The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 18, 1907, Image 7

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Attributes Hir Excellent Health to
BiirroMfnl Author.
Mario Corelll hn never had a lino
rejected. Her first book. "A Ro
mance of Two World," was a great
am'renB, and all her other books have
been great successes.
H. G. Wella Is a stranger to the
rejection slip. He lifcnn by writing
I'oe-llke taleB that found n ready
sale among the magazines, and his
first novel, "The Time Machine,"
gave him Instant repute.
Mrs. Prances Hodgson Burnett
wrote her first story at the age of
15. It was accepted and she re
ceived for It a check for $17.
Upton Sinclair supported himself
it college by writing "dlmo novels."
, Foi seven years the young man
ground out tales of blood and ter
ror, dictating sometimes R.000 words
a day. At the age of 18 he could
write a "dime novel" in a week that
would find a ready sale at from 7r
to $100.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward's first ser
I Ions work was "Robert Blsmere," a
I book so successful that a publisher
offered her $62,000 to write a novel
for him.
Charles Dana Gibson's first pub
lished drawing made his reputation,
and before he was 2 1 he was earn
ing $400 a month. Philadelphia
MRS. W. H. SIMMONS, 1119 E. 8th
. St., Kansas City, Mo., member of
the National Annuity Association,
"My health was excellent until about a
rear ago, when I had a complete collapse
from overdoing socially, not getting the
proper rest, end too many late suppers.
My stomach was in a dreadful condition,
and my nerves all uaatrting,
"1 was advised by a friend to try Pe
nma, and eventually 1 bought a bottle. I
took it and then another, and kept using
K for three months.
"At the end of that time my health was
restored, my nerves no longer troubled me,
and I felt nvself once more . .id able to
assume my social position. I certainly feel
that JVruna is deserving of praise. "
There are many reasons why society
women break down, why their nervous
systems fail why they hsve systetnio or
pelvic catarrh. Indeed, they are especially
BaMe to these ailments. No wonder they
require the protection of reruns. It is
their shield and safeguard.
Why He Sought The Mourners'
"Once we had a revival, and I at
tended It with my girl. She got
quite excited, and before 1 knew
what was happening, she started for
the mourners' bench. She didn't
ask me if I'd go. She Just got up
and went all by herself.
"Well, she kneeled down there,
and I see that right next to her was
kneelln' a feller she'd been goln'
with some and who was a rival o'
mine. I Bold, 'by gosh! I can't
stand that! Maybe he'll be ketchln'
her.' There was Just a little room
between her and him, and I stepped
up and kneeled so as to separate
"I cut him out that time, and he
didn't marry that girl. As far as
that goes, neither did I. Oh, well,
you can't be young but once!" Out
ing Magazine.
mule Team I
All dealer, 6-10- 16o plccfl. BampU and oartnlr t
m aware in eototw o nnu ana oniit i name
What Ails Ton?
Do yon feel weak, tired, despondent,
have frequent headaches, coated tongue,
bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart
burn, belching of gas, acid risings its
throat after eating, stomach gnaw or
burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or
variable appetite, nausea at times and
kindred symptoms?
If yoTNyivp any considerable number of
thasbovesyvvptoms you are suffering
from Ttfllousnsss, wu-pld liver with Indl
Mitral niscoverv Is mane BP t
valuable medicinal principles Known U.
S Or Pierce's Golden
Is made up of Uie most!
x '. . New York or Gblcasa
Do you wish to know about
PATENTS T t)o you wish to
know -about TKADK-MAItK-. I
I Do ynu wish 10 know about PENSIONS? Do
you with to know sbout HAY ant UOUNTi I
Then wrlio to W. H. Willi. Attorney -at-l.uu
(Notary Publli ). Wills lluildlng. 3V2 IndiunaAv.
enue. Wa.hlng-tnti, I), c 24 ymrsln Washiiix
ton Union Soldiers snd Ballon war 1861.S
entitled to pension on sgi sftor they reach
If pensioner deserts wlfo he may be emitted to
ball his pension.
1 H N U 16
If allll, n il
with weak
evm, use
Thompson's Eye Water
For Other Worlds.
The President caught up his big
stick and started out of the White
House. f
"Whither?" cried Loeb, trembling
for the what next.
"I'm going walking," condescend
ed the President.
"Whither?" Loeb repeated.
"What?" snapped the President.
