The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 13, 1908, Image 4

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Published livery Thursday.
b W P.K, Editor and Proprietor.
AUGUST 13, 1908
Published Weekly. ?1.00per
Annum in Advance.
Herv)Ure of X linen 9 times H
Her square eaoh surmequent Insertion.... 80.
Ail kdvertinnments Innorted lor Ian hn
hree mount chamed hy the square
' 1 mo.. amot. I I yr.
Oiie fn irth column...
One luilf ciolumn
Une Column
tin oo. 1 120.00 I MM
MOO. 40.00 SO 00
0 00 I M OO. I 7.00
Fruit Trets.
Apple? "l"sual Sorts", 10 trees for
1740, or :W for t'M and up, nil other
kind's of Fruit, Shade, and Ornamen
tal trees, in proportion.
Buy trees at W holesale 10 at 100
rate, or MO at 1,000 rate -direct from
Nurseries, save about 4M per cent, and
have trees (iuaracteed true to name,
or purchase price refunded with 6 per
cent interest.
The value of a Guarantee is not In
what is said, hut iii who says it,
stark linos. O. & N. Co., make a
Guarantee oooD, Capital Stock one
million dollars. Founded 1825. 4,675
Acres of Nurseries, located In 0 states.
Continued by Stark's Sons, and
Grand Sons years are now the
largest Nurseries Co, in the world.
We Guarantee trees to lie Highest
Quality, and that you can not get
better any where, at ANY price We
grow our trees only (ink, and
two years, and many are 7 to H
feet Our healthy 1 or 2 yeor stock
of even 2nd or .Ird size is very differ
ent from STUNTED trees culled from
some 4 or 5 year blocks.
We pack in lined boxes, and pav
all Freight.
We Laliel all trees, "Stark Bros.,"
Entomologist's certiorate attached to
all shipments.
We Guarantee trees to he free from
disease, when shipped, and grow or re
place at half "each price.
There is no better investment in
Fulton county, than planting orchards
Of CHOICE winteh apples.
Our Mr. Mason will call on Fulton
county residents as fast as possible
Should he fail to reach you and yon
wish to buy from us, or wish to have
iiny past transaction adjusted, write
to Frank Mason, Sole Agent for Ful
ton Co,, McConnellsburg, Pa
Mr. J. F. Hess, of Belfast
township, was in town Monday
He had been at Everett attending
the dedication of the new Chris
tian church in that place, and
came arouud here on his way
Pall Term Begins
September 1, - and B, Send
Tki-State Business CObUBS,
Cumberland. Md.
Family Secrels.
A father complains that his lit
tle six year old girl is too talka
tive, lie says . "The worst of
it is when we have visitors she is
contiuually making mistakes ol
the worst sort, mistakes that tend
to rattle the dry bones of the fam
lly skeleton in the cupboard. He
cently she allowed her tongue to
run away with her, as usual, the
result of which was that she very
much embarrassed both her fa
ther and mother, although the
guests seemed delighted.
I had a very serious talk with
her and impressed upon her, or
tried to, that she must not tel!
any family secret. Th3 next time
we had compauv she was permit
ted to come to the table only by
promising that she wouldn't ut
ter a word.
She behaved beautifully and
had nothing to say until the des
sert was aboui to be taken away.
Tiien her lips began t') quiver,
and tinally she burst into tears.
"Why, what's the matter, darl
ing?" her mother asked.
"1 I want t-ome more ice
cream, if that isn't a family se
cret," she said Ietween sobs.
London Telegraph.
Kemps Balsam
Will stop any couflh that
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure coughs
that cannot be cured by any
otber medicine.
It la always tbe best
cough cure. You cannot
allord to take chance on
any other kind.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion in llrst stages.
It doea not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, uolsoa
ous or harmful drug.
The people of our valley are
busy prepiiruig for camp meet
Mr. and Mrs. I'enros-i Seaman
returne 1 home last week. They
were called home to atteud the
tuneral of the latler'n sister in
law, Mrs. Clarence Barton.
Seticrt Barton sp ut Sunday
with ). A. Barton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Km est llixson
spout Sunday with friends at
Miss Certrude Barton, of Kv
erett, is spending her summer
vacation at thei home of her pa
rents, Mr and Mrs M H Barton.
