The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 10, 1907, Image 4

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jf Published livery Thursday.
B. W- PwK, Kdilor dad Proprietor.
OCTOBER 10, 1907
Published Weekly. $1.00 pei
Annum in Advance.
Her jurc t.l a 1ln" tlmw It W
IVr s-juarti paoh .s'lhueiiiieni Insi'rtlt.n f
A'erllHftnioTUs ItiMrrted for lfi that
thr;o month.. -.bigud by tb aqua re.
i tain. muii 1 yr.
Unf fnm It mils inum. I isn mi
Our half column rviio. 'i nri
i 1 Column 40.00. ! v 00.
ri i
nil l
Simple Hume Recipe.
(let from any prescription
pfa irmacist tlie following :
Fluid Kxtraet Dandelion, one
half ounce; Compound Kargon.
ono ounce: Compound Syrup Sar
saparilla, three OQDCM.
Shake well in u bottle and taki
a teawpooi i , i dose after eacl
meal and at bedtime.
The above is considered by an
eminent authority, who writes
in a New York daily paper, as
the linest prescription ever writ
ten to relieve backache, kidney
trouble, weak bladder, and ill
fotms of Urinary difficulties.
This mixture acts promptly on
the (diminutive tissues of the Kid
neys, enabling them to filter and
strain the uric acid and other
waste in fitter from the blood,
which causes Rheumatism-.
Some persons who sutler with
the afllictions may not feel inc. in
ed to place much confidence hi
this simple' mixture, yet those
who have tried it say the result..--are
simply surprising, tho roliel
being effected without the slight
est injury to the stomach or oth
er organs.
Ma some and give it a trial. It
certainly comes highly recom
mended. It is the prescription
of an eminent authority, whose
entire reputation, it is said, was
established by it.
A druggist Here at home, When
asked, stated that he could cith
er supply tii? ingredients or mix
the prescription for our r aders,
also recommends it as harmless.
A base ball player, who twirls
the ball on Sunday as well as on
other days, gets $6000 tor a sum
mer's playing, wiiile the clergy
man who tries to keep his church
members from being struck
out trying to beat Satan's curves,
tre.s about one tenth c f that sum
tor the period. And, if we are to
judgo by tho S1.3 of tho crowds,
base ball is felt to be the most vi
tal and necessary need of tho pe j
Letter to Frank P. Lynch.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir: Such experiences as
this are occurring all over the
Judge I D Fairchild owns two
houses, exactly alike, in Lufkiu,
Texas. J M Torrence painted
botli houses, one Devoe, gal
lons; the other with another
pamt sold at same price: 25 gal
lons. That L'3 gallon paint is
weak and 1") per cout. waiting;
tbat's why it took !. gallons
You can learn for nothing what
ho had to pay- for.
Yours truly
37 F. W. DSVOB & Co.
P S P. C. Hare, Port Little
ton, and J. A. Boyd, Mercers
burg, sell our paint.
What might have been a ser
ious accident, occurred at the
home of ti. P. Simpson in Thomp
son township, last Thursday e
ening. Mr. Siu-pon aud his sou
ltd d and daughter Hess were
driving down the hill near his
residence in a huckster wagon
drawn by two horses, when the
tongue yoke broke, allowing the
tooguo to drop to the ground.
This frightened the horses, and
in attempting to run drew the
wagon into a lock, throwing the
inmates outbreaking a rib for
K jod, knocking some teeth out
It Hess, und bruising Jionuie
about the head ami fa ,e until his
friends in town Monday told him
he looked like ho had been run
through aCelser separator aud
blown out through a cyclone
I) V,r, C ( :unhiiileiui, atu r
lavug spent several months in
. r.iern Pennsylvania a'td east
rn Ohio, is at home helping with
the tail wink.
Mr. E N MncMillanand 1 t U
ion Arcliic, ol Philadelphia, altei
iiivintr spent the month ol Sep
.'m'.rr in tho Valley, left, for
borne on Tuesday.
Mrs. Laura C. Dickson, of Nor
istov.n, spent leptemlier with
ler brother, K A Norton.
Prank Cnnniricrhnm ntid In
nother spent Sunday With rela
ivos in Tronrrh Creek Valley.
