The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 30, 1908, Image 7

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    vyomkvh kionkvs.
Are the Source of Mont of Women's
Mn. Bebeccn Mock, 1795 E. Rich
Street, Columbus, Ohio, writes: "I
believe I would still
be a victim of kid
ney troubles but for
Doan's Kidney Pills,
for when I started
using them I w;n In
'Constant pain with my
back, and no other
remedy had been of
any use. The kidney secretions were
Irregular, and I was nervous and
lacked energy. But Doan's Kidney
Pills gave me prompt relief and con
tinued use cured me."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
What He Wanted.
Concluding his lecture, the foreign
missionary solicited contributions of
money from the audience, however
small they might be. One little boy
hastened toward him and began:
"Please, sir, your talk Interested
me very much and"
"Go, on, my boy," said the lec
turer, encouragingly; "do you wish
to help In the good work?"
"Not exactly, air," replied the lad,
with some hesitation; "I only wanted
to know If you have any foreign
stamps you don't want."
$100 Reward. 100.
The readers of t his paper will be pleased to
learn that there is nt least one dreaded dis
ease that science has been able U cure in all
its stages, and that isCatnrrh. llaM'at'atarrh
Cure ia the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall'sCaUrrhCureislaken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have ho much faith
in its curative powers that they offer One
ilundred Dollars for any case that it tails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cheney II Co., Toledo, 0.
Hold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall a family 1'ills for constipation.
Berlin workmen obtain higher
wages than those In other parts of
the empire. These Berlin men also
have the reputation of being the best
workmen In Germany.
Cartoon by berryman, in the Washington Star.
That Is, Ship For Ship, Says Sir William WhiteStands Next
to British, as a Whole Answers Magazine Writers
Thick Waterllne Armor Belt a "Fetich," He Asserts
Reasons For the Broken Ammunition Hoist.
How 1 Cured Sweeny and Fistula.
"I want to tell you how I saved one
of our horses that had a fistula. We
had the horse doctor out and he said
It was so bad that he did not
he could cure It, and did not come
again. Then we tried Sloan's Lini
ment and it cured It up nicely.
"One day last spring I wag
plowing for a neighbor who had a
horse with sweeny, and I told htm
about Sloan's Liniment and he had
me get a bottle for him, and It cured
his horse nil right, and he goes off
now like a colt.
"We had a horse that had sweeny
awfully bad, and we thought It was
never going to be any good, but- we
used Sloan's Liniment and It cured it
up nicely. I told another neighbor
About It and he said It was the best
Liniment he ever used.
"We are using Sloan's Sure Collo
Cure and we think it Is all right."
A. D. Bruce, Aurella, Ia.
Boston, Mass. "You have a fleet
:hat, ship for ship, comparing the
ships designed at a given date and
l that Is the only fair comparison is
1 squal to anything the world contains.
I And next to the British navy, I think
your navy is the best in the world."
This opinion was voiced by Sir
William Henry White, K. C. B., for
mer Director of Naval Construction
to the British Admiralty, in the
, course of an extended Interview. Tak-
, Ing up magazine criticisms of the
American navy, Sir William took is
sue with nearly every point raised by
the writers, declaring they "are all
wrong as to facts."
The thick waterllne armor belt,
upon which the best known critic
says the life of the ship depends, he
characterized as a "fetich" which was
abandoned by the British Admiralty
many years ago. and mistakenly re-
verted in the Dreadnought class In
making a redistribution of weight
rendered necessary by the great num
ber of twelve-inch guns.
i As to the Dreadnought, which was
used as a basis of comparison. Sir
William pointed out that her thick
armor belt is from a foot to eighteen
inches below the surface of the
H. Allen Says Most of the $20,000 Spent on Play
ground Was For Pictures of It.
The total crops Irrigated by canals
in the Northwest Frontier Province
of India up to January 1, 1908, cov
ered an area of 125,456 acres. Most
of this Is planted to wheat, sugar
cane, barley and oil seeds.
manently cured by Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve
Restorer. f'J trial bottle and treatlao free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld..B31 Arch St., Phila., Pa,
bead. Mr.
