FULTuN COUNTY NEWS Published Every Thursday, t W. tiiH, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG. PA. FEBRUARY 27, 1908 Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. &DTIITUIQ BATH. Her quart of lines I tiroes II M Her square eaoh aurmequent Insertion .... 60. A1 edrertlnemenla Inserted (or lesa than hree m mini charged br the square t $ not, eaaoa. 1 yr. .- f h... irrn lllt.00. (2000 $30.00 One half nolumn tR.OO. 40 00 50 00 One Column 40.00. Mi 00. Ts.00 Letter to L. Hohman, McConnellsburg Pa. Dear Sir i Say milk is worth 8c a quart. If water and sold at 8c, the mil it in it tetches 1-c a quart If water, 10c. If water, L'4c. If i water. B9& That's rather too stiff for milk; but watered pai.it is sold in all those proportions. Pure paint (Devoe) is sold for $1.75 a gallon. "Paint. ' at that price and white wash tetches 18.62. a gallon for the paint part of it. "Paint" whitewash fetches 3 50 a tallon for the paint iu it. "Paint" whitewash fetches $7.00 a gallon for the actual paint it contains. And people are paying all these prices for paint, when they buy adulterated paiuts. There are "00 such: only one Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. J. A. Boyd, Mercersburg and Norman O. Huber Chambers burg, sell our paint. There seems to be a growing sentiment everywhere through out the country that Roosevelt will be forced to the front as a candidate for another term and that Bryan is the only man who at the presor t time stands much of a chance for the democratic nomination. A DANGEROUS OPERATION is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work st quietly you don't feel them. They cure constipa tion, headache, biliousness, and malaria. 25c at Trout's drug store. A surprise party in honcr of the oirthday of Mrs CL Funk, near Need more, was held at her home last Monday About fifty people enjoyed the festivities and the hospitality of their host and hostess All report a very pleas ant time. Many were prevented from being there on account of so much sickness in the neighbor hood Mrs Kunk was the recip ient of many nice and useful re membrances of the pie isant occasion McConnelUbuit School. Fourth Month. PrtlMAHY. Number enrolled, 30; average attend anoe, 37: iwr cent, of attendance, ": thoae who attended every day : Helen Mender, !: ... Daniels, Mary FUhar, ! Beuiah lobnstou, Myrtle McQuade, ; Nettle Mellott, Winnie Mellott, Anna Mary Si(xs, Kthel Stevens, Goldle Trl tie, Helen Waahahaugh. iluieell Car I mack, Willis Daniel, Hobert Fassold, , ItoHa Hamil, Ted Uami1, France Houpt. Clifford Llnlnger, WUlia Mel lott, Keller Merit zr, Fete Morton, Frank shlmer, Dwight Kteaeh, Parker rritlp, Cheater U'oodul, Towniy Wood al, Nora Fisher, taacher. I NT RR MEDIATE. Number enrolled. 4(1: average attend a nee, 41: er cent, of attendance, 9."; attended every day during the month: Klizabeth Doyle, ( ! race Mcyuade, Floss Thompson, Lils Mason, Mildred Mock, liozella Stevens, Grace Steach, Lucille (.irlssinger, Dorothy Hamil, Or lea Mock, Harry Header, Albert I. argent, Webster Mellott, Thad Shim er, Klwood Grissiu ;er, Kobert Hamil, Hot lis Wible, Hnymond Grlssinger, Mac Morton Pierce Henry Walter Sargent, Guy Heed, Wayne Taylor, Fred Fisher. Gertrude Hoke, teacher. Best tor cakes of all makes T HI II WORTH REAUINU. Leo P. Zelinski, of 08 Gibson St , Buffalo, N. Y , says i "I cur ed the most annoying cold sore 1 ever had, with Buckleu's Arnica Salvo. I applied this salve once a day for two days, vhen every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guar antee at Trout's drug store. 25c. A very pleasant sled load of friends spent Monday evening of this ween in the home of Mr and Mrs Em ton Stinson near Knobs ville The party was composed of waiter Anderson wife and daughter Blanche; Nat ltotz, wife aud four sous; George Kelso and daughters Mary and J-lia; Miss Nellie Barmout and brother Hatvey; John Everts and Miss Luia Suyder After eating some tine apples and having some music, the party left for home Come again; we were glad to see you Medicine That U Mcdiciae. "1 have suffered a good deal with malaria anl stomach com plaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy is Electric Bitters, a medicine that is medicine for stomach aud liver troubles, and for run down conditions," aays W. C. Kiestler, of Halliday, Ark. Electric bitters purify and en rich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to the weak. Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at Trout's drug store. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. Everybody desires good health, wh ch is impossible unless the kidneys are healthy. Foley's Kidney Kemedy corrects irregu larities and cures all forms of uid ney or bladder disorders. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and prevent Bright's disease and diabetes. Trout's drug store. SALLVIA. Snow! Snow! Some of our roads are drifted shut, and sleds and sleighs are driven through the fields. Mrs. Leonard Hockensmith is very sick at this time. We are glad to see our friend Captain Dixon is able to be out again. Miss Annie Mann is suffering from a very sore eye. D. F. Mellott and wife are both on the sick list. Miss Ettie Hann, of Everett is visiting friends in this commun ity. Our fox hunters have been ouite successful in capturing the "grays" this winter. D E Mel lott has CiUght five, Rowland Sharpe, four; Howard H , two; lones Mellott, one; uncle John Hann, one making a total of thirteen les of that destructive animal to prey on our rabbits, pheasants and turkeys. There will be a number of our people change place of residence this spring. Marked lor Death. "Three years ago 1 was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first dose helped me, and improvement kept on until I had gained 58 pounds in weight, and my health was fullv restor ed." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs aud colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumon ia. Sold under guarantee at Trout's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. NEW GRENADA. Hert McClain has lieen on the sick list during the past week ....Four of Jacob Black's children have chicken pox Hlaoohe Croraor, or Fort Lit tleton, visited friends here a day and night during the past week John Houck is Durslng a very sore linger. . . . .Harry Shafer, of Kearney, spent, a few days with his parents here. . . . Mrs Guv Weaver, of Saltillo, Is visiting in the Mills family. She is making preparation to leave for Streator, II. , where her husband now is he having sold his mercantile business at Saltil lo, and is now engaged solely In the shoe business. Sorry to see theiu leave, but our best wishes go with them ChaiMes Allow. ; and family of Uroadlop City, visited friends here last Saturday and Sunday J. F. McClain had an accident at his saw mill last Friday. The large circular saw ran Into one of the steel dogs, damagiog the saw. No one was hurt but the fire Hew lively for a short time. . . . .The Oddfellows here had a "blow out" in the Hall last Saturdiy night -a real oldfashloned oyster suppar withsoine 'side dishes" mixed lu. The occasion was very enjoyable Hlch- ard Alloway was housed Saturday and Sunday wi;h grippe W. J. Crlder aad son Carl, of Wood vale, visited Jacob Crlder, and furnished some good graphophone music Satur day evening. Kgro NO CASE ON RECORD. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting m pneu mouia or consumption after Fol ey's Honey and Tar has been tak en. It stops the cough and breaks up the cold quickly. Re fuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow pack age. Trout's drug storav CORN SYRUP An everyday sweet for all people. In air-tight tins, 10c, 25c, 50c. CORN PRODUCTS MFG. CO. I BARGAINS AT I D. C. MELLOTT'S STORE, 1 FLICKERS VILLE, PA. I! AAAAAiAAiAAAA A A A A. A, - A A. A A A A. Z -r t t WW WW WWW WWW WW Granulated Sugar, 5 l-2c lb.; Ar buckles Coffee Q 16 c. lb.; Dutch Java, 20c. lb.; Shoe tacks, 4c. box; f Toilet soap, 4c. cake; Fancy toilet soap, 9c. cake or 3 cakes for 25 c. ; all kinds of Congh Sprup, 23 c . bottle: Matches, 4c. box; Butter Crackers, lOc, jg. now 9c. lb. or 3 lbs. for 2 5c; Men's Heavy