'ULToN COUNTY NEWS Published livery Thursday. r EASY TO GET B, W- Pivl, Editor and Proprietor. 1 McCONNELLSBUKG, PA. SEPTEMBER 5, 1907 Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. DVtKTlsl NQ RATH. Ilrr igtiri UlMW I times Per sijuuro each ! Hsrijurnt Insert inn . . . All rtTrtlHcmpnt Inserted fof ihh threw months ohnrirnd by the nquare. 1 M. AO. than Kemps Bata I c: ducation Will slop any cough that can be slopped by at-y mcdtallM and cure conijlis that cannot be cured by any other medicine. It Is nlw&f's the best cough cure. You cannot ntford to la'co chances on any other kind. KEMP'S BALSAM cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip, asthma and consump tion In first stages. It does not contain alco hol, opium, morphine, or any other narcotic, poison ous or harmful drug. Mary Ladi .1:.! Last PaJ For Their Edtteatisa I.y Eattiowr Work. Uulloa t'sreeri Started With Liuti capital. "miM. I wn I I yr. I One-fo iri column One-keif ooluain I l-ie i 1 jmu .115.00. . -jft.00. .. 40.00. 11000 I MO.OO 40 00 I 50 UJ MOO. 15.00 Dent Oct Rusty. I U'M not got rig to work myself to death for anybody. We have hoard tbtfl foolish fx- Letter to W. H Nesbit, MoConneilsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: Every j b Devoc is j preaalou so very ofteu from p ev- done with less gallons than ever lab, self pitying meu and women before with any other paint. 8. J. Field, Iodtanola, KJa, says: "All houses here arc painted De voo. The hot air is too try ing tor other , aints. One coat Devoo is better than two of any other paint, so far as wo kuow." Less galh ns, less cost. Yours truly 32 F. W. Dkvok A Co. P. 8. -P. C. Dare, Port Little ton, and J. A. Hoyd, Mercers burg, aell our paint One of tr.e moat remarkable stoaiTs we have read recently is '"The Little Fear," which is in the September number of The La dies' World (Nsw York). It Is a nature story, liut so true to na ture that it entirely escapes prcs luential cmidoiiinatioii. inu. should read it. There are sever al other good stories in this num ber, aud a lot of other matter most interesting to ladies, includ ing the preparation of the school wurdrobe, scoool luncheons, and eneial hygiene. The magazine is always a marvel at Fifty Cents a Year. Occasion,' 1 headache, belchinj , bad taste in trie mouth, lack of appetite and .-light nervousness are symptoms of inaigestion which, when allowed to go uucar ed for, will develop into a case of dyspepsia that will take a lorg time to get rid A. Don't u . 'gleet your stomach. At the first Ittdl cation of trouble take something that will help it along in its work of digesting the food you eat. Kodol for Indigestion and Dys pepsia will do this, Kodol will make your f od do you good and will enable you to enjoy what you eat. Sold by Trout's drugstore. A SENSITIVE DANE. Hans Christian An&ersen's Struggle For Recognition by Denmark. Hans Christian Andersen was as loving and simple us a child and as lensitive. The lir i pari of his life was imliittctvtl by the fact that his native country hud failed to recog nise him. "How strange," ho wrote, "that all my hook- are flying over the world and that at home 1 am no little appreciated. There 1 am stiil only a poor schoolboy, always in the lowest form. If 1 am wronged. Denmark, it is thy shame. Still, let me forgive as 1 wish to be forgiven." He waa not at i h- Mart personal ly popular among his countrymen. lie a i'o fond of talking auout him-clf and the honors uud compli ments he had received, Hi' out spoken pleasure in his own pursuits came from the most candid and in genuous interest. But it irritated jn;ople. Perhaps they wished to talk about themseh es. Yet in time the great men of Co penhagen came to take him at the valuation given him all over Europe. He was a privileged friend of the king and was finally accepted as a arrest national institution. His van ity or what seemed to be vanity was but skin deep, and his true mod esty comes out in a reflection like this, taken from one of his letters: "When people hear that I am Danish they speak about Thorwald bcii, (Ehlenschhiger, flirsted, and when I say sadly, 'They are dead,' the reply is, 'Anderson is still liv ing.' I feel so small ai d almost be lieve it is a vuin dream. Can ii be that 1 uin mentioned with these three?" Toward the close of Andersen's life public honors reached their cli mil, Odense, his native town, he stowed its freTdom upon him and had an illumination when he eamo to receive it. His seventieth birth day was ob.