The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 09, 1908, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
6. W. P'K, Editor and Proprietor.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Her square of B linen J times It M
Per square each suhaequent Insertion.... 60
Ai 1 vertldemrutn Inserted (or leaa Ihar,
hi re monthi charged by the square.
1 mo ' m is i i yr.
One fourth column llrt.OO. 1 120 00 I MO.Oi
One hul f oolumn 8S.00. 40 DO m
One Column 40.00. 1 M OO. I lb ot
District Sunday School Convention.
A very iutert sting Suuda.y
School couventiou was held at
Siloam Church in DcktOg Creok
township, last Saturday. The
morning session opened at 0)80
with Kiagiug. A scripture lea
sou was read by E. 11. Mellott,
Joseph Si pea offered prayer, and
the address of welcome, was de
livered by Geo. W. Decker. "The
Primary Department" and "The
Cradle Roll Departmert" were
topics that occupied the attention
of the couveutio.i during the re
mainder of the morning session,
and were well discussed by Miss
Margaret Daniels, Miss Sallie
Hoop, E. It. Mellott, Joseph
Sipes, H. L. Sipes, aud R. R.
Si pes.
The afternoon sess.on was
spent in considering how the
Home Department can he made
helpful: the im jxirtance of Home
Study; the importance of Teach
er Training, and in listening to
the Reports of Delegates.
The devotional exercises at the
opening of the evening session,
were conducted by E H. Kirt-,
after which Mr. Kirk gave an li
teresting talk on "The County
Standard " The subjects, "Cli
max of Sunday School Work,"
"Temperance Taught in the Sun
day School," aud "The Hoy Prob
lem," were ail well discussed.
The following persous were
clecte.l as ofticers of the Siloam
school : Superintendent of the
Cradle Roll Department, Mrs.
Clara Decker; Superintendent of
the Home Department, R. L
Schonley; Superintendent of
Teachers' Trainiug, Miss Sallie
Representatives from other
Sabbath Schools promised to do
what they could to establish these
departments in their respective
A vote of thanks was given to
the organist, Miss IvJna Deshong,
and to Mr. E H. Eirk.
How lo Avoid Pneumonia.
You can avoid pneumonia and
other serious results from a cold
by taking Foley 's Honey a id Tar.
It atops the coutjb, heals the
lungs, and expels the cold from
the system. Refuse any but the
genuine in the yellow package.
Trout's drug store.
It would be well enough for
persona passing through Rig
Hill Wink's pine Held in Belfast
township, after night, to look a
leedle oud, for it is said to be in
fested with foxes and bears. A
few nights ago as a young man
had occasion to pass through the
aforesaid held, a fox about
the aize of one of Darnum.s ele
phants came crashing through
the pinoa, and if the young man
had not yelled so wickedly on
the said fox, there is no telling
just what kind ot a tragedy wo
might bo recording.
William Meg . Thry Have Had a N1c
la'l and Winter ao Par. Dry Last
Summer and Liirht Crops.
William King, formerly rf this
jaunty, but, vilio now isproprietor
if the Fan view Diry Farm a:
Can do, North Dakota, in remit
ting tin coin necessary to advance
his subset iptiou to ihe NeWr
well into the year l'.m'J, nays
hey are having a very nice fa!'
ind winter I bus far very little
wind, and Jttfet snow enough to
make the ground white, but not
enough fo' sleighing. The
weather was very dry last sum
ner and the crops were very
light only about half a crop.
He savs he only had 4 800 bush
Ma ot grain, and should have had.
in a more iavoraolu season, 8,000
bushels. ' We uud not com plain, "
he writes, "as we have enough to
see us through all right. The
hay crop was pretty good. We
have about lifty tons more than
we will need, and it brings about
six dollars a ton in Cando It
has been very healthy here this
fall very htllo sickness. The
doctors have not been having a
cinch of it, I assure you, but
they make it count when they do
get a call."
Seven Years of Prool. "
"I iiave had seven vears of
proof that Dr. King's New Dis
covory is the best medicine to
take for coughs and colds and for
every diseased condition of throal
chest or lungs," says W. V. Hen
ry, of Panama, Mo. The world
lias had thirty-eight yeara of
proof that Dr. King's New Dis
covery is the best remedy for
coughs aDd colds, lagrippe, astli
ma, hay lever, brouchitis, nemo
rrhage of the lungs, aud the ear
ly stages of consumption. Its
timely use always prevents the
development of pneumonia. Sold
under guarantee at Trout's drug
store. 50c. and $1 00. Trial bot
tle free.
