The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 23, 1908, Image 5

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Of I "CD' and Oeneral Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Fresh fertilizer for corn and
oats, just received by Huston,
Hal til lo. Fa.
It is said that early chorrits in
many localities have been frozen.
Foley's Orino Laxative is best
for women and children. Its
mhd action and pleasar.t taste
makes it preforabla to violent
purgatives, such as pills, tablets,
etc. constipation. Trout's
drug store.
A letter addressed to Harvey
Carbaugh, is advertised in theMc
(Jonnellsburg post oflice.
A big cut or a little cut, small
scratches or bruise or big ones
are healed quickly by DeWitt's
OarbOttted Witch Hazel Salve. It
is especially good for piles. Get
DeWitt's. Sold at Trout's dru
County Treasurer Clias. B.
Stevens has erected a tine new
stable on the rear of his lot on
Water street.
Wantioii-Ad agent in Fulton
County to handle our embroidered
shirt waist patterns. Good op
portuniiy for rijfht party. Ad
dress Oriental Km broidery Co ,
217 N. Fremont Ave., Baltimore,
Md. 4 28, 4t.
M. D. Good, representing the
Geiser Manufacturing Company
of Waynesboro, was registered
at the Kulton House, on Tuesday.
The kidneys are delicate a id
sensitive organs and are very
Ilk sly at any time togetout of or
der. DeWitt's Kidney and Blad
der Fills are prompt and thor
ough and will in a very short time
strengthen the weakened kidneys
and allay troubles arising from
in Ham iiiation of the bladder.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
A marriage license was grant
ed in Charabersburg, on Tuesday
to Mr. Clarence S. Mulnix, of
Peters township, and Miss Daisy
EC. Sipes, of Fulton county.
Kodol For Dyspepsia has help
ed thousands of people, who have
had stomach trouble. 'I ins is
what one man says of it : "E. C
DoWitt & Co , Chicago, ill.
Gentlemen In 1H'J7 I had a dis
ease of the stomacii and bowels.
I could not digest anythiug I ate
and in the spring t f l'JU2 1 bought
a bottle of Kodol and the benefit
I received from that bottle all the
gold in Georgia could not buy. I
still use a little occasionally, as I
find it a tine blood purifier nd a
good tonic. May you live long
and prosper. Yours very truly,
C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga., Aug.
27, 1906." Sold at Trout's drug
There are 280,902 persons iu
flie nation's executive civil ser
vrjo, exclusivo of persons in the
consular and diplomatic service.
Excluding from its computations
some liO.OOO postmasters, 18,000
mechanics and laborers in navy
yrds, and 12,850 clerks m post
offices not having tree delivery,
the census bureau gives interest
ing dotails about the rest, 185,874
persons. OEthis number, about
14,000 are women; 8352 negroes,
1725 Indians, 1047 Filipinos, 142
Chinese and 82 Japanese.
Frank Cunningham spent
few days in Altoona last week.
Miss .fnsme Cunningham ande
Miss Bessie Mellott, two of Al
toona's school teachers spent
their Faster vacation at home.
Mr. itnd Mm Oliver MfofikL of
. '
Altoona sp.nt Raster with W. K.
Keith 'a.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain,
of Fittsburg, are spending some
time with the latter's father J.
C. Foster.
Mr. John Ilidtr and family of
McKeesport have moved to the
Mrs. Lib Foster property.
M. S. Edwards of Juniata have
moved back to their farm in the
Valley. Welcome back Newton.
Cloyd Edwards went to Saxton
where he has employment.
Joseph Truax is gradually
growing weaker.
Synthia Keith is visiting at K.
G. Truax 's.
A. D. Berkstresser was called
to Saxton on acconnt of the ser
ious illness of his uncle Fhilip
Beryl Alloway, of Uohertsdale
is visiting at E W. McLains.
Mary Horton ot Wells Tannery
is at James Lockard's for the
The wet weather has delayed
the spring plowiug considerable.
Mks Delia Foster spent Sun
day at Fmdlayville.
An Insidious Danger.
One of the worst features of
kiduey trouble is that it is an la
sidlous disease and before the
victim realizes his danger he may
have a ratal malady. Take Foley V
Kidney Remedy at the first sign
of trouble as it corrects irregul
arities and prevents Bright')
disease and diabetes. Trout's
drug store.
C. B. Horver after spending
several weeks at his home, has
returned to Pittsburg.
Mrs. Robert Linn and son, of
Mt. Union spent part of this
week with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harp Strait, of
Fittsburg are visiting Mrs.
