The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 16, 1908, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W- PK, Editor and Proprietor.
APRIL 16, 1908
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per ijure of Mines a time II 0.
Per ftqimre ech ftubnequent Insertion.... 50.
Ai advertisement Inserted for lens than
hre months oliarfed by tbe square
9 mon. I flmoa. I I yr.
. ..stisoo. I 30.oo
.. . ' 00. 40 00 IM1.00
.. 40 00. I Be.OO. I 7S.00
One-foirth "olumn.
One half ooluoin
One Column
Letter to J. Nelson Sipes,
McConnellsburg F'a.
Dear Sir: A bank mossflnger
lost a small coin. He set his batr
down B4 looked for it. Found
It, but somebody-else had run-off
with his bif.
A man who is going to paint
had better loon out for his gat
Jons. Devoe is the least gallons
It s gallous that cost: it. isn't
tne price of a gallon. With one
paint, 10 gallons is plenty: an
other, 11 or 12 or 1" and so on to
"22 gallons: and every gallon has
to be paid for and painted to
j4 a day for painting paint stuff
ed out with some sort of white
wash. The less the price of a
gallon, the more the gallons.
Bank messengers better look
out, for their bags and not stop to
hunt for small coin; and property
owners bet'er look out for the
gallons that make the expense,
and not for the price which his
nothing to do with it.
Yours truly
P. W. Dkvoe & Co.
P. b. J. A. Boyd, Mercersburg
aud Norman O. Huber Chambers
burg, sell our paint.
Birthday Surprise Party.
About ten o'clock, Monday
morning, April 0th, Mrs. .1. Et,
Jackson, of Akersville, was much
surprised to see a great number
of her neighbors gathering at
her home. They had come to
celebrate her sixty third birth
day. The women folks took charge
of uffairs in the house, and by
twelve o'clock the dinner was
ready. It was just simply a
good, old-fashioned "feed" such
as conntry folks enjoy where
you just eat and eat until you feel
like a baloon about to ascend into
the ethereal regions. The dinner
lasted well into the afternoon
there being about forty guests to
serve. After dinner the men eu
gaged in a very exciting game of
ball in which M:. M. A. Bark
mau was easily the star. The
women folks amused themselves
invaiious ways one of which
was to raise Mrs. Jackson.
About four o'clock the guests be
gan to depart, all agreeing that
they had had a delightful time
and wished for the return of
many similar occasions. Among
those present were: Mr. and
Mrs M. M. Barton, Dr. aud Mrs.
E. D. Akers and son, Mr. aud
Mrs. M. A. Barkman aud son,
Mr. C. li. Akers and mother,
Mrs. S E Walters and son, Mrs.
Mary Selling, Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. E E
Akers and sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Gates Selling, Mrs. C. H. Akers,
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jackson and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E Jack
son and son, H. M. Jackson aud
family, and Miss Goldie Akers.
Somt Uood Advice lor Care lor the Hair at
Putting the hair to bed is sorre
thing certain women never do,
and other women do too much.
The hair should always be taken
down and combed until all the
tangles have disappeared. Bv
the way, in order to comb out the
snarls, begin at the ends of the
hair and proceed upward, says
Tbe Designer for May. Many
womeu do not Know this, aud by
beginning at the scalp manage
to comb a timid, inoffensive tan
gle into a very pronounced aud
vicious snorl. When you have
made your hair feel "yomfy," do
your littlo nightly massage and
braid your hair into two big, loose
braids, one on each side of your
head. Braid it loosely s the
hair is fully ventilated (as it needs
that, if going to grow), but tight
enough so it won't come unbraid
and pr oceed to acquire a million
or so tangles while you are bliss
fully slumbering. With your
two big braids you will 1 xk very
Gretchen like and can trot off to
bed knowing that you looi pretty
and feel comfortaole a c mbina
tion that is truly delightful.
Kcaivcs Congratulation!.
