Lard and Bacon for sale atjX NOlIll AllieriCail " oLr llv.! siusfinir A Charge i A. t.CieS W I Tell koKwp. ifsag.n. About The Allilefcs Huston at Sallillo has just re- j,Wivd two cars freh fertilinerr, pitOBAHLE AMERICAN LEAUCB nd Is jelling at right' prices, i CHAMPIONS SUBJECT Ul Mr. and Mr,. Dennis Gordo,, BOTABL1 HAGEMTOWN MO wmTt POM llA.UlTAATaTO CATALOG. T. J. WIENER ol Thompson, spoilt a few hours in town Monday. DeWitt's Carbohzed Witch Ha zel Salve is goed for boils, burns, cuts, scalds, and skin diseases ltis especially good tor piles. Sold at Trout's drug store. Miss Mary Stenger spent from Wednesday until Friday with friends at Cito. Huston at Sallillo has just re ceived a car load Rock Salt, Land Salt, and ordinary Salt. Prices right No nrevptitinir providence, LI C n a der Animas z Mellott will preach at Laurel Ridge s hooihouse on I the third Sunday in September, at half past ten o'clock. C. K SUrr at Three Springs, i lspayiug s,i cents a ousnei lor wheat in exchange for fertilizer, which can he got at any time. 6 r. 4t. HIDES. James Sipes & Sons pay 10, 18, and 16c a pouud cash, for beef hides at their butcher shop in MeConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallvw. M. V. Malot ol Morgantown, W. Va., ami li. J. Mellott, of Sipes Mill, spent Monday in town. Stomach troubles, heart and kidney ailments, cau he quickly corrected with a prescription knowu to druggists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Restortive, The prompt aud surprising relief Which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its re storative acliou up n the controll ing nerves of the .Stomach, etc. Cars:u McFadden was given a hearing Monday evening Chambersburg before Ma trate Solders ou the charge of furnishing liquor to a minor. The minor m the cose was Bent ley Mellott, the lad who died from injuries received m falling from a wagon near Poltz. Mc Fadden was held for court in 300 bail, which he furnished. Trial Catarrh treatments McDOUGAi, r,RAVINiiS. Cartoonist Will Illustrate hum ft tortus ol MmoIi - r'oinous srs. Ora Lat yeu't record Every out of city grad uate local, d in a .atiilactorv poiilion. Wt can place you. Write lor " Tl IF. PROOF." The 7lli year I laud Boole ol lire loicmoil BsSSMI I raining School mailed upon request. In ilif mosl t-xr it inir fsefl the Anieriran I, ensue ever saw tlu Athletic now l"ik a sure Winner, j Until the end of the season they j will he playing at home, while their rivals, Chicago, DewoH MM I'levcland, are battling on the op posiog grounds. Apparently it is all over but the nhawrino. and evcrvhodv in this part of the country is discussing tbfl Athletics and their famous manager, Connie Mack. The funs want to know all about the leant, who the men are, where they came from, where they live, what their habits and peculiarities are. The North American began, on Sunday, September I. 10 publish a series of six articles, which will tell this whole Story. 1 hev will be w ritten bv George M. Graham, porting editor of The North A meriesn, who. having been with the team on the southern training trip, is familiar with every step by which the club was whipped i into shape by Manager Mack and j formed into the present invincible ' combination. Lverv stage of this development will be covered, and there will be new stories about members of the team, which, with Rube Waddell, Chief Render, Topsey Hartsel, Socks Seybold and such celebrities includes, perhaps, more famous baseball characters than any team I in the count rv. Wall McDougall, the North A mrioa.n,s famous cartoonist, will 1,1 contribute a series of drawings, is- urtttali ..ill Illustrate the hunierous side of the recilal. The articles w ill also he illustra ted by photographs. Order at once, and make sure that during the next six week- you get every one of this series on the team that looks likely to bring Philadelphia its third pennant in are seven years, and which, if victori- being mailed out free, on request, ous, will piny me Chicago nation- by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These ' for the world's championship. tests are proving to the people-- without a penny's cost the great CROSSING YOUR LEGS. value of this scientific preserip- turn known to druggists every TheConstant indulgence in This Comfort, whereas Dr. Snoop's Catarrh ab,e posj,iun. Produces Many Ills. Remedy. Sold bv Dbkson's druf store. A most injurious habit, com mu r i . 