The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 02, 1907, Image 7

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    The Farmer's Wife
It very careful about her churn. She
scslda it thoroughly after using, and gives
tt a sun bath to sweeten Ik She knows
that If. her churn is sour It will taint the.
butter that is made In It. The stojnach Is
a churn. In the stomnch and digestive
and nutritive tracts are performed pro
cesses which are almost exactly like the
churning of butter. Is It not apparent
then that if this stomach-churn is foul It
makes foul nil which Is put into It?
The evil of a foul stomach is not alone
the bad taste in the mouth end the foul
breath caused by It, but the corruption of
the pure current of blood and the dissem
ination of dieae throughout the body.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
makes the sour and foul stomach sweet.
It does for the stomach what the washing
and sun hath do for the churn absolutely
removes every tainting or corrupting ele
ment. In this way it euros blotches,
pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases arising from bad blood.
If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in
your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
are weak and easily tired, feel depressed
and despondent, have frequent headaches,
dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom
ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour
or bitter risings after eating and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able numlierof them, indicate thntyou are
suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy
liver with the usual accompanying indi
gestion, "t- dyspepsia and their attendant
The he-t. agents known ti mod. I
tge W Tne cure m the above "vmnKimi
Argo Red Salmon is an Ideal food.
Thompson'! Dietetics, one of the
standard works on foods, 'gives Benin,
mell's tables as follows: The per cent,
of muscle building material In beet ii
19 per cent.; eggs, 13 per cent.; sal
mon, 20 per cent. As a brain food,
beef, 2 per cent.; eggs (white), i
per cent.; (yolk), 2 per cent.; sal
mon, 6 and 7 per cent.
f l..,limr ti'U'ehers ".Ttid ,'.r
aJrveriHsehoolsof medical prneilfe
Iibvp n skillfully fljlll hiirmonlmiciv
The hillocks of white nnts In Cey
lon contain chambers about as large
as coeoanuts. which Inclose sponge
like nests, each occupied by thous
ands of nnts. The "termite truffles"
described hy Dr. Doflln, of Munich,
are pln-hrad nodules of white fun
gus, cutllvated in these nests ai
$100 Tlcwnrd, flOO.
The readers of this paper will hepleased to
lesm that there is nt least one dreaded dis
ease that science hns been able to cure in all
its stages, and that iaCatarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires s constitutional
treatment Hall'sCatsrrhCureistaken inter
nally. acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. thereby destroy
ing the foundation "f the disesse, and givinf
the pstient strength by building up the con
stitution snd assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith
in its curativp, powers that they oiTer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. .). CuirNrv ft Co., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Dmpffiat. 7.V
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
srovprv. Hint tills Is absolutely true
will be reaniiy proven to your satisfaction
if you will but mall a postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Tierce. Ruffalo. N. Y for a
free copy of his liooklet of extracts from
the standard medical authorities, giving
the names of all the Ingredients entering
Into his world-fnmed medicines and show
ing what the most eminent medical men
of the age .say of them.
Damascus Is the first city lu the
I Turkish Empire to be lighted with
! electricity and to have electric street
( a i s .
The force of dynamite is about
eight times that of gunpowder.
The grocers are buying Argo Red
Salmon because It takes no argument
to sell it and thecustomers come back
for more.
The Argo Red Salmon of Alaska
has the deepest red color, and the
finest flavor of any Salmon packed.
It is packed entirely by machine, and
not touched by the human hand. One
trial males a customer.
Some of the Things Done Daily in the
Ready For Tho Festivities.
A woman, ably assisted by her
escort, probably her husband, made
her toilet on the car at Bowling
Green Station the other afternoon.
They looked as if they had arrived
from the south of Europe recently.
They got on the car at the Bowling
Qreen Station and seated themselves
In a cross-seat. The man's holiday
attire was completed by an alpine
hat cocked on the side of his head
and a hugh pink scarf. The woman
was bareheaded, her hair was elabo
rately dressed and she wore long
pendant earrings, enameled gaudily.
Scarcely had the train started
when the man took from a valise a
blue silk skirt, trimmed with lace.
The woman arose, let fall the walk
ing skirt she wore, and put on the
other dress, being very careful not
to disarrange her hair. Other wom
en in the car looked stnrtled, the
men seemed much Interested; the
lady making her toilet was as com
posed as If she were In her boudoir.
