The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 06, 1908, Image 7

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Mist Delia Stroebe, who had Com
pUUly Lost Her Health, Found
Retuffrom Fe-ru-na at Onei.
Read WluU She Says.
MISS I "-1,1, A STROEBE, 710 Rich
mond St., Appleton, Wis., write :
"For aereral jeara I . in a run
down condition, and I could find no re
lief from doctor! and medlclnos. 1
oonld not enjoy my meal, and ooald
not elecp at night. I had heavy, da k
circle ahnnt the eyea,
"My friend were mnch alarmed. 1
waa advland to give Pnrnna a trtal, anti
to my Joy I began to improve with the
first bottle. After taking nix bottle I
felt completely onred. I cannot aay ton
mnch for Parana a a medicine for
women In a rnn-down condition."
Pe-ru-na Did Wonders.
Mra. Jndge J. F. Boycr, 1421 Sherman
Ave., Evans ton, 111., aaya that ahe be
came run down, could neither eat nor
Bleep well, and lost flesh and spirit. Po
rana did wonders for her, and she thanks
Peruna for new life and strength.
with teams are selling our products to
FARMERS In thirty (our different States. I
Seventy useful articles that country people
need. We furnish the goods and give agenU I
time to turn them Into money. Address, .j
. , J- R. WATKINS CO.,Wlnona, Minn. '
Oil The Oolf Links.
Thp Lady Golfer (to new boy)
Have you over been a caddy before?
The New Caddy (knows his busi
ness) That's all right, lady. Swear
as much aa you please; don't mind
aft. at-'
Centralis ( Special ) . Completing
work at the Centralis Colliery, Ml
:hael Mekosh waa walking on a street
In the suburbs to his home when he
felt the ground tremble under his
feet. This was followed by a loud
noise as a lection of rhe street caved
In, making a hole ninety feet deep
and twenty-five feet wide. Mekosh
was carried to the bottom.
Many times during hla thrilling
descent large pieces of rock grazed
his head, while several struck him,
breaking an arm and several ribs.
He fought hard to keep hla head
lear from dirt so as to prevent suf
focation. He called for help and residents or
the neighborhood rushed to the scene
with ropes.
The miner was told to fasten the
end of a rope which was lowered
about his boay. By hard work he
freed himself from the rock-and dirt,
after which he waa drawn up to
solid ground.
He fainted and was about to fall
Into the hole again when John Gar
vin leaned over the brink and grasp
ed him. Other men held on to Garvin
and he and Mekosh were pulled up
to safety.
The cave-In was caused by the col
lapse of a mine working.
Most couples dance their way Into
matrimony and limp their way
through It.
Capudinc Cures Indigestion Palna, I
Belching, Sour Stomach, anil Heartburn, I
from whatever rauee. It a Liquid. Effccta !
immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c.,
100., and 60c, at drug stores?
A Grateful Son-ln-Law.
H. H. Rogers, on his return voy
age from Bermuda last month said
one evening In the smoking room of
bis traveling companion, Mark
"He Is an incorrigible humorist
Even In his most emotional moments
he can't help being funny.
"When he married In Elmlra in
1870 his father-in-law made htm a
present of a fine, well-furnished
house In Buffalo.
"The present came as a surprise.
Mark Twain knew nothing of it till,
amid a party of relatives and frlendB,
he was shown over the luxurious
place. Then, when they told him
It was his, tears filled his eyes.
"But he was still the humorist,
and turning to his father-in-law he
said, though In a voice that trembled
A' 'Mr. Langdon, whenever you're
In Buffalo, If It's as much as twice
a year, you are to come right up
here and take tea. You can stay all
night, too. If you want to, and it
shan't cost you a cent.' " Washing
ton Star.
Easton (Special). Joseph Kline,
aged 6 years, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Kline, of No. 640 Mauch
Chunk Street, South Side, was drown
ed In the reservoir of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company, on Wilkea
Barre Street, this city.
Kline went to the reservoir with
William Vandyke and Harry Gorman,
each aged about 8 years, and the
three gained an entrance by crawling
through a small opening In the fence.
