The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 28, 1907, Image 4

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Published tvery Thursday.
I W- Mi. Editor and Proprietor.
NOVEMBER 28, 1907
Published Weekly. 51.00 pei
Annum in Advance.
rr square of - llnfi 3 times It V
I'.'l square eaeh inhNequeitl Insertion.... N
Ap advertisements Itifieried for lese lha
h i! muathr. charged by the square.
S aioa. Oman. I I jr.
One fn irth column . .
(JO I", If column
One Column
. 2S.OO.
.. 10 00
so. a
NEW i ik' l N mm
Saturday niglit and Sunday
moruinp, a fall of 'The IJeauli
ful." Sundiiy evening, mud,
in 'id, mud.
Wilbur Mills, llie steam shovel
eugineor on railroad const ruction,
came home on Tuesday , and it
look ng tine, and as I ig hearted
as ever, lie lelt again on Mou
Skf. Misstirace Lodge, teacher oi
No 4 school, visited her home
people at Crystal Springs, over
S inday.
Mrs. Kva'iuc McClaiu and
daughter Maude ar rived home 00
Saturday from Mount Union,
where they had boon visiting a
c mplo weeks.
Ja : iti Cridor, our mail man, is
b3Uerat this writing, but sti1'
umble for duty on the mail route,
an.l 00 tolling when will be, un
lass his hearing is restored.
J. Cal Kirk and Mark Lodge
are paintiug the exterior of Ueth
el church.
The school board of Wells have
a Ided t the five schoolhouses,
the stove shields as required bj
law. The shields look ad right,
but tho price it :s all wrong.
To j mi c'no mooney.
So lie of tho folks in our quiet
town were aroused on Thursday
morning bef re daylight by what
sounded like tho yells of a pan
ther or c.itamount, aud uiu lu
vestigat'nn, found that it was silt
prtM James Chesnut, on his way
to L'roadtop City to call a big salt
for A. J. Black, and upon enter- j
ing ojr villigo, ho gave out a few j
of his yells, as he usually does
IB opening up a sale. Come again, j
ol 1 man, and wake us up.
Cloyd Black, who works at j
K ) jertsdale with his father, Ja-1
co, is home feeh ig indisposed.
Wednesday and Thursday were
u ilucky days i-i way of accidents
round here, as several were 1
urt. First, as Clyde i'lummer
was assistug S. P. Metzler to I
kill a beef, Metzler ran a butcher
knife roto Clyde's hand, making j
an ugly gash. John tiouck was dition
turning a windmill at his home,
Nov. 2f; The sale at this !a I
was largely attended on Friday.
t iss Pearl rioming, of Ne y
ton, visited in the home of In r
uncle the past wim k.
Mrs. Horace Ji ow, of Somer
set i-ouuty. is visiting 1 er hus
hand's parents Mr and Mrs. J.
W. ( ; rove.
Bphraln N'ead will move into
h!s new home in the near future,
that vacated by A W Brown.
Jnc b (Jar mack spent Sunday
in the home of Amos (Jill near
Decoru m.
Mr. A. W. Brown and family
left for Waynesboro on Tuesday,
aataAahaa a I. Ill I... .1. r .
"licit; muy win u.une Liieir iu-
lure home.
A couple woi'ks ago, Dr. W. T.
Urove of Eurena Kansas, came
to this place and on returning
took his mother Mrs. H .1 Grove
with him to spend sometime in
his western home.
Mrs. Lizzie Berk stressor ol
Waterfall is spending some time
with h ji- brother John K. Wood
Misses Ada and Lillian Flem
ing wci e shopping at the County
neat lat Saturday.
Mr. J. W. Mower had a
sick horse F'riday night but
jotting bettor now.
it is
wowing Heaf
V Tww Every Ounce offuelt
! jH'AAWlflL When the mercury drojN ml ol sight. a,,(jB
ff SoZ"! you jut! can't Keep llir house warm, you'll BD
"jaETS imil il wontlrrlnlly convenient lo use a
w perfection!
