The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 23, 1907, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B W- fVJL, Editor and Proprietor.
MAY ,23 1907
Published Weekly. 1.00 per ;
Annum in Advance.
urnnuM hath.
Per . inari- of II lhe tlmi II W. i
Per aquara each Huhaequenl Insertion ... . ft'i. I
Ai BdvertlseuientH lnncrted for leM than i
three months !:.-. I hy the square
a -n i ' s i ,
One-foirtb column 15.00. 1 190.00 WOOO
One h'llf column 25.00. 40 00 50.00
LHu i oijmn 10.00 I 5 on. I n.
Joseph Nhiuv, ,vho hud boon in
poor health during the past year,
has gone to a hospital in Altoona
Our farmers have nearly finish
ed planting corn.
J. E Lvon intends soon to have
a building for machinery and
tools erected on his farm
S. S. Strait intends to build I
large chicken house, and V. I .
Hergstresser is having the lure
ber sawed for a wagon shed.
S. S. Wilsou has gone to Lick
ing Creek township to work at
McDaniel's sawmill.
When your Watch Slops
You cannot m.ike it go by shaking It.
lit a UM bowel are
constipated you can
disturb i l.i ,n with
cathartics but, like
the watch, they will
not be nMe to do
their allotted work
until they are put
into proper condi
tion to do it.
One cannot mend
a delic ate piece of
mechanism by vio
lent methods, and
no machine made by man is as fine
us the human body,
'1 ho use of pills, sails, castor-oil
nnd HroOC cathartic medicines is
the violent method. The use of
the herb tonic laxative.
Lane's Family
is the method adopted by intelli
gent people.
Headache, backache, indigestion,
constipation, akin diseases all are
benefited immediately by the use
of this medicine.
Druggists sell it at a?c. and 50c.
$50.00 Reward.
The above reward will be paid in
cash for information thai will lead to
the arrest and conviction of the per
son or persons who stole forty or fifty
chieKens from the premises of Hon.
1 Peter Morton on Monday nigh',, May
I Lfth. The money is now in the hands
of Attorney M. It. ShalTner, ready for
the person who meets the conditions
of this notice.
Executor's Notice.
Letts isslMieilsri in IAS estate of R'ok
nril Ml, a. 11 lute of 1 nvlor tnwuship. Kul-
ton county ru , esceasee. hnvnn been Kmnt-
eil to tbe unl persons fndehted ti
Haul eit:ite nre requststefl to m Its Immadlsti
p 'Vnient. and thoe having eliiims or demand
iiltnlnst the mi so, will present tl.cin without
I delay to
Dublin Mills. Pa.,
t. Kxeetttor.
g: mmm!mmmmmmmm!im xxxxxxxxcooxxxoxx
Our spring clothing is
nearly all in, and we are
in position to furnish you
most anything you want
DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Haz
el Salve does not merely heal on
the surtace; it penetrates the
pores and promptly relieves pain
caused by boils, bujns, scalds,
cuts and skin diseases. It is
especially good for piles. Beware
of imitations. Sold by Trout's
drug store.
A meeting of the business man
agers of the People's Telephone
Co., was held in this place last
Mrs. Francis Swihser and
Frank Mort, of Waynesboro,
spent the time from Saturday un
til Monday in this place.
Nora fleeter and Louie Brown
visited J. W. Hceter's, atColfav,
aud Charles Steveus, at Calvin,
the latter part of last week.
Calvin Baker and Taylor Ram-
soy, who were doing mason work :
at Decorum, have returned home.
James Appleby and family, of
Brief and Breezy.
Carnegie can't induce I'itts
burg studeuts to lea: n bricklay
ing. They want him to teach 'em
how to pile up the "rocks. ':
When Mr. Roosevelt can shoot
by wire. MS miles avva.y, there is
no protection anywhere for a poor
A Bittsburg burglar has made
a new record by not only robbing
wedding guests, but stealing a
kiss from the bride.
Gov. Uughes doesn't seem to
have the support of anybody but
the people, in his tight against
the political gangs of both par
ties. The question "What is wins
ky has been reopened. Evi
dently several bottles have been
opened since the incident was
considered closed.
The Moyer Haywood case
stauds a fair chance of attracting
almost as much attention as that
of Harry Thaw.
Some boys appear to thini
about all that is necessary to be
come men is to be able to pull ot
an obnoxious, foul smelling cigar
ette, or utter vulgar and profant
language. Vou-jg men, takt
; timely warning ere your brains
: be shattered, your bodies a wreck
aud your souls list.
