J. W. Mcllolt'fi now bouse in j the Bxtens:on is reuiy for tin plasterers. Attend Huston's clean-up Halo. 1 Kobruary 12th to February 2!ttb. I Mrs. I'inlip S. Ht is spending 1 a few days with her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1J. I'aylor. $10.00 Suits for f 7.0 J at Hus ton's clean-up sale. Peter P. Shiva?, of this place, is down at Ins farm i Thompson, apoudini; a week or two. (Granulated Supar, ."c lb., 1 lbs. Lima 13eans, 27c, at Huston's clean-up sale. Mrs. Gehret and family were guests i i the home of Mr. and Mrs Cyrus Montzor. last Satur day. Use DeWitt'a Little Early Ris ers, pleasant little pills. They are easy to take. Sold bv Trout's drug store. A sled load of friends speut Wednesday evening of last week very pleasautly In the homo of Daniel Ii. McQuude, in the Cove. 1:2.00 Overcoats for $8.00, and $10.00 Overcoats for7.0C, at Ilus ton's clean-up sale. Hidks WANTED. Highest market price puil for beef hides, horse hides, willcat skins, and all kinds of grease, at Paul War ner's Tannery, McCounellsburg. About 4j iuchas of snow has f.illeu m tins section thus far this winter, a much heavier fall than has occurred here for several yeirs during one seasou. HIDES. James Sipes St Sons pay the highest market price for beef hHes at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins aad talbw. Somerset County lias t.venty six candidates for nomination on the Republican ticket for county commissioner, at the primary election on April 11. DeWitt's Carbilized Witch Hazel Salve is best for cuts, burns, boils, bruises and scratch (is. It is especially good for piles. Soil by Trout's drug store. The Ladies' Aid Society at Clear Ridjje will give an oyster supper with other refreshments in the Hall at that place on the "T wen t v -secou d . " Eve ry bod y invited. At times when you don't feel just right, when you have a bad stomach, take something right awa3' that wili assist digestion; not something tiiat will stimulate for a time but something that will positively do the very work thp.t the stomach perfoi ms under ordinary and normal conditions, something that will make t ie food digest. To do this you must take a natural digestant like Kodol F r Dyspepsia. Ko dol is a scientific preparation of Vegetable acids with natural di gestants and contains the same juices found in a healthy st mach. Each dose will digest more than 3,000 grains of ood food. It is sure to afford prompt relief; it digests what you eat and is pleas ant to take. Sold by Trout's drug storr A very pleasant sled load .of friends s ent Tuesday evening of last week in the hospitable home of Daniel E. Foro. Ks.j , in Tod township. The party was com posed of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fore, daughter Annie, and sons Boyd and Perry; Mrs. Albert Kerlin, daughter Annie, and sons Ralph and Hay, and Mrs. .John Gunnels. Political Carda i Fur The L egislature ; On, A. K. Davis, Taylor township. SutijCft to thf dTKI.i:i at the lleniiiurilllc mniMw prtsttrf aMadoa to.tM mm ok Sniurtlay April II Hunt. Voir Biiiirt itml Influence- nllcllrl 1 plmlue MJMll t" ! port itie ticket uomluiitt-O. 6 per cent. Mortgages. Semi for our MMtTBAGB INVKSTMKNT CtftCVLAtt vihi li -hows uur HlUqu) plan of ptaotav Money on kkal kstatk In PITTH HOIK). PA Fill T KORTOAQB3, t) pfr rent, to I ne Investor. All oxioumh pulcl li iht bor rower. We lu'crjtt of romlttaucos of foOU to lO.0CO ann over. VTfl have the 11(111 refer MnM, whli-h appear on eiroular. Over year In buslties-. Siucl i your pare money for InvpHtment. Ja. W. Drape & Co., aoMk Mottaaaa Baakata MMMMMI lMI Farmers' Bank Bid.. PITTSBURG. PUBLIC SALE of Registered Short Horn Cattle to be sold TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908 consisting of FORTY HEAD HERD headed by Richbaron Vice roy, 240,458. At WELSH RUN Franklin county. Pa., six Miles east of Mercersburg; and eleven miles northwest of Hagerstotvn. For fnrther information, address the un- 1 dersiJned. HENRY GROVE, Mercersburg, Pa. R. F. D. No. 2. Subscribe for the "News, 'only $1.00 a year. McElhanev's Sale Postponed. Owing to the inclemency of the weattier, Wednesday, S. M. Mc Eihauey's sale, near Uustoutown, was postponed to Saturday, Feb ruary '2'2nd. Marked for Death. "Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had tied, when my hiisbaud got Dr. Kiug's New Discovery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first dose helped me, and improvement kept on until I had gained 58 pounds in weight, and my health was fully restor ed." This medicine holds the wot Id's healiug record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumon ia. Sold under guarantee at Trout's drug store. ()e and 1.00. Trial bottle free. lll'STONTOWN. Samuel Speck lelt this week for Chambersburg where he will visit his sister, and from there; he expects to return to Pitts burg. Simon Fix spent Monday at the County seat. M. G. Lamberson toon a sled load of women up to E H. Kirk's last week. B. H Shaw and wife spent part of last week vifituig the. tat ter's pareuts at Saxtou. Miss Dora Spec expects to return to her home in this place this week. Our school is getting ah ng I nicely under the mauagemei.it of D. K. Chesnut. The sick about town are in proving. Miss Be telle Laidig, who is teaching the Cutchall school, passed through here Friday even ing on her way Inrae. POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Mo Alum, No Lime Phosphate Sale R; 'later. Friday, February 21, R N. I'- vmaii. Wkvinp "nrr1 hU f u in unit h. tending hi ii ,H fanning?, vill se.l at bin i rm m Ayr town ship, two and n Lai I uititM south west of McConi-plistiiirg, horses, (rattle, hog, ftu iiiitig implements, iiay, coi n, wheat, rye, Surrey, Spring Wagon, &0. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit ! mouths. Tuesday, February 23,---I. II. Fields intending to quit farmi"g will sell at his residence on the Stevens far.n mile west of Fort Littleton on the Clear Kidge road, horses, cattle, hogs, slieep, farming implements, grain, booeehold goods. &c. Sale be gins at 10 o'clock. A. L Wible auctioneer. Tuesday, March ."'.-Mrs. Laura G. McCormick, intending to re move to Colorado, w ill sell at her residence, one mile south of Fan nettsourg, ou the road leading to Richmond Furnace, 4 head of hoi s es, 7 head of cattle, hogs, farming implements, household goods, Sec. Sale begins at 10 o'clock, sharp. Credit 10 months. Tuesday, March 8. Mrs. M. F. McNerling having disposed of her farm and intending to remove to Kentucky, will sell at her resi dence 1 mile northeast of Water fall on the road leading to Throe Spriugs, horses. 0 ittle, farming implement-, household goods. &c. Sale begins at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. Credit one year. Wednesday, March 4, Charles Mc. Mellott, intending to quit l'armiu.', will sell at his residence on the Pleasant Iiidge road, 2 J miles south of Pleasant Ridge postoflice, horses, cattle, hay, grain, ai.d farming implements, household goods, &c, Sale be gins at 10 o'clock. Credit, H mouths. Tuesday, March 10, J. W. Souders will sell at his residence on the Alex Pattersoti larm near Cito, in Ayr township, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, tc, Sale begins at 10 o'clock. A. L. Wible auctioneer. Tuesday, March 10, Henry Grove will sell at Welsh Run, Franklin county, a forty-head herd of registered Short Horn cattle, headed by Richbaron Vice roy, No. 240,438. See advertise ment in auother place Id this pa per. Wednesday, March 11, George W. Mock, intending to quit farm ing, will sell at his residence in Path Valley, on the road leading from Richmond to Fannettsburg, one mile east of Metal, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, and a large lot of farming implements, some household goods, &c. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock. Credit 11 Wednesday, March in, Chas. McGehee, intending to quit farm ing, will sell at the farm 1 mile northwest of Hurut Cabins on the road leading to Shade Gap, hors es, mules, cattle, hogs, farming implements, hay, &c. Sale be gius at 10 o'clock. Credit 'J mouths. Wednesday, March 23, Mrs. Amos Clouser, intending to quit farming, will sell at the residence of Mrs. Keaift Johnston, on the Cove road leading from McCon nellsburg to Webstir Mills, horses, cattle, hogs, farming im plements, &c. Salt begins at 10 o'clock. Credit It) mouths. A. L Wible, auctioneer. 1908 Startling Bargain News T. J. Wiener, Hancock., Maryland. rnrenti leted choice of Tin- Finest Ladies' Coat9 unil Keady-to wear DreHs Skirt, Pit Cost Clearance Sale of MILLINERY nt fOUr own Price. Dress OooJs. Reduced Hurraing in Lace and ECmbro ldar . LADIES SHOES MISSES' SHOES EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Silk Shirt Waists, while, liht 'line, navy blue, black, brown, and Radoeed from t4. 00 to :(.."(). Vard wide Dress Sliks, all colors, ut Mc a yard. SPECIAL PRICES have been marked now on a lot of for Scarfs, leather Hand-bajjs, Brooches, Tin Sets, Ladies' Neck wear, Belts, Gloves, etc.: Fascinators, Mittens, etc. Ladies' White Corsets, Ladies' Drab Corsets, Ladles' and Misses' Knit Underwear. Ladies' Black Taffeta Heather Bloom Skirts. WHITE SALE Muslin Underwear, India Linen, Persian Lawn. Dotted Swiss, Mad ras, India Muslin, Cambric. All the latest Butterick Patterns in Stock. On Sale-1908 January No. DELINEATOR. 