! i D Witt'8 Little Kvrlv Wiser, tho famous littln liver pill, arc olil by Trout's drutf store. P. B. Melius, of Taylor, was in town marketing on Tuesday, Philip is getting ready to build barn. Cliamberaburg lias a popula tion of 1 1,881 according to a care ful count just made by the police of that town. HlDCfl Wan i i n. Highest market price pfcid for beef hides, horse hides, wildcat skins, and all kinds of grease, at I'aul Wag ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg. Conundrum: Why isacycloue like three girls walking abreast? Because it does not turn out for anything. HIDES. James Sipes & Son pay the highest market price for beef hi lea at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, g eepskms and talbw. When a drunken man once gets a ber, if he could roaliz I the fool things he has said and done while drunk, he certainly would never get drunk again. Big cuts or little cuts, small scratces or bruises or big ones, are healed ijuiekly by BeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is espe cially good for piles, lie sure to get BeWitt's. Sold at Ti out's drug store. A little boy who lives on Water street bemg asked a few days ago winch meal he to. k first in the day, innocently replied "oat meal." Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremout, N. H., writes; "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years standing. It certainly is a grand, good medi cine, and I heartily recommend it." Mr. Albert King, of Altoona. who had been at the funeral of his brother Rev. John King came on to Fulton county, and spent a few hours Monday in McCon nellsburg Kennedy's Lixative Cough Syr up is the one that children like so well to take, as it taste's, nearly as good as maple sugar. it is dilferent from the others, as it does not constipate, but on the other haud, it acts gently yet freely on the bowels aud t bare by it drives the cold out of the sys tem. It is sold at Trout's drug store. School teachers who would like to earn some money iluring their Summer vacation, will find it profitable to write to the Circula tion Department of The Philadel phia Press, Seventh and Chest nut Streets. Philadelphia. The Pi ess has a proposition for school teachers during the Summer, whereby they earn additional money by congenial work. W. R Ward, of Byersburg, Tenn., writes: "This is to cer ti fy that I have used Foley's Orino Laxative for chronic constipation, and it has proven without a doubt to be a thorough practical remedy for this trouble, and it is with pleasure I offer my conscientious reference." RILES TO BE OBSERVED. ( Continued from ttrst page ) for leinfection of responsible mauy cases. Clothing, towels, handkerchiefs or other personal effects used by a (vti-umphve should not be used Threshing Outfit THRESHING OUTHT. Quod Chance to Uet a flood One at a Rift Bargain, flood Reason lor Selling, Going out of the business, the undersigned will sell his Peerless cousistii.g of a in common by ot hers. Klatn( and hand sinking should be avoided by such pa lients and when the coughing Ot&nol bo controlled thev should caielully cover the mouth and R. R. engine, Jacket Boiler, with now sty Ic gear all as good as now. The separator is a Pterins - IK' inch Cylinder, with bagger - all belts ns good as new water tank and pump -and a complete A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a tweu ty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cu'edme of bleeding piles just twenty years ago " writes O. S Woolever, of LcR lysville, N. Y. Buckleu's Arnica Salve befell tic worst sores, boils, nurns. wounds and cuts in the shortest time "."ic. at drug store. Reunion Notice, There will be a meeting on tin Soldiers Reunion Ground at J W. Hoop's on Wednesday, Juu loth at lo o'clock a. in., lode termiue when aud where the next Reunion shall lie held, aud to ap point committees and attend to any. business that may come be fore ua. By order of the Chairman. Has Few liquils. An exchange says lhat alcohol will remove grass stains from summer cloths. The exchange is right It will also retnovi summer clotln-s and also sprint sud winf r cloi hen, not only fron the man u lio d inks it but aim from his wile and children. 