INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS 01 1 iMri and Genera! Interest, (lathered ft Home or Clipped from oui Exchanges, Un-Official Vote of F-tilton County. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS BKffR 20fi, Uutter 28c, Lard 12c, country Ham 17s lb., and Pota few GOc, at Harry K. Huston's, Raltillo. Abnor M. Lake, of Htlfast, call ed at the News office a low min utea while in yesterday. DoWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They do not gripe. Sold by Trout's drug store. Mrs. Mary Gregory and daugh ter Olive, Mra. Edward Souders, spent a few hours in town yes terday. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wis These tests are proving to the people without a jenny's cost the great value of this scientific prescrip tion known to druggists every where as Dr. Snoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by Dickson's drug htore. The practice of writing a fow lines on the margin of a newapa per being sent to a friend through the mails must be stopped and vi olators of the postal regulations will be prosecuted in the United States district court. The post office department has suggested that the newspapers advise their r.iiiders not to write on margins. Violators of the third class mail laws, sending as third class matter any written message will he pun ished if detected. The Postmaster of Gasconade, Mo , Daniel A. Hugh, says of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, "I urn doing so well, and improv ing s i fast in health, that I can not say too much for your Kid ney & Bladder Pills. I feel like a new man." DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills a e sold at Trout's drug store. All chimneys should be examin ed liefore the cold weather sets in. JSlany are putting up their heaters now, so that the warning is timely. Some think because the chimney was cleaned last fall it does not need it This is a mistake for the reason that when it showers the water washes the soot to the bot tom naturally accumulating to a large Amount, so that when a fire is started the soot becomes heated, and then it becomes necessary to sound the fire alarm. A little pre caution in the matter may save much expense and inconveuience. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hes itation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the cura'.ive properties to Dr. Shoop s Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sjnsitive bronchial membranes. Noopium no chloroform, uothin harsh used toiuiure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extra zt, that helps to heal aching luugs. The Spaniards call the shrub which the Doctor uses. "The Sacred Hero." Demand Dr. Shoop'?. Take no other. Dickson's drrg store. State Treasurer Sheriff. District -unty 'County Attorney Treasure! Surveyoi DISTRICTS. Ayr Belfast Bethel Brush Creek Dublin Thompson. . . Todd Union Wells Totals I if r i i y J ! ! ! mi u a n i ;.4 40 7 1 I 13 j 86 . 48 H i 49 I 67 . 5 I 1 67 08 ! 01 4 1 89 j 44 107 9 1 ,44 78 67 4 6 1 87 50 81 I ' 68 38 ! 98 I ' m U 72 : 37 63 ! 44 64 M 88 ' 41 '.ttt: .r.:: a...tC.l f 3. f 154 91 08 64 72 1 10 69 91 95 74 18 68 I O a 5P P e cr a cr 5 I to 39 HQ 02 72 44 58 li'2 48 18 88 4(1 1(7 9o 08 62 04 118 91 78 B8 84 as 89 50 3S 45 69 07 42 89 5rt 37 27 ;.i 40 Dm 91 75 68 70 114 80 82 98 Hi 44) 89 58 : 4(! 57 70 44 87 CO 38 3 64 !! 189 90 73 67 t!l ins 5(1 77 97 74 43 55 Coroner 5T cr 8 Hi.-. 84 72 54 70 112 97 80 ion ( ft i y 4:t 8A It will pay you to READ THIS "ad Western Maryland Railroad Company. In Effcot June 2, S0O7. Train leave Hancock k follow; No. tV-fi.46 R. m.Jdaily) for Hk''niown I'lmrnlifiKhiirK. l (more. TVnynrsboro. itnd iiiterinedlarc. So. f A AO ii. m. (welt day) Cumhe: land, and Intermediate. No. 4-1000 a. in tweek day) llaltimnre. Qet- tTHburtr, York and Intermediate. So. S--12.A p m. (week dftjM) Utile Orletiua. Old Towo, Cumberland. KlktttH und went VoKtlt-ule train with Obnilf AWOB buffet oar. No. t '! fil p. m. we'k days) Halttmore and In termediate KtitlonN. Ventlliule train with observutlou buffet ear. Nu"5--.45p m (dally) leave Baltimore 4.20 p. m . HagerstowD 7.40 p. m. All train make connection at Rrucevtlle for Freder.ok and train tt and 4 for pjlrun north and at Baltimore (Pulon Station) for l'bllu. deiphlaand Sew York. K M. HOWKM.. 0. W. MYKR. ticn. Pa ft, Attt. AKent. Executor's Notice. Letter testamentary on the cntate of Dan iel Mellott. late of Belfknt townahlp, Ful ton county. Ha., deccaued. havfuir been trn.tii ed to the under bI trued, al1 penou Indebted to ald estate are requexted to m ke Immediate payment, and thoe havlntr claim or demands axalnat the sacae. If SO preetit item without delay to JOS. B. MKTXoTT. JOHN MKI.LOTT, Andover. Pa. 10 31-Ot. Kiecutora Chambersburg Grain Markets. Wheat, per bushel 9"e. Wye, per bushel, with tfurlic "Oc. 