Miss Lily Whitfield returned
home last week after spe iding
several weeks with friends at
H. N. Barton and wife, speut
last Sunday afternoon with M. i '.
Barton and fimily.
Mrs. John N. Uixson spent
last Thursday with Mrs F D
G. W. Bixson and wife spent
last Saturday and Sunday with
frionds in Buck Valley.
The many friends of MrsClar
enco Bartou wore very much
grieved when word was received
here tlut she had died Ju'y 110th
it her home in Everett. Mrs
Barton was ill only tour days.
She was aged 2Q years, 12 month
and 19 days. On October i)tb,
she was married to Clarence
O. Barton. Her maiden name
oeing Carrie E DeShong. Death
is sad, iut it seems doubly sud
when it comes into the home and
i Ucs the life of one who has only
oeen permitted toenj iy less than
one year of wedded life. She
leaves to survive her loss a toud
-ind devoted husband, her parents,
three brothers and one sister and
a host of relatives and friends
She was a faithful member of the
Tecum seh M. E Church, of Ev
urett. Funeral services were
held there Sunday, Aug. 2ud, and
her remains brought to Akers
ville M. E church, and after
orief services, they were laid to
rest in the grave yard adjoining
the church. Her many friends
deeply sympathize with the young
husband, parents, brothers and
sisters in their sad bereavement.
Thinks II Saved His Life.
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples,
Maine, says in a recent letter :
" have used Dr. King's New Dis
covery many yeais, for coughs
ai.d colds, and I think it saved
my life. I have found it a relia
ble remedy for throat and lung
join plaints, and would no more
b9 without a bottle than I would
bo without food." For nearly
forty years New Discovery has
stood at the head of throat and
lung remedies. As a preventive
of pneumonia and healer of weik
lungs, it has no equal. Sold un
der guarantee at Trout's drug
store, ode and $1.00 Trial bot
tle free.
Mr. Bruce Willet, of Altoona,
is visiting relatives in the Valley
J. M. Scheuck, who has been
in Bedford, has returned home
oringiug his niece Miss Delane
(Verlz with him.
Cloyde Edwards and Grace
Miller of Altoona, are visiting the
former's parents N. S. Elwards.
Haul Mci 'lain, of Juniata, who
had been visiting his grandfather
has returned home.
Dr. Harry Cunningham, of Al
t Kina, brought two of his niece
to the Valley, on account of the
illness of their mother Mrs. An
me Ithaesa, of Chicago.
Dr. II C. McClaia made a trip
through the Valley iu his bi
auto ,ast 'Friday.
Mri. Win. Cunningham i
spending a few days in Trough
Creek Valley.
The Messrs. Ready after hav
tug speut tew days in Philadel
phia and Ml ui tic City, are again
in the Valley.
Mrs. T. Speer Dickson of
Philadelphia is visiting her broth
er E A. Horton.
Mary Berkstresser is visitinR
friends in Uobertsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Truax,
a,fter hiving spent ten days in
Bedford aud Everett, have re
turned accompanied by the tat
ter's mother Mrs. S. A. Barnett.
The game of ball on Saturday
between Finleyville and Enid re
sulted in a score of 20-!) in favor
of Finleyville.
top ik coujh ftnd Hmlm lunfi
BN3 OF THitt 1 u&iAtON RALfll l -t
Proponing miincliTietiln to thr t'onntltU-
iiri ui in" i minium t rHil n ui r i'iiiiyi- f
vnnla mo u to OOMOtMKtti the courts of
C ilfimon pttM of riillatli lplilit ami Alio ,
glu ny roiinfii N, ami t fttvi i i . (inn rnl !
A -' i . i , hiv r t -iMlillh ti iieparntc
COUrl In Philadelphia COiintjr, with crim
inal ami tnlaoallancoul furttdtctton,
Hi-ction Ba It ri-wilvpit hv (lie Hi'imte
and Mouse of Rrpn m ntiittvei In We nra 1
AaaaUtbly met, Tlutt t h EoltOWtllfl aun nil
mcnig to the Conaututtotl of Pennsylva
nia he. anil the same art' hafaby, pro
pose! In accordance with the elKhteenth
artlcl thereof:
That section sin of article Ave be amend
ed by striking out tbe said section and
Inserting In place thereof the following:
Section 6. Ill the COUUttof of I'hilolel
phla and Alb gbeny all the Jurisdiction
nnd powers now vested in the several
numbered courts of common picas., shall
be vested in one court of common plean
In each of said counties, composed of all
the Judges In commission In said courts.
