The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 02, 1908, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday,
b W- PivK, Editor and Proprietor.
JANUARY 2, 1908
Published Weekly. 1.00 pei
Annum in Advance.
Per square of Mines' limes II
per square eftflh subsequent Insertion 50
A i advertisements Inserted (nr leu thai
hree Mm charged by the square.
I raos. juntos. I 1 jrr,
a r esni tfi for 1rpnA
'luyv orrxur r
More! More! More' comes the call for
Karo. CliiKlri-n love and thrive upon it;
everybody delights in its wholesome good
MM. Nothing half so good for all tofti of
swccciiing, from griddle cakes to c:.ndy.
10c, 2$e and 50c in air-tight tins.
One fn irth column IIS no. ian 00 I HO P.
One halt ooluran 2 00 40 00 SO O
one '..Umn 40 00. I t.oo. 7H.C"
kra:nk!.;n mills.
Vli:ttevor to the conlr.iry ma
be said by the pessimists, this .s
an age of bind iy feeling. Nevei
bTfore have people been fc keeu
ly interested in the common wel
fare of as at prescut;
aud tl.roughout this broad land,
tliero is no one, be ho ever so
humble, who may not enjoy the
pleasures of the Christmas sea
son. From the general e.xpres
sion of kindliness, it would seem
that Santa had touched the oos
om of every man, woman, and
child. Everywhere his gifts are
showered; and uo corner of crea
tion is so remote or lonely as not
to be found hy the old gentleman
with his team of prancing reirj
deer. Standing in a beautiful giovo
of timoer in 1'igeon Cove, is a
church, used by any denomina
tion of worshippers who may be
inclined to ojupv its sacred
detk. Duriug the early spring
time of last year, Mr. A. M. lin
ens, assisted by other County
Workers, organizsd a Sunday
school in that church, which grew
in numbers and interest during
tho summer. Catching the spirit
ot Christmas joys, Air. iiivemv
arranged for an entertainment in
the church on Christmas eve, and
lie and those who so faithfully as
sisted, deserve much praise foi
the successful manner in which
it was conducted. All who re
cited or sang, acquitted them
salves most praiseworthy, and
the large nu inner assem bled-old
and youug alike went away with
hearts tillad with "Peace on earth:
good will toward men."
Different sections of our coun
try have different ways of cele
brating this holiday.
In most cities in the South,
Christmas is celebrated very
much the same as we do the 4ih
of July. All along the streets
you may tiud children, aud grown
people loo, setting off tirecrack
in the daytime and fireworks at
Further, on Christmas eve it
is a custom for young men to go
about in companies from house
to housn drinking the eggnug pre
pared by their lady acquaintanc
es for the occasion.
Among the Dutch in earlier
days, it was the custom for the
master of the house to go out
through the baru at right with a
lighted caudle and tell the cattle,
the horses, and the pigs even
the bees on the stands that
"Krist kiud" is coming.
In the harbor at New York is
Ellis Islaud, where on Christmcs
day hundreds of children with
their parents await their first
landing on the shorse of Ameri
ca. Among them are Germans,
Italians youugsters of every na
tionality interested all of them
in Christmas observances --as
much so as any Yankee child
could pssibly be.
Our streets are in a very 1 ad
JJertlia Locke has returned
from Pittsburg, after an absence
of two or three weeks. She r
ports times dull out there.
The (J rangers of this place are
making lots of preparation for a
"blowout" in the near future.
It's an Oyster Supper.
The Xmas entertainment at
Bethel was a grand success. The
recitations were tine and well
rendered, tne music was of a
high character it bring condnct
ed by Profs. Booth ajid Rorar.
The manufacturing establish
ment of Bert li-jibart is very
busy, turning out as much as
one sawmili in the last six
The sawmill plant of John
Booth and V alter Uorar is very
busy. They say they have the
promise of steady sawing for tive
years. The financial situation of
our country does not seem to af
fect their business. Good luck
to you. Go on.
Everet Brown is sick. Hope
he may recover soon.
T. B. Cromwe'l has sold Ins
tarm to Ins son Thomas, who
lives at Homestead, Pa.
