The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 04, 1907, Image 7

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a pretty face, a (food flrnre, but
sooner or later loarn that the
healthy, happy, contented woman
U most of all to be admired.
Women troubled with falntinfr
spells. Irregularities, nervous irrita
bility, backache, tho "blues," and
those dreadful dragging sensations,
oannot hope to be happy or popular,
and advancement in either home,
business or social life is impossible.
The causo of these troubles, how
over, yields quickly toLydia K. I'lnk
ham's Vegetable Compound made
from native roots and herbs It acts
atonee upon tho organ afflicted end
the nerve centers, dispelling effec
tually all those distressing symp
toms. No other medicine in the country has received such unqualified
indorsement, or has such a record of cures of female ills as has
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Miss ICmma Rnntzler, of 031 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., writes:
"For a lon time I wns troubled with a wenkness which seemed to
drain all my strength away. I had dull headaches, was nervous,
Irritable, and all worn out. Chancing to read one of vonr advertisements
of a case similnr to mine cured by Iydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, I decided to try It and I cannot express my gratitude for tho
benefit received. I am entirely well and feel like a new person."
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful
remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Hack, Falling and
Displacements, Inflammation and t'leeration, and is invaluable In pre
paring for childbirth and the Chanpe of Life.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women aufferirnr from auv form of female weakness are invited to
rompUy communicate with Mrs, I'lnkhani, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice
Is free and alwavs helpful.
The Alaska Packer Association,
who can the Argo Red Salmon, has
the largest fleet In number of any
shipping firm sailing under the Amer
ican flsg. It owns ao Bteamer and
1 f. sailing vessels and charters man
At Santa Crus, Cal., In tho St
George Hotel, Is a tank containing
60 trout so tame that they tako moat
offered to them from a man's hnnd
and rub their sides against the hand
of the one that feeds them.
Beware of Ointments For Caisrrh
That Contain Mercnry,
ss mercury wilt surety destroy the sense of
smell nnd completely deranjre the whole sys-
i lem when entering it throueh the mucous
, surfaces. Such articles should never be used
I except on prescriptions from reputable phy-
sicians, ss the damage they will do is ten fold
I to the Rood you can possibly derive from
j tiiem. II nil's Catarrh Cure, mnnufaelured
by F. if, Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O.. contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, acting
: directly upon the blood and tnucoua surfaces
I of thesvstem. In buyir.glUll's Catarrh Cars
be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in
I temslly and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F.
J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free.
Sold bv I tru.'KiHid ; nnce. ,5c. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipat.on.
Mr. Rockefeller's gifts to education
now total some sTit.noo.uou. An
drew Carnegie's gifts for libarles and
universities aggregate some 1 1 '.
000,000, and ho Is not a wealthy
For Emergencies at Home
for the Stock on the Farm
Sloaovs Liixinveivt
Is & whole medicine chest
Price 25c 50c 6 1.00
Sand For Free Booklet on Horses. Cattle. Hogs 6 Poultry.
Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.
And Nervonanaa
Trial Wlllc lite Aldru tutors
Dr. Osier's Turn To Smile.
Dr. Osier must have smiled when
he read the announcement of the
appointment of Canon Jelf to tho
mastership of Sutton's Hospital,
Charterhouse. The event was bound
to let loose upon hint tho sneers of
those who seriously regarded his
"too old at forty" little joke. The
new head Is 73 years young, and to
all appearances is good for another
decade's service. He comes an a
distinguished family, of which the
present, generation has given us a
brilliant judge and a gallant soldier.
The .lulfs are a sunny-soulod family.
Scholurs of Charterhouse will be glad
to hear that. Tho Canon Is n man of
slgularly sweet disposition, though
armed with the qualities which make
for discipline. His younger brother,
Mr. Justice Jelf, is the man who
loves not juries in general, though
be has done great things with some
In particular. Withal, he is one of
the kindliest, most courteous men on
the bench, and when the other day
bo Inherited an unexpected 500
from an admirer his friends wished
that the sum was ten times as great.
