The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 17, 1907, Image 4

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    ml? Published Every Thursday.
I W- P&t, Editor and Proprietor.
OCTOBER 17, 1907
Published Weekly. 1.00 pei
Annum in Advance.
V"..;.irv. ' limed tl Ml
ler square eaah mtlMttfiuent Inaertlon.... So
All vlvTtUenntii Inserted for laaa thai
' m. .. month. . !... t.- .1 by the aquara.
I n, I I jr.
ln- fourth flnlumn II. 00.
half eolumn HS.00.
One Column 40.00.
40 00
Well Tannery.
James Stewart and wife, of
Galitzen, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A
Roe McCracken, of Altooua.
has been a guest in the home ol
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stuukard.
Harry L Baumgardner and 1
E 'gar Daugherty, of Altooua, are
spending this week with the form j
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Barry Allvard. of Pittsburg, i
a guest in the home of J, C. Kirk
and wife.
Wm. ltoudabusb, who lives on
MM J. B. Alexander farm, bought 1
William Ford's home on top of I
Hopewell mountain, and will move j
there in the near future.
Alfred Stunkaid and wife, of j
Finleyville, moved to this place.
Harold Kirk aud Crace Lodge
spent Sunday in Miss Lodge's
h mie in Brush Creek.
Allie Cutchall of Three Springs,
was a visitor in our town Satur
day night. We may tell you
when next time lie comes.
Hayes Bivens purchased a
handsome Weaver organ recently.
Hon. S P. Wishart aud Maude
E Baumgardner attended the S.
S. Sta'.e Convention that met in
Uniontown last week. They were !
the only representatives from our I
Mr. David Horton, of Hunting
don, visited fri nds here last 1
Mrs. U. hj. I max has in her
possession a pumpkin in good
condition, raised last year. It is
about the size of a half bushel.
the Wick
as high bj you can there's no
dangei as low as you please
there's no smell. That's
because the smokeless device
prevents smoke or smell
that means a steady flow of
glowing heat for every ounce
of fuel burned in a
Oil Heater
f Iqalpped with Smokeless Device)
You can carry it about and can; (or it just as easily as a lamp.
Brass oil (ont holds 4 quarts burning 9 hours. Handsomely fin
ished in japan and nickel, l-.v.-ry heater warranted.
R&yo Lamp -
adds cheeriness
to the long
winter evenings. Steady,
brilliant light to read, sew or knit by. Made of
brass, nickel plated, latest improved central draft
burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer can
not supply Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp
write our nearest agency for descriptive circular.
( Incoppopfited
Letter to W. S. Dickson,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir i Here's a tale with a
point to it Florida is the hard
est state in the Union for paint.
GilmoreA Davis Co., Tallahas
see, Florida, think they know
what paiut can Jo in their clim
ate; they've been painting for I!5
years, Devoe ten years; and they
say Devoe wears 10 years their
words are : "Buildings we paint
ed Devoe 10 years ago, are in good
; condition of paint to day."
They also say lead and oil wears
only one year there; Devoe 10
years !
Ten years is a long lifetime for
paiut in Florida; longer than 1!0
Disking the Pastures.
Pasture land needs cultivation
as much as the corn land. I do
. not recommend that pasture land
I be turned over or cultivated with
j the corn cultivator, but it should
be chopped up iu some way. The
sows and pigs will do a good job,
if given a chance, or. in the spring
; just after the frost is out, tive or
; six inches, go over the whole held
and wherever there are thin and
weedy spots, do a good job of
I disking and then reseed liberally,
i Clovers take kindly to thesespots,
and if a good job is done, it will
come on and furnish lots of feed
, the first year. Alfalfa growers
now hnd that disking is a decided
in Maine. We don t dare say I
i benetit to alfalfa, and instead of
injuring the roots, the disking
that either is true as a ireneral
ram in Btt. k.t h-., 1 really strengthens them, and
are such instances. thicker and hardier roots and
If we should call the coat of Plant8 res
I Devoe in Florida half of the usual j To check a cola quickly get
! cost of paint, it would bo too i from your druggist some litt'e
much; we suppose it s aoiut one
Thomas A. Edison, the great
American inventor, says "Fully
eighty per cent of the iliness of
mankind comes from eating im
proper food or too much foid;
people are inclined . to over in
dulge themselves.'' This is
where indigestion rinds its be
ginning in nearly every case.