Birthday Social.
As last Sunday was a birthday
anniversary of Mrs. James VV.
Hummel, of this place, aud she
being one of the most taithful
I workers in the Lutheran church J
: the Missionary society of that
' church felii that they would give
Mrs. Rummel a pleasant surprise.
So, on Saturday evening, with
' at ms full of baskets well tilled
with good things to eat, and lots
of package of nice presents, the
society marched to Mrs. Rum
mel's home, and what followed
1 may easily be gueaaed by those
who have taken part in those
pleasant occasions. A nice sup-
i per was served, and the evening
I spent delightfully. Those pres
ent were, Rev. Fissold and fami-
! ly, Mrs P. F. Black, Mrs. H. O.
Ungor, Miss Harriet Eitemiller,
Mrs. H. A Comerer, Mrs. Ment
zer, son and daughter; Mra. G.
i W. Reisner, Mr8. Oehrett, Mrs.
John Conrad, Mary Goldsmith,
Mrs. Lou Jackson, Mrs. Thos.
Ham ill, Mrs. Roottger, Mrs.
Ralph Reed and son, Mra. Wm.
Comerer, Nell and Myrtle Com
erer, Nell DeH.trt, Mabel Jack
son, Ruth R lettger, Mary Steng
er, and Jennie Woodal.
When your Watch Stops
You cannot moke It go by shaking it.
Vv lien the bowel- arc
Constipated you tan
disturb them with
calhurtks but, like
the watch, they will
not be able to do
their allotted work
uutil they me put
into proper condi
tion to do it.
One cannot mend
a delitate piece of
mechanism by vio-
l.-lit fllt I mil u mill
no machine made by man is as fine
as the human body.
The use of pills, salts, castor-oil
and Ktrona; cathartic medicines is
the violeut method. The use of
the herb tonic laxative,
Lane's Family
ia the method adopted by intellU
Kent people.
Headache, backache, indigestion,
constipation, skin diseases all art
benefited immediately by the use
Druggist sell it at asc. and uir
Two Unwelcome Visitors Here.
At this season La Grippe and
Pneumonia cause more deaths
than consumption. Foley's Hon
ey and Tar cures la grippe coughs
th it may result in pneumonia ov
er night. Do not take chances
with a cold when Foley's Honey
and Ta.- will quickly cure it.
Trout's drug store.
Like Water With Their Hay.
It is said in Norway a bucket
of water is always placed within
reach of a horse when he ia tak
ing his allowance of hay. "It is
interesting," saya the writer of
the incident, "to see with what
relish he takes a sip o' one and a
mouthful of the other alternately,
sometimes only moistening his
mouth as any rational being would
do with a dinuer of such dry
foi;d. " A broken winded horse
n seldom ever seen in Norway
aud the question ia whether this
mode of feeding hRa not a beneti
cial effect in preserving the am
mal's respiratory organs.
Pennsylvania has been awarded
a gold modal by the Jamestown
Exposition for the excellence of
its historical exhibit at the fair,
It was stated by the judges to have
been (hp best on ths grounds.
t.'nvt marine, Reports Tell Thai Mills and
Kactoiiei RrtitMU Optratiea,
Rop irta from many cu ps ai d
nidusti ial centers indicate a re
vival of business with the advent
if the New Year. Conditions are
much improved and indications
aro that the iron, Bteel, coVe and
coal industries will soon be going
full tune.
The Bank of England, owing to
improved financial conditions in
theUuited Statea, reduced the
rate ot discount from seven losix
per cent : theFrlck Coal C mpany
poat?d uotice that 7,000 coke ov
ens in the Pittsburg district are
to go back to work at once; the
Susquehauna Coal Company re
ported a bright outlook with au
increased output; the Lackawan
na Steel Company decided to re
sume operations; the Pittsburg
Plate Glass Company, worka No.
4, will go back to work on double
turn with many orders ahead,
aud many smaller concerns post
ed orders of lesuniptioti.
