1 L .sl'- ami mumps imv eloA , d' nnntt-bursr vhools. w in'-' vmii" u ifcli and Hx It Trl lo tlie Irwin Storo. All rrk guaranteed. Lndies, you will want to se' Johnston' big stock of LaiHe' ooata before you buy for wintor. If you want a (iood Sewing Ma chine at a moderate price, buy n Drop MiM'l I .nlduii Stir. At the Irwin Store. T. J. Wiener, Hancock, Mil.. Sale IViWer. Snt unlay, October J 8, Foster i IBohngCl aiid V. i. LVrling. ad mit. iHtratcrs of the estate of C. C. Kil ling, deceased, will sell at the late residence of the decedent at J Duhl'n Mill, horse. Iiuk.v, (tig on, hos, l$ h p. engine, f irm ing implements, MtMhold good Ac. Sale bemiis at 10 o'clock, a. m. Credit, !' mouths. Tuesday, October It, W. W. Hewett will s"ll at his roitdooM near l'him Eton in Thompson has received from the But Ins township, 1 span of young mules, milch cows, hogs, farming iru plemnts, household goods, 1 ten h. p. (Jeiser engine, corn lu the shock, fto. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Terms 8 months. autumn and winter stock of La dies' Coats, Furs, Milhuer. Dress Material, etc. The addiiioa to the Hagers town fair graud stand has bten completed. It holds loOO peo- DM, Gcttlne llll Salary Ubstiuate cases of constination A colored preacher who had rnd nasty, mean headaches i only a small share of this world's promptly disappear when you j goods, and whose salary was not take DoWitt's Little Early RUer forthcoming on several occasions I'ills. .Sold by Trout's drug storo. In presenting a cane to I'resi dent Roosevelt, those Iowa ne gioes probably hope he will use it in piace of the Big Sti.k. HIDES James Sipes A Ron pay 10, lit, and 0C a pound cash, for beef hi les at their butcher shop in McConnellsburg, also I highest price paid for calf skins, ! sheepskins and tallow. With 'Lift in Japan and Root in Mexico, we can neither declare war nor negotiate peace: but we may all take an interest in the American League baseball tinish. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salye is bur. is and big scratches or bruises and big ones. It is healing and soothing. (Jood for piles. Sold by Trout's drug st re. Rev. Harry Daniels of Huston- became exasperated. At his morning service he poke to his church members in thi I way: "Hi edern and sistern, things is not as they should be. You must not 'spect I can preach on with you an, boa'd in Hebe::." "I'ncumonla's Deadly Wo k had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Couuor, of Rural Route I. Georgetown, Teun., "that 1 coughea continuously night and day and the neighbors' predic tion consu m ption seemed i n -evitable, uutil my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. lung's New Discovery, which in good for little i my cas,! proved to be the only burns, small ; cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs. hen all oth Iti'lfuht township, ii i lien st of Om Administrator's Notice. Not i'p i- hprpnr ptretx tnst IPttprs if silmin . ii ii .Dti hn nrrn roniPrt u.ilt. iiniW-lffi.,-d ipnu rh , i if tit I . C KtrtftM lite ni rsrmi .' -i. i, p. , uUon nonnrv i-..rtr.. rtd .Ml ii'isihi invlftr olninii ik'nls r. all tftle wl'f prornt i hem propcri.v uutlient'eatrtU for ntlllentSiit. iin.l tho'-e o. Inv thi ntitt t- v ill Pl-.l"! 11. il Ult.l ..-ill. W.d KKItl.lNU. J y Ml il. I.Si i ll. SMI AdtnlBjIsttSMr., VALUABLE FARM at PUBLIC SALE. The oedtTlUmed Will olTcr for sale on ti m pnMteei in about iini-lniir mil poetofltw i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1907. thii following1 consisting uf ll acres and allowance, adjoining lands of W. H. PtOk, Wil liam Kellner, .fane Ann Snyder, Dav id 1 1 nil', and otlMFS About 68 acres arr cleared and In (food ntate of culti vation, and 1 1 . . balance in good Oak and Chestnut titnler. Tin' improvement are it : 1 21 story F HAME HOUSE. LARGE BARN, Wagon Shod, and other buildings. There is n nice lot of fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears, cherries, plum-, etc. Sale liegius at '2 o'clock, p. m. TERMS : Ten per cent, of bid when projerty Is knocked down. Four