INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of I r-c' and General Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Mr. aod Mrs. Levi Skiles and sor Wallt co, of Pleasant Ridge, were in town yesterday on bust MM Foley 's Oi ido Laxative is best for women and children. Its mi d action and ploasru.t taste makes it preferabla to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc Cu es constipation. Trout's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Trttle, of Fort LoudoD, span yestercky wilh friends on this side of the mountain. A big cut or a little cut, small scratches or bruise or big ones are healed quickly by DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Get DeWitt's. Sold at Trout's drug store. John Spade aud family, who had been living on the Paul Peck farm near Gem, have recently moved to the Cove and are now tenants on Alex Pa.terson"s farm near Cito. John W. Souders, who had been liviDg on Alex's farm, bought the Johnston Con rad farm and took possession of it a few days ago. The kidneys are delicate a id sensitive organs and are very likely at any time to get out of or der. Do Witt's Kidney and Blad der Pills are prompt and thor ough aud will in a ver.v short time strengthen the weakened kidneys and allay troubles arising from inflammation of the bladder. Sold at Trout's drug store. B. F. Cutchall was in town yes terday and bought a brand new Milburn wagon. Mr. Cutchall is going to try lumber hauling this year. The Democratic voters are re quested to remember that on the 19th of April they will have an opportunity to vote for Mr. S. N. Garland of Brush Creek town ship for the nomination for coun ty commissioner. Mr. Garland, it will be remembered, was a candidate for the same position three years ago. 2t. Mrs. Wm. P. Younker, of War fordsburg, accompanied by Miss Zoo Mason, teacher ot the War' fordsburg school, spent Saturday aud Sunday with the latter s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M ison, of this place. After much delay the state au thorities have r. paid the Hunt ingdon county commissioners the -,952 paid out for bounties. As the state appropriation is ex hausted no more bounties will be paid this year. Kodol F'or Dyspepsia has help ed thousands of people, who have had stomach trouble. 'I Ins is what one man says of it : "E. C, DeWitt & Co , Chicago, 111. Gentlemen In 1897 I had a dis ease of the stomach and bowels. I could not digest anythiug I ate and iu the springcf 1902 1 bought a bottle of Kodol and the boneflt I received from that bottle all the gold in Georgia could not buy. I slill use a little occasionally, as I And it a tone blood purilier and a good tonic. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell, Itoding, Ga , Aug. 27, 1908." Sold at Trout's drug store. Mooday bi ing theseventy sixth anniversary of the entry of James Cleveuger into this sphere of ac tivity, about thirty of his friends aud neighbors assembLd at his brother's in the Extension, rhere he has his home, to remind him of the fact. The company was entertained by a number of selec tions on the phonograph, after which refreshments were served At a late hour, after having spent a delightful evening, the company departed, wishing Uncle Jim mauy more such events. He was the recipient of a number of use ful gifts. IMPORTANT DECISION. It is important that you should decide to take only Foley's Hon ey and Tar when you have a cough or cold as it will cure the most obstinate racking cough and expel the cold from your system Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful druRa. insist upon having it Trout's drug store. WELLS TANNERY. Alex Foreman and daughter Mary spent Sunday with J. B. Uorton. The stork left a daughter at the home of Alfred Stunkard. Mary Horton spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. D. Foote. Mrs. Daniel Warsing spent a day at Everett last week. Mrs. V. D. Schenck and son Harry were visiting friends Sun day. Miss Netha Warsing spent Sunday with Nathan Horton's. Commencement Exercise at Wells Valley M. E. church the 8th of April. Mr. James Truax, who has oeen employed "at Minersville spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. J. W. Barnett was on the sick lif t part of the week. Mrs. Foote went to Everett Saturday. V. D. Schenck and son Earl went over to Brush Creek Satur day. Charley Eirley received in juries last Wednesday which might have proved fatal. While grooning one of his horses it kicked him in the stomach, which caused him to be uncoccious fir sometime but he is reported some better now. Dorsey Barnett returned home from Kobertsdale last week. Only a few more days of school yet Our schools have got aloDg nicely under the control of Lillian Burket aud Murnl Foreman. Oue of our villagers ordered u etof boxing gloves and in a round got beat. John A. Wishart went to Johns town, Sunday, to attend futeral of Mrp. Dr. Wishart, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E Truax, and Mr. and Mrs. Jane Truax, Jr., visited Mr. Joe Truax, of Eaid, last Sunday. They found him in a serious condition no hope for his recovery. Charles Early was kicked by one of his driving horses a few jjays ago. It was thought for a time that he was hurt inwardly, but glad, to say he is improving. Roy Helijel and Lewis Guilland, who have been employed in some of the western towns, have re turned to their father's home un til the panic passes by. Our Reverend friend, Walter Stewart, has been spending a few days with bis parents Mr. aud Mrs. G. A. Stewart. He is returned to the Shirley station another year. Mr. Hixson, of Brush Creek, visited his daughter, Mis. N. W. Horton last week. T woof our Sunday schools have arranged to meet Wednesday eve ning to take tirst lesson in teach ers training class under instruc tton of Prof. H. M. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirk are visiting-friends in South Fork and other places. Mr. JamnB Truax, Sr. and wife, ot Westtield, Pa , visited relatives here the early part of week. An Insidious Danger. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an in sidious disease aud before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregul arities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Trout's drug store. One of the slickest window screens we have soen for a long time is being sold now in this community by W. S. Dunlap, of New Grenada. From the large number of orders he has taken for them, there are others who think they are a good thing. Bad Breath. A well-known physician, who undoubtedly knows, declares that bad breath has broken off more matchus than bad temper. mere are anient lovers who must sometimes wish their sweethearts presented sweeter mouths to bo kissed. Good teeth cannot prevent bad breath when the stomach Is disordered. The best cure for bad breath is a cleansing out of the body by use of Lane's Family Medicine the tonle laxative. This ta a herb medicine, sold in ssc. and goc. packages by drug- Sists and it is aavlng more doctor s ills than any other medicine has ever saved. It cures headache, backache, indigestion, constipation aud tk aitnaaos. A Noted Artist has said "the beautiful contour, the exquisite symmetry of neolt, shoulders, and throat of woman la for angelic discussion, not within the province of mn to describe," All this transcendent loveliness you will frequently find adorned with a ten cent breast pin studded with glass stones, an Insult to na ture. Gentlemen, this grievous fault Is yours buy your wife or sweet heart a brooch of character aod merit for Kstor. Ottf stock of artis tic gold brooches contains many beautiful specimens of real merit. A brooch finishes this most beautiful of all pictures. WM. H LUDWI6, Jeweler and Silversmith, Trust Company Building, Chambersburg, Pa. Look Here, Farmers! THE WELD THATYi ELD If you contemplate putting up any wire fence, give us a call. We carry a full line ot woven wire. We have also, a full line of FARM IMPLEMENTS Plows, Harrows, riding and walking Cultivators, Corn Planters, etc. Will have fertilizer for spring use, of dil terent grades; also, Farm Wagons and Buggies. In our GENERAL STORE we have a full line of groceries, dry goods, clothing, no tions, etc. Give us a call and look over our immense stock of goods. Telephone and mail orders promptly at tended to. MADDEN THREE SPRINGS, PA Sweeping the Field What The New 1908 D3 Lavat Cream Sep arators are Doing. Reports are arriving In every mall from Maine to California and Canada to Florida, telling of how the New Improved De Laval Cream Separators ore sweeping all would-be competition aside. Cow owners and separ ator users everywhere cannot say enough in praise of the new De Laval. Kven com iwtltoi . are admitting its vastly Increas ed superiority and marvelling at its many conveniences, perfect skimming qualities, ease of running, great simplicity, durability and beauty of design. The new De Laval Is ten years in advance of any other separator made to day. Nothing like it has over been produced before and to have done so now is only possible after three years of constant experimenting by the world's best engineers and mechanical experts backed up by our thirty years of experience in the manufact ure and sale of nearly a million separators. Improvements have been made in every feature and several brand new styles and capaci ties introduced. There is a machine for every size dairy from the smallest to the largest and at a price that will lit every pocket, while you may buy for cash or on terms so liberal that the machine will ac tually pay for iiself. If you own one or more cows you can make no more prolitable in vestment than to purchase a De Laval muchlne at once It will save its cost iu less than a year and after a week's use you will prize it as the most valuable implement on your farm. AsIc for a free demon stration at your own home and send for our handsome new catalogue Illustrating and describing De Laval machine in detail. Your cnly regret will be that you didn't do so sooner. Write to-day for Cata logue or call on D. C. MALLOTT, Locust Grove, Pe. Judge Smith of Clearfield uouutv, last ween hauded down an opinion IB the case ot the Clearhld Republican Publishing (sompauy