If you don't nobody will. It ia
your business to keep out of all
I the trouble you can and you can
and will keep out of liver and
bowel trouble if you take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They
keep biliousness, malaria, and
jaundice out of your system. 25c.
at Trout's drug store.
.Millions Cross the Ocean.
Statistics of the trans-Atlantic
passenger travel, Eiat and West,
din ing the vear ended on Tuesday,
diow the enormous total of 2,957,
888, as many persons as the com
bined population of St. Louis,
BftStOti, Baltimore, Cleveland, Buf
falo, Sun Francisco and Cincinatti.
During the year !72, 040 more
persons crossed the ocean between
Europe and America than during
the year 1!06 and 1 541,151 more
than in the year 1H04.
Coming westward duriug the
year wore 1,01)9,340 persons, 200,
000 more than the combined East
and West travel in 1904.
During 1907, 1,867,898 persons
went from America to Europe.
During the year the number of
foreigners resident in the United
States was not increased as much
as curing the year 1906, although
160,636 more arrived from abroad.
This was olfset by the fact that
242,505 more steerage passengers,
that is to say returning emigrants,
went back to Europe during 11107
than during l!06.
This unusual exodus to Europe
is to be accounted for by the de
creased demand for labor here du
ring the last few months. Aasoon
as industrial conditions improve
we may expect many of those who
have gone buck to the old country
to come again bringing thousands
of others with them.
14 Hows Pins 1c.
25 Needles V.
li (rood Envelopes lo.
H sheets smi- le.
Box paper 6 to 15o.
Tablets :t U 16c.
Glycerine Soap 3c.
Cold cream 4c.
Colgate's bath soap 5c.
li lark pins, 40 for 1c.
Machine thread 4c.
Memoranda hooks 4 to 16c.
8x10 looking glasses 15c.
Talcum powder 10 and 15c.
Shetland lloss 8c.
Ice wool 8c.
Tooth picks, 1000 4c.
I'lchardson silk floss 31c.
Ulchardson ribbons 1 to 10c,
Thimbles 3o.
Shelf paper, 5 yds. 2c.
Wire hair pins, 12 for lc.
Wash rags 5c.
Aunt Lydia's thread Sc.
Window shades, felt 8c.
Oil shades 25c.
They talk about these goods ltelng
higher In price. They are not. Hl-oa
Men's fleeced shirts and drawers, 38c,
or 75c per suit: lll-ox. Lllue, the same
as we handled for 5 years, 43c each
or 85c per suit, and the Jersey uuder
wear that wi.l give aud not be bulky,
at 48c each, 05c suit.
that we sold last year at 00c each, we
bought in caBe lots thlsyear, and can
sell it at 85c each, or $1 05 per suit.
This is a saving; of 0 to !) cents. Think
it over.
5 to 4Bo Boys' heavy, 24 to 48 per
suit; Ladies' vests and pants, same as
last year, 23c., and the best you ever
did see at 18c each-
We have been handling Flusher Bios. Cloth
ing for (I years, and when you see this name on
the goods, It Is a sign that there is no better
goods mude. Bran suit has a let-out of 1 inch
all over. So if you want to eat buckwheat cakes
ou don't need to he afraid you will grow out ot
your clothes.
and not only that, they are in reach of every one
4.75 to 9 75.
Children's Suits $1.25 to 5.75
Overcoats f2 50 to $10.00
See our ( ravenettes $0.50 to $15 00.
Boys' knee pants, corduroy pants,
lined 0 and 75c
Boys' cord pants $1.25 to $1.75
Men's corduroy pants $1.35 to 2.45
Men's dress punts $1.25 to $2.50
Boys' Coats 95c to $1.25
Men's coats $1.25 to $3.26
watched fifteen vears.
"For fifteen years I have
watched the working of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve; and it has never
failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer
or burn to which it was applied.
It has saved us many a doctor
bill," saya A. F. Hardy, of East
Wiltoi:, Maine. 25. at Trout's
drug store.
We certainly have done a grand
business this fall on Atkins Hand-ami
Crosscut Saws. Our order was for
I twice as many of these goods as lust
I year, and the way they are going, we
I will Sell three times as many. The
price for hand saws is 05c to $1.05
Crosscuts 05c to $3.45
Wire nails 3c lb.
Finishing brads 5c lb.