You will soon receive the con
gratulations of your friends upon
your improved appearance if
von will take Foley's Kidney
Remedy as it tones up the sys
tem and imparts new life and
vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy
cures bockache, nervous exhaus
tion and all forms of kiduey aud
bladder (roubles. Commeuce
taking it to day. Trout's drug
You Will Need an Oil Stove'
When warm days
and the kitchen fire
make cooking a bur
den then is the time
to try a New Perfection
Wick Blue Flame Oil
Cook -Stove.
Marvelous how this
stove docs away with
kitchen discomforts
how cool it keeps the
room in comparison with
conditions when the coal
fire was burning. The quick concentrated heat of the
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
goes directly to boil the kettle or bake the bread, and none
is diffused about the room to overheat it. Thus using the
"New Perfection" is real kitchen comfort. Made in three
sizes and fully warranted. If not with your
dealer, write our nearest agency.
R&STO Lamp
.v' .vnnts linti'lsoine
Ml such
i lamp
wrtnts linnilsonie cnom'h
for the pnrior; strong enough for tlic kitchen, catQP
or cottage ; bright enough for every nccHsion. If
not with your dealer, write our nearest ugency.
Atlantic Refining Company
Our farmers are busy gettiug
ready to sow oats.
Emory Hessler has added much
to the appearauce and value ol
his farm by putting up a lot of
nice post and rail fence.
Capt. Dixon is making prepara
tions to build a lot or new fence
on his farm.
The Sunday schools at Green
hill have opened for the summer.
Louie and Gertrude Kegarise
made a trip to Everett last week.
James Strait wintered eleven
ewes, which this spring have ad
ded twenty five lambs to his
Hock and thev are all living and
doing well. If any of the read
ers of the "Fulton News" has a
better record, let them speak out.
We are glad that our lnend
John G. Metzler is improving in
health, and that he is expected to
return to Harrisonvilie soon.
Mrs. Thomas Metzler is slow
ly regaining her health, after a
severe spell of sickuess.
E. S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y.,
says : "I am a carpenter, and
have had many severe cuts heal
ed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It
has saved me suffering and dol
lars. It is by far the best heal
ing salve 1 have ever .'ound."
Meals burns, sores, ulcers, fever
sores, eczema and piles. 25c at
Trout's drug store.
But it cannut make a Fair Skin or a
Cloy Cuat.
Women with good
compli !. t cannot
be homely. Crvuius,
lotiona, washes and
powders cannot make
a fair skiu. EvtTJ
horseman knows that
the satin eoat of his
thoroughbred cornea
from the animal's
"all-rib'ht" condition.
I : the horse get
"oil bia feed" and Li turna dull. Cur
rying, brushing ai.d ruhbiug will give
It i lit u clean cout, hut canuot produce
the coveted smoothness and glosa of
the horse's skin, wbi b is bis com
plexiou. The ludius will sue tbe point.
Lane's Family
Is the !.... preparation fur ladies who
desire a gentle luxative medicine that
will give the liody perfect cleanlim-ns
internally and lbs wholeaomeness
that produces such skins us puiuicrs
love to copy.
Morgan Deshong has started
for the Eastern Shore to visit
friends and relatives.
Frank Skiles finished burning
his lime kiln last week. Frank
kuows that lime pays on a farm.
Miss Mary Deshong and Myr
tle Sipe's attended school at
Morton's Point the last day.
Frauk Mollott's little joy is on
the sick list.
Quite a wiud storm passed over
this place last Saturday. We
think probably it was a political
wind storm we know of no other
L P. Morton is circulating
among his many friends in up
per Belfast. Levi is the very
picture of health and weighs 211
Miss Clyde Smith, Jennie Tru
ax, IJlanctioTruax, Brooks Smith
John Smith all of Iddo,
th3 afternoon of the 10th at Mor
tons Point School.
Miss Maude Hill has purchased
a new organ of L W. Funk. Ntw,
for music, boys.
Howard Truax, accompanied
by Mrs. Garfield Morse, spent
Sunday afternoon utF. R. Shivi s.
Olive DfMhOM! visited at '''rank
Slaves last Sunday.
