FULTuN COUNTY NEWS Published Every Thursday. B, W. PSvK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. JULY 30, 1908 Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. l . inad, i s Wheal Crop. After a careful revujw of the Drop situation in Western Canada, tlie leading railways estimate the total wheat yield in Ctnada will be 125,000,000) bush , els, or an r.vcrage of bushels to th acre. Lust year's wheal Fulrt ii w. rieok, L. McKim, I.. Uiiks, W. Banc Ball V ill i!t. :ib. BH. Western I ym' - rioiiiusu, o, Hroilbeck, G Hruiuhaugh, C. rf. Chllcoat, J. cf. Brumbaugh, A. If. a Grenada. Allowav, .1. A. .Midway. 1) K. Hiiksttcsser, D Alloway, K. Heater, H. shaferH. J. SIlllflT, IV Witter. Ft. Alloway, Q, .May be Wonh Dollars lo You. Heart and Limits, i.awyrhs Hare is something that is worth The hour!, la a. vnrv much over- many dollars to every farmer to 1 taxed orjfau. It isa marvel what M. K. SHAFFNER. know; Spriuklo lime in your i strength and vitality it has. It, .... a . . I 1 I siocK tantt ana not a particle 01 1 js a musele which must contract scum will form on the water. j an,j reHX from neventy to eighty When the lime loses its streiiKth times a minute throughout the sr. urn will begin to form, which life of the indiidnak The right A 1 loKNBY AT Law, Ollice on Sauare, McConnellsburjf, Pa. All legal bun nes anil oolleotioroi entrusted will vr csrefui and prompt attention. crop was 80,000,000 bushels, of j The score stood to 7 in favor may be twice during the seasuu, half receives the used up blood which l7,'0,000 bushels were 1 of rairview. exported, .tis estimated that; Struck out by McKim, 10; by l(Ki,( n ,000 bushels this season ' Alloway, 1J. IVIBTlINO T1. Her square of X linen time II W. l'er square eaoh Mubaequent Insertion M). An advertisement Inaerted for leai than hree monthn charged by tbe square. will bo available for cxort. wash out the tank and repeat the i al,d sends it to the lungs; the left dose. It is cheap, not onlv harm- ; half receives it purified from the ess but wholesome, keeps the lungs to semi it l ound the bodv 8 man. Amai. I I yr. One-fourth column. One half column ... One Column ...ilVOO. . . . s.oo .. .. 40.00. tio.oo I aao.no 40 00 53.00 M OO. TS.00 Hinla for Preserving. The first consideration is a preserving Kettle of brass polish ed until lustrous and with no stain of fruit. This is the sort of vessel used by the old fashioned housewife and the jellies of our grand ninth ers nave never been equaled. Porcelain ket-les should be view, Huntingdon enmity, ground, stock. A. Henry and , Saturtlav. .lulv 2Mb. The inline I . 4 0 Messrs. John James EL Fields, of Clear Ridge, waa largely attended and very were towu visitors on Monday. The Mite Society of the Pres byterian church of this place will hold an ice cream festival in the hall of the Court House, on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. The Independent Party in Con vention in Chicago, on Tuesday, nominated Thomas L Hisgen, of This game was played on Pair water sweet and saves the live irJto the remotest corners through the tiny capillaries which are hardly visible to the naked eye. Anything which lessens us pow er, prevents the blood from ar riving at its ultimate, destination the remote recesses of the hu man frame who e the vital pro cesses take place. If through ov er eating, the stomach, which is adjacent to it) heart, presses up on it, it interferes with :ts work. peaceful. J. Summersault Clm.s. Steak, umpires gave just decis ions. This is reported as the best game of the season in this section. LAIDIU Mr. Hiram Laidig spent last Sunday with James Hampton. John Laidig was in town Tues day on business. Prank Davis bought a tiuodnv- To Speak al Camp Meeting. Ilev. blarry W. Newman, of the M. E. church at Beaver Meadow, has been engaged by the Newton Hamilton Camp Association at Newton Hamilton, Pa , to give a series of eleven illustrated talks to boys and girls from August 18 to the 85th, Tins is one of DR. A. K. DAVIS, Hustontown, Pa. DENTAL WOkK IN ALL ITS ilRANCIIIiS. OKN1KAI DIKF.CTORV. 