Split jlvets, 100 for 4c
Tubular rivets, 50 for 4c
Butcher knives 13-10-20 'ind 25c
Files 3 to 12c
Horse shoe nails 11 to 18c
Bolts, 14 in. to 7 In. lc
Calvani.ed tubs, plain 45 to 05c
Galvanized tubs, extra large 05 to 85c
Stove pipe 12 to 14c
Perfect elbows ()c
Lard cans, 50 lb. 33c
Axes 45-50-00-75 and 85c
Wush boilers 00 and 8Sc
cjpid; no ckfood.
Vne of the Most Relia
ble on the Market.
The 25c. poultry and stock food,
15c.; the 7So. hog food, 38c; the 50c.
worm and heave powders, 25c.; the 50c
Horn killer, 25c. Try these goods and
be convinced that they are all right.
Ail Screac.
The trust president pushed the
button and the general counsel
stood before him.
"Have the books been burned?'
"They have."
"Has the mortgage been eras
ed, the bonds stolen, and the safe
buried r"
"It haa been done.'' '
'Than announce to the govern
ment that we have nothing to con
ceal. " Life.
Jiev Hobert F. McClain will
preach in the Presbyterian
church at this place next Sab
bath morning ml evening.
We have been requested to say
that the primaries for the coming
spring election will he held under
the rules heietofoie governing the
Caaaawappa Tiibe, No. 4U7, 1.
U. K. ML, hunting grounds ot Mc
Connellsburg, haa very inter
esting council li re on last Thurs
bay aleep. A number ot pale
faros were adopted, the warriors'
brave ' and chiefa' degrees being
conferred. The council brand
was kept burning until a late run.
The boya are sharpening their
acalpmg knivea lor aoino pale fac
es this Thuraday run.
We claim we handle the best line a
Shoes in the Couuty, and from tne
amount we are selling, they inust be
about all right. We sell some shoes t ha
don't stand, but we are here to make
hem right. If a shoe don't give you
service, here is the place to kick. In
fants' shoes, 10 to 50c.; Children's 75c.
to $1 00; Misses, 82c. to $1.48; Boys',
$1.00 to $2.00; Ladles', $1.(0 to $.1.00:
Men's, $1.25 to Sl.iH). Come iu and bu
on v laced as hundreds ot others are,
that we can lit your feet and purse l .
er than any one else thut try to.
IVe ha ye lots more $oods, but for want of space, tve
can 7 tell you about thf.m this time. Call and see us.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Feeding Skint Milk.
The secret in successfully feed
ing skim milk to calves is always
to remembor that it ia not pooi
or weak food, but has all the nu
triment of new milk except tfut
fat and in a growing animal that
ia used to keep the ayatem open
or active rather th in to malro
fat If the akim milk is fed
warm it does not aeem to mat
ter if it ia a little turued, but do
n n give too much.
Ia grippe coughs are danger-
joai-, aa they frequently develop
it)to pneumonia. Foley's Honey
(Mid Var not only stops the cough
fettt hoalx and strengthens the
longs ao that no serious results
need be feared. The genuine
Foley's Honey and Tar contains
no harm f i-J drugs and is in yel
low packrtge. Refuse su'.ati
tutea. Ti out's drug store.
Dealer In
Pianos Organs
The uodcralgneil takes this
method of Informing the people of
Pulton county that he Is prepared
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at prlceathat are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an Instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he Is prepared jn short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me know, I
can safe you money.
Figures Talk
Boxes Solo
I hi- but evidence that Bliu Native
lli-r hs fulfills the claima made for II
la found in the Increasing sales it en
joys year after year. It cures, or else
people would not buy and take it
for such diseases as Rheumatism,
Constipation, Dyspepsia, Kidney
Diseases, Liver Disorders, Eczema,
Scrofula or any ailment arising; from
Impure blood.
Bliss Native Herbs
is effective because It is made from
pure roots, herbs and barks and con
tains no opiates, minerals or alcohol.
It is R-uurantecd under the United
Stater Pure Drug Law. Each box
contains 20t tableta for $1.00 and if
no cure results, money is refunded.
It is made by The Alonzo O. Bliss
Company. Washington, D. C. Can
not be found in drug-stores and is
7jtirjl Artist,
A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave.
Krerylhlna Antlaeptto.
Raton Sterilised.
