The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 28, 1907, Image 7

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In any mrrtirnl romponntl nil much drpcncl? upon the manner In which
It U compounded ns upon the Ingredient nacd.
First, there miit he n due proportion of the Ingredients. Each drug
In the pharmacopeia has ltd arirrlnl net inn. To combine nny drag with other
drag that have slightly different action, the combination mart be made
with strict reference to the use for which the compound Is Intended. The
drags may be rt1 selected as to their enieacy, but the compound ENTIHB
JjV SPOILED IY THE PROrOHTlON In which they are combined. I
It takes years and years of experience to discover this proportion. Therel
Is no law of chemistry, of pharmacy, by which the exact balance of propor-j
tlon can be determined. EXPERIENCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE.
In compounding a catarrh remedy Dr. tlartman has had many year
experience. In the use of the various Ingredients which composed the ca
tarrh remedy, Pernna, he has learned, little by little, how to harmonize the
action of each Ingredient, how to combine them Into a stable compound, how
to arrange them Into such nice proportions as to blend the taste, tho oncra
atlon and the chemical peculiarities of each several Ingredient In order to
produce a pharmaceutical product beyond the criticism of doctors, pharma
cists or chemists.
BEIiVES. The compound must present a stability which Is not affected by changes
of temperature, not affected by exposure to the air, not affected by age. It
mast be so combined that It will remain just the same whether used In the
logging or mining ramps of the northwest or the coffee plantations of the
A complete list of the Ingredients of Peruna wonld not enable any drag
gist or physician to reproduce Peruna. It Is the skill and sagacity by which
these Ingredient are brought together that give Pernna much of Its pecu
liar claims as an efficacious cntnrrh remedy.
However much virtue each Ingredient of Peruna may possess, the vnluo
of tho compound depend largely upon the manner and proportion In whlrh
they are combined. The right ingredients, put together rightly, Is the only
way a medical compound can be made of real value
Some of the Things Done Daily in the
Wearing a calico wrapper and a
bag with armholes cut In It. stocking
loss and with the soles of both shoes
gono so that hor bare feet left bleed ing
tracks In tho snow, Mary Sche
mera, 16 years old, who declars she
fled from the homo of her step-pnr-ents,
on Remsen Street, Astoria, last
Christmas, on account of 111 treat
ment, was taken In custody by tho
Astoria police late Wednesday night.
Magistrate Smith, in thfs Long Uland
City Court, turned the girl over to
the care of the Gerry Society.
Ever since leaving her step-parents,
the girl told the police, she hnd
been sleeping In boxes and hallways
and subsisting on what food she could
pick up. Recently the only home
she had was in the hallway nt 49R
Eleventh Avenue, In the Stclnway
section of Long Island City.
From that retreat she was driven
lute on weanesnay nmni u n wur
less dog, whlrh, like herself, was
looking for Bhcltor from the cold
and rain.
Animal Hliisli.
Animals blush as girls do, but It
Is fear and not modesty that In their
case causes trie Inrush of blood.
Horses blush In their ears, espec
ially In the left ear. When a horse
Is frightened Its left ear will be
found very hot and swollen. This
is also true of rabbits.
Cows and all other cloven-footed
animals blush Just above the fetlock.
Dogs blush In their tails. When a
dog is frightened Its tall blushes so
that It hangs limp, .the dog having
absolutely no control over It.
Insects blast) In their nutennae.
Chicago Chronicle.
The grocers are handling Argo Red
Salmon because It takes no argument
to sell It, and the customers come
back for more.
Meyer Do you mean to tell me
you have not worn an overcoat all
Gyer That's what.
Meyer How do you avoid taking
Gyer Oh, I never have occasion
to ride In the street cars. Chicago
Words of Praise
For tho several Ingredients of which Dr.
Pierce's medicines are composed, as glvon
by leaders in all tho several schools of
medicine, should have far more weight
than any amount of non-professional tes
timonials. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscrip
tion has the badoe of iionesty on every
bottle-wrapper, in a full list of all Its ip
gredionts printed in plain English.
-If you are an invalid woman and suffer
from frequent headache, backache, gnaw
ing dial rffl in stomach, periodical pains,
dlsagredable, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
draggli'gVdown distress In lower abdomen
or pelves, perhaps dark spots or specks
danchrfg before tho eyes, faint spells and
khiddedsymjptomscaused by female weuk
ncss, otathof derangement of the feminine
organs. Wuf can not do better than take
Dr. Plerejjs Favorite Prescription.