The Gorman and Vandyke boys tell
conflicting stories concerning the
drowning. Young Vandyke says that
Gorman was Ashing In the reservoir
and pushed Kline Into the water.
Gorman says that Vandyke gave the
Kline boy a shove which sent him
Into the reservoir. After Kline had
fallen Into the water his two com
panions hurriedly left through the
hole In the fence.
Mrs. Benjamin Pfennig saw the
Kline boy fall Into the water from
an upper window in her home, and
she called to John Evans and Edward
Smith, who were passing through the
lot In the rear of the reservoir. They
got the body, but could not resus
citate the child.
Germs In Bonks.
There Is no doubt that all books
kept for a long time in libraries and
other places become the abode of
the germ and microbe. To prevent
this a French professor has introduc
ed a method of disinfecting the
books. They are placed In an oven
under pressure In which the evap
oration of a certain liquid causes the
breaking up of the aldehydes. It Is
said that all sorts of books, big and
little, can thus be disinfected without
harm to the cover, the paper or the
The reason a woman looks cool
on a hot day Is she Isn't.
A girl can enjoy going anywhere
with her brother If he hates to have
her do It.
One year's work of a man's brain
may be ruined by his tongue In a
few seconds.
Every minister has his favorite
hymn and every other man has his
favorite her.
After a man's goodness reaches a
certain point he begins to take an
occasional day off.
Nazareth (Special). A Are occur
red at the home of Gustave Klefer,
on Cedar Street, by which an in
fant daughter of Mr. Klefer wan fa
tally burned. Gasoline had been
sprinkled on the stairway and floor
of the second story in efforts to drive
out insects while the house was being
cleaned. A match dropped from Mr.
Kiefer's pocket and he stepped on It.
The gasoline Ignited and flames shot
up on all sides.
Mr. Klefer picked up little Ruth,
his 6-months-old daughter, and dash
ed down the stairway through the
flames. The child was frightfully
burned about the face and breast,
and it is believe she cannot recover.
Mr. Klefer was burned on the left
Mrs. Klefer grabbed her little Bon,
Edward, and ran to a second-story
window. She threw the child out
Into the arms of Milton Walter and
'.hen jumped, Mr. Walter catching
her. Neither was much Injured.
Neighbors extinguished the flames
before the firemen arrived.
i A !SfL I I
This woman suvs shes whm saved
from an operation by Lydla E. :
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, Ga.. 1
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
" I suffered untold misery from fe
male troubles. My doctor said an opera- 1
tion was the only chance I had, and 1
dreaded It almost as much as death.
"One day I read how other women J
had been cured by Lydia E. Plnkham's j
Vegetable Compound, and I decided to '
y it. Before I had taken the first
"uiue i was better, and now I am en-
' J cured.
"Every woman suffering- with ny
male trouble ahould take Lydla K.
nnkham'a Vegetable Compound."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham s Vegetable Compound, made
iroin roots and herbs, has been the
munaard remedy for female Ills,
aim has positively cured thousands of
worrjeu who have been troubled with
QIliicemenU,t inflammation, ulcera
,"" nbrold tumor, Irregularities,
Pt'iiodie. pains, backache, that Dear
ie a?5 feellnsTI flatulency indigea
dizziness or nervous prostration,
"by don't you try it i
JPtakham luvitee all sick
ThJ?? writ- her for Advice.
I ,,A jrjdded thousands to
Address. Lynn. Mas.
Harrisburg i Special). The legal
itatus of corncobs Is making trouble
In Harrlsburg's city government, and
City Solicitor Settz will be called up
on to determine whether the cobs
are to be classed as kitchen refuse
or as miscellaneous garbage.
It appears that when the contract
for the collection of the city's gar
bage was given out that garbage wuh
divided into three kinds, kitchen,
ashes and miscellaneous refuse, in
cluding broken crockery, glass and
the like. The contractors found that
corncobs would not go through their
machinery when the green corn sea
son came along and have asked thai
housekeepers he required to put the
cobs In the receptacle with sardine
cans and smashed dishes. Some of
them have refused to do so and
threaten to resist penalties.
Pottsvllle (Special). Orders were
Issued by the Reading Coal & Iron
Company reinstating five coal train
crews, or twenty-five employees, of
the coal service, with headquarters
at Palo Alto, a suburb of this place.
