The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 18, 1907, Image 8

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    His ini.rt- i iesso I t ho cool
than bmotifol.
It hasn't boon so long ajjo that
we were all sb iveliog suow.
' Small farm for sale. For par
ticulars call on or write, John F.
Sipes, McConnellsburg, Pa.
Mr. Rockefeller's knowledge
of the attain of his own company
is almost as profound as his si
lonco. W. II. Nesbit has two second
hand Deer tag Binders, good a
new, that he will sell cheap, or
exchange for any kind of .stoc k.
Th? King of Spain announces
that it is a very happy feeling t
be a father, .lust wait, Alf, till
teething time begins.
Mrs. M. V. Cromer, of this
place, has a cactus, the root of
which is over twenty five yours
old. It is now in bloom, having
sixty-six flowers on.
HIDE8. James Sipes & Sous
pay 10, 18, and Hie a pound cash,
for beef hides at their butcher
shop In McCounellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins,
sheepskins aud tall w.
The tracks of a large bear were
seen in the neighborhood of Web
ster Mills last week. They in
dicated that Bruin was crossing
over to the Meadowground
mountain to be ready for the
huckleberry crop.
"What becomes of the fellow
who wants to kno,v if its hot
enough for you ?" asks the Bris
tol Herald Couier. Nothing ev
er becomes of bun. He is cn the
jobyear after yoxr.
Bad sick headaches, bilious
ness or constipation are quickly
relieved by DaWitt's Little Early
Risers. Small pill, sure pill, safe
pill prompt aud pleasant in ac
tiou. Sold by Trout's drug store.
To write thirty words one must
push his pen through sixteen feet
of space, and make on an average
of 4W) curves. A man writing
thirty words a minutehis pen
would travel a third of a mile in
five hours.
Piles get quien aud certain re
lief from Dr. Snoop's Mag:c Oint
ment. Please note it is made
alone for Piles, and its action is
positive and certain. itching,
painful, protruding or bhud piles
disappear like magic by its use.
Large nickle capped glass jars 50
cents. Sold by Dickson's drug
One day recently, while a
traction engine was passing D.
M. Manspeaker-a barn near Mat
tie, Bedford county, a horse that
was tied in the stable became
mad; it bit the othe animals and
behaved so badiy that it had to be
killed. The noise of the passing
engine frightened the animal in
to madness.
Getafree sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee" at our store. If
real coffee disturbs your Stem
ach, your Heart or Kidneys, then
t:y this clever Coffee imitation.
Dr. Shoop has closely matched
( kl Java and Mocha Coffee in Ha
vor and, yet it has not a single
grain of real Coffee in it. D
Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation i.
made from pure toasted grains or
cereals, with Milt, Nuts, etc
Made in a m nnte. No tedious
wait Yon will surely like it
Sold by K. LI. McCiaic.
Recent statistics lor the United
States, compiled by church au
thorities, show I'i,7!i,!i;o Roman
Catholics, Ci, 2."", 11 in 12 bodies
of Baptists, 8,552,891 in 17 bodies
of Methodists, 1,771,7-7 in 12
bodies of Presbyterians, 1,957,
483 in 2; bodies of Lutherans, 1,
824,758 Disciples of Christ, 887,
073 Episcopalians, with the other
denominations all smaller than
these figures.
On their return lastTuesday
evening, after having called at
the homo of Mr and Mrs. James
Henry, Amos Clouscr and ins
wife were surprised to find a
dumber of their friends and
neighbors assembled at their
home, with well tilled baskets
and ice-cream freezers. It wus
Mrs. Clouser'a birthday, aud her
friends had called to congratulate
her, and incidentally have a nice
supper aud a good time general
ly. The impromptu visitors were
Jacob Clouso" and wife, Andrew
Rota aud wile, Aaron Richards
and wife, Frank Tritle and wife,
Ahiuiaaz Clevougorand wife, Wil
liam Cutshall and wife, Mrs. K.
