The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 31, 1907, Image 5

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01 1 :', tnd (katral Interest) Gathered
a. Home or Clipped frew oar
Egg 24c, IJutter 24c, Lard 12c,
country Ham 17c lb., at Harry E
Huston's, Sal til lo.
Joseph Si pea, wife, and daugh
ter, Mrs. May Lake, were in town
Mr. John W. Liidig, of Laidig
postoflice, was in town attending
to business last Saturday.
If you take DeWitt's Kidney
aud Bladder Pills you will get
p ompt relief from backache
weak kidneys, inflammation of
the bladder and urinary troubles.
A week's treatment 25 cents.
Sold bv Trout's drug store.
1'ostmasterGeo. W. McOaushn,
of Narberth, Pa., returned home
last woek after having spent a
'few days among his friends in
Trial Catarrh treatments are
being mailed out free, on request,
by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
These tests are proving to the
eople without a penny's cost
the great value of this Scientific
prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ca
rtrrh Remedy. Sold by Dick
son's drug store.
A. C. Mellott and family, of
Pittsburg, started for their home
last Friday, after having spent
several davs among their many
fneuds in Licking Creek town
ship. Mi'H Mabel L. Trout returned
home Tuesday evening after a
very pleasant visit of two months
with her brothers, Dr. Clarence
at Bad Lion, aud Dr. N. C. at
Fairfield, Pa.
A weak stomach, causing dys
pepsia, a weak heart with pal
pitation or intermittent pulse, al
ways means weak Stomach rerv
esorweakheart nerves. Strength
en these inside or controlling
nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restoi a
tive and see bow quickly these
ailments disappjar. Dr. Shoop
of Racine, Wis., will mail samples
free. Write for them. A test
will tell. Your health is certain
ly worth this simple trial. Sold
by Dickson's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spear and
little foster daughter Anna, of
Everett, who had been visiting
friends in this county, spent from
Wednesday until Friday at this
place, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pittman,
who had been visiting Mr. Pitt
man's mother, Mrs. Sarah Pitt,
mau, in this place, left Tuesday
morning for Plum Run, where
they will spend a few days with
Mr. Pittman 's sister, Mrs. J. Cal
Comerer, enroute to their home
in Nebraska.
Vou never have any trouble
to got children to take Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup. They
litre it because it tastes nearly
like maple sugar. Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup is a safe,
sure and prompt remedy for
coughs aud colds and is good for
eveiv member of the family.
Sold by Trrut's drug store.
Captaiu Skinner and Dr. Skin
ner sold the Skinner farm in
Path Valh.y in frout of the Court
House in Chambersburg last Sat
urday to Linn Harbaugh for fif
teen dollars an acre. The farm
contains 294 acres of good farm
T. M. Cisney and daughter
M hired, of Burnt Cabins, spent
Thursday night at J. M. Cues
nut's. Mrs. John Miller spent Mon
day with her sister, Mrs. R. E.
Brown, at Clear Ridge.
John Keebaugh'a daughter
Ltura, and family, of Pittsburg,
are yisltmg her parents.
Mauy of the school children are
suffering with mumps.
Mrs. P tlk expects to leave this
week for Juniata county.
Geo. M. Desboug is getting
ready to build a new barn.
Mrs, Lucinda Fisher and son,
of Huntingdon, are visiting rela
tives aud frieuds here for a few
Lillian Fleming, teacher of the
Chesnut suhool, gieut Sunday
with her parents at Clear Ridge
Subtw&tlNklar. the N ws.
in Sffeat Jnn t, 1001
Trains More Hancock Mil'? ;
m frtallj) for RfMramtown. Hl-
tlmor. .Uinr fJhAxnbemburv,
and Iniertnrdlaip.
Vu I Wb. m. (week Cunbeiland, sod
No. 4 10 00 a. m trek day) Ha!iinwr (Jet
lyturit. York uud Intermediate
So. M Wp oa. (work dtr) Ltttl. Orleans.