Such jurisdiction anil powers shall ex
tend to all proceedings at law and In
equity which shall have bepn Instituted
In the several p umbered courts, and shall
be subject to such changes as may he
made by law, and mibjeet to change of
venue as provided by law. The president
Judge of each of the sabl courts shall be
pel. cted as provided by law. The number
of Judges In each of sabl courts m;iy he.
by law. Increased from time lo lime. This
amendment shall take effect on the llrst
Monday of January uceeedlng its adop
tion. Section 2. Thai article five, section
eight, be amended by miking an addition
thereto so that the same Khali read as
flection 8. The said courts In the coun
ties of Philadelphia ami Allegheny re
spectively shall, front time to time, in
turn, detail one or mora of their Judgvs
to hold the courts of oyer and terminer
and the courts of quarter sessions of the
peace of ttUd counties. In such manner as
n.ny be directed by law : Provided, That
In the enmity of Philadelphia the. Genera'
Assembly shall have po a er to establish
a a-pa rate Court, consisting of not more
than four Judges, which shall have ex
clusive Jurisdiction In criminal cases and
In such other matters as may be provid
ed by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No, 1.
Secretary of tbe Commonwealth.
Propositi tj an amendment to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, allowing
counties, cities, boroughs, townships,
school districts, or other municipal or
Incorporated districts, to increase their
Ba R resolved by the Senate and House
jt Repraaeatatlvea of the Co nubon wealth
f Pennsylvania In General Assembly
met. That section eight, article nine, of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read
ing as follows:
"Section 8. The debt of any county,
city, borough, township, school district ,
or other municipality or incorporated din
trlct, except :;s herein provided, shall nev
er exceed seven per centum upon the as
sessed value of the taxable property
therein; nor shall any such municipality
or district Incur any new debt or increase
Its Indebtedness to an amount eaooedtng
two per centum upon such assessed valu
ation of property, without the assent of
the electors thereof at a public election.
In such manner as shall be provided by
law; but any city, the debt of which now
exceeds seven per centum of such as
sessed Valuation, may be authorized by
law to Increase the same three per cen
tum, In the uggiegate. at any one time,
upon such valuation. " be amended, hi ac
cordance with the provisions of the eight
eenth urtie'e of said Constitution, so that
suld section. wUlii amended, shall read
as follows:
flection . The debt of any county, city
borough, township, school district, or
other municipality or Incorporated dis
trict, except as herein provided, shall nev
er exceed leu per centum upon the as
Etsscd value of the taxable property
therein ; nor shall any such municipality
or dis t r lot Incur any new debt or in
ciease its Indebtedness to an amount ex
ceeding two per centum upon such as
sessed valuation of property without the
assent of the electors thereof at a public
election. In such manner as shall lie pro
vided by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution No, .
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
T HE ( )M M ( t N V E A I ,T H OF P EN N
TION. Nrunicn Ttim
Proposing amendments lo He-el Ions eight
and twenty-one of article four, sections
eleven and twelve of article five, sec
tions two, three, and fourteen of arilclt.
eight, section one of article tw-lve. and
Sections two and BOVeu ot article four
teen, of the CV Hutlon of Penusylvu
nla. and provlri a schedule for carry
ing the amendment into effect.
Section 1. Re it resolved by the Snub
and House of Representative of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lit Gen
eral Assembly met. That the following
proposed as amendments to the Con-
it ut Ion of the Coin mint wealth of Pcnn
s Ivanla. In accordance with the provl
e.uns of the eighteenth article thereof;
Amendment one- To Article Four. He-
Hon Eight.
