The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 13, 1908, Image 5

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(M I c$' and Ueneral Interest, (lathered
at Home or Clipped frm our
Uuh'.i .lacknon of this place has
a crop of over ESO pigeoua.
A fine biff boy came to tho homo
of Mr. auJ Mrs. Samuol Scott, of
Tod township, on last Thursday
L W. Seylar and wife moved
to the Mrs. Kri property on First
street, on Wednesday of this
Mrs. J. W. Mellott and three
children of the Kxlersion are
spending some time with friends
iu Uarrisburg.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will
cure any case of kidney or blad
der trouble that- is not beyond
the reach of medicine. No medi
cine can do m re. Trout's drug
W. 1). Boyd, E-tq., cashier of
the Farmers P.. ink, aud sister
and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. West,
of Waynesboro, were gueBts at
the Fulton House, on Tuesday
Mr. George Fox, who lives
near Williamson, Franklin county
spent Tuesday among friends in
this vicinity, and was accompan
led home by his sister, Mrs. Har
v y Cooper, who has been in poor
health for awhile.
Mr. John Bishop, ofThompson
township, spent a few hours in
towu last Saturday. 1 1 is mother,
Mrs. Susan Bishop, accompan
led him to town and will remain
some time with her daughter,
Mrs. Mary A. Kelley.
Rev Edward Fawl, of Carlisle,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Runyan from Saturday
evening uutil Monday. Suuday
morning and evening Mr. Fawl
preached in the Presbyterian
church much to the pleasure and
.edification of those who heard
Jake Murdock, of Johnstown,
well known am ing automobile
people here, was one of a party
of five io leave Pittsburg Tues
day morning at 8:18 and make the
ruu to Philadelphia in a Packard
touring car, reaching the latter
city at 9:10 Tuesday eveuing a
distance of 32!i miles.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Coulter, ot
Winchester, Kas., are visiting in
the home of the latter's brother,
Mr. Thomas McClure of Licking
C-eek township. Mr. Coulter is
a native of Kansas. This is his
first visit to Pennsylvania, and he
is greatly pleased with the beau
ty of the scenery.
Maurice Tout, who had been
spending a tew days with his
mother and sisters in this place,
returned to Philadelphia last
Sunday. Ue was accompanied
to Cliambersburg by his brother
in law, Ernest R. Met 'lain in the
latter's Buick roadster, and also
by Walter R. Sloan, who went
along for the ride over the moun
Trie Crystal Springs Camp
meeting will begin to morrow and
continue in. til the 24th iast. An
attractive program has been ar
ranged, aud the best meeting in
years is expected. The grounds
have been put in excellent condi
tion, new buildings have been
erected, and old ones have been
repeired. There will be daily
mail couveyauces to and from all
tiains, telephone connections,
and other conveuieuces.
Wayne Taylor, little son of
Frank M. Taylor of this place
made a narrow escape from being
killed on Monday. Wayne like
many other boys in town is in
the habit of catching on to wagons
passiug through town and on
Monday he caught on to a four
horse wagon and losing bis hold
fell one of the wheels passed over
bis head and neck badly bruising
him. Fortunately the wagon was
empty, had it been heavily load
ed he certainly would have been
Tke Beat Pills liver Sold.
"After doctoriug 15 years for
chronic indigestion, and spending
over two hundred dollars, noth
"iK lias done me as muf-h good as
Dr. King's Now Life Pills. I com
them the best pills ever
9d," writes H. K. Ayscuo, of
Wleside, N. C. Sold under
KuarauteeatTrout'Bdrug store.
Mi I Dcalh on Cumberland Valley Rail
road al Dillsburg Junction Wednes
day. Was Braktman.
Barry S Mother, a br.keman
on the C. V. rail. o id, and young
est brother of our townsman, Dr.
J. W. Mosser, was killed at DUs
burg Junction, near Mechanics
burg, yesterday.
Tho deceased was a voteran of
the Spanish American War, and
served in tho Philippines in the
same regiment with Ralph Patter
son. During his boyhood days,
he was a member of the family of
the late John Hege and resided
in the Corner in Ayr township.
Vcr some time he has been a res
ident of Chambersburg. He is
survived by a widow and one
child. His ago was 27 year?, 7
months, and 2 days.
A Oriod l:amlly Medicine.
"It gives me pleasure to speak
a good word for Electric Bitters,"
writes Mr. Frank Conlan, of No.