C. Johnston, daughter Ella, and
grand-daughter Jean; Nellie aud
LHlian Dollart, hthel Freomau,
Willie P wer nnd family who
bad been ti.e ui.-sts ot liev. PoUs
mi s at this pi co for a conple of
Weeks, relumed to Ihur home at
Lanssflt!, w. i last Monday,
Frof Palmer came home last
Saturday to spend his vacation
OH the old farm.
Mrs. Daniel Covalt, is visiting
among her friends here while ti e
Squire is rwn,v on a visit amo g
his friends at JohnStOWD,
Mr. and Mrs. A. kunyan spot t
Sunday with the family of their
son-in law Howard HiU the first
that Mrs. 1,'unvan has tjeeu away
fnnn her home for mauy months.
Misses !ora Hill aud Beatrice
Sharp spent Saturday and Suu
day with the family of Mack Lit
ton and other friends i.i Thomp
son township.
Paul and Ira Peck, of Knobs
villo, spent a few days last week
among their friends here aud at
Q rand ma Hart and Beatrice
Sharp spent last Mordiy with
the family of John S. Truax.
Miss Annie Culler, of Johns
town, called on some of her
friends here last Monday.
The many friends of Emanuel
Sharp will be interested to hea1
that whett last heard from, he was
at Seattle, Washington,
Wise Counsel Prom The South.
"I want to give some valuable
advice to those who suffer with
lame back and kidney trouble,"
says J. R, Blapkenship, of Beck,
Tenn. "i have proved to an abso
lute certainty that 'Electric Bit
ters will positively cure this dis
tressing conditio il . The first
bottle gave me great relief aud
after taking a few more b)ttios,
l was completely cured; so com
pletely that it becomes a pleasure
torccom mend this great remedy. "
Sold under guarantee at Trout's
drug store. Price 50c.
WOTI M'-BI ! i.
We unintentionally omitted to
note lat week, that Mrs. S. M.
Cook, of .McConnellsburg. aud
Mrs. John R. Fisher, of Bedford,
were visiting at E. H. Kirk's and
Hiram Olevenger's on the 1st' and
2nd, mst.
Our farmers are busy harvest
ing. There will be plenty of
straw and a fair yield of gram.
"Bud" K'aker, of Dane, and
John Hockensmith, attended
church at Fairview, Sunday af
ternoon. A number of our young people
attended th? social at Oracey on
Saturday eveuing, aud report a
good attendance.
Mrs. Albert W. Cloveugor and
daughter Helen, of Pittsburg, ac
companied by i Mrs. Clevenger's
mother, Mrs. Wanamaker, and a
Miss Lmtner, are visiting at Hi
ram Clevenger s.
Joseph Shaw has returned
from Altoona, somewhat improv
ed in health.
Cured of LSSg Trouble.
"It is now eleven years since I
had a narrow escape trom con
sumption," writes 0. O. Floyd,
a leading busiuess mau of Ker
shaw, S. O. "I had run down in
weight to 185 pounds, and SDVgh
ing was constant, both by day
attd by night Finally T bean
taking Dr. King's New Discovery,
and continued this for about six
months, when my cough and lung
trouble were entirely gone and I
wis restored to my norma!
weight 170 pounds." Thousands
of persons are healed every year,
fluai auteed alTrout's drugstore.
BOo, and -sl.uo. Trial bottle free.
m J
wwn worn h-lustra two catauoo.
Specialist In
In McConnellsburg,
At Washington House
Friday, July 26th.
Extorter l Notice.
Letter testamentary on the t:itp of Pre
Brick WTh. lute of LlOkfojf t'rock township.
fttitot county. P . ifoeii-t,i. h;iv. beo fiiuu
ed b the Etotffaitar of Wil'D of Ku'too pau&tjr.
to the ubdennimevd, i ll uerHonn Iwlebti l to nam
estiitu lire i t'tojeMed to ruuke Immediate pay
ment, ami tDiWe b viotf it-.'-.,! chiim iiuIdm
ihestme will pre-jent Ihetn ilho'tt delay.
II -n. UAMKLS. Kxecutor.