Work j$j -A Coats, $1.35, now $1.10; Men's Heavy Corduroy M Pants. S2.50, now $2.25; Men's Heavy Under- Ig Sg wear, $1.00, now 75c. suit; Calico, 8c. yd., now SI 7c; Gingham, 1 Oc. yd., now 8c; Flannelettes, 11c jij M yd" nowc-: Outings, lOc.yd., now 9c Cut prices on all Rubber Goods. gjj H 5 v.,1.1. Ml, LI' YOU TO JUKUKT VuUH SUSPKHDtB TltOL' BLfctf TfchPr T THEY OUTWEAR THREE. ORDINARY MINDS 7 I Ahh uMK'itr.tBLr. m luiiix. i. ukuuk al asd fl Q turUKT ah Noo.i. .t moism M;mRr can t - H m TRY A PAIR. MOM y BACH IF THEY DON'T SATISFY j ' S a K'w " B " with a limpl. alldltif bwk, tUaSk Jfi Wm HM wmf tJ""'i ,rT or "Mrthmuih, alidhiB oat otfs, i .J ,. I "'i.'li,"UJ' ,,"n'r,,",inlf tiltbii. klas mifi mountinv. aud tha T 7" Rg HI VH "vtl ltv"oaiatid ssitbs ai ssga linn any ullur uatMtidrr mada. fm) H K THEY WILL FIT ANY MAN OB BOY W Mftdvin llrblor hMr welKhH f..r n.itu nr ,iiu,b-Eltra Iodk Ari H If '"r '"If "n. "r tin,, If j... i nM.1 tbam. al ito ailrtcoit (T H n ',' ffi , T rioviii iurroat Mint: a M 1 H "'. "I II. Hi inn BULL UOU ll'M'tSKUs. H 1 if HEJrVES &. POTTER J I I nD!Mi,m?L 87 lVbcoIb St.."lBoto. Mm.. jffL H A few evenings ago, a dog was noticed prowling about the prem ises of Job Truax, in Belfast township. The dog wore a big collar which bristled with nails tiled so sharp that the dog look ed like a teu-year-old por cupine. That night, in at tempting to leap over the fence into the garden the collar caught on the top of one of the paihngs, and the only thing that saved the dog from a hanging match was his ability to slip his head through the collar and escape. Mr. Truax has the coll'ir, and is waiting for the owner to "come forward, prove prcpertv, pay damages, and take the collar away." Kemp's Balsam Will stop any rough the! can be stopped by any medicine and cure coughs tbal cannol be cured by any olber medicine. It la always tbe best cough core. Yan catuiol ollord to take chances on any other kind. KEMP'S BALSAM cures couubs, colds, broncbllls, drip, asthma and consump tion In tlrst stages. It does not contain alco hol, opium, morphine, or any other narcotic, poison ous or barmlul drug. NEtDMORE. Wi a Dttulol uotl wife or Lower TbonipsoD peut a tew dayo udiock frltudh here lum week. B Peok and tumlly lata advantage of the eleiraat slelgliln to make a trip to vlxlt their rrleiidn neur Kvereu. 'I'hey wool oat ou Fri day urn! returned Mouday, (irundrna Hart lias l,een contlued.. to her room lor u few days. Harvey Sulder is alao. oue o( the lulely reported tUth A. liuoyuu who was iiulte alok busao far Im proved as to he uble to a t up and enjuy'h s pipe. H. K. Hill la still very 111. with slight marks of improvement. Joseph Bunyan and wife, of Warfordabui'K. spent a couple of duyaumong their alok friends here lust week. Our health officer N. 11. Peck la kepi rlilu unay looking after the duties of h's.omoe In the mump stricken district of Thompson town ship. J.ihu 3. Truax. who. on taoount of uted In iii in ' ii-.. haa been this winter uuutlned c oae Ir to hla hove, veutu'-ed a day out lust week uud culled on some or hla tr ends here. S M Carnall und ramily, of Dot, spent laat Hundav at the pli asant brme of Ji hu Ilea in tbla plaoe. Kev. and Mm T I'. Garland returned to tbe r home laat Mondur, They buvu lienn KpundluK moat of the winter in llcdfnrd county. Misrvkt. CORRECTED. Correct the mistake r risking pneumonia by neglecting a cough or cold, when Foley's Honey and Tar will not only stop your cough but expel the cold from your sys tem. Foley's lioney and Tar contains no opiates and is tbe best aud safest tbr at and lung reme dy. Trout's drug store. PUBLIC SALE. Having told all the real natito of tbe late Dr. William Carl at Watforda burg, Fulton county, Pa., four allsa north of Hancock, Md., 60 the U. A O. and W. M. R. R., I muit dlspoieof all tht peraonal property In order to give potaeaalon of the real estate. I will, therefore, make a public auction of tbe following property, on MARCH Uth and 12th, 1908 beginning at9:30 A. M. on the 11th, and continuing until all things are dis posed of to the highest responsible bidder : 4 SPANS OF FINE MISSOl RI MULES. large and well mated. FOUR GOOD HORSES two of them mares 8 year old, leaders, and will work or drlvo well. One 3. year-old "Dixie" Colt, very prtmtstng. The well known HAMBLETONIAN MORGAN STALLION, DIXIE very kind and gentle anywhere, and gets very attractive colts. 