Frank Madden called on his
sister who lives at Dudley; and,
also, ou his brother, who Jives at
Our school is progressing nice
ly under the management of liay
mond Gutshall.
A. F. Cutshall took unto him
self a wife. They will go to house
keeping ou tho home place.
WATwHBD fipteln years.
"For fifteen years 1 have
watched the working of Buckleu's
Arnic i Salve; aud it has never
failed t cure any sore, boil, ulcer
or burn to which ii was applied.
It has saved us many a doctor
bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East
Wilton, Maine. 2'). at Trout's
drug store.
Seven Years ol Proof.
"I have had seven vears of
proof that Dr. King's New Dis
covery is the best medicine to
take for coughs and colds and for
every diseased condition of throat
chest or lungs," says VV. V. Hen
ry, of Panama, Mo. The world
has had thirty-eight years of
proof that Dr. King's New Dis
covery is the best remedy for
coughs and colds, lagrippe, asth
ma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemo
rrhage of the lungs, and the ear
ly stages of consumption. Its
timely use always prevents the
devolopment of pneumonia. Sold
under guarantee at Trout's drug
store. 50c. aud $1 00. Trial bot
tie free.
Judgfl Gillanat Cliauihershiiiur,
OB Monday week, sentenced Wal
ter Hock, of Tonistown, to 18
months in the Franklin County
jail and to pay a fine ot :25i and
the costs of the case for shooting
and killing Harry Butler, a neigh
bor, last October.
Samuel Pittman, of Altooaa, is
spending some time with his
father in law, D. H. Fore.
Charles Glunt and wife have
left for their home in Pittsburg
after spending a week with tho
former's parents John V. Olunt
a nl wife.
Myrtle Baker spent Sunday
with Emma D. Kelso.
Milton Shailo has returned to
Ins work at Saltillo after spend
ing Christmas with his wife and
chi'dren in this place.
John Gunnel , Sr. is on the
sick list.
Jacob Long aud family of Hag
erstown are visiting relatives
and friends in this place.
Nina Kelso spent Sunday with
fu r cousin Lola Wilson.
Subscribe for ti e "News, ' only
11.00 a year.
Thli Is Worth Kemembfriiif .
Whenever you have a cough or
cold, just remember that Foley's
Honey and Tar will cure it Do
not risk your heal'.h by taking
any but the genuine. It is in a
yellow package. Trout's drug
nr i THnmriMT' "a
Kemp's Msm
Will stop any cough that
c&n be top.sed by any
medicine ar.d cure coufjlis
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is alwaays the !..!
coiifih cure. Yau cannot
allord to take chanceet u
any other klutl.
coufjhj, colds, bronchitis,
grip, Hslhma and consump
tion In lira! stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or hannlul drug.
Amoi g the many visitors here
during holidays, are as follows :
John Mills, of Altoona, visited his
friends a few days; J. Loy Mc
Clain, wl olns been rnilroading
in the western part of the State,
the past summer, spent a few
days at home; Arthur A. Cunning
ham, of Mount Union, speut Sun
day at home; Verua Parsons,
teacher in room No. 5, Mount Un
ion, speut part of hor vacation
with friends in New Grenada;
Geo. Shafer and son Roy visited
his daughter Verna Hippie, in
Mount Union, and son Harvey, at
Kearney, during the past week;
Edward Bergstresser, of Winner
ding, is home ou account of sus
pension of VVestiughouse plant at
that place; Dean Bergstresser,
teacner of high school at Broad
fop City, took a couple days off
after Christmas aud came home;
Hi la Houck, Queen Houck, 13 rt
aud Bertha McClain, dauehtcr
Alma and son Elrlon, ate Christ
mas pie at the home of Wintield
Painter, at Three Springs, Pa.
M. W. Houck was confined to
his room a few days on account
of sickness.
Charles Alloway, wife and son
Hex, visite'1 Jacoo Cutchall's and
William Alloway 's.
Mrs. Ellon Thomas is visiting
in Altomaaud other points.
Alford Keith, ol Buruham, Pa.,
visited his parents.
Grace Lodge, teacher of No. 4,
spent a few days at her home
near Crystal Springs.
