INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS 01 1 cl and Oeneral Intercut, Gathered at Home or Clipped Iroin oar Exchange!. CONDENSRD FOR HURRIED READERS Mrs Harriet Deshong has sold her tract of laud near Pleasant Kidge to Urner Truax. Miss Myrtle Kelso is suffering with nervous prostration the re sult of having had her teeth drawn. Kodol is today the best known and most reliable rem dy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach and belching of gas. Kodol contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Ko dol is pleasant to take. It is guaranted to give relief and is sold here by Trout's drug store Mr. George M. Deshong of Hustontown and mother Mrs. Harriet Deshong were in town yesterday. Mr. John Riha, of Vining, la , says "1 have been selling De Witt's Kidney and Bladder P:lls for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with tine results." Sold by Trout's drug store. T. M. Hockensmith and family moved on Tuesday from the Swan farm, near Meelyton Huntingdon county to a farm near Decorum. This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia: "E C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs I have suffered more than twenty years from indiges tion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse that 1 could not digest a crust of c ni bread and could not retain anything on my stomach I lost 25 lbs.; in fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consent to try it to please him and I was better in one day. I i.ow weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I beep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefited. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904." Sold by Trout's drug store. Charlie King and family are moving from the Vores farm near Vallance'8 schoolhouse, to the J. K. Wiley farm near Neelyton, Huntingdon county. A Cure For Misery. "1 have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces." says It. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's called Electric Bitters, und comes in 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case of chills or a bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission. " This great tonic medicine and blood puriner gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at Trout's drug store. John Gress moved Monday from the Charles (J -ess house opposite the Lutheran church to the Geo. Heinbaugh house in the Extension, which he recentlv purchased from Mr. Heinbaugh. A Life At Stake. Your life may be at stake when you notice any sign of kidney or bladder trouble as Bright's dis ease and diabeteu start, with a" slight irregularity that could be quickly cured by Foley's Kidney Remedy. Commence taking it at the first sign of danger. Trout's drug store. Mr. F. N. Runyan writes that the spring is opening up nicely at Mountain Lake Park. They now have a mile and a half of spendid board walk, and more is being added to its length Lie will bo glad to see any of his Ful ton ct unty friends at the Park this summer. Executor's Notice. ALMiie.r' te""eotryon tbe eatale of Sarah if it ,, ' (,'idow of ) S IMiiumoj, Into Jrun iL 7?r,"Nburj"'? neoeel. UuvIuk been i,,m i,i ... I1'" Jud,'re,iJiied. ill persons iDilel.ted i iliilni i11,? relucted Lo in ke luiuimllalt) u.ri .h"".11 th hating olaluta or demand, delay to '"'Ule "Ul pr"Bnt " wllhoul W. H, NELSON. MoConnell.burg, Pa Executor. MMt, Town Lot for Sale. R. M. Downes, now of Everett, offers his fine corner lot on front treet, McConnellsburg, Pa , at private sale. Size of lot 65x220 feet. A desirable lot for a line house. Inquire of M. M. Bender, McConnellsburg, 8-19-2t A Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeShong of Sipes Mill were given a pleas ant surprise Wednesday March lHth by the arrival of quite a number of friends and relatives who were laden with fcood things prepared for the occasion. A fine dinner was served at high uoon. The remainder of th day was spent in way of a friend Iv and social chat. At eventide all took their leave feeling that they had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. DeShong are aged 50 and 45 years respective ly, and were the recipients of maty beautiful and useful pres ents. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Truax, Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses DeShong, Mr. and Mrs. David Kline, Mr. and Mrs. George Mellott, Mr. and Mrs. John Bard and daughter Delorus Allison and Calvin Truax, Mau rice Polk, Shermaa DeShjng, Miss Frances Truax, Misses Goldie, Ada, Mattie, Edna and Ethel DeShong. How Cough Germs Multiply. When you have a cold the mucous membrane is inflamed and the disease perms which you breathe find lodgement and mul tiply, especially the germ. Foley's Honey and Tar soothes and heals the inflamed air passage, stops the cough and expels the cold from your Bystem Refuse substitutes. Trout's drug store. LAUREL RIDQE. Miss Alice Shives, Miss Bessie Gordon and sister Maudo, spent last Thursday with Mr. Robert Mellott and family. Mack Lynch and wife spent last Sabbath with Mrs. David Lynch. G. E Clou8er and wife spent last Sabbath with Mrs. Thomas Shaw. Among those that spent Sab bath with Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Gordon, were Mrs. Ida Feagley, Mrs John Gordon, George Lynoh and Harry Bivens. Mr. John Gordon and David Bivens expect to erect a new barn this summer. Mrs. Thomas Shaw spent part of last week with her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Tolbert, who is on the sick list. Miss Maude Gordon sper.t last Friday the guest of her sister Mrs. William Feagley. Miss Leah Shaw spent last Sab bath at the home of Mrs. Thomas Shaw. Preaching at this place the third Sunday m April at 3 o'clock p m., by Rev. A. G. B. Powers, everybody welcome. A NARROW ESCAPE. Many people have a narrow es cape from pueumoma and con sumption as a result of a cold that hangs on. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds no matter how deep seated and prevents pneumonia and con sumption. Refuse substitutes. Trout's drug store. FORTUNE TELLER'S RUN. Harvey Black and wife moved from Johnstown to the Kirk farm. and is improving his premises. Mrs. Harriet Disbong is visit ing in tbe home of her son George. Auctioneer Chesnut seems to bo the busiest man around, now. Harry McElhenny moved last Wednesday, but inasmuch as he just flitted from one house into another, like many others, and did not go out of the community, there is nothing serious about it. Miss Anna Spicer is now board ing with Mary Kellar. Howard Denisar moved on Monday from the Gladfelter farm to a house one mile beyond Mer cersburg. Peter Mellott came home from the mines at Kearney on Monday saying vork was all stopped and may not commence for a year. The Purcell family are leaving our community this week and moving to Taylor township. Blue and Whits Canton China There seems to le a peculiar fascination for this product of the city of Canton, in China. How long- the Chinese hove made the HI tie onil White wore with its never varying decoration, we shall probahly never know, but we may rest assured that It has leen made and made exactly the same way it is made to-day, for a great many centuries. The ware is all made by hand which accouhts for the great Irregulari ty In shapes, sizes and finish. Our stock of this quaint, beautiful ohlna Includes three sixes of Coffee Cups and 9auccrs, Plates, etc. Odd pieces ranging In price from 1.00 and upwards, Bowls, Platters, 8oup and Vegetable Dishes, A. D. Cups and Saucars, etc. WV. H. LUDWIG, Jeweler and Silversmith, Trust Company Building, Chambersburg, Pa. A Sale and Sure Cough Cure. Kemp's Balsam Does not contain Opium, Morphiue, or any other narootio 01 " hubit-fonuiug " drug. There Is ao Narcotic la Heap's Balsam. Nothing of a poisonous or harmful ohiiruc tor en torn into its composition. Thia .-I, .hi and pure oough cure cures coughs that cuuaot b cured, by uy other inedldu. It lias saved tliouaau4s bom can sumption. It hns saved thousands of lives. A 85c. bottle contains 40 doses. At all druggists', 25c, 60o. and 1. Bout accept auylOlna clac. Hello Central! Give me John S. Wilson's Store, THREE SPRINGS, PA. Hello ! Is this Mr. Wilson t Say, have you any Men's Suits t Yea, just received my Spring shipment of Meo's Hoys' and Youth's Clothing What are the prices ? Wei), we have Men's from $8.50 to $18.00, the latest style Varsity suit. Just the thing for dress. Then we have Boys' from $2.00 up; Knee pants from ifclc. up; Men's pants, 2.00 up. We also have a full line of Overalls, Jumpers, Men's Work Shirts, Men's Dress Shirts in fact, a full line of notions, at right prices. We also keep a full line of dry goods, Groceries, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Hard ware, Farm Implements, Washing Machines, Cook Stoves and Itang es; also, a full line