H. G. Norton made a Hying trip
10 AltnOUt last week.
ApptabnVar botlii is are the
rder of the day just now.
Mrs S A Barnott has recov
red to about her usual health.
A. D. nerkstresser has the
mimpion tomatoes. One he
weighec' tipped the scales at K'
pounds five of them weighing
' pounds. Who can beat it ''.
Potatoes will only bo a me:lium
rep id the valloy. They are rot
ting some.
One of the old land marks was
lately razed to the ground, name
ly, the old Presbyterian chuich.
Chas. L. Schenck is spendiug
some time with his uncle in Bed
ford. J. Eshe Poster has returned to
his home in this place from Al-
Mrs. Cooke Poster, of Pinley
ville, spent some time at the home
if her father iu law, J. C. Foster,
M i s. Marga.-ct Poster, of South
Pork, is visiting her son, .1. C.
One Year For Lying.
Judge . I. W. Shull, of Perry
:ounty, presided ovor a session,
if criminal court iu Narrishurg a
few days ago. One of tho prison
Ts oi) trial told the Judge a lie,
aid when the falsehood was de
tected the .iudgo seitenced the
unfortunate man to one year in
the penitentiary.
tiiu pace of qsAivta.
''The price of health in a malar
ious district is just -o cents; the
oost of a box .if Dr. King's New
Life Pills,'' writes Ella Slayton,
of Noland, Ark. New Lifo Pills
cleanse gently aud impart ne
life aid vigor to the system. L'jc.
Satisfaction guaranteed atTrouts
drug store.
We desire to thank the kind
frioad (?) who put a small vial,
containing poison, in a wood-rank
under the porch of liobert VV.
Mellott's house in Ayr township.
As there are neither, two nor
four legged night prowlers, in
festiug the home, the vial will be
carefully taken care of until call
ed for.
onk Or Tas Pamu.v.
If you take Do Witt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills you will get
prompt relief from backache,
weak kidneys, inflammation of
the bladder and urinary troubles.
A week's treatment 88 cents.
Sold bv Trout's drug store.
Subscribe tor tl
"N jw;"
Last week while Alfred Wilson
and Charles Long, railroaders,
were resting on a log in the woods
near Saltillo, Huntingdon county,
Ejgin-er W. D. Long, Charles'
brother, saw tho tail of a squirrel
hanging from Wilson's pocket,
bjt not the men, aud tired. The
c'mrge of shot found lodgment in
Long and Wilsou's faces and
necKs. The injured men were at
once sent to the hospital iu Al
tooua, and will recover.
Bad Breath.
A well-known physician, who
undoubtedly knows, declares that
bad breath hat broken oil more
matches than bad temper.
mere are ardent
lovers who must
sometimes wish
their sweethearts
presented sweeter
mouths to be kissed.
Good teeth cannot
prevent bad breut'i
when the stomach is
The best cure for
bad breath is a
cleansing out of the
body by use of
Lane's Family
the tonic laxative.
This is a herb medicine, sold In
cu'. and ;oc. packages by drug.
uists and it Is Having mora doctor's
bills than any other medicine has
ev.-r saved.
It cures headache, backache,
indigestion, coualiputiou ami skia
Practical Uses
of Corn Starch
You cannot have a more practical and useful
food article in your kitchen than the genuine
the Bttti'lard of ijnftlitv for over half s century. For
Making dainty and wholesome desserts it U uneoualed
Imii iti MOM MSC ileal iiic consists in helping you in your
".Ling tad baking. I .-am how it will wonderfully im
io r th? tpulity oi bread, pastries, jellies, soups, gravies,
i i 1 many other evrrytlnv dishes, by consulting our
l'rrpnrr' hy (wo fumou cook. Your fre.
Thr iff u ii i ui' K iiiKforcri owejjTo Corn Btarch U uniform
mi l pun. of i n ' ' ' i , ii m ui punned it a food, Mad
for over fifty year at Oswego.
AM grocer, In pound package ioc.
T. K1NGSFORD & SON. Oswego, N. Y.
xxxxxxxxx ooxxxckxxocoo
8 C4--ma1 6
I Look!