Commissioner S. C. Gracey,
wife, and his mother, Hettie, ate
Christmas dinuer at the home of
Hichard Alloway here.
Dr. R B Campbell was at Mt.
Union on Christmas.
Dr. Charles Grissiuger, of Bed
ford, went to the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. Guy Weavor, on Christ
mas, when he took sick with
grippe and pneumonia. Mrs,
Kate Mills, Charles' mother, was
present and assisted in taking
care of him, and at present he is
some better.
Maude Cunniugham, Mrs. L.
L Cunningham, Elvaand Martha
Black, took an outing to Throe
Springs and Orbisouia on Friday
and Saturday, while the old worn
out parson remained at home
playing bachelor. He got along
.11 right, but couldn't tiud the
dish rag; played bark job cabin
style turn the dishes upside
down until next meal.
Grandmother Gaster is on the
sick list, suffering with neuralgia.
Thomas Jones, of Kobertsdale,
died at that place ou Sunday. He
was up in years, and had been
failing for a long time. Ho was
an Odo Fellow for fifty years, or
more; au 1 at the time of his death,
was a member of Sixu.ile Hun
L idge. He was a 0 msistent mem
ber of tho M. E church.
Andrew Chilcote died in Coles
Valley, Huntingdon county, Sun
day night, very suddenly. He
was a veteran "f the Civil War.
Charles Lodge, of Crystal
Springs, was in New Grenada on
Monday morning.
Two Unwelcome Visitors Here.
At this season La Grippe and
Pneumonia cause more deaths
than consumption. Foley's Hon
ey and Tar cures la grippe coughs
th it may result in pneumonia ov
or night. Do not take chances
with a cold when Foley's Honey
and Tar will quickly cure it
Trout's drug store.
14 Rowl Pins
2."i Needles
ti trood F.nvelopc
1 sheets aer
Box paper
Ghccrlnc Soap
( 'old crenm
Colgate's bath soap
lllack pins, 40 for
Machine thtead
Memoranda books
Hxlo looking glasses
Talcum powder
Shetland Moss
Ice wool
Tooth picks, 1000
Richardson silk Ross
Richardson ribbons
Shelf paper, 5 yds.
Wire hair pins, 12 for
Wash rags
Aunt Lydia's thread
Window shades, felt
Oil shades
ft to 15c.
3 to loc
4 to I V.
1(1 and ISO.
1 to 10c,
They talk about these goods loing
higher in price. They are not. Iti-oz
Men's fleeced shirts and drawers, 38c,
or 75c per suit; lll-oz. Mine, the same
as we handled for 5 years, 43o eirh
or 85c per suit, and tho Jersey under
wear that wi.l give and not be bulky,
at 48c each, !csult.
that we sold last year ut Mb each, we
bought in case lots this .year, and can
sell it iti each, or 91 05 per suit.
This is a saving of ti to 0 cents Think
it over.
." to tflaj Hoys' heavy, 24 to 48 Mr
suit: Ladies' vests and pants, same as
last year, 23c, and the liest you ever
did see at 48c each-
We have been handling Flusher Bios. Cloth
ing for 0 years, and when you see this nam; ya
the goods, it Is a sign that there is no better
goods made. Kvery suit has a let-out of 1 inch
all over. So If you want to eat buckwheat cakes
you dou't Deed to be afraid you will grow out of
your clothes.
and not only that, they are in reach of every one
$4.75 to D M,
Children's Suits $1.25 to 5.75
Overcoats $2 50 to 10.00.
See our ( ravenettes 19.00 to 91Q 00.
Hoys' knee pants, corduroy pants,
lined (10 and 75c
Hoys' cord pants $1.2" to $1.75
Men's corduroy pants 91.35 to 92, 15
Men's dress pants $1.25 to 92 50
Hoys' Coats 05c to 91.25
Men's coats f 1.25 to 3.25
We certainly have done a grand
business this fall on Alklns Hand and
Crosscut Saws. Our order was for
twice as many of these goods as last
year, and the way they are going, we
will sell three times as many. The
price for hand saws is 05c to $1.05
Crosscuts 95c to $.'!.45
Wire nails 3c lb.