Oil Heater j
poJf: . . i"??P (Equipped with Smokeless Device)
. JV?3 ItWy light carry il about heal tt H, colrj I
room. Turn the wick liiyli cr low no H
JI V "vV lan0cr no smoke r.o smrll. Kasily rarcd EM
il lor and gives nine hours ol hi
-J cozy comlort at one Idling ol f t.'J
nMBHnBHV kass lonl. Finished in d- A
I WJ Jmr mchel aI1d japan. I very f H
Effin heater warranted. fri
mm Tlie Z?c.w r T wil1, ' 'r'v- X,.!)
M 1 JXtxyiJ L,amp uinm ufli. i ,. yqqjpkc
Baaaaaa tftr lona wiiilrr rvrninus if
HJ lai uw ty ji won't lire your fyo. Ulril imprnvr.l trnlril M
pti Hnii burnrr MjJf ol kru. nirlrl bhWL &n lmp rrmlpl. "j K
It your rlralrr nnnol mipply ihf Mayo liiTip or Perfection Oil W
ES Hulrr. write our nrrl njenry kit descriptive circular. jr3
Vft Incorporated JBm
it is
A tickling c )Ugh. from
::ause, is quickly stopped by
Shoop's Cough Cure. And
o thoroughly harmless and safe,
that Dr. Shoop tells mothers
everywhere to give it without hes
itation even to very young babies.
The wholesome green leaves and
euder stems of u lung-healing
mountainous shruo, furnish the
eura'.ive properties to Dr. Shoop's
Oough Cure It calms the cough,
md heals the sore and sensitive
bronchial membranes. No opium
00 chloroform, uothin harsh used
loiuiure or suppress, iiimply
1 resinous plant extract, that
U ..I .... 1. 1 .. t i mi i.
"C1F3 V "w auuuig iuuKa. 1 lie OoMtamlih. In e of tin- iMiniinh of MoConmtlls
Snamarrld null the .li..,k ! '" ' ' ' ' ''. nvliiol.i. ilwel. to
the Doctor uses. "The
Hero." Demand Dr. Shoop's.
lake no other. Dickson's drug r 1
store. i u-'-'-;"
Graduate of McCormick neurological College, Chicago, 111.
natysis of causes of lininan ills. Patients lancbt how to treat themselves.
Ohemtosl tlcrancrinpnts, Mf vliatiieal (lisordet-s reaelieU
lij i lii ini.sti y of diet, hyd oiticrapy, niaiHial therapy,
Relief from e. a strain.
Specialist in nervous diseases, elirunio ailments, eye defects.
C'orespoodeuce solicited, No treatment by mail.
Member Association of Independent Doctors. K
Auditor's Notice.
Executor's Notice.
Notice IslKreliv xiveu tlmt lit.; uiiilervlt'nel I , "''" tcstinnentury on the ette pi Dan.
aiidttur ippiNil ted liv the Orphuns Court of , !el Mott. ate nf lleltiist towtxhlp. l'lil
Kii'ton e.uintv. 1'cdhsv'IvuiiIii. t.. make .lltilhu. ! ton eoiinty. 1 u . .leceert. huMuK been mat
Hon .if iheriiii.Nlniheliunils.,1 Ob .JE.Oold- "Fff1 nnderslifDed til persons Indebted to
niith. "ilministnitor nf Hie .suite ..I Duvid."" -soiie re rriiuest.-u to in lie unuNiaw
l iiiuu i. a un i id p'c iuk t lit hum wi ui'iiiitutis
tiicuhiNt the same, will present them without
' w HWJW t DHM4 tin-ni eieeiitio' '. if there lie unv. will sit
U....J t hi-ulllee in MtsCoune lsbiirt. lu.. on Fridiiy
OttCreU Dcoamhar is. lit in a clock, u. m . when
Tr linnn'c ! ttni wu re u" lerHOnN Interested may utleml
if th
If see propc
An lltor
delay to
.ion s MKLurrr.