With dellberateness she unbuttoned
and took off her dresB waist, exhibit
ing arms and neck burned by a
Southern sun plainly, and put on a
white silk waist which the man took
from the valise. He deftly buttoned
the waist up the bark. Flnnlly seat
ing herself, she drew on a pair of
white kid gloves and smoothed her
attire with a contented air that Bald
"Now I am ready for the festivi
A man Is sure to get lost on tne
road to heaven unless he has a woman
for a guide.
Taking the statistics for the en
tire world, four and a half persons
to the thousand are either deaf,
dnrob, blind or mentally deficient.
For more reasons than one, Garfield Tea
Is the best choice when a laxativo is needed;
it iB Pure, Pleasant to take, Mild and Potent
Uuarunteedunder the Food and Drugs Law.
Consul J. E. Dunning reports that
an electric railroad 85 miles In
length and to coBt $47,000,000 is to
be built between Genoa and Milan.
Awful Humor Eating Away Face
Body a Mass of Sores Cuticura
Cures in Two Weeks.
"My little daughter broke out all over
her body with a humor, and we used every
thing recommended, but without results. 1
called in three doctors, but she continued to
grow worse. Her body was a mass of sores,
and her little face was being eaten away.
Her ears looked as if they would drop off.
Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. snd before 1 had used half of
the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the
sores had all healed, and my little one's
face and body were as clear as a new-bom
babe's. I would not be without it again
if it cost five dollars, instead of seventy
five' rents. Mrs. George .). Steese. 701 Co
burn St., Akron. Ohio. Aim. 30, 1005."
Argo Creamed Salmon, Scalloped
I Salmon, Cutlets, or Croquettes, are
among the most tempting of dishes.
At all grocers.
Bombshells were first made In Hol
land In 1495.
Wftli tho amateur piano lbunipcr It leems H
he all work and no play.
Argo Red Salmon at all grocers.
Try it.
Women Tiger Hunters.
The wife of the Governor General of
India. Lady Minto, and her daughter.
Lady Eileen Elliott, have been dis
tinguishing themselves as tiger slay
ers. Shooting at Kolabari. Lady Eileen
and Lord Minto killed a tigress and
two cubs one afternoon, and out of
four tigers accounted for In the af
ternoon. Lady Minto nnd her daugh
ter each shot one. London Standard.
In this nineteenth century to keep
up with the march of progress every
power of woman is strained to its
utmost, and the tax upon her physi
cal system is far greater than ever.
In the good old-fashioned lays of
our grandmothers few drugs were
used in medicines. They relied upon
roots and herbs to cure weaknesses
and disease, and their knowledge of
roots and herbs was far greater
than that of women today.
It was in this study of roots and
herbs that Lytlia E. Pinkham, of
Lynn, Mass , discovered and gave
to the women of the world a remedy
more potent and efficacious than
any combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics
orother harmful drugs and today holds the record for the largestnumber
of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever
known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. E. Fink, of Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I
wish every suffering woman would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and write to you for advice. It has done me a world of good
and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others.
When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displacements, Ulcer
ation, Inflammation, Backache, Nervous Prostrution, they shoald re
member there is ono tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing: Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lvnn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your case.
A Wonderful Oil Stove
Entirely different
from all others. Em
bodies new ideas,
new principles.
Easily managed.
Reduces fuel ex
pense. Ready for
business at moment
of lighting. For
your summer cook
ing get a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
It heat ia highly conctntrattJ, Doe&, not overheat the kitchen.
Oil always at a maintained level. Three sixes. Fully warranted.
It not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive
Jte&b Lamp
round tinnajihnld uai
lamp f oi all-
round household use. Made
of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Per
fectly constructed ; absolutely sate ; unexcelled In
light-giving power; an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest agency.
Dumping garbage In the canals of
New York State has been prohibited
by Mr. Frederick C. Stevens, Super
intendent, of Public Works.
Among men fifty-one per cent, are
stronger In the right arm than in the
left. In thirty-three cases the left
arm Is stronger; In the rest the two
arms are equal.