Bureau of
New York,
dorsed by
It's easier to find a dozen faults
than It Is to mend one.
Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup tor Children
allays pain,cnreg wind colic. itfca bottle
The Music Of The Spheres.
The ancients were of the opinion
that the planets In their movemeut
through space produced severally the
seven notes of the gamut.
This music, It wag contended, was
imperceptible to human ears on ac
count of the fact that it was too
powerful for our hearing. Others
held that men did not hear It simply
because they were so used to It, Just
as we do hot notice the roar of the
city from our constant familiarity
with It.
Chicago. William H.Allen's blunt
assertion that settlement workers
were mostly inefficient and incompe
tent, coupled with many other disa
greeable declarations, has brought an
avalanche of denunciations from the
settlements on the New York man's
Allen Is secretary of the
Municipal Research of
He and his views are In
organized charity here.
The Social Economists' Club was told
that the charities and philanthropies
which it represents are just so much
misdirected and misdirecting effort
and wasted money.
As a climax Miss Rebecca Holmes,
of the Bureau of Charities, who ven
tured the opinion that woman suf
frage would cure all the evils pointed
out by Mr. Allen, was told by the
speaker that woman suffrage would
simply mean a new golden era for
confidence men and the perpetuation
in office of grafters and incompetents.
Mr. Allen declared the best possi
ble results in all lines of social serv
ice are to be attained through the
Government and not through private
agencies, and the best use to which
private philanthropy and volunteer
efforts at social service could be put
would be the aiding of public social
"I have seen," he said, "$20,000
expended on a playground on the
roof of a New York settlement house.
It was to demonstrate the value of
such a place to the tenement district,
and most of the $20,000 was used in
taking pictures of it crowded with
the half dozen persons it would hold.
In the meantime a great municipal
playground two blocks square was
being built within a stone's throw of
that roof, and teamsters cut down all
the trees that had been planted while
the settlement people were absorbed
In their own little petty affairs.
"I know of another settlement
within two blocks of a public bath
which could take care of about thirty
eight persons a day. The public bath
could take care of 5000.'
relluos-ens Say They Were
Rome to Csc
Rome, Italy. Professor Fellbogen
and his family, who recently In the
SiBtine Chapel after the sacrament
had been administered ' them, spat
the sacred breads on the floor, have
left Rome to escape punishment for
sacrilege. Professor Fellbogeu Is a
man of high character, and it is said
that he could not have committed the
sacrilege vouptarily. Indeed, he is
deeply grieved at the occurrence.
Taken by Surprise-
ape Penalty.
He was urged by his wife, who was
eager to get a closer view of the
Pope, to make his way closer to the
altar. He did so and thus they found
themselves among the communicants.
The communion breads were placed
In their mouths by the Pope before
they realized what was being done,
and they were so taken by surprise
they had no time to reflect upon their
action and Immediately spat them out.
One of the
of the happy homes of to-lay is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
anil which have attained to world-wide
C0iHClnL 101MJ
Weekly Review of Trade and Latest
Market Reoorts.
Bradstreet's says:
"Easter trade at retail, though af
fected In sections by unfavorable
weather, ii, on the whole, fair. Col
lections show slight Improvement at
a few centers and fllllng-ln orders by
jobbers are a trifle better, but re
ports from leading Industries are no
more favorable, rather more weak
ness IB noted In Iron and steel and
acceptance through the approval of the i
... , , . . .. , : : , nuten in iron aim steel am
Well-Informed of the World; not of indi- fall trade In lendlne llnea la atllt HI.
appolntlngly bnckward. The dull
virtual only, but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com
mended by the Well-informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxntive is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
i effects always buy the genuine, manu-
facturcd by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading druggists.
water when she Is fully laden, while
the armor bolt of ships of the Con
necticut class, under the same condi
tions, Is from six to nine inches above
So far as the Dreadnought and the
Connecticut are concerned, he said,
the Connecticut is better protected
above the water line. Inasmuch as
when fully laden her sides are pro
tected by armor that extends sixteen
feet above the water, while under the
same conditions "the English ship's
defense on the sides is restricted to
armor that rises only from four to
four and a half feet above water."