Andover, Fa.
C. E. Starr,
has the
Best Farm Wagon
MADE - Ions? hpUBdl, round coup
ling pole, made of the best oak and
hickory that urow, all hammered iron
There was a birthday party at on them -no malleable, -i sets of
brakes, li .ely painted, steel skein,
metal or tubular axle, the underside
of them is not painted, you can see
what you are uettiuK-
On hand winter and summer all
sizes one-horse, up to six.
Miss Mary Keobaugh has ra
tuinerl to her home near this
Mack Chesnut. wile and two
children, of Burnt Cabins, spent
Sunday with friends near and iu
this place.
Chesnut's school is closed this
week on account of the t-orijus
illness of Miss Fleming's brother.
Berkley Sipes on Saturday.
Mrs. Kmeline Chesnut is
spending some time with her
son Mack at Burnt Cabins.
The roads are in very bad con-
KILLthe cough
Dr. King's
New Discovery
IA. i. it (V
OLDS Trlat Bottle Free
Fnn roughs
. . . . . n . .. . .. .,
cleaning buckwheat, when he ac
cidentally got oae of his lingers
in the cogs, cutting thj entire
end olf, and now is nursing a sore
hand. Third, Bruce Lane, at
Woodvale, was butchering, and
got his hand into the sausage
grinder, cuttiug one finger off at
the root of the nail; and fourthly
and lastly, came Mike Ross, of
Woodvale, out of the mines, with
a badly smashed hanU. All of
t'tjse people were treated by Dr.
K, B. Campbell, except Clyde
lJlummer. We might call
b id day fun hauc s.
Chester McElheny spent Sun
day at Orlando Wagner's.
Eisa Kirk and Elizabeth Ches
i.ut spent Saturday and Sunday
with friouds at Eairview.
You can't be well if you have a
weak, unhealthy, tired out stom
ach. Neither cau you feel good
if by some little irreg.ilurity iu
e vtmg you have caused the stom
ach to get out of order. These
little stomach troubles aie signs
ot induestim, v l.ich may, aud
very often does turn into a very
t a bad case of dysjiepsia. Don't al
I low this to go on a single day
; without doing something to over-
Tho tiaest Coffee Substitute come it. Take some good relia
ever made, has recently bebn 'e and safe digestant like K'cdol
prod uced by Dr. Shoop of Racine ( POT Dyspepsia. Kodol is the best
Wis. You don't have to boil it i remedy known to day for heart
twenty or thirty minutes. "Made ; burn, belching, and all troubles
in a minute
"H 'alth Co freer ' is really the ! tna. It is pleasant to take and j
closest Coffee LoiitaUon ever yet j affords relief promptly. Sol 1 by
produced. Not a grain of real I Trout's drujr store.
Coopers Wanted.
Two good all around men want
ed to work on barrels, and do
general coopering work. Steady
employment and good wages. Ap
ply to S P. Stiver, Bedford, Pa.
11 21 :st.
knowingly drink it tcr coffee.
R. Mc' lain.
Farm Notes.
Even if pastures are green it
will not do to pasture too closely.
Skim milk is about the best
food for the growing pig you can
Ten dozen eggs a year is the
average estimate given as the
production of tho hen.
About four dozen eggs are giv
en as an average for the annual
outp it of the turkey.
Whenever stock begin to scat-
tt-r t tho flnnrnQoh ,.' it..;.. .......
says the doctor, from a disordered dib'es. j ter ho is uot a . d
really the "- n is pleasant to UUe and i ,kmM VMnla. . .
skimmed milk to equal one pound
of lean beef for llesh loaning
Keep the calves growing. If
stunted the first year there is a
loss that never can be regained.