of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Paints, etc. Note a lew prices : Groceries Granulated Sugar, 9 Cakes Star Soap, 25c. Good loose Coffee, 12c. lb. 0 papers Scrap Tobacco, 25c. Proportionate throughout the store. Just received my first consignment of White Lead. Price 7c. per lb. Our Spring line of Shoos and Ox fords will be on exhibition in a day or two, at prices that will, surprise you. Come and look them over. Flour and Feed always on hand. Highest market prices paid for Pro duce. Thanking you for past favors and asking a continuance of the same, I am Your Servant, JOHN S. WILSON, THREE SPRINGS, PA. What About A Cook Stove. Now that summer time and "dog days" are just ahead, every body who "summers" at home, is considering how to simplify things anri get the most comfort out of an uncomfortable situa tion. We interview the ice man; or der thin clothes; plan to ease up here and relax fiere; but more than likely forget the one most important item in tbe whole hot weather scheme some means of doing the family- cooking without the insufferable heat of a coal fire in the kitchen. Everyone with experience knows how tiresome it is to stay in a stuffy room to prepare a meal, let alone the doing of a big baking. But everyone doesn't know how very easy it is to change i hot kitchen to a cool one, and do better cooking at the sametime. Just add to your list of summer conveniences a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove and you've done all that any one can do to lessen hot weather discomfort. Wouldn't it be tine of a sum mer morning to step tn the kitch en, put on the kettle, broil the steak, bake the muffins, filter the coffee and give the breakfast call in one fourth the time you'd take to do it all on a coal stove? And wouldn't it be tine to be as cool when the breakfast was pre pared as when you first entered the kitchen? People who have tried It say that the New Perfection Oil Stove actually does everything in the line of cooking and domestic ser vice without overheating the room or tbe worker. Undoubtedly the reason is to be found in the blue tlame prin ciple on which the stove works. A cylindrical chimney con centrates the heat at the stove too and in this way prevents sur face radiation as in a coal or wood stove. It is easy to see that this les sens very much the matier of personal discomfort in summer housekeeping So don't forget the New Per fection Oil Stove in your summer plans and you will have a com fortable kitchen and the best cook stove in the world. Learn To Do Things Well. A boy who is soon to be a man, says a writer, must make up his mind whether he is going to do a great many or a few things. He must make up his mind whether he is going to enjoy playing ball and hate to go to church; to like horses and be afraid of his les sons in school. Which is wiser, to conclude that you won't try, or make up your mind todotbem well before you decide wheth'ei you will like them or not? If you want to remain a nothing, al ways in the way, you have noth mgtodo but refuse to try to learn; you will never be a great and good man. Doing yreat things to begin with is not a boy 's road to success. What he needs is to learn how to work and how to study; how to keep his money and how to spend it; how to be good-natured and how to say no; how to stand ahead in his sports and in class es. The children before going to bed should have their "hour." The intercourse with mother and father, in which should be sweet communion, the giving of child ish confidences, and the exchange of views, is more than beneficial to tbe child. These moments they will carry through life with them. It seems a hard matter to estab lish upon the proper footing the confidential relations which should obtain between parent and child, and which are so important to the child later. I have seen the grief of many a mother who finds that her daughter will confide to the veriest stranger matters that .she will not speak of to her moth er, because "Mother will make such a fuss about it." "Mother cannot understand it" You mothers, whom your daughters need as confidants, whom your sons grow away from, and who grieves in secret over this, ana lyze the case. You have, perhaps, been too busy looking after the material welfare of your children, or have left them too much to others. Begin at the very be ginning to be with your children at bedtime. Go over with them the events of the day as if you were one of them. It is