When your back aclns it is al
most invariably an ind'eation tha
something is wrong with your
kidneys. Weak, diseased kid
neys frequently cause a break
down of the entire system. Dr
I Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pill
1 alTord prompt relief for weal
kidneys, backache, inllamtratioD
of the bladder, and all u ninny
troubles. Sjld by Trout's druj
in the clothing
right prices.
line, at
The editor and his wife ac
knowlsdge the receipt of au invi
tation to oe present at the com
mencement exercises at th
(Jrant 1'niversity, Chattanooga.
Tenn., on the second, third ant
lourth of June. We notice araotif
the large number of graduates it
the Law Department, the nam
of our young friend ( leorge War
ren McKibbin. of Brush Onel.
If Taft gets ahead on the race : township
track, it will take a mighty slim ! (
runner to shove past him.
A Montana ranchman who was
sure the world would end May
18, was taking the Corey-L'ilmau
wedding too much to heart.
The trouble with the progress-
' ives in the Dounia, is that they
When your food has not be'jn
properly digested, the entire sys
tern is impaired in the same pro
portion. Your stomach need;
help. Kodol for Indigestion ant
Dyspepsia not ouly digests wha
you eat, it tones the stomach anc
want to relortn a world at one adds strength to the whole both
stroke. j Makes rich, pure blood. Kodo
In spite ot the strike in the conforms to the Natioual Pur.
Sold b
Decorum, were guests in the ' Havana cigar factories, there is I Fo i and Drug Law
homes of N. B. Henry and T. E, no dearth jf real Havana porfec-! Trout's drug store.
Fleming, Saturday night and tos.
W. L. Fields and son Cleve and
R, J. Fields and Harry Ramsey
came home from Rooky Ridge
and spent Sunday
Merchant E. J. Madden, of
Three Springs, was in our town
last Friday,
Kufus Henry is visiting his
grandfather, J. A. Henry.
Druce Woollett was at Clear
Ridge, Monday.
Mis. Mattie McDonald, of
Mir.ersvide. is visiting R. E.
Brown and other friends in this
Miss L M. Brown left for Way
nesboro where she will visit
friends for a short time.
Our petple are making great
preparations i. r Decoratioa-Day
services, and the annual Btan
Soup dinner.
May Ybhe has got tired of bo
Putty was
: The prima-v elections for whicl
ing Mrs. Putnam Strong, aud has i petitions of tiiu candidates hav,
taken a new husband,
too soft.
Cascasweet tor babies is the
best remedy for colic, sua.mer
complaint, diarrhoea and sour
stomach. 1 1 is especially good in
cases of teething when irritation
affocts thestomaeh and intestines.
Cascasweet is a pleasant, safe
remedy, containing neither opi
ates nor narcotics; ail the ingred
lents are printed plainly on the
wrapper. Endorsed by mothers
because it acts so quickly. Sold
by Trout's drug store.
Headstones f .r the graves of
old soldiers and sailors will be
supplied free on application to
the quartermaf ter general of the
United estates army, at Washing
ton, D. C. and Bent to any ad
dress. Heretofore the head
stones were furnished free by the
courjty commissioners, hut the
"system was recently changed.
The application must bo made on
ly on the first days of January,
April, July and October.
Call at our store, please, for a
! free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee." If real coffee
disturbs your stomach, your
i heart, or kidneys, then try this
J Clever Coffee imitation. Wnile
. Dr. Shoop has very closely match
ed Old Java aud Mo.'.ha Coffee in
i Itavor and taste, yet he has not
even a single grain ol real Coffee
111 ib. ur, nnoop neaiin uonfM
Imitation is made from pure
toasted grains or cereals, with
Malt, -Vuts, etc. You will sure
ly like Health Coffee. Sold by E.
R McClain.
Letter to D. E. Keyser.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir : It you should bake
bread that people like better
than any other, and at less cost
been tiled, will be conducted it
every one of the election precincts
of this county, on June 1, whet
they will be held throughout tht
State. These primaries are rui
by the counties, under a Statf
law, just like an election. The
regular boards conduct them,
the county supplies the ballots,
(party organization having noth-
: log to do with such things any
longer), the boxes, and pays th
officers and all expenses, tht
State reimbursing each county.
Some people will canvass a
town or community to sell then
wires or produce, and then send
to Sears-Roebuck & Co., or some
other mail order Ht m for what
they need, themselves. There
they pay cash, but if they want
any credit they patronize
merchants. s (,i ii,,,;,-
by the day, you'd have a pretty j patronage and credit runs from
good business, wouldn't you ? I , monlh, to a aud )heD
we nave ust, sucti a business tu m i.:t. -u. . ,.
as that in paint; agallon goes fur
ther than any other gallon of
paint in tho country that's
bread at less cost by the day; but
the difference isn't so small as it
is in bread. Aud a job wears
longer that's bread at less cost
by the year. People hate to
paint; it costs money to paint;and
they hate the fuss.
they will kick
mite higher.