Dr. Prager, a Vienna army sur
geon, who has made a special study
of methods of identification, recom
mends Identification by the shape of
the palate. He maintains that tt Is
far more efficacious than finger Up'
Tho structural materials testing of
the U. 8. Geological Survey Is sup
ported by an appropriation of $100,
000 made by Congress at Its recent
session after this Item had been cut
out of the Sundry Civil bill In com
mittee. This appropriation assures
the continuance of the work at St.
Louis until June 30, 1908.
How sum. Bills Are Horn.
"Write me a bill to amend some
thing, I haven't Introduced a bill
this term." This request for assis
tance is said to have been made by
a New Hampshire legislator to a
friend feeently. Poor man! He
didn't know of any needful legisla
tion, but he felt he must Introduce
a bill to square him-, if with his con
stituents. It Is the feeling that a man must
go back home from the legislature
with a record that gives birth to fool
bills, which clutter and clog the leg
islative machinery and run up the
expense of each session. Vermont
Pe-ru-na Relieves
Spring Catarrh.
Hit Off His Enr.
Amello Demo, a porter, nnd Roc
co Caruso, a bootblack, lived to
gether at 3.17 West Thirty-ninth
Street. On Wednesday night Demo
came In after 1 o'clock and fell over
a rocking chair. The noise disturb
ed Caruso, who was angry nt being
waked up. There was a fight which
ended when Caruso bit off Demo's
left ear.
The wounded man rnn with the
severed ear toward the West Thirty
seventh Street Station. Ho waa
stopped by John L. Sullivan, ono of
the precinct sleuths.
"What have you got?" demanded
"Thats' mine," said Demo. "Ca
ruso bita ma ear off."
On the way to the station Demo
said to Sullivan: "You maka da
crusade against da Italianl with
"Sure," was the reply.
"Then why don't you pulla bis
teeth?" said Demo, pointing to Ca
ruso, who had been captured In the
meantime. CartiBO was held In
$1600 ball for trial on a charge of
Cremation In Great Britain In 1908
numbered 724 bodies, as compared
with 604 in 1905, according to a re
port by Consul F. W. Mahln, of Not
tingham, England. Municipal cre
matories are In existence at Leices
ter. Hull, Leeds, Hllford, Bradford
and Sheffield, in addition to a num
ber elsewhere privately owned.
A mechanical filtration plant for
Orand Rapids, Mich., has been rec
ommended by L. W. Anderson, city
engineer. The question of an Im
proved water supply for Orand Rap
ids has been a troublesome one for
many years, and gave rise several
years ago to extensive bribery scan
dals. Reports on various projects
have been made by a number of dif
ferent engineers. The average dally
water consumption of the entire city
Is now some 12,000,000 or 13,000,
000 gallons.
Too Big An Appetite.
Richard Kraft, 15 years old, who
stands 5 feet 10 inches and weighs
175 pounds, was up before Magis
trate Conorton on complaint of his
mother, who said he was an ungov
ernable child. The boy'B mother Is
a little woman, and when her big
son stood up alongside of her the
Magistrate asked:
"Where Is the child?"
"Here he Is," answered the moth
er, who was almost hidden behind
her boy's bulk.
"What!" exclaimed the Magis
trate; "is this a 'child'?"
"He only gets hungry, Judge,"
said the mother. "If you could
only give him something for his ap
petite, 1 think perhaps he might go
to school or go to work."
"Just leave him here and I'll see
if there's nnythnig in the penal rode
that I can give him for his appetite,"
said the Court. The "child" was
held. The Court believes a good
dose of work will help little Rlchar'
Earthquake Survivors Dine.
Fifty Callfornlan who escaped the
earthquake had a six bits (75 cents,
New York money) table d'hote din
ner at the Lambs Club Wednesday
night in celebration of the fact and
to keep the anniversary of the great
'quake Most of the 50 escaped the
earthquake by reason of the fact
that, they were in little old New
York and other plnces at a safe dis
tance, but there were a few real
survivors, including Delphln M. Del
mas of the silver tongue and Clay
M. Greene. Some folks bred fn
Eastern climes might have celebrat
ed with a $10 dinner, but East is
East and West is West, and Just to
show that they were real Callfomi
ans they had a table d'hote. Clay
M. Greene presided at the dinner,
which was quite Informal. Mr. Del
mas, Wilton Lackaye and "Will"
Irwin made speeches nnd predicted
a great futur for San Francisco.