-crcd as a national holi day. Copenhagen was in festal garb, and his statue una unveiled there. That year he died. Chare: to Mal e Money. Complete Motion-Picture and Stureopticon Outfit for sale. Just new and ready to set up. For farther information, call on, (r address, Chaiu.ks DlCHUONU, Dig Cove Tannery, 22 lit. I A that it has come to lose the full i'orc-o of its contemptible weak-, iiess arid utter silliness. Work has killed some men un- J doubtetlly. Hut the men who killed themselves by work, are 1 not the men who complained that ; they were doing too much. These suicides had no ootn plaint enough in the time, and with the strength Plotted to them. They get their pull from their push. ( )ne po aid more pressu re n the vast boiler putan immense, locomotive Into motion. A little ! extra exertion on the part of an lusigmlicant clerk in a big corpo ration may lead to gigantic re suits. Continued and conscien tious effort never fails to attract notice. Don't be 'if raid of hurting your self with work. You can't do it. I Botyou cau aud will hurt your- ' self by Allowing yourself to rust. It is the lightweight in the world's activity who is heard to whine that he is not going to work his "head off for anybody. If he would dectease his pros sure, he wouldn't have to do a lick if work h r anybody - ave himself. The man who is afraid to do a lit tle more than he was hired to do, is the man who never rises high er than but jib. With jealous :yes he sees young, energetic fellows step over him, and ask where they get their pull. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Geld Tablets called Pre ventics. Druggists everywhere ire now dispensing PreV ntios, for they are uot only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt 'revenues contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick ling. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventioa will prevent pneumonia, bronchitis, lagrippo, etc. Hence the name, I 'revenues. Good for feverish children. 46 Preventlcs 25 ceuts. Trial Box es Ticts. Sold by Dickson's drug itoru. John I'eterman, the hornet nest weather prophet, of Butler, Pa , predicts a mild winter, from tl e fact that hornets are budding their nests high in the air. The hornets, in some wav, get an ink 1 ag of the brand of weather to be dealt out during the following winter, and if the signs arc for severe cold they build o i the ground where the sr.ow drifts cover them aud protect the lar vae from the cold. If they select a high place foi their nest, thev prophesy an open w inter. This same prognosticutor further says: "The corn husks, too, tell of a mild winter, the husks are thin and few." Misses Carrie a id Klsie Creat head and Miss Km ma Sloan have gone to Johnstown, Pa,, where t iey will all be engaged in teach tig in the ublic tchools of that ity dir.ug the curreu t school year. tfodetn Ycut'.i May Ce educated al Leading Colleges For a Ridicu lously Low Cost One College President Offers a Help ing Hand. It Is difficult in bring home to the average yotlttg i lan or woman of to day. In a way that ran be easily un derstood, the fart that a college edu cation li wit '.in the easy grasp of any one WhO lias a' mind to 11,'t himself or herself 4o n position where leader ship nmrtiK one's fellows may be right fully acquired and consistently held. Thousands of earnest young people yearn for the elevating and ennobling Influence ami associations which higher education brings, but In the path of ninny, the ilttnly defined dragon of ENORMOUS KXPBN8B rears Us monstrous bulk, at the Hist glimpse of find mnny other brilliant men have spent a century and a Quartet in up building. Pi i lei ' Ree I r Id the o'her day that