"Whither?" Loeb Insisted.
The President paused.
"True," he murmured, "true. I
hove walked over everything in sight,
and I must wait."
Sighing, as did that other Great,
lie sat down, thumping the floor lm
oattently with his stick. New York
Find fault with your friends and It
will maku them faultier.
niiMiuMl t-lctuT for liio permanent cure
such abnormal contlQn9u It is a most
efficient liver Invigoralor, stomach tonic,
bowel regulator and nerve strengthener.
The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is not
a, patent medlclno or secret nostrum, a
full list of Its ingredients being printed)
on Its bottle-wrapper and attested under
oath. A glance at Its formula will -how.
that It contains no alcohol, or harmful
habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract
made with pure, triple-refined glycerlno,,
of proper strength, from the roots of tho
following native American forest plants,
viz.. Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black
Cherrybark, Queen's root, Uloodroot, anct
Mandrake root.
The following leading medical authorities,
among a host of others, extol the foregoing
roots for the cure of Just such ailments as the
ahove symptoms Indlcato: Prof.R. Hartholow.
M. D.. of Jefferson Med. College. Plilla.1 Prof.
H.C Wood, M. D.of Unlv.of Pa.: Prof Edwhi.
M. Hale. M. D., of Hahnemann Med. Collmrtv
Chicago; Prof. John King. M. D.. Author of
American IMspeneatory: Prof. Jno. M. Hrud
dcr. M. D., Author of Specltlc Medicines: Prof.
Laurence Johnson. M. L., Med. Dept. Univ. of
N. Y.: Prof. Klnley Flllngwood. M. D . Author
of Materia Medlca and Prof, in Bennett Medi
cal College. Chicago. Send name and ad
dress on Postal Card to Dr. K. . pierce. Hur
falo. N. Y,. and receive fr booklet glrlnr
extracts from writings of all the above medi
cal authors and many others endorsing. In the
strongest possible terms, each and every in
gredient of which "Golden Medical Discov
ery " Is composed.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and
Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. They
may bo used in conjunction with "Oolden
Medical Discovery" If bowels are much con
stipated. They're tiny aud sugar-coated.
Qood Looking Young; ( ht-rokees.
"If you go down Into the Chero
kee Nation you will see thousands
of handsome young men and beauti
ful youug women who are the oft
spring of white fathers with the
Cherokee women," said W. P. Mc-
Clellan, of the Cherokee Nation. "In
most cases no one would think of
this second generation as being oth
er than of the Anglo-Saxon race
The girls are as fair, as comely, us
refined us their sisters of uunilxtd
blood a:H Just- as stylish In their
aress. ine ooyw ure as origin ana
munly a set of young fellowH aa can
be found. There Ib nothing about
them to differentiate them from
young white men.
"Another thing is that these mix
ed bloods are stronger, physically,
than the pure Indian stock, hardier
and less likely to fall a prey to that
disease which carries off so many of
the fullbloods, consumption."
Washingon Herald.
Hovr a Veteran Wns Saved the Ampu
tation ot a Limb.
B. Frank Doreiffus, veteran, of
Roosevelt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind..
says: I had been
showing symptoms o
ktdney troublo from
the time I was mus
tered out of the ar
my, but In all my life
I never suffered as In
1S97. Headaches,
dizziness and sleep
lessness, first, and
then dropsy. I was
weak and helpless,
having run down from 180 to 125
pounds. I was having terrible pain
in the kidneys, and the secretions
passed almost Involuntarily. My left
leg swelled until It was ,14 inches
around, and the doctor tapped it
night and morning until I could no
longer atand it, and then he advised
amputation. 1 refused, and began
ualng Doan'a Kidney Pills. The
swelling subsided gradually, the
urine became natural and all my
pains and aches disappeared. 1 have
been well now for nine years since
using Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. DO cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Made Clcur.
The police Inspector of Gotham
was on the stand.
"JYour salary is 13,600?" gently
Insinuated Ihe spokesman of tho
graft committee.
"Yes, sir."
"And out of this you save $50,000
after living at the rate of $2,500 a
"That'B about It."
"How do you work it?"
"Well, there's a Dago has a stand
on my corner and he gives me a
discount on peanuts." Philadelphia
How to Open a Can of Salmon.