These were Idle all summer, having
been laid off In the spring.
An order was also posted to the
effect that the car repair shops at
Palo Alto will resume full-handed
this week to work six ten-hour days
every week. This indicates a big
revival in the coal trade.
Growing Crops Stolen.
Douglassvllle (Special). So pro
nounced has been the thievery in this
section that the farmers are organ
izing a vigilance society to protect
their property. Nightly potato patch
es have been laid to waste, the vines
pulled out and the potatoes carried
away. In the cornfields the ears
have beer pulled off by the hundreds.
On Saturday night half or one farm
er's potato patch was emptied of the
potatoes and the tomatoes plucked
from tfie vines.
Quurrymuii Killed lly Blast.
West Chester iSpeclal). Samuel
Thompson, of Kennett Square, was
killed while blasting in the feldspar
quarries near EmbreeviUe. The blast
caused a cave-in that crushed Thomp
son to death instantly.
Mother Ends Life; Babes Starving.
Bethlehem (Special). Leaving
three starving oblldren at home and
her husband in jail, MrB. Mary Yola
mlne, of Northampton, threw her
self lu front of a passenger train
and was killed.
8outh Bethlehem (Special). John
Balchl, aged 26 years, and his com
panion, Lewis Gallo, went up intc
the mountains to pick berries. Un
knowingly they trespassed on the
property of a farmer who notified
them to leave, enable to understand
English they were slow to heed the
This enraged the farmer, who
rushed Into the house and cam out
with a double-barreled shotgun.
Pointing It at Halchl, who was thirty
Ave yards away, the farmer fired.
Dalchl's back and limbs were filled
with shot and he was hurried to. a
hospital here, seriously wounded
The man's assailant Is unknown.
I'l HE WATER l HI I 111, I III M
Bethlehem (Special). The bor
ough officials were notified by Dr.
S. O. Dixon, State Commissioner of
Health, that he had approved of the
new source of water supply for the
borough in place of the present
source, which has been condemned.
The Monocracy Creek, a spring water
stream, will be the source of the new
supply. The site will cost $15,000
;ind two artesian wells with an esti
mated capacity of 150,000 gallons
"ach have been drilled.
The water will be pumped to a
standpjpe on a high point and then
by gravity It will run to every pari
of the town. The cost of getting the
water to town will bu about 200,
000, and a special election to Issue
bonds will soon be held. The pres
ent supply source has been used for
1(17 years.
York (Special) Miss Emma Won
der, 46 years old, a native of this
county, who disappeared last Febru
ary, has been located In New York
City, where she was found by the
police wandering on the streets.
About March I she escaped from
the local almshouse and began her
wanderings, visiting Carlisle, Balti
more, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and
finally New York City. She carried
with her a certificate on a Hanover
bank for 1400. The New York au
thorities have placed her In the State
Insane Asylum and notified her rela
tives here.
Weekly Review of Trade and Lates
Market Reoorti
R. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review
of Trade says:
"Industrial plants gradually en
large the percentage of active ma
chinery, furnishing more work for
wage-earners, whlrh stimulates re
tall trade, while favorable crop pro
gress strengthens confidence in a
continuance of recovery In business
Nfw contrarts for steel products are
being placed with more freedom and
collerles resume that were closed by
the drouth.
"Outside representatives of Job
bing houses are numerous In the
primary market for cotton foods,
but operations are restricted, as Ir
customary at this season.
"New England footwear shops are
still well occupied, but wholesalers
have left the Boston mnrket without
plating any large volume of business
and Western Jobbers have not con
tinued to purchase as freely as open
Ing sales promised Prices are not
changed except where Increased cost
of raw materials has forced shoe
manufacturers to advance figure,
and little business is done on thl?
basis, because buyers Insist that gen
eral conditions do not warrant tin
rise that has occurred In hides and
Bridal reel 's says:
"flood crop reports, the advanrn
of the season and growth In con
fidence as to the trade outlook are
re.leeted In reports of moderate en
largement of future buying at a few,
large centers, notably In the West
and Southwest. Industrial lines, too,
have been benefited by evidences of
revival In demand, nnd the number
or Idle operatives has been reduced
as a whole.