thus that you will come to the secrets of their young lives; it is thus that you will win their confidences, which will form a habit from which they will n t depart In aft er life. "The Care ot Children,1 in The Ladles' World for March. mmmmmmmmmmmm REISNER To those interested in WALL PAPER tVe wish to call attention to our stock which is larger than ever before all NEW AND UP-TO-DATE Prices, from 3 cents up. By Court we will have in place lots of SPRING STUFFS FT NEW PRICES which in most instances are considerably off from last year. We will be able to show you some Nice Suits far Men and Boys. Just in. SHOES FOR EVERYONE Please call. G. W. REISNER & CO. McConnellsburg, Pa. WVWvVVVWvVVvWWVvWWWVv'i RACKET STORE Wire Fence! Wire Fence! We are now ready to serve your wants In American Wire Fence, and at prices that we think will ufake it prolitabie for you to burn your old rails and buy wire. It is almost as cheap. You can buy it from us at 2')-2'J-30-and-40c. a rod, and we will lend you a stretcher to put it up with. Before you buy, see ours. Farm bridles, $1.50 to $2.2). Full leather collars, 11.00 and $2.05 The $1.95 collar is the same that others sell at $2.50. The $2 OB one is the same as they ask $1.00 for. Guaranteed. See our Front Gears. We have the most of our Wall Paper for spring in, and to say it is fine Is a mild way of putting it. We never had as good a line. 3c. to 10c. a. holt, and Border the same price. We didn't have $5 worth left over. Western Maryland Railroad Company. In Effect June 2, 1907. Train leave H uncock us follows: No. (J 6. 4A a. m. (duily) fur Hatcnitown. fll- timore. Waynesboro, ChamberHUtirtf, and Intermediate. No. 18 50 a. m. (week days) Cumberland, and Intermediate. No. 4 -1000 a. m (week days) flallimore, (let- tysbui'K. York and intermediate. No. 8-li.55p m. (week days) Little Orleans. Old Town, Cumberland, Klklow and weHt. Vestibule train with observation buffet car. No. 2 t7 p. m. (week dajs) Baltimore and in termediate stations. Vestibule train with observation buffet ear. No' 6 H.4Np. m (daily) leaves Baltimore i.10 p. in . HaKerstown 7.40 p. m. All trains make connection at HrucevtUf for Frederick and trains 6 and 4 for points north and at Haltlmore (Union Station) for Phila, delphla and New York. K. M. HOWKLL, C. W. MYKRS. Gen. Pa s. Agt. Agent. fV. M. COMERER, agent for THE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Nutters, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time. Now, to those that are going to housekeeping this spring, we want to say a word. We have window shades 8 to 2c; carpet, Hi to 48c,; matting, 12 to 23c ; Dish pans, 14 to 75c. ; Wash Basins, 5 to 12c.; Stew pans, 4 to 18o.; Stew Kettles, 20 to 58c; Buckets, 10 to 38c.; Knives and forks, 38 to $1.25; Spoons, 0 to 12e. set; Alarm clocks, 58 to $1.38 8-day clocks, $1 08. We also have the most of our Shoes In for spring, and think we can save you money. Respectfully HULL & BENDER. McConnellsburg, Pa. fnmiptly obtained In all rounlrlrt, or NO FCC. I HAOfc-MAMKb, k it Vf tin a I ill OoUyl IKllls rtVlf- I tered. .Head HkctcQ, Model or 1'Uuto, lor free 1 roiurt va patentability. ALL SUA IN CAE I STRICTLY CONNDCNTIAL. 1 Aleut pravuoa I u-'iimiTriT. purULAa:nK reirnmfrm. i lt-;iwuke invetitoia ttiuiiM hnvour liinl. boot' oullow to ul'Liuiaml Sell Df.ti'iiia. What iii. I I vriiliuitBMill par.Howtu tr-i iirttitTjirl"t...-r I i fMMM miuruiaiion. win irec umj ill II HI I D. SWIFT & CO. 1 501 Seventh St., Washington, 9. C.J 9V3 && BARGAINS AT D. C. MALLOTT'S STORE, I FLICKERS VI LLE, PA. n Granulated Sugar, 5 1 -2c lb.; Arbuckles Cojfee 16 c. lb.; Dutch Jaya, 2Qc. lb.; Shoe tacks. 4c. box; & Toilet soap, 4c. caks; Faicv to;l9t soap. 9c. cake or 3 cakes for 2 5c; all kinds of Congh Sprup, 23c bottle; Matches, 4 c. box; Butter Crackers, IOc, now 9c. lb. or 3 lbs. for 2 Sc.; Men's Heavy Work Coats, $1.35, now $1.10; Men s Heavy Corduroy Pants, $2. SO, now $2.25; Men 's Heavy Under wear, $1.00, now 75c. suit; Calico, Sc. yd., now 7c, ; Gingham, 1 Oc. yd. , now Sc. ; Flannelettes. 11c yd., now 9c; Outings, lOcyd., now 9c. Cut prices on all Rubber Goods. m FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that, is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and 91.00 Bottles. RKFUHK SUBSTITUTES. Trout's Drug Store. KILL the COUCH and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery F0C8l!aS?ft AMD ALL THROAT OUAEANTKB OA MONEY JUadUsft STRovaict