1110,1 alike to men ancI wmeu, 18 tin, .i B " llmt ot 8iUlUg witn one leK swuug uow u auu Viay ou iu. , ; u knee (f tho otner. Head school picnic at KenobOM church iu Thompson township last Sat urday, and in the evening went to Hancock and treated the citi zens of that city to some good music, after which they attend ed a "play" in the opera house. Pittsburgh, Pa. July Sale of SUMMER MILLINERY. Hats at cost. Rowers, Plume, Ribbons, Ribbons. Infants' and Children's Head wear. Dress Goods. Panama, Serge, Mohair, Henrietta, Cashmere, Voile. While Goods. India Liuen, Madras, Organ dies, Linen. j miTlcan Lady Cor.els, Mick Kid Moves. While kid tlloves. Summer Silks, Tilieli Silks, Ladies' Summer knit Underwear. Ladies' Mutlin Underwear, Hosiery, Olovci. Velllnxs. BMSROIDBRIES. Mi-Over Laces, Imerlinns, Val Laces. Notice. Noil-e l hereby lvu Hint n petltloB WW jiuatmail on Jan. lllh, 110T. to lha Court ol Quarter Srsnionu of Fulton County lu.. hy Dr. A. K. Darin .1 LstobtOMM, Wm t. I.atdtfi et ul . for Hie irtoorponillun ii 11 portion Ol T.iylur nml Dabttl tawBaWp. said COOBty. IB oludlnirthe rlllsgw-al (Nutontowa Ibio bor uugh ;tnl that 'lie MKi Courl ordarod ttt asM petltloB Bred. IHi IBaolnrs I BOOOO H-v of to bo xiveu bimoMUbb 1 1 1 la. uBd iBai iiie uBldCourl IU Pr -d at Itw n.-xl term, M wit: OatoBort, ISTl Ui make an htroatamtlOB and make a owdor rrdecrea in Ute BMBBOi M..,.-iim..l , Hi- .ti- ' .1 ai- S". oisonoK ii Minis. Clerk ii lha 'miri of 0 ft,, (mrter Sentin PUBLIC SALE Valuable TIMBER LAND. SATURDAY. SEPTEMOlR 21. laof. at i o'clock p. in. ByTtrtueol un-crfOar ot the CooH of Oobi. DUoa Pleas of Kuiinn oonBtjr. the uoSanifBOd CooimUten of Vml IV ok. will offer ui POttUo Halt on I tin prafrtlaaa In lfrlf-n-1 townaBip Fui too county, P.. oaa-Balf mlla aoMB of ihe l Drldfa ui Pack - Fordlog ou Uoklas Creek. in lha above named day, lha loHoafttif VALUABLE REAL ESTATE formerly owned by Coorad Peek, deceased nam ;ly, a iniet ol laml aitBBta in Uolfaal town ah i PultOB OOUBty. Pu, oontalBlBS iag-7 ; c ; rv i : ss ui porohee and allowaoea aSiolBlBS Ibb4oI Henry K. Brewer. Jonaa Mellon. StlllwaU IV. Trust. Duvld Harr, aad others, ulxiut two tnlrda of wriiuh i ulaarad and In yood suite ol UUlUVBtfOD iiuil th" remuioder is t-overed with SPLENDID OAK TIM3ER. one of lha tlnest lots of limner lo thatoarB ship. ThalmproremaBta.aroa laro and a Ball story BRSme nUCLLING Larue Mink Hum. und other neeessury oiit bullOlBirs. 'i hero laaa orohadol osoailofil fruit, liils ot 0 berrj BBS poaoh trees. The land He nice foe farmlBa'. aad IthialtoyaUiBt a arv ilealrahla DroDarty, TBa turm Haa on both siili-s nf UofclBI Crerll. ani ejtenils Imek on tha Many ilopa m the lop or Tim bet BMso. TRRMS! Ten per cent of hd when proper ty la afioeked uown: one-nuir. ineiutuUL.' in.eii par dool . on ooBflnaanoa ol sale, and Kbtroal. rinec in I wii 'iilill :i!ijj ';U iaymeli!S. sei'iirro by jadSBteBt. with interest from dkteofeoor Srmatron of Bale. Sale begin ul S o elocki p. in. li w. PBOK, t oumiit'ce. Ladies White Shirt Waists, Lathes Wliite IJress Skirts, Ladies Wliite Hosier.r. L ulies lU ick Hosiery, Ladies Helts and Helting, Ladies Neckwear. T, J. Wiener, Hancock, Wary land. Banner Patterns In Stock. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF M'CONNELLSBURC. PA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. RESOURCES i APR. 6. 