Huston Italtillo, P will pay 18 r. f'r until April 1H, Mr. A. t'. N(jo is greatly vm proving the property recently purchaiseil from the Pittman es tate. DeWitt's Little Kanv Risers, the famous little liver pills Sold at Trout's drug store. Mr. (. Newton Hoke is improv ing his residence ou West Water street with a nice now porch ou the Kast side. ! Bidbb Wanted Highest market price pnid for beef hides, horse hides, wildcat skill, and all kinds of grease, at Paul Wag ner's Tannery, McConnellsburg. Bark Wanted BeitUlo Tan nery will pay $7.77) per ton fo.' oak bark 1908 peeling. Write C. Greened Son, Sultillo, Pa., for particulars. 8-26-6. Mr. Wilson R. N'ace has moved from the Preshy tesiau parsonage to the property recently purchas ed from the Pittman heirs. HIDES. James Sipes & Sons pay the highest market price for beef 1 ides at shoj in McConnellsburi.', also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. Part of the roof of the barn on the property of Mr. Polk Si pes, in Licking Creek township, was blown off, during one of the windy days last week. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syr up the cough syrup that tastes nearly as good as marJe sugar, and which children like so well to take. Unlike nearly all other cough remedies, it does not con stipate, but ou tho other hand it acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays inflam mation. Always use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Sold at Trout's drug store. A delightful Ivister service was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this place Sunday evening, by the Sabbath school. The "little people" who took part did especially well. The official order for the en campment of the National Luard at Gettysburg next July has been prepared. It fixes July 1(5 to 25. The name is to be selected by Major Oenenal Wiley, the com manding general. To have perfect health we must have perfect digestiou, and it is very important not to permit of any delay the moment the stom ach feels out of orde-. Take something at once that you know will promptly and unfai.ingly as sist digestion. There is nothing better than Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belch ing of gas and nervous headache. Kodol is a natural digestant. and will digest what you eat. Sold at Trout's drug store. Rev. Fassold concluded his Passion Week services in the Lutheran church in this place last Sunday morning by holding Communion services and receiv ing into membership sieved per sons, ten of whom were members of the catechetical class. Very interesting Kaster Services were held by the Sabbath scho 1 in the evening. But a New Improved drain, Seed and Fertilizer Drill, double drive, positive force feed, light running, litrc cap acity,, eanily reg ulated rind dnrnhle. Order now iind save Htl.00 to trjo.OU Address The fleiser ftff, Co.. Wvnchoro, Pa. Thousands of employes of the Pennsylvania K.iilroad have been discharged within the last tew Weeks, and by May it is reported that the number will have reach ed 25,000. These discharges came on the linos' east of Pitts burg, ana it is understood that the step has been taken in pre paration for a reduction in wages after the first of next mouth. AFFORDS PliRFECT SECURITY. Foley's Honey and Tar affords perfect security from pneumonia and consumption as it cures the most obstinate coughs and colds. We have never known a single instance of a cold resulting in Honey front's drug store. .. r . Et1 i . their butcher . l""''"""" ''"iy and Jar had been taken. $162,000.1)00 For Pensions. Washington, April 20. The ..senate Committee on Pensions on Monday practically completed Consideration Of the tension ap propriation bill. It will carry about :?1IS2 000,000, an increase of $12,000,000 oNr the House bill, having ben made to carry out the provisions of the widows' pensiou bill, which has been en acted. The House bill was amended so as to eliminate the provision for abolishing pension agencies throughout the country and con solidating the work of the agen cies uuder the bureau in this oi if. A COMMON MISTAKE. Many women mistake kidney and bladder troubles for some ir regularity peculiar to the sex. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities and makes women well. Miss Carrie Harden, Bowl ing Green, Ky writes: I suffer ed much pain from kidney and bladder trouble until 1 started to use Foley's Kidney Remedy. The first bottle gave me great re lief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely well.' Trout's drug store. Iu a letter from Albert Heikos, of i . reat Palls, Montana, to Sam uel Stumer, of this place, Mr. Heikos refers to the large tract of ( iovernmont land to be thrown open to settlers this spriug. This reservation lies near to Great Falls, the country is level, and the roads good. The Govern ment has constructed a big ditch for irrigation puioses which is almost ready to be thrown open. This, like all other land reserva tions, is thrown open on a certain date, and is free for all, by com plying with the conditions laid down for applicants. While this is not an advertisement, any ol our readers interested, can hnd out more about it by addressing the Board of Trade, Great Falls, Montana. Economizes the use of flour, but ter and eggs; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz ing, nutritious and wholesome. Itakinj Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE This is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It Has No Substitute Tb.r. arm Alum and Phuapbate ol Lime mixturvu aold at lower price, kM no iiouxUecper rcu :r.lin,: the health at her lawlly uia afford . aie then. ! C M RAY, Auctioneer, PoslolHcn Address; McConnellsburi!, Pa. Klflei-n Yt'iuv KxparlWM, OwMtTM th In nreaaliw nmnl.ei or ell for my Nrvlcra. I Imvv iniil,u tii niitirv tin-p'lhPi' In this mim nr thut I ihull hnlrt mjawll in rrtwll eat, for pnlilln snlpa aortloM, ka, PrtOM Hindi-rate iitni Mttataotlon iriiaraiiUaiS. II -UK. I .v. TO STOCK BREEDERS. The undrrsiirnert ilnsirprt to Inform the fsnstrs of this Vuiley that his linn 4 JTSSf Old KENTUCKY JACK will be ut his stable on the Clark Mo QOVWPB farm In Tod township, the week OPtfinotnt; Sntiirda.v, April lltli. and every alternate week thereafter until July 1st; tmtl at the stable of Tenrjre linterbiiiijh in Ayr township, the week beginning April ISth, and ev ery alternate week thereafter. After the first of .Inly, the Jack will be con tinuously at the stable of owner. W.M. BCTERBACQB. Wanted. Two farm bands to work by the month uid board ou farm, no milking. Only sober men need apply. Address Hahuv K. Kou lkk. Mercersourg, Pa. 4 23 tf Li V. D. No. 4. Notice. Notice is hereby given that my forter sou George Fisher his left my home against my will. All persons are warned against har boring him, as the k.w will oe enforced. W.M. Kl IlN, 3t. Ayr township. Has Started. Spring trade has started with us now, and we are prepared to give you anything you want in the hue of good Tailoring. Goldsmith Thk TAILOR Notice. Notice is hereby given that my son, Dorsey Cute-hull, left my home against my will. All per sons are warned against harbor mg him, as the law will be enforc ed. AuitAM CUTCHALL, 3t. Six Mile liun. PROM ROUND ABOUT. Easter is here and gone. Trie farmers of this vicinity have been quite busy for the past few weeks. Garden making and house cleaning are at hand. John Barbet had the misfor tune to break his buggy axle Thursday. It was a lino thing the girls were not along that time. Mrs. Obed T. Mellott was vis iting in this vicinity last week. Lois Decker, of Saluvia, spent Sunday with her frieud Rose VVooster, at llarrisonville. Listen for wedding bells. A number of young folks were out hunting Aroutis Sunday aft ernoon. Chas. W. Mellott took a llyiug trip to Altoona last week. Noah Sipes spent Sunday aft ernoon at Win, Hoops. Au Epworth League society was organized at Green Hill M. E. church Sunday evening. We hope it will be a grand success. Eugene Laidig, of Hustontown, attended preaching at Green Hill Sunday evening. Ruse WoOBtST spent a few days with her friend Myrtle liavuer last week, Ross HolleusheaJ, of Pleasant Ridge, spent Sunday afternoon with his Udy friend Maud DoshJ ong at Harrisonville. Mr. and Mrs. Neviu Laidig and son Uelber and daughters Heien and Margaret spent Easter at George Li.idiu's near Hustontiwn Lois Dicker was. employed in the heme of Mrs. .Joseph Sipes last week. Mrs Geo. Melzler aud little daughter Thehna are visiting friends in Philadelphia. The pu blic schools are all closed in this vicinity. Edward Deuhong and vifoand cousin Esta Desbong spent Sun day at Milton Decker's. nn MtATOR l hi Hale Call For Fashion Sheet MAY T. J. WIENER Hancock, Wei. LADIES' SKIRTS I LADIES' WAISTS Beautiful line of Domes tic and Imported Dress Fabrics. SILKS SILKS Crepe de Chine, Cloth, Mo hair, Serine. Ponjjee. White Goods, Linen, Per sian Lawn, India Lin en, Mull, Madras, Gingham. Ladies, Misses' and Boys' Shoes. T. J. WIENER nri MtAttrft On Ailr Call For Fashion Sheet MAY Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Neckwear. American Ladies' Corsets, Muslin Underwear. Millinery, Ribbons, Tips, Wings, Plumes, Flow ers, Velvets, etc. All the Latest Styles ol Butterick Patterns in Stock. T. J. WIENER Best Trade Prices paid for Eg9 and Poultry. 