430 Houston St., New York. "It's
a grand family medicine for dys
pepsia and liver complications;
while for lamo back and weak
kidneys it cannot be too highly
recommended." Electric Bitters
regulate the digestive functions,
purify the blood, aud impart re
nnwed vigor and vitality to the
weak and debilitated of both sex
es. Sold under guarantee at
Trout's drug store. 50c.
Died In Barn.
Mrs. Nancy, widow of .Fames
Hassler, aged 74 aud a highly re
spected citizen of Fort Loudon,
died very suddenly Sunday even
ing in her barn from heart fail
ure. It may also be that she fell
in an attack of vertigo from the
hay mow to the floor below, as
she was dead when found nobody
will ever knew just how she died.
She is survived by one daughter,
Mra. Foreman, Edenville, and
two sons, one in New York aud
the other in California.
Stockers and Feeding Cattle
Yon want to buy where you can get the best cattle for the leas!
money . Write or wire at once to
Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and
a square deal guaranteed.
REFERENCES: Live .Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicago
Any Mercantile Akc ncv
Thousands o our satisfied customer!!
A big
We handle more stork era and feeders than any firm in the world.
aelectiou at all tunes. Sales, 4u to 50 loads dully.
Come to Chicago and we will sell direct to you, or order at once by mail
or telegram and we will ship just what you wantdirect to you at lowest mar
ket prices. Write at once for our plan of filling orders. We can save
you money. Write us for quotations of prices before you buy.
Mrs. David Limberson,
A. S. Nusbaum, Batesville In
diana, writes : "Last year 1 suf
fered for three months with a
summer cold so distressing that
it interfered with my business.
I had many of the symptoms of
hay fever, and a doctor's pre
scription did not reach my case,
and I took several medicines
which seemed only to aggravate
it. Fortunately I insisted upon
having Foley's Honey and Tar.
It quickly cured me. My wife
has since used Foley's Honey and
Tar with the same success."
Trout's drug store.
Candles for Tired Eyes.
When the excessive light of
tho gas jot or the electric bulb
tires v.eak eyes, resort to the
good, old tallow candle.
In tick rooms, where a candle
would do the best service during
the night, it is entirely forgotten,
and the tired eyes of the invalid
are forced to endure a light that
perhaps is constantly working in
jury and adding nervousness to
the other malady.
Furnishing a holder with one
for each bedroom can be done at
small cost with good result.
Shades might also be bought for
them at a small cost and give
them even a neater appearance
and save them from dickering in I
airy room
For the sick rooms wax can
dies are preferred as tbey never
produce smoke or smell.
They seem to soothe the ner
ves of the invalid and in this way
help to produce a restful night.
How To Make Cold Mrat Loal.
"Avoid warm hashes in sum
mer and have in their place a
meat loaf that can be served cold,"
writes Cliristine Torhuue Her -rick
in "Woman's Home Compan
ion for August "Chop your
remnants of steak or roast tiue,
mix with them oue third as much
cold boiled ham or tongue, season
well, and add a couple of raw
eggs beaten light. If rather dry,
moisten with gravy or stock, turn
into a greased mold with plain
sides, cover, set in a baking pan
with hot water about it, and bake
for an hour. This loaf may also
be made with raw beef, but then
it must cook for two hours. Let
it get very cold before turning
out, and slice. Veal loaf may be
prepared by this recipe, and even
cold roast lamb may be treated
in the same manner. The main
point to be borne in mind is the
seasoning. Be careful that this
is well done and you will have a
popular dish,"
has beeu visiting her daughter at
Woodvalo for the past two weeks,
has returned to her heme again
at this plnco.
Mrs Simon Ficks is visiting
friends and relatives in the lower
part of the County, this week.
On her Hist birthday, quite a
number of the good wjmen of
our town planned a surprise for
Mrs. Wilson, who has the mis
fortune to be blind, aud present
ed her with mauy useful articles, !
that will add to her comfort and j
pleasure during the remainder of j
her life.
David Mumma left this place
for Jeanuette ou Tuesday, wnero j
he expects to visit relatives. He
was accompanied by eo. Laidig
and wife, who will also spend
some time visiting friends aud
relatives in that place.
Adam Vallance, who has been
spending tho summer in this
place, has returned to his home
in Ohio.
Tho baseball game which was
played here last Saturday, be
tween Hustontown and Dane,
was a nice quiet ono. Evch side
acted the part of gentlemen and,
consequently, there was no chew
lug the rag during tho entire
game. The festival held in the
evening under the auspices of
the Hustontown Base Ball Team,
passed off very smoothly aud was
satisfactory in every way.
The following was the line-up :
Hoover, c
Chesiitil, I). lb.
