INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of "Cl and General Interest, at Home or Clipped Irm Exchanges. (lathered our CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Tins is the day of the Presby terian reuuiou at Pen Mar. Ira Palmer, of Big Cove Tan nery, was a town visitor on Sat urday. Joseph F. Swisher, ,if the "Corner," was in town on Satur day. Hiram Raese, of Big Cove Tan nery, was in tlie County Seat on Saturday. Wantki): Woman for general housework (white), suburbs of Washington, D. C. Good home and wages. Kailroad fare refund ed if satisfactory. Addi ess News office, McConnellsburg, Pa. W. C. Martin, of Locust drove was doing business in town on Monday. Rev. W. M. Hann, and wife, of Clarington, Pa., are visiting in this vicinity. Mr. Joseph H. Lohr, of Hus tontown, was a pleasant caller at this office on Tuesday. Miss Blanc he O Peck was a pleasant caller at the home of D. H. Pore and wife, last Saturday. Foley's Orino Laxative, the new laxative, stimulates, but does not irritate. It is the best laxative. Guaranteed or your mouey back. Trout's drug storo. David A. Black, one of the good citizens of Taylor township, was a pleasant '-8.Hor at our office on Tuesday morning. Governor Johnston, of Minne sota, will deliver one of the lec tures at Mercersburg Academy in th j early fall. Ex Commissioner Albert Pies singer of Brush Creek township was a welcome visitor to the News oftice on Tuesday. The national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held at Toledo, O., during the week beginning August 81, The function of the kidneys is to strain out the impurities of the blood which is constantly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the kid ney8 healthy. They will straiu out all waste matter from the blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy and it will make you well. Trout's drug store. Crystal Springs Catnpmeeting will open August 14 and continue iu session until August 24th. A fcreat gathering of people will be present. Miss Emma L. Sloau returned to her home iu this place on Tues day after spending the past ten days with her sister, Mrs. Thos. W. Walker, in Mercersburg. Undertaker Wm. Stoner has had the large tree in front of his undertaking establishment, re moved preparatory to having a new pavement put down. One of our pleasant visitors on Monday was Jacob Clouser, of Upper Ayr. Mr. Clouser is a friend of the "News" and had the date on his paper pushed ahead mother year. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says: "I have only taken four dos es of your Kidney and Bladder Pills aud they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. I am. still taking the pills as I want a perfect euro." Harbor refers to Dewitt's I r. Sidney and Bladder Pills. Bold by Trout's drug store. Mr. Geo. McKtbbin, of Union townsnip, has purchased the brick house recently erected by W. S. Clevenger, on Main street, and will become a citizen of our town on April 1st, next. The City Clerk's office in ChffVn bersburg, was robbed of IfrtiO while the clerk was at luncheon. The thief overlooked $83 which was in the bottom of the cash drawer. No arrests. On July i the new law went in to effect requiring the manufac turers to label every bottle or other package of whiskey so that thu consumers cxn tell whether tey are drinking "whiskey," "imitation," "bleudod,"or "com- P"nd." Also the lift tfiiAS. mli r, ... w effoel lsomnr requiring every package of ganne to be so label id. Capt. C. T. Dixon, of Saluvia, received word that the wife of his son Howard drowned while in Lake Erie at Sandusky, O., last Saturday. Charlie Carbangh and son Jere of the Corner in Ayr township, spent a few hours in town last Saturday, and paid the News of fice a plef sant and profitable vis it. Mr. K. F. Trotter, one of Cam bria county's popular teachors, spent several days during the past week visiting his friend Prof. W. Don Morton at the Mor ton home near town. We are now in the midst of the dog days coming in about the 1 1th and lastiug about 6 weeks. Dog days cover the hot days in July and August when the dog-star "sirius" rises with the sun. -Harry Hill, one of Thompson township's leading teachers, was iu town a few hours on business Monday. HaTy has purchased a nice property down there, and has a nice home. Miss Daisy Kelley, who has been visiting friends in Cham bersburg and other places, re turned home Monday evening. She was accompanied by Miss Maye Keller, of Cham bersburg. A. J. Lamberson, ol