Is due in a large measure to
abuse of the bowels, by employ
ing drastic purgatives. To avoid
all danger, use only Dr. King's
New Life Pills, the safe, geutle
cleansers and in vigi rators. Cuar
an teed to cure headache, bilious
nesK. malaria aud jauudice, at
Trout's drug store. 25o.
our bread by the year.
If your bread is better than
anybody else's.and costs less too,
you've got a good trade; for peo
ple do like good bread; and peo
ple tike money. It doesn't take
! long to find out; give 'em time.
But you can't bake belter than
any body else's bread for half the
usual price tor a breakfast, can
you f
Devoe is just such paint as
that. The price by the gallon or
ioaf is no matter. Count by the
day, week, month, .year, lifetime.
Devoe is the bread. We hope
yours is as good.
Youth truly,
24 F. W. DeVois & Co.
P. a F. C Bare, Fort Little
ton, anc1 J. A. Boyd, Merce s
burg, sell our paint.
Let ne mail you free, to prove
merit, .'implesof my Dr. Shoop's
Restorative, and ray B'tok on ei
ther Dyspepsia, The Heart, or
The Kidneys. Address me, Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Troubles
They like of tlie stomach, heart, or kidneys
are merely symptoms of a deep
er ailment. Don't make the com
mon error of treating symptoms
only. Symptom treatment is
treating iho result of your ail
ment, and not the cause. Weak
stomach nerves the inside
nerves meaus stomach weak
ness, always. And the heart,
and kidneys as well, have their
controlling or inside nerves.
Weaken these nerves, aud you in
evitably have weak vital organs.
Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re
storative has made its fame. No
other remedy oven claims to
treat the "inside nerves. " Also
to: bloating, biliousness, bad
breath or complexion, use Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. Write for
my free Book now. Dr. Shoop's
Restorative sold by Dickson's
drug store.
The particular young
man will ftnd the kind of
suit he is looking for, if
he will come here for it,
for our stock includes a
wider range of patterns
than ever before.
V-v X
KgrfB taken in exchange
tor Merchandise.
James Q. Turner & Co.
We are now nhowing new Spring Sty lo-t in ail
our different linen ami ex'end a Special Invita
tion for you to visit onr Ht ire and learn priceH.
Grand Display of Millinery.
Hat trimmed or raado fo order by a complete
and artmiie trimmer engawed by us for ihu mui
OO. Ready to wear and nut rimmed rthapos til
the leading Shape and Colors, Flowers, Rib
bons, Buckles, Eet. in prof, rnh . . .
aim is to please f
both in price and quality.
and a look will show hov c,a!fl
well we have succeeded. Cuqthbs
Don't forget, we sell fertilizers, Mattings, Carpet," SK
ii' ill i - n riArr at-r 0'
Harry E. Huston,
Saltillo, Pa.
Saved are Sis Made
H. Guy Weaver's
In many new and I'at-hionaMe t-hades and wcavtH,
GinghaniH, W hite (iocds, Linen Suitin4s, kc.
Shoes and Oxford Ties
for Men anil Roys, Ladies and Children. Wn
have the most complete line of Shoes and
Oxford Ties we have ever Ihown and invite
your impection. ....
Hancock, Md.
Masonic Temple.
oooxxxxoooo oooooooooooooo
are sure to give satisfaction; and the
nice part about it is, that if you get any
thing that is not entirely satisfactory,
you are kindly requested to return the
goods and exchange them, or get your
money back.
Try them.
West End of Boardwalk,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
' J
During May, the most pleasant month ill till the year, we
propose giving ttt all our old uml new fripnils every daj, Har
Kalns unheurd it, as follows :
Hi His. Granulated Bugar 11.00,
X Cakes Star Soap 25e.
,'l Cans good Peas 25c.
a Cans good Corn 2"c
Arbuc.kles Coffee 17c lb
b gal. 15(1 Test Coal OH (I0e.
1 Cakes Lighthouse Bnp 25c.
Cakes Toilet Soap ' 25c.
All loose Co tfee 1 cent less than regular price.
50 lb. Sack Flour, quality guaranteed 1.00.
Sludge Mixture Smoking Tobacco, a 5c bag for 4c.
bio. Plug Chewtog Tobacco Jl cuts, guaranteed 25c.