3 -o- - ! ANNIE B. FREY NEW MILLINERY o V I FOR SPRING AND SUMMER ESmbrsolog tha smartest idoas of expert designer. So many years have we & in Millinory Styles, that we Know mnoli is ex ported of us. This is duo largely to the fact that we never yet have disappointed our trade. Our line of Millinery this season is designed with genius, fashioned with intelligent skill, and otrored in the highest obtain able itialities for popular prices. "We have a choice selection of swell trimmed suit and sailor hats, comprising the very lalostund strongest selling styles now having tin Immense sale In all tbe large cities. Among them are many of the extra wide Sailors - "Merry Widow" styles. All are handsomely trimmed and sold at ver.v low prices. (livens an early oSll. We take pleasure in showing our goods. Every body made weloome. i ANNIE B. FREY, McConneibburg, Pa. MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S BIG UNDERSELLING STORE, McConnellsburg. pa. Beautiful Spring and Summer Millinery, f Our brilliant showing of the exquisite modes for Spring and Summer Hats all the latest styles, shapes and colors. Children' Kancy Hals, Tarn O'Shanters, Skull Caps and fancy Haby Caps. Ladies' and Children's Hats, ranging in price from 15.00 down to 2Ss Kiblions, Flowers, Feathers, Foliage, Orasses, and Fan cy Aigrettes In all the leading colors. Ladies' Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, Kendy-mude Skirts, Hells, Collars, Combs, Collar and Cuff Sets, anil Embroideries. We have taken a great deal of care to select styles and at prices that will be sure to suit every one. The pronounced favor, with which our Millinery dis play has been accepted, is the evidence that ourefforts have been appreciated. Come in and examine our goods. Hals trimmed free of charge. Fancy list piu free will) each hat. Store opposite PoatOfHoS. in :!; . : l 1 li At 1 1 i. m . .- 1 1 Ml t ', ' i . I i BOOKKEEPING. PENMANSHIP. B 11, i Open All The Year, Catalogue Free, The Tri-State Business College I Cumberland, Mtl. TYPEWRITING ,. ' ' - ' -- - - - u - a v. . .. . i, -ji Wt'y SHORTHAND. DR. JOHN LOUIS WEAVER NEUROLOGIST. DRUCLESS PRACTITIONER. Graduate of McCcrmick neurological College, Chicago, 111. Analysis of causes of human ills, Patients tuuuht how to treat themselves. Chemical derangements, Mechanical disorders rendu il by cheinlaliy ol iliet, bydrovherapy, manual therapy, llelief from eye strain. Specialist in nervous diseases, chronic ailment, eye defect. Coresponileuee Solicited , No treatment by mail. OmOl 58 SO. MAIN ST., CHAMHKHSHUKl, PA. Member Association of Independent Doctors. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF W'CONNELLSBURO, PA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. OUR TOTAL RESOURCES are now 219. OOO. OO, and our surplus and undivided profits are $3500.00. Pfe invite your particular attention to these items of our condition, for the amount of business as transacted by a bank, indicates the confidence oj a community in its stability, and the surplus and undivided profits exhibit its prosperity. Our business is banking, and our efforts are directed toward that alone. LET US SERVE YOU. LEWIS H. WIBLE, FRANK P. LYNCH. PRESIDENT. ATTORNEY ND SOLICITOR. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICE PRESIDENT. MERRIL W. N ACE OASHICR. B. FRANK HENRY. ASST. CASHIIR. DIRECTORS : LEWIS H. WIBLE, JNO. P. SIPES. JNO A. HENRY, W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GHISSINuER. R.M.KENDALL. S. W.KIRK. KXXKXXXXXXXKKXX XXXKXXXXXXX Fulton County Bank.f (OROANIZED IN 1887.) 0 3 Per Cent. Interest Fald on "Time Deposit... ae This old and well known Financial Institution is now y permanently located in it new room in the A. U. Naco build y inf. Large additions have been made to the CAPITAL STOCK and the number of Stockholders ha been increased to FIP- TKKN, which give all depoitors a security of upward of ii. 5 Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. 0 The Fulton County Hank does a OKNF.IIAL HANK- 5 ING BUSINESS ar.d extends every favor to their patrons J aud friends, consistent wltn sound hanking. W. H. NELSON, sS MeConneilsburg, Pa. Cashier. J- K. Johnston's. Prices Are All Risrht On LADIES' FANCY Dress Linens. " Lawns. " Skirts. " Shirt Waists. Shrunken Muslins. Lighl weight woolens. MEN'S AND YOUTHS' Dress Suits. Trousers, Shirts. " Hals. Collars and Ties. College cords. Children's Suits. SHOES and OXFORDS CARPETS AND MATTINGS WINDOW BLINDS AND CURTAINS SUESINE SILK PAROID AND BARRETT Fcoofin J. K. JOHNSTON McConnellsburg, Pa. P. S. Don't forget to get Prices on these and other Goods before you purchase. FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Yellow Ear Corn. C. EL Starr, at Throe Spring), lias for salo all the time never out yellow oar corn it HO ceuta a Dunnel by measure; $1 20 cents a barrel -three buuheli. of ears. Kodol ... "R '"DIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. BKLlKVliS SOUn STOMACH. BElIuiING, ETC. xx el r a nteed To Civ 11 aflr wlog lw tl.lrl.ul a lli.i I., i I a-a,r..,.J Tp ...ill r, f.l ,r awMf. Try Kaloi toflJMKi.S! S U) tha daal.r a,i ..... you laiugul It. aud a. a HI r.uiiU yiar mSuL ""aKU" Tu State .lira hara I - .ii mi i.. or i' Ii. C. OaWirr 00. COMPANY, CHICAGO, 1L orSale at Trout'tDrug 8tore. y