1 1 PrmtVtom Judge ii" 8 Mr swop. AatOoUta JOdfM l. T. Humbert. H K. Markiev Ptotbonotury. fte. (Jennce A. Hunla. DlMrlrt Attorney Krank I'. I.vnoh. TrwhMurnr "Charien B. tetevena. Sheriff Ji-fTUrrl. Deputy hhcrtff A. I llohmnn. .liny C.iniml-'.iiini'i Oinid Unl. A. C, Trniix. Auditors I), n Mvem, Anron M. OHrlnnd. W. ilrant w Ink Commissioners- M. ('. llracey. William 0. Kavis. s A. NesliH. Clerk 1. Frank llenrv. County Superintendent 11 '. Ijinlx-rson Attorney, W. Seotl Alexander. J. Nelson sip, v Thollins F. S onn. F Mi'N. .lohusloii. M. H. Sliartner Ji.im I', sip. - s w. Kirk. V. P. Lyaoti H. N. Slpes. L. 11. Wlble. (iolil Crown anil Bridge Work a Specialty. Teeth extracted positively without l.Hili. AM Work Guaranteed. the largest Methodist camps in , Stimulants, teaand cotfee, poison Central lVunsylvama There are , the heart and unfit it for its duly Wartield Dunkie, of Jersey discirded as soon as they com- j Shore, caught iu the Susquehan na river last Friday two of the largest tish that have been cap tured in that section of the State this season. One of them was a bass that measured twenty eight inches and weighed seven and one half pounds and the other was salinou that measured twen ty one mches aud weighed six pounds. meuce to crack and tin; iron or pewter should uever be used. The best jelly bag is a long one made of flannel, which is made in a piut at the bottom. This should never he squeezed in order to hasten the dropping or a discoloration of the fruit will result. In selecting fruit the greatest care should be taken to see that it is not over ripe. Berries that have been picked more than 24 hours are too old to make g od jellies and preserves. A cheesecloth bag will be found useful in st:ainiug the fruit through the eolauler. To keep j-illy and jam f i om mold ins.' on top the fruit should he covered with paper dipped iu brandy. Jelly glasses without titted tin or glass tops can be covered by pieces ol writing paper. These pieces should be dipped in the unbeaten whites of an egg and pasted at once over the gla.-s Plenty of sugrr makes rich and luscious preserves and makes the fruit keep much longer. To prevent jars from cracking when the hot preserves are pour ed in them set on cloths dip ed i 1 cold water and partly wrung out. California, for President, aud ing horse John Temple Craves, of Georgia, MissSarah Laidig expects to go for Vice President. j up Ground Hog Valley to spend some time with her brother Sam. Mr Thomas Hai.pton spent last Sunday with Haul Forman. Mrs Margaret Stevens spent last Friday evening at John Lai dig's. Loyd,Price spent last Saturday evening and Sunday at Will Ste vens'. Frank Davis had a run off last Friday evening. valued samk as uold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says : "I tell ray customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria, or bilious uess. ' Sold under guarantee at Trout's drug store. L'jc. Rev. I. W. Williams leali'lea. liev. I. W. Williams, Hunting ton, W. Va., testifies as follows: "This is to cartify that 1 used Foley's Kidney Remedy for ner vous exhaustion and kidney trou hie, aud am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that vou claim for it." Trout's drug store. A few days ago Arden Shaw was struck by lightning in a field near Kntriken, Huntingdon coun ty, which rendered linn totally blind. A terrific electrical and wind storm was raging, tree af ter tree being shattered by the bolts jf lightning until a total of . . ... . . .. i. Il .w., u wC. i. having been confined to her bed Shaw, who is only 28 years old, , for S(,vera, moulhs aud a companion were in cha'ge A REVELATION It is a revelation to people, the severe cases of lung trouble that have been cured by Foley's Hon ey aud Tar. It not only stops the cough but, heals and strength mis the lungs. L M. Haggles, Reasnor, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had consumption, aud I got no better until 1 took Foley's Honey and Tar. It stop ped the hemorrhages aud pain 111 my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet." Trout's drug store. Mrs. Rebecca Alexander, of this place, widow of the late John B. Alexander,. Es , entered upou the 00th year of her age, last Sat urday. She is in feeble health. Baste, worry, anxiety, grief, emo tious of any kind, carried to ex cess, unlit it for its work. When th'3 bsftft ceases to heat, it means death, t e ' wreck of the human machine A human being cannot live with out food, witter and air. These j 200 two story wood tents and are aiways lilled with oarapera. 