Huston town, spent a few hours in town Monday. Mr. Lamberson is the agent for the Lurgan Fire Insur ance Company, of Franklin coun ty, and carries a lot of risks for his company. Rev. John H. Barney of Clear ville, Pa , will preach at Cedar Grove Christian church August 9th at 10:80 a. m. at Oakley Ji p. m. same day at Antioch 7:4") same evening on his way to Conference in Va. All welcome. Ephraim Houck, one of Ayr township's active iariners, is on the sick list. He has not been well for sometime, but about a week ago, he was attacked by vertigo, and since that time has been right poorly. Mrs. Mary Marshall, who dur ing the past school year has had charge of the Art Department of the public school at Pheuixville, Pa., is visiting in the homes of her brothers, George and Jacob Reisner, of this place. Grocer Ernest C. McClain made a trip to Red Lion last week ostensibly to visit his brother-in-law Dr. C. N. Trout, but when he cime home Friday evening he was driving a brand new Buick runabout, and it is a dandy, too. During the thunderstorm on Wednesday evening last, Mr. Ahimaaz Clevenger, who lives on the Thos. F. Sloan farm l. miles south of this place was knocked down by a bolt of lightning while' at work in the barn yard. For tunately he was not badly hurt. The five cars with perfect scores in the 1008 tour for the Hower tropby arrived at Cam bridge Springs from Buffalo at 1.52 o'clock Monday afternoon without mishap and still with perfect scores. They will pass through this place to day on the w iv to farrisburg. Delay ii commencng treat: ment for a slight irregularity that could have been cured quick ly by Foley's Kidney Remedy may result in a serious kidney disease. Foley's Kidney Rem edy builds up the worn out tis sues aud strengthens these or gans. Couimeuce taking it to day. Trout's drug store. Our townsman J. Milton Unger in ui(vmu, i iu Jl uvuuiuu La null. Will add much to the appearande and value of his property on South First street. He is just complet ing'a tine concrete pavement in front of his house, and placed concrete walks in the rear, be sides planting ornamental and other trees. We might add one word, aud say to any ladies who may oe seeking a home, that Mr. Unger has a uice one. The Philadelphia Record will issue as a supplement with its Sunday edition of August 2nd, a handsome photogravure of Wil liam Jennings Dry tn. Wo are in receipt of this picture from The Record, which may be seen at this office by our patrons. The picture is of beautiful bromide finish, and well worth a haudsomo frame, To be sure of getting a copy of this edition of The Record it is imperative that you urder at. once from your local news agent, as the odition is limited and Sop iu.s cannot .subsequently be pro cured for tags than 50 cents. MADDEN BROS.,: THREE SPRINGS, PA. Let us give some prices for you to consider. It it's a Wagon or Buggy you want, this should interest vou. We sell fiood Busies at 45; two-horse Bird sell Road WflgOrlS complete, with double bed, 62 50; Lowdown Fertilizer Grain Drills, as good as the best, none better, $60. We have also a full line of the following : , Dry Goods Hardware Harness Notions Furniture Groceries Linoleum Ladies' and Gents' Shoes Men's aud Boys' Suits styles just opened. Collars and Bridles Flyncts Oilcloth a large lot of latest Fertilizer constantly on hand and prices as low as the lowest. MADDEN BROS. Stand For Something. The greatest thmg that can be aaid of a man, no matter how much he has achieved, is that he has kept his record clean. Why is it that, it) spite of the ravages of time, the reputation of I Lincoln grows larger and his i character means more to the world every year? I t is because tobacco The United States On Top. About five persons out of every 100 of the eartn's population live in the United State's says the Philadelphia Record : but our farmers raise L'O per cent, of the world's wheat crop; H per cent, of the corn: 71 per cent, of the cottou, and III per cent, of the We also produce tii! per he kept his record clean, and never ' cent, of the petrf.leurn output of prostituted his ability nor gam-i the world: 57 per cent, of the bled with his reputation. ! copper; 37 per cent, of the coal; Where, in all history, is there ' 80 per cent of the silver; 22 per an example of a mau who was 1 cent, of the gold, and 42 per cent merely rich, no matter how great his wealth, who exerted such a power for good, who has been such a living force in civilization, as this poor