The hspltal, surgeon's knife and opera
ting taujofmay be avoided by the timely
use of vFavorlte Prescription" in such
cases. Thereby the obnoxious examln-
tlons nnd Inrm I rea tropins pf tin- Kmflv
Silver Tips On Pocketknlves.
"You wouldn't think that the little
German silver tips on pocketknlves
are cast geparatejy, but such is the
case," said Clayton Davis. "Just
why they cannot be cut from one
large sheet of metal I do not know,
but every one of these tiny pieces of
metal Is poured separately, thou
sands of little molds being required
for the purpose in n large establish
ment. Scrap German silver Is melted
down and a little ulumlnum added,
the effect of which Is to releaso tho
oxides in the silver and make It run
more easily. The molds are poured
'Btandlng up,' and when the metal
hardens the casting Is pnred off to
give It the rounded shape In which
It Is used.
The American boy of the present
day Is not the whlttler his Yankee
nncestors are said to have been, but
there Is plenty of sale for pocket
knives, those of good quality being
bought extensively. The English
and Germans are ahead of ub In
making tool steel, and the result Is
that 'Made in Germany' Is seen on
the blades of knives that are made
In Connecticut and elsewhere." Mil
waukee Sentinel.
Argo Red Salmon Is not only pure
food, but It is the cheapest and mosl
nutritious food In the country.
physician can be avoided and a thorough
course ol snccesslul treatment carried out
'tIvIH;, privacy oi iie home "T-'uvnri
Prescription " if composed of uic very be
native medicinal roots known to medical
science for the cure of woman's peculiar
ailments, contains no alcohol and no
harmful or habit-forming drugs.
Do not expect too much from "Favorite
Prescription; " it will not perform mira
cles ; it will not disolve or cure tumors.
No medicine will. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health In most weak
nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to
women as any medicine can. It must be
given a fair chance by perseverance in Ita
use for a reasonable length of time.
YOU fj n't, afford . n,.,.epl a v(.ret nnij
tnmi as a substitute for tj-i Dmiaj M
jinriwn comuosltluu."
Sick women arc Invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond
ence Is guarded as sacredly secret and
womanly confidences are protected by
professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best
laxative and regulator of tho bowels.
Thoy invigorate stomach, .liver and
bowels. One a laxative ; two or throe a
cathartic. Easy to tako as candy.
Matrimony Is a kind of dynamite
used to explode tin- theories of bachelors.
Brnki up COLDS
in e to 11 nous.
Trul BoiUt 10c. Ai Dntfm
old Cannon Can't Do Broken.
A good story is being told at the
Mare Island Navy Yard concerning
a San Francisco contractor, who
bought all the old obsolete cannon
which were sold at the local yard
some time ago. The cannon were
all of the smooth bore kind, and In
order that they might be easily
handled for shipment to the city all
sorts of schemes were tried In an
endeavor to break them with dyna
mite and blasting powder, but they
were unsuccessful.
An o'ectrlc drill machine was even
set up at the yard and the cannon
were drilled full of holes, in order
to weaken them for breaking open
with wedges, but this was also unsuc
cessful. The cannon were then taken
away and the last heard of them they
were corralled in the hills near Point
Richmond, where an effort was being
made to bre&k them open with dyna
mite again.
The cannon which proved to be
so strong were among the armament
of the war craft which sailed the seas
In 1812. San Francisco Chronicle.
"The Real Trouble."
According to testimony In the
West Side Cotirt, 7 2-year-old "Dan"
Noble became so flustered while pop
Blag the question to a pretty Widow
that afterward he didn't know
whether he had offered her un en
gagement ring or a black-and-tan
pup. Thursday he had Mrs. Laura
Thayor before Magistrate Breon on
the charge of withholding his blood
ed dog. He gave it to DM when be
was wooing," pouted the widow.
"O-ho, so you made love to her?"
chipped In the magistrate. "I did,"
confessed Mr. Noble, bashfully.
"Don't blush, sir," ordered the
court. "Did you present this lady
with the dos while in the throes of
a proposal?" "I think 1 Just gave
It to her to mind." "Did you think
I run a dog'H bonrdlng-houso?"
stormed the widow, with asperity.