1906. $47,338.69. SEPT. 4, 1906, $118,094.99. .IAN. 26, 1907, $144,509.46. MAY 20, 1907. $169,147.95. TIip above extracts from sovfral reports to the Comptroller of the t.'ur rene of the UnHaaj Stales show In an emphatic, mantlet the Htieceas achieved b The I'lrat National Hank of McConnellHburff. With pro)reaalve aplrlt I eonaervatlvp niethoda, this hank has proven Ha BdvantBareu tc an Insti tution doaaaprtag your confidence. The -lnef concern of the oflloera Bnd di rectors of this hnnk la the wolfBre of the feposl'ors and the security of their deposits. We solicit your business. ;,oana made on personal and collateral security, and Notes dl counted. Courteous treatment to ail. Correspondence solicited from those desiring Loans or wishing Ml open an account with us. If yod cannot call In person, send your deposits by mall, they will receivo prompt atteutlon. iPWISM. w '..t. FRANK P. LYNCH. MERRIL W. NAC PBF3.D6NT. ATTOHNIV AND SOLICITOR. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICE PRESIDENT. DIRECTORS I , nuuiR H WIRLE. JNO. P. SIPES. INO A. HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. D. L. QRISSINtJER. R. M. KENDALL. CABHIBR. FRANK HENRY. ASST. CASHIER. I Madden Bros. J r. Three Springs, Pa. Bargain Day. $ Every day is bargain day at this store now. As the X rush for Macliinery and Implements is somewhat over, ,Jv we are irtving special attention toother departments of our store; and as the hot season is upon us so sudden- Q Q ly, it has not caught us napping, but ready with as line O r j -i i hi. 1 1 I .?wwipr v .c.c fUnnAs: nsw-K pmpt ihnwn Q in this place. Our Goods sell themselves. All X we ask is for you to come and see them. GEO. A. HARRIS. 8. W. KIRK. Mrs. A. F. Little's Big Underselling Store. fve still have a few hats and trimmings on hand, that we will close out at cost. If you want to save money and get a bar gain, COME SOON. Respectfully, Mrs. A. F. Little, VVcConnellsburg. Opposite Pnstoffice. The boys say they had a good Um and speak very kindly of t their treatment by the Hancock people. There's a reason for that ache In your back right where it , .stitches" every time you bend over, turn aroui d or walk any distance. It's your- Kidneys, j Take DeWitt's Kidney and Iliad- : der Pills. They are unequaled for backacha, weak kidneys and iullammation of the bladder. A week's treatment 39 cents. Sold by Trout's drug store. A very solemn and impressive aervice took place at Salome ap pointment on the HarriBonvillo t'.hurpe, Saturday afternoon, Aug. lilaLwhen liev. 0. W. Hryner, pai.qr of the M. K. church of this plua, adininiterd tho aacar mealof baptism to ten adults, live'by sn lulling and live by lav niew-oo lev. o. ) t'lttiuger, the pasior, is renrtvriiiK very t'Dicieiit Berjlce to tl charge, having ackljjd thirty ba to the church durjug ifee last-ymw. If real wiffeo di.vturbs your over the knee of the other. 1 aches, cold feet, vancoso veins, ' ulcers, and many other discom forts attendant ou an imperfect circulation of the blood ore di j rectly traceable to this habit, j says the September Delineator. When the right leg is swung ,ver the lett knee, ine wnoie weight is sustained by this knee, placing all the pressure against the under part of tne right leg between the calf and the kutecap At this very place are a great number if large veins, arteries, and nerves; the pressure on them crowds all the tissues together aud materially interferes with the circulation of the blood, and the disturbance of nature's pro cosses manifests itseif in many b idily evils and tnconve'iieuces. Many who would not be guilty "1 crossing ihe legs in public, often surrender to the temporary com fort of the position in the seclus ion of their own rooms. It is wrong and injurious because it deties nature, whose laws ire I more imperative than those