Sir William denied that there Is
any danger Involved in the direct
hoist, which the writers say Is re
sponsible for the accidents which
have occurred on American ships. He
said he himself was the Inventor of
the "broken holBt," so called, and It
was brought out by him to save time
and not to minimize danger.
The accidents on the American bat
tleships he attributed to inexper
ienced men and the policy of placing
a premium upon the greatest number
of shots and the greatest number of
hits in a given time in target practice.
Digestive Tnblets.
From your druggist, or the Garfield Tea
Co., Brooklyn, N. V., 2SC. per bottle.
Conductors' Cur Logs.
"Conductors hnve to get their 'car
legs' Just the same as sailors have to
get their sea legs," observed a pas
senger on a West Fourteenth Street
"The conductor on this car nearly
falls down every time the car start's
up. That's because he hasn't been
a conductor but a few days. The
average conductor, if you'll notice
him, never falls against the passen
gers, no matter how much the car
rocks. He can always retain his
equilibrium, and without any appar
ent effort." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
ness in building lines expenditures
for the first quarter being 40 per
cent, below 1 907 affects all lines of
materials and export and Import
trade are ebbing, Indicates the first
decrease In foreign trade from the
preceding risen! year noted for Ave
years past.
"The number of Idle bands Is as
large as for some time past, wage
reductlons curtail buying power and
the number of failures continues far
ahead of a year ago. Business fail
ures In the united States for the
week number 2fil. against 258 last
week. 167 In the like week of 1907,
167 in 1906, IS.1? in 1905 and 199
In 1904.
."Wheat, including flour rvnort
I from the United States and Canada
' ' me wcck aggregated 2.470.177
bushels, against 2.451,099 last week
3,102.467 this week last year, and 4.
118,108 in 1902.
There Is nothing that will make
paint go wrong on the house more
quickly than poor oil. It Is as bad In
Its way as adulterations In the white
lead. Petroleum oil cheapeners may
be detected by placing a drop of the oil
on a black painted surface. If one sees
the characteristic Iridescence or play
of colors which kerosene exhibits. It
Is evidence of adulteration. Corn and
fish oil can ho detected by the smell.
Adulteration In white lead can best
be discovered by the use of a blow
pipe, which National Lead Company
will send with Instructions free to
anyone Interested In paint. Address.
National Lead Companv, Woodbridge
Building, New York City.
If Time
wait for a
were a woman
would it
The hands of the housewife will be
kept soft and white and free from all
chap, redness or roughness If borax is
Height Of (Jrent Men.
The Duke of Wellington has al
ways been a mystery. I have read
that ho was six feet four inches tall-.
I have read also that he was only
five feet six Inches. Historians tell
us he was anywhere from five feet
six inches to Ave feet eleven inches.
There are some things, seemingly
very simple which it Is Impossible to
establish; this is one of them. His
torians are still guessing the height
of Julius Caesar, the size of Hanni
bal's head, the weight of Alexander
the Great, and the general dimen
sions of Solomon. Why, we are not
even sure of the stature of George
Washington. It might be believed
that Napoleon, Alexander the Great
and Jay Gould were of the same size,
three bumptious little chaps. And
It is common belief that Charle-'
magne, Erllng the Bold. Frederick
the-Great, Robert Bruce, Sir William
Wallace, Gen. Winfleld Scott, and
Richard Coeur de Lion were all top
notchers, "Old Fuss and Feathers."
formed In the prodigality of nature,
leading In girth and weight. New
York PreBg.
This woman says that after
months of suffering- Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made her as well as ever.
Maude E. Forgrie, of Leesburg.Va.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkiiam:
" 1 want other suffering women to
know what Lydia E. PinWjam's Vege
table Compound has done for me. For
months I suffered from feminine ilia
so that I thought I could not live. I
wrote you, and after taking Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
using the treatment you prescribed I
felt like a new woman. 1 am now
strong, and well as ever, and thank you
for the good you have done ine."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
nam.8 Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-ing-down
f uling, flatulency, indiges
Uon,duzine s or nervous prostration,
why don't you try it f
Mrs. Pinkhara invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Washington, D. C That there has
existed in .Washington for years a
Government espionage system as se
cret aB any ever maintained In St.