Good Food Cheap In China.
Corporal Frank Hayden, of the
: army recruiting station, who spent
a year of army service in China,
: says it is a good country to "soldier"
I In.
"The worFt thing about China and
' the Islands," he said, "Is that there's
no ono to associate with except na
tives. Otherwise they're good plncos,
China especially, to do military ser
vice. Food of good quality is very
cheap. We could buy 173 eggs there
for 50 cents American money or (1
'Mex.' Ten cents would buy a line,
fat chicken and 60 cents a good
sheep. The Chinese are good cooks
and wo could employ one for a very
little money over his board." Kan
sas City Times.
Extreme Cuiition.
"What number Chestnut Street did
you say your house Is, Miss Walslng
hani," asked the young man who had
been Introduced that evening and
whom she had asked to call.
"Well." replied Miss Walslngham
with a little hesitation, "the house
on one side of us is numbered 21
and that on the other side is num
bered 86." Somervlllo Journal.
Xot a Single Stone Has Formed Since
Vsing Doan's Kidney Fills.
I j. ii. uaugnirey, music punusner,
i of Suffolk, Va.. says: "During two or
three years that I had
kidney trouble I
passed about 2 V4
pounds of gravel and
sandy sediment in tho
urine. I haven't
passed a stone since
using Doan's Kidney
Pills, however, and
that was three years
ago. I used to suffer
tho most acute agony
during a gravel, and had the
other usual symptoms of kidney trou
bles lassitude, headache. Daln in
tho back, urinary disorders, rheu
matic pain, etc. I bavo a box con
taining 14 gravel stones that I
! passed, but that is not one-quarter of
the whole number. I consider Doan's
Kidney Pills a floe kidney tonic."
Sold by all dealers. GOcentna box.
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A Square Deal
I? assured you when you buy Dr. Plerco's
family medicines for all tbo Ingredi
ents entering Into them are rrlntcd on
the bottle-wrappers and their formulas
are ait.-. i. I under oath as being completo
land correct. You know just what you are
paying for and that tho ingredients uro
gathered from Nature's laboratory, being
selected from the most valuable nutiva
medicinal roots fouud growing in our
American iorwfrfiljvhlle potent to euro
are per'CTti harrnlsaaJsoto the most
delicate woincSiafcwcnilJrT'Tr Not, a
iif-AlriiliuJ i;Kff 'piiv.Utfir .tpmuilult
A much belter agent Is used '"'"TPr
UiK'iil'y ill"1 ''reyrvliilt 'P" medicinal
urlnclules used In tlienTTvlt.-iiure trinle
reliiicd glycerine. This agent possesses
Intrinsic medicinal properties of Its own,
being a most valuable antiseptic and antl
formeiit, nutritive and soothing demul
cent. Olyrerlno plays an Important part In
Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Discovery In
the cure of Indigestion, dyspepsia and
weak stomach, attended by sour risings,
heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue,
poor apiM'tlto, gnawing feeling In stom
ach, biliousness and kindred derange
ments of tho stomach, liver and bowels.
Besides curing all the above distressing
ailments, the' i. olden Medical Discovery"
Is a specific for all diseases of tho mucous
membranes, as catarrh, whether of tho
nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels
or pelvic organs, liven In Its ulcerative
stages It win yield to this sovereign rem
edy if Its use bo persevered In. In Chronic
Catarrh of tho Nasal passages, It Is well,
while taking tho "Uoldeu Medical DI&
covory " for the noeessary constitutional
treatment, to cleanse the passages freely
two or three times a day with In Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course
of treatment generally cures the worst
In coughs and hoarseness caused by bron
chial, thmal ami Inns' uffuclton. exi'eiil con
sumption In Its advanced alai
Medical DKcuvsiy " Is a moi
cdy, especially tn thoso ob by lrrlliilion si
tbo bronchial mucous menibri
lli-eiikiiig Things.