An interesting demonstration was
given at a recent exhibition of physi
cal Instruments in London of the
fact that an Intimate connection ex
ists between the magnitude of the
! details visible in a microscope and
the color of the light used for illum
inating the object. When the short
er light-waves, those toward the blue
end of the spectrum, are employed,
smaller details can be seen than
when the light comes fro mthe re
gion of longer waves, toward the
yellow and red end of the spectrum.
Microscope manufacturers have tak
en advantage of this fact by produc
ing an apparatus with which the
stage can be lllumlnnted at will by
light emanating from any chosen
portion of the spectrum.
"Big Bill" Dovery Sued.
"There Isn't a man In New York
State, from the St. Lawrence River
to Montauk Point, who can say tru
lv that 'Bill' Devery owes one single
dollar." So said "the best Chief of
Police New York ever had," Btrong
ly emphasizing each word. So be
will try to convince the Judge In
the Third District Municipal Court
of Queens. Thero "Big Bill" will
be defendant in a suit brought by
Albert J. Bogart, an architect, of
Far Rockaway, "Big Bill's" summer
home. Mr. Bogart alleges that ho
drew plans and specifications for
Devery for which he agreed to pay
$250. He paid $50, Bogart avers;
also that he needs the balance
$200. In his answer Devery says
he lent $50 to Bogart, who has not
repaid him.
Eye Fell Out And Broke.
"I'll knock your eye out!" angrily
yelled Albert F. Ellis to young Har
ry Walsteln, and he did. Wal
steln,, who Uvea at 161 East Fourth
Street, delivered a parcel at 1391
First Avenue, where Ellis, 17 years
old, Is the elevator boy. They quar
reled and Ellis knocked out Wal
steln's eye. It fell on the pavement
and smashed. "I didn't know It
was a glass eye or I'd have hit him
In the other," said Ellis, apologeti
cally, In 'he Harlem Police Court.
Nearly 8,000 Immigrants Let In.
Thursday was almost a record day
at Ellis Island. Nearly 8,000 Immi
grants wore passod through the por
tals, including u very large number
of Italians, none of whom, accord
ing to the Inspectors who examined
them, had either revolvers or knives,
which may be procured here later,
even cheaper thau In Italy.
Skill and Experience Required For
the Style of Silk Hats.
The nail on his right forefinger
was long, yellow, horny and the fin
gertip had so thickened nnd hard
ened that it Beemed to be covered
with pale leather.
He was a silk hat maker, and it
was from curling hat brims that his
finger had changed bo strangely. De
scribing the processes of a silk hat's
manufacture, he said:
"The belief that cardboard forms
a silk hat's foundation is an error.
The hat is flrBt built up of various
thicknesses of linen layers of linen
soaked In shellac that, by means of
wooden moulds and hot irons weigh
ing twenty pounds apiece are welded
one on the other, till a perfect
shape, brim and all complete, is ob
tained. "The silk Is next put on. This silk
costs from $10 to $15 a yard. It
looks like plush In the piece. The
hatmaker cuts it on the bias and
moulds It round the stiff linen foun
dation. The strips must be very ac
curately cut, and great care Is need
ed in their Ironing and cementing bo
as to give a perfect diagonal Joint.
Look at your silk hat's seam the
next time you wear It. The Joint's
perfection will perhaps amaze you.
"The brim, up to this point. Is flat.
Now Its curling commences. This le
where my queer forefinger comes In.
The shaping of a hat brim 1b purely
a matter of hand and eye and taste.
The brim, while being shaped, is
highly heated so as to give It plia
bility. "And, of course, working on this
hot material, patting and prodding
It, the forefinger thickens and the
nail gets horny.
"Nevertheless, hat curling Is pleas
ant, artistic work. Hut curlers have
reputations the same as artists. Their
work is distinctive. An expert can
tell it at a glance." Philadelphia
The New York-Blackwell island
Bridge which 1b expected to be
,t nflrlv nfhvt VMr will hiva
twice the capacity of the Brooklyn
By-Products of Massachusetts Farms.