To open a can of Argo Red Salmon
properly, lay the can on Its side, In
sert the can opener at tho seam, then
i t .ind tho can on end, and pressing
the top firmly down, work the can
opener around the top, removing the
entire top. The Argo will then come
out in one solid piece.
Weekly Review of Trade and Latest
Market Reports.
New York. R. O. Dun & Co."
Weekly Review of Trade says:
Trade responds to seasonable
weather, distribution of sprints mer
chandise fully equaling sanguine ex
pectations, and country merchants
purchase liberally from wholesalers
at eadlng centers Reports from
I principal oitles are uniformly favor
able, active business being accom
panied by further Improvements In
collections. Lending Industries are
fully occupied, and no strikes of
more than local significance have
materialized thus far. Manufactur
ers are busy on goods for early ship
ment, and sample business for later
seaon promises continued activity.
Improved traffic conditions "make de
liveries more prompt.
Primary markets for textiles are
more quiet, but there is no diminu
tion In the output of mills except
where labor cannot, be secured. Most
cotton goods producers have orders
covering output so far into the fnture
that the lightened pressure Is help
ful. Jobbers are still selling goods
purchased belowthe present level, and
the future of the market cannot he
determined until unfilled orders are
placed at the highest prices. The
attitude of customers at new valu
ations Is the uncertain element, any
evidence that enhanced cost will cur
tail consumption remaining to be
Commodity exchanges have resum
ed normal conditions, and prices
show some recovery from the un
settled position after the Easter holi
day, which was prolonged abroad.
Consul F. W. Mahln, of Notting
ham, reports that cremation is In
creasing in Great. Britain, the num
ber of bodies cremated being 742 In
1906, against 604 In 1905.
Deafness Cannot -Po Oared
bylocal applications as theycannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness iscaused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this tnbe re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever. Nine cases . -at of ten
are caused bycatarrh, which is pothingbut an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
rus.xii i JtuunesH icansea oycatarrti) that can
not be carodbyHttll'sOitarrh Cure. Send for
circulars free. F.J.CHXHET&Co.,Toledo,0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The town of Paoll, Ind., Is numed
for General Poall, of Corsica, who
defended that Island against the
French in favor of the British. He
died In England and has a monument
lu Westminster Abby.
FITS.St. Vitus'Dnnce :Nervous Diseases per
manently cured by Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve
Restorer. 2 trial bottle and treotise free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,(Wl ArchSt., Phi la., Pa
in reply to an advertisement for
a woman typist at a salary of $3.75
a week, a London firm, on March 4.
received no fewer than 397 replies.
Argo Red Salmon Is the fish that
made Alaska valuable to the United
It's a great comfort to a woman to
think how lonesome her husband would
be if she were dead.
Are both symptoms of organic de
rangement, and nature's warning to
women of a trouble which will soon
er or later declare itself.
How often do we hear women say.
"It seems as though my back would
break." Yet they continue to drag
along and sulfur with aches in the
small of the back , puln low down In
the aide, dragging sensations, nerv
ousness and no ambltiou.
They do not realize tliut the bock
is the main-spring of woman's organ
ism and qnickly Indicates by aching
a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches
and paius will continue until the cause U removed.
Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs has been for many yeurs the moat
successful remedy in such eases. No other medicine has such a record
of cures of feminine ills.
Mlsa LenaNagel. of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y , writes: "I was
completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration My back
ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits
of crying and extreme nervousness, and was ul ways weak auH tired.
Lydia K Ilnkhum's Vegetable Compound completely cured me."
Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints,
uoh aa Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Orgauto Disease.
Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early M.age. H atrengthcus and
tones tho Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and Invigorates
the whole feminine system.
Mrs. Pinkhmn's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weaknebs are invited to
write Mrs Pinkham, Lyun, Mass. Hr advice Is free.
Every can of Argo Red Salmon
contains one pound net. It Is always
guaranteed to be full weight.
A mothers thinks it's queer that she
can't teach her daughter -o avoid the
things she could never bo taught to
avoid herself.
For conattpatton, biliousneaa, liver dis
turbances and diseases resulting from im
pure blood, tako Nature's remedy. Gar
field Teu it m made wholly ot hcalih-giv-nig
When a sour-tempered woman talks
w6 are reminded of pkkled tongue.
In Torments With Terrible Sores on
Face and Body Tore at Flesh
Cured by Cuticurn.