Never Is a housekeeper quite so
mad as when the kitchen maid
breaks her china; and she has a
right to be, for In nearly all cases
It Is pure earolessness. This Is
shown b) the fact that some girls
may stay At a place for a year or
more andVjiot break a thing, while
there are others who are throwing
out a broken cup or plate every dav
or two. And the excuses that are
offered up for such vandalism would
make a book: "I juat lifted It up
and It came to pieces," or "I put
1 it down there and it Just fell apart,"
I or "It was broken before," or "I
never broke it." And so on UideQ
nately the excuses run. And tho poor
housewife stands and grieves and
gasps, wondering how long that fa
vorite set of china will lust that
dear set which her mother gave her
when she first went to housekeeping.
But tho iconoclastic fury of the
kitchen girl moves reslstlessly on,
breaking the handlo off this little
pitcher, dropping the lid of tho sugar
bowl Into pieces, breaking in upon
the last half of those crystal glasses
smashing the turkey platter, and
losing two of thoso wedding dessert
spoons on, on she goes like a con
quering hero, and who dares dispute
tho majesty of her march ? The
kindly lidy of the house hardly duros
to venture Into the sacred culinary
precincts, to express a faint regret
over the breaking of a favorite dish,
for there is bo much that ono must
put up with In the dire vicissitudes
of life so much misfortune that
one must accept w(th resignation
and speechless sorrow. Ohio State
covery " li not ao sxhkI for acut
!.. nor u
dent rciii-hsns-on
geniloti of
urhs url!-
lllllst it lie 'V
i ion In Its advanced
Ins from
peeled to cure consumption la us advanced
luges- uu medicine will do thai -hut for all
liiu oliMliiute. chronic coughs, which, if Oaf
lectori, or badly treated, lead up to consutnp
lion, it is Uiu 1 uiudlciiie tl;ul cuu l.u taUuu.
Can't Re Sat I'pon.
Angry Scot Look here, Mr.
O'Brlel I've the verra greatest re
spect for yer country, but ye inaunii
forget this: Ye can sit on a rose,
and ye can alt on a shamrock, but,
O man, ya canna sit on a thistle.
Kausas City Times.
The Alaska Packers Association
have liberated from their hatcheries
In Alaska, up to 1906, over throe
hundred and fifty-one million (351,
000,000) young salmon. Their Fort
mann hatchery is the largest in the
His Reason,
Thin Chappie -I halen't seen you
running after that fair-haired girl
lately. What's the rew-'n., old
Stout Chappie Oh, eh! Well, eh!
-Bhe's my wife now, you see. Ally
Sloper's Half-Holiday.
Weekly Review of Trade and Latest
Market Reports.
New York. R. (1. Dnn & Co.'a
Weakly Review of Trade says:
One of the bast features of the
present situation la the steady im
provement In mercantile payments,
despite the nnsottled condition of
tho money marknt. Congestion in
the Iron and steel Industry and tardi
ness of deliveries were accentuated
by the flood which stopped produc
tion at many plants In tho Pittsburg
district for three days or more.
Home mills wore damaged to an ex
tent that was not readily remedied,
and the record-brenklng rate of pig
iron output was reduced, so that
March will not attain the new month
ly high-water market thnt seemed
probable. A very heavy tonnage of
Southern Iron has been taken In the
Birmingham market nnd at firm
quotations, and the Inquiry for ma
terial Indicates the situation at steel
mills. Tho flood closed order hooks
for tubes, which were already very
late with deliveries, and puts struc
tural mills still further behind just
when Open weather makes full pro
duction most desirable.
A lull In tho volume of new busi
ness Is welcomed by the cotton mills.
aB pressure for delivery had advanced
prices to tho limit of safety in the
opinion of many manufacturers.
Footwear factories In New Eng
land receive supplementary orders
for seasonable goods, chiefly from
Eastern wholesalers, for shipment In
May nnd June, but this class of bus
iness comes forward somewhat slowly.
