INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS' Westeni Maryland Railroad Cdpaoy. Of I "c and General lotereit, (lathered it Home or Clipped from onr Exchange. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Chicken wanted by Huston, at 11c lb. Miss Olive Peck is very ill with'i pnou m iiia at her home near Nedmore. You can save money by buying your goods at Huston's clean up sale. Miss Myrtle Sipes ofAndover spent the past week in the home of Mrs. M. A. Thompson, in this place. 5 gal. Oil, 55c; White Fish, 50c pail; 9 cakes Star Soap, 25c, at Huston's cleau-up sale Geo. K. Locke, of Port Little ton, dropped into the News office a few minutest while in town yes terday. Big Reductions on Shoes, Rub bo r goods, Underwear, and La dies' Skirts, at Huston's clean up Bale. Philip H. Pii iff moved fr m Kaobsville Tuesday to the George Mock Farm in Todi townshiD, and expects to i pend this year far mn 4. Foley's Orino Laxative is a new remedy, au improvement on the. laxatives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant 10 take. It is guaran leed. Trout's drug store. Senator and Mrs. W. Scott Alexander entertained a large company of their friends at their home on West Water street Tues day evening. The trouble with most cough remedies is that they constipate. Keunedy 's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently our, prcmptly ou the bowels and at the same time it stops the cough by soothing the throat and lung irritation. Chil dren like it. Sold by Trout's drug store. - Dr. and Mrs. . F. Sapping ton entertained a large ccmpany of their friends last Tnursday evening at their pleasant home at Webster Mills. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says: "I have only taken four doses of your Kidi.ey and Blad der Fills and they have done for me more than auy other medicine has ever done. 1 am still taking the pills as I want a perfectcure. " Mr. Barber refers to DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are suld by Trout's drug store. Our citizons were very agree ably surprised on Tuesday even ing to hear sweet strains .of. music upon the air. In an in ciedibly short time quite a crowd had assembled at the diamond and were surprised to see the McConnelisburg Band in their nobby uniforms. The Fulton boys have a very kind regard for a little sernade. Although the streets were bad, they paraded the town and played several beautiful and pleasing select ons. This is a baud that has been play ing only a year or two but from the way they take interest in their music we predict for them a very bright future. Fort Lbu- tlou Correspondent of Chambers burg Public Opinion. Everything taken into the stomach should be digested fully within a certain time. When you feel thai your stomach is not III good order, that the food you have eaten is rot being digested, take a good, natural digestant that will do tho work the diges tive juices are not doing. The best remedy known to day for all stomach troubles is Kodol, which is guaranteed to give prompt re lief. It is a natural digestant; it digests what you eat, it is pleasant to take and is sold here by Trout's drug store. In effiol June 2. IB07. Train leave Hanoook follow : No. B A 4 . ra. (daily) (or Hiirntowo. B'l- tlnjore. wavnfoorn. i hufnbemhnrg. mi intermealaie. No I ' vi n m. (week ly) Cumbe.lanJl. end M.-.ll No I n . m , week dr B-iltlmore. Get tysburg. York end intermediate. No. t ItMp ra. (we 14 darai Little Ortean.. Old Towo, Cumberland. Klklon and went. Veatkule train with obnervatlon buffet oar. No. ( 4 flip m. (we -k ila -1 lliiltlmorr and In- termedlme nil Inn. Vetlbtiln train with Hi.-1-i vm i in., buffet oar. No' 5 -4(ip m (dally) leaven IN III more 4 10 p. m . Haxeniiown 7. tup. m. All train make cooneotlon nt nrncevlll' for Froderckand train 0 and 4 for polnta north n'jd nt Maltlmore (Union Station) for I'hlla. delphU und New York. P. M. HOWELL, C. W. MYKRS. Uen. i'i n. AKt. Agent. ' WW R9IW Y)i WrW V W DR. A. K DAVIS, Hu8tontown, Pa. DENTAL WORK IN Al iTlS BRANCHES. Gold Crnwn am) BrltfM Work a Srwclalty. Twh extracted poaltlvely without pain. A:l Work Guaranteed. Will be in office from Thunday ev ening; until Monday morning of each week. PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS FOR SALE BY E.R.McClain, MCONXELLSBURG.PA Deaths. Summkks. Charles, son of Calvin Summers, ot Ayr town ship died Tuesday morning after n illness of fourteen days of cerebrospinal meningitis, aged 3 years. 9 months, and 14 days. Funeral Thursday, and interment in Union cemetery. Gordon. Henry, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gordon of Webster Mills, died Tuesday morning of bronchial pneumonia, aged 1 year, 3 months, and 16 days. Fuueral Wednesday, and interment in Union cemetery. Medicine That Is Medicine. "1 have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach com plaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that reme&'y is Electric' Bitters, a medicine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W. C. Kiestler, of Halliday, Ark. Electric Bitters purify and en rich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to ttie weak. Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at Trout's drug store. The World Never Saw Ita Like. In the seven years of ita exist ence, United States Steel has earned net the stupendous sum of 1838,000,000, or an average of almost 1:20,000,000 a year. After deducting ali charges and prefer red dividends, the average sur plus amounted approximately to i per cent, on the 508,000,000 of common stock In other word the 280,000,000 earned in seven yeara by United States Steel over and above all other obligations and applicable to the common stock, proves that the latter rop resents more than "water." . Landlord Fisher Injured. Last Friday afternoon while Harry K. Fisher, proprietor of tho Fisher House, ond John Simpson, one of the managers of the Pastime Theatre, were enjoy ing a sleigh ride they encounter ed au obstacle which upset the sleigh and burled the occupants into a snowbank. Mr. Simpson though uninjured was a veritable "snowball;'' Laadlord Fisher was less fortunate, h iviog three ribs broken. He is able to be up aud around at this time. Bed ford Gazette. I Harry Fiaher is a son of John K. Fisher formerly of this coun ty, and a nephew of Mrs. S. B. Woollet of this place. Editor. MISTAKE CORRECTED. Correct the mistake of risking pneumonia by neglecting a cough or cold, when Foley's Honey and Tar will uotordy stop your cough but expel the cold from your sys tem. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is the best and safest thr eat and lung reme dy. Trout's drug store. J. B. Uunyan was called to Needmore Monday "n account of thu 'llness of his father, Ahimaaz Runyan, who was threatened with an attack of pneumonia. John returned Tuesday evening, and reports that the coudition of bis father is not considered ser 10ns. Tt Died Last Night In MrOonnelMmrp;, alone and without a murmur or nnv Indica tion of approaching trouble, it calmly gnve up the struggle. Poor thing, no wouder it died; its vital parts elojrjretl with the accumulated tilth of six long years, wi'hoiii any attention whatev er to Its needs, can you wonder that It ceased to tick. The best of watches will die unless they receive proper treat ment -have your watches cleaned and frosh oil applied at least once a year, and thus prolong their usefulness. We have good watch doctors In our repairing department. WYV H. LUDWIG, Jeweler aid Silversmith, Trust Company Building, Chambersburg, I 'a. Are You Going to Buy A CARPET This Spring'? We have just received a full and complete lin; ot samples of carpets, which we are going to sell tor the next 30 days at prices below market. We can do this because we will not have to carry several hundred dollars worth of carpets in stock, but will sell from samples at lower prices than we could if we had our monev tied up in car pets in our store. Measure your room carefully and bring us the measure, and we will get the carpet for you, and will match and sew it ready to lay on the floor, for you. We can show vou Union In grains, Super Ingrains, Three Ply Un ions, Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets, Ax minsters. Remember it will pay you to pick out your carpet now, and get it any time between now and May. We. want your carpetBbusiness, and are sure you will give it to us, if you want a nice lot to se lect from, at prices lower than ordinarilv. Very truly HARRY E. HUSTON Saltillo, Pe. John S. Wilson's Underselling Store, Three Springs, Pa. Remember that a constantly increasing trade is evidence of satisfaction. Our customers are al ways satisfied. They get just what they want, and at much lower prices than they would be required to pay elsewhere, for the same Quality of goods. You 1 ill save trouble by coming to WILSON'S STORE first If you look around elsewhere, and then come here, you '11 buy here anyhow, because ' in no other store in this and in Huntingdon county, can you be as well satisfied , We have MEN'S OVERCOATS Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Miners' Supplies, Harness, Horse Blankets, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Heating Stoves, and general Hardware, Dmgs, and Paints, Flour and Feed. We have SPECIAL BARGAINS in SPECIAL BARGAINS at prices that you will wonder how we do it, but we bought a whole job all the manufacturer had and we are giving our customers the benefit of our low prices. If you need an overcoat, don't delay coming, for they are going right out, and we only have a few left. Those Ail-Wool Blankets (white), full size, are going right out, and we don 7 expect to have any more of them this winter, when our present supply is exhausted. SPECIAL PRICES dominate throughout our entire store. This per haps, explains why our trade increased so im mensely during this season, When in town come in and see us. No trouble to show goods. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for produce. Thanking you for past favors, and asking a con ti nuance of the same. lam Yours for business, JOHN S. WILSON, THREE SPRINGS, PA. REISNERS' STORE NEWS, We will close out all our LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN ' COATS at prices that we cannot replace them at this season. A good style LONG COAT reduced from $5.50 to $A 00; from $( to $4 50; from $? to $6, and so on through the entire line. from 2 to $1.25; from $3 and $3.50 to 2.50; from 5 to 4. bume beautiful Skirts in the lot. Dress Goods One lot ot all-wool, 38 in. wide, at 30c, sold at 50c; some elegant Silk Patterns Plaids, Stripes, Figured and Plain, from 35c, for purer silk, to 75c. A large line ot Furs Furs at any price from 65c to 10. UNDERWEAR for every size person, at any price. The best un derwear for Men in the County, for 75c. a suit, heavy fleeced, cannot be replaced tor near'that price. SHOES for Ladies from 1.25 up. In the better shoes, we can't be beat. A very nice line ot Misses' and Children's trom 25c. up. Don't fail to call. We will save you money on everything. Respectfully, Geo. W. Reisner & Co McConnelisburg, Pa. i RACKET STORE Why dou't you make your Chickens lay Sggtf When you can buy a 100. package of CAPITOL POULTRY POWDERS for 15 cents, Ot the ' HORSE and CATTLE POWDER for the aame price. Try this and he convinced, like others that have tried It that it is O. K. Mc. Hog Powders 25c. 50o. Horn Killer 25c. 50c, Heave Cure 25c. 50c. Worm Powders 25c. IV. M. COMERER, agent for 1HEGEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo ver Hullers, Saw mills, &c. Engines on hand all the time. Talk about Bargains ! If we don't have one for you in a 12-qt. Cranite Seamless Bucket, we never did have, and the price is right--38c. Just get unother lot of those good OVERSHOES io Radios' and Men's. Ladies', 50c.; Men's good as others are asking 00 and Mo, for. 5c. These are just as We still have some of those HORSE BLANKETS at WO 95-91 25-$l.tt0-2 2.Vf2.GO( and up to $3.75. Floor oil cloth, 4-4, 25c ; Floor oil cl jth, (i-4, J8e.; 8-4 Linoleum, heavy, 8oc.; Wash Boil ers, heavy, 83c.; Hemp Carpet, 10 and 20c ; Ingrain Granite Carpet, 25c ; the heaviest Hag Carpet made, 48c; Straw Matting, 12 and 16c; China .Matting, 23c; Galvanized Tubs, 45-55-ti5-7o and 85c. I promptly OMHBM H all count rlf. or MO KCC. TRADE 'MARKS, Cureats miti Ci-pyrmliU regbf i u-rfu. fu'na ,-k. i. r.. Aioaei or rnoio, for it i reiort on ualuUbUilv. ALL BU&IMEr. ft I STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 1 atmit pntCUco I i ex'T.ifivtMv. nnnwng mamma. laawAU iiiYiTitutM snonia DmavnaA bco! onllurloot:ii:iAiiilhrlli-Hti'iita.Wh:itln. I 1 viMitiuimwill ji:ty.lliwtulnp;irtiuTjuuiot:r I I Yaiu&oit: ii, ici in.; i .1 n. nt ;,i net iu any loMrvaa. i D. SWIFT & CO.! ISO I Seventh St., Washington, 3. C.J We have some OVERCOATS on hand yet, We bought a sroat deal heavier than last year, and still have a few, so if you want u bar gala in these (roods, call and see. We want to sell every one like last year; and in SHOES we are able to show you a Kreat line. Call and be convinced that we can do you good. 1 iesiectfully HULL & BENDER. McConnelisburg. Pa. The following mathematical puzzle will start your thinker to going and will do you good. Try it. A boy weut to a store for change for a dollar, lie told the grocer that he wanted bis change in pennies, nickels and dimes aud that he wanted exactly fifty pieces. How many pennies and how many nickels and dimes were there?" Can you find the ans wer? NO CAM ON KtftOKO. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneu monia or consumption after Fol ey 's Honey and Tar has been tak en. It stops the cough aud breaks up the cold quickly. Re fuse any but the genuine Foley 'a Honey and Tar in a yellow pack age. Trout's drug store. Public Road Meeting. There will bn a meeting of the taxpayers of Ayr township at McNaughton's school house at two o'clock P. M. on Saturday February 22, 1!K)8. Theobjoctof the meeting is to decide whether or not application shall be made for State aid in the construction of the roads ot the towusbip. Wautek SaI'I'INOTON, E W. Hendkkshot, John Hinkbauoh, 2-13 2t. Supervisors. ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Price SOo. Trout's Drug Store. KILLtke couch and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE LDS Irtal Battle frit AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. McElhanev' Sale Postponed. Owiug to the inclemency of the weatner, Wednesday, S. M. Mc Elhaney's sale, near Huston town, was postponed to Saturday, Feb ruary 22nd. ATT A D A -fcTTV cniv O A mra WAmiADvB For Sale. Located in Warfordsburg, Ph., sixrooin House, well in yard, work shop, and out buildings, also, Machinery, Geiser No. 2, Sawmiltand truck, Lath Machin ery, Line shaft on truck, lath staud, cut -off aud equaiiae saw and belts complete-all machin ery nearly new. For further iu formation call on or address. Jaw. E Warfordsburg, 2-18-a Pa.