"My little aon, when about s yenr and
a half old, began to have norea come out
on his face. They began to come on his
arms, then on other parta of his body, and
then one came on his chest, worae than
the others. Still he grew worse. At tho
end of about a yenr and a half of suffering
he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in
cloths at night to keep him from scratch
ing the sores and tearing the Itesh. He got
to he a mere skeleton and was hardly able
to walk. I sent to the drug store and got
a cake of Cutitura Soap and a box of Cuti
cura Ointment, and at the end of about
two mouths the sores were all well. Ho
has never had any sores of any kind since,
and I can sincerelv say that only for
the Cuticura Remedies my precious child
would have died from those terrible sores.
I used only one enke of Soap and about
three boxes of Ointment. .Mr. Egbert
Sheldon R. F. D.. No. I. Woodville. Conn..
April ". 11.1 "
lnatead of sending n friend on a
fool's errand, go yourself.
Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo,
Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo.
Too rnuny virtues in a man give his
friends a big thirst for a few vices.
Itch cured In SO minutes by Woolford's
Banitaty Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
A man la sure to get lost on the
road to heaven unless he has a woman
for u guide.
Wholesale Markets.
Baltimore. Flour Dull and un
changed; receipts, 7,746 barrels; ex
ports, 3,203 barrels.
Wheat Quiet; spot, contract,
77 77; No. 2 red. Western,
78 79; March, 77 77;
April, 7777; May. 7979;
steamer, No. 2 red, 74 74; re
ceipts, 8,621 bushels; Southern, on
grade, 74 77.
Corn Firm; Bpot, mixed, 50
50; No. 2 white, 52; March,
5058; April. 5050;
May, 61 51; July., 52 bid;
steamer, mixed, 4848; re
ceipts. 83,702 bushels; exports, 197,
942 bushels; Southern, white, 52
63; yellow, 48 50.
Oats -Steady; No. 2 white, 48
49; No. 3 white. 474S; No.
2 mixed, 47 47; receipts, 18,
714 bushels; exports, 70 bushels.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western, do
mestic, 74 75; choice, 79 80.
Butter Firm and unchanged;
fancy Imitation, 26 27; fancy
creamery, 31fi32; fancy ladle, 22
23; store packed, 17 19.
Eggs Firm, at 17 c.
Cheese Active and unchanged;
large, 15; medium, 16 16;
small, 15 15.
New York. Wheat Receipts, 64,
000 bushels; spot steady; No. 2 red.
81 elevator; No. 2 red, 83 f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth,
91 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard win
ter, 86 f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 50,625 bushels;
exports, 38,092 bushels; spot barely
steady; No. 2, 56 elevator, and
52 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white,
55, and No. 2 yellow, 52 f. o. b.
Oats Receipts, 124,500 bushels;
spot easy; mixed, 26 32 pounds,
46; natural white, 30 33 pounds,
47; clipped white, 36 40 pounds,
Poultry Alive steady; Western
chickens, 9 12, fowlB, 16; turkeys,
13. Dressed quiet; turkeys, 10 15;
fowls, 11 15.
Potatoes Irregular; Bermuda, per
barrel, 5.00 6.50: Southern, 1.60
3.00; Cuban. 4.00 6.00; old, per
barrel, 1.50 1.80. Sweets steady
and unchanged.
Philadelphia. -Wheat quiet and
steady; contract grade, March, 77
77 c. Corn quiet but steady; March
49 s 50. Oats steady bnt quiet; No.
2 white, natural, 49c.
Butter steady, fair demand; extra
Western creamery, official price,
30c; street price, 31; extra nearby
prints, 33.
Eggs steady, fair demand; nearby
fresh and Western fresh. 18c. at
Live poultry quiet but steady;
fowls, 14 15; old roosters, 10
10; roasting chickens, 1116;
winter chlckenB, 22 25; ducks, 16
Live Stock.
New York. Beeves Steers slow;
top grades steady; others dull and
10c lower; bulls steady; medium and
fat cows, 10c. lower; thin cowa
stnady. Steers sold at 4.35 5.75
per 100 pounds; nt prime heavy or
choice offered; bulls, 3.10 to 4.35;
cows, 1.60 to 3.75.
Calves Market active and steady.
Common to prime veals sold at
6.00 10.00; few choice do., at
10.25; city dressed veals active at
10 to 15c. per pound; country dress
ed, 9 to 13 c.