Woodcock. 2b.
Wink, 3b.
l.'levenger, as.
Keebaugh, C. cf.
Keebaugh, W. rf.
Mclilhaney, If.
Score: Hustontown, 8; Dane,
1. Umpire, Hayes Strait. Two
base hit, Wm. Connelly; home
run, Hoover.
Chesnut, H. K.
Kaker, G.
Connelly, W.
Connelly, C.
Raker, B.
How to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis
are those who are habitually con
stipated. Foley's Orino Laxative
cures chronic constipation by
stimulating the liver and bowels
and restores the natural action
of the bowels. Foley's Orino
Laxative does not nauseate or
gripe and is mild and pleasant to
take. Refusesubstitutes. Trout's
drug store.
A. C. Palmer a graduate of C.
V. S. N S. Shippensburg has
secured a position as assistant
principal of the public schools of
Coalport, Pa.
G. Hayes Markley a student of
tho above Normal school is spend
ing his vacation at his home here.
D. H. Myers of Knobsville is
visiting his son George M. Myers
Lee Cover and his sister Cath
erine, of Covington, Va , are visit
ing their grandfather, W. H.
Mrs. Lillie Greer, of Johns
town, is visiting her many friends
W. H. Charlton spent a day re
cently at White Sulphur Spriugs
Va., and met Judge Taft, the
Republican candidate for presi
dent. A valuable horse belonging to
James E. Palmer died last week.
Thirty of the friends and neigh
bors of George M. Mye't fo
sponded to his invitation last
Tuesday and assisted him to raise
the frame of a largo bank barn,
which will take the place of the
old one recently torn down, and
which was built almost one hun
dred years ago.
Have Vou Friends or Acquaintances?
Service aud utility are humble
words, but they make most of
the sum of human happinass.
Why have you friends? What do
they lind iu you worth while? . Is
it because they are good and
handsome and you are wise and
amusing? Friendship would not
last jvernight if it were based
only on the seutimental attrac
lions, Some of the most beauti
ful of beings never knew friend
ship, and some of the most learn
ed never found its secret. And
yet it is very simple. Men and
women who complain that they
have no friends should ask them
selves: "Do I try to be useful
to others? Do I seek to serve
those who would serve me?"
Great governments tie up their
friendships by "favored nation"
clauses. The individual should
learn the wisdom of history. We
cannot be friends or have friends
unless we servo and are useful.
Otherwise we have only acquain
tancos. "The World About Us,"
in The Ladies' World lor August.
Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1,
Cochran, Ga , writes : "I hr.d a
bad sore come on the iustep of
my foot, aud could find nothing
that would heal it until 1 applied
Buckleu's Arnica Salvo. Less
than half of a 25 cent box won the
day for me by affecting a perfect
cure." Sold under guarantee at
Trout's drug store.
Log-Cabin Sayings.
Many a man says he got de
wisdom er Solomon, but Solomon
wuzn't wise iu his own coi.ceit.
Satan may not be ez black ez
he is painted, bu t he black enough
ter make de robes er de saints
look dingy of dey comes in con
tact wid him.
Lots er mysteries in life, but
de biggest one er all is how we
ever gits through it. Atlanta
More Alert, More Thorough and
More Fearless Thau Ever.
Read la Every Eoglisn Speaking Country
A President of the United States will
be elected this year. Who is ha and
who Is the man whom he will beat '.'
Nobody yet knows, but the Thrice-a-Week
edition of the New York World
will tell you every step and every de
tail of what promises to be a campaign
of the most absorbing interest. It may
not tell you what you hope, but it will
tell you what is. The Thrioe-a-Week
World long ago established a charac
ter for impartiality and fearleaaneas
in the publication of news, and this it
will maintain. K you want the news
as it really la, subscribe to the Thrice-u-Weok
edition of the New York
World, which comes to you every oth
er day except Suuday, and is thus
practically a daily at the price of a
regular subscription price Is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for 15U papers.
We offer this uncqualed newspaper
together for one year for 1.75.
Tho regular subscription price of
the two papers is 92. 00.
80 YKAH5'
l ilt 1 1 .1 iu'i In fur 'Hun: IlattMllfal.
c.iifr.m taken Bn'ugh Mum k CuTnoelH
iprcUtf ii 'fit t. vvi lout oharua, lu tb
A a a rm . . - American.
A handsomely llluiitrated waeklr IsaraMt oU
minium of any hi iMi.titl.; but i mil. I'urma. t'i a
)i'.ir, four iuoiudi, ft, Bold itj all puwudealeim.