Petersburg was brought out In testi
mony before the Appropriations Com
mittee. Assistant Chief of the Secret
Service Moran testified that detectives
from his bureau were employed by all
departments of the Government, in
violation of law, and that they were
used for many secret purposes, from
following Government clerks to gath
ering evidence against aa Annapolis
midshipman, whleh evidence was
afterward used In a divorce action.
Moran was a most unwilling wit
ness, and the record of the hear-
Oll Fuel For Only Two
of the New Destroyers.
Washington. D. C. Oil-burning
apparatus is to be Installed on only
two of the five torpedo boat destroy
ers now under construction, the bids
for such installation cu the remain
ing three being regarded as excessive.
No cbauges are to oe made on these
destroyers, which will be completed
according to the plans and specifica
tions provldlug for coal coumptiou.
The cast ot the luntallation" r the oil
burning apparatus on the two vebsels
will be about $25,000.
The World of Sport.
Cincinnati, Ohio, has recently pur
chased several building lots, centrally
located, lor a public playground.
Jack Atkin, the winner of the Car
ter Handicap, is talked of as a rival ot
Kpieben over sprinting distances.
Eugene Elschbofs' Dandola won
the President ot the Republic's cup
steeplechase at Paris. Tbfe race was
run In a snowstorm.
Further turf reforms will be en
acted by racing associations affiliated
with the Jockey Club (urblddlng
trainer from treauentlug the betting
ing shows that it was only by
the most .adroit questioning that
the facts were drawn out by
Chairman Tawney. Moran testified
that during 1907 seventy-eight detec
tives were detailed to various de
partments of the Government besides
the Treasury. Sixty-one of these were
used by the Department of Justice
Chairman Tawney and his commit
tee Inserted In the Sundry Civil Ap
propriation bill a clause that In the
future the Secret Service Bureau shall
be strictly under the Secretary of the
Treasury and that detectives shall not
be detailed from It for service In any
othor department of the Government.
154 Chicagouns Deprived of Citi
zenship in War ou Anarchists.
Chicago, 111. As a direct result of
the war of State and Federal Govern
ments upon Anarchists 154 men have
been deprived ot citizenship by the
Superior and Circuit Courts of Cook
The naturalization papers of fifty
five men suspected of being at least
allied with Anarchists were revoked
this week and these supplemented the
cases of ninety-nine men against
whom similar action was taken last
week by Judge Ball.
Couldn't Whistle It Back.
Phil was taking his little sister
Beatrice on a short trip by rail. As
the train sped along, be said to her,
"Be careful not to lose your hat,
Then, snatching It from her head,
on the Bly, he exclaimed:
"There! You've let it blow away.
But never mind, I shall whistle It
back for you."
Thereupon he whistled, and Im
mediately produced the hat.
A short time afterward he was
chagrined to hear Beatrice ask:
"Won't you whistle my hat back
again, Phil? I threw It out the
Wholesale Markets.
New York Wheat - Receipts ll -000
bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red.
1-00 H elevator; No. 2 red, 1.00
t. o. b. nfioat: No. 1 Northern Du
luth, 1.08, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
hard winter. 1.06 f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts. ;i,22a bushels;
pot firm; No. 2. nominal elevator,
and 72 asked f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
white, 7 2 asked, and No. 2 yellow,
nominal f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts. 42.000 bushels;
?xports, 3,166 bushels. Spot market
oarely steady; mixed, 26 32 pounds,
65;; natural white, pounds
66(f?57H; clipped white, 32Q40
pounds, 57 (g 62.
Poultry Dressed, firm; turkevs,
12 17; fowls. 12(3 15.
Butter Irregular; receipts, 5,290;
held creamery, common to special.
Eggs Firm; receipts, 26.734;
State. Pennsylvania and nearby,
brown and mixed extra, 17.
Philadelphia Wheat firm; con
tract grade. April, 96(S 96c.
Corn Bteady; No. 2, for local trade,
Oats steady; No. 2 white, natural.
, o ' Mi (C use.