The stomach can do just so
much work and no more, and
wnen you overload it, or
you eat the wrong kind of food,
the digestive organs cannot pos
sibly do the work demanded ol
them. It is at such times that
the stomach needs help; it de
mands help, and warns you by
third; there is so much trash
there the costliest paint is ttie
worst, and the worst is the cost
liest everywhere.
Yours truly
38 F. w. Dbvoi & CO.
P. S. F. C. Bare, Fort Little
ton, and J. A. Boyd,
burg, sell our paint.
Birthday Party.
Tuesday evening of last week
wns one long to be remembered
la the hospitable home of Daniel
B. McQuade of Ayr township.
t ' I' I . a , ,i , i , . . I m ia lln nnl n sWassaa 4tt am
WD 61 vwoiuu r o LUC i ' i' 'IUIMNI
oi ivir. ivicvuaue s oirtnuay an
niversary, and a number of his
friends and neighbors assembled
to extend congratulations, and
more particularly to enj y the
sumptuous supper served. Dan
Candy Cold Tablets called Preven
tics. Druggists every where are
now dispensing Preventics, for
they are not only safe, but de
cidedly certain and prompt
Preventics contain no Quiuiue,
no laxative, nothing harsh, nor
sickening. Taken at the "sneeze
Mercers ! 8tage" Preventics will prevent
j Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
urippe, etc. lieccc the name,
Preventics. Good for feverish
children 48 Preventics 2'i cts.
Trial Boxes cts. Sold by
Dickson's Drug Store.
headaches, belching, sour stom-j icl was tne recipient of a nice lot
ach, nausea and indigestion You 01 useIul presents, among which
should attend to this at once by ! was a comfortable ro'.ker, in
taking something that wnl ac. j wlifh to rest his tired body when
tually do the work for the stom-1 be came in frora tne 'abors ol the
day. Among those present were
R. M. Kendall and wife, David
Kendall and wife, Harvev Uneer
, and wife, Judge Nelson and wife,
ach. Kodol will do this. It is a
combination of natural diges-
tants aud vegetable acids
and contains the same iuicps
found in a healthy stomach. It I James H.Kendall aud wife, M.
is pleasant to
what you eat.
take. It digests
A Christian Scientist, who per
mitted his child to die for want of
medicine when sick, and who has
been arrested for his neglect,
givoB as the basis of his belief in
faith cure, the 13th verse of the
&th chapter of St. James, which J
says : "And the prayers of faith
shall save the sick."
Our Fulton C.iunty boys did
themselves proud at the tourna
ment at Ctnmbersourg, Tuesday
afternoon. la the prize event D.
F. Trout won first a bridle and
saddle; Dr. Sappington, the sec
ond riding boots; Roy Morton,
the third silver spurs. In the
coronation event, D. F. Trout car
ried off the houor of crowning the
lady who will preside at next
year's event. He selected Miss
Helen Fore, of McConrellsburg,
and the coveted priza was duly
placed on her head. In the third
or cup event, D. F.' Trout lost by
only one ring.
M. Kendall and family. William
Bivens and wife, Wm. Cutchall
and wife, Amos Clouser aud wife,
Chas. McCurdy aud wile, N iss
Ellawea Johnston, Himas Cleven
ger and wife, and Cal and Bess
Free Lecture.
Dr. . E Enneld, of Bedford,
will give a lecture in the Court
House, Saturday evening, in the
interest of the Lincoln Farm As
sociation. Everybody invited.
Admittance free.
The Modern Way.
"Will you have this here wain
an to be your lawful wedded
"That's what 1 'lowed 1
"Will you love, honor and obey
"Ain't you got that switched
around, parson?" said the bride
groom. "John," said the bride-elect,
"don't you reckon the parson
knows his business? Answer
the question!"
' Yes, sir," said the bridegroom
meekly. "1 reckon I'll have to."
Atlanta Constitution.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
A 25c. Bottle ol
I Kemps Balsam j
AmMearh doae i mora . n . , v than
four Urueu the wmie iituuttty , ,f BUV
other . "ii. -Ii remedy, howovi-r well
advertui'ii (tml however atroiiKly 10
ommvuduil thut remedy uiuy ou.