9 HEAD OF CATTLE five of them good cows, one of which is a registered Short-horn, and most of them about fresh. 10 HORSE POWER PORTABLE AJAX ENGINE has not run a month and a most excellent engine In every particular. Deer lng 4 Roll Husker and Sbreddcr; New Holland Corn Crusher and Feed Grind er, Wood Saw, I'ower Cutter and Shredder. FARMING IMPLEMENTS practically new, Osborne Wheat Binder, Deering Corn Hinder, 2 Mowers, Tedder, Hay ;.oader, Horse Hnke, Hay Fork. 4 Harshear Plows, Spike Spring-tooth aud Smoothing Har-ows, Kva:.B Double Cable Corn Planter, Single Corn Drill, Imperial Pulveri.or, Superior Disc Harrow, Double Disc Grain Drill, 3 Wagons, Horse Cart, 3 Beat Dayton, 2 Buggies, Sleigh, Bob led, Speeding Cart, Breaking Cart. 2-Horse Road Cart, 21) sets of Harness including all kinds, Collars, Uridlos, Halters, 3 Saddles, Platform Scales, New hand Holler, 2 Corn Shelters, Lot of Seeds, such as Millet, Red and Al slke Clover. Timothy, and Cow Peas; 2 Water Tanks, 2 Tons of High Grade Fertilizer, Hay, Corn, Rye, and a great many articles which cannot he enum erated here. All the HOUSEHOLD GOODS owned and used by Mrs. Dr. Carl, who vacates the home mansion and relin quishes housekeeping. Furniture of all kinds for Bed Rooms, Parlor, Din ing Room and Kitchen; Beddings, Mattresses, Brussels and other Carpets, about 260 yds.; Chinaware, Glassware, Sllverwaie. Cutlery, etc., etc. BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF COMBINATION IRON SAFE all kinds of Cooking Utensils and, in fact, the accumulation of 54 years of housekeeping, all of which must be disposed of, and but a small portion of which can be herein mentioned. Ladies of the Presbyterian Church will serve Lunch both days, in one of the vaonnt houses. Geo B. Hughes, one of Hancock's liverymen, will run a hack from Hancock after the arrival of the early trains, and return in the ev. ning, at 25c. each passenger each way. TERMS : $0 and under, CASH. Over $, a creilt will be given on notes properly secured and payable at the Hancock Bank Dec. 31, 10(18, without in terest If paid on that date. 4 percent discount on hills over.') if cash la "id. A.l Goods must be settled for before bilDg removed from the premises. T. D. RICHARDS, Mason & Gillkf.ck, Hancock, Md., AuoUoneers, Germantown, Md. OSOROI Fishkh, Sale Clerk. Hon. H. K. Mahklkv, Delivery Clerk. THIS CUT representsa section al view ot a Com bination Washing 4rand Wringing Ma chine invented by J. H. Lohr of Hus tontown, Pa. This Machine washes, rinses, and wrings the clothing at the same time. U. S. Patent for Sale. Issued December 31. 1907. Combination Washing and Wringing Machine. February Clearance Sale AT R. J. CROWNOVER'S, SALTILLO, PA. Our Kntlre Stock of Fall and Winter lines of (Jeneral Mdse. to be cleaned up at cost, and' in some lines leas than coat. We Must Have Room For Spring and Summer Goods which is bought and will be shipped very soon, and in order to make room, we will aell these goods at prices that should interest every one. We will include in this sale, Underwear, Ladles' and Children's Cloth" ing, Gents', Youths' and Boya' Clothing and heavy Shirts and Ho siery of all kinds; also, heavy goods in Dry Goods, and, in fact, all the winter goods. Misses' and Children's Coats go at U per cent off the regular prlte. ( lout's (115.00 Raiu Coats " 15 00 Overcoats " $12.00 " u M $9 00 " " Youttas'lKO 50 " ' ' " 5 00 ' Gents' $10.00 Suits " 1 Including Black and Fancy, dent's $8.00 Suits " ' Youths'$8 00 " $5 00 " " ' Boys' $4 50 " " " $2.50 " m A 11 Ladles' Coats iu stock go at coat, iu wrocerics, we nave mem an at pricea as low as the lowest, and in a number of artlclta, lower. In this sale Produce la as good a Gold Dollars. We have concluded to give PREMIUM TICKETS during