We liovo jnsl completod satrangemettti witli The
Ilarriaburg Patriot by which wc can offer the
Fulton County News
and the daily inoraing
Harrisburg Patriot
lor tlip nstmiisliinjrlv low price of
$O-0 Per Year
Cash in Advance
Regular Price of Both Papers is $4
In thia way you can get all of the news of your lionic
town every week and the news uf the State Capitol, telc-maphii-
news of Pennsylvania and the world in general,
etery morning for only $2.50 per year.
The Patriot is sent by the earliest mails and
reaches all Towns and Rural Free Delivery Pontes on
the morning of issue.
This Offer is Open to Everybody
Stolid emir .S'' .Ml trwdstv nitViav Tin. Pulfxiti
County News or to The Patriot, Harrisburg, Pa. I!' you
already get both papers, subscribe for some relative
Euoiosed find $2.)V for which please send The
Fulton County News and Tho Eiarrisourg Patriot for
one year.
R. P. I). Xo.
Town . . . .
. . .Countv
Graduate of McCorraick Neurological College, Chicago, 111.
Analysis of cause of human ills. 1'atients taucht how to treat themselves.
Clieinu-al derangements, Mechanical disorders reached
by chemistry Of diet, hydr otherajiy, manual therapy,
Relitf from eye strain.
Specialist in nervous diseases, chronic ailments, eye defects.
Corespondence solicited, No treatment try mail.
M.-mlier Association of Independent Doctors.
Worked Sample Kacket on Manufacturers
and tiot into Trouble.
Dan Blair, alias Clarence Blair,
of iShippensburg, is in the Har
ritbarg j lil, charged with making
a living in an easy but unlawful
manner. His plan was to order
samples of beer, gin and icecream
from various manufacturers on
pretext that if found satisfactory
i large order would be placed,
and thirty quarter-barrels of beer
have been traced to him. Getting
iroods for nothiug, he could un
dersell all competitors and make
U. S. Postal Inspector D. F.
Clark, Assistant U. S. Marshal
Lariat), of llan-isburg, aud Depu
ty Uevenue Collector U. . Fry.
of Newvillo, arrested Blair at
Sinppensburg. Lie was taken
before U. S. Commissioner Bone
bralra &od pleaded guilty. In de
fault of $7U0 bail, ho was takeu to
Hftrriaburg jail and later will be
taken to Scranton for trial.
To VTftVf uimiifntionablr. mi 1 bttvond im tinuht.
. tl.. t Cuurrh ol the nos und throul cn be curtail,
i I ttiu f unilrtli intf pt l. t 1 1 through trujmfi"ts, sinull
i i i,i. ii.. i.-- of Dr. Hhoop' iLi.ii n. Cure.
I tin thin Imcuumi I uin mi crrUiti, that lr. KhoOp'i
( rh l 1. 1 wilt bring ftilllKl auluntll ItflTp.
Nothing i rtiitly, U tt mm luring it b pbysiou
u ' i .hiv aitlclfof n ,,i k tuiiH miTit. Bi t that
arttrlu muil poiniM tm liit-rit, Im tho teat will
flondeinn. ruthur ttiAn uilvniirc It, r. Hhonp'i
tUrrli Cura la ft anew whltf. honlliig uttlMpUt
lailm, put up In benutiful nickel iapp(l gluan itrt
-i fiOc, Much -. .tiling Mgfnu ua Oil Kih1 ptua,
Vhjinul, 11. in In. I. tt!., grt im nrp-.rui. il Into a
velvety, cnmin llk I. trnlMium mp. n. I h l-r
' ShtKjp from Kurow. IfkUrrh of tliA noan und
throat h ostoiidoit to th atoiiwch, tbeti by m
I utiauaalaoiiM' Intunmlly. Dr. KlnMip'a ftxtnmtf ve.
M.,iimii dtfttrwM. a lurk oi gem-ml at length,
bloatlhg. U'lchliitf. i.iii'.u n.-v hat i.t,n-. etc.
lur.-iy call for Dr. Hhoop'a K-f.mi : .