he wrtllld like to lur e the privi lege of a five minute lath wit evey i pmtng man or women who felt the I (Mrtthta f-,t mnrr etMn -r l,K-hpr nnd h 't- ter : ii l I that he fell thru In t'nut i-hort Dice of time with e:it h. he could seaio away I hough false ebstorios ami sup- I i ly enough soil for the growth of ambition to fill the collcjm of the I ftttnttryi I rtickinson College, Wch will in 1 o.'8 relebrate the llfth anniversary or her (onndation, and Which ranks as elev enth In point of ae amoni? the colleges rf the country, furnishes remarkable evhlenrn to show tiint n (ollege eclu catlon is almost Invariably followed by distinction of some Kind. The niiniiiil statistics or the college show that out of a total number of alumni, tggregwtMfl Ifflfl, the Kradnates were I4dfl and the mm graduate alumni. :tfi. The alumni records of the college ihOW that the hle.h hopes elierlsheil by her Illustrious founders have been realized many times over, as the fol lowing statistics showing the lines of activity Into which her alumni have gone, would Indicate: PnOKOSSlONAL l.ll'n I.nw, 9tJ8; ministry, S,; medicine. Hi. BOUCATORfl College presidents. 41; college professors, 12t; Btipeihi cooooooooooo xxooooxxx Value BEAUTT COBSETS llll Low Prices I.1WVKK.H. M. K. SIIAFFNER, AllORNEY AT LAW, Oflice on Sauare, McConnellsburg, Pa. All lersl bus.nem snd collections entrusted will eei'lve oarpful snd prompt stteotlou. BUY HERE. Hot Weather Offerings. Our showing of Mid Summer Merchandise is very Infer eating in styio, quality and price. Quality and qotvntltj always here lor selection. We never tnoriuOS Quality in order to g've quantity. We endeavor to give good value at all times. Silks, l Iress Oooda. white IVststim), India Linens, Linen Suitings, Cotton Suitings, fancy l.arvins, Fancy Glnirhams, Plain Otngusmsa figured PeCO'Sj Walking Skirls, I .'Hi.' ( i If vs. Lad lea' i :iis, I uderwsar. White Hosiery, "lack Hosiery, Tan Hosiery, Hack I'omlm, Side Combs, f.adies' Niiikwear, I .ace and Insertion, All Over Lace, Millinery, millions, Veiling, Fanu l.uee Cu rtdins, Curtain Swiss, Drapery, I'illow C ases, Sheets, Toweling, l.inen Towels. Constipation nl.i nv.-.t r,,,,1,.v . noor.l, ,rln pranipi r.-i .-i ir .,iMli. Wi ,";, J? r -Ii wll t wtirimv the L'U.'i-t r. l1..v.. ey,r-j,i nttotows i .m. if pl rinHans 111.- Irlt r.f ,, cert IM In Oslftonita-Cks. ruru .Siunclii - nir.-i i .-x. .11,.,,, , ,,., B.b( I with Kcypttsu Sl Mlln! pery V.lm nrk iilid KsUsct ol prunm, , i" .iX un. Cnaosrslmrk I. ifli.n ii- ni,.i , CSndy lalili t. lulled jix-,.t, I now limit.. i u, nr. j-Ii.ii rlK)rUirlo. (n,ui this Imbi-iiiiuiib i u.uat (ff.-ciivi- preM-rlptliiii. lis effei I iiii Court,!. IHllll.I. k linn... UU.. LU.. I. .... J ... .I Mlow i ouplsilou. i-U-. U fndced pnuuut nd Mo snotnt, no unplousnt itlur efforW srnsx 8 Slioes, Oxford Tics, White Slijipers, Men's Dress Shirts, O Men's Neck-weur, Men's Under wear, Mattings, Rugs. O g JAMES Q. TUNI;R & CO., g Masonic Temple. - - - Hancock, Md. oooooooooooooo oooocooooooo X sn si isss m m 4 . Mctiam s More I hare two of the best brands of Stock Food 1 for horses, cattle, sheep, swine v and poultry, and I am going to K give 5 per cent, off from now un- til August 15th. Now is the time that your horses need a little ton ing up. Don 7 overlook it. 0 E. R. WcCLAiN. p West End of Boardwalk, J; McConnellsLum. Pa. NO. i o ; i I. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The ntat Nntlonnl llnnk, nt McConncll hnrg. in the Mtotc of I'cnnsylMinln, at the close of business. August 'J2. 11107. assMisost. I.incsiind DSMoaatS Mt Ovcrdriilts. sncurpd and unsecured , SJTVSB 0, S. ttoaAs to secure clrc rtSttoB ri.9W.lu l'remhims on IT. 8 IWDd .. ati.HU Hoods, sfcuritlei, etc. (s,vui.l)t Due rroin .stiitn lluuks and IliinUers.. 8S.40 Due from upp-nved reserve intents .. s.l.rui.S r iieehs nn I other ossh Itemi IM SO Notes of other utionul Hunks ' IS I 00 rrsetloesl paper currency nickels uud cents 101.00 1. AWtUI. MoNKV ItSXKHVF. IN 1UNK. VI. I Specie SIS.SM SO LeitJl tender note 1,00.00 ls.7Sfl.no Kedeniptlon fund with V. 8 Treasurer (tprreen.. of clrculstliiu) SltSO fata ia3,4ui.fu 1.1 MIII.ITO-.S. C'upUnl stock paid In -iiumi Surplus fund SOO.CO rndlvlded proilts. eM expenses and isxespald ... I.H7:i WatlOBSl Hank notes nut tund'n(.... n.