Strait's parents Mr. aud Mrs.
Henry Huston.
Mr. Michael Long who has
been very ill, is now improving.
Mrs. John Sollers and children
spent part of this week with tin
former's mother, Mrs. David
Lam berson.
Misses Luella and VernaLaidip
of Dudley we"e visiting friends
near Hustontown this week.
Harold Kirk aud Prof. Seville
stopped with M. G. Kirk over
Sunday, while on their way to
Wells Valley.
Miss Hazel Lamberson is learn
ing the milliner tiade under Mrs.
H. C. McClain.
Mr. Adam Valance, of Ohio
has returned to our town and Is
making his home with B. H.
A Quartette of young people
from Three Springs came out on
Sunday afternoon, took supper
at "Indian Queen,'' and attended
services at the M. E. church.
John and Edward Reinhart, of
Maddensvillo, have rented the
blacksmith shop and moved to
our town.
Mr. Elliott Fraker and son,
Baldwiu, attended Lodge at Clear
Ridge Saturday evening. ,
Emmett Brown and Miss Lena
Cline spent Saturday night with
Luther and Miss Minna Grove.
Ruth EC Fraaer has been quite
poorly for the past six weeks.
Dr. Campbell was called in con
sultation with Dr. McClain and
sho is now convalescent.
Mrs. Bruce Woollet is in Frank
lin county with her two youngest
children. The one, having had a
broken limb, was taken for medi
cal treatment.
Elmer E. Fraker is building
fence for Mac Richardson.
Mrs. Charlie WiUon is on the
sick list.
Miss Lillian Flemiug, of Clear
Ridge, called on Miss Lena Cline
last Thursday.
Word has been received from
Dr. 8. R Fraker, that ho is in
very poor health.
Everybody is welcome when
we feel good; aud we feel that way
only whep our digestive organs
are working properly. Dr. King's
New Life Pills regulate the action
of stomach, liver and bowels so
perfectly one can't help feeling
good when he uses these pills.
25: at Trout's drug store.
April-Watch Month
We propose to make April the most, remarkable WA'IVH
MONTH In our history. To do so we have determined to muk- a
general reduction of
20 Per Cent.
on all Watches except our Special Nonglnos, Conococheagues
and Japs.
Here is an opportunity to buy a thoroughly good WaUm at
considerably less than you can buy in Chicago, and in addition
yon may select from the most superb stock of Watches ever 1MB
in our city. These watches are now on view in our window.
Wrltfl Ul what von want.
Jeweler and Silversmith,
Trust Company Building, Chambersburg, Pa.
Hustontown, Pa.
Gold Crown and Uri.'ge Work a
Specialty. Teeth extracted
positively without pain.
All Work Guurauteed.
Will be in office from Thursday ev
ening until Monday morning of each
Kemp's Balsam
Will stop any cough tbat
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure rouulis
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is alwaays the best
cough cure. You cannot
allord to take chances on
any other lilnd.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion In first stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, polsow
oua or harmful drug.
Sweeping the Field
What The IN&vi 1908
D3 Laxal Cream Sep
arators are Doing.
Ueports are arriving in every mail from
Maine to California and Canada to Florida,
telling of how the New Improved l)e Laval
Cream Separators are sweeping all wonid-be
competition aside. Cow owners and separ
ator users everywhere cannot say enough
in praise of the new De I. aval. I'.ven com
petitors are admitting Its vastly increas
ed superiority and marvelling at its many conveniences, perfect
skimming iialit ies, ease of running, great simplicity, durability and
beauty of design. The new Do l.aval is ten years in advance of any
other separator made to day. Nothing like it lias ever been produced
before and to have done so now is only possible after three years of
constant experimenting by the world's best engineers nod mechanical
experts backed up by our thirty years of experience in the manufact
ure and sale of nearly a million separators. Improvements have
been made in every feature and several brand new styles and capaci
ties introduced. There is a machine for every size dairy from the
smallest to the largest and at a price that will tit every pocket, while
you may buy .for cash or on terms so liberal that the machine will ac
tually pay for hself.
If you own one or more cows you can make no more prolitable in
vestment than to purchase a De Laval machine at once. It will save
its cost in less than a year and after a week's use you will prize it as
the most valuable implement on your arm. Ask for a free demon
stration ul your own home and send for our handsome new catalogue
illustrating and de.-cribing De Laval machine in detail. Your only
regret will be that you didn't do so sooner. Write to-day for Cata
logue Or call on
Locust Grove, Fa.