(MS6l . UnrrNonvIHe, Pa.
V. S'VVTT VM'XAVKKU. Allonirv.
Txecutot's Notice.
T.etrers test ntrieulitry on the estate ol Rtoh
-i MiMen. J.U" of Taylor township, Kill
ton county. Pa., daoeaaa4i baTtairbean giant
d to tbe nndiTsium.'ii. Rli parroM lodabtad to
Mini estbta are req nested tomwke Immediate
it j n n i and iboM bavtnic olalBDa or deinuiuu
ug&lnftt the sana, will present them without
delay to
1 ,( i AI N K MAMMA'.
DUbHn Mi 11k. I'm.,
at Public Sale
The ondVfHlgBSA, u;.tnt fir Mi's. Siitlit Tr'l
)i will mU ftl publto vi ti ob IM prwWMAon
I .icliluk' Ci1''''!! in llelfiivt t.i w iivlup j lui . - I
it:it's nortii ol Gen Poatofltyia, on
tit." fniiuwlQK rMl estate to wit :
A r-ArM,
oontiiDlDic 78 ftortn ftndfti ptaraliM and uiiow.
ii ;i lolnlDf latnN of Wrn. Ki'lner. Absalom
MallOtt'l halm, Jowpb R Melltt, Ida l.nUe'.s
holtx. A out onetblr0 in timber, ami balanuc
, Brad und in tTOOd ntale nt (Mililvatlon. The
i-npro-emrii! are a Lou H.OUM, lA liavu.
HQd other bnudjDffli Good well near the
$010 bOgfOJi at 1 o'iMoclt. p. ni.
Tt :i pr Oeul of bid t)D 'lay of sale, one-thhtl
IttOlUdmi the tn per oent. when deed Is made,
and balance to suit purehavr.
.1 Till iMAS T.AI.KV
7-1 l-o: Atfeut.
uiond I'sylor,
Bright Sled Knivts.
A way of preserving (steel
knives and keepiu; them bright
after using is to till a flowerpot
with clean line sand and set it in
the kitchen pantry. When put
ting away the scoured steel
knivas, .nstead of laying them in
a drawer or knife box stick then1,
blades down, in a pot of feed
Uuless uuod to cut some acid
thing they will never need scouring
rill. MONT namk.
Mr. August Kherpe, tiie popu
lar overseer of the poor, at Fort
Mndison, la. says: "Dr. King's
New Life Pills, are rightly named;
they act more agreeably, do more
good and make one feel better
than any other laxative." Guar
anteed to cure biliousness aud
constipation. 'I'm, at Trout's
erng store.
At Priyata Sale.
Tbfl undsrsifjrood) Intending to quit
farming, will offer hi jirfYate tale bit
farm on roail to CoVSlt, li
liiiios BOrtb of Plum Uun. Thil tarm
oontalos about 110 acres, in utltliiion
towbloh is -0 aril's of good limner
lurid. These tract! will he sold sep
arately, provided the home furm is
sold first: or both together, in may
suit toe purobafer. The iund Ufa
a good state of Cultivation, most of It
has just 1 ii lined, and tt kiln ready
to burn now. There is plenty of fruit
of all kinds, and a (food well of water
at the door. The improvements con
sist of a 2j story dwelling house, (i
rooms and basement and cellar, .lust
been remodeled. Ootid barn and all
other outbuildings. For further hv
formation, call on or uddrrss
n. Ft. ftr,
I'niiii i: ii.. I'u.
f TP
The undersigned, desiring to retire
from furiiiing.H ill oiler at private sale
his home farm, situate on the Cove
Itoad two miles north of McC'onuells
bur(. This furm contains about HI) acres,
in addition to which is fi'ty acres of
valuable timber land. These tracts
will be sold separately, provided the
home furm Is sold lirst, or both to
gether us the purchaser muy desire.