Section 2. Amend Meet Ion eight of artl
eb- four of the Cons Ml ut ion of fVnnsv 1-
jranla, which reads as follows:
"He shall nominate and, by and with
the advice and consent of two-thirds of
all the members of the Senate, appoli ( a
Secretary of the Commonwealth and an
Attorney General during pleasure, a Su
perintend nt of Public instruction for f ur
years, and such other officers of the Com
monwealth as he Is or m ly be authorised
by the Constitution or by law to appoint:
he shall have power lo fill all vacancies
I hat may happen, in offices to which ho
may appoint, during the rcneee of the
Senate, by granting commissions which
shall expire at the end of their next ms
ejoni he shall have power to till any va
cancy that may happen, during the ftfOeafl
vf the Senile. In the office of Auditor
General, Slate Treasurer, Secretary of In
ternal Affairs or Superintendent of Pub
lie Instruction, In a Judlclul ottlce, or In
any other elective oillce which he Is or
may be authorised to 1111; If the vacancy
shall happen during the session of tin
Hon ate, the Governor shall nominal to
the Senate, bolure their final adjourn
Blent, pioper person to fill said vucancy.
but In anv such case f vacancy, in an
elective oilh c, a pel -Hon shall be chi sel,
to sal I otttos at the next general election,
.miens the vacancy siiali happen within
dice calendar nioul-h immediately pie
QttHnfj such election, in which case th
lleatton for said otllce shall ba held at thu
second tut (.ceding gim rii election In
acting on txectttlee BOMsbMittoiil the Sen
atv sltab sit with open loors. and in cm
I rmlng or rejeollng the nomiualluns or
fp) Governor the vole shall be taken bv
as and uuys. sad jltn)l Us en'ered on
: j crnul, to ae to rvad as folio
He si.;. 1 nomiuats and, by uuJ wllli the
Rgylce and voaaanl of two-thirds of ul
i b v of thj Senate appoint
Hecretory of the Common wealth snd nn
Attorney Crmral during pltnsitre. a Su
permtindcnt of Public Instruction for
four yeafe, and such other officer- of the
Commonwealth as he Is or may be au
thorised by the Constitution or by law
to appoint he shall hsve power to nil all
v.i ,j r i ks that may happen. In ofilees to
Which he may appoint, during the recesa
of the Senate, by granting commissions
which shall expire nt the end of their
next session; be shall have power to fill
any vncancy that may happen, during the
recess of the Senate, In the office of Audi
tor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of
Internal Affairs or Superintendent of
Public Instruction, In a Judbfat offloe. or
in an) other eteettve office which he is or
may be authorised to fill; If the vncancy
shall happen during the aai Ion of the
Senate, the I b.v.rnor shall nominate lo
the Senate, before their final adjourn
ment, a proper person to fill said va
cancy; tmt in any such case of va .m f,
In an elective office, a person shnll be
chosen to said office on the next election
day appropriate lo such office, according
to the provisions of tnls Constitution, un
less the vacancy shnll happen within two
calendar months Immediately preceding
such election day. In which ease the elec
tion for said office shnll be held on the
aaoond succeeding election day appro
priate fo such office. In acting OS ex
ecutive nominations the Senate shall sit
with open doors, and fn confirming or
rejecting the nominations of the Gov
ernor, the vote shall be taken by yeas
and nays, and shall be entered on the
Amendment Two To Article Four. Sec
tion Twenty-one.
Section 3 Amend section twenty-one of
article four, which reads ns follows:
"The term of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi
tor General three years: and Of the State
Treasurer two years These officers shall
be chosen by the qualified electors of the
State nt general elections. No person
aleOt ad lO the office of Auditor General
or State Treasurer shall he capable of
holding the same office for two OOfMteCU
live terms. so ns to read:
The terms of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs, the Auditor General and the
State Treasurer shnll each be four years;
and they shati he chosen hy the qualified
electors of the State at general elections;
but a State Treasurer, elected in the year
one thousand nine hundred and nine,
hall serve for three years, and his suc
cesaora shall be elected at the Baneful
election In the year one 'thousand nine
hundred nnd twelve, and In every fourth
year thereafter. No person elected to the
office of Auditor General or State Treas
urer shall be capable of holding the same
off e fn two consecutive terms.