1908ITHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF W'COININELLSBURG, Pft. LOOK For Our New Ad In Next Week's Issue. It Will Be Worth Your while TO READ IT. Thos. B. Stevens & Son FURNITURE STORE. McConnellsburg, Pa ; i m BOOKKEEPING. ;:; Open All The Year, PENMANSHIP, ffi 1 Catalogue Free, ;; 1 The Tri-State Business College I i Ml SHORTHAND. Cumberland, Md. 7 YPEfVRITING ' ; n MS DR. JOHN LOUIS WEAVER NEUROLOGIST, DRUCLESS PRACTITIONER. Graduate of McCormick Neurological College, Chicago, 111. Analysis of causes of human ills. Patients tftUffbt how to treat themselves. C hemic derangements, Mechanical disorders readied by chemistry of diet, hydr oiherupy, manual therapy, Relief from eye strain ptOlaJUrt in nervous diseases, eorVDlO ailments, eye defects. Corespondunce solicited, No treatment by mail. OPflCE 'i SO. MAIN ST., CHAM BEIWBUBG, PA. Member Association of Independent Doctors. BURNT CABINS. On account of th rapidity with wblflb the snow left us the latter part of last week, all he streams became vury much swollen. James Creo. who c. rnes the mail from this place to Shade Gap, was unable to make his re gular trip last Saturday on ac count tf the high waters. Blaine Ilertzler who carries the mail between this place ami HarrUouville, was obliged to make the trip last Friday on "footback." Blaine thinks thirty miles a day on foot is just a little too much of the good thing for fun, aud prefers dr'ving. While coon-hujting last week, Libert North succeeded in cap turing a tine 'possum. Miller J. H. Baldwin, of th;s place made a trip to tho County Seat ouc day last week. Samuel Wldney, who intends to remove to Chambersburg in the spring, is now busy getting things in shape for the change of residence. Most of the people in this place I got a valontiue last week, 1 think. XKXXXKKXXJtXXXKX XXXXXXXXXJfV g Fulton County Bank. (OUCANI.i:i) IN 1887.) 3 fmr Cnt. Intarest I'ald on Time Deposit. This old and well known Financial Institution is now permanent) y located In its new room In the A. U. Nace build ing. Lare additions have been made to the CAPITAL STOCK and the number of Stockholders has been increused to FIF TKKN, which fflvaa all depositors a becurity of upward of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. The Fulton County Bank does a GENERAL BANK ING iSCSlNKSS and extends every favor to their patrons aud friends, consistent with sound banking. 1 A 7 mm HvTW ar m let. m. 2 IWeLonneilsburg, Pa, Cashier, Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. OUR TOTAL RESOURCES are now 190. OOO. OO, and our surplus and undivided profits are $2500.00. We invite your particular attention to these items of our condition, for the amount of business as transacted by a bank, indicates the confidence oj a community in its stability, and the surplus and undivided profits exhibit its prosperity. Our business is banking, and our efforts are directed toward that alone. LET US SERVE YOU. LEWIS H. WIBLE. FRANK P. LYNCH. PRESIDENT. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICK PRESIDENT. MERH1L W. N AC E C 3HICP. B. FRANK HENRY. ASST. CASHIER. DIRECTORS : LEWIS H. WIBLE. JNO. P..8IPE3. UNO A. HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GRISSINdER. R.M.KENDALL. 8. W. KIRK. MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S BI6 UNDERSELLING STORE We still have a few on Hands, which we will close out at HALF PRICE MRS. A. F. LITTLE, McConnellsburg. Opposite Postoffice. BARGA 3 N J. K. Johnston's- The a reatest BARGAINS ever shewn n MEN'S CLOTHING, OVER COATS, CORD PANTS, and UNDERWEAR. WOMEN'S COATS-A Grea Opportunity We did not carry a coat from last season, and WILL not carry one over this season. So now is your Opportunity for a BARGAIN. SHOES SHOES Rubber Goods, Felt Boots, Skirts, Dress Goods, a few Furs, Hose, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps. BARGAINS J.K.JOHNSTON McConnellsburg, Pa. FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Velluw Ear Cora. C. E Starr, at Three Springs, has for sale all the time oever oot yellow ear corn at HO ceuta a bUBhel by measure; 1.20 cents a barrel three hushols of ears. Kodol FOR INDIGESTION AND PYSPEPSU. RKl.Ifc.VUS SOUIl STOMACH. BIStCIIING. ETC. To G ul i5t ix teed v SUfctlo o r Your Mon., a.rl; Kill uui .ml it tr it t.ii. ... ... I tu tlieiltMltr ft t.o-tninJ.nr . ii i. tattle ofMaS hlgll li.r. ' til Tiiiat ..it C. U.WtTT ax COMPANY, CHICAGO, Itt,. For Sale at Trout'sDrug Store.