Hair Onlting and Maaaage, a apeolalty.
sfShop In room lately occupied by R. M
Attorney at Law.
Ollice on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal bus new and eoUeotiona entrusted
will ecelve careful and prompt attention.
President Judge Hon 8.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges , D.
T. Humbert.
J'rothonotary, Ac Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney Prank P Lynch.
Treasurer Chs. B. Stevens.
Sheriff JetT Harris.
Deputy Sheriff A. D. Hohmaa.
Jury Commissioners David Rotz
A. C. Truax.
Auditors D H. Myers, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grant Wink.
Commissioners S. C. Gracey, Wm.
C. Davis, S. A Nesblt.
Clerk - B. Prank Henry.
County Superintendent B. C. Lam
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. It. ShafTner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Kirk, F. P. Lynch. H. N. Sipes.
Justice of the Peace L. H. Wible.
Constable D. T. Fields.
Burgess Dr. H. S. Wlshart.
Councllmen Thomas N. Hsmmll
Wm. H. Nesblt, H. U. Naoe. M. K.
ShafTner, , D. E Little,
Geo W. Hays.
Clerk L H. Wible.
School Directors--John Comerer,
C. B. Stevens, S. B. Woollet, L. H.
Wible, D. L. Grissinger, T. F Sloan.
Board of Health H. S. Wlshart, M.
D. ; pres. John S. Harris; sec'y. G
W. hays W. L McKibbin, li. D., J
W. Mosser, M. D.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commenca
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the secondMonday of June,
at 1U o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, lit I lint J a
Knobsville. Pa.
All orders by mail promptly tilled.
Are due lo Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when It was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific (act that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
awellsthe atomach. puffing II up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and Id the course of. time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kaubls. of Nevada. O , says: I had stomscl
trouble and was In t bad state as I had heart troubls
with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Curs for about foul
months and It cured me,
Kodol Digests What You tat
and relieves the atomach ot all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottlaa only. 1 1 .00 Size holdlne 2M times tka trial
alia, which sells lor 60c.
rrsfMU-skd by ft. O. Da WITT 00.. OMIOAQO.
I have just refilled my sheds
wlih a tine lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices
I also have in stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles.
1 want your trade. Please come
and see my stock before you
make a purchase.
. Thanking the public for liber
al patronage in the pust, and
soliciting a coutlnuancu of the
same in the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned hereby gives notice
that the lands and premises of the Ful
ton County Hod and Gun Club, an or
ganisation duly Incorporated by the
laws of Pennsylvania, situated in the
townships of Wells and Brush Cieek.
county of Fulton and state of Pennsyl
vanla, ate private property, and that
all persona are warned not totrespasa
on said lands and premises for ,he
purpose of hunting, fishing, gathering
nuts or berries, on In any other man
ner whatever contrary to acts of as
sembly In such cases made and provid
ed as the law will br rigidly unforced.
Prksijyterian. Kev. W. A. West,
D D., Pastor. Preaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:ir. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Mkthodist tui 1 CTAL-ReT. C. W.
Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00. -"
United Presbyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. .Sunday school at 8:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
t'.v a.xi ; 1 ;i .n. a 1. L,tJTHRnAN-Bev. Cal
vinFassoldPastor. Sunday scho 1 0 15
a. hi. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 und every otter Sun
day eveuing at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed . Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching m alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Follows M 'Connellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne C'lerenger's Hall In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening In the New Hall
at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday eveuing In Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 710 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrisonvllle.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. P.. No. 365 meets In
McCOnnellsburg In Clevenger's Hall
the first Saturday in every month at 2
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S. of A. meets every first and third
Saturday evening ut their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Council, Itoval Arcanum
meets overy first aod third Monday
evening In Clevenger's Hall, McCon
nellsburg. Washington Camp No. 407, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening In P. O. 8. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 664, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satui -urday
evening in P. O. 8. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post Q. A. K., No.
689, meets every Saturday, on or luat
preceding fuH moon in Lashley hall
at 2 p. in at Buck Valley.
WnmiLn'i 1? n 1 1 I i ... n,-
meets at same date and place at 4 p
Uen. D. B. McKibbin Post dNo
G. A. S., meets the second an fourth
Hatur-ciays in each month- at Pleasant
Make Kldys and Bladdar Right