The land is in splendid state of culti
vation, well watered, and plenty of ex
cellent fruit. There Is a never failinjj
;n in' of exec1 lent water at the house,
and un abundant supply of water in
the barnyard. . The Improvements
consist of a comfortable DWKLLI SU
HOUSE, laru-e BANK BARK, wagon
shed, and other outbuildings. For
further information, call on or ad
dress Odorous Bmvdsh, or
B. W. KiKli,
i io if. MoOoanIlabMrg, Ps.
I huvo just refilled my sh"ds
with a fine lot of Muggins and
Wagons which I am selling un
der a written guarantee at
Rock Bottom Prices
1 ulso huvo In stock a lot of
Bugfjr Wheel sad Buggy Poles.
1 want your trade. Please boom
and see my stock before you
make u purcha
Thanking the public for lller
M putronage Wi the past, and
soliciting a continuance of the
same in the future, I am yours,
Very respectfully,
Hiistonf own. Pa
July Sale of SUMMER MILLINERY. Hats at cost.
Flower, Ploirtf, I'ibbons, Ribbons.
Infants' and Children's Eleadwear,
Dress Goods.
Panama, Serge, Mohair, Henrietta,
('ash mere, Voilo.
White Goods.
India Liuon, Madras-, Organ
dio, Tiinen.
A-nericon Lady Corscw. ItUck Kid (iloves. While kid Olovcs. Summtr Silks, Tafiela Silk;,
LsdieK' Summer knit Underwear. Ladies' Muslin t'nderwesr, lloftlery, (Doves.
VellinKH. BMBWKtttHs All-Over LiceC Insertions. Val Lices.
Ladies White Shirt Waists,
Ladies White Dress Skirts.
Ladies White Hosiery.
Ladies 151 tck Hosiery,
Ladies Baits and Lieltiug,
Ladies Neckwear.
T. J. Wiener,
Hancock, Aletry lamdl.
Manner Patterns In Stock.
Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits.
. AFR. f.. .906, $47,338.69. .
SEPT. 4, 1906, $118,094.99.
IAN. 26, 1907, 144,509.46.
MAX 20, I907, $169,147.95.
ThS above extracts from several reports to the Comptroller of the Cur
rcnr.v of the United States show in an emphatic manner the success achieve!
by The First National Hank of McConne.llsburR, With progressive spirl
and conservative nu thods, this bank lias proven its advantages as an insti
tutlon di'Rprvinpr yoiy conlldence. J'he chief concern of titc olllcrfrs and di
rectors of this bank is the welfare of the deposi'org and the MCttftty of theli
deposits. We solicit your business.
T.oans made on personal and collateral security, and Notes dis
counted. Courteous treatment 10 all. Correspondence solicited from
those desiring Loans or wishing to open an account with us. If you
cannot cull la person, send your deposits by mall, they will receive
pronv ! attention. .
1 Madden Bros. I
m S3
Three Springs, Pa.
Bargain Day,
Every day is bargain day at this store now. As t he
rush for Machinery and Implements is somewhat over, v
we are t,ri vini" special attention to other departments of
our store; and as the hot season is upon us so sudden- Q
ly, it has not caught us napping, but ready with as fine O
a line of Summer Dress Goods as was ever shown O
in this place. Our Goods sell themselves. All Q
we ask is for you to come and see them.
Ladies, the White Oxfords are so comfortable
this hot weather. We have a full line of them and at
right prices. Come and see them.
We have a full line of the Rice Hutchins Shoes. X
i nese shoos possess a style anu iinisn peculiar 0 inem
selves, and cannot fail to please you.
Farmers, don't forget, we have Fertilizers on
hand at all times.
We want your trade. Give us a call.
Highest prices paid for produce.
1 Madden Bros. 1
H Telephone Connection. ffl
1 Sj
Mrs. A. F. Little's
Big Underselling Store.
We still have a few hats and
trimmings on hand, that tve will
close out at cost. If you want
to save money and get a bar
gain, COME SOON.
Mrs. A. F. Little,
Opposite Post office.
Hides Wanted.
The undesigned will pay for
green hides free from cuts, the
following prices : Steers and
heifers, 10c; 2ows, He; bulls, He;
ealf-skius, Ci) to 80c. ; tallow, 4c.