-jSO.OO Due to other IfSUcMMl Ikinks l,tv.7.fs OvidenOs UttpSst '"n Individual deposits subject to check ill.RW.fil Oeujiind eertlllcnlen of deposit l.'flSf Time cert tlcuies of deposit tw :-):! I I 'un Hied cheeks 7 00 Cushli'i cheeks oulN'audluif 8H.70 tOSAt SI9S.44MAI St ATS Of PSM ssvi.vani I, i Col' NT V Of Kl'l.TON. I I. Merrill w. Naee, Cashier or til's shore named bunk, do solemnly sweurthut the ubove Statement Is true to the bett of my ki OAledire and belief. MKUItll.I. V. NACK. Cashier. Correct Attest I I. U Okishini.kk. Jbo. H. Sipks, K. M. K KM) a l.l. S. VVksi.ky Kihk. Directors Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 28th day of August, no?. SniLi M. BAY 811 Ah'KNKK. Notary Public. cih'kciii:s. iKtmimnomtifiKitnioiii fy - - T - .......... ' ll (10 Rnrti- I. ' ' iih.t Ux i'b HI',. Mill llll 1., I... until.. I SPaed uieul bo., i nt ..wills uud v.-. celiL liliioirni i r I ter SUtlShfllg Ili'V elf.srtlve, Uy box ol GEORCE ED vrhli h, many a bravs heart Bbudder ini?ly slinUs backward to the easy going ami anprnffltable ways of Ignor- aneo, wlilie a few dnriim souls ad- vanpe to the observation hill ot INVES TIGATION to find the horrible monster to he nothing mare than a stuffed bug-a-DOO, a sham, a stage property, any thing lull an impassable obstaele" nnd smilingly proceed 10 the vantage points whit Ii a (.cllrjje edueatloa of fers. Investigation of the cost of a modern college education and the means by Which the wherewithal might be se cured, win open up a boundless Held of possibilities for anyone who is In clined to state his ease fully, and apply to the proper sources for Information. Concreti and contrasted Illustra tions, if pointed enough, bring many people o see the force of argumonis of which they would Otherwise be heed less, and we believe we state the truth, when we say that the total annual cost of a latter-day college education, luclud ng all Items, such sa hoard, room rent, ! light, heat, tuition, text books, lauu dry, athletics aud incidental expenses, 001 more in amount than the aver age rout of the four rubber tires on an automobile. Evet) In these days of ! high prices It Is hard for a person to realise that all expenses at college for a year ean be paid With a sum of. money ranfdng from to $.7.'; but the t . t remains that there are many; ancient and honorable institutions ot j learning, With faculties of unquestion ed distinction, that offer the choice of! a classical r scientific education, with Sll that goes with them, for this paltry amount of money. The eollegi a of the land have t'aou- sands upon thousands of students who i mni ' i Qough money at employment during the vaeaUoq months to see! themselves comfortably through ths.j scholastic terms, or who, with the as- ' sistance furnished by a good friend, or ; in many caaes l lie college Itself, finance their coiioglate career sue- cessfully. Thore are few colleges in the coun try 1 1 1:1 1 give such earnest and enthu siastic help and sdvlce to prospective students us the aucleut college of Dick inson, located al Carlisle. Pennsylva nia. The president of Dickinson col lege Qeorge Edward Heed, is a self made man. ol jnt the type to enthuse the youth without many resoui'fes. who feels that he would (e to rise al.ovn die jevei of Ignorance. President Heed Is one ol the few modern college presi dents who intends in person io every Inquiry made for Information concern ing tiic wonderful institution whlbb ha AARD REED. leiiiieiiis 01 sennois, ui; principals oil si mlnaries and high schools, 2u0; teachers, lower grades, oill. POUTI5AL AXI) JUDICIAL Pres ident United Slates, 1; chief justice United States. 1; governors and lieu tenant governors of states. 9; cabinet OiQcers, t)i United States senators. I0j foreign ministers, 7; mcmliers of con gress. 50i slate senators. 