Quite a number of people at
tend ud the surprise party at
William Deshong' the 11th.
William was the recipient of a
good many useful presents.
Kesolulions of Respect.
The following resolutions were
.!.. i Um ri i,.i,. rv..,,,i
I BUUim tJj . I. .li I i i I L ' ' iiii in it.
I No. 940, Jr. O. U. A. M , on the
! death of J. H. Baker:
Whkukas, It has pleased our
Heavenly Father to remove from
our midst our beloved brothor;
Whkueas, Our Council has lost
one of its best members and the
community an honest, upright
citizen one that was loved aud
respected by all that knew him;
Whekkas, It is with deepest
sorrow that we received the
death of our brother, J. H. Ba
ker. We realize the sense of loss
that we the members of the Coun
cil feel in the taking away of one
who has ever been a faithful and
efficient workman in the Council:
Therefore, be it,
Resolved, That we bow in hum
ble and silent submission to ap
portions to every man his time.
Resolved, That this Council
. extends its deepest sympathy to
i the bereaved widow, and father
less children in the hour of an
guish and sorrow.
Resolved, That the charter of
I the Council be draped in mourn-
ing for a period of thirty dxys.
Resolved, That a copy of these
; resolutions be attached to the
1 record of our Council; that a copy
; be sent to the bereaved family of
i our deceased brother, and that
they be published in the news-
papers of the ounty.
W. R. Fields,
Baldwin Fuakek,
f. c. Fields,
Com nuttee.
Resolutions by tbe Clear Ridge Band.
Wheueas, It is with feeling of
sorrow and regret that we learn
of the death of Joseph Hunter
Baker, a member of our Baud;
Wheueas, In the death of Mr.
Baker the Bind has lost one of
its best musicians;
Wheueas, The community has
lost i member possessed of the
highest personal attribute one
esteemed for his fidelity to jus
tico and truth; Therefore, be it,
Resolved, That while we bow
in submission to the will of Him
wno aoein an tnings our sym
; pathy goes to the widow and chil
dren, Resolved, That our drums be
' muffled and our horns be kept
silent for fifteen days,
Resolved, That thesi resolu
; tions be printed in the county
papers, and a copy be sent to the
j family of the deceased.
G. C. Fields,
W. R Fields,
Tbe Jumplog Oil Place.
"Consumption had me in its
grasp; and I had almost reached
the jumping off place, when I was
advised to try Dr. King's New
: Discovery; and I want to say
right now, it saved my life. Im
provement began with the first
bottle, and after taking one doz
en bottles I was a well and happy
man again," says George Moore,
of Griniesland, N. C. Asareme
dy for coughs aud colds and heal
er of weak, sore lungs and for
preventing pneumonia, New Dis
covery is supreme. 50c and t.
00 at Trout's drug store. Trial
bottle free.
Resolutions of Respect Passed.
j At a meeting of King Corps. No. IS
W. It. on April 4th, tn the fi. A. Ft.
! Post room, a ben tit if u l and impressive
j service was held In memory of the .1.
V. P. Mrs Maria Wisbart.
Mrs. Hehecca Stevens, pianist, ren
dered the accompaniment to Wesley's
; line old hymn: "Jesus. Lover of My
. Soul."
Tit is was followed by the reading of
I the twenty-third Psalm by Miss Mary
Goldsmith Tito beautiful prayers of
I the order were read by Chaplain Mrs.
I Louisa Jackson, after which several
members paid high tribute to Mrs.
' Wishart's excellence as wife, mother,
I anil associate in tbe order.
By motion of Mrs. Iteheccn Stevens,
It was resolved to have the .1. V. Presi
dent's chair and the charter draped in
mourning for the period of six months.
President Mrs. S M. Cook appoint
I ed the following committee to draft ap
propriate resolutions on the death of
the J. V. P. Mrs. Maria Wishuri:
Mrs. Kehecca Stevens, Mrs. Elizabeth
Woollet, Mrs. Maria Peck.
The services were further continued
by the use of appropriate responsive
Matting and ended with the singing of
"Nearer, My God, to Thee."