Argo Red Salmon is sold In one
pound tall cans, because only the tall
cans are filled by machinery. Flat
and "no-half pound cans are filled by
hand. Hand work In factories Im
crude and antiquated.
Hot Stuff.
Col. "Bill" Hackney, of Wlnfield,
has copies of every letter written
from hlB office In the last 15 yearB.
Some of them, of course, observes an
exchange, are preserved in asbestos
wrappings. Kansas City Journal.
OarfUM Ten U for Ciofo who desire an
ideal laxative; it is simple, pure, mild and
potent, it regulates the liver and kidneys,
overcomes constipation and brings (Jood
Healtlu It is guaranteed under the Pure
Food and Drugs Law.
A Funny Joke.
"I say, D'Orsay, hve you ever
heard that joke about the guide in
Rome who showed Bomo travelers
two skulls of St. Paul, one as a
boy and the other as a man?"
"Aw, deah boy no aw, let me
henh It." Boston Transcript.
Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo,
Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo.
Girl An Electric Buttery.
That Fannie Shapiro is a natural
electric battery and surcharged is
the only explanation that the scien
tists can offer of the remarkable ex
perience she undergoes every time
she attempts to rldo In an electric
car. Miss Shapiro Is 16 years old and
one of the prettiest girls In tho Old
Church District, In which she lives
on Phillips Street. The most learned
of BoBton's hospital surgeonH have
been unable to fathom the mysterious
The moment the young woman
boards a trolley car nnd tho current
is turned on she Is overcome with
an uncontrolnhle desire to laugh and
cry. Before she has traveled halt a
dozen blocks she is In tears and then
suddenly become exhilarated and
breakB into peals of laughter which
she 1b unable to restrain. She Is
fully aware of her condition and
knows that she is attracting atten
tion, but cannot control herself.
She has made every effort to over
come this peculiar condition, but
without avail, and twice it has bo
come necessary to remove her to the
Relief Hospital for treatment.
Miss Shapiro Is a buxom, rosy
girl, the picture of perfect health,
and. humiliated by her peculiar con
dition, which has become known as
"trolleyltls," she began yesterday
walking from her home to her place
of employment, and says she In
tends to continue It until the doc
tors enn devise a plan to relieve hor
of the surplus electrical energy she
possesses. N. Y. World.
Dropped a Valuable Hint about Coffee.
"For about eight years," writes a
Mich, woman, "I Buffered from' nerv
ousness part of the time down tn
bed with nervous prust ration.
"Sometimes 1 would get numb and
It would bo almost impossible for nio
to speak for a spell. At others, I
would have severe bilious attacks,
and my heart would flutter painfully
when I would walk fast or swoep.
"I havo taken enough medicine to
start a small drug store, without any
boncflt. One evening our grocer was
asking Husband how I was and ho
urged that I quit coffee and use Pos
tum, so ho brought home a pkg. and
I made it according to directions and
wo were both delighted with it.
"So we quit coffee altogether and
used only Postum. I began to get
better In a month's time and look llko
another person, tho color came back
to my cheokf, I began to sleep well,
my appetite was good and I com
menced to take on flesh and become
Interested in everything about tbo
"Finally I was able to do all my
own work without tho least sign of
my old trouble. I am so thankful for
the little book, 'The Road to Well
ville.' It has done me so much good.
I haven't taken medicine of any kind
for six months and don't need any.
"A friend of ours wbo did not like
Postum as sho made It, liked mine,
and when she learned to boll It long
enough, tier's was as good as mine.
It's easy rf you follow directions."
Name given by Postum Company,
Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little
book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle," In
pkga. "There's a reason.."
Livo stock.
New York. Beeves Feeling anil;
dressed beof alow at 79c. P'Er
IPound. Exports to-morrow, 100 cat
tle. Calvos receipts, 324; veals
steady to strong; common to good
veals, 6.008.50; choice and Har
lem veals, 9. 00; no buttermilks or
barnyard calvos offered; dressed
calves steady; city dressed veals,
813V4c. per pound; country dress
ed veals, 8 12c.