Finishing brads 5c lb.
Split rivets, 100 for 4c
Tubular rivets, 50 for 4c
Hutcher knives l.l-Ki-20 ind 25e
Files :t to 12c
Horse shoe nails 11 to 18c
Holts, li In. to 7 in. lc
(ialvani.ed tubs, plain 45 to 05c
Galvanized tubs, extra large 05 to 85c
Stove pipe
Perfect elbows
Lard cans, 50 lb.
Wash boilers
12 to 14c
45-50-00-75 and Bfto
OU and 85c
One of the Most Relia
ble on the Market.
The 25o. poultry and stock food,
15c ; the 75c. hog food, 38c; the 0c.
wot m and heave powders, 25c; the 50c
Horn killer, 25c. Try these goods and
be conviuced thut they are all right.
Bert Henry and wife and
little daughters Mabel and Grace;
John P Kerlir, Irene aud Otis
were visiting Howard Korlins in
Altoona last week.
We claim we handle the best line o
Shoes in the County, and from the
amount we are selling, they must be
about all right. We sell some shoes tha
don't stand, but we are here to make
hem right. If a shoe don't give you
service, here Is the place to kick. In
fauts' shoes, 10 to 50c; Children's 75c.
to 91 00: Misses, 82c. to 91.48; Boys'.
$1.00 to $2.00; Ladles', $1.00 to $3.00;
Men's, $1 125 to $1.00. Come in and be
onvlnced as hundred! of others are,
that we can lit your feet and" purse bet
it 1,1 1 uu any ouu else thut try to.
We have lots more goods, but for want of space, we
can 7 tell you about them this time. Call and see us.
McConriellsburg, Pa.
A warrant is out for a man re
siding near Hocky Hill, Frankhu
county, for killing a doe. The
game department got wind of the
killing and sent Game Warden
Berrier to got the facts. He ot
the doe hide but it had been so
badly mutilated that it could not
be decided whether it was a buck
or a doe. There were, however,
a number of witnesses who saw
the head and who will swear that
it was that of a doe.
Lagrippe coughs are danger
ous, as they frequently develop
into pneumonia. Foley Honey
and Tar not only stops the cough
but heals and strengthens the
lungs so that no serious results
need be feared. The genuine
Foley's Honey aud Tar coutains
no harmful drugs and is in a yel
low package. Hefuse su'.ati
totes. Trout's drug store.
Oalrf In
Pianos Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fulton county that he Is prepored
to furnish High Grade Pianos and
organs at pi Icesttiat are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an Instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he is prepared .n short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen in the home of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you in thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me kuow, I
can Bave you money.
Figures Talk
Boxes Sold
The bent evidence that Bliss Native
Herbs fulfills the claims made for it
Is found in tbu increasing sales it en
joya year after year, it cures, or else
people would not buy and toko It
for such diseases as Rheumatism.
Constipation, Dyspepsia, Kidney
Diseases, Liver Disorders, Uczema,
Scrofula or any ailment artsinic from
impure blood.
Bliss Native Herbs
is effective because it is nude from
pure roots, herbs and harks mid con
tains no opLiles, minerals or alcohol.
It is Kuarnntecd under the United
St:iter Pure Drutf Law. L.ich box
contains 200 tablets for $1.00 and if
no cure results, money is refunded.
It is made by The Atonzo O. Bliss
Company, Washington, D. C. Can
not be found in drugstores und is
First OMM
7 17 )j!.4'ist,
MoCONNKI.l.snilRO, PA.
A Clean (.'up cd Towel wltn escb "have,
kvervthlng Antiseptic.
Raror Sterilized
Hair Cutllnp nod Maasore. a specialty
EVshop In room lately ncoupleUby K. M
Attorney at Law,
Office on Sciuare,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal bua.neu and nolleetiona entrusted
will eoelve oaretul and prompt attention.
President Judgfl Hon 8.Mc. Swopo.
Associate Judges W.H. Bender, D.
T. Humbert.
Prothonotary, Ac. Geo. A. Harris.
District AttorneyGeorge B. Dn
lels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver,
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners David Rotz
A. C. Truax.
Auditors D H. Myers, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grant Wink.