3r; represen tatives, 1)1; federal, state, county aud supreme court judges, sn; officers, army nnd navy. 14S. OTHER OCCUPATIONS Editors and Journalists, 73; Financial and Mercantile Pursuits, 4ti5; Bngineers, Bl; Farmers, Ilia. Dickinson College has three distinct departments, namely. Ill The Col lege of Liberal Arts. (2) The School Ol Law, and 1 .1 1 Conway Hall, the gift of Andrew Carnegie, one of the best preparatory schools In the coun try, each under distinct faculties, composed of able and experienced in structors. Thoroughness in work, high grade of scholarship, and attention to the personal development ot the Individ ual are. however, more emphasized nt Dickinson than the enrolling of large numbers of studonts. This has i n the policy of the past and will be the policy of the future. Dining the 18 years of President Reed's administration, many new buildings have been crc ted and the numbers In attendance mere than trebled, the enrollment in all depart ments last year being tit. President Heed says that many of the students al Dickinson find ways to earn a pari of He ir expense with out serious interference with their (al lege Willi.. A more appropriate environment could hardly be "elected for a college than the , id cariison town of Carlisle. Identified with the early history of th count ry ns If has b-en. a nursery of high mind d patriotism, anil refined as It has been by the presence of some of the great cat minds of America, Its classic Bhades form Sn appropriate s. 'iing for I !n venerable Dickinson. C-.uUsle is pre-eminently a city of churches, a i Ity of parks, the greatest library town of the state, the home of refinement and culture, end tr.coruing to tiie pub!), prints, the greatest ath letic community in the country. Preside n i Heed, or Dickinson, earn estly feels that he can give help to any young nu n or women who wish to consider possibilities of coll "ge ed ucation for themselves, and he will gladly take up their Inquiries personally. 000 J 55 i. 5 5 .cv 00ri0'.00-00 v , . 0.0M a.00.00iM'0lm ' Fulton County Bank. (ORGANIZED IN' 1887.) 0 3 Fer Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. This old and well known Financial Institution is now permanently located in its new room la the A. U. Naee build in);. Lrurire additions have been made to the CAPITAL STOCK 0 and the number of Stockholders has been increased lo FIF JJ TEEN, which gives all depositors a security of upward of i Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. The Fulton County Bank does a GENERAL BANK C5 INQ HUS1NESS acd extends every favor to their patrons Z 3 and friends, consistent with sound banking-. W. hi. NELSON, McConaellsburg, Pa. Cashier. ales, ccououiiiul and Lax-ets W. S. DICKSON. Mrs. Charles Koofer, who sp .ut tho past wt!k the (ftiest of her cousm, Mrs. Alltsou llraut, of llarrisouville, returned on Sat urday to her home atSocbury, I Pd. Mrs. Keofer lohthis countv Hi' years ao, and noted many i I c.lianirOH Hint, hnrl tuliuii sklaisa rlnv I sspessfssi - ssawmsni vmu u iiwjv ipBgtej ing hor absence. Tint way to get rid f a cold, who. her it be ;i "had cold" or just a little one, is to got it out of your system through the bowels. Nearly a!i cou;li cures, especially tli" that coiitam opiates, are constipating! Kennody.' Laxative Cough Syrup contaiug no opiates and nets gently on the fiowels. I'lousuiit to take. Sold by Trout's drug store. N ONE need suffer with Rbsu mutism, Dyspepsia, Diver Trouble, Kidney Disorders, Catarrh, Diabetos, Constipa tion, Kc.ema, or any ailment aris ing from impute blood. One tab let of Bliss HifB Herts taken each day will quickly put the most weakeuod system iu police l older. Kui-h root, herb and bark in its composition bus u special mission to perform. F.acb box of the Heinedy contains 00 Tablets fur Sl.UO and a Registered G uarun tee to CUUF or Money Refunded. A 32 Page Almanac lolls the story U0tnplete!y. The medicine is NOl' sold iu drug stores, only by agents. KILL the COUGH and CURE the LUNCS WITH Dr. Kings lew Discovery -VAieciiitittTinu nt. rnn - wimsnir iiuii rritrj ifQH I PU(iHSaiid E0ci$1.00 olus , reo Trial. Sure.it u'ld 'luiukeat Cure for ell THROAT and TEOUB