For uuroinplifitU'd r-MUrrh (Mily of the rtofrfr.(1
uruat iiuthlng lIm-. howsrer, ued b umhI but
I Dr. Shoop's
iCatarrh Cure
1 'NOSMm "S 'M
Dealer In
Pianos Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of Informing the people of
Pulton couuty that ho is prepared
to furniiih High Grade l'ijtnos and
organs at prices that are attraetlve.
lie makes a specialty of the
an instrument of national reputa
tion; and the
Being a thoroughly trained
tuner, he it prepared ju short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Cuaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen In tho home of Geo. HJ. Mel
lolt, McConnellsburg.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ tot me know, V
can save you money.
ever held in Saltillo, will occur at
Harry E. Huston's Store
in a few days.
Begin saying your pennies now, and in a
few days they will be worth dimes to you,
for the doors of this store will soon be open
on the greatest price-cutting Carnival ever
held in this section of Pennsylvania. Watch
for it! Wait for ill If you have a single
want in the Merchandise line, you cannot af
ford to miss this greatest buying opportuni
ty since Saltillo became a town.
Special salesmen have been hired and spe
cial merchandise bought for this occasion.
It will be a
Thirty Days' Wonder
to even the oldest inhabitants of these parts;
it will be a chance for the frugal minded, a
chance for the poor, a chance for the rich -glorious
place for bargains from front door
to alley, from roof to cellar.
Wait.' and you will not be disappointed.
Commence making a memoranda of your
wants to-day, and watch the papers for our
opening date. We expect thousands of peo
ple to attend this THIRTY DAYS CARNI
VAL, and we are going to sell that each one
leaves this store with more goods for the
least money than were ever handed out at
the price in this town.
If you have a want in Dress Goods, wash
goods, linens, calicoes. Blankets. Embroid
eries, Jewelry, Girls' and Ladies' Coats, Un
derwear, Clothing, Cvercoafs, Chinaware,
Glassware, Footwear of all kinds -in fact,
if you have a want in any lino, wait for this
A complete announcement of the Carnival
will appear later, with all particulars. Wait
for it!
Saltillo, Pa.
oocoooooxxx oooooooooooo
I Fulton County Bank.
TTTT WT-WTr-r-r.-rVT-r ttttt -r -r -r -r -r -w TVT WTW "WW-WW
3 Per Cent. Interest Falcl on Time Deposits.
This old and well known Piuanclal Institution U now
permanently located in Its new room in tho A. U. Nace build
ing. Large additions have been made to the
and the number of Stockholders has been increased to PIF
TEKN, which gives all depositors a security of upward of t
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. 5
The Pulton County Bank does a GENKRAL BANK
ING BUSINESS and extends every fuvor to ).heir patrons
and friends, consistent with sound banking.
JttcConneUsbargi ia
Dr. King's
New Discovery
for C8ffif s ,rSa.
air A -B A wtipi? i a a mra i. a fvrnuvi
B w S..JV". . - n A .C3J AVsVsWAI
I have just refilled my sheds,
with a tine lot of Buggies aud
Wagons will.-. i I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices
I also have In stock a lot of
Buggy Wheels and Buggy Poles.
I want your trade. Please come
and see my stock before you
make a purchase.
Thanking the public for liber
al patronage In the past, and
soliciting tt continuance of the
same In the future, I am youi-4,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown. Pa.
$100 Reward.
I will pay llKI reward to the person
who will give me Information nMM
sary for the arrest and conviction of
lersons ("low down cuis") who are
nailing up posters about myself and
other, detrimental to my character.
1. J, Palkw. M D.
Figures Talk
Doxks Sou
The beet vldtinc thut Ulisa Natlv
Herbs fullilts tho claims maile for It
is found in the Increasing- hules it rn
loys year after year. It cures, or else
people would not buy und take It
for such diseases aa KlieumalUm,
Conalipullon, Dyspepsia, Kidney
Diseases. Liver Disorders, Ectenu,
Scrofula or any ailment arising from
impure blood.
Bliss Native Herbs
la effective hecauae it U made from
pure roots, herbs and barks aiid con
taina no opiates, minerals or alcohol,
it la Buarauteed under the UnUed
Staler I'ure Drug- Law. Each box
contains MO tablets for f I.M and if
iko curt results, mouey la refunded.