'orn, per bushel 12c. Hye, per bu., without garlic 75c. Oats, per bushel 4Hc and Mo. Straw, per ton $" and $0 Bran, per ton $2i.Q0. Thin Model Watches . There arrived here hist. Saturday a consignment of new, thin model waU'hes (or gentlemen, which were in ro rresH of construction for us since last April. There is a leaiitlful symetry about these watches which Is possessed by no other; a little larger than a silver dollar and just five sixteenths of an inch in thickness. The movements are highly finished fifteen anil seventeen jeweled, with gold, stiver, or enameled dials, cased in permanent gold filled oen face cases, and warranted for all time. You are Invited to see these artistic watches. Twenty live dollars ami upward. WIW. H. LUDWI6, Jeweler and Silversmith, Truat Company Building, Chamborsburg, Pa. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Bark Wanted. For all bright aul good quality Rock Oak Bark delivered us dry, prior to December 1st from Ful ton county, we will pay $8 35 per ton. Sai-tillo Tannery, 10 31 4t. Sallillo, Pa. C. E. Starr, THREE SPRINGS, PA., has the Best Farm Wagon The SWAB & KLINGER. MADE long hounds, round coup ling pole, made of the best oak and hickory that grow, all hammered iron on them no malleable, 'i sets of brakes, fi.iely painted, steel skein, motal or tubular axle, the underside of them Is not painted, you can see what you are getting. On hand winter and summer all sizes one-horse, up to six. oooooooooooo xoxxxxxxcooo Pl New Line! now have a very FINE and UP- TO-DATEline of American and Japanese China, Books, and Stationery, t have also added to the above Edison Phonographs and all the latest RECORDS The list of Kecords for NOVKMUKIt are out, and I will have them in a few days. Write for catalogue of Phonographs and ltteords, or call and see them. E. R. McCLAIN, McConnellsburg, Pa. XXXCkCkGXXXX oxxooxoooo Tuesday's Election. Not for a long time has a fall tlect.o a passed by that created as little p ipular interest. Sheatu Republican, succeeds Berry as State Treasurer by, ptrbaps, 150 000 majiriiy, thus showing that fit) people of Pennsylvania en dorse the 13 million dollar capitol nd the methods of those who built it. Fnlton county elected the full Democratic ticket m majorities ranging from 300 to 400. The ta ble of the vote lu the respective districts tells the story. KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS w Dr. King's New Discovery FOR fQUCH8 nlBIC.oo. wii SOEDS Trial Bottle Fro AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY. kOB MONEY REFUNDED. DR. JOHN LOUIS WEAVER NEUROLOGIST, DRUG LESS PRACTITIONER. m Graduate of McCormick Neurological College, Chicago, 111. Analysis of run- - of human ills. I'atients taught how to treat themselves Chemical derangements, Mechanical disorders reached by chemistry of diet, hydrotherapy, manual therapy, Kelief from eye strain SpeciaINt iu nervous diseases, chronic ailments, eye defects. Corespondence solicited, No treatment by mall. OFFICE 53 SO. MAIN ST , CHAMBKIWBtIRO, PA. Member Association of Independent Doctors. Hides Wanted. The undesigned will pay for green hides free from cuts, the following prices : bteers and heifers, 10c.; sows, 9c.; bulls, Be; calf-skins, 60 to 80c ; tallow, 4c. Gut hides, 1 cent a pound less than foregoing prices; salted hides, 11 to 12 cents. Paul Wagner. Weak Kidneys Weak Kidneys, turely point In wtmk kMnir Nervuit. Tb Kfdne?. ItW the HhhiI, mid the Saw mill Vlen. The undersigned has a tract of timber lease for sale, or will have a party sat it byths thousand The tract is in Allen 's Valley, oppo site Knobsville. Lease good until December 31,19 09. For further information, call at mill, or write to H. KALBACH & SONS 8-1$ tf. Richmond Furnace, Pa. The Gasoline Knglne Is one of the most useful thlugs a farmer can own. With one of these useful machine be can saw wood, Ki'ud leed, shell corn, pump water, and many other things. I have just received a carload of wlrs fence. Anyone nerdin? wire fence this spring will savo money by calling to se my fence soon, as I have a complete line of Field, Poultry nnd Garden fence on hands, different heights and weights. Also a nice lot of yard and lawn fence, the neatest and liest fence you ever saw. Vrloes guaranteed Just as cheap as the cheapest. I have also a nice lot of wire Nails, Cut Nails, Hung Head Nails Slating Nails, Wire Rtaples, all of which I am selling a, just alxml what you would have to pay If you were buying them wholesale. To anyone who Is going to build it will pay you good money to come and see me before you get tho hardware. ront door sets Mason Hammers Claw hammers Shoeing hammers Hatchets Window gla s I'urc flax seed meal. Inside