Amendment Three -To Article Five, Sec
tion El event
Section 4, Amend section eleven of ar
ticle five, which reads as folbiws:
"Except as otherwise provided In this
Constitution Justices of the peace or
aldermen shall be elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs and townships
at the time of the election of constables,
by the qualified electors thereof. In such
Riannof as shall be directed by law, nnd
shall be commissioned by t he Governor
for a term of five years. No township,
ward district or borough shall elect more
than two lust Ices of the peace or alder
men without the consent of a majority
of the qualified electors within such
township, ward or borough ; no person
shall be elected to such office umles he
shall have resided within the township,
borough. WUfd or district for one year
next preceding his election. In cities con
taining over fifty thousand In habit ants,
not more than one alderman shall be
elected In each ward or district," so ne
to read:
Except as otherwise provided In this
Constitution. Justices of the peace or al
dermen shall be elected In the several
wards, districts, boroughs or town. -'hip-',
by the rpia tlfled electors thereof, at the
municipal election. In such manner ns
shall be directed by law. and shall be
commissioned by the Governor for a term
of six years. No townsl.lp. ward, dis
trict or borough shall elect more than
two justices of the pi ace or aldermen
without the consent of a majority of the
qualified electors within such township,
ward or bo ongh ; no person shall be
elected to such office unless he shall have
resided with hi the township, borough,
ward or district for one year next pre-
ceding his election in cities containing
over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not mon
ths n one alderman Shall be elected In
each ward or district.
Amendment Four To Article Five, Sec
tion Twelve.
Section B. Amend section twelve of ar
ticle five of the Constitution, which fagljl
as follows:--
"In Philadelphia t here shall be estab
llshed. for each thirty thousand Inhabit
ants, one court, not of record, of pOllCl
and civil causes, with jurisdiction not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars: such courts
shall be held by magistrates WhOSC term
of office shall be five years, and they
shall be ejected on geneial thdeft by (he
qualified voters at large; and In the stSC
thm of the said magistrates no voter
shall vote for more than two-thirds of
the number of persons to he elected when
more than one are to be chosen ; they
shall he compensated only by fixed sala
ries, to he paid by said county; and shall
exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and crimi
nal except as herein provided, as Is now
exercised by aldermen, subject to such
changes, not Involving an increase of
civil jurisdiction or conferring political
duties, as may be made by law. In
Philadelphia the office of alderman i
abolished." so as to read as follows:
In Philadelphia there shall be estab
llshed. for each thirty thousand Inhab
Hants, one court, not of record, of po!!o
and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex
oeedlng one hundred dollars; such court"
shall be held by maglslratis whOSS ten
of office shall be six years, and they thai1
la- elected on general ticket at the munlc
Ipal election, by the qualified voters b'
large: and In (he election of t'ie s.ii
magistrates no voter shall vote for mor.
than two-thirds of the number of person
to la- elected when more than one ate
be: chosen: they ahall be compensate,
only by fixed salaries, to be paid by aal
county; and shall exercise aucli Jurisdtc
Hon, civil and criminal, except as befell
provided, as Is now exercised by alder
men, subject to such changes, not Involv
Ing an Increase of civil Jurldiclinti oi
conferring political duties, as may hi
made by law. In Philadelphia Hie oflb
of alderman Is abolished.
Amendment Flve-To Atllcle Eight, Sec
tinn Two.
Section 1 Amend section two of urtlci
tight, which reads as follows:
"The general election shall be held at.
nunlly on the Tuesday next following tt.
first Monday of November but thefte
era! Assembly may by law fix a different
dav, t wo-thit urt of all l he memtxirs Ol - a.
House consenting thereto," ho as U
rogg pa
ths general election shall be bel.f blen
nla.lly on the Tuesday next following th
l ist Monday of November In each even
num sjgfd year, but the General Assembly
may by law tlx a different day. two
thirds of all the members of each House
consenting thereto Provided, That such
election i. in always be held In an even
numbered year.