4 ll Reached IN; Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store ar, Omega, O , and is president of trie Adams County Telephone Co , as well as of the Home Telephone Co., of are the three essentials. The Pike County, O, says of Dr. lungs must be plentifully sup Kmg'sNew Discovery : "It saved ; P'ied VMth pure air, or they cau my life once. At least I think it i not give good blood to the body, did. It seemed to reach the spot ; and every part suffers. The - the very seat of my cough germs of disease cannot be de when everything else failed." Dr. j -troy ed unless th'e system King's New Discovery not only j through the luuus receives plenty reaches the cough spot; it heals of fresh air. Tne lungs cauuot the sore spots aud the weak spots get this supply u, Pss the air in throat, lungs and chest. Sold passages are free If one breathes under guarantee at Trout's drug ! through the month, it means that Will be in ollice fn m Thursday ev eninir until Monday morning of each week. Western Maryland Railroad Company. In RffMl June 10. 1908. Trultis leave Hancock as follows: No. ft 1. 'On. m. (dully) for HiiK'erslown. Ilal tlmore. Waynesboro. Chumbei-slnny. aud intermediate. No. 4 10 no a. m ,eek days) Haliimore. (iet tyshura. York and Intermediate. No. S- auop m. (wek days) ll.ililinoie am) In termediate KttUOML Vestibule train with obsci vallo.1 buffet car. No. I SftOn. m. (week days) Cumberland, and intermediate. No. 3 l.lO p m. (we k days) Little Orleans. Old Town. Cumberland. KJklns and west Veslltule train with observation buffet car. No t 9.46 p. nt (daily) leaves Ilaltlmore (DO p. iu . HiiKcrstown 7.10 p. m. All trains make uoanecCou ut Hrueevil! for Frederick and trains 6 and 4 for points north a,id at I lull 'more (Union Station) for 1'hilu, dciphia and New ork F. M. flOWKI.U C. W. MYKKS. Oen. Pa s. AKt. AKenl. store. !0c. and g,00. tie free. Among those who had intrust ed money m the hands of Horace Bender, the attorney who com mitted suicide in Chain bersburg on Tuesday, was Mrs. Sarah T. Keyser, (Tempie Wilt,) who had placed :iu0 in his care for investment. NEW URENAD.. One of the heaviest rain storms of the season visited this section on Saturday evening, lasting over two hours, causing much damage to roads, fences and p rowing veg etation, many who were from homo were caught and received a complete shower bath. of a lot of cattle when the hurri cane broke, and before they could drive them to shelter, three were killed by the lightning. Can't Uaa Automatic Uuna. Dr. J. C. Kalbfus, state game commissioner, yesterday issued a warning to owners of automatic guns that the state would prose cute everyone found using one Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sines, of while hunting. "We will bring i Saluvia; Mrs. Amanda Wolford, suit whenever we learn of a case," j of Bedford county; Mr. and Mrs. said he. "1 do not care about I Joe Mellott and son Ralph, of Bel the Delaware county decision in j fast; Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, favor of the guns because we daughter Wreatha and sous Day have appealed that, and until a 1 tou and Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. higher court passes on it we will enforce the law as it stands on the books." LiKhlning Kills A Ulrl tvuakertown, Pa., . July i'7. Lightning brought instant and painless death to Miss Lizzie Burkhart, of Newport; Morgan and Peter Mann, of Needmore, were among those that visited N. U. Evaus' last Sunday a week. Trial bot- I the air does not enter the lungs either in sr. Indent amount or in the condition that it should. If KNuBSVUXE. " the children are incutli breathers The hum of the thrasher is ' their cuudiiiou should be exaraiu heard in all directions. ed to ascertaiu the cause. Eugene Harris of Maine is ! "Health and Sanitation," in The visiting his wife and other friends ! Ladies' World for August. of this place. Jacob Glunt is singing "A ' ... , ,, T . Ear kinging. charge to keep I have: It is a gU x "Ringing" iu the ears is a most Misses Mabel and Lucel Chest-1 