Kskittto Scrap Tobacco tl for 25o
S ::
1 82
Genteel Dress
Car-lad of Shorts just arrived. Car of Ear Corn and odb
of Shelled Corn coming in any day. Prices in lots off car very
low. Flour, Chop, Bran and grains at lowest prices. Coll on
us or write for quotations. Letters cheerfully answered. Prompt
attention given mail orders.
a specialty. We lead in this line. Men's shoes from tl.40 to
13, (10 per pair; women's Iron 11.00 to 13.00 per pair. We sell
the celebrated Douglass and HadclilTe lines. Theso shoes are
sold on their merits. ''Once used always used."
loads of them. They are simply fine. Ladles, come and see
them. Ladies' muslin underwear, men's underwear, Mattings,
Carpets, and everything carried in u general store. A new Car
pet dUplayer just in, showing ,'J0 to 40 different patterns.
This is where we keep our competitors guessing. They sim
ply cannot understand how wo sell such good clothes at such
veiy low prices. We sell Merit Brand Clothing because It is
good in style, lit and wear.
All marketuhle country produce taken in exchaugefor goods,
also grain, old rubber, beefhldes and tall OW. AVwivn "snaolnloll
every sale day. All are welcome. We are always pleased to
show goods. A larger and better line of goods I
enables us to serve you better. Others ure deali
not you.' Don't fail to see the "Kvorwear" Hosiery
is indication of a genteel man I gentleman ),
and after a thorough search in the City, we
are now prepared to show you
This Season's Favorites.
Silver Gray Suitings: Blue Serges, in a
wide assortment: nd unfinished Worsteds in
Blacks and Blues inc I lulling several new
weaves. But these are only a few of the at
tractions in our fine line of Spring and Sum
mer Woolens. Honest goods Genuine valu
es Prompt deliveries Complete stock Cor-,
reel methods right prices these are the
strong planks in our platform.
We, also, have tho very latest novelties In
Gents' Furnishing Goods. See our new cut
Collars and Ties.
Chas. B. Stevens,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
oil -"-
lways pleased to (ft
than ever before, '1
ling with us; why Mi
slery -no darning
Open All The Year,'
Catalogue Free.
i." j mwmt -
i i
Cumberland, Mil
NO ONIO need sulVor with Hhou.
matism, Dyspepsia, Liver
Trouble Kidney Disorders,
Catarrh, Dialietes, Constipa
tion, ITililMTlt. or any ailment aris
ing from impure blood. One tab
let of
Bliss Native Herts
tuken each day will quickly put the
most weakeaed system in perfect
order. Each root, herb and bark
in its composition bus a special
mission to perforin. Fach box of
the Itemedy contains 200 '1 ablets
for 91.00 and a Registered Guaran
tee to CURE or Money Refunded.
A .1- Page Almanac tells the story
completely. The medicine li NOT
sold in drug stores, only by agents.
""Dr. King's
New Discovery
OUGHSand 50c & $1.00
OLDS frti Trial.
Surest and Quickest (Jure for all
WeaK Kidneys
; t i
Thomaa JohDaloa in adding a
nice porch to his property at the.
weat eod of town and making
other lmpr,)vementa which when
completed, will make him one of
the cosiest homea In town.
Contractor N. B. Henry, oi
Clear Kidge, with a force of
men, went down the Cove Mon
day to begin tbe erection of a big
barn b5 x 1KI for Hamuel Mellott,
on the Houaton Johnatou farm
Wens Klitneyt, nircly point to rak klilnor
"', 'I'll" KLIlleyn. Ilka III" ll.urt. anil mil
BiunuM-n, Him tlii-lr wuakitrai, tun m tha nrim
I Itmili. but hi tin narveii tliut routrol ami aulae
I snil str. ugtli.Mi Hi,, i, i. Dr. Hhoup'H KvitonuTv i
biirriiii-niiy in- u,, u, 1,.,,,-t, I ....
. ,nti ifitiiiH m-rvi-n. in iidi'ioi
IS llltllo. It It U WU t,
Knobsville, Pa.
Orders rilled by mail.
tor llit Kldiii-ya iilon,.
ol time, and of uiouay us
Subaoribe for Uie "News, 'only
fl.OOa year.
II your ta. k aelipa or U wiak. If tha urine
I nslda, or lailark uml ,t r.,,,, ( ,ou mT mVLwxi
oi Brlaliuoroili. r ill.u, lng r iiangrotia kill
ney lUsoatf try lir Shoop', Raatora lives motitli
laoletsor J.l.iul.l -u. ,. lv,ul tl ,, H,
Uu for you. Uruwylsi i uroinmaud und.cll
Dr. Shoop's