Old I iv .. Cumberland, una and
wont. Veatloule train with observation
bullet oar.
No. p. ta. (week day) Maltlmore and In
termediate atatloaa. Vestibule train
with ohaervatlon buffet oar.
No' i p m (dalljr) leave llaltlmore 4.10
p. Dt . Hageratown 7.40 p. m.
All traloa make ooaaectfon at Hmcevtlle for
Kreder ok and traloa a and 4 for pi.lnta north
and at Maltlmore (ITnlon Station) for Thlla.
deiphla and New York
r. M. MoWaSI.I.. C. W. MYtiH4,
Oen. Ha a. Alt. Agent.
Executor's Notice.
l-ettcra testamentary on the eatuie of (Mu
le! Mellutt. late of Helfnat townablp, Kul
ton county. Pa., deooaaed, havInK been grant
ed to the undersigned, all peraona Indebted to
aald eetate are reqiieated to raik. lmmodlatr
p tyment nnd thoae haTlna olalma or demands
arnlrmt the aame, will pr.ient tbem without
delay to
Audover. Pa.
I03it. Executoia
Chamberiburf Orals Markets
Wheat, per bushel $j.0O.
Kye, per bushel, with garlic wfo.
Corn, per bushel 'Sc.
Kye, per bu., without garlic "2c.
Oats, per bushel 4ftc.
8irw, per ton $." anil t.
Bran, per ton S20JM.
Educational Meeting.
The teachers of Brush Creek
township held their second edu
cational meeting at Locust Grove
schoclhouse, last Friday night.
The meeting was called to order
by the teacher, James Garland,
after which the institute officers
A. C. Garland, chairman, and S.
E. Walters, secretary, took charge
of the meeting.
The following questions were
then taken up ; 1. Advantages of
the educated over those of the
uneducated. 2. Use and abuse ol
supplies. 8. Common errors made
by teachers. The following teach
ers were present and took part
in the discussion, James Garland,
A C. Garland, and S. E. Walters,
of Brush Creek, and S L. Wink,
of Belfast; also, Supt. B. C. Lam
berson, of McCotiu lis burg.
We feel very grateful to the
visiting teacher for his presence
and helpful talk, also to our wor
thy Superintendent, whose re
marks on each question were cer
taiuly an inspiration to all, The
meeting adjoumed to meet at
Buffalo school, November 15,
1907. S. E. Walters, sec'y.
Thin fio3ei Watches!
There arrived here last Saturday a consignment of new, thin model
watches for gentlemen, which were In pro ;regs o' construction for us
since last April. There is a beautiful symetry alout these waN'h.a
which le possessed by no other; a llltlo larger than a silver dollar anil
just Ave sixteenths of an Inch In thickness. The movements are highly
finished fifteen and seventeen jeweled, with gold, silver, or enameled
dials, cased in permanent gold tilled open face cases, and warranted
for all tune. You are Invited to see these artistic watches. Twenty
five dollars and upward.
Jeweler and Silversmith,
Trust Company Building, Chamhersbure, Pa.
Store open evt win until 8 o'clock.
ooooooooooco oooooooooooooc
A New Line!
I now hare a very FINE and VP- TO-DATE line of
American and Japanese China,
Books, and Stationery,
also some very nice NOVEI.TIKS
I, especially; want to call your attention to a few
very beautiful
round wick, and with fine decorations on the bowl and
globe. The PRICE is only Vi t8. Now for this kind of
a lamp this price is very low.
Any one who Is looking for any of these articles will
iind some very low prices on these goods. Call and see
for yourself.
McConnellsburg, Fa.
oooooooooooo oooooooooooo
Graduate of McCormick Neurological College, Chicago, 111.
! Analysis of causes of human ills. Patients taught how to treat themselves
tjnenucai derangements, Mi ctianlcal disorders reached
by chemistry of diet, liydi otherapy, manual therapy,
Keliof from eye strain.
Specialist in nervous diseases, chronic ailments, eye defects.
Corespnndence solicited, No treatment bv mail.