The members of King Corps, No. 18
Woman's Relief Corps, have learned
with profound sorrow of the death of
their honored Junior Vice President
Mrs. Maria Wishart, which occurred
Friday, March 27, at Johnstown, i'a.
In view of this sad bereavement, it is
fitting and proper that the Corps
should (five expression to the heartfelt
sorrow which this dispensation of di
vine providence has occasioned.
Wiikukas. U is appropriate that we ex
press our appreciation Of oue who. with will
ink' huntls. h is ever been lesdy to lalor for
the welfure of others, and to carry out in ev
ery possible way. the plans and purpose- el
our Corps; therefore he It.
ltKlni.VKD, That in I tie death of Mrs. Mm a
Wishart the Woman's Relief Co-us has lost
one of its most loved and useful members, one
who was recoifnled-by all us u hitfll tjpeof
Christ uti womanhood: iiml further be It.
IMsoi.vKli. Thai we tender to the bereaved
ones our heartfelt sympathy in this, their hour
of ttrcat loneliness
KkswiI.vki). Thai ibts tribute to the memory
of OUT loved associate he spread upon our
minutes and a copy of the same sent lo the
lieieuved family.
Mas. Kkiuci m a Stevkns.
MllS. KUZillKTH Vfool.L,IST.
Mas. Mauia I':.
Spring Opening
At Crownover & Isenberg's,
We take plensure in stating that our Sprint lines of General Mer
chandise is about compile and ready for your Inspection. We are
not exaggerating when we lay that our lines for the comlnp Spring
ore mom complete and up-to-date than any lines of iteneral Merchan
dise ever In uiitfht to Saltillo, Pa. You don't have to take our word
lor the above assertion, but come in and see for yourself.
First Floor
I)re3s pinjrhams, 8 to 12o. yd.; Percale, II) to He yd.: Shorkskin suit
Inifi, 28c. d.: Standard sacking, -8 and Ite, yd.; newest Plaid suiting,
4Hnnd 50c. yd.: Sptlttog, 10 to 14c. yd.: Mohairs. 18 to 50p. yd.; Pan
amas, jQ to !". yd.: !' 1 Sheeting, JO to Md yd : Pillow Tubing, 20c.
yd. In Summer Wuisling Goods, our line was never more complete.
Come in and see them. Get prices in Gents' Dress Shirts all 50c.
styles 4Hc. ; ail $1 ,00 shirts USc. You capnot miss seeing these lines
lefore buying. In Groceries we refer you to Announcement sale for
prices In last Ad to appear In this paper, except Flour. Our own
brand -Silver Leaf is known, (1.81 uer sack, and Blended Flour
the name is While Dove tl.&j per sack. We cannot say too much in
favor of this. It cannot help being tbe best, as it is manufactured
from selected Spring and Winter wheat) carefully blended in our own
Mill. Try It and lie couvinced that it Is tbe best. Don't forget we
pay the highest cash prices for good grain Dress Shoes for Ladle,
Gents, Hoys, Misses, and children Our line was never more com
plete. In order to pet room for our big of Shoes, we went
through our entire line, and all broken lines we laid aside, which
must be sold, and in order to sell them quick, they go at H8c. We have
them in Ladles', Gents', Hoys' and Misses' for dress and everyday
Second Floor
you will lind Clothing for Ladies, Gents, Hoys and Children. Space
will not permit, to give prices on our big line of Ladles' Waists and
Skirts, and Gents' and Hoys' Suits, but we urge you to MM in and
see tin m for yourself and get prices.
Third Floor
Mattings, Graniteware, Ladles' Coats, Crockery, Hrooms. and every
thing in wood and willow ware lines, with prices marked in plain lig
ures. Look them over at headquarters for General Merchandise.
Yours for business,
Crownover & Isenberg,
Saltillo, Pa.
Treasurer's Sale of Un
seated Land.