"Still the progress-making Is of a
conservative kind, curtailment of In
dustry Is still a marked feature and
small orders for immediate shipment
largely make up the volume of busi
ness doing by jobbers.
"Rest reports come from the Cen
tral West, Northwest and Southwest,
and the excellent outlook for the cot
ton crop makes for a better tone of
advices from the South."
Delay Meant Death From Kidney
Mrs. Herman Smith, 901 Broad
Street, Athens, Ga., says: "Kidney
disease started with
slight irregularity
and weakness and
developed Into dan
gerous dropsy. I
became weak and
languid and could
do no houaework.
My back ached ter
ribly. I had bear
ing down pains and
my limbs bloated to twice their nor
mal else. Doctors did not help and
1 wns fast drifting Into the hopeless
stages. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills
at the critical moment and they really
saved my life."
Sold by all doalers. 50 cents a box.
Foater-Mllburn Cos. Buffalo, N. Y.'
Reading (Special). Mrs. Calvin
Himmelberger, of Stroudsburg, this
county had an encounter with a
black snake. She was engaged In
cleaning her sitting-room when she
reached down to pick up what she
thought was a piece of rope lying
on the floor. To her great surprise
It was a snake.
The reptile began to wriggle to
get loose and raised Its head to
Htrike. Securing a fliepoker Mrs.
Illmmellierger beat the reptile until
life was extinct. It was three and a
hall feet In length. How it got into
the room Is a mystery.
Wholesale Market.
New York. Wheat Receipts
221,000. Spot Irregular; No. 2 red,
I9UA1.00H; elevator No. 2 red,
1.00 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth, 1.23 r. o. b. afloat; No. 2
hard winter, 1.02 f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 11,825. Spot
firm. No. 2, 84 nominal elevator,
and S4 Va nominal r. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts, 31,800; exports,
4,639. Spot firmer; mixed, 26 32
lbs., .ri9(f61; natural white. 26
II lbs., 63 65; clipped white, 32
40 lbs., 65 73.
Poultry Alive, steady; spring
chickens, 16; rowls, 13; turkeys, 11;
dressed irregular; Western spring
cmcKena, l 4 (i 20;
fowls, 1414V6.
reclpts, 7.449;
23V4; creamery
receipts, 3,767;
large, colored or
do., good to
do., common,-
York (Special). The York Shoe
Manufacturing Company has received
a contract for 37.500 pairs of high
grade shoes for the United States
army. The order amounts to 1106,
000 and will keep the plant in opera
tion for five months.
Air Pipe Turned Into Water Line.
Pottsvllle (Special). An explo
sion fired a pocket or gas in the sec
ond level or the West Orchard air
heading, in the Reading's Wadesville
Colliery, and a big bulk or coal ig
nited. One thousand reet or air pipe
used in some tunnel work was con
verted into a water conduit and the
underground fire was stubbornly
fought by relay gangs ror hours,
finally being extinguished.
Trolley Road For Mifflin County.
Harrisburg" (Special). The Belle
ville & Reedsville Railroad Company,
to connect towns of that name In
Mifflin County, ten miles distant, was
chartered with 1100.000 capital. The
president is L. M. Yoder, Belleville;
vice president, S. M. Patterson, Avon
dale; treasurer, E. W. Warner,
Jacob Relnhart. ol Mountain
Home, near Stroudsburg, was thrown
from the top of a load of hay and
killed Just as it was entering a
Joseph Glllon, about 30 years old,
or Rochester, N. Y., was thrown trom
his position on a Lackawanna coal
train at Stroudsburg. Glllon lived
sufficiently long to tell the trainmen
where he lived and mat he had been
stealing a ride.
William Magee, or Franklin, aged
17 years, was drowned while in bath
ing. He became exhausted in trying
to swim across a creek. ,
F. C. Freyer, of Spring City,
caught an eleven-pound carp In the
Perkiomen, near Collegevllle.
In Old Lyme, Connecticut, is one
of the celebrated Franklin milestones
which In 1776 saw Washington pass
Into Lyme on his way from Cam
bridge after the British had evacua
ted Boston. Franklin measured the
miles by a machine of his owu In
vention, attached to his chaise, the
ancestor or our cyclometer.