Commissioners . C. Gracey, Wm.,
C. Davis, S. A Nesbit.
Clerk B. Frank Henry.
County Suporinteudent Chat, h
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelfton Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels. John P. s, S. W.
Kirk, F. P. Lynch. H. N. Sipes.
Justice of the Peace-L. H. Wlble.
Constable D. T. Fields.
Burgess Dr. H. S. Wishart.
Councilmen Thomas N. Hammil
Wm. H. Nesbit, H. U. Nace, M. H.
Sha liner, C. Iv Bartou, D. E Little,
Geo W. Hays.
Clerk-1. ti, Wible.
School Directors John Comerer,
C. B. Stevens, S. B. Woo) let, L. H.
Wible, D. L. Grlssinger, T. F Sloan.
Board of H. S. Wishart, M.
D.; pres. John S. Harris; sec'y. G
W. Bay ; W I, McKlbbin, M. D., J
W. Mosser, M. D.
The lirst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
I Monday of .1 anuary,at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
! third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
i p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
I at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
ujioosr, tti i i n! j n
rut lout s
Knobsv(lle! Pa.
All orders by mail promptly tilled.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
ene hundred people who have heart trouble)
can remember when It was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
awellsthe stomach, puffing It up the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and in the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes' diseased.
Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O , says: 1 had stomsct
trouble and was In a bad state as I had haart troubll
with it. 1 took Kodol Dyspepsia Cura for about foul
months and It cured me,
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only, $ 1 .00 Size holding 2H times the Mai
size, which sella for 50c,
Prepared by I. O. OeWITT 0O.. OHIOAQCX
I have just refilled my sheds
with a line lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am belling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices
I also have in slock a lot of
Buggy Wheel and Buggy Pules.
1 want your trade. Please come
and see my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage In the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same In the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned hereby gives notice
that the lauds and premises of the Fill
ton County Hod and Gun Club, an or
ganization duly incorporated by the
law of Pennsylvania, situated in the
township of Wells and BmiahCieek,
county of Fulton and state of Pennayl
vaoia, aie private pronerty, and that
all persons are warned not to trespass
ou aid land mm pi'iaitse for ".to
purpose of hunting, tlvhing, gathering
nuta or berrloi, on in any other man
ner whatever contrary to acts of as
sembly in such case made andurovld
ed a the law will kr rigidly enforced.
Fulton County Rod ano Gun Cluh.
li.jMi if .
PllRSHYTKRl AN. I lev. VV. A. West,
D .. Pastor. Preaching service
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunduy evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9: 1!. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at G:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Mkthodist kpiscopai. Rev. C. J.
Bryner, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a. tn. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at (i:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:X.
United Presbyterian Rev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preachintevery Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
cvanqelii-Ai. lX'tberan Dev. Cal
vinFasjo'dPasior. Sunday scho jl 9:16
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at (t:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at'7:00.
Reformed pig
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. in. Prayer meet
ing od Wednesday evening at 7:00.
.'.IK II Ills
Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening In
tne Clevenger's Hall in McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meet
every Saturday evening In the New Hall
at Fort Littletqn.
Well Valley Lodge No. 607 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonville Lodge No. 710 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
low' Hall at Harrisonville.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meet ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hall at New Grenada.
Warfordgburg Lodge No. 601 meet
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post O. A. P.. No. 365 meets in
McConnellaburg in Clevenger's Hall
the Ui-ut Saturday in every month at 2
p. m.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S, of A. jeet every lirst and third
Saturday evening at their hall at Need
more. Tuscarora Counc'.l, Royal Arcanum
met every ti rut aud third Mouday
evening in Clevenger's Hall, McCon
nellsburg. Washington Camp Np. 497, P. O. 8.
A., of New Grenada, meet every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 564, P. O.8.
of A., Hustontown, meet every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Pot G. A. R., No.
589, meet every Saturday, on or just
preovding full moon In Lashley halt
at 2 p. m., atr Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 8o
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Pot dNo.40t
G. A. B., meet the econd an fourth
Saturdays in each month at Pleasant
Make Kidneys and Binddsr Right