1 will remove household furniture tr im the houso and eatables from the pantry; the sin lies from the face of his wife, and the happi ness from his home As a nuu.v er ol thing alcohol has fow eijiiola nose with a paper napkin during ! outfit of tools. the same. Any one desiring to purchase. nmiNiATOR On Sale Call For Fashion Slue! MAY I T. J. WIENER, Hancock, Wei. LADIES' SKIRTS The hands should be was'.ied with soap and water before eat tng and always immediately after being soiled with sputum. A consumptive mother should not nurse an infant, or oc 3upy ihe same sleeping chamber. The bowel discharges of piitiauts hav ing abdominal paint and intrant able diarrhoea should bo disin fected by the addition of au rqual amount of a solution made bv dis solving eight ounces of uhlotWA t, d lime (flfalorida of lime bleach ing powderlin one gallon of wa ter. Occupations requiring the hand ling of food stufl or those neces sitating confinement in crowded ill ventilated or dusty quartet! should never be followed by such a patient. The greatest enemies of Tu berculosis are pure air and sun light. Such a p.itient should lead au outdoor lif3 exercising only ou die advice of aphysiciati and nev er to the extent of fatigue. A broom or a dry duster should may call and see u work, or ad dress tin; owner, F. B. Imshkh, Box 819, T L'l -tf. HancocK, Md. Write For Catalogue. People who read a Philadelphia daily uewspaper, should write to The Philadelphia Press, Circula tion Department, for the latest premium catalogue, llmdsome premium! are given to people who subscribe to this ( ' I eat Home N'e vspaper by mail. Catalogue will be mailed to you if you will drop a postal card to "Tne Press," Seventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Do it to day. Stjck holders Meeting. There will be a meeting of tl e the stock holders of tlu Fulton Telephone Company at Seed more, on the Oth day of June, 1 '..', at -2 p. in. A full turnout is urgently re quested. The election of officers i and other important biieineaa - i i i . . i 1 never am usee, in sucn a paiieiu s , -, u attended to. All room. Cleansing, except for meutal fixtures should be done with a au persons in arrears on phone rent are ex pected to settle up ou or before that date. cloth moistened ina solution made j y (', ,vit Pros by dissolving eight (i Bichloride j jay lgj jqq8, of Mercury tablets in every gal- Bountiful line of Domes tic and Imported Dress Fabrics. SILKS - SILKS - Crepe de Chine, Cloth, Mo hair, Sere, Pongee. White Goods, Linen, Per sian Lawn, India Lin en, Mull, Madras, Gingham. Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Shoes. T. J. WIENER L0IES' WAISTS DLM MEATOR On Sale Call For Fashion Sheet MAY V Laces, Embroideries, Dress TrimrriingS, Ladies' Neckwear. American Ladies' Co' sets, Muslin Underwear. Millinery, Ribbons, Tips, V ings, I'lumes, Flow ers, Velvets, etc. AI! thi Latest Styles ot Butterick Patterns in Stock. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF" M'COINNELLSBURG. PA. In entering upon our third business year with TOTAL RESOURCES of oyer $220,000.00, we desire to thank our depositors and patrons for the loyal confidence imposed in this bank during the two years ire have been in business. It will be our purpose in the future, as in the past, to place our services at your command our facilities at your convenience -our strength and se curity at your disposal. This bank wants your banking business, prom ising in return, liberal treatment and courteous consideration. We Pay 3 per cent. Interest. T. J. WIENER Best Trade Prices paid for EffgS and Poultry. 1 1 ANNIE B. FREY i I i NEW MILLINERY FOR ' SPRING AND SUMMER Ion of water use 1. Corrosive Sublimate is very poisonous when taken internally and care should be exercised in its use. Room fixtures, bed and body clothing used by sucti a patient should be takeu out of doors fre quently and exposed to pure air and sunlight for several hours. It is now known heyoud ques tion of doubt that many people contract Tuberculosis in dark, ill ventilated sleeping rooms that have previously been occupied bv a person suffering from the dis eise. It is therefore imperative that such a room should be plain ly furnished permitting of ready cleansiug as noted above and up m the recovery or removal of such a patient the room aud its contents should be thoroughly disinfected (See Kooin Disinfec tion). SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner of Health. Registered April 0, 11JU7. DeVVitt's Kidney and liladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will m a very short time strengthen the weakened kidneys and allay tioubles arising from inllammatiou ot the bladder. They are recommended every where. Sold at Trout's drug store. Admnistratcr's Notice. Notice i hereby i-'lven thut leltcisiil Allni'n Ntrutl.ri on the Mtstfl Ol Alex. Skipper, Tata of LiokiuL' Craali township. Kuit.u oounu li , deceased. h:ie hern Kiunted lo the ilU'lei-sln. ' ou. l ul Ml pei'ttoi s maelHed to ulu estute will inutte puymeut. u d those havlnn uluitiis will present theiii propel 1j) uullienlieuleil tor pay. uienl . T. S. MKT.l.ftlt. Jl.irnsouville. l'u., It Ut. Admlnlstiutor. Administratrix's Notice. Notice Is hereby jnveu. ttiat letters of utl miuKtrution on the estate of Joseph IL Dak er. lute of Uuhlln liWIWbtp, Fultou Oo. Ha,, dttOMMdi h iviu' beeu (minted to the UD dervUiied bv the Itetflster of Full n couuty. NTotlue Is hereby Kiveu to all perstius Indebted lo s.iiil e-t;kie louiuke Itninediiiie p:ty iiienl. lOd those ha viiik' elulnisaL'ailisi (be MIDI lu present them Id the umlersitfueil, duly uu thentloiiied for settlement. FA VN V BAKKIt. Wiia Dear Kidtre, Pu. Admfnistrutt ix. i I Ktiibratiino tli siii'iitost ulcus of uxprrt deslor.f i-s. So many ypurs have we UA la Milliairy Stylos, that wt know much is ex peirtpd of ns. Tbta il due largely to the fact that we never yet have 1 isapjirl ut -?,1 our irndc, Our ltae Of Millllierjr thlf season is tlosionetl with (renins, fashioned with intelligent skill, and offered in the highest o'ltain able quiHtfei for poiiilar prices. We have a choice selection of swell trimmed, suit and sailor hats, OOmprUlOg the very latest and stniuifest soiling styles now having an Inmanw sale In all the large cities. Among them lire many of the extra wide Sailors "Merry Widow" styles. All are handsomely trimmed and sold at very low prices. (live us an early call. We take pleasure in showing our goods. Everybody made wclc.imo. ANNIE B. FREY, McConnell-burg. Pa. LEWIS H. WIBLE. pnaaioiNT. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICE PRESIDENT. FRANK P. LYNCH. ATTORNGV ND SOLICITOR. MERRIL W. NACE CARHien. B. FRANK HENRY. ASST. CASHIER. DIRI-CTORS I LEWIS H. WIBLE. JNO. P. SIPES. JNO A.HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GRISSINUER, R. M. KENDALL. 8. W. KIRK. I I , "J 1 I)t-.ril WAS ON UIS HhtLS. Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va., had a close call in the spring of l'.ioti. Ho says: '"An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough (bat my friends declared cou- i sumption had me. and death was DO my heels. Then 1 was per j suadod to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It helped me lmme 1 Jialely, and after taking two and I halt' bottles I was a well man , igain. 1 found out that New j Discovery is the best remedy for C. M. RAY, Auctioneer, Postolfice Address; McConuellsburg, Pa. Fifteen V:irs Kxperien;e. Owlaiftu th In ereiwinif uumher of e dis for my HervieeH. I hftVd AMMed to 001 tfy ihep ihl'e la thU nma Mr th;U 1 Mh.di hold invself In reirli ess tor p'lDUONtlM tUAttos, md Prices modeiate. u utl Mitlsiuetlon iftmruuieed. 4-1 ly. The Fulton County Horse Cim pany's Famous Stallion i"JERRY" Will lie at Wobster Mills on Momluv, Tiifstluy and WadMMlav of that'll wceli until the lii-tit tlav ( July, and at the coughs and lung disease in ail the I $Wm ot Daniel l Troul on ThurB ... . day, I' riday and Saturday of the same World. .S.jld under guarantee week. at Trout's drug store. ri )e and l Oil. Trial bottle free. MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S 1 BJ6 UNDERSELLIMG STORE, I :') WcCONNELLSBURG, PA B h c an t if u 1 Spr i n g a n d Su in in e r M i 1 1 i n c ry . 4 . 