
ticle five of the Constitution, whieh reads
ns folio. vs:
"In Philadelphia there shall be est ah
llshcd, for each thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of pollei
and civil cauSSS, with Jurisdiction not ex
OesdlnSj one hundred dollars; such courts
shall be held by magistrates whose term
of office Shnll be five yenrs. and they
shall ! ejected on general ticket by tm
qualified voters nt large; and In the elec
tion of t he sa id inn gist rs tea no voter
shall vote for more than t wo-t birds ot
the number of persons to be elected when
more thnn one are to be chosen; they
shall be compensated only by fixed sala
ries, to be paid by said county; nnd shall
exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and crlml
nal. except as herein provided, as Is now
exercised by n hie r men, subject to such
changes, not Involving an Increase of
civil jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, us piny be made by law. In
Philadelphia the office of alderman I
abolished." so as to read ns follows:
In Philadelphia there shall be cstah
Usbedj for snob thirty thousand fnlmb
ltants. one court, not of record, of D0iH
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex
(ceiling one hundred dollars; such court.
shall be held by magistral s whose term
of offlOft shall bs six years, and they shal'
t. elected on general ticket nt the munic
ipal election, by the qualified voters ni
liirge: and In the election of the sa
magistrates no voter shall vote for mor
than two-thirds of the number of person;
to be elected when more than one are h
he chosen; they shall be PQropftnsatflrt
only by fixed salaries, to be paid by sa!'
county; and shall exercise such jurisdb
tlon, civil and criminal, except as herein
provided, as Is now exerelscd by alder
men, subject to such changes, not Involv
ing atl increase of civil Jurisdiction or
conferring political duties, as may be
made by law. In Philadelphia the ottici
of alderman is abolished.
Amendment Flve-To Article Klght, Sec
tion Two.
Section C. Amend section two of artieh
eight, which reada as follows:
"The general election shall be held an
nually on the Tuesday next following tin
first Mondny of November, b it the Qst
era! Assembly may by law fix a different
day. two-thirds of Hi i the raambers of uai
House consenting thereto," so as ti
Ths general election shall be held bien
nially on the Tuesday next following tin
firat Monday of November In each even-
numbered year, but the General Assembly
may by law fix a different day. two.
thlrdB of all the members of each House
consenting thereto: Provided, That such
election shall always be held In an even
numbered year.
Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec
tion Three.
Section 7. Amend section three of arti
cle eight, which reads as follows:
"All elections for city. ward, borough
and township officers, for regular tsrmj
of service, shall be held on the third
Tuesday of February." so as to read:
All Judges elected by the electors of the
State at large may be elected at either a
general or municipal election, as clroum
Stances may require. All elections for
Judges of the courts for the several Judi
cial districts, and for county, city, ward,
borough, and township ofllcers, for regu
lar terms of service, shall be held on the
municipal election day; namely, the Tues
day next following the first Monday of
November In each odd-numbered year,
but the Oeneral Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds of all the
nn mix rs of e ion House, consenting there
to provided, That such election shall a!
ways oe held tu un odd-numbered year.
Amendment Seven To Article Klght, Sec
tion Fourteen.
Berllon 8, Amend eecilou fourteen of ar
ticle eight, which reads ss fo'.iows:
"District election bosrdr shall consist
Of a judge and two lnsp'.otnrs, who shall
be chosen annually by tne citUene. fiauh
flscfor shall have the right to. vote, fqr
Section It
cle fourteen
the Judge nnd one Inspector, and each In
spector shall nppolnt ons Clerk. The first
election board for any new district shall
be selected, and vacancies In election
boards idled, ns shall be provided by law
Kioctlon officers shall be privileged from
rrejH upon days of election, and while
engaged In rnnklng up nnd transmitting
returns, except upon warrant of s court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of the peace. In cities they may
claim exomptlon from Jury duty during
tin li terms of service," so as to Tendi
nis) riot election boards shall consist of
a Judge ami two Inspectors, who shall be
chosen biennially, by the citizen at the
municipal election; but the General As
sembly may require said hoards to he ap
pointed In such manner as It may by law
pro vlile. Laws regulating the appoint
ment of said bodrds may he enno) ed to
apply to cities only: Provided, That such
Is ws .be uniform for el Mos of the same
Class. Karh elector shall have the right
to vote for thft Judge n nd OAS Inspector.
and each rpspsotoF shall appoint one
clerk. The first election board for any
nW district shall be selected, and vacan
cies In election boards filled, as shall be
provided by law. Election officers shall
be privileged from arrest upon days of
election, and while engaged In making up
and transmitting returns, except upon
warrant of a court of record, or JUdgTI
tb reof, for nn election fraud, for felony,
or for w n t on brea ch of the pence. I n
cities they m ly claim exemption from
Jury duty during their terms of service.