Butter steady; extra Western
creamery, 30c; do., nearby prints,
Eggs firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts (free cases). 16c. at
mark; do., current receipts (In re
turnable cases). 18 '4 at mark;
Western firsts (free cases). 16 at
mark; do., current receipts (free
cases), 18 at mark.
Cheese steady; New York full
creams, choice. 15T15V4c do. fair
1 to good. 14 14.
Rnliinmrc. Flour steady and
unchanged. Receipts. 3.S19 barrels;
! exports, 15.577 barrels.
I Wheat Dull and easy; spot, con-
tract, 93 W 94; spot. No. 2 red
Western, 94 (if 95; April, 93??
94; May, 94fr94; July. 90 ask
I ed; steamer. No. 2 red. 90ig90V;
I receipts, 5.261 bushels; Southern, ou
grade. 91 ft 95.
Corn Firm; spot, mixed, 69
69; No. 2 white. 70: April. 69
69; May. 69 69; July, 70
70; steamer, mixed, 65 Q
66; receipts, 22,795 bushels; ex
ports, 42,857 bushels; Southern
white corn. 67' 70; Southern yel
low corn. 70.
Oats Steady; white, 5759;
No. 3 white. 56 0 68; No. 2 mixed.
6666; receipts, 9.751 bushels.
Rye Dull- No. 2 Western domes
tic, 84 85.
Butter Firm: fancy imitation, 25
dp 26; fancy creamery. 31; fancy la
dle, 2324; store packed, 16 17.
Eggs Steady and unchanged,
Cheese Steady: large, 14; flats,
14 ; small, 14.
Women la the Day's News.
Miss Clemence L. Stephens, of New
York City, bequeathed $89,000 tc
charitable institutions.
Appointment of women policemen
Is advocated by the Women's Demo
cratic Club, of New York City.
Miss Ray Lougworth waa admitted
Inff. ,k. C.tL.I fP.i . -
I i. . . ....II.... I . . 1 .. .
vuo uiii( uoieaaip 01 me iietirew
Variety Actors' Union, In New York
Eleanors Crawford, daughter ol
the novelist, F. Marlon Crawiord, and
Cavalier Plotro Rocca were married
at Borrento. ltalv. at the, villi, nt th.
1 bride's father.
Brain and Nerves Restored by Grape
Nuts Food.
The number of persons whose ail
ments were such that no other food
could be retained at all, Is large and
reports are on the increase.
"For twelve years I suffered from
dyspepsia, finding no food that did
not distress me," writes a Wisconsin
lady. "I was reduced from 145 to
90 lbs., gradually growing weaker
until I could leave my bed only a
short while at a time, and became un
able to speak aloud.
"Three years ago I was attracted
by an article on Grape-Nuts and de
cided to try It.
"My stomach was so weak I conld
not take cream, but I used Grape
Nuts with milk and lme water. It
helped me from the first, building up
my system In a manner most aston
ishing to the friends who had thought
my recovery Impossible.
"Soon 1 1 was sble to take Orape
Nuts and cream for breakfast, and
lunch at night, with an egg and
Grape-Nuts for dinner.
"I am now able to eat fruit, meat
and nearly all vegetables for dinner,
but fondly continue Grape-Nuts for
breakfast and supper.
"At the time of beginning Grape
Nuts I could scarcely speak a sentence
without changing words around or
'talking crooked' In some way, but my
Drain and nerves have becctine so
strengthened that I no longer have
that trouble." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to
WellTUle." In pkgs.
..ive Mock.
New York. Beeves Receipts, 1,
273 head; no trading; feeling steady.
Latest cables quoted the market
firm, live cattle selling at 13 14c.
per pound.
Calves Receipts, 992 head; feel
ing weak. Pennsylvania and Vir
ginia veals sold at 7.00 to 7.35 per
100 pounds; no prime veals offered.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,
648 head; market dull. Unshorn
lambs sold at 7.50 per 100 pounds;
no prime offered; clipped lambs at
6.50 7.00; unshorn lambs at 6.00 to
6.00; a few unshorn wethers at 7.00;
clipped sheep, at 5.00 6.00; spring
lambs, at 3.605 00 per head.
Hogs Receipts, 3,466 head; more
on sale; feeling nominally steady.