backwoods boy? What a powerful illustration of the fact that character is the greatest force in the world. A man assumes importance and becomes a power in tho world just as soon as it is found that ho stands lor something; that he is not for sale; that he will not lease his manhood for salary, or for any amount of money, or for any influence or position; that he will not lend his name to anything which he cannot indorse. The trouble with so many men to day is that they do not stand for anything outside their voca tion. They may be well educated wen up in tneir specialties, may have a lot of expert knowledge, but they cannot be depended up on. There is some Haw in them which takes the edge off their vir tue. They may be fairly honest, but you cannot bank on them. of the iron; although we have a little less than (i per cent, of tho earth surface to live upon. Not a bad showing for a young na tii n. A CAUPORNIAN' LUCK. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Uuck len's Arnica Salve);" writes Chas. F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years, and that yielded to no other treat ment." Sold under guarantee at Trout's drug store. ' The Stout Woman Must Not wear separate waists. The contrasting white makes her look elephantine. Nor a contrasting belt, it gives the effect of a big broad waist. Nor carry a muff nor parcel. It assents the clumsiness of her waist. Dross her shoulders to look broad. Japanese effects will do wonders. Wear a high pompadour. It bestows height and the desired reed like figure. Carry a well-rolled umbrella. An English beauty discovered the walking stick was an adjunct to beauty. Wear black or dark colors. They always impose an effect of slimness. Carry her chin up well. The woman who dips her chin will look stouter thau she is. Affect long sleeves. Short sleeves confers the fatness of arms. Never put on rouge. It makes a stout faoe look much coarser. Affect high heels, long trains and a big hat. They all argue thinness effectually. atop la cough ud H aa.t lu ngn Just For I ini. What is the difference between a choirmaster and a lady's dress? The one trains the choir, the oth er acquires a jjraio. What is tiie difference between a farmer and a dressmaker ? One gathers what he sows and the other sews what she gathers. Why is a washerwoman like Saturday ? Because she brings in the clothes (close) of the week. What is the greatest feat iu the eating line that was ever known ? That which recorded a man who bolted a door, after which he threw up a sash, and then swal lowed a whole story. What is that from which you cau take away the whole and still have some left? The word "wholesome." Plnla Ledger. FOiEYSKlDNEYCUFI Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD IN TUE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN YEAK. More Alert, More Thorough anil More Fearless Than Ever., Head In Every bngllsb Speaking Country. A President of the United States will be elected this year. Who li he and who is the man whom he will beat P Nobody yet knows, but tho Thrice-a-Weok edition of the Now York Worid will tell you every step and every de tail of what promises to be a campaign of the most absorbing interest, ft may not tell you what you hope, but it will tell you what is. The Thrlee-a-Week World long ago established a charac ter for impartiality and fearlessness in the publication of news, and this it will maintain. If .vou want the news as it really is, subscribe to theThriee-a-Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you every oth er day except Sunday, and is thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly. THE TBRIOK-A-WEEK WOHLD'S regular subscription price is only 11,00 per year, and this pays for 15ii papers. We olfer this unequaled newspaper anil THE FULTON COUNTY NK.vVS together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $''.00. G.W. REISNER &CO. are now showing; their SPRING AND SUMMER Stuffs, and are pleased to say that in njar.y cases, prices are considerably lower than a year ago. A muslin sold last spring at 12 l-2c. we now sell at 10 cents as good as we have sold at that price for five or six years. In SUMMER DRESS STUFFS we have a splendid stock. India linens (French Lawns-- beautiful cloth), Linens, mercerized effects, etc. We have a very nice line of WOOLEN DRESS STUFFS all off in price and SILKS we never had so many-and at prices to please. (Especially in Black.) A splendid 36 in. black silk for 90 cents, that will not 'cut, and has good