Atfreeublo to the provisions of uu Aut of As
MUwy, dtreotlw tlw mode of suliiuu Pnxeiu
ed iVirids fir Tues undolher purposes, pussed
Lhel'.'thduv of Muri!)i. lo7. unu the MM) Of
Mftrob, IMK, und tlx: mh of Muruh the
TreiiK.irer of the County of lAnton. hereby
glveH notice lo all pernon- eonce rued, that un
ion the County, Kou and I'oor tuxes
on the following tracts uf UuseuieU Ijindh sit
uute In Fulton County, are puld before the
day of Sal, the w nolt- or such purt of each
tract as wlllpuythe taxes and costs chaixe-
tle thereou will be so'd In the CoimnlbslouerN
OfHoe. in the Court House, in the Morouj'h of
McCon ctlhurtf, C uuty of I'm ton on the
second Monday (Hth day) of June next for the
urreaiuKcs of txes due ud coul urep'ud
thereon, and said suit will continue from day
tu day um 1 all are disposed of Sar to com
mence at t o'c.ock, p. m. Termseaih.
WA If It A NTKK. Af'iiKS. AM- V NT
Ayr Towufhlp,
Isuuc Ten, -,Mi4 $ rvfo
Sarah Custer. int. StU ,
Itetht'l Township,
aruh .ape. i: 48
Jacob Mori. 76 1.00
Mary S. I'rtce, UH 1.50
HelfuM Towushlp.
John LOfOf. 150 1.C4
llritsh Creek TowuhcIp
John Lotfau. 2M i i
Andrew l-oKan. 400.4
Charles lXlworth, H lot. 40J 7.H3
Dubila Township.
Wm. McConnell, . ,$ 4.23
Wm. I evee.s, i:J tf.'tf
ieo. i -s, 4 0 M. -fh
J Huruard llamsey ("JO UVOH
Cotuerer and Kruker. 400 U, 10
ointM-eruud Krakcr. Ueo. Hit Mm
Abuer Morton 8.4'
Ucklntf Creek TownMhip,
JohnO- QUUnu
Adam KauiTinan, 37 1 83
Taylor Township.
John I'hilljis. 418
Pete Fix. helm. 7 1 01
Kutrers aud O'lfrfen, I lot i.jjh
Thompson Townshiip.
Ueorve Chfout, M 8A
J. (J. Itennbt. 1 ;.vl
Todd Township
Mary ilrltloii. 400 !fl f8
Jacob Helnluk, 50 .' :s
M K. Taylor, 4)0 n.m
Catherine Kckert. ft H.ftj
Mrs. 11 S. Keiphart, 70 y.M
Wells Township.
Hanunh Cavln, to4 -J.V4
W. W KdwardM. . IR
iiav.-i U. NU. 8 t.3t
TreaMurftr'w Office, Treasurer.
April 0, IV b
zS, GO TO 3?
Madden Bros.
For all kinds of
Are you in need ot a corn planter or a cultivator? We
have them Double and Single Row Planters, Walking
and Riding Corn Plows, latest improved.
Fertilizer tor spring use now on hand. In our
New goods are arriving daily. All the latest things in
Ladies' Spring and Summer Dress Goods.
Men's and Women's Oxfords
and Dress Shoes. We have the largest line of these in
this part ot the County to select from, and we can save
you money on them.
Call and examine our stock. Telephone service.
MJconellnhurfr. March '.M. VM
j The follow In is a lt ot retail and wholefttle
I ve den or dealerMn tfowU. tin eH merchandise
c.mimodltleN (ir effect" of w hatwoever kind or
n 1 lure, Miibjcot to ti mercantile llceuae tax. In
I-'i ion county. Pennsylvania, returned to the
proper authorities theten by the i!UdeiIv tied.
Mercantile Appraiser In and for the county of
Kul ton nforenld and pubM-fte! by the direc
tion of the OommtivUnnerN of tali county.
Names of retailer. C1aMfleatlon of buMlnesM,
Ayr Townahp.
J. C. Htdn, merchandise.
1). H. I'afetornon Aon. tncreruksdlne.
Peter Kirk. meichandlne.