hun dred dollars, Including the 10 per cent, when deed is made, and balance in two equal annual payments with In terest. JOttATH I'. PfcClt. A. L. Wible, A net. VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. The undersigned, intending to quit farming, will oiler at private sale his farm situated on road to Cuvall, 1J miles north of Plum l'un. This tarin contains about lit) acres, in addition to which is 'M acres of good timber land. These tracts will he sold sep arately, provided the home farm is sold first: or both together, m may suit the purcnaser. The land ia in a good state of cultivation, most of it or remedies utterly fail, you may I nas j"sl ,,", , ,i,n,'(i- ani1 a kil" ready . .,, . , . .. . .. to burn now. There is plentv of fruit still win in the battle againstlung ,,,,,, A 1 , . uf n k'nik mill mmj u-nll Ml uin nr nu uiioiiii uounies wiu iew town, will preach an Odd Fellows 1 r Discovery, the EtEAL remedy. ( i uaranteed at Trout'sdrug store. 0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. sjnnon at Siloam M. E. Church, Saturday eveumg Sept. 19th. un- i WHST VIEW der the auspices of llari isonville . , . r i k, ., .. I (Jur school is progressing Lodge No. 4 10. The public gen-1 . . , , , " ,? . ., , n i about as usual under the care ol erally are conliaily invited. ,, ., Harry Hill. Does your back ache? Do you j A few of the older scholars are feel tired and drowsy and lacking absent this winter Ross Wink iu ambition? If so, there is , and Budd Johnson are learning something wrong with your kid- telegraphing. ney and Bladder Pills relieve Pleasant Sipes is going to town bickache, weak kidneys, and in- i to school. nammation or the bladder. A Miss Eva Barnhard is week's treatment 25 cents. Sold friends in Indiana by Trout's drug storo. Mrs. John Weaver is having a It appears that every office- new house built on the farm she holder in the Schmitz ring has bought last spring. visiting been renominated in San Francis co except Schmitz himself. If San Francisco really likes that sort of .lung, why should it hesi late to play out the entire string. A gobler, two hens and 9 or The meeting at Tonolaway was well attended last Sunday. BITTEN 'BY A SPIDER. Through blood poisoning caus ed by a spider bite, John Wash- 10 young turkeys came upon the , lugton, of Bosqueville, Tex., premises of J. S. Hill iu Helfast township. They are much an noyance, and unless the owner come and pay ufty cents for this nctice they will be disposed of according to law. The Southern Hernia. District of Corman Baptists have biugbt a farm just outside of Mechanics burg, along Valley Co. trolley line would have lost his leg, which be came a mass of running sores, had he not been persuaded to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application re lieved, and four boxes healed all the sores. " L'5c. Guaranteed at Trout's drug store. at the door. The improvements con sist of a 2i story dwelling house, (i rooms and basement and cellar. Just been remodeled. Good barn and all other outbuildings. For further in formation, call on or address H. It. FlTE, Plum Kim, Pa. Trespass Notice. The undcrsigued hereby gives notice that the binds and premises of the Fu) ton County Kod and Gun Club, an or ganization duly Incorporated by the laws of Pennsylvania, situated in the townships of Wells and Brush Creek, county of Fulton and state of Pennsyi vittiia, aie private property, and that all persons are w arned not lo trespass on sain lands and premises for ! purpose of hunting, lishing. gathering nuts or hurries, on in any other man ner whatever contrary 'to acts of as sembly in such cases made and provid ed as the law will br rigidly enforced. Ft l.TON COL NTY EUn ANI) Gl'N CLUB, U--Od-tf. I ADVISfc-YOU TREAT NATURE CURES. DR. JOHN LOUIS WEAVER, JfEUROLOGIST, hi S. MAIN ST., CHAMBERSBUR(i PA. Nerve and Eye Specialist. from a man named Hoover. Thpy The get possession at once and will ; their lirst educational establish a home for oil people ' last Friday evening, there. . educational Meeting. teachers of Tiylor held meeting, at