Now England farmers have found
that they can add somewhat to their
Incomes by the harvesting of rather
unusual crops. In Western Massa
chusetts each fall the farmers, who
clear their land of brush, Supply the
local mills with hundreds of tons of
witch-hazel branches, from which,
In the district about Chester, Mass.,
990 barrels of extract were produced
last year. The price paid tho farm
ers Is from $2 to $3 a ton. Black
birch brush is gathered for distil
ling a valuable substitute for oil of
wtntergreen. For this brush, which
the farmers formerly burned In
clearing tbelr land, they are now
paid $3.60 a ton. Last season 1558
tons were used, from which nearly
6000 pounds of oil were obtained.
Only experts, It Is said, can distin
guish this product from the genuine
oil of wlutergreen, and it Is In great
demand by druggists and confection
ers, the local manufacturers obtain
ing it for $2 a pound wholesale. It
ls used in rheumatic medicines and
as a flavoring extract for birch beer.
Medicinal oil Is distilled from sweet
I fern, which grows In great abund
1 ance on the rocky hillsides of West
i em Massachusetta. Its properties
are said to be similar to those of
witch-hazel, while Its odor is more
pleasant. Leslie's Weekly.
A Queen X Longer.
For three weeks he hnd borne all
the horrors of spring cleaning with
out a murmur. Then his patience
gnve way.
"And you," sobbed his wife, "you
used to tell me I was your queen!"
"YeB," he said, with n wild glare
In his eyes, "but when a man finds
his queen has used his best tobacco
Jar for pale oak varnish and his
meerschaum pipe for a tack hammer
he begin to grasp the advantages of
u republic." London Tatler.
Tarred Ties For The Slmplon.
Twenty thousand railway ties for
the Slmplon Tunnel have been trent
ed with coal tar by a method simi
lar to that used with zinc chlorld or
creosote. The ties are heated In a
receptacle from which the air Is af
terward exhausted, ond then hot
coal tar Is Introduced. By means
of steam colls the temperature Is
maintained at 105 degrees C. for
four hourB, after which an air pres
sure of about 30 pounds per Bquare
Inch Is applied.
wfiaaaaaass :
The skin can be stimu
lated by bilhlr.g the
facs twlc; a day with s hot of
"20 MULE-TEAM" BORAX; one te
spoonful to s pint of water (see cut), then
bathe or sponge for live
or ten minutes with clear
cold water until the
skin is in s fins
healthy glow; dry
with a soft towel.
Ail dMli, HO Ik- nkn
Sainton And I t i-i o
talnlBff vkuibl, rrrlpM
fir .mr,. . ;u . i-
nd HAir Mr-. PA' mi'
Titrkor Chk-A;o.
w I
Why He Didn't Vih To Go.
The children in the Sunday
School class were getting restless,
and the vicar, to divert them, asked
all who wished to go to heaven to
stand up. The whole school rose,
except one little boy.
"Don't you went to go to heaven,
my little lad?" asked the vicar.
"Yes, sir," was the response, "but
I know mother doesn't want me to
o Just yet." London Evening
''Without hesitation I ts i'e t'. thnnk yen
for the areat rests SSfl found n 'tir
valuable medicine, Vrruna. find vtll call
the attention of ail my friend nufferxna
with catarrh to that fact, lltside I cheer
fully recommend it to all ujferini u-ith
catarrh in any form." Mi Ifora Ftayden,
819 6th St., S. ft'., H'asiinrfon, O. C.
A Case of Spring Catarrh.
Mrs. N. P. Lawler, 423& N. Broadway
Pittsburg, Kas., write: "Last spring 1
cauiiht a severe cold, which developed into
a serious case of catarrh. I felt weak nnd
sick, and could neither est nor sleep wvll.
"A member of our club who had been
cured of catarrh through the use of Peruna
advised me to try it, and I did so nt once.
I expected help, but nothing like the won
derful change for the better I observed al
most as soon as I stnrted tnking it. In
three dnvs I felt much better, and -within
two weeks I wns in fine health. Perunn
is a wonderful medicine."
ItlTf UTP be von wish to mow About
UAltNliS HATKKTSJ Do y u Willi to
I I'o vim wlih :o know about l'KN-IOSST Do
ycu (Ml to know about I'AV Slid BUUNTyf
Then write to W. H, wills. A'b nif .ai.Law
: t'llblli ). Wr.U Hull.ilns. llioUna Av.
ciiue. Nahlt!gton. n c 24
ton t:nlon fcoldiert snd !-sllor wsr tsi'.l.
mtttlM to pemion on i'C- sfier ihejr mwh Si
II itulohtr oVst) rn wtfo Ills mny bs en il.vd ,
half hU pviisfon.