Sheep And Lambs Sheep nomi
nal; lambs steady; medium to prime
lambs, 7.500 8.25.
Hogs Market about steady; good
light State hogs, 7.60.
Chicago. Cattle Market steady
to strong. Plain to best steers, 4.25
6.85; heifers, 2.655.25; cows,
3.255.00; bulls, 3.25 4. GO ; calves,
2.60 & 7.25; stackers and feeders,
Hogs Market strong to 5c. high
er. Choice heavy shipping, C.92toirY
C.97V4; light butchers', 6.85 Jj
6.924; light mixed". 6.85 6.95;
choice light, 6.90 6.95; packing,
6.506.87'4; pigs, 4.506.80; bulk
of aalos, 6.85 6.90.
The Imperial Bank of Persia pos
sesses the sole privilege of Issuing
banknotes in Persia for 50 years to
Should a bill now before the Cali
fornia legislature pass It will be un
lawful for any California hunter to
kill more than 35 wild ducks in any
The School of Textiles Is an Insti
tution whose teaching has brought
the manufacture of cloth and all
branches attached to that Belgian
industry to a high s'tata of perfection.
A colored man up at Leavenworth
has broken the record for living un
der difficulties. A surgical operation
showed that he had lived a week
with a blood clot In his brain at large
as a man's hund. Kansas City Jour
nal. (Tonsul General Richard Guenther,
of Frankfort, advises that the State
government of Hamburg Is contem
plating zteiiBlvo .improvements for
the landing, storing and shipping of
fish at tho port of Cuxhaven in the
interest of the Uorn: an fishing lndus-trleo.
Wholesale Market.
Baltimore. Flour Dull and un
changed; receipts. 5,425 barrels;
exports, 20,443 barrels.
Wheat Dull; spot, contract, 77;
spot. No. 2 red Western, 79 M;
March, 77; April, 78; May, 79;
steamer No. 2 red. 73 ; receipts,
f,204 bushels; Southern on grad.,
73 77.
Corn Easier; spot, mixed, 494
49; white, 51?J514; March,
49 49; April, 50V450-:
May. 51051H; July, 52 bid;
steamer mixed, 48 48; receipts.
154,837 bushels; exports, 525,323
bushels; Southern white corn, 51
52; Southern yellow corn, 49
Oats Easier; No. 2 white. 49
50; No. 3 white, 48fr49; No.
2 mixed. 48 48; receipts, 5,084
bushels; exports. 110 bushelB.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western domes
tic, 73 74: choice, 78 bid; receipts,
2,251 bushelB.
Butter- Firm and lower; fancy
imitation, 26 27: fancy creamery,
33; fancy ladle, 22(1( 23; store-packed.
Eggs Firmer; 17.
Cheese Active and unchnnced;
large, lg; medium, 15 15;
small. 1515.
New York. Wheat Receipts. 24,-
000 bushels: exports. 26,100 bushels;
spot easy; No. 2 red, 83, elevator;
No. 2 red, 84, f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 Northern Duluth. 91. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 86,
f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 81.700 bushels;
exports. 68,596 bushels; spot market
easy; No. 2, 57, elevator, and 53,
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 54; Nn.
2 yellow. 53, f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts. 87.000 bushel;
exports, 1,250 bushels; spot markit
steady; mixed, 26(fr 3 2 pounds, 47;
natural white, 30 57 33 pounds. 49
51; clipped white, 36 -10
pounds, 50 53.
Cheese Firm, unchanged; re
ceipts, 811.
Eggs Easier; receipts. 27,901;
State Pennsylvania, and near by,
brown and mixed, extra. 18 19;
firsts to extra firsts, 17 18; Wes
tern, flrst3, 17 (official price.
17); Beconds, 17.
Potatoes Irish steady; Southern,
late crop, per barrel, 2.00 3.50.
Philadelphia. Wheat dull anl
lc. lower; contract grade, March,
77 78c. Corn steady and In fair
demand: March, 5050c. Oats
firm and in good demand; No. 2
white natural. 49 60c.