Any animal that is worth raising,
is worth raising wel',
Tho careful orchardist will s e
that any tree which has been in
jured receives prompt attention
Wounds made by careless culti
vators should be bound t
out water until the scar
Coffee in it either. Health Coffee
Imitation is made from pure I'M ward Strait, ot Sipes Mills,
toasted cereals or grains, with and sister, Miss Daisy Strait, t.f
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would Saluvia, were shopping iu town
fool an export were ho to un Saturday.
and Harness.
I have just received the
finest lot ol Buggies and Har
ness ever brought to this coun
ty, which I am selling at Rock
boltom Prices, and will give
time or take any kind of stock
in exchange.
Horses on hand at all
'imes for any kind of work.
Will sell on time. Any kind
of stock bought.
If you have anything to
sell, or need anything in my
line, call to see me, or drop me
a card.
Yours for business,
Dan F. Trout,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
i V i r-jfii
t.lAlnt.t 111 till ntr: or MO Pr.
TftAOC.MARKft, rmf.iiH anil t ...ynxlu rents- I
ifnu. m ini . . - . ... jiiimiui ur I ... I.. Ii ' IiJl
r-lOrt Oil nulrnhttiilllV. ALl BUkli I-.ft
-I.i:.:ri.y COnlUErtTIAL. 1 aunt lira tiua I
. , a. ii.ii, i. it. riu. i..iu.iiai n irrrii' .'ai.
. ; lr i.i!;e Inrunl'jn, tliulllu taaVTAOaal-haaaaa.
t m unllow luul.! ini im.t .-.ellniai. iitwt,..! In. I
i M i. 1 1 . iv. 1 1, -iv 1. 1 L-.-t . .itiruir i.nilm jI
I . ...I... '.i' .. .... .....i .-.... 1..I.I iicw tally Bulun fm. I
L5JI beventh St., Washington,
Xl-ee daughters were born to
Mr. aed Mrs. Charles Steach, of!
this place, last Friday night. One !
of them was still born; the others !
are growing finely.
Emanuel Smith an 1 wi'e, who'
had been visiting in the home of
thelatter's Bister, Mrs. Sarah I
1'ittmao, of tin 4 place started on
their return to their home ml
Gettysburg, Tuesday noon. They j
i xpect to stay a day or two id
Uiimbersburg on their way I
h une.
A Safe and Sure
Cough Cure.
I Kempis Balsam j
Doat not I'lintoln Opium,
MorjjlimB, or any otlt.-r narootlo
or "lutbit-foruiiug" drug.
Thrre W no Narcollc In Ktmp's Balsatm.
Nuthinr; of a pnlaonotu or linrnifiil
cliuractL-r oulcru iuto ita ootiiposition.
Tlii clean ami jnirn oou'U rum
BOiai congUn that oauuot b cured
by any otU.,r niuilli-lua.
It lina savod Uiouaasda tiom ooo-
It haa auivtxl tbonawnda of lis...
A 25c. Lotlle couuiua 10 d .
At all druggist', 35u., COc. and ; 1.
Don't accept axaytkliag elate.
to be divorced from your appen
dix. There will be no ojcauion
for it if you keep your bowels n -gular
with Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Their action is so gentle
that the appendix never has
cause to make tho loast complaint.
Guaranteed by Trout's drug
store. gSe. Try them.
Weak Women
To wi-ak and alllns womNt. ther In at li-ast ono
Way to nalp. But with that way. two u . at iui.ui .,
muift Ihi Om, i IihiiI. nati. U i-oiitrtitii-Muual.
I.ut liuti an. Important. Iiotli aiauitUal.
Dr. hhiKip'i Klaht , mi.. U the i :
Ir Hhxi. Id ndiratlvii. tin. onatittitlcnal.
Ihulnriu. r Ur :-Im.. Niulii Curii lua Uiplral
nucitiH ini'iiiliraiii- ini.i.i(.itury n-ni.-ily. whlln Ir.
llhoop'M li i. mil . . ; . wholly all inpriial lr. ni
merit. Tin- K. ttorative r. ai-hi i, throughout the
ntfro Uti in. :.-- kt 1 1 ic thu rL-imlr o( all uarvn.