ol to ciety. )AM.I. OF UUANO ANH THAVRKBK J .intuits drawu toibaOctuBar Taraa. w' ouaiBMneiBg an tawlal Mabday, BalBtBa Tib ilny ol the BaOBlb. BKaVafO .II U IKS. AjVi. Jaaayll Itlclmnls, I'lank Smith. Balfaat aiuos Batbar, TbamaaaB Paaki W. i:. PalaMsr. it. th. i- .lam 's Haa. Baialuwi, Batwaid c. GBBfttaBj Hunily Crli-t. Braah OtaBk Oliver 0, OlavaBBjar, MsraH Mahl. s. U Plaralafar. IlilUlin- II W. LlalltBg U reek llm r Desliung, K. H MelltitP Oaorga s. Uallott. MaOoanaflabarf F. M. Tatlor. Taylor Howard BaraeUi mihiu Hanaay. i . M unima TbOBipaOB WBfaa Kaaiatt. JOBM Snyder. I'nliiii Joba HaaTBtBBi Olaaaei t l.thiuuu. WelU-Maurlce c. Blvuna. PKT1T .IL'UMKS. Ar WlUlan ii. Caoaar, Oiarga w. tWasa David 0 Blllla, ttnarj Hann. at. u. Hafeajsa K4atd Keyser, O.iviil l..-liver, WiillalU Mel! ou. A. . li. Baadaia, Blaiai Haidara, u. 9 tltiti a, c. i'. i rule, ii. a. WaaaarbBBgb. llellant liuuer Hill, .loMpb W. Lake, lleorg. VV Mnrtuti, M. W. Mellon, I. M. Mi r.lilowney. Tbaaiaa Wlak. UatbiiWPraak Fo-t. Edward Ooldan, Aaron LaBitbaflii eharlaa Hi Lewis otayBB, r. Mai Witt , KiIm at ! Paylaaaf. iirush III nab 11 a. AattaBi iiil.llii.lo.i.ili II . linker. Or. nit lUker, .1.,- I u hesiiut, s. w. UBBadBabaBii QajBraja pyafcsa Wlllhiiu Oroe, lleiirue McCoy, Kilwuril Welsh. I l.ieklne i.'rei k II S. 1) inu ls. .lohn K. Ilesh onir, John Ftifley, Wilson .lohiiaun, Oeorgt MuaUBBi John Kaaer, lloiuer U Slie. A laaa. Me oiiliell hnrii-IUrry lirilnner, Thoum'' HhiiiiI, 1'. I' ataaBi Charles B. Steven.. Taylor Uiraai Olavavfw, it. J. t ieiiis, w. I Qraaay, B.O k MalrlBH, Jaasaa IB i. yon, Mac ii. l.iiuilieiM'li, .ai'k MeKlheiiy, .lohn Mart, QaOfBja W. 'I'aylur, TbOaipaon 11 ehnril -lohlisloli. Lewis Keeter VI Hit I.lltoli. Sha.le I - -1 Kar.i feek.K.lw iru Boudara. H- B. Smui s.m, ddhB Baa, i. Toil-A.K. Colle.e. Wlnllelil Usher, IMilllj BoU, 1'iUr Shi'iilh ln.ll. I iilon - lohn s. l.iawtonl, Halih Melvihhln Jaaafati Pattar. Walt- I. W. Ilium it. J. K. Bat lay. .lolin HaBab. Jaaaaa P. MoUlaiu, Hunter Tmai. Ladies, the IVhite Oxfords are so comtortable this hot weather. We have a full line ol them and at light prices. Come and see them. We have a full line of the Rice Hutchins Shoes. Q These shoes possess a style and finish peculiar to them- S selves, and cannot fail to please you. O J.K.JOHNSTON CLOTH ING Farmers, don't forget, hand at all times. we have Fertilizers on FOR- YOUTHS, and BOYS. We want your trade. Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. Jf j Madden Bros. i w Telephone Connection. B 9 VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. The andaPBlfaWdi lotrndtng to Qalt (rmtag, will offer ui private nu.Ii- Ii'ih farm stlualed on road lo CovbIi, 14 mtloa nin th of Plum Run. Thta turm oontalai aboni nu bopbb, In addition tOWbloh is -0 acres of good tllsDtr luiid. These trai ts will lie sold sei .irutely, proviiled the home farm is sold lirsf. OP both together, at mti suit the piircnasei'. The land la Id a jrood state of eultlvation, most of It Ikis just lieen limed, and u kiln ieadv 'ii burn now. 'I'lu re is plwOty of (Pttll .if all kinds, and u good well of water ;il I lie door. The improvements con sist ol a 21 story dwelling house, II room and basement ami cellar. Just t $1.00 MEN, THE Tailoring, Quality, Vanet, S(yle, Fit, PRICE, So found in OUR ASSORTMENT. LADIES' SHOES MEN'S BOYS' GIRLS' CHILDREN'S. Silk Embroidered Shin IVaist Patterns and Ready Made Shirt Waists, Dress Skirts, Petticoats. PERFECT SIGHT GLASSES Sold by Mail Only Perfect Sight Glasses Have nORPUatabla frames -the len nesure bevelod-edge, centered, ground ami polished. They will relieve eve strain, painful vision, tired, aching yes und make reading or sewing eom foLtuhle. Opticians and. oculists liurge ttt 0Q to 96.00 for like values. Save money save your eyes send a)l,00 nml get the best. When sending your answer these questions. Age, uuve you worn glasses before'. If io, for fur or near use and bo itiuiiy years? Uow close to the eye i can ymi inuil orillnary newspaper iiriul without ghisses V Stale the dis- ii. en I'emodoled. Good burn Bnd all ' tance iu inches Are the eyes protsl- Stuoiai ii, .yoar u thcu trif til'S btet .