weight. A splendid colored silk, 35 cents a yard, borne very pretty' SUMMER JACKETS m Black and Tan. If you need a jacket be sure to see these. We are selling Children's 2-piece Suits from 50 cents up. CLOTHING Boys' and young men's Clothing at all prices, we have a splendid stock of Men's Clothing, and we know we cna save you money every time on Clothing. GEO. W. REISNER & CO., McConnellsburg, Pa. L. W. FUNK Dealer In Pianos Organs The undersigned takes this method of informing tho people of Fulton county that he is prepared to furnish High Grade I Maims anil organs at pricesthat are attractive. He makes a specialty of the LESTER PIANOS RACKET STORE PRICES JUNE and JULY patrons. We an instrument of national tion; and the reputa- We have again made a good deal for our suppose you have all heard about the price of Mason's Glass Jars MILLER AND THE WEAVER ORGANS Being a thoroughly trained tuner, he is prepared on short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A sample Lester I'iano may be seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or organ let me know, I can save you money. L. W.FUHK, NhEDMORE, PA. FOLEY'S H0NEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Kef use substitute. Prepared only by Foley Company, Chicago. Trout's Drug Store. advancing. Well, they have advancecf-almost double: but, not with us. We are going to sell iliem as long as we have any ( and . we have 16 gross) at -Plata, 6o: Quarts, SOc: Half gal., 8Se. We had one merchant to say to us that we were fools for selling at these prices, as we couldn't buy them In the city to sell at less than 06, 75, and Mo, Well, we are not looking out for other mer chants, we are for the customers and ourselves." Then we made another good deal for you : We can sell a 10-,t. galvanized pail, that we did sell for 20c, now 15c.: 12-qt. at 18c. CASTOR MACHINE OIL Well, ihis has been a big seller with us. Vou might ask why : Because we sell an oil that others sell at 5ic. gal., for 25c. and It is just a little heavior than theirs. A nice line of Hammocks at 000., $1.25, S1.U; and 12 25 TABLE OIL CLOTH 14c, YARD; Or $1.60 Per Roll. Space will not permit us to name prices on Clothing and Shoes this time, but we sell them just the same way that we sell Glass .lars and everything else we carry. We have One Price to Everybody and that is the lowest the market will afford. Call and see us whether you want to buy or not. Hespectfully HULL & BENDDR, McConnellsburg, Pa. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE esauH tHAZZ MARKS Designs Copyrights &c. H HVOlin NPltdthU it nU't It 11 ii 1 1 r li i.iut qnl'ikly (ucertuln our o hiium iiuti lu i In - a Invention l prohHlilt piittulwbla. f 'umiiiuriU'A 1 1 M -t h t nil y n 1 ill it y it 1 ill UttiHiU.'ik Oil PtttUUU nut frue. (Hilutit auatioy fur hik-hi luu patent. Pitttmii i tftkau vhruuitii Murm to. ftMMtt tj'f .ni nuriiv. wt. lout otittntti. in this Scientific American. a rmr.dsnmelr Illustrated wuoklr lamest ula uiUtlon l any t, i.-nilu. journal. Teruia. S3 a roar; fmn n ..utlia, at. Sold ht all newadeMeiT. CO 88iBr.d., NftW Ynrfc ivi'iti ohm at w . waahtiwtuii i a Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every ono hundred poopls who have heart trouble csn romsmbor when It was almpla Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases o( heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but aie the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach whloh falls of perfect digestion ferments and swellsthe stomach, puffing It up against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr D. Kaubla el Nyvada. O . at..: I had atom.e. troubia and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble With It. I took Kodol Dyapepala Cure lor about lout moral. i and It aired me, Kodol Digests What You Bat and relieves the atomaeh of til nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles ealr. 11.00 Site holdlns 2H times tba Mat eke. which sells lor tOo. MeMSt" . Da Win DO., OHIOAOO, J. S. Wilson's NEW STORE Three Springs, Pa. We carry a full line of all New and Upto-Date Goods. Produce taken in exchange. New Goods ordered every week. Call and give us a chance to save you money. Eggs, 15 cents, cash or trade. Side meat lie, Lard 12 cents. Potatoes 65 cents; Hool 18 cents, 9 Cakes of Star Soap for 25 cents, 2 pounds loose Coffee for 25 cents, lVhite Oxfords going for one-third cost. The Prices Are Right everything. We thank you for past patronage and invite a continuance of the same.