II llai.ll.., mill nil hlmi.1 alllll.'lita.
Tlie 'NtKht Cure", ua Ita iiain.i liniiliei. Ann Ita
Wnrk Willi.' la. p It ..mill. , ,,,r, anil Milium
1 mueuiia Miilai .a. heala Imal wiakneaaea anil
alseliargea, wlilln tHo K..atoratlvi, eaaea tiarrout
an lU'iiient, git, .b r. uewwl vlKnr ami amlillloii,
tullill up waat. il tluiu-a. l.rliiKliiK aliout raklivrw
Eiiimth. yigur. ami rwrtj. Take l)r ghiaip'i
itoraUve- 'lalil.-tanr Liquid aaa (eiiHral Pinle
to Ui U-iM For poallive local help, iue aa well
Dr. vShoop's
Night Cure
I I Kowh Pins lr
M Needles v Ic.
II pood Knvelopen lc.
(I sheets paper le.
Box paper 5 to l",e.
Tablets 3 to Ifkfl
Glycerine Soap 3c.
Cold ciotttn 4c.
Colifate's liath soap Bo
lllack pins, 10 for lc.
Machine thread Ic.
Meuioranda books I to 15c
SxlO lookinr glasses Ut
ralcum powder 10 and 100.
Shetland Moss He
Ic e wool 8o.
Tooth picks, 1000 4c. !
Itichunlson silk (loss 3Jc
Uichardson ribbons 1 to Hie.
Thimbles 3c.
Shelf paper, 5 yds. 2c.
Wire hair pins, 1- for lc.
Wash fairs ."m".
Aunt Lydii's threud 5c.
Window shades, felt 8c.
Oil shades 25c.
They talk about these gqpds lieiog
higher In price. They are not. lll-oz
Men's llecced shirts and drawers, 38c,
or 75c per stilt: 19-os. Hlue, the same
as we handled for 5 jears, 43c each
or 85c per suit, and the Jersey under
wear that will give and not be bulky,
at 48c each, !" tilt.
that we sold last year at D0c each, we
bought In case lots this year, and can
sell it at H.'x; each, or 1 (15 per suit.
This is a saving of ! to ! cents. Think
it over. "
5 to 4Hc: Hoys' heavy, 24 to 48 per
suit; Ladies' vests and pants, same as
last yeur, 23c., and the best you ever
did see at 4c eoclr
Dealer In
Pianos Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of 1
Fulton county that he Is prepared
to furnish High Grade I 'linos and
organs at prices that are attractive.
He makes a specialty of the
an instrument of national reputa
tion: and the
Heing a thoroughly trained
tuner, he is prepared u Bhort no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A satnple Lester Piano may be
seen in the home of (ieo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let ine know, I
can save you money.
We have lieen handling Flusher Hros. Cloth
ing for 0 years, and when you see this name uD
the goods, it is a sign that there is no better
goods made. Kvery suit has a let-out of 1 inch
all over. So If you want to eat buckwheat cakes
you don't need to lie afraid you will grow out of
your clothes.
and not only that, they are in reach of every one
$4.75 to 0 75.
Children's Bulla $1.25 to 68.75
Overcoats 2 50 to 10.00.
See our ( ravenettes 09.60 to SIS 0".
Hoys' knee punts, corduroy pants,
lined (10 and 75c
Boys' cord pnr.ts t.25 toft 75
Men's corduroy pant tl. 35 to $2.4.,
Men's dress pui.U $1.25 to t2 50
Boys' Coats !5c to 1.25
Men's coats $1 25 to $3.25
turn mp"
We certainly have done a grand
business this fall on Atkins Hand and
Crosscut Saws. Our order was for
twice as many of these goods as lust
m-ui-. and the way they ara going, we
will sell three times as many. The
price for hand saws is 09o to $1.05
Crosscuts BSo to $3.45
Wire nails 3c lb.