Member Association of Independent Doctors.
"The price of health in a malar
ious district is just 25 cents; the
cost of a box ,'f Dr. King's New
Life Pills,'' writes Ella Slay ton,
of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills
cleanse gently and impart new
life and vigor to the system. 25c.
Satisfaction guaranteed at Trout s
drug store.
Services at the Lutheran
church on coming Sabbath, will
be as follows s Preparatory ser
vice on Satutday evening, at 7:00
p. m.; Holy communion Sunday
morning at 10:30; Installation ser
vices at 7:00 p. m. Bev. Walter
Woglemutb, of Enola, Pa., and
Rev. Dr. Coover, of Gettysburg
Seminary, will be present Rev.
Calvin Fassold, pastor.
Saw mill Men.
The undersigned has a tract of timber lease
for sale, or will haye a party saw it by the
thousand The tract is in Allen 's Valley, oppo
site Knobsville. Lease good until December
For further information, call at mill, or
write to
8-15-tf. Richmond Furnace, Pa.
Bark Wanted.
For all bright and good quality
Rock Oak Bark delivered us dry,
prior to December 1st from Ful
ton county, we will pay $8 35 per
Saltillo Tannery,
10 31 4t. Saltillo, Pa.
I Fulton County Bank.
II xxi. J. .ix .uiu.ii. i in.iii .... iiii
KILLthe cough
and CURE the LUNGS
" Dr. King's
New Discovery
FOR CW$f 8 ijffife.
Bakad awaet apiil. with anma poopU. hrin
proion rll.l lor Coottlwuio,,. Willi oiharT
Nature undoubtedly ha. a rofotable rainadr M
nllava avairllmant known to man. II pt,r,l('n.
can but And Nature war t; health. And tula la
triklnalr true with ranrd to CaLtlDatlonT
Tna bark ol a nwtaln tree In ( l-a-cava
Satrada oflW a moat allellent aid ta thli
and. But. .omltoed with eEX, aSS TslVi!
parr Kim Uark. Holld Kuravt olPrunea alo this
aarna ( ... bark U fUn 1m areata! powlbla
Caudr Tablet, called Ui , now mJ . .
Dr. Hltoop Laburalorlca, trna tkl InacuuLua aud
moat ailaetlva preacrlpUou. lu 0.."oCulull
paUoa. BUIouaiMM. Sour Moaaach, Bad Hraalk.
rwOnsplailoB. ate., la Indaed prompt
No (rlplnf. an unplaatant alter afltcU ara ax.
tarlanaaj. and U are put up la beautiful
lltbotrpbad uwtal bouia at t aauu Tail aj awM
Jot aoiufthlnt new, oloa, acoooniloai aa4
UccUtc trj a boa ul
3 Far Cant. Intaraat Falcl on Tim Dapoalta.
This old and well known Financial Institution is now
permanently located In its new room in the A. U. Nace build
iag. Large additions have been made to the
and the number of Stockholders has been increased to FIF
TKKN, which (rives all depositors a security of upward of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
The Fulton County Bank does a GENERAL BANK
ING BUSINESS and extends every fuvor to their patrons
and friends, consistent with sound banking.
W McComiellsburg, Pa. Cashier.
I have just refilled my sheds
with a fine lot of Buggies and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices
1 also have In stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles.
I want your trad. Fleuse come
and see my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage In the pust, ami
soliciting a continuance of the
same in the future, 1 am' yours,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
DaWltt'0 Kg Salve
and Harness.
I have just received the
finest lot of Buggies and Har
ness ever brought to this coun
ty, which I am selling at Rock
bottom Prices, and will give
time or take any kind of stock
in exchange.
Horses on hand at all
times for any kind of work.
Will sell on time Any kind
of stock bought.
If you have anything to
sell, or need anything in my
line, call to see me, or drop me
a -card.
Yours for business,
Dan F. Trout,
McComiellsburg, Pa.