Amendment Six To Article Eight. Sec
tion Three
Section 7. Amend section tliree of arti
cle eight, which reads as follows:
"All elections for city, ward, borough
and township officers, for regular term
of service, shall be held on -the third
Tuesday of February," so as to read:
All Judges elected by the electors of the
State ut largo may be elected at either i
general or municipal election, as circum
stances may require. All elections fo:
Judges of the courts for the several Judi
cial districts, and for county, city, ward
borough, and township officers, for regu
lar terms of service, .. ,ii be held on the
municipal election day; namely, the TUM
day next following the first Monday of
November In each odd-numbered year
but the t lenersj Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds of all th.
members of each House conseulln there
to provided, That such election shall ul
ways be held in an odd numbered year.
Amendment Seven To Article Elfin, Sec
tion Fourteen.
Seat I on h. An end section, fourteen of sr
tb le eight, which reuds as follows;?-
"District election boards shall const
of a Judge and two Inspectors, who sha
be i hoseii annually by the citizens. Eac
ajtotor ylutll huve the nt,m to. vote foi
the Judge and one Inspector, and each In
spector ahall Appoint one clerk. The first
election board for any new district sh.tll
be p ilectad, and vacancies In election
boat ds filled, ns shall be provided by law.
Election officers shall be nrlvttt geg from
arrest upon days of election, aud while
engaged In making tip and (.rausmhtlmr
returns, except upon warrant of a court
of record or Judge thereof, for an elec
tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton
breach of I he peace hi dttvi f hey may
claim exemption from Jury duty during
their terms of servic," so ns to rend:
District election boards shall consist of
n Judge and two Inspectors, who shall be
chosen biennially, by the citizens at the
municipal election; but the General As
sembly may require said lKflrd to be up
pointed In Sttch RtSJIUef as It may by law
provide. Laws regulating the appoint
men I of Ki Id hoards may l enacted to
apply tO OlttM only: Provided. That such
laws be uniform for Sfttt s of the is tits
class. Each elector shall have the right
to vote for the Judge ami one Inspector
and each Inspector shall appoint one
clerk. The first election board for any
n w district shall be selected, nnd vacan
cies In election boards filled, as shall be
provided by law. Election officers shall
be privileged from arrest upon days of
election, land while engaged In making up
and trans 'tilt ting returns, except upon
w a i rant of a court of record, of Judg
thereof, for nn election fraud, for felony,
or for Wanton breech of the peace. In
cities they may claim exemption from
Jury duty during their terms of service.
Amendment Eight - To Article Twelve.
Section One.
Section 9. Amend section one. article
tWelVO, which reads as fo'lows:
"All officers, whose SCleOtfton Is not pro
vided ftr in this Constitution, shall bo
elected or iippotnicd si may he directed
by Inw," so as to rend:
All officers, whose selection la not pro
Vided for in this Constitution, shall be
elected or appointed as may be directed
by laW I Provided, That elections of State
oftoen shnll ba bold on general election
day, and elections of local officers shall
be held on a municipal election day. ex
cept when. In either case, special elSC
Hons may be required to fill unexpired
Amendment Nine--To Article. Fourteen,
Section Two.
Section 10. Amend section two of article
fourteen, which reads us follows:
"County dfCoars shall be eb-eted at the
general elections ind shall hold their
offices for the term of three years, begin
ning on the Drat Monday of January
next after their election, and until the'r
successors shall be duly qualified; ail
vacancies no! otherwise p "ovlded for.
shall be filled In SUCH manner as may be
provided by Inw," so as to read :
County Off err shall be elected at the
municipal elections and shall hold their
offices for th term of four years, begin
ning on tin first Monday of Jauuar
next p fter their eh etinn, and until their
SUOOCOsors shall be duly qualified ; all
vacancies not otherwise provided (of
shall be filled In such manner as may b:
prOVtdt d by law
Amend men I Ten To Article Fourteen
Sictlon Seven.