2 Our In llliaut showuitr of the exquisite modes for Sprins; anil sV? J2 Summer Hats nil the latest styles, shapes and colors. Children's i) Taney Hats, Tarn O'Shunters, Skull Caps and funuy Haby Caps. Ladies' and Children's Hats, rSnglog in price from down ft lo tie, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Folniuo, (irasses, and Fan i) cy Aigrettes In all the !eodin; colors. La3lea' Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, 1 lendy-niade- Skirts, Hells, Collars, Combs, Collar and Cuff Sets, and I'.mbroideries. We have taken a fjreat deal of eareto select styles and at prices that will be sure to suit every one. Tin pronounced favor, with which our Millinery dis play bus been ac.'epted, is the evidence that our efforts have been appreciated. Coino in and examine our goods. Huts trimmed 2 free of charge. Fancy hat pin free with each hat. i Store opposite i'ostolllce. S BOOKKEEPING. , " ' Church Dcdicaliun. The dedication of the Ctto A. M. E church w'ill take place ;n Sunday J nue 7, 1 906, Presiding :lder, llev. LI. V. Arnett, of ilar risburg district, will bo present uid conduct the services. The hours of these services will bo 10 a. m., f&O and TM p, in. All are invited to come and help us in this i-reat struggle. W. Bpriogb, I'astor. . NU IIUMBUQ. No humbug claims iiave to be made for Foley's Honey and Tar, the weilknown remedy for coughs colds and lung troubles. The fiot tint more bottlos of Foley's Honey and Tar are used than of any other cough remedy is the i3St testimonial of its threat mor it Why theu risk taking sme 'inkiKiwn preparation when Fol ey's Hone and Tar costs vou no more and is safo and sure. Ti' out's drug store. This horse Is a thorough-bred I'erch eron, registered in the American Stud Hook. Insurance ltl 0(1. If colt dies, 5 00, If mare and colt both ilie DoUuOlT. B 1 m2. Mifflinburg Top Wagons. C. E. STARR A 1 Three Springs keeps on hand, winter and summer, Mlflllnburg Top Wagoni w. F, Hrown make. Best There Is. These wagons can be bought at the lowest possible price "for he bu s them By the Carload aud thus saves double freight. HUY VOUK WAtiONS 1KOM- STARR. II I till. -r--r---rr--fr?r-r- r-f- ----- , H PENMANSHIP. U Open All The Year, Catalogue Free, I The Tri-State Business College!! 1 1 1 S SHORTHAND. ma Cumberland, Md. 7 YPEWRITINZ TO STOCK BREEDERS, The undersigned desires to inform the farmers of this V'ailey that his Hue 4 year old KENTUCKY JACK will lie at his stable on the Clark Mc Govern farm ifl Tod township, the week beginning Saturday, April lltli, and every alternate week thereuftei until July 1st; and at the stable of orge Huterbaugh in Ayr township, the week beginning ApriMNth, and ev ery alternate week thereafter. Aftr the first of July, the Jack will be con tinuously at the stable of owner. WM. Ill TKKIIAI dll. Subscribe tor the only $100 a year. "News;' I KILLthb COUGH jj AND CURB the LUNGS w,tH Dr. King's New Discovery for Ci82 J$3k. AND ALL TIIK0U AND LUNG TROUBLES. IfiUARANTliK U BATISI'AOTOBYJ s? FULTON COUNTY BANK K McConnellsburg, Fei. (OUGANIZKD IN 1H87. ) ;i per cent. Interest Paid on "Time Money Deposit it, when you have a surplus, wit!) The Fulton Borrow, when in need from County Bank. gZ The otlleers are men with years of practical tralnin? in their re spective lines. They are thoroughly competent and eicerclso pru- 0 dence and the utmost care In the management of this institution. 0 Tliey do not have a dollar invested in stocks or corporation bonds. fl Individual liability and security to Depositors of more than 300.000.00. 5 W. II. NELSON, - - Cashier. 2 EIGHTEEEN STOCKHOLDERS DIUKC 'TODS : J. Nelson Slpos, Chas. U. Spangler, A. I'. Nnce, J Win. H. Nelson, J. F. Johnston, Walter M. Comerer, A. F. Maker. MONEY SAVED Is MONEY EARNED 'Y'HE 3 button Chester Sack is one of Taylor's newest Models. Dozens of others to choose from together with the biggest' array of fab rics in town To measure Only. Tliis means just what it says : Vou choose your g;oods; have your measure taken carefully, and your suit is in every way equal to the best tailor made clothes except in i'HICK, which is VERY MITCH LK8S. Come io aud see what we can do for you. If we can't suit you, no harm J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Fa. FULTON :COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Kodol FOR INIUOr.STION AND DYSPEPSIA. '' '' : SOUU SlOMACil, BMUGWNG. ETC. CSt.tjl &. 3C anteed To 01v Stirction or Your Mi. . v Rtt.rU. It It . u tM Mlt.l ! tu ttitUulr Iron. I Tuwu r l" n. I nr. l .tit 1 1 1 1' ll.i'.!. i i-r ut Vu- 1 1 :i . ..I oi.rrl.u-.- t jni. return tiiu i, ..i i!o intiiinj ouo-tblrii i t a mtxik-Wii! ju yuu boi'tfUt it. uud mo hiI. n fuudyuur nuuiy. -( tjL 1.1,''. 1 , r.. n-r 'in if i' i Jki.C UnWlXT Ob COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILU orSale at TroufsDrug Store.