There are now In operation In
Brazil 11,182 miles of railroad, as
compared with 10,691 a year ago.
There are now .In operation 41,759
miles of telegraph service, 808 miles
more than a year ago.
Lecturing before the Institution of
Kleoftrlcal Engineers, at London, Sir
William Preece said that the proposal
to make the metrical system com
pulsory, seemed scarcely within the
range of practical politics at present,
ror te Anglo-Saxon race or manufac
turing engineers were nearly all op
posed to It.
Mr. Noel Paton, the director gen
eral of commercial intelligence for
India, with headquarters in Calcutta,
will soon visit the United States to
Investigate the grain elevator sys
tem with a view to Us possible intro
duction into India.
Butter Steady
creamery specials,
extras. 22 23.
Cheese Firm;
State full cream,
white, fancy, 11
prime. 10 '11;
9 1 0 .
Philadelphia. Wheat Firm and
c. higher; contract grade, July,
95 95c.
Corn Firm and lc. higher; No.
2 for local trade, R585c.
Oats Firm and 3c. higher; No. 2
white, natural, 67(?t67c.
Butter Firm and lc. higher;
extra Western creamery, 25c; do.,
nearby prints, 27.
Eggs Firm; firsts lc. higher;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, 21c . at mark.
Cheese Firm and c. higher;
New York full creams, choice, 12
12c. do., fair to good, 1111.
Poultry Alive, firm and In good
demand; fowls. 1414c; old
roosters, 10 10; Bpring chickens
16 20.
Baltimore. Flour Quiet and un
changed; receipts, 3,755; exports
Wheat Easier;
96 96; No.
98 98 ; July
gust, 9596; September. 95
96; steamer No. 2 red, 92 92;
receipts, 86,884; exports, 124,000;
Southern, by sample, 85 94; South
ern, on grade, 92 96.
Corn Steady; spot mixed, 79;
September, 80; asked; receipts, 6,
382; exports, 500.
Oats - Strong and higher; No. 2
white. 66 67; No. 3 white
59 60; No. 2 mixed, 5859; re
celpts. 16.439.
Rye Firmer; No. 2 Western do
mestic. 78 80.
Butter Firm and unchanged;
fancy imitation, 20 21; fancy
creamery. 25; fancy ladle, 1920;
store packed, 16 17.
Eggs Steady and unchanged,
18 18.
Cheese Firm and unchanged;
new Inrge, 12; new flats, 12;
new small, 12.
Henry Blttz, of Fairfield, N. ,1., Is
grieving over the death of his old
Plymouth Rock hen, noted In the
neighborhood as the peacemaker of
his barnyard. No fighting among its
occupants was nllowed, and If any
or the young roosters tried to Indulge
In that pastime, they got a sound
thrnshlng Trom the old Plymouth
Yesterday, however, two snapping
turtles, brought to the barnyard by
the Blttz boyj, began fighting, and
the old hen, true to her principles.
Jumped In between the belligerents
to stop them. Seeing they had a
common enemy, (he combatants both
tackled her, and It was not long be
fore each turtle had seized a leg o
old Onyx and she had been thrown
to the ground.
Blttz, who heard the hen's cries
and ran to her assistance, wns com
pelled to cut the heads off both tur
tles in order to release the old queen
of the barnyard, but she was so bad
ly hurt she was killed. N. Y. American.
Tiger's Ing Swim For Prey.
A correspondent at Pennng trans
mits details of an exciting encounter
with a tiger in that Island, a cir
cumstance which at the first blush
is somewhat curious, since tigers In
Penang are historically In the same
category as snakes in Ireland.
It was a Chinaman of Ballk I'ulau
to whom the adventure befell. He
heard an uproar In his compound
ft dawn and rising hurriedly found
a tiger creating havoc among his
pigs. He fired at the Intruder and
killed him in one shot at short range.
The animal was eight and a half
feet long and stood three feet high
at the shoulder. Investigation show
ed that the tiger had swum acrosH
from the mainland (Province Well
esley), resting midway at the leper
Island of Pulau Jerepak.