Clear RiJgc school. The Subjects: Stomach troubles, Heart and j Kidnev ailments, can be nu:cklv norrected with a prescription ; 8noula a lienor become a child, known to druggists everywhere ;!' What can 1 do for th mot s Dr. Sboop'e Restorative. The ' car"lof s Pul ,D m 8cl'o1- prompt and surprising reiief ( "ow do you treat pupils who have which this remedy i mined brings is entirely due to storative action upon the con trolling nerves of the Stomach Chronic nervs troubles. Irregularities peculiar to fe males. Chronic eye troubles. Chronic indigestion. Chronic constipation. Cross-eyes straightened without opeiation. Glasses accurately fitted. Drugless and bloodless sys- l. Flan and System in School tern conquering 8.1 per cent.of work. 2. Iu what respects ' all human ills. Light From Corn Cobs. It is reported that a Cleveland i chemist has perfected a method of IMtirlttB ill II mini) t mcr ouu frnm 1 . r .lit. h : t .ii . wu.v..aj ; .wiss U.IUIK, m.ss nem.ng, ivyss c()rn 0()b u,k and t rjievens, :ir. ceigntei, U. K ; renei i - " lediately !L 8Pet lal aptitude for one branch? its Re I '10 ''ors present were Sold by Dickson's drug store. The inefficiency of the thief who chose to run away with a throe dollar package from an ex press wagon in Manhattan, when he might havj taken a 7,000 package, is disheartening. He ought to have beeu caught, as he was. Success in life consists of the seizure of the real opportune ties. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your heart or kidneys, then try this clevor Coffee imitation- Dr. Shoop's Health O'ffee. Dr. Shoop has closely matched old Java and Mocha Coffee in llavor aud tate, yet it has not a siugle grain of real Coffee u it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted graius or cereals, with Malt Nuts, etc. Ma.de iu one minute. No tedious long wait. You will surely like it. fift a free sample at our store. E R McClam. Chesnut, L P. Morton, W. H. Ranck, W. C. Wiuk, Mr. Cook, and H. F. Barton. All toachers present took an active part in discussing the subject. Secretary. lining Builoeis Agala. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on account ol indigestion, nervousness and general debili ty," writr.h A. A. Chisholm, Tread well, N. V , "aud when it looked as il there was no hope left, 1 was persuaded to try Flee trie Bitter , and I rejoice to say that they are curing rue. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining daily." Host of all ionic medicines. Cuar aiilicd at Trout's dru store. 50ti. An irate lowau speiks of a pallidal rival as "a pultroon, a liar, a fake, and a scoundrel." Outside of that, however, he is doubtless all right. process is very similar to that employed in manufacturing gas from coal. The heatiug power of tins gas is said to be much greater than that of coal gas, and it is believed that eventually it can be manufactured with such economy as to permit of its being sold at 50 cents per 1000 feet. Thirty per cent, or the original weight of the material remains after the gas is extracted, and this can be used to feed the boil era. Tho scieutitic name of the new product is "gramineous" gas, or in common parlance It is corn gas. Hides Wanted. The undesigned will pay for greeu hides free from cuts, the foilowing prices : Steers and heifers, 10c.; zonn, 9c; bulls, He; calf-skins, (30 to 80c,; tallow, 4c. Cut hides, 1 cent a pound less than foregoing prices; salted hides, 11 to 12 cents. Paul Waonbk. AUTUMN T.J. Wiener, Hancock, Md. WINTEK ffi&ft Grade Merchandise at popular prices. Silks, Pelrets, Ladies' and Misses Wraps, Fashionable Furs of the season are well repre sented in Neck-wear and Muffs. mm Trimmed and Un-trimmed Modish Shapes and Tone Blending s are to be seen in all the new importations. New Ribbons, Plumes. Tips, Wings, Roses. Foliage Ladies' Tailored Skirts and Waists. Ladies' and Misses Cosets. Hosiery and Underwear. SHOES, SHOES. X. J. Wiener, Hancock, Maryland. Madden Bros. 1 Three Springs, Pa. Bargain Day, 8 Every day is bargain day at this store now. As the x rush for Machinery and