Hogs Market 15c. lower; no
sales reported.
Chicago. Cattle Good to choice
steers, 10c. .higher; others steady.
Common to prime steers, 4.00 7,00;
cows, 3.25 6.00; belfera, 3.00
5.25; bulls, 3.404.60; calves, 2.75
7.75; stockerg and feeders, 3.00
Hogs Market 5 In Ifte higher;
choice heavy shippers, 6.25 6.27;
light butchers, 6.256.30; choice
light, 0.27 6.32; packing, 6.60
6.22; bulk of sales, 6.20 6.25.
Garfield Tea, which is guaranteed under
the Pure Food and Drugs Act, is the beat
remedy for constipation, sick headache and.
inili(etion. It purifies the blood and
cleanses the system.
Great Britain Imports annually
from New Zealand over 1,000,000
Argc Red Salmon cau be served on
any table. It can be served as It
' comes from the can, or prepared In
mujiy palatable dishes.
The folding envelope was first used
In 1839.
Bombshells were first made In Hol
land In 1495.
The first almanac was printed In
Hungary In 1470.
Great Britain Imports annually
from New Zealand over 60,000,000
In reply to au advertisement for
a woman typist at a salary of 13.76
a week, a London firm, on March 4.
recoivea no iewer man a( replies.
The long feather of a bird's wing
ure fastened to the bone. It Is this
which gives the wing the strength
aud surface wherewith to boat the
I air.
Consul F. W. Mahlu, of Notting-i
ha-m, reports that cremation is In
creasing In Great Britain, the num
ber of bodies cremated being 742 In
1906, against 604 In 1905.
The town ot Paoll, Ind., is named
for General Poall, of Corsica., who
defended that Island against (lie
French In favor of the British. Hoi
died In England and has a monument!
In Westminster Abby.
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and
the Well-informed of the World
is to learn as to the relative standing nnrl reliability of the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, ns the most eminent physicians ;irrthe most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribe! by ihem, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment rod the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to th" fact that it involves the aucwion of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is Test each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with general i . to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if t;-.len nt the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is nlike important to resent
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed 1 cauM
of the excellence of the combination, known to nil, and the original method cf Qanufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under vhe name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtaine d from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate, name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects alwaye
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company Cr.Lilornia Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup oi Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price cf which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
Color more goodnbrlghteraud flutter colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colon all fiber. They dye In cold water better timn any utlier dja ou oau
dyeuAj Karment without ripping apart. Write tor fruo book.1 iv- How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors. HON HUE J1LUU CO., Lulcnvlllu, iUisaourl
And FttrvosiSMf
TiUksOkU slirslrtsrt,
Kxplalnlng Who He Is.
A Colorado man who Is visiting
In Wellington told H. L. Woods this
story: The game warden of Colo- ,
rado was walking out In the moun
tains the other day, when he met a
hunter with his gnn. The official
suggested that that ought to tie n
good country for hunting.
"It certainly is," said the hunter,
proudly. "I killed one of the ftneBt
hucks yesterday I ever saw and he
weighed over 200." It was the sea
son when deer may not be shot with
out subjecting the hunter to a heavy
ffne. "Well, that's Is a fine one,"
said the warden, "and do you know
who you are talking to?" Being
assured that he did not, the official
said: "Why I am the chief game
warden of Colorado." The hunter
was only taken aback for a moment,
when he asked, "And do yon know
who you are talking to?" The war
den didn't know.
"Well, sir," said the hunter, ap
parently much relieved, "you are
talking to the biggest liar In the
whole State of Colorado." Kansas
City Star.
8 JBIIli
Not The Ileal Thing.
"So this is the opal ring Mr. Porr
ley gave you?" said Miss Bright, ex
amining It. "Are you er pleased
with It?"
"Oh, yes," replied Miss Dumluy,
"but you know the old superstition
about opals. I'm afraid it'll bring
me bad luck."
"But er this can't bring you
anything worse than an Imitation of
bad luck." Philadelphia Press.
The La:id Made Famous by Philpotts'
Big Crops of Corn
can be depended upon from land
that has been liberally fertilized
with a complete fertilizer contain
ing ZlA nitrogen, 80 available
phosphoric acid and g
Just how and why cj of Potash
is necessary our booklet will show.