Transportation In Egypt.
It Is a curious fact that the Nile
and most of the canals In Egypt run
north and south. The wind blows
nearly all the year from the north,
and thus furnishes the cheapest pro
pelling power for boats going south.
When the boats return north the
rapid current of the Nile is the mo
tive power. The regularity of the
wind and the steadiness of the. cur
rent are two reasons why boats pro
pelled by any other power are so lit
tle used. Time is not so Important
an element in business In Egypt as
as In some other countries, and It
does not matter, therefore, that
boats propelled by wind or curr
are slow.
spot, contract,
2 red Western,
96 ",s 96; All-
.ive Mock.
New York. Beeves Receipts, I,.
44 5. Feeling steady. Dressed beel
slow at 8 to 11 for native sides
Calves Receipts, 303. Feeling
weak; veals, 5 (o 8.26; buttermilks.
4.50 to 4.75; city dressed veals
steady at 9 to 13c; country dressed,
7 to 1 1 c.
Sheep und Lambs Receipts, 2.
147. Sheep steady; lambs, 15 to
20c. higher. Sheep, 3.25 4.75; fair
to choice lambs, 5.40 7; cuils, 4.25.
Hogs -Receipts, 1,147. Feellny
nominally steady.
Chicago. Cattle Receipts esti
mated about 5,500; market steady;
steers, 5.25 8.15; cows, 3.405.50;
heifers. 3.606.15; bulls. 3.00
5.25; calves, t 508.75; stockers
and reedors. S. 00 4.80.
Hogs Receipts estimated about
15,000; market steady to 6c. higher;
choice heavy shipping, 6.766.86;
butchers, 6.70 6.86; light mixed,
6.366.66; choice light, 6.606.80;
packing. 5 75 6. 70; pigs. 4.60
6 10; bulk ofsales, 6.46 6.70.
Sheep Receipts eatlmated about
12,000; market steady; sheep, 3.60
Tuft Stuck In Phone Booth.
George Rush, one of the electri
cians of the Southern Bell Telephone
Company, now visiting his father
here, tells this story of Mr. Tart:
After the candidate had taken up
temporary quarters at the hotel at
Hot Springs he had to enter a tele
phone booth of the usual size, and
stuck hard and rast. A hurry call
was sent to the office of the tele
phone company and, carpenters, with
saws and hammers, extricated Mr.
Taft. The company, to avoid further
trouble and as a mark of especial
esteem for Mr. Taft, erected a new
booth which eclipses every other
south of Mason and Dixon's line
Curious Mexican Indians.
Hurled In the heart of a civilized,
powerful, and progressive foreign
people, a little handful of Indlnns
have lived for 300 years, and have
contrived to keep during all that
time their national characteristics,
their traditions, and their individ
uality. If you seek them you will
find them In Amatlan de los Reyes,
a village In the State of Vera Cruz,
Mexico. They are the Amatecas. Th
Amateens are perhaps the only people
In the republic who have succeeded
In retaining for themselves wnal is
practically self-government
Found the Answer Waa "Coffee."
The largest of all mammals are not
the elephants, but the whales. A
large elephant weighs about six tons,
but the largest whale reaches the Im
mense weight of 150 tons, and would
furnish four carloads of flesh mm
Argentina still offers a splendid
field for immigration. Only 00,000,
uOO acres are cultivated, and there
remain 246,000,000 of acres suitable
for stock breeding, as well as huge
areas ot forest ani of mineral bear
ing mountains.
Many pale, sickly persons wonder
for years why they have to suffer so,
and eventually discover that the drug
caffeine in coffee la the main
cause or the trouble.
"I was always very fond of coffee
and drank It every day. I never had
much flesh and often wondered why I
waE always so pale, thin aud weak.
"About five years ago my health
completely broke down and I was con
fined to my bed. My stomach was In
such condition that I could hardly
take sufficient nourishment to sus
tain life.
"During this time I was drinking
coffee, didn't think I could do with
out it
"After awhile I came to the con
clusion that coffee was hurting me,
and decided to give it up and try
Post urn. I didn't like the taste of it
at first, but when it was made right
boiled until dark and rich I soon
became very fond of it.
"in one week I began to feel better.