this sale, redeeraabl in Honking chaira or beautiful pictures M5.M In tioketa guts a Hocking Chair, tll.tJO In tickets, a picture! Purchases paid with produoe is entitled to one-half the amount In pre mium tickets. Come to see ua, and while in the store, visit 2nd and Jrd doors, as well as the first. You will find something of interest on every floor. SALE TO CONTINUE ONE MONTH. Yours for business, R.J. CROWNOVER, Saltillo, Pa. Hnooesaor to S. W. Kimrnel & Bona. go at $10 50. " " $10 50. " " $.50 " ' $6.00. '' " $4.25. ' " $3 B0. $oco. $5 75. $5.5(1. $3 ro. $2 75. $1.75. Get our prices on Shoes. L. W. FUNK Dealer In Pianos 1 Organs The undersigned take this method of Informing the people of Fulton oonnty that he is prepared to furnish High Grade Pianos and organs at prices that are attractive. He makes a specialty of the LESTER PIANOS an Instrument of national reputa tion; and the MILLER AND THE WEAVER ORGANS Being a thoroughly trained tuner, he is prepared ju short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A sample Lester Piano may be seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or organ let me know, I can save you money. L W. FUNK, NLEDMQRE, PA. Figures Talk Ylars 18M 1892 1897 1901 1903 1906 Boxes Sold 8.7.S0 155,375 290,954 475,215 500,690 530,690 The beat evidence that Bllaa Native Herba fulfllla the clulma made for It la found In the tacreaalna aaJea It eo joya year after year. It curea, or elae people would not buy and take It for auch diaeaaea aa Rheumatlam, ConaUpation, Dyapepala. Kidney Dlseaaea. Liver Diaordera, Eczema, Scrofula or any ailment arising from impure blood. Bliss Native Herbs la effective hecauae ft ia made from pure roota, herba and burka and con talna no opiates, mineral or alcohol. It ia guaranteed under the United Stater Pure Drug Law. Each box containa 200 tableta for $1.00 and if no cure reaulta, money la refunded. It ia nude by The Alonzo O. Bliss Company, Washington, D. C. Can not be found In drug-atorcs and ia -FOR SALE BY- J. A. ALLER, Knobsvilte, Pa. All orders by mall promptly tilled. WeaK Hearts Are dua to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of e vary no hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was simple Indiges tion. It la a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indw gestlon. All food taken Into the stomach which falls of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing It up against the heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, and In the course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. K.ubla. of Nevada, O , says: I had stemack trouble and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble wtth It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about (Out months and It cured me, Kodol Digests What Yea Bat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. ButtUs only, $1.00 Slse holdlnt 2 times tkstrtal slie, which sella for SOe. fffares1 b a. O. OeWITT QO.. OMIOAOa Buggies and Wagons I have just refilled my sheds with a line lot of Buggies and Wagons which I am selling un der a written guarantee at Rock Bottom Pricea I also have in stock a lot of Buggy Wheels aud Buggy Poles. 1 want your trade. Pleaae come and Bee my stock before you make a purchase. Thanking the public for liber al patronage In the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same in the future, I am yours, Very respectfully, W. R. EVANS, Hustontown, Pa. Trespass Notice. The undersigned hereby gives notice that the lands and premises of the Ful ton County Hod and Gun Club, an or ganlzatloa duly incorporated by the laws of Pennsylvania, situated in the townships of Wells and Brush Creek, county of Fulton and state of Pennayl vania, are private property, and that all persons are warned not to trespass on said lauds ana premises for thw purpose of hunting, fishing, gathering nuts or berrlea, on In any other man ner whatever contrary to acts of as- UMinlilv In Mii.-K .ana. ......I.. .. ...I - -M J am at llis.ua, sSIIU UI IJ V 1 U ed as tbe law will br rigidly enforced. rULTON COUNTY UOU ANO (i I N G'LU.