It la made by The Aloruo O. BlUa
Company, Waahlntrton, D. C. Can
not be lound In drug-atorea and is
l ocal ioiiMtti.
The fl- T... ,.f i .,
J i.r in i, ii'i oi . i i i i i . . i . ' (i.i-
season wu held lust Thurmljy Aiiy in Ltothcl
Th meeting wan called to
order by the teacher Miss Sadie
Kirk in a few well chosen remarks
relative to tho Oblool of the meet
uir, when J. II. 11. Lewis was ap
poiutrd chairman, and priKiceded
at ot:oo to disposo of tho program
that hU been carefully prepared
for the occasion, consisting of
songs and declamations by the
Oboot, with subjects of deep ed
ucational interest for tho teach
ers and patrons present.
Let it be said that the attend
am e, deportment aud interest
manifested, speaks volumes for
tho educational interest that per
meates the minds of our teach
ers, scholars and patrons, in
Rethel township. The local in
stitute undoubtedly is one of the
important factors in educational
advancement, cultivating a social
inllueuceand a practical use ot
knowledge- l eing able to express
orally your thoughts upon cur
rent events.
James L. Clevenger, of Pitts
burg, spent the past week with
the family of his father, Hiram
, Mrs. Susan King, who had
spent the past summer with the
family of her son, Albert King, in
Altooua, is now at home with her
son, Ross King.
Rosb King has put up a good
woodhouse. M. D. Mathias aud
D. K. Mumma, of Hustontown,
were the carpeuters.
S. S. Wilson spent a few days
last week in Frauklin, Hunting
don and Bedford couuties.
Kuobsvlllo, Pu.
All orders by mall promptly rtllod.
PutsT Class
7 oisyrialtrtist,
A Clean Cup und Towd with eucb Shave.
Kveryltitng Ai.iWpilc.
Ruora SUhiJlBjofl,
Hair fittltlng :tml MnlsMlsitt, ,ipro laity.
rJrM.op in iuo:u lu.'.w pod Dpi ed hi It. M
I i, vi IttSS,
Attorney at Law,
Ortice on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All IcksI bus DeH and colleulmua entrusted
will ocelve uareful uud prompt attention.
President Judpe Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judjfos W.H. Bender, D.
T. Humbert.
Prothonotary, &o. Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George 13. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesblt.
Jury Commissioners David Hotz
A. C. Truax.
Auditors 1) H. Mvars, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grant vVlnk.
Commissioners. C. Gracey, Win ,
C. Davis, S. A Nesbit.
Clork 13. Prank Henry.
County Superintendent Chas. I
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson' Sipes, Thomas P. Sloan, P.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Slpes, S. W .
Kirk, F. P. Lynch, H. N. Slpes.
uoKocmi 01 ticeks.
Justice of the Peace L. H: Wible.
Constable D. T. Fields.
Burness Dr. H. S. Wlshart.
Counullmen Thomas N. Hanimll
Wm. H. Nesbit, H. U. Nace, M. H.
Shaffner, C. K. Barton, D. E. Little,
Geo. W. Havs.
Clerk L. EL Wlble.
School Dlreotors John Comerer,
0. B. Stevens, S. B. Woollet, L. H.
Wible, D. L. Grissinger, T. F Sloan.
Hour.) of F"-lt -F a. Wlshart, V
D.; pres. John 8. Harris; seo'y. G
VV. ,.aj; W . McKiouiu, M. D., J
W. Mosber, M. D.
Pkksuyterian. Kev. VV. A. West,
D D.. Pastor. Freaoblnir service
eaeh alternate Sabbath at 10:30 it. m.
antl every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at lu:.i0 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. Junior Christian En
deavor' at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Grimes, Pastor. Sunday School
at U:;10 a. m. Preaching every other
Suaday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at '7:00. Epworth
League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United i-trbsbvtkkian Hev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 8: JO
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, anu every other Sunday
evening at 7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings aro used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer masting Wednesday evening
at7:00. "
Pastor. Sunday school 9:1ft
a. to. Preaching every other Sunday
morning al 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Kkfoicweo pal
lor. Sunday school at 0:30 s. in.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:oo u. m. and 7:00 p. m. ChrlstiMis
Kndeavor at 6:00 p, m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening al 7:00,