Oar BOOKLET plnfly tellt the story of
Blitrhforl'i Calf f,al "-ith conrtneing tftstlrcnniftlt
from KM of thf 20.000 prottrMiv furmtrs who
hftve b4 wonderful reeuTtn. from thla i rrt
milk autistttut. Writ for booVlet-lt'a FREE
BlatcifoH i Calf Ufa! tulcn WauLfgan, 111.
Personal Knowledgi
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of
this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate
possessor in the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of
Known Ounlitv Known F.xrNinr Jim! Known Cnmnonent
Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the J$,
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it i3 the first
and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians
and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy,
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial
effects, always note, when purchasing the full
name of the Company- California rig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
whether you call for Syrup of Figs
or by the full name Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
Color more iKKl,brljblpruudrateroolorlhaji AM utlnrdjo. One 10c. puck Age ciiiore All flbcra. Thy dye lu cold water beUer iliu- out nuurdn. v. cn
de any Hormcut without ripping apart. Wrlu. tor two booU.tUo to fcye" iiw. .! Mix Oolorl MON UOK IMVO Cut I niut ,UHMiu,i
Place Ho Wns Fitted For.
The village carpenter had given so
generously of his service s and sound
advice toward rebuilding the little
memorial chapel that when it was
completed all the summer people
agreed that he should be asked to
speak after the luncheon which was
to follow the dedication exercises.
The day aad the carpenter's turn
"Ladles and gentlemen dear
friends," he began, his good, brown
face very red, indeed, "I am a good
deal better fitted for the scaffold
than for public speaking!"
Theu he realized what he had said
and sat down amid roars of laugh
ter. Youth's Companion.
Justice Geo. E. Law, of Brazil. Ind..
Has Man-led 1400 Couples,
Justice Geo. E. Law, of Braift,
Ind., has fairly earned the title "Ths
.Marrying Squire," by which he is
known far and wide,
having already mar
ried some 1400 cou
ples. Ten years ago
he was Deputy Coun
ty Treasurer. "At
that time," said Jus
tice Law, "I was suf
fering from an an
noying kidnty trou
ble. My back ached.
my rest was broken at sight, and the
passages of ths kidney socretlons
were too frequent and contained sedi
ment. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney
Fills cured me in 1897, and for the
past nine years 1 have been free from
kidney complaint and backache "
Sold by all dealsrs. SO cents a box.
Foater-Mllburo Co , Buffalo, N. Y.
Amalgamated Copper directors
declared the regular quarterly divi
dend. A couple of weeks ago bull
traders declared the rate would be
FITS, St. Vitus' Dance rNervous Diseases per
manentlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Vvrve
Restorer. J trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.L81 Arch St , Phila., Pa.
Some men'i prt-achlnr la at bad an th I pla 0
piatllc oi nome wi m -it.
It Is a pity to be ill ! Take Garfield Tea.
the laxative exactly suited to the needs of
men. women and children; it is made wholly
of herbs; it purine the blood, eradicate
diseaae, overcomes coantlpatiou, briuas
Good Health.
Itch cured in 80 minute by IVoolfonJ
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Atdruggigta.
Man vh whUtln at thir wrk fccldmu woiS
an? htet rth-n h-r whutl-.
A a k c : . (. r.. , i. cannot couipeto lth
the t v uout end of a mu
Jkm4 !HrvowAna
Trial Wall IS, aiirag
If Bintclril
with wrnU
re. ve
Thompson's Eye Wafer
of what plant foods can do for
farmers. The picture on the
right shows plant development
and potato yield (55.8 lbs.) of
a small patch, treated with
On the left, a patch of
same sue (yield 21 lbs.)
planted at same time, in
same soil, but untrtattd.
These pictures are taken
from an experiment sta
tion bulletin, compiled in
Our Free Book, "Profitable Farming"
which gives authentic and authoritative accounts of experiments and
actual results of practical and scientific forming. It ii iuveiuable to
the farmer who is anxious to Improve his products and who i work
ing for a wider margin of profits. Send for it to-day.
QBRMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York