BemenilHir always that KEMP'S
Best Cough Cure.
It has ttavod thouHunds from cen
aumptiun. It haa Muved thoiuanda of lives.
At all drniarisU', CO", and tl.
Don't accept anything else.
Pain In me head win anjwhore, hat lu rants
Pain Ueoagcst on paS I. Boa MWOott&
prom It hn luu rratHl u llulr pluk tablet T)it
CbUr-M Dr. Soot?? VSXS Table -oai.-
Mood atalia in, (r.,. ...i.. ..... .
ii... i i -. . r-.'"
- - - " iiiiiib. vieaini iKiy upturn
1 1 1 "II . 1 1 I vl V .I..I .
though aaieli. It turol MMMMS Uw M.iod . i iL
II you In, w a headache. It blood proirara.
I It t painful prrloili with women, iwine raun
II you are aleepk-u. ri;lle, nerv ui. It Wood
eong. .tioii-blood prelum. That nurely u
ffflalrity lor )r Hhoop ' lleadacli. Tablet, ,lo
thn unnatural blood preuure
. J11 J""; fl",,'r- n"""'t It set red. and
well, and twin you.' Ol eoiir... It If. , "
ESk-WJCW' v'n "n'1 " where stvla
ui V " " "'"'My ommon Heme,
we 11 at Jj ceut,, md cheerfully recomuieud
Dr. Shoop's
He Pays the Freight
backed by the Slierif. could not WjSlliW YY W-VV 1 JT1 W ( Inks, Williamantic and Mer-
inukp the iii icns wo do the DSXt ricks for ."c with every purchase
thirty days. Come join the pro- HIGHEST GRADE MERCHANDISE "f 500 or over, or if you prefer
teuton and partake of the thou- we will give you 10 yurds of any
sands of bargains that await yo qqggQ ?gg pgpfi, fZ.Jl
Look for Red Tickets nn Tnrm n OH TnTT Looli for Red Tickets
, , flVS We are goin$ to do the BaUleof our Lives flVK t. , .
ihoy are hanging to OU DUjU M UU lJUlU 1 hey are hanging to
big bargains all over ' big bargains all over
this store. We are Going to do the Battle lor the Masses, not the Classes. this store.
Thirty days we want to make this the greatest Stock-reducing Carnival that ever appeared within the history of this country
for with us it is cold cash we want, and wo want it quick.
Ail former attempts at merchandising by us will be eclipsed beyond question.
The town will be in a stir as never before; a hustle and a bustle throughout the entire big store that will make conqietition how
awaits you. It will be a wonderful gathering of the people.
We want tash and wo are going to give the people the benefit. We will raise the roof if it is necessary.' It will be a hot time
in the old town now. We are going to pour slot and shell into the enemy's camp until they think it is all up with them
There will be a cannonading all along the lines; for with us it is cnt loose and unload now, not later. Our losi will be the peo
ple's gain and we expect them to turn out to this harvest for all the people.
Come Here Next Saturday Morning
when these doors opoi and you will see such a gathering of people as never before appeared on the streets of this town.
Bain or Shine the Battle Goes On
We have put our word out to the people
and you knew how well we keep it. Out'
word to you will be our bond, and there is
not one item or half a doz ?n put up as a bait,
as you will find plenty trying to do, but hun
dreds of items, all at a price that will make
you wonder.
From one end of this big store to the
other you will find the greatest Muttering of
red tickets with the price of destruction
market on (hen and Staring you in the face
no matter which door von come in.
The Whole Shooting Match
Will go to the people. ' w:mt, to do the
business of our lives bcctuise we want cash.
We expect multitudes htnndmg in line and
your share w ill be here for you.
We have put on extra salespeople and no
matter whether the sun shines or whether it
is raining, it will pay you to gather up your
gum coats and umbrellas and see this great
display of merchandise.
Not one item will he held in reserve.
We Know it is an (fa
der taking
and while other merchants will tell you liar,
ry K. Huston is losing: money in order to
make this carnival a success, that wo cannot
help. We are not trying to run their busi
ness, neither do we expect them to run oui.