vs the county of Clear Ueld in favor of the plaintiff. This is the case iu which the county commisaioners refused to pay the Clearfield Uepublicau 1180 for publishing the election proclamation. The CLiiimittaron ers decided that tho paper as well as others which printed the pro clamation was entitled to about loi, and refused to pay more. (Juder the decision the Republi can will gat $180. Goernor Stuart has issued a proclamation designating April 8 and 24 as Arbor Days in which he says the American people are on the verge of a timber famine, because the annual consumption of lumber is more than three times as great as the yearly growth. The annual observance of Arbor D ty by the u ihools and by the people, in cities as well as in rural sections, has helped to create public sentiment and to disseminate useful knowledge with reference to the planting and oare of trees and the preserv ation ot our forest. REISNER S To those interested in WALL PAPER We wish to call attention to our stock which is larger than ever before all NEW AND UP-TO-DATE . Prices, from 3 cents up. By Court we will have in place lots of SPRING STUFFS NEW PRICES which in most instances are considerably off from last year. JVe will be able to show you some Nice Suits far Men and Boys. Just in. SHOES FOR EVERYONE Please call. G. W. REISNER k CO. ArlcConnellsburg, Pa. " MM. HW Wl IWWff SURSMIM(IKW RACKET STORE Wire Fence ! Wire Fence ! We arc now ready to Serve your wants in Amorican Wire Fence, and at prices that we think wlll'make It prolitable for you to burn your old rails and buy wire. It Is almost as cheap. You can buy it from us at 2."-:jy-.'O-and-l0e. a rod, and we will lend you a stretcher to put it up with. Before you buy, see ours. Farm bridles, Si. 50 to S2.2. Full leather collars, U.M and 2.!." The 11 95 collar is the same that others sell at $2.50. The S2 1)5 one is the same as they ask" $ I 00 for. Guaranteed. See our Front Dears, We have the most of our Wall Paper for spring in, and to say it is line is a mild way of putting it. We never had as good a line. 3c. to 10c. a bolt, and Border the same price. We didn't have S5 worth left over. Now, to those that are going to housekeeping this spring, we want to say a word. We hive wlndo shades 8 to 25c; carpet, 10 to 48c,; matting, 12 to 23c ; Dish pans, 14 to 75c.; Wasli Basins, 5 to 12c; Stew pans, 4 to 18c.; Stew Kettles, 20 to 58c; Buckets, 10 to 38c; Knives and forks, .'18 to SI. 25; Spoons, 0 to 12c set; Alarm clocks, 58 to SI 38 8-day clocks, il 08. Western Maryland Railroad Company. In Effect June 2, 1907. Truliis louve Hancock us follow.; No. rt 6.4ft a. m. (dully) for Huierstowu. Hal tlmore. Waynesboro, Chunibeixburtf, und lutermedlute. No. 1 -9 SO u. m. ( wefk days) Cumberland, uud Intermedlule. No. 4-10 00 it. m w itI; duytO Hultlmore. Get tysburg. York uud intermediate. No. S-12.66 p m. (week days) Uttle Orleuns. Old Town. Cumberland. Rlklos uud west. Vestibule train with observation buffet car. No. 2 IMP m. (week day) Hultlmore uud lu- termediute stations. Vestibule truln with observation buffet oar. No' 6- B.46 p m (dully) leaves llaltlmore i.'JO p. in . HuierHtowu 7.40 p. m. All trains muke connection ut llrucev'.!! for Frederick uud trains 6 uud 4 for points north .ni ut Hultlmore (Union Station) fo- Phliu, lelplil und New York. K. M. HOW KM... C. W. MY KRS. Gen. Iu h. Atft. Aent. tV. M. COMERER, agent for THE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time. We also have the most of our Shoes In for spring, and think we can save you money. Kespectfully HULL & BENDER. McConneUsburg, Pa. I BARGAINS AT 1 D. C. MALLOTT'S STORE. FLICKERS VI LLE, PA. t Granulated Sugar, 5 l-2c lb.; Arbuckles Coffee 16c. lb.; Dutch Java, 20c. lb.; Shoe tacks. 4c. box; Toilet soap, 4c. cika; Faicr trlit soap, 9c. cake or 3 cakes for 2 Sc. ; all kinds of Congh Sprup, 23c bottle; Matches, 4c. box; Butter Crackers, lOc, now 9c. lb. or 3 lbs. for 2 Sc.; Men 's Heavy Work Coats. $1.35, now Sl.lO; Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants, $2. SO, now $2.25; Men's Heavy Under wear, $1.00, now 75c. suit; Calico. 8c. yd., now 7c, ; Gingham, 1 Oc. yd. , now 8c. ; Flannelettes, 11c yd., now 9c; Outings, lOc.yd.. now 9c. S Cut prices on all Rubber Goods. I uroinptlT obtained In all oonniria. or mo rut. I TRADK-MAItftS, Caveats uud Cui.yriytite rtKt- I I tered. 8nd HkeUrk, Model or 1'liuio, lui fxae I report on j-ateniainuiy. all uaiNtaa I STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, l aleul bumUM) I UXi'lllKlYI'lT. HUH lllat irifmin-i. I u 1 iciirtuke inventors noma Imvflotir IikikI- I tkbol' Ollllow tOul'LtlllftUd .St-11 UaUtflktS-Whatlth I I TtnltomirUl iay.llowtotf,tipartnTyiidoi!i,r I vaiuauit) uiioriiiaiiun. neni ireo iu tuiy audrbM. I D. SWIFT & CO, 1501 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C.J QRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take . The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes.. Price OOo. Trout's Drug Store. KILL the COUCH and CURIE LUNGS with Dr. King's Now Discovery nC8Br JSfc 0 AU TMSOm AMD IUWU rwOUBlfcg. O, UARAWTHCD 8ATIBFA0TOSY