Amendment Klght To Article Twelve,
Section One.
Section P. Amend section one, article
twelve, which reads ns follows:
"All officers, whfise selection Is not pro
vided for In this Constitution, shall bo
elected or appointed as may bo directed
by law," so as to read:
All officers, whose selection Is not pro
vided for In this. Constitution, shall be
elected or appointed as may be directed
by law: Provided, That electlons'of State
officers shall he held on a general election
day, und elections of local officers shall
be held on a municipal elect Ion day, ex
cept when, In either case, special elec
tions may be required to fill unexpired
Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen,
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of article
fourteen, which nads as follows:
"County officers shall be elected at the
general electiorue) and shall hold thnlr
offices for the term of three years, begin
ning on the first Monday of January
next after their election, and until their
successors shall he duly qualified; all
vacancies not otherwise provided for,
shall be Riled In su-h manner as may be
provided by law." so as to read:
County officers shall be elected at the
municipal elections and shall hold their
offices for the term of four years, begin
ning on the first Monday of January
tiexft after their election, and until their
successors shnll be duly qualified all
vacancies not otherwise provided for.
shnll be tilled In such mnnnvr as may bu
provided by law.
Amendment Ten--To Article Fourteen,
Section Seven.
AmeYid Section seven, nrtl
Which reads aa follows:
"Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall be elected In each
county where such ofllcers are chosen,
In the year one thousnnd cluht hundred
and seventy - live and every third year
thereafter; and In the election of said
officers each qualified elect i t Hhalt SOP
for no more than two persons, and the
throe persons having the hiffhoxt nuoihe'
of votes shall be elected; any casual va
cancy In the office of county commis
sioner or county auditor shall he filled,
by the court of common pleas of the
county In which such vacancy shnll oc
cur, by the appointment of an elector of
the proper county who shall hnve voted
for the commissioner or auditor whose
place is to he filled. ' so as to read:-
Three county commissioners and three
county auditors shall bo circled In each
county where such officers are chosen. In
the year one thousand nine hundred and
eleven and every fourth year t heron fter:
and in the election of said ofllcers each
qualified elec tor shall vote for no more
I hnn two persons, nnd the three persons
having the highest number of votes shall
be elected; nny en: ml vacancy In the
office of cor Jr e 'sslonor or county
auditor shnll be Idled by the court of
common phan of I he county in which
such vacancy shnll occur, by the ap
pointment of nn elector -of the proper
county who shall have voted for the
commissioner or auditor whose place Is
to be filled.
Schedule for the Anendmcnts.
Section 1?. That no inconvenience may
arise from the changes In Mie Const Itu
tlon of the Commonwealth, and In order
to carry the same Into complete opera
tion, It Is hereby declared, thnt
In the case of oflh-ers elected by the
people, all terms of office fixed by act of
Assembly at an odd number of years
shall each be lengthened one year, but
the legislature may change the length of
the term, provided the terms for which
such ofllcers are elected shall always be
for an even number of years.
The above extension of official terms
shall not affect ofllcers elected at the gen
ei al election of one thousand nine hun
dred and eight; nor nny city, ward, bor
ough, township, or elect Inn division offi
cers, whose terms of office, under exist
ing law, end In the yeur one thousand
nine hundred and ten.
In the year one thousand nine hundred
end ten the municipal election shall bo
held on the third Tuesday of February,
ss heretofore; but al) ofllcers chosen at
thai election to an office the regular term
of which Is two years, and also all elec
tion "tih and assessors chosen at that
election, shall serve until the first Mon
day of December In the year one thou
sand nine hundred and eleven. AH offi
cers chosen at that election to offices the
term of which Is now four years, or Is
made four years by the operation of these
amendments or this schedule, shall serve
until the first Monday of December in
the year one thousand nine hundred and
thirteen. All Justices of the peace, mag
istrates, and aldermen, chosen at thut
election, shall serve until the first Mon
day of December In the year one thou
sand nine hundred and fifteen. After ths
year nineteen hundred and ten, end until
the Legislature shall otherwise provide,
all terms of city, ward, borough, towo
ship, and election division ofllcers shall
begin on the first Monday of December
In an odd-numbered year.