Rowe Uellott. merchandise.
llelfant TowOhhtp.
U. J. Mellotfc. in. 1 fi. 1 1 '
Ahlmauic Kuuyao. merchandise
W V Hart, rherchnndlfte.
Jov. t ake,
Mrs M AktrtH. iner handlwe,
II S, Meliott. rnerchanrllve.
Johu llewintfer, meruhandlRe.
Kate Smith, Tirrchandl-ie.
A. M.Oaiiand. merchundine.
flethel Tow nh p.
Andrew (llnhoD. farm ImplementK.
Q I' Hill merchanduie
s. M. Camel! A Son. inercbandlfe.
Wm. Palmer, merchandise.
W. P Oordon. merchHndtse
s P. W inter A Hro., farm imp'etnenlii, etc.
HniKh Creek Towmshlp.
O. R. Ihivall. merchnndlf-ie.
O. H. Schenck. met chanriise.
Ueo. O Lynch. inerchandtHe.
O, W Tru merchundine.
Carl Meliott. merchandise.
A. W spude. mereluud.M.
Carey l.ay ton. merchandise.
Dublin Township,
L H. Urove. merchandiMC.
S, I. Buckley, merchandise.
Krank Itarc. mci chandise.
M. S. Wilt, clirant
llrin'i1 Woolett. merchnndKe.
Mrs. J. ii Welsh, merchandise.
Itobcri MiodnecU. cluurs.
'Chad. McfJehee. merchaud'se.
J. K K iuu. meichanillse
l. ('. Uo man. mcrcliuudise
W K RvaoH. buffle.
Licking Creek Towushlp.
Joseph H Meliott. iner hatdlse
C. h. Mnn. merchande
Ncvln M LaullK merchandise.
M. M. HoilcnMhead. merelnndlae.
0. P.. Hann. merchandiHe.
K. J. Croft, merchandlHf.
(Ieo U. Meilott. huriiware ami machinery.
Ueo. Xt. Hays, merchandise.
C. Li. Slovens. Ueuts f 1.1 uihiUK
Tiout' Dtuk Store. iuh.
OaO. Itexro'h. clears,
Samuf-t Mender, furniture.
C C. Header unicerhs.
lolm W Ureathead. merchar.dlHe
Mrs A. V Little millinery.
Harrv Hamll. olfrarx.
Wm. Nesblt, hardware and rpauhlnerT,
Thos Hamll, ti ocerles.
T. H. btevcnft "on, furniture.
Mist A.J. Irwin A Co.. mll.lnerv.
John a. Irwin, ifrocerten.
(Jh hh. K. Scott, vrocerles.
Wm. Stoncr, furniture.
Hull x Hender, merchandise.
A IT. Nace & Son. tients furnlf hfntr.
J. K.Johnston me cha disc.
W S. CTever er furniture.
K. K. Upl lain, tfr-iueilea.
(ieo. W. Kelsner& Co, ir erchandlne.
W M. Kennedy. hiineaN.
P IV Mann, names
T J. Comei er. ta mini; Implements.
tStvuteui;'( BftML. (froeciies.
S. A NesbH. TarmiuK ImplementM.
(iohUmlih at Co. tfioceitea.
Taylor Township
Clem Chewmt. furn lure and hardware.
N. M. Kirk. meruhaiidUe.
C. J. Hartou. merchtindlse.
A.J. Lamber-on. mcrchudUe.
Wlneifardner iSr Son. merchandiHe.
S. C. ti.acv merchandise.
Mrs M. t'. Hcrkstre.sscr. merchandUa.
Mich 'd Laid a. merchandise.
Roit. Huston merchandise.
A. N. Witter m rchaodise.
Russel Hamsev. merchandise.
Mrs. H. C. McClaln millinery.
Thompson Township.
Joseph Covalt. meruhandlse,
Amos Sharp, merchandise.
Jno. C. Douglass, ujerchandlne.
B M Slmps in. inerchaudlse.
U. W. flishop. grocer e.
Todd Township.
Johe A. Hamll. merchandise.