93 Nassau Stroct, New York
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Men's HhooH, . to SI.M). hoy' Shoot. ' to l.:r-. Vi n'
!,..,-,, 4 to 1.50. MIhmh' & CbUdren'i Nhoes, In IU.OO.
W. L. DoulttM flhoofl r leconized hy vxyeii juile uf footwear
to Ik Hie uOHt m sly J nt ami wctir jiroducfii m this country, h
part of tho shoo MM ovtry detail ol fcttt makh iff ir looked after
nl watrlioti over by ttkilled bhnemukers, without roffanl to
time or cost, If I could tako you into my lugjO factories rr
Droektoii. MasH., and show von how carefully W. I PnueV h
shoes wo made, ynu would then nmlcrsti.n.l irliy tht y hold th
wear longer, ana are or greater vamo tnau nny other makes.
W. L POMlM name and MM Is stamped on lli hotto'ii. u hit-li ernt- . t.. '- r
priMU niMt inf ertnr shoes. ThUi- snlitiiit. Hajt) l y i m rttttM 4ni
rati uttur nyetriM vint exriuMivety. taiaiof, inane! i?t. . I.. IMI i.l.AM
1 S l L 1 i , M u Bfe.
' sfiSHDBSBtflsf
lrrt f
p Tor
Y. Ml
Phllpotts has made us familiar
with romantic Devonshire, in blB fas
cinating novels, "The River," "Chil
dren of the Mist, ' etc. The charac-
ters are very human; tho people there
drink coffee with the eamo results as
I elsewhere. A writer at Rock House,
Orchard Hill, Bldeford, North 'lovon,
j states:
"For 30 years I drank coffee for
breakfast and dinner but some 5
! years ago I found that It was produc
; lng Indigestion and heart-burn, and
; was making me restless at night.
These symptoms were followed Ly
1 brain tag and a sluggish mental con
dition. j "When 1 realized this, 1 made up
i my mind that to quit drinking coffeo
, and having rer.d of Postum,. 1 con
cluded to try It. I had It carefully
made, according to directions, and
found to my agreeable surprise at the
:M of a week, that I no longer But
tered from either Indigestion, heart
burn, or brain fag, and that I could
drink It at night uud secure restful
and refreshing sleep.
"Since that time we have entirely
discontinued the use of the old kind
of coffee, growing fonder and fonder
of Postum as time goes on. My di
gestive organs certainly do tbelr work
much better now than before, a re
sult due to Postum Food Coffey, 1 am
"As a table beverage we find (for
all the members of my family use It)
that whan properly made it is most
refreshing aud agreeable, of delicious
flavour and aroma. Vigilance Is,
however, necessary to Secure this, for
unless the servauta are watched they
are likely to neglect the thorough
boiling which It must have In order
to extract the goodness from the
cereal." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little
book, "The Road to Wellville," lu
pkgs. "There's a reason,"
Our vehlcltis h hni nnsii hsve been sold direct from out fscUir
uh'i t. r ft third uf i i v. e shin for exstnlimM.iti ft
tux oval in' i tfti irmifff rlcltvi rr. Tuu re vAt uosJilmr
II not satisfied ma to stjlfl UbU y and price.
We Are The Urest Ujnuljclnrrrs In The World
M -n to the rnnstimni SsSsImsIiisiIsi Bra ,.,.,. von ( in. , r
J-r J vnii mi-, w mvj ivm ui tmriii'ii, nr. 1.1 K,i i.i re. 1 nt- aiitl -III
IfA"f&SSSB KIkWICerrlj.0, llvnc,,M,,
I sjej S7I.0O. SsStjBSri, Ind.anu.
'fy, .'.1
- . S iMh.f fislk,Vf
Atsr IW I
I 1.1 ' -H I' ,. M
It means the
hottest and cleanest
fin me nroduced bv
any stove. This is
the flame the New
Perfection Oil Stove
gives the instant a
lighted match is ap
plied no delay, no
trouble, no 600t, no
dirt. For cooking, the
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
is unequaled. It gives quick results because its
heat is nigbly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense
in two. Made in three sizes. Every
stove warranted. If not at your tim er's
write to our nearest agency.
is the best
lUinU lamp for
-round household use.
Ma.l! of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. I
p. ,t... iK rniuirtirrcwh absolutely safe: unexcelled
in light-giving power, an ornament to Any room.
tvery lamp warranted, if not at your
dealer's, wtite to our nearest agency.