Chicago. Cattle Market steady
to strong; steers, 5.00 7.10; cows,
3.600 6.00; heifers, 3.40(3 6.25;
bulls, 3. 50(8 5. SO; calves, 5.75
6.26; Blockers and feeders,
Hogs Market Bteady;
heavy shipping, 5.80 5.96;
era', 5.86 5.95; light mixed,
6.75; choice light, 6.80
Ing, 5.00 6.75; pigs
5.90; pack-
bulk of sales, 5.75 5. 85
Sheep Market strong to 10c.
higher; sheep, 4.60 6.00; lambs,
6.50 7.65; yearlings, 6.50 6.50
Norway has a new cabinet under
the premiership of Gunnar Knudsen.
Forty-seven arrests were made in
Berlin in connection with the suf
frage demonstrations.
The most exclusive thiug ot the
sort is the Jockey Club, of England.
It has only 70 members. Including
the King.
New York paid last year $21,000,
000 In Interest and will pay this
year $24,000,000, about the same
as the federal government.
Alfa grass, of which 100,000 tons
yesrly are already exported from Al
geria, Is used In France for coarse
wrapping paper, but In England for
printing paper. Aloes from North
Africa, seven or eight times as ex
pensive, furnish material for high-
grade papers.
Consul Frank W. Mahln, of Not
tingham, advises that after eight
years' experimenting, at a heavy ex
pense and against many discourage
ments, a machine has been perfected
by mechanic and a lace manufac
turer ot that English city for spot
ding veilings with chenille.
"1 wire used mereral bottle of Verunn and I fel grcatl u benefited
thereby from my etitnrrh of the brad. I fee! enroui ,,.,, to bellere that
if I ve It a short limr lanyer I u ilt In- full , , ti t ruillratf tin- tllHran -,
of thirty years' Htntulina.'HavUl MrrkUon.
At a recent tobacco exhibition in
London some Havana cigars were
shown which were quoted at $5 each.
. Mr. Jacob L. Duns, (Jalenn, Stone county. Mo writm: "I have been in tmrt
health for thirty-seven years, and after taking twelve bottles of your Peruna 1 am
cured. Mr. C. N. Peterson. 132 South Main St.. Council Hluffs, Iowa writes: "I
cannot tell you how much good Peruna has done me. Constant confinement in niv
JJfJf began to tell on my health, ami I felt that 1 was graiiuallv breaking down. I
tried several remedies, hut obtained no permanent relief until I took I'eruna. 1 felt
better immediately, anil live bottles restored me to complete health."
jiMr'P' ?! lroM"'. Bravo, Allegan Co., Mich., writes: "Two vears ago I was
nadly afflicted with catarrh of the stomach. I hud had a run of tvphoid fever, was
very depleted. 1 could find nothing I could eat without causing distress and sour
stomach. Finnllv I came to the conclusion that 1 had catarrh of the stomach and
seeing Peruna advertised, began to take it. It helped me soon, and after taking three
or four bottles I was entirely cured nf stomach trouble, and can now eat anything.
Manufactured by Peruna Drue Manufacturing Companv. Columbus. Ohio.
sutl Snap Wrapper from
"20 Mule Team Borax"
Product and rxrhnrwr thom for
40-iniBf- illuntrnled BalslNW nt lotto
in,. I, . ny HI IK. Alilri
Given Away
THFDAPYf I BlWrt7.M prcMur
I IILrUlV I LL. on Hp crank banner,
Imp train on chain, It runt and etlmM
hllliralrrthanother bicycle. Ji tbe
Urtreftt aflllntr hlirb grade wutl In tbo
wurld. Will laftanratinia. t mulct- no
cheap RAiYCLF8 but yon Can rr-t votira WV
lor and BtMphMISSafl iBSa. it trllnaSout '.In
K A( 'YCLK t.u.1 ho w w ift tit'. 300.000.
tuauFicnjftEu or- m wctcu. MiubLETowi. o.
The average annual rider consump
tion in France being between 344,
000,000 and 370,000.000 gallons,
this season's production is manifest
ly Inadequate, although fairly larg
stocks were left over from t lie pre
vious season.