Cut hides, 1 cent a pound, less
than foregoing pneos; salted
hides, 11 to IL' cents.
Paul Wacjneu.
Tlie Value Of A Toad.
Uy actual inspection of a big,
fftttOftd'4 stomach it. waa found to
contain riot less than fifty
largo grape vino worms, fijy-llve
potato hugs, sixty sowbugs, forty.
iiiglewonns and thirty cabbage
worms, with by way of season
ing, numerous flies and mosqui
toes. Now multiply this, and I
think you will appreciate Mbe val'
uo of an army of toad i ou your
lrourses, or uny nunr r reyuir
j(J, according to the rvices that
may reasonably bo ex) ected f rom
one toad.
Admniistrator's Notice.
Nutlco In hereby telveu thul Adiu'n
IslmiiIoq iiu the UNtute of Or S. S Hoop, lute
of Llcklntr Creek township, Kullotl eomity Pu .
tteeeuned. huve been mnled to the uiidersltdi-
eu. trim nil pei-sunx u to muUI estute will
icwtUe piiynamt. uid thtjse IiuvIum uluiius will
preseut theuj properly uutheutlcuted lor puy
uieut. II. S. DANIKI.S,
H 1.1 It. Administrator.
I-'HANK P. LYNCH. Alloruev.
0 Yes! 0 Yes 1 1
The Lm lies' Aid Society of I'ine
drove M. K. church will have a
sale of fancy article, oai.dker
chiof s, aprons, sunbonneu-', quilts,
etc., at the Pino drove Church in
Wells Valley, Saturday evening
July. L'Otb, stiie to begin promptly
at 7.80 p. m. Tha Epworth League
well have relreshmeots for sale
immediately after. Should the
weather be inclement "in sale
will be conducted at the K, G. E.
Hull at Wells Tannery.
Sold by Mail Only
Perfect Sight Glasses
Have noiwiistaljlo frames tlm pn
seare bevelel-6lu;e, oaintared, ground
it nl polished. They will relievo eye
Htraib, palDful vision, tired, aobfng
eyes unci miilce MadlOg OF SCWlOfC COQl
fortabts. Oplieians and oculists
charge &: oo i $r ou for like values.
Have money save your eyes -send
$1.00 and got the best. When sending
your answer these questions.
Ai;o, nave you worn glasses before i?
if so, for far or neui- use and bow
many years? How close to tbe eyes
eau you read ordinary Dewspaper
print without gWsses 'f State the dls
l a uce in inches vu the eyes promi
nent or deep set? Is tbe nose small,
medium or lurye where glasses ure to
rest? Measure accurately in inches
till) distance from tlie center of one c c
to the center of tbe other. Stule if
you wish straight or hook bow f-aini -or
eye glasses. Write your nun nud
address plainly.
Chsmberiibiirs, H,
If yon only knew how good,
now durable, how satisfactory
Paroid Roofing
really is: if you onlv knew how easily it can bo
put on and how loner it lasts; if you only knew
what a crood all-round roof it in, you would save
money by using it for every building on tho place.
Weather proof, wear proof, contains no tur, slate color,
any one can lay it. Let us provo to you what the
genuine l'aroid Kooling will do.
Send for Free Sample
and book on "Building Economy." It will save you
money. Don t tako a cheap imitation, liet the genuine
.. f i.. .. A I... o A..e.. -
kit in every rolL
xxxxxxxxaxxoxrxjA , jpaxdtoooooo
ExremeyA alwaysS
n "AV
t crjrrxoooocxxicrWwrTi xxxcaxaxm
Don't fail to see
our Jull Line of
and our stock of
Plain and Fancy
SHOES for ary
and everybody.
For sale at Trout's drug Store-
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
TU ti Ot WnUvnUlu 3H atk. trial m. whUk trSn ttr Sft ujt
nuun WiH at v.i unuvan n
Ask tor K. idol's 1007 Alma lao and 200 Year (Jala ider.