-..-iW.1S8&t?i Dr. SUt-up odd -lava ut.,i M lUvgr aud Ubb ' r-mu;! jffayi ot Dr. Srl.K-M-'u 11T tion la niaue fror. grail)! or .:: -u;, etc. ''lade in 01 tediuoa lyli ,wt( ir htore. K It Mcdlain. There are great many people who huvo slight attacks, of IsdV gestiou aud dysyepsia nearly all the time. food may K&Ulf J the ajipotile. out it fails to nourish the body simply because the stomach is not 111 tit condition to do the work it is supposed to do. you eat. The stomach should be given help. You ought takeaomethiug .that will do tho work your ataaiaasaok can't do. Kodol for iu ilige'aWbJi and Uyspepsia, a com '. i.iii.iiU ! natural digcaiautb aiid Wft'etable acids, digests the luud mselX aud gives strength jad hoaitti to the stomach. )Jleaa airit to take. Sold by Trout's drug stora. r kitJucys, Hoe .tru ita- I'fJti 'Coffee. It can't digest the food Y inlrefl . vtc3N .ii ha riot ,t )iU. Val. it. Sale Register. Saturday, September 11, Mack jinn will sell at his residence li mile from MaddensviLc, ou the road leading to Dublin Mills, ho.'ses, cattle, hogs, farming im plements, wheat; ltd, Salo be ijius at 10 o'clock. Saturday, September 21; B, W, Peck, Coniniiltee, will sell at pub lie sale on the premises, the. Con rad Peek farm, situated in Bel fast towuship near the Iron Bridge at Peek's fordiug. Bale begins at 2 o'clock. Thursday, September 28, A. M. (larlatid, intending to iuit lumbering, and go into other bus) ness, will sell at tus residence two miles son tti of Pleasant ltidge postoftice, 5 inules, 2 horses, cat tle, bogs, laruiiug implements, dec. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Terms 1 year. ilher outbuildings, for further li lortnatlon, cull on or address a, R. frn, I'luin lltin. 1'u. neni or deep set y Is the nose small, medium or large where glasses are to rest? Measure accurately In Inches he'distance from the center of one eye to the center of the other. State if (in wish straight or hook bow fames or eye glasses. Write your nun RDd I address plainly. I'EKFbCT SIOIIT 0PT1CI iOHPlNV. v.bambersbur, Pi Hides Wanted. The undesigned will j:ay for Steers and VALUABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned, desiring to ritrOi from fanning, w ill otter ut private sule his home (arm, situute irQ the Cove j llnad two miles north of McDonnells- bupg, ( This farm contains about 111) acres, . j,reen hj,i08 frG0 from euts, the :. : , ' , Mjr fodowmg prices B-Ul be sold peHaratety. provided the heifers, 10c.; aowa, 9c; bulls, He; home farm Is sold Drat, or both to- flalf-Bkins, GO to 80c. ; tallow, 4c. gothr'as the purehaser may desire. I Oat hides, I cent a pound less I'he laud Is In spi lid state of u1tl- j-sjtag) foregoing prices; salted wtt,1l,7ud''uli ,leDty,0'ox-hideB, 11 to 12cents. cellent fruit. There is a uover failing , spring of excellent water at the house, Pai;i. WauNKB. ami an abundant supply of wat"r in ! the barnyard. The improvements consist of a comfortable OWKLLINIJ HOUSE, large BANK HAKN, wagon stied, nml other outbuildings. For further information, call on or ad dress nrnma Snydkk, or 8. W. KMC, I 10 It. MeConnellsburg. Pa GUNS Now is the time to be getting ready for October 1st Squirrels. All Kinds of AMMUNITION AT J. K. JOHNSTON, MeConnellsburg, Pa. FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. Kodol b or sale at Trout's drugstore DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TBa ) WW' canlalaa VA aaaaalaa UUI ataa, wklaa aaflakar SB aaaaa. raanas wli aa uvavMntmr a B. . BaWITT IB OOMUAJHT, CHXCAOa UJUrn Ask tor Kodol 'a 1907 Almanac and 200 Year Calandor.