I could eat more and sleep better. My
sick headachea were leas frequent,
and within five months I looked and
felt like a new being, headache spells
entirely gone.
"My health continued to Improve,
am well and strong,
I attribute my present
health to the llfe-gtving qualities of
"There's a Reason."
Name given by Post urn Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to
Wellvllle." in pkgs.
Brer read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and fall of hunuui
and to-day i
weigh 148 lbs.
Llllputlan Parlshee.
Probably few people know that
this country contains a number of
parishes so small that their popula
tion can be housed under one or two
roofs. For Instance, Upper Eldon,
near Stockbrldge, consists of two
houses, which with an eleventh cen
tury church and a tiny "God's acre"
In the middle of a farmyard adjoin
ing one of the dwellings, comprise
the whole parish Not much larger
is the population of Lulllngtnn, five
miles from Eastbourne. Small as Its
church Is the interior dimensions
are only 16 square reet It Is quite
large enough ror the inhabitants.
In Grove, near Lelghton Buzzard,
there are only about a dozen inhabi
tants, the parish containing a mod
ern rarmhouse. two cottages, and a
tiny church. At Rhyd, In Flintshire,
while there are only three adult In
habitants, the village contains five
cottages and one shop; till recently
there were two licensed houses, one
of which still remains. Tit-Bits.
Says Americans Are Always Talking
A newspaper controversy has be- j
gun on the subject of British and
American orntory. A Canadian cor
respondent declared that It was no-
tleeahle at the Pan-Anglican confer-1
ence how much better the Americans 1
spoke than the Englishmen, and a
British member of Parliament cor-I
robe rated this statement by declaring
that the best of the American speak- i
era at that congress were as good
as the best English speakers, and j
their general average higher.
Sir Charles Wyndham now makes
the following contribution to the de- !
"It must be remembered thnt
Americans are always talking. They
Imbibe fluency with their mothers'
milk. I do not consider, however. I
that there Is anything like the same!
proportion or really good public
speakers In America as In Engand."
Fighting Turtle Kills Peacemaking
Hicks' Cnpudine Cures Nervousness,
Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or
what not. It refreshes the brain and
nerves. It's Liquid arid pleannt to lake.
1 ,'c, 25c, nnd .Vic., at drug storea.
There's nothing makes a woman
madder than for people to talk of
her virtues Instead of her lookB.
To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up
the System
Tak the Old Standard (Ibovs's Tasts
Utss C'uiLL Toxic. Yea know what you
are taking. The formula is plainly i
on every bottle, showing it in simply iui
uino and Iron in a tasteklaS rorm, and to.)
most effectual form, for grown people
and children. Oc
A woman's idea or a thrilling pass
age in a novel is with the heroine
reading a love letter and curling
her hair at the same time.
Body was Baw Discharged from
Hospitals as Hopeless Cuticura
Remedies Cured Him.
"Frcm the nge of three month until
fifteen yean old, my son Owen's life waa
made intolerable by eczema in its worst
form. In spite of treatments the disease
gradually spread until nearly every part of
his body was quite raw. He used to tear
himself dreadfully in his sleep and the
agony he went through is quite beyond
words. The regimental doctor pronounced
the cose hopeless. We had him in hos
pitals four times and he was pronounced
one of the worst, cases ever admitted.
From each he was discharged as incurable.
We kept trying remedy after remedy, but
had gotten almost past hoping for a cure.
Six months agx we purchased a set of
Cu(icura Remedies. The result was truly
marvelous and to-day he is perfectly cured.
Mrs. Lily Hedge, Camblewell tireen, Eng
land, Jan. 12, 1907."
Easy To Write, Hard To Learn.
Hicks I see you don't use the
forms recommended by the simple
Wicks -No, It takes too long to
remember what they are. Somer
ville Journal.
Trttif? and
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life nnd are essential to permanent
success nnd creditable standing. Aecor
ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal anil family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects anil without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly nnd naturally and
truly as a laxative, and its component
parts are known to anil approved by
physicians, as it is free from alt objection
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine -manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug
gists. WIDOWS'""1"' NEW LA W obtala
Libby's Sweef
Mixed Pickles
That firm, crisp quality ana
delicious flavor is what you get
when you insist en Libby's
Mixed Pickles at your dealers.