peculiar condition. It is interest nut of Hancock are spending ! to i('ai u tnat- though the brain some time with frieuds of this ! so distinctly re eives an i in pres pl3C6i sion of sound, there is really no The Ladies of the M. E. church sound at all. The sensation is will hold a festival Saturday even- produced by deraugementof the iny August I. Come one. Come i rves of the ear, caused by poor bj j circulation, or such pressure and I interference as comes from hard ened, excessive wax, boils, etc Some one oddly remarked thai i when the ears were ringing they I were "insane." Truly, they 9:30 a. m.; preaching, 10:30 a. m.; carry wrong impressions to the Y. P. S. C. E , 7-A p. m.; piayer ; brain; they record thing! that do meeting, Wednesday evening: not happen. Teachers' Training class, Thurs- ; day evening. Oak Grove Sunday school, 2 p. in,; preaching, 8 p. m. cPlmwell Sunday school, !:U0 a. m.; preaching, 7:-l." p. m. The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence will be held at Hustontown, on Thursday, August (Hh, at 2 p m. All Quarterly Conference members are expected to be pres ent. Jno.'F. Sthayku, pastor. Rev. Strayer's Announcements. Sunday, August L'nd. Wells Valley Sunday chool, A 23c. Bottle ol j Kemp's Balsam j The game of base hall between Stump, of this place, some time New Grenada and Fairview, Hun- ' Saturday nkfht. tiugdon county, Saturday after noon, played at latter place, re suited id a close play, 7 to 8 in favor of Fairview, they also had a portion of the storm and had trouble getting home on account of bridges removed by water. Frank Thomas aud R-issnell Stains are rejoicing over the ar rival of new boys at their homes. H. H. Beakstresser. esq., of Waterfall met with a serious ac cident on Eriday evening while carrying a heavy fence f.ost, his foot catchim; in a wire threw him violeutly down a gulley. his chin ' school will hold their annual Chil coming in contact with a sharp stone, cutting a gash three iuch- N thing was known of the trag edy until the girl failed to appoar at the breakfast table yesterday morning, when her father, Levy Stump, went to call her. The girl seemed placidly asleep, hut did not respond when called. Ex amination showed that she was dead, aud there was ample evi dene? iu the surrounding disor der that the room had been visit ed by a bolt of lightning. Rehoboth Picnic. The Rehoboth M. E. Sunday Prof. W. Don Morton, who so successfully managed Maplewood Institute near Philadelphia last year, and who hus conducted sev eral normal schools with much success iu this c iunty, has been elected principal of the pu lie schools at Roasted, Iowa, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars a year. The Professor will leave for his new field of work aoout the first of August. es long and breaking out two teeth. Dr. Campbell dressed the wound. Claia Detwiler is suffering with a felou on one of her lingers, but better at present. Maude Cunningham is visiting friends at Mauorhill aud Altooua. N. H. Alloway has purchased a new 8- Horse Power Geiser En giue, to furuisn power for his cider press. James A. McDauough, esq , is spending couple weeks at the famous summer resort at Broad Top City Hotel, which is run by James R Edwards, one of Wells Valley boys, a good place to xtop of which your scribe can testify. Besides ben g an excellent wife aud neighbor, Mrs. David F,,ruer is thoroughly skilled in the cul inary art. During the year ex tending from the third day of June l'JUT to May 2ii, 190$ Mrs. Forner baked for use in her fi.mi ly seven hundred and fifty five dren's Day service aud picuic in j pie8. If there is any more pie eonneetiou, on Satmday, AuyuM U8 WOman iu Fulton county, than Ml til..., MILI. 1 1 4 i - . it m . t . i yon. inis win oe the nith Mrs Forner now s the time for aunual celebration of thu service and the school anticipates it will be the greatest th.iy have ever held. There will be a well pre pared program for the occasion. her to speak up. Eighteen years ago George ; Swausou completed his one year : sentence in the penitentiary at Two orass bands are expected I Columbus, Ohio, for violating the to be in attendance to enliven the j United Slates pension laws, hav occasion; also, siugmg