Butter steady and in fair demand;
extra Western creamery, official price, '
30 c; street price, 31; extra
nearby prints, 33.
Eggs steady and in fair demand;
nearby fresh and Western fresh, 18c.
at mark.
Personal Knowledgi
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of
this compctiUve age and when of ample character it places it fortunate
possessor b the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any lick., ol human enort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life nnd health
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is nn
ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal tslisfaction, because it is a remedy of
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component
Part and has won the valuable patronage of millions o( the Well Informed of tho
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians
and the W ell Inlormed ol the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixu of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy,
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of --Syrup of Figs and lo act its beneficial
effects, always note, when purchasing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
1 .1 11 r r. , r-
wncmcr you can tor vrup ot Mrs
or by the full name S
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
Uolor mure goaUabrlKtili raniiriuUtrcnlciralhuii any uilio- dye. Ono 10c. paekago i-oluronll nurra. Tlie dve In eolU wator DotUi- luan ttnr utiler do. You can
djroonjr garment wltnoiit tipping nporu Writs fur rreo uookijt-Uow to IJjo, Bleuoli ami Mix Colora, iHOMMJU JJlttlli CO., Luiunvtlfe, iUinuurl
Of all the places In the world
San Franrlsco the other day a man
bought three "gold bricks" for $850.
When he took them to the mint,
they told him they were of iron,
A man Is so prom of his utronir will
thnt he brag's about never eating a
thing he doesn't like.
FITS, St. VI tus' Dance : Norvons Dl seiiKes per
manentlycured bv Dr. Kline's tlreat rve
Restorer. f3 trial Ixittle nnd treatis'.- free.
Dr. H. H. Kline. Ld.,981 ArohBt, fhfla., Pa.
I,nts of men arc suspielous of others
because they know themselves. ,
Itch cured in 30 minutes bv Woolfnrd's
Banitary Totion; never fuila. SoM by Drug
ptn. Mail onlers promptly filled bv Dr.
E. DetchonMed.Co.,Cniwfordsville,Ind. $1.
Every hoy knows several men he
expects to whip when he Krows up.
I i . . i . f,,.. rj.l U..UI. i rri... - - rr
, ,., .. ..I, aaMwi i aw n mi m ieti
now; it regulates the liver and kidneys, I
overcomes constipation, purities the Mood
and nsdloatsjl disease. It is made wholly
of Herbs.
One of th" thing that go without
saylngr 1 spi-eeliless nmuzement.
To find
ni other crops, wrhe lor tlic "Former's tiuiitc
(Dougn war iii
i muth write to
93 Nassau Mreet New Vcrk
Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Hody
Nothing Helped Her Cuticura
Cures Her in Five Duys.
"After my granddaughter of about seven
year had been cured of the measles, she
wa attacked about a fortnight later by a
furious itching and painful eruption all
over her body, especially the upper part of
it, farming watery and bleeding sore, es
pecially under the arms, of considerable
size. She suffered a great deal and for
three week we nursed her every night,
using all the remedies we could think of.
Nothing would help. We tried the Cuti
curs Remedies and after twenty-four hour
wo noted coniderable improvement, and,
after uaing only one complete set of the
Cuticura Remedies, in five consecutive day
the little one, much to our joy, had been
entirely cured, and ha been well for a long
time. Mr. F. Ruefeuucht, R. F. D. 3, Hak
erafieid, Cal., June 25 and July 20, 1900."
The less grit r man has the easier
It Is for him to srrumble.
Choose Your Yields by Choosing Your Fertilizer
You'll pet a Timothy crop like that in the rit;ht
hand picture, if you choose a poor fertilizer. You'll
get a crop like thai at the left, even if the soil is poor,
provided you choose a fertilizer containing 8 of
ret itie hest resultH from irrow-inf e- , -.