It will pay you to READ THIS "ad"
The Ganoline F.ngine Is one of the most useful things a farmer
can own. With one of these useful machines he can taw wood, grind
feed, shell corn, pump water, and many other things.
I have just received a carload of wire fence. Anyone nwrting
wire fence this kprlng will save money by calling to see my fence
soon, as I have a complete line of Field, Poultry and Garden fence
on hands, different heights and weights. Also a nice lot of yard
and lawn fence, the neatest and best fence you ever saw. Prices
guaranteed just as cheap as the cheapest.
I have also a nice lot of wire Nails, Gut Nails, Bung Head Nails
Slating Nails, Wire Staples, all of which 1 am selling at just about
what you would have to pay if you we-e buying them wholesale.
To anyone who Is going to build It will pay you good money to
come and see me before you get the hardware.
ront door sets
Mason Hammers
Claw hammers
Shoeing hammers
Window glas s
Pure flax seed meal.
Inside door locks
Rim locks
Butt hinges
Strap hinges
Barn door hangers
Barn door track
Trace chains
Breast chains
Cable chains
Ready mixed paint
White lead
coop shovels
Dirt b els
Forks of all kinds
Garden spades
Garden Rakes
Simon saws,croas cut and hand
Diston saws, oross cut and hand
Double and single bit axes
Picks and grubbing hoea
plumbing supplies.
ollar pads and collars
Linseed oil
Machine oil
Stone htmmeis
Tar Rope!
Tar Rope!
at very bost prices. Come and see me if you want a bargain.
Thanking those who have so liberally patronized me, and kindly soliciting the continuance of the same, I
Vours respectfully,
Geo. B. TVYellott,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
m 9 a w mm m i jki -nm u
We have in Stock a larger line of up-to-date Furniture, Framed Pictures and Mirrors than ever before.
Seven-piece Oak Bedroom Suits, $25.50 up to .'15 00; Kxtra Dressers, $10.00 to $14 00; White Knamel Dresser
and Wash-stand, 18 50: Iron Beds galore White, Green and Blue Enamel, from 3.75 up to $13.50: Springs
$2 50; and a spring that we guarantee for $3.00 up to $4 00; Mattresses $2 75 up to $12.00: Cots at $1.B5 and
$1.85; Couches $6 50 up to $16.00; Side-boards $13.50, $17.00, and a Genuine Quartered Oak one for $22.50; Ex
tension Tables, ii-ft.,$ii.01, 8-ft. $S 00, 10-ft. $10.7i; Standi and Parlor Tables at any old price from 75c.
up to $5.00; Itocking Chairs $1.7p up to $4.50: Reed Rockers, Porch Rickers, Child's Rockers, Racking Cribs,
Stationary Cribs-both wood and iron; Dining Chairs $4.00 up to $8 IK) per set; High Chairs $1.00 and up:
Kitchen Cabsnets, $0.00 to $10 00; Ladles' Writing Desks $0.25; Combination Bookcase and Writing Desk,
$14.00: Folding Ironing Boards and Drying Racks, and many other useful articles not mentioned here.
Thanking you for your past, patronage, and wishing a share of your future trado, we a-e
Vours, for Business,
Call and see us. Store on East Water Street.
IK allaD
We are now ready to show our friends the
Fullest Store
they have seen in a long time, and everything (outside of a few Do
mestics), as cheap as they have been for some time. Many lines of
Goods we
Bought Very Early
thereby avoiding the necessity of raising prices ovr last year. A
splendid line of Dress Goods. The Best line of
Ladies' Wraps
and we know these are as cheap, and in some cases lower, than last
year. In floor coverings, we have a large line. A good linoleum for
75c, 2 yds. wide.
Wall Paper
from 3c. up. Carpets 24c. up; Window Blinds 3c. up. Shoes to suit
every one and prices right. Give us a call. Will be pleased to show
you. Respectfully.
Geo. W. Reisner& Co,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
I To Cure a Cold in One Day
I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine mi. rthtjb
Or Grip
kt Twefenya,