Hai ry H. Hoop, of Hollidays
burg, is here on account of his
sister Mrs. Ellen Thomas' sick
ness. ,
John Kider, of McKeesport,
has purchased the Elizabeth Fos
ter home near Camp Ground
aud moved there the past week
Joseph Truax is still growing
weaker and looks as though his
earthly pilgrimage was very
A tire at Kearney, Pn., broke
out on Tuesday in Company hous
es burning two blocks, one id
which Uarvey Shafer lived, he
was at his lathers' in Now Gre
nada visiting when the news came
of the fire. He at once secured
a rig and went over Friday Most
of his household goods were de
stroyed, and his family is home
less a wife and three sons, ouo
only three weeks old all came
over same evening to Shafer's at
New Grenada. Harvey has been
out of work for threo mouths and
it hits him hard.
No. 4 school closed on Monday
151th, Grace Lodge, of Crystal
Springs, was teacher. Although
the closing day was the 151th of
the month, unlucky day, yet we
can speak the voice of our com
munity when we say we were
lucky in securing her as teacher,
as she taught a very successful
term of school, and to show their
appreciation of her valuable ser
vices, the patrone congratulated
her on her work. The directors
and patrons requested her re
turn next term. So mote it be.
E. S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y.,
says : "I am a carpenter, aud
have had many severe cuts heal
ed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It
has saved me sulloriug aud dol
lars. It is by far the best heal
ing salve 1 have ever found."
Heals bums, sores, ulcers, fever
sores, eczema and piles. 25c at
Trout's drug store.
W. S. Cltpveuger is about HtMsh
ing a large stable on the rear of
his lot ou West Main street. Part
of it will be used by Mr. Adam
Grissiuger as a warehouse.
Subscribe tor the "News;"
only $1.00 a year.
William Horton has moved from
Sandy Run to Wells Valley, in W.
L. Woodcock's residence; Irvin
Crider from Altoona to G. W.
Sipes' tenant house; James Tru
ax and wife are now at home in
Bert Dishong's house; Mr. Owen
Kitchey moved from here to Kays
Howard Warsiug, Thomas Hor
ton, Dorsey and lioy Baruett
made a nusiness trip to Everett
Mrs. J. D. Foote and Lilhe
Burket visited friends in Everett
list week.
James Gibson, of Altoona, is
visit iug his brother, J. W. Gib
Maud Bauingardner is in Som
erset county doing convention
LeU Sprowl celebrated her
17th birthday Thursday evening
by entertaining a number of her
young friends.
The Presbyterian Sunday
School rendered a mobt appro
priate Easter service; aud beat of
ill, was conducted oy young Jun
lora who never attempted any
thing of the kiud, previous.
Rev. Fleigle, new pastor of
Pine Grove 10. E church preach
ed an appropriate Easter sermon
Sunday uight.
Prof. Seville opened his sum
mer normal Monday morniug in
No. 1 building, with quite a num
ber of students from a distance.
The Jumping Off Place.
"Consumption had me in its
grasp; and I had almost reached
the jumping off place, when I was
advised to try Dr. King's New
Discover ; aud I want to say
right now, it saved my life. Im
provement began with the first
bottle, and after taking one doz
en bottles 1 was a well and happy
man again," says George Moore,
of Grimesland, N. C. As a reme
dy for coughs and colds aud heal,
er of weak, sore lungs and for
preventing pneumonia, New Dis
covory is supreme. 50c and $l.
00 at Trout's drug store. Trial
bottle free.
It is reported that Mr. Andrew
Fore, of Burnt Cabins is serious
ly Hi with pneumonia.
are now showing their
Stuffs, and are pleased lo say that in many cases, prices are considerably
lower than a year apo. A muslin we sold last spring at 12 1-2c, we
now sell at 10 cents as good as we have sold at that price for tive or
six years. In
we have a splendid stock. India linens (French Lawns a beautiful
cloth), Linens, mercerized effects, etc. We have a very nice line of
all off in price and
we never had so many--and at prices to please. (Especially in Black.)
A splendid 36 in. black silk for 90 cents, that will not cut, and has good
weight. A splendid colored silk, 35 cents a yard, Some very pretty
in Black and Tan. If you need a jacket be sure to see these. We are
selling Children's 2-piece Suits from 50 cents up.
Boys' and youri", men's Clothing at all prices, we have a splendid stock
of Men's Clothing, and we know we can save you money every time on
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Dealer Id
Wire Fence ! Wire Fence !