Section 11. Amend section seven, artl
Cle fourteen, which roads' as follows:
"Three county commissi oners and thret
county auditor! shall be elected in eucl
county Whi re such officers are chosen
In the yrar one thousand eight hundfj
and sevin I. VS SBd every third yei
thereafter: ai d In the eb-ctlon of ,sul
officers each lift lilted e' cer shall v
for no more than two pefSOna, and th
three pSf0 hav'eif tl Hffheaj4 rnm'
of votes shell be elected; any casual vn
cancy In the office of county comml
Stonejf or county auditor ahall be filled
by the court of common pleas of Ire
county in which such vacancy shall or
cur. by the appointment of an elector n
the proper county who shall have vot
for the commissioner or auditor whop
place Is to be filled." so as to read:
ThfCC county commissioners nnd thre
county auditors shall 1m- elected In SUrf
county Where such officers are chosen, In
the year one thousand nine hundred an '
eleven and every fourth year I hereafter
and In the election of said officers each
qualified elector shall vote for no mor
than two persona, and the three persons
having the highest number of VOtes Shall
be elected; any ensual vacancy In th
office of county commission! r or county
auditor shall he filled, by the court of
common pleas of the county in which
such vacancy shall occur, by the a'p
potntment of an elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for th
commissioner or auditor whose place !
to be filled.
He!dule for the A na-ndnientK.
Section , That no . Inconvenience BUrJ
arise from the chunges in th - Const 11
Hon Of the Commonwealth, nnd In Ofdt
to carry the same Into complete OpOfft
Hon, It Is hereby declared, that-
In the case of officers elected by th
people, all terms of office fixed by act o
Sseihbly St sn odd number of yeMf
shall each be lengthened one year, lo
the Legislature may change the length (
the term, provided the terms for Whl
rtich officers are elected shall always b
for an even number of years
The above extension of oflb ial term
rball not affect officers elected at the BS1
erg election of one thou sand nine hut
died and eight; nor any city, ward, bo
ongh, tOWniblp, or election division oft
eers. whose terms of office, under exlsi
Ing law, end In the year one .thousan
tune hundred upd ten.-
In the year one thousand nine hundre.
it ud ten the municipal election shall b
held on the third Tuesday of February
ts heretofore; but all officers chosen 01
(bat election tO an office the regular tern
of which is two years, and also all elec
lion officers and assessors chosen at tha
election, shall serve until the first Moi,
day Of Heccinber In Ihe year one thoi
sand nine hundred nnd eleven. All offi
Sera chosen at that election to ottb ej tin
term of which Is now four years, or
made four years by the operation of thee
amendments or this schedule, shall scrv
until the itiHt Monday of December i.
the year one thousand nine hundred am
thirteen. AH justices of the peace, mag
istrates, and aldermen, chosen at thu
election, shall serve until the first Moil
day of December Is the year one thou
sand nine hundred and fifteen. After th
year nineteen hundred and ten. and until
the !. slsiature sliali otherwise provide
all terms of city, ward, borough, town
ship, and election division officers shaM
begin on the first Monday of December
In an odd-numbered year.
All city, ward, borough, and township
Hie, -is holding office ut Ihe date of the
approval of these amendments, whose
terms of office may end In the year onr
thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall
continue to hold their offices until the
first Monday of December of that year.
All judges of the courts for the severa'
Judicial districts, and also all county offi
eera, holding office at the date of the ap
proval of these amendments, whose term
of oflh e may end In Ihe year one thou
sHitd nine hundred and eleven, shall con
tlnne to hold their offices until the first
Monday of January, one thousand nine
hundred and twelve
A true copy of Joint Resolution No, I.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
agent for
for the sale of Traction ana
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Halters, Saw
mills, dec.
Engines on hand all
the Ume.
Mafct Kldny and Uladavr Right
Attorney at Law,
Oriice on Sauare,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All leml bun nam and oollealiona entriMiml
will ocelve osiefu. anil prompt attention.
Hustontown, Pa.
Cold Crown and lirlt'jrc Work a
Specialty. Teoth extracted
positively without pain.
A'l Work Guaranteed.
Will ho In olTIco fn m Thursday ev
ening until Monday morning of each
Western Maryland Railroad Company,
In Effect June lO. 1908.
Trains leave Hancock as follows:
No. ft . on. in. (dally) for Haverstown. Ilsl-
un.ore. ,t avneshoro, ChanibershurK.
So. 4 10 m a. m (weekdays) Itnlt'more. (let
tyslmru. York nnd Intermediate.
So. t -It On p tn. (we k days) liallluiore and lu-
termeainte sutions. Vestllmle train
with olservatlo.) buffet car.
No. I 8 0 a. m. (week days) Cum be laud, und
No. 11.0) i) m. (we k days) Little Orleans.
old Town. Cumberland. Hlklns and
west Vestl- ule train with observation
buffet car.