Ira Fore, merchandise. .
Union Townshly. -S.
K. McKee. merchundUe.
C N. Surlever. merchandise.
S. 0- Luhhlcy. inerch;iud(He
Chas A. Sltrle. merch-indise.
Xorthcraft Hro., mcr"hadlse.
Wrells Township.
Huumgardner & Co.. merchandise.
M. W. Houck. merchandise.
N. U. 4'uunlnKham. merchuudlse.
1 . A. Horton. merchandise.
Ueo. Spmwl, merchandise.
Heurv Truax, merchaudlse.
Aud notice is hereby Mlven to all taxabtes
herein lhat an appeal. In accordance with the
Mercantile Atiprui er'a Act of Assembly will
be held by the Treaauier of Fulton county,
a. Mini' in conjunction with tbe suid Appraiser,
at the ontee of the County Treasurer. In the
Court House. McConnelNhurjf. Pennsylvania,
on Saturday; April t&. 1908, between the hours
of 1U o clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m!. when
-nd where ail paries interested are reiiulred
to appear and alt rvrlevnnces will be heard.
Mercantile Appraiser.
6 per cent. Mortgages.
('llU'l'LAH. vhloh KhuHH our unique pluucf
pliiclnK uionov on IIEAI. ESTATE In 1'ITTS
Bl'RU. PA . F1KST MOUTUAUFS 0 per cent
to tne InveHior. All .xp.-ns.-s puld by the bor
rower. We ucoept of reraltiauoes of teou to
10.000 itutl over. Wo huve ihe iii refer-
eueei, which uppeur on eirculur. Over 2fi
f it In buvluexs. Send uk your npure money
for investment.
Jas. W. Drape & Co.,
Scotuh Mortiruge Uuultera. Suit (1J-12 1-2-13
Farfller8, Bank Bldf., PITTSBURG.
Hello Central!
Give m3
John S. Wilson's Store,
Hello: thin Mr. WUun ? Say, havo you any Men'H Suits f
Yes, just rtxwlvud my Sprtnjf shipment of Men' Hoys' und Youth's
What are the prices V
Well, we have Men's from 18.60 to HI8.00, the latest style Varsity
suit. Just the thing for dress. Then we have Boys' ivjm 2.03 up;
Knee pants from lido, up; MeD'a pants, 2.00 up. We also have a full
line of Overalls, Junipers, Men's Work Shirts, Men'a Dres Shirts -In
fact, u full line of notions, at right We also keep a full
line of dry goods, Groceries, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Hard
ware, Farm Implements, Washing Machines, Cook Stoves aud Rang
es; also, a full line of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Paints, etc.
Nnt a few prices :
Granulated Sugar,
li akes Star Soap, 23c.
Gopd loose GoU'ee, 12c. lb.
ti papers Ucrap Tobacco, 23c.
PropQttionftta throughout Llio store.
Jual received my lirst consigament
of White Lead. Price 7c. per lb.
Our Spring line of Shoes and m-
fords will lie sin'exhiblUbn in a day or
two, at prices that will surprise you.
Come and look them over.
r'lour aud Feed always on haod.
Highest market pi ice paid for Pro
duce. Thanking rou for past favors and
asking a continuance of the same, I am
Your Servant,
I have just refilled my sheds
with a line lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices)
I also have in stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles. .
1 want your trade. Please come
and see my stock before you
niuke a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage in the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same in the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned hereby gives notice
that tbe lauds and premises of the Ful
ton County Hod aud Oun Club, anor-
f:anization duly incorporated by the
aws of Pennsylvania, situated In tho
towmihlps of Wells and Brush Creek,
county of Fulton and state of Pmuisyl
vania, are private property, aud tliat
all persons are warned not to trespass
mi Said lands anu premises for 'ii
purpose of huntlug, fishing, gathering
nuui or oerries, on in any other mau
uar whatever contrary to acts of as
Mpbii in such oases made ami provid
ad un the law will br rigidly enforced.
Fulton County Rou andOu Clu.