We are now ready to serve your wants in American Wire Fence,
and at price!, that we think will make it prolitable for you to burn
your old rails and buy wire. It is almost as cheap. You can buy it
from us at 85-2930-sndOOc a rod, and we will lend you a stretcher to
put it up with, liefore you buy, see ours.
Farm bridles, $1.50 to .2o. Full leather collars, H..M and $2.!i"
The 11.06 collar Is the same that others sell ut $Z.:0. The $2 M one Is
the same as they ask $1.00 for. Guaranteed. See our front dears.
We have the most of our Wall Paper for spring in, and to say it
is line is a mild way of putting it. We never had as (food a line. 3c.
to 10c. a bolt, and Uorder the same price. We didn't have $5 worth
left over.
Now, to those that are going to housekeeping this spring, we want
to say a word. We have window shades 8 to 2-e: carpet, 10 to 48c,:
matting, 12 to 2.1c : Dish pans, 14 to 75c.: Wash Basins, 5 to 12c.; Stew
pans, 4 to 18c: Stew Kettles, 20 to 58c; Buckets, 10 to .'18c. ; Knives
and forks, 39 to 1.25; Spoons, 6 to 12c. set; Alarm clocks, 58 to ifl ilN
8-day clocks, $1.98.
We also have the most of our Shoes in for spring, and think we
can save you money.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Western Maryland Railroad Company.
In Effect June 2, 1007.
Trains leave lluncoutt uk foil own I
No. rt--6.45 a. m. (ilally) for HutrerMowD. Ho)
ttinortv Wayne. m, ('humners.miK
itud 1iiLurmc(li:ic.
No. 18 60 u. m. (week duysl Oumbcrluutl. unit
No. 4 -10 00 it. in i week days) I till ignore, (iet-
m - hi"1 York ami Intermediate.
No. I- 1.65 ii ill. (week dav0 Little Orleans
Old Town. Cumberland, nkin and
west VestUule train with observation
buffet our.
No. I- I 6? p. m. wok days) Itultimore itnd in
termediate Kitthmtv VeMibide train
with obtiervutloj bulTet ear.
No' M.A )- m (dally) leaves llaliimore -i.iQ
p. in , HiiKerMtuwQ 7.40 p. in.
All trains inuke connection at IlruoevtU for
Frederick and train r and 4 lor pjlnts north
and at Maltlrnore (Tntou Station) for Philu.
de phlt and New York.
V, M. HO WKLU C. W. MY Oft,
i .i'ii 1 h. Agl. Agent.
MpTutii tl y i bt ui ned In al i tioaatrUiA, 01 MO ill. H
l ftADI-MAMKt, Citwwu uud ofyilhla rU
UTfd. Heiid HLt'lt li, AI.hM or frhutu, lor 1ft) H
H report on i'liii'Mututity. all luitirii .t Cl
ATHlOTLV COtriDLNTIAL. J aHuil plttt-Ure
wlufivilv. tiurtMMiii,j r. it .
Wiliuuuke si. t.-iii. r ninmt'1 have our l.tti4-
tx.ol us 1 1 low l i it lil ...I a ml p(tjfilu,V lit
ventitii. wMi , ,y, low to a partner jtndot her
YAiUaVUt Ill I os '.'li ' rill 1 ICO iu Mliy KUd! Uft&
HSOI Saveath 8t., Waahlagtaa, 0.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
kill couch
and CURE the LUNGS
w,th Dr. King's
New Discovery
Pianos Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of lofORttiBg the people of
Fulton county that he is prepared
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at prlcesthat are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he is prepared jn short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester 1'iano may be
seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me know, I
can save you money.
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Poes
not gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
Refuse substitutes. Price BOo.
Trout's Drug Store.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart trouble
oan remember when it waa almple lndlget
tlsn. It ia a aclentlflo fact that all caau of
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but ars the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the atomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
awellsths stomach, puffing It up against the
heart. Thla Interferea with the action of
the heart, and In the tiOurse o' time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. KtuMe. el Neviiia. O , : I had vumnca
truubla and In bad stata an I had lioar. trowWt
with It. I took Kodol Uyapapala Cur to.-about lav
KMnths and II ourad in.
Kodol Digests Waal Yea E
and relieves the stomach of ail nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
utlkia oaUf . tl.OOSIaa koldtaf 3 UrcaatbatrW
alw. wfalch anUa lot iOc.
aai a aw C a OaWITT 0O.. CHiOAMOk,