No tV-n.i:p m (dnlly) lenves Miltlmore ,.80
, p m , lluitiTMown ID p. in
All trains make connection at llrueevtlle (or
Kreder ek und trains ft and I for pjlnts north
ind at Ihlltimore (Union Station) for Phib,
.le phla and New York.
Uen. Ha . Agt. AKent.
Private Sale
The Property of the Baltimore
Crosstie Company.
3 Portable Engines and Saw
Mills Complete, 1 Set Bar
cus Stocks, 7 Pairs Truck
Wheels and Axles, 2 Log
Trucks, 1 Anvil. 1 Black
smith Forge, 1 Lour Down
fVagon, 3 Four-Horse Wag
ons, 3 Cut-Off Saws, Lot of
Harness, Collars, Bridles,
and several other articles
too numerous to mention.
This entire outfit has only
been in use two years.
For further particulars
call or write to
Hancock Md.
I have just refilled my sheds
with a tine lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a Written guarantee at
Hock Bnttom Pri : i
I also have in stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles.
1 want your trude. Please come
and sen my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage in the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same iu the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
President Judir- Hon. 8 Mo. Swope.
1 " ite.ludKes H. I' llumbeit. H. K.
Murk c
I'loihonot iry. e. (Iconic A Harris,
Pl-urlei Altoru.'v Mrattk r. I.vnuh.
Tre, Hiirer I liarles 11, bterana
Sheriff Jeff Harris.
Deputy Sheriff I). Iloho an
Jury Commissioner David Kou. A. 0.
Auditors D, II Myers. Aaron M. Oar ard,
W. Grant vt Ink
Commissioner -H. C Oracey, Wllllnm ('.
Davis. S A. Nesblt
Clerk fl". Krunk Henry..
County Superintendent - 11 C. Latrberson.
Attorney W. Baott Alexander, f, Nelsim
situ s Thomas K. M nan. K. McN. Johnston. M.
K. slriffner, John P. Slpes. s W. Knk. K
Lynch. II- N Slpes, L II. Wlh'c.
Thn llrat term f tha OiMinaa -.1 aWI.
ton county in the year shall commenc
on the Tuesday following the second
i'"'i"uj vi .i niiuttry ,ut iu o CIOCK a. rn.
The seiuintl litrni , , m n... , ... am . V.
- . -.- ... ........... ..v'n yj u vil V
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Presbyterian. Kev. W. A. West,
u ij.. broaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
ana every Sunday evening at 7rOO.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. Junior hr in:, n En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at fi:00. Prayer meotlug Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Mkthouist KPisooPAL-Kev. C W.
Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School
at tf:30 a. in. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
reague at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United cre9bytebian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00. B
vinPassoldPastor. Sunday school 9.16
a. ru. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day eveuing at 7:00. hristUn En
deavor at ti:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p m. Christian
Kndeavor at. 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'f on tellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets everj F. iday evening in
tne Clevenger's Hail In McConnells
burg. Port Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening in the New Hall
at Port Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrlsonville Lodge No. . 710 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrlsonville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada.
WaW'irdsburg odge No. 601 meets
In Wiirfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.: No. 360 meets In
McConnellsburg In Clevenger's Hall
the first Saturday in every month at 2
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S. of A. meets every tirst and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum
meets every first and third Monday
evening in Clevenger's Hall, McCon
nellsburg. v
Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 5&4, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. 8. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon In Lashley hall
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8o
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbln Post dNo.401
G. A. S., meets the second an fourlb
Saturdays In each month at Pleasant
Clear Ridge Council, No. 940, Jr. O.
U. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear
Ridge every Saturday evening.
The Aspasia Rehekah Lodge. I. O.
O. F , of Harrlsonville, meets the 1st
and 3d Wednesday of each month, In
the I O O. F Hall at Harrlsonville.
Farmers, Now Is Your
Chance to Procure
Cash When Loaded . , $14.60
Not Paid for 60 Days $15.75
Sot Paid for One Year $17.00
C tsh When Loaded $14.95
N)t Paid for6 O Days . . .$16.50
Not Paid for One Year $18.00