S3.00 AND S3.5Q
Men's hOSl 5 to tUl.rtO. Hoys' Shoot, S:; to sU.&S, Women's
Shoes, 4 to )ii M Children's Mho, M.SS to i.(mi.
W. U lous;liu shoes nre recognized liy expui v judges of footwua
to be tho hest in style, tit and wear DPOUUCed In this country. Each
part of tho shoo mid overy detail of tho making is looked afier
aud watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
time or cost. If I could tako vnu into my largo factories at
Ilmcktnn, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Dom-laa
shoes aro made, you would thon understand why they hold thMr shape, lit bettei,
ivuni, milium oi Kleiner vuiun man any oilier 1IIUKOH.
km ?
; xr -TV-
It 'IT
w i
, ' - 1 '"mo l it i itui (i.tlUI ill. l. it'-.
lalas MUM nnil Mlif Is itiiii?4 on tli holtom. whlHi protrrti thr wrurer uKAln-t hlirli
sTairA 'V VZJrW; li':L'7" -very w tier...
Im imh , f. w, Brockton, Alus.
yur mm narnvu n vr iWfcI1 , ,a Jir;, rr,1Q1 our factor?
to utter for a tbird of a canton . w.. .1.:. r... ..... .TTi ... .F1.
m.ruai and guarantc Mfa dm.Terr. Vou art out nollU
UnoCaaUaltHlaatoity.a,qua.lCjaiidpr.u, We Are The Liraotl Umnut-rtw, it., ur sj
- 1 sassiBBSHi w u su aut; If Ul BS4
His. Dllllnf Vahlcfm S,tjl.orlUrnM. iiJior.ar7rr.;uirus; JjkA SSfUBSt
-n vim VBMM
waaf .u with
1'rtco oomplata, $M. 60,
Ukliarl Carriage & Hnrncss Mlg. Co.,
ukiiari, ijQtnauna,
f)r-sBt tlllnr
compute, $11, gfi.
' i ' "H s hi I - II . II
Tho lVIomilJ :lDARDolJTiSSQiriTt
ITS SOUTHEBN-f nTTfrnni. m
Different from other oil stoves. Superior because
of its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The
Wick Blue Flame 00 Cook-Stove
saves fuel expense and lessens the work. Produr-M
a strong working flame instantly. Flame alwavs
under immediate control. Gives quick results
without overheating the ki.tchen. Made in tiree
sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your
cfrcular a2eQCy for deaiptive
Jteyb Lamp
t 'J1" xlrt U?p ,or "U-round household use.
P$l,l b"l !hrouho d bMutifully nickeled.
U ah. V'"trUCte4; bIy sale! uoescelled
in light. Hiving power; ta ornament to ny room,
every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest ageucy.
With iC-imtfo illustratoU liuoklbt, giving
IIKKI use for Borax in the Home, Kttnn unit
nee fur fit'., and your ileulor'u numo. Ad
dreas Fuel tic Ommt Romx Co., New Yoili.
riATCUTQ " Tl,u wl4h ,o kn"w
IIAltnlO ''ATKNTsr Tou
r know about TIU DX.JI I -K .'
l'o you w. nil n, know ulxiut I KNHiiN - .' Do
ion wlh lo Snow about HAY ud UoUNl'V?
Iheii wrlio in W. i . Will., Aitomei -jii-Uw
N iry fiiblM. VmUi Iluliillns. Sit Indiiiu.i Av
.iiua. vthlngtin. D. C. 24 rrarsln Vi uOiln.
ion i, Buldlsrs nnd Sallon war
utlilsd to uaiialou on usu allar ibo reach 6i
It iwusiouer daaorta wtfs liu all b euilllad lo
I alf btt pontlou.
Rill I n up aa aasursd Income-we abow you
Bull-U how. MnXn rivni sum to jui a aar
al iiunic. fartlculaf frW. Aililrraa ;
ftie Bucaland Co 830 Brusd MISewarti, UJ,
A UVCU'l'UK IH Tills f Al t U IT iu. PAV
rt IS N U 14