Do Your Feet Arti anrl Itui-nT
Shake into your shoes Allen's FK)t,Eae, a
powder for the feet. It makes tight, or
new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions,
Swollen, Hot. Smarting and Sweating Feet
and Ingrowing Nails. Hold bv all druggists
and shoe stores, 'i' u Sample sent Puke.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LcRoy, N. Y.
All the revolvers taken from pris
oners at Portland, Ore., were melted
up and made into a stovo for the
police stntion.
Nothing Would Help Him Mother
Almost in Despair Owes Quick
Cure to Cuticurn.
"Several months ago, my little boy bepan
to break out with itching sores. I doctored
him, but as soon as 1 got them healed Bp
in one place they would break out in an
other. I waa almost in despair. I could
not get anything that would help him.
Then I began to use Cuticura Soap and
Cuticuia Ointment, and after using tiiem
three times the sores commenced to heal.
He is now well, aiv not s acar is left on
his body. They ha.e returned nor
left him with bad blood, aa one would
think. Cuticura Remedies are the best 1
have ever tried, and I shall highly recom
mend them to any one who is suffering
likewise. Mrs. William tleeding, 102 Wash
ington St., Attica, Ind., July 22, 1907."
The railway merger in Mexico hus
been accomplished under the title of
the National Railways of Mexico,
with an initial share capital of $230,
000,000 gold. It includes the two
leading trunk lines, the Mexican Cen
tral and the National, and a control
ling Interest is held by the government.
It you tvtitT from fits, Fslllna Slokow
. u, n.if i t, I, net, ttist tlOBO. a,.
Nw Dlsoovsry and Treatment
will BW them Immediate rslUf,
nil you tint Mkttd tc do is a Mtntl for
Fro Bottle nt Dr. May'i
9"m,iidT "UJ? F1 "' el o' Ooncmaf
Juno 3011. KHC. QflffiSMSt diret-ttoiia uu. ....
baoadabai cdkk.4. ., tHKK i" ,,'i
Ssyrau trepau. 01 A(,K sad full ddruaa
W. s. MAT. H. 0.. SW Purl Stmt. .. TarL
Under the new Immigration regu
lations agentB for steamship lines at
Cartagena. Colombia, require abso
lute evidence of one's American citi
zenship, or they refiiBe to sell tickets
for return to the I'nited States with
out collecting the Immigration -ax.
W ANTFI) Kriri sad Trivrllliia uiloi .
naillLV, h ou of the oldert ml l
vttreblr known nareery concern In Ai-.t . Lib,-'
h) t-ommlMtitn- .nlnr If preferred. Klierlenee m.
WIDOWS'"1" N CW LAW obtalBoJ
pensions "?uarsrs:m-
11 umtriril
i-ih wenk
yea, uh
Thompson's Eye Wate -
w- L. sriH m-d mrnltrn mora
Ihmn mny othmr mmnufmotui-fr In Ihm
woWiV, teeaiaw fMr hold ihlr1jh
" iUf JttlZ,ZdhZ.tJ.n
W. L Douglas $4 and $5 6111 Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled Al An; Price
H!T SATJ.0.? w; '- nilSSWISSaal IBS' price li tmped on Itoltom. '
II.. M hwlh.v.., .1 .4 . - ' TV" K".i-"'lwn """' - !- no ""'
Getting Into Trim.
Mrs Jones Good gracious, Mrs.
Brown! why is your husband golug
through 'all those strange actions?
Is he training for a prizefight?
Mrs. Brown Not at all; he's
merely getting in form to best tbe
carpets. Harper's Weekly.
Fatent four
Mta. Hag
trade. Marka. Oofynsal your-ttouk.
turns, ate. New act as to Bounty tor al tier. 1 ,
Thetr relatl 'ee. who served in tbe civil war. I tefr
Hire secured over ts.lAW.ou lor m,. ... For i.laL
and Instructloni, adornta. W. H wille A' rraat
Law. (Notary Public.) Willi Building. Jlilau (.
Waihlugton. P. O. Gear t vaarl' practice.
There Im Only Ono
"Bromo Quinine"
That Im
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always remember the fall name. Look
for this signature on every box. ifto.
r ooi-o im om oat.