Wu fe V WMiilaaiuu U C
are now showing their
StulTs, and are pleased to say that in many cases, prices are considerably
lower than a year ago. A mn si in we sold last spring at 12 1-2c, we
how sell at 10 cents as good as we have sold at that price for live or
six years. In
we have a splendid stock. India linens (French Lawns a beautiful
cloth), Linens, mercerized effects, etc. We have a very nice line of
all off in price and
we never had so many and at prices to please. (Especially in Black.)
A splendid 36 in. black silk for 90 cents, that will not cut, and has good
weight. A splendid colored silk, 35 cents a yard, borne very pretty
in LJIack and Tan. If you need a jacket be sure to see these,
selling Children's 2-piece Suits from 50 cents up.
We are
Boys' and young men's Clothing at all prices. We have a splendid stock
of Men's Clothing, and we know we cna save you money every time on
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Dealer In
Pianos Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fulton county that he Is prepared
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at prices that are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he is prepared jn short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen in the home of Geo. 13. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me know, I
can save you money.
Racket Store
We have been able to make a good deal on 200 boxes of
Writing Paper and Envelopes. It is a real linen paper, at
10c. a box; also, one at 10c.
Pencil Tablets
Linen Envelopes
Pen points
U rows Pins .
25 Needles
12 Hair Pins
Machine thread
Tooth Bruslies
Shaving Urushes
Black pins
floating bath soup
Jar rings
Matches 5c. size
Ladles' gauxe vests
Sweat Handkerchiefs
Ladies' and Misses Hose
Hlbbon all colors
i for 1c.
8 for lc.
8 and 15e.
3 and 4c.
8c. pk.
2 forlc.
I to 10c.
5 and 10c.
40 for lc.
5 and 7c. doz.
10c. dot.
5 to 13c.
3 and 5c.
8 and 10c.
1 toltic. yd.
10-qt. " " "
lo-qt. Heavy Dairy pails
12-qt. " " "
10-qt. Galvanized Palls
12-qt. " '
2-qt. Covered Pails
4-qt. " "
14-qt. tlu Oish pans
17-qt. " " M
14-qt. extra heavy dish pans
17-qt. " M a a
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Docs
not gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
RerfuM (substitutes. Prlo BOo.
Trout's Drug Store.
Art due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
ono hundred people who have heart trouble
oan remember when It was simple Indiges
tion. It la a scientific lact thai all cases ol
haart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing It up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action ol
the heart, and lu the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. K nubia, of Nnada. O , save: I had atomael
trouble and waa In a bad statu as I had heart trauMa
Ith It. I took Kodol Drapapsla Cure far taout torn
asonths and tt cured ma.
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
and relieves the stomach el all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure,
settles eatr, 1 .00 Site holdlnt K Mate the trie)
site, which tails far Sue.
svasarsa B. O. PoWiTT soa. OMiOAOO,
5-qt. Tin flaring pails
Tin Pot Covers, H to 13 in. 4 and 5c.
Tin Wash Hasina 5c.
1-pt. Tin Cups 2c.
! 3 and 4-qt. Stew Pans 4 and 5?
Milk Strainers 10 and 25c.
Drop tin Pie Plates, H-ln 2 for 5c
10-ln. 3 forQlOe
Vegetable Graters 4c.
Silver steel Tea spoons Oc. set
" Table " 12c aet
Funnels Co
Square Dinner pails 23c
Tin Cuspidors 10 and 23c
21-qt. Heavy Uread Raisers 85c
Layer Cake Pans s 4c
Say, isn't your old coffee pot worn out yet f We would
say that if It is, we have the greatest one for 2rtc that you ev
er did see. It la a 3-qt, and has three coatB of mottled enamel
over iron
3-qt. gray enamel stew pans, 10 4-qt. J2c,
No. 2Hi gray enamel wash basins i2c.
No. 28 blue and white enameled basins .20c.
2-qt. enamel covered Buckets is,,,
and 10-qt. 3-coat preserving Kettles 3 and 45c.
It and K-qt, gray enamel preserving Kettles 25 to 35o.
Blue and white ( large size ) Chambers 30.
7 Cakes Lenox Soap, 25c.
Tin Fruit Cans 38c. doz.
3 in 1 Machine Oil 8c. Bot.
Shippensburg Working Shirts 4 Sc.
Shippensburg Apron Overalls 48 c.
Please bear In mlud that we have the most up-to-date
and cheapest, as well as the best, line of Shoes In the Couuty.
Men's good Work Shoes as low as 91.20.
Call and aee ua.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
is the people's paper.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.