and orgau ; ing beeu sent up from Youugs- uiUBic. Speakers are expected! to be present from a d i stance--one from Waynesboro, and oue from Cumberland, Md., besides some uearby. Everybody invited to attend, especially all Sunday school workers, to help to make it a success, aud have a day of real benefit and enjoyment. By order of Coiuanttee. town. A few days ago a full and complete paidou arrived at the prison signed by Benjimin Har rison, then President of the Unit ed Slates, aud his acting Secre tary of State. The letter waa dated at Washington, September I, 1690, aud it is probable that the missive has beeu lying in some postofflce for year. west Mini, J. E. Tenley, of Sixmile Run, passed through this place last Friday, enroute for McDonnells burg, and returned on Sunday. Mrs. A. F. King and two sons Lloyd aud Eirl, and little daugh ter, of Altoona, are visiting rela tives in this vicinity. Edwin S. Clevenger, of Pitts burt', is visitiug the family of his father, Hiraip' Cleveuger. Prof. W. Dou Morton, of Mc Connellsburg, passed through this vicinity Monday morning, on Ins way to Wells Valley. Mrs. Etta L. Patterson and family, of 1'ittsburg, were taken to Yellow Creek, Bedford county, ou Sunday by Mrs. Patterson's brother, J. E. Lyon. Among those at Ross King's on Sunday afternoon, wot e Mrs. A. F. King and family, C. M. Brant, Mertie Price, aud Daisy Hoover The art of horseback riding, which had beeu somewhat neg lected since the introduction of the bicycle and automobile, seems to have been revived by some of our young people. The cahthumpiau band, under the leadership of Wilburt Rrb, turned out in full force to sere nade Amos Peightel and wife last Friday evening, and discours ed some old time music Tor the delectatiou of all who wished to listen. The band received a good treat of cigars and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Peightel have the best wishes of their many frienda, Coutnina 40 DOSES. AniWeach doe i more etToi tivo than futuf times tlio name quantity of any other couh remedy, however well advertised and however KtroD)dy reo onimi nded that remedy may be. H amain! mi alwaja that KJiMP'S BALSAM is the Best Cough Cure. It baa Havod thousands from oon RUinptiou. It lias Havel thousands of lives. At all drueists', 25c., 50o. mid 1. Donf accept anything else. Private Sale. HOKoroil OFFICMS, Justine of the Praue I. II. Wllile. CoD-talie diaries leak , Hilress Dr. 11 S. Wl-luirt. Couacllinen - I). 1.. uiiMHloirer, .lotin A. Irwin. Harry Hiwumll. A. V. Nace. Ueorite W. Kels ner f). K I.lttle, Albert Stoner. Clerk I.. 11. Wllile. School lilrcctois .lolin Comerer, Charles 11. Stevens. S II VVoollel. L. 11. Wllile. M. W. Nace. T. P. Sloan llo nl or llealih H. S. WIMiart. M I)., pren ; John s. Harris, aec'y; tleorue W. Hays. W, 1., McKHitiiu. M. D.: John W. Mosser, M. D. . TF.RMS OF COl'RT. The lirst term of the Courts of Ful ton 'county iu the year shall on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. in. The third term on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday October, at 2 o'clock p. m. CtlLKCHKS. The Property of the Baltimore Crosstie Company. 3 Portable Engines and Saw Mills Complete, 1 Set Bar- cus Stocks, 7 Pairs Truck Wheels and Axles, 2 Log Trucks, 1 Anvil, 1 Black smith Forge, 1 Low Down IVagon, 3 Four-Horse Wag ons, 3 Cut-OJfSaws, Lot of Harness, Collars, Bridles, and several other articles too numerous to mention. This entire outfit has only been in use two years. For further particulars call or write to MASON & GILLEECE, Auctioneers, . Hancock, Md. Presbyturian. Kev. W. A. WeBt, D Di Pastor. Preaching services each alternate Sabbnth at 10:30 a. m. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green II 111 on alternate Sahbttths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath school at 0;15. Junior hr ii-tiim En deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist wiscopal Rev. C W. Ilryncr, Pastor. Sunday School it 9:30 a. ni. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworlh r.eaguc at fi:00 p. m. Prayer meeting 1'hursday evening at 7:00. United t 'resbyteki a n ite v . J. L. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut 9:30 ra. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday dvenlng at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 :00. HVANOELH.A1. i-UTHERAN- Hev. Cal vinr'ussoldPasior. Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning ut 10:30 und every other Sun day evening at 7:00. hrlstian Hn deovor at rj:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Reformed Pas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching jn alternate Sabbuths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 11:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing or Wednesday evening at 7:00. SOCIETIES Buggies and Wagons I have just refilled my sheds with a line lot of Huggies and Wagons which I urn selling un der a written guarantee at Rock 1 ( . i nl 1 fit I ul so have in stock a lot of Buggy Wheels und Buggy Poles. 1 want your trade. Please come and see my stock before you make n purchase. , Thanking the public for liber al patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuunce of the same in the future, 1 am yours, Very respectfully, W. R. EVANS, Hustontown, Pa. FARMERS BUY YOUK FERTILIZERS C. E. STARR, THREE SPRINGS, FA. Odd Fellows- M 'Connellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every Eriday evening To tne Clevenger's Hull In McConnells burg. Port Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening In the New Hall at Port Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No 607 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrisonville Lodge No. 710 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' 11 al 1 at Harrisonville. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows' Hull at New Grenada. Warfordsburg odge No. 601 meets in Warfordsburg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A. P.. No. 3e.r meets in McConnellsburg in Clevenger's Hall the tirst Saturday la every month at 2 p. m. Washington Camp, No. 4)0, P. O. S. of A. meets every first and third Saturday evening nt their hall at Need more. Tuscarora Council, Royal Arcanum meets every lirst and tilled Monday evening In Clevenger's Hull, McCon nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. 8. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. Washington Camp, No. 5f4, P. O.8. of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur-ui-day eveniiig iu P. O. S. of A. Hall. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. R., No. 589, moets every Saturday, on or juit preceding full moon in Lashle; hall at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80 meets at same date und pluce at 4 p.m. Gen. D. B. McKibbin Post dNo.401 G. A. 8., meets the second an four. h Saturdays in each month at Pleasant Ridge Clear Hldge Council. No. 940, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets in their Hall at Clear Kidge every Saturday evening. The Aspasiu llelx kali Lodge. I. O. O. F , of Harrison V tile, meets the 1st utul M Wedrnsiiiiv of each month, In thi f O O. F Hull ut Harrisonville. 7 his is the place to get your Fertilizer forfait. The following goods will be sold at the prices nam ed: Standard Dissolved Bone. Cash When Loaded $14.75 Not Paid then $16.00 Not Paid for One Year $17.00 Standard Bone Potash. Cash When Loaded $15.25 Not Paid then $17.00 Not Paid for One Year 18.00 Banner Wheat Grower, Cash When Loaded $16.00 I Not Paid then $17.00 Not Paid for One Year $18.00 I have other high grades at the same rate. All new goods and of the best grades TIMOTHY SEED ON HAND. You can get the fertilizer any time you call for it 6-25-m3. 6 per cent Mortgages. Sana for OUT MORTQAQK INVESTMENT '.'lUct'l.AH. whluli ihows our unliiue plan or IiIuuIuk money on REAL ESTATE In tMTTS BIJOU i HA . FIRST MolMHIAliES tl per eent to tne Inventor. All eipeuHes puid by the bor rower. We uooept of remit luuoex of f A) to 10,000 unci over. We have tbe hlHhesl refer ae. which uppeur on eireuhu Over M vetirs In buulne. Send us your spure money for invest BMi Jas. W. Drape & Co., sooleh MintKuue Hankers. Suite i!-t 1-2-IS Farmers' Bank Bid., PITTSBURQ. IV. M. COMERER, agent for 7 HE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the 'sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators. Clo ver Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time.