I.S, or MONEY BAOK. Among those Iroui this county who went to iln Cumberland Valle.V State Nirrmal on Monday, were Ethel aud Alice Hays, Net tie Btouteagle, Uattie, Uuth, and Martha Kendall, Nellie and Mary laue Johnston, Maude Uinedol lar, and Maye Mell )tt. THE A1.0NZU 0. BLISS C0MPANV WASIIINUION, U. C, A HI: SOLE MAK gjl 0IJ BLISS NATIVIi HbRBS. SOLD BV J. A. ALLER, Knobsville. Pa. i del tilled by mail. Miss Letitia Peclr, who had been spending her summer vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Feck iu Thompson township, has return ed to New Jersey for another year's work us teacher in the pub lic schocls. FULTON COUNT? NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. PurMiiVTKRlAN. Rev. W. A. West, D I)., l'astor. Preaching services each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. in. and every Sunday evening- at 7:00. Services at Green Hill ou alternate Sabbaths at 10:il0 a. m. Sabbath lehool at :l.r. Junior Christian En deavor at 2:00. Christian Kndeavor St C:00. Prayer meet in- Wednesday evening at 7:00. Methodist kpiscop at Rpv. j. C. Grimes, Fintor. Sunday School t Ht.lU S, III. PrMSnbillg every lifbur lUlldsy moroiug at in. .HI uud irv ry 4uniS) evsolUg at 7:00, I'.pwociFi League at ti :vi p, m. I'layer Uissting Thursday evening at ttflit. UNITKO I 'KKSUVI'I'.UIA N Kev. J, L, Grove, Pastor. Bunnsj sohool at i:30 a. m. Preaching ever) Sunday morn ing at 10:.iil, and every nlber Sunday veniug at7 00, Tiie iilternnte Sabbath avenings are used by the Vo'ung l'eo ple's Christian Union at 7:oo p. m. Praver meeting Weduesdav evening at7:u0. e.VANGKLli,Au lCTHEKAN Pastor. Sunday school 9,'U a. m. Preaching every other Sunday morning at 10:ii0 and every other Suu day evening at 7:00. Christian Kn deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00; Refokmed Pas tor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor at. 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing od Wednesday evening at 7:00. SOCIETIES Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every Friday evening in tne Cleyenger's Hall in McConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 4X4 mnets every Saturday evening In the New Hall at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 710 meets every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' Hall at Harrisonvllle. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall at New Grenada. Warlord sburg Lodge No. 601 meets In Warford&burg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A. P.. No. 36.1 meets in McConnellsburg In Clevenger's Hall the first Saturday In every month at 2 p. m. Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O. S. of A. meets every first and third Saturday evening nt their hall at Need more. Tusearora Council, Royal Arcanum meets every first and third Monda) evening iu Clevunger's Hull, MoCon nellsburg. "Washington Camp No. 407, P. O. 8. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall. Washington Camp, No. 604, P. O.S. of A., Hustoutown, meets every Satur urday evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. It., No. 689, meets every Saturday, on or juit preceding full moon in Lashley hal at 2 p. in., at Ruck Valley. Woman's Itollel Corps, No. , meets ut same date and place at 4 p.m. Gen. D. U. MoKibbln Post dNo.401 G. A. B., meets the second an fourth Saturdays In each month at Pleasant Ridge. OKNKHAI. DIHECTORY. President Judge Hon B.Mo. Swopn. Associate Judges W.H. Bender, D. T. Humbert, Prothonotary, 4o.Oeo. A. Harris. District Attorney George B. Dan iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver. Sheriff J. G. Alexander. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit. J"rv Commissioners - David Rot. A. C. Truax. Auditors D HT' Myers, Aaron M. Garland, W. Grunt Wink. Commissioners -. C. Graeey, Win., C. Davis, S. A Nesbit. Clerk 'fl. Frank Henry. County Superintendent CI as. t Hut-ton. Attorneys W Beott Aleiander, J. NAlson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. MoN Johnston, M. K. Shaffcer, Geo. B. Daolnls. John P. Slues, M. W. Kirk, F. P Lynch, H. N. Sip. s.