Finishing brads 5c lb.
Split rivets, 100 for 4c
rubulur rivets, 50 for 4c
Butcher knives 13-10-20 nnd 25c
Files 3 to 12c
Horse shoe nails 11 to 18c
Holts, It In. to 7 in. lc
Oalvani.ed tubs, plain 45 to 05c
Galvanized tubs, extra large 05 to 85c
Stove pipe 12 to 11c
Perfect elbows 0c
Lard cans, 50 lb. Xlc
AxeB 45-50-00-75 and XV
Wu-ih boilers 09 and HJc
One of the Most Relia
ble on the Market.
The2S'. poultry and stock food,
!5o ; the 7So. hog food, 38c.; the He,
worm and hoave powders, 25c.; the S'lc
Horn killer, 25c. Try thise goods and
be convinced that they ate till rlht
We claim we handle the best line o
Shoes in the County, and from tho
amount we ui ) selling, they must be
about all right. We sell some shoes that
don't stand, but we are here to make
them right. If a shoe don't give ytu
service, here is the place to kick. In
fants' shoos, 10 to 50c.; Children's 75c ,
to $100; Misses, M2c. to 91.48; Boys',
tl.00 to $2.00: Ladles', $100 to $ it'll:
Men's, $1 5 lo $1.00. Come in and be
onvlncej us hundreds of others are,
that we cau lit your feet and purse bet.
fm than uny one else that try to.
iVe have lots more goods, but for want of space, tve
can 't tell you about them this time. Call and see us.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Open All The Year,
Catalogue Free,
The Tri-State Business College
Cumberland, Md
Figures Talk
Boxes Sold
III- I'.t evidence that Bliss Native
Herbs fulf ilia the claims made for II
Is found In the Increasing sales It en
Joys year after year. It cures, or else
people would not buy end take It
for such diseases aa Rheumatism.
Constipation, Dyspepsia. Kidney
Diseases, Liver Disorders, Kczema,
Scrofula or any ailThent arising from
Impure blood.
Bliss Native Herbs
In effective because It Is made from
pure roots, herbs and barks anil con
tains no opiates, ininenils or alcohol.
It Is guaraiitL-ed under the Uiiiled
Stater Pure Drug Law. Enh box
contains 00 tablets for $1.00 and if
no cure results, money Is refunded.
It is made by The Alonr.o O. BILs
Company, Washington, D. C. Can
not be found In drug-stores and is
Knohs.ville, l'a.
All orders by mall promptly tilled.
Are due lo Indigestion, rllnaty-ntne of every
ona hundred people who have heart troubl.
can remember when it was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the atomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing It up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kaubls. of Nevada. O , says: I had atomacl
trouble and was In a bad state ss I had heart troubl
with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul
months and It cured me,
Kodol Digests Whet You Bat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. $1 .00 Sire holding 2Vi times tha trial
Size, which sella for 50c.
Prarad b, t. O. D.WITT 0O.. OHIOAQOt
I have just refilled my sheds
with a tine lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guuruiitec at
Rock Bottom Prices
I also have In stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles.
1 want your trade. Pleuse come
and see my stock: before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage In the past, and
soliciting- a continuance of the
same in tho future, I utn yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned hereby gives notice
thut iho lands and premises of the Kul
ion County I toil and Gun Club, an or
ganization duly incorporated by the
laws of l'eciisvl-auia, situated in the
townships of W'efls and Brush Cteelr,
county uf Fulton and stale of Pennsyl
v ai. i.i utu private property, uud that
all persons are warned not to trespas.
on said lunds and pis-niises for .
purpose of hunting, Ashing. gstht.riDg
nuts or berries, on lu any other wan
ner whatever contrary to acts of as
sembly iu such cases made uud orovld
ed as the law will br rigidly euii reed.
Pulton County Hob ano Gun Cluu.
i !-; i ,f