We are going out after the cold cash and
we are coming out and asking you to part
with it at a season of the year when all mer
chants expect to make big profits.
Conic and be convinced thut we mean to
sell goods.
Rememlier Every Day from Now to Nofoifir 9 will be Bargain Day Here.
you have got and it is the duty you owe your
self and family to place them w here they will
go the farthest.
The whole house is topsy-turvy, every
thing is rearranged. There neyer was such
a chance in any store in this community.
The big red tickets will be on our goods
so that u child its well as yourself can come
here and buy them with safety. Remember
that any item gotten in this house thut does
not meet with approval and is not cut off a
boll DM be returned and your cash will be
cheerfully refunded to you, and no questions
No goods will bo charged, in harmony
with our Iron-clad rules. It is all cash or
produce with us, and if you get what you
don't want, return it jind get your money
hack, provided it is not cut oH u bolt.
10 to 50 Per Cent. Reduction
on Clothing.
We have too much Clothing, especially
Children's and Men's Suits, for a town the
size of Saltillo and we are going to turn this
stock into cash if price coupled with quality
will do it.
A guaranteed reduction of not less than
10 per cent, and up to 50 per cent, in extreme
cases will be made. It will pay you to buy
your clothing now, for you will get it at pri
ces that means a saving to you.
Buy your Overcoat and got a whole win
ter's wear out of it. We have a lot of 8
Md 18.50 Overcoats that will sell at & UU
during this sale.
Everything is on display, nothing in re
serve, and nothing in t his house but what is
worth the money asked.
Don't fail to come.
Don't be skeptical.
Don't wait too long.
Don't miss the place.
Don't kick and crowd.
Don't ovei-buy yourself.
Don't be broke next week.
Don't miss the opportunity.
Don't get mad if someone tramps your v
corns in the mad rush for bargains.
Don't ask us to take back or exchange
goods on Saturday. We cannot do it too
Attend' the Stock-reducing and Trade
increasing Carnival such as was never at
tempted and curried into effect in this town.
Now we say when the doors open here next
Saturday morning, we bid you welcome.
We will be glad to see you whether you
buv or not.
We are Going to Talk Underwear.
The cry all over the land now is, "Everything is going up in
price" and living surely does cost more than it used to, but we will
giveaway, absolutely free, any piece of I'ndorwoar that is in our store
if it is marked higher than lust season and the red ticket price will he
lower than last year's price.
We bought our Underwear last April when in Philadelphia and
it paid us to do it for we could not buy it so cheaply now.
Men's lU-oz, Canton Flannel Drawers, worth 50c to 60c, go at .'19c
Men's Part-wool Uudershirts worth . 00c to $1,00, go at 59c each
during this sale.
Last year we doubled our previous year V sale on Ladies', Chil
dren's aud Uabios Coats, because our prices wore right and our goods
up to date. This year finds us better prepared than ever because our
tock is larger than any carried in this end of the county.
Make that little girl happy and warm because you owe it to her
and it won't hurt your pocket book much either, for $2.48 will buy a
coat for a girl 14 to 17 years old and the smaller coats cost less.
Every woman in all this country can buy a coat this season for
we searched the Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York markets for
the best and cheapest, and you will see how well we have succeeded
when you see them.
It is better to sell many touts ut smaller profit tliuu a few at our competitors' profit, that is why we sell so cheap.
8hoen for the men, shoes for th boys,
shoes for ladle, shoes for the girls, uud it is
thut wo won't forget tho babies, because it is
going to he shoe day uvery day down here
during this sale, and if you ever want any
thing in your life it is shoes, becuiioe you are
in them more than half of your life. If you
want shoes you will certainly be hero to buy
a dozen puirs of them aud lit the whole fami
ly nut.
We bid You Welcome.
Harry E. Huston,
Saltillo, Penn'a.
Now Here's Where You Save.
8 cakos Star Soap for 25c.
1 box Hold Fast shoe nails for 8c.
1 lb. loose coffee 9c.
5 ml. oil at 11c per gallon.
1 lb. nic-nacs for 5c.
1 dog. quart glass jars 43c.
4 prs. men's 10c. socks for 25c.
'.'.' lbs. gran, sugar for 11,30.