Implements is somewhat over, Sc we are giving special attention toother departments of our store; and as the hot season is upon us so sudden- f ly. it has not caught us napping, but ready with as line cS a line of Summer Dress Goods as was ever shown O in this place. Our Goods sell themselves. All we ask is for you to come and see them. Ladies, the White Oxfords are so comfortable this hot weather. We have a full line ol them and at right prices. Come and see them. Ve have :i full linp rf fhe Rire Hntrhin.n SUmee $ Q i nesesnoes possess a style and llmsli peculiar to them- O selves, and cannot fail to please you O Farmers, don't forget, we have Fertilizers on hand at all times. We want your trade. Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. Madden Bros. Telephone Connection. So is 3 I A. j. IRWIN & CO. 1 Fall Millinery Display of the most attractive and unique Styles surpassing all former exhibits, both in richness and variety, f; New Patterns are being constantly placed in our show parlor, from which orders will be taken in colors to harmonize with fall suitings. UNTRIMMED HATS t of the most approved Shapes, also an Si elaborate assortment of beautiful vel vets, silks, braids, ornaments, fancy feathers and plumes. H ill be glad to have you come and see our goods. You '11 like the styles and the prices. McConnellsburg,Pa THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF M'COININELLSBURG, PA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. RESOURCES : ( APR. 6. 1)06. $47,338.69. SEPT. 4, 1906, $118,094.99. JAN. 26, 1907, $144,509.46. MAY 20. 1907. 1 69, 147.9 5. The atiovn extracts from Heveral reporto 10 tho Comptroller of the Cur rency of the I'nlted States show in an emphatic manner the success achieved by The Klrst National Mank of Met 'onnellsburu. With progressive spirit and conservative methodi, this hank has proven ita advantages as an Insti tution deserving your confidence. The chief concern of the olllcers and di rectors of this bank is the welfare of the deposi ors and the security of their deposits. We solicit your business. ;oan made on personal and collateral security, and Notes dis counted. Courteous treatment to all. Correspondence solicited from those d. - i in- Loans or wishing to open an amount with us. If you cannot call in person, send your deposits by mail, they will receive prompt attention. LEWIS H. WIBLE. PRESIDENT FRANK P. LYNOH. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. W. SCOT , ALEXANDER. VIOE PRESIDENT. DIRECTORS : LEWIS H. WIBLE. UNO. P.8IPE8. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. D. L. GRISSINtiER. R.M.KENDALL MERRIL W. N ACE CASHIER. B. FRANK HENRY. ASST. CASHIER. JNO A. HENRYS GEO. A. HARRIS. 8. W. KIRK. Fall and Winter MILLINERY We have just arrived from the Kastcrn Cities wi.h a com plete line of Millinery. We now have ready for sale. Hats in all the latest styles and colors, Flowers, Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Klbbons, Laces, Col lars, Veils, Uaby Caps, Hoods, Toques, Children's Coats, Lad ies' and Misses Skirts and Shirt Waists, at the lowest prices. We bought a larger line of goods this fall than ever before: and, in order to sell all, we will aim at quick sales and small profits. Don't fail to come and see goods and get prices. If you don't want to buy, you are welcome at our store. MRS. A. F. LITTLE, McConnellsburg. Opposite PostofRce. J.K.JOHNSTON Now is the time to be looking for Winter . OVERCOATS M LONG RAIN Pill LONG DRESS, Wnman'c LONG RAIN CHILDREN'S Dress. Men's, Youth's and Children's Clothing and Shoes Women's and Girls' Dress Goods and Shoes. Guns and Ammunition at the very lowest prices, . Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Take Notice I We have put Id stock uliuepf staple Household Hemedies, such a Cough Syrups, Liniments, Pills, etc., and we are nelling all 25c. good at 20o. Goldsmith's Bargain Htnre. tf I :' t( 1 i'ii DYSPEPSIA CURE M7W M m -A m m digests what you bat mj &ji If zzrf"" Porsalcat Trout's di ugJStora. Ak tor KodoJ's 11)07 Aimcnao and 200 Year CaJandar. i