They are always the finest and
never disappoint. It's the same
with Libby's Sweet Gherkin t and
Sweet Midgets. Ask for them.
Libby's Olives
The cultivation of centurier-
marks the olive groves of Spain ij
as the world's best. '
Libby S Olives are imported
from the oldest and most famous
of these groves. The result is a
rare product, delightfully appetis
ing. Try one bottle and you'll
buy more and never be without
Libby's Preserves
Pure, ripe fruit and pure sugar
in equal parts, cooked just right
and timed to the second, in
Libby's Great While Kitch
en, is the secret of the extreme
superiprity of Libby's Preserves.
There s none as good at any price.
Grocersand delicatessen stores
carry all of Libby's Food Pro
ducts. They are war-
rantedthebestto both
you and the dealer
WVt'te iter fir
bortkl't ''llnu to
it a if Good Thingi
It Eat."'.
Llbby. McNeill
As well as for the preserva
tion and purification of the
skin no other skin soap so
pure, so sweet, so speedily
effective as Cuticura. For
eczemas, rashes, inflamma
tions, chafings, sunburn,
wind irritations, bites and
stings of insects, lameners
and soreness incidental 1
outdoor sports, for the caru
of the hair and scalp, for
sanative, antiseptic cleans
ing, as well as for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath
and nursery, Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura are unrivaled.
Guaranteed absolutely pure, and
may be used from the hour of birth.
Sold thronrtoiit th world IVnnu- lytndon. 27
Chrif rh uw So.: Pfcrl. A. Rus de Is Pals-
llv U Townt A Co . Sydney; Indl. n. W l'nul.
!-utU. Chins, ll,nf Kons llrus Co.. Juntn.
Waniya. ltd.. Tnklo. RiumIs, Frrreln. rloeN.wi
So. Afrlrn. Lrnonn. Ltd.. C:hni Turn, !.; 1 R .
Poller !irur A Chen. CO'-v Bole Prone, floeuuu
eeV-Puel re. Culluure feooelel oa tue Seta.
tX Mlfll, I' d
With weiik
res, use
Thompson's EyeWater
lurtw. etc. Niiw ytt m to ttuuaty fur i, i,n xl
lUrir raUtlTN, wliu arv4 iu tu uivt: wtvr. Mil .
n ' '" -i (-." JO for I ii. -ti:, IrW tlLftUst
and .iinlruL-ttotiai A4dna, IV, H. Will. Att'T-.
,v. s , .-lib. i-.. i Wul Uu.ldtug. Hi Lai. At.
WuiilUtftuu. i. a Over J prtvotto.
If rolls eide, seedling, k border, lor Parlor, DlntiM
rootu, i .. im,- ,.r ueu-itHmi, paej iibii, ay o
you wlkli. nluLipau Ireilit or vxprvM, lor kl.iM.
room. Mew dmdsue, eny oul jr
eilflit or v&pnwu, lor
" s i i a(,,min , . wmere 31. .tumn. 44.
J4 J 44
Compare your foot with a SKREEMER shoe.
the shoe that bears your weight, and note tha resemblance, the lines
oi thehoe followinir perfectly the lines of the
foot. That meana comfort. Look for this label.
If yon do not find these shoes readily, write
the mikers for directions how to secure them.
raEb. F. FIELD CO.. Brockton. Mas.
U(jaatU run av
Whether you raiae Chickena tor fun or profit, yon want to db'it intellisently mi
set the host result. The way to do this ia to profit by the experience of .nhprs
We offer a book Ullius ail ,ou need to know oa the sub
iect -a book written b a SWMSMsaaHsje v man wbo uia.le his hvius. for
M years la raisin, Wtry L "J iu thl l''e
had to experiment and spend jfsk Wg W much money to learn the Wt
tENTr, 1D nosug .temps. M It tell, you bow to De4i
and i ure Diseuu, how to BBBVXkweiBxaBBBB4Mxa Feed for Ko. .nil ien fr
Market, which Fowl., to 6.T. IrblZ"
Book Publishing How, 134 Leonard St., N. Y. City.