door locks Rim locks Hutt hinges Strap hiuges Hnrn door liangrrs llarn door track Trace chains Hrcast chains Cable chains Heady mixed paint 0 White lead coop shovels Dirt shovels Forjcs-of all kinds Garden spades Garden Hakes ' Simon saws, cross cut and hand I)ison saws, cross out and hand double and single bit axes Picks and grubbing hoes dumbing supplies. ollar pads and collars Linseed oil Machine oil Stone him mei s Nappinglhammers Tar Rope! Tar Rope! at very boat prices. Corae and see me if you want a bargain. Thanking those who have so liberally patronized me, and kindly soliciting the continuance of the same, I am Yours respectfully, Geo. B. TWellott, McConnellsburg, Pa. We have in Stock a larger line of up-to-date Furniture, Framed Pictures and Mirrors than ever before. Seven-piece Oak Bedroom Suits, $:". 50 up to :t5 00; Kxtra Dressers, $10.00 to H 00: White Knamel Dresser and Wash-stand, 18 50: Iron beds galore While, Green and Blue Enamel, from f3.75 up to $13.50: Springs 2 50; and a spring that' we guarantee for 3.00 up to 4 00; Mattresses 92 78 up to 112.00; Cots at 11.48 and 1.86; Couches 0 50 up to 16.0: Side-boards 13.60, tlT.00, and a Genuine Quartered Oak one for 22.50; Ex tension Tables, H-ft., ii.0), 8-ft. $8 00, 10-ft. 10.".V, Siands and Parlor Tables at any old price from 75c. up to 5 IK): Hocking Chairs 1.75 up to $4.50; Heed Hockers, Porch Bickers, Child's Bookers, Bocking Cribs, Stationary Cribs-both wood and iron; Dining Chairs 4.00 up to $8 00 per set; High Chairs 1.00 and up: Kitchen Cabsnets, 10.00 to 10 fxi; Ladles' Writing Desks 0.25; Combination Bookcase and Writing Desk, 14.00; Folding Ironing Hoards and Drying Backs, and many other useful articles not mentioned here. Thanking you for your past patronage, and wishing a share of your future trade, we a-e Yours, for Businoss, THOS. B. STEVENS & SON. Call and see us. Store on East Water Street. Lecture. America and Americans is the mihject of an interesting and in structive lecture that will ho given in the M. K. Church at Huston low ii, ou Thanksgiving evening, November 28th, by Hov. Harry Daniels, ltov. Daniels' ability as u pulpit orator and lecturer is too well known to need uny commen dation from ua. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. Lecture be g ins ut 7:3(1 p. in. M,..iwii. nnd Hi. 'ii wwkui'U uut in th orum tlul control gitd Kiuua ml bttimftheii tliuni. lr Micmr, iti'ttorallvt, Ii It . 1 1 tut in tht nervuh a ineritHnn Mocincllr prepiru'! to rtutch tlmM uxitrallluK uirve. To doctor tlir Kidney alunu. it futll. It U I wwitc ut tliM, ami ol money ua It jour back aclm or U waak. II the nrUw acaldi. or It dark and atroiif II you lutvo lympuuni ol Bi ifiita or oilier illatreaaliis or daafnrouJ kid ney dlaeaae, try Dr. fthoou't IteaUiralive a uionUr TableU or Liquid and way what il can and will do lor you. l)ruklt reooanuud and mil Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. S. DICKSON. Buggies and Wagons 1 have just refilled my sheds with a tine lot of Buggies and Wagons which I am gelling un der a written guarantee at Rock Bottom Prices) 1 alto have In stock a lot of Bbggy WheeU'and Huggy Poles. I want your trade. Pleaae come and see :ny stock before you make a purchase. Thanking the public for liber al patronage in the pust, and solicit in;-, a continuance of the same lu the future, I 'am yours, Very respectfully, W. R. EVANS, Huston tow n, Pa. DeWttt' O Salve for Patau Burns, tote, Horses, Buggies, and Harness. 1 have just received the finest lot ot Buggies and Har ness ever brought to this coun ty, which lam selling at Rock bottom Prices, and will give time or. take any kind of stock in exchange. Horses on hand at all times for any kind of work. Will sell on time. Any kind j of stock bought. If you have anything to sell, or need anything in my line, call to see me, or drop me a card. Yours foi business, Dan P. Trout. McConnellsburg, Pa. REISNERS' SXORE NEWS. We are now ready to show our friends the Fullest Store they have seen in a long time, and everything (outside of a few Do mestics), as cheap as they have been for some time. Many lines of Goods we Bought Very Early thereby avoiding the necessity of raising prices over last year. A splendid line of Dress Goods. The Best line of Ladies' Wraps and we know these are as cheap, and in some cases lower, than last . year. In tloor coverings, we have a large line. A good linoleum for 75c, 2 yds. wide. Wall Paper from 3c. up. Carpets 24c. up; Window Blinds 3c. up. Shoes to suit every one and prices right. Give us a call. Will be pleased to show you. Respectfully, Geo. W. Reisner & Go. ZWcConnellsburg, Pa. ltMMiilMlMyBk'ii ii 1 1 yyuyoflutlftfatifayilMraHkM To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Qmiune TaWat. rfcjb natGHp aial