All city, ward, borough, and township
ofllcers holding office at the date of tho
approval of these amendments, whose
terms of office may end In the year one
thousand nine hundred nnd eleven, shall
continue to hold their offices until the
first Monday of Deoember of thut year.
Alt Judges of 'the courts for the several
Judicial districts, and nlsu all county offi
cers, holding office at the date of the ap
proval of these amendments, whose terms
of office may end In the year one thou
sand nine hundred and eleven, shall con
tinue to hold their offices until the firat
Monday of January, one thousand nine
hundred and twelve
A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 8.
Secretary of the Commonwealth. '
President Judge Hon. H Mo. Aw ope.
AwocUte Judges D. T. Humbert. H. IC.
Mark ley
I'rothooottry. Ac. t.Jeorgc A. Ifsrrls.
IfKMci Attorney Kranlt P. Lynch.
Treasurer Charles B. M eve dm.
Sheriff Jeff Harris.
Deputy Sheriff A. I Hohman.
Jury Commissioner. Ihivld Rots, A. C.
Auditors f. H. Myers, Aaron M Oar and
W. Oram Vt Ink
Commissioners M. C. Urscey. William '.
Davis, S A. V u
Clerk H. Frnnk Henry.
County Superintendent H 0. fanaberson.
Attorney W, Scott Alexander, J. Nelson
Hlpc Thoms r. S oon, F. MoN. Johnston. M.
11 Mi uTuer. JdiuP. Slpes. S. W. Kirk. F. P.
Lynch. 11 N. Sipes, L H. Wlhln.
Justice of the Peace L H. Wlble.
0Oe tab's Charles steak.
Burgee Dr. II. S. Wl h ut,
Couiiclltnen I), U (Jrisslnger. John A. Irwin.
Harry humml', A. U. Nace. Ueorge W. Rels
aer l. K Little. Albert stoner.
Clark L. H. Wlble.
School l ireetors John Comerer, Charles B.
Stevens S II VYoolIrt. L II, Wlble. M W.
Nace, T. F. MOM,
Ilo M of lleobh If. S. W Mi art, M P.. ores ;
John S. Harris, sco'y; George W, Hays W. L,
McKihhln. M. I).; John W. Mossnr. M IV
The first torm of thn Onuses nf Ifat.
ton county in the year shall cotnmenca
" uih luesuay totiowing tne second
Monday of lOo'clock a. m.
i I. t ! il farm nt imtruirwo(i ,,,, t .
third Monday of March, al 2 o'clock
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the necond Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Presbyterian. lie v. W. A. West,
D D., Pastor. Preaching service,
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. Junior hr hi ir.n En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00. ,
Methodist iscopal Rev. C W.
flivner, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
league at fi.00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United kresiiyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. ereachine every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, ana every other Sunday
evening al7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are-used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
vinFassoldPastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching ovnry other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. hrlstlan En
deavor at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching an alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at (1:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers. Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
Mak.k Kidney, an Bladder Sight
Odd Fellows M'( onaollsburgLodge
No. 744 meets every F.-iday evening In
tne Cleyenger's Hail In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meet,
every Saturday evening In the New Hall
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meet,
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonville Lodge No. 710 meets
every Saturday evening In Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrisonville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meet, ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.. No. 365 meets In
McConuellsburg In Clevenger's Hall
the tlrst Saturday In every month at 2
p. no.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S. of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Roval Arcanum
meets every (irst and tliird Monday
evening in Clevenger's Hall, McCon
uellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. 8.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 5l4, P. Q.S.
of A., Hustontown, moets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No.
689, meets every Saturdav, on or just
preceding full moon In Lashley hal
at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8o
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Post dNo.401
G. A. 8., meets the second an fourth
Saturdays In each month at Pleasant
Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O.
(J, A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear
Kldge every Saturday evening.
TheAspasia Hebekah Lodge, I. O.
O. V., of Harrisonville, meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of each mouth, In
the I O O. F Hall at Harrisonville.
I have just refilled my sheds
with a line lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Psio i
I also have in stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Bug.fy Poles.
1 want your trade. Please come
and see my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanklug the public for liber
al patronage in the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same in the future, 1 am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
th cough and !. Iwsatf