Noble said he gave Mrs. Thayor
many things while Cupid held him
transfixed. He enumerated: "Flow-ei-B,
theatre tickets, victuals" "He
ate 'em half himself," broke In the
widow. Mr. Noble took a new tack
at that. "The real trouble," ho
said, "was her teeth." "Cut tho
teeth out," admonished the Court,
slanglly. But Mr. Noble would not
be put off. "I ordered her teeth fix
ed,'' he pursued. "That was when 1
loved her. Afterward 1 countermand
ed the order nnd she got mad and
kept the dog." "Case adjourned,"
said the magistrate. "We'll try It
again whon I feel more rested."
Weekly Review of Trade and Latest
Market Reports.
R. G. Dun A CoVa Weekly Review
of Trade says:
Spring trade Is making a most
satisfactory comparison with the vol
ume at this tlmo Inst year, except
In a few sertlons where the weather
Is still unfnvornble, and mercantile
collections Improve steadily, despite
the high money market. Loading
industries have orders covering pro
duction well In to the future, es
pecially cotton factories and steel
mills, while the output of pig Iron
when the month opened was close to
the largest on record. High prices
In the footwear Industry have check
ed placing contracts for fall shoes
at New England fnctorles, some de- i
cllne In prices of hides nnd leather
encouraging buyers to delay order-
lng the finished product, but most
mills nre still busy on spring goods. I
Prices are well maintained In all
sections of the iron and steel In
dustry, premiums being frequently
offered for prompt delivery, but or
ders are seldom accepted on these
terms, because of the oversold con
dition of mills and furnaces. Pig
iron Is notably active at Birming
ham, large contracts having been
placed this month covering deliveries
up to the Inst quarter. There is a
nominal difference of about $4 per
ton between spot and third-quarter
business, h"t scarcely any sales are
made at the higher figure, because
little Iron is available for prompt
Ask your grocer for Argo Red Sal
mon, and do not accept r.ny substi
tute. There Is no finer Salmon
Muy Be Another LeXOW Inquiry.
If the police inspectors of New
York City should succeed In defeat
ing the Bingham police bill they will
probably find that they have run
their heads Into a noose. It may
mean another Lexow investigation of
the city. On last Monday night there
was introduced by Senntor Page a
bill that probably escaped the at
tention of the Inspectors. The rea
son of that probably was because the
bill was only In the interest of char
ter revision, but If the Inspectors
read that bill they Will find that It
is of such a nature that the Inspec
tors can be placed on the stand and
catechised. Tills bill has the en
dorsement of Governor Hughes. The
bill provides that the commission,
which is to be appointed by the Gov
ernor and be composed of nine mem
bers, shall have nil the powers of a
legislative committee. B. this means
they can go into the workings of tho
Police Department.
Argo Red Salmon is caught In Ber
ing Sea among the icebergs. That ll
why the flesh Is so firm and the flavoi
so delicious.
A hoping ttisnconlul to a (alien of hot water will
thoroughly claims rJlttita, plataa, cupi. airthinwaia
cutltnr arui kltchan utomlli tiom dirt n4 iraaaa, laav
lng nalthar taite nor amall.
All dealers. Kamr,ile Borax, Souvenir Plotura U
10 color and booklet Sc. ami dealer's name.
Mica Axle Grease
Best lubricant for axles in tha
world loDg wearing and very ad
hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like s
light one. Saves half the wear ou
wagon and team, and increase the
earning capacity of your outfit
Ask your dealer for fiica Axlt
Call For A Repetition.
The little village could not boast
of having many entertainments, und
a concert was an event which was
looked forward to with delight by
the Inhabitants. It was at one of
these "muslral feasts" that a strang
er sang with "great feeling" "The
Village Blacksmith."
In response to a vociferous encore,
the singer was about to. start "Rock
ed In The Cradle Of The Deep,"
when the chairman tugged his coat
"Better ting the owd 'un over
again, mister," he whispered. "I
'appen to be the chap you've been
singing about tho village black
smith and I reckon it'd only be
fair to me if you was to sing it all
over again and pop in another verse
Hayln' as 'ow I let out bicycles."
From Tit-Bits.
Died In A Tunnel Air Pump.
Evan Colllster, foreman of a gang
In shaft No. of the Belmont tunnel,
ventured too close to the intake of
a big suction pump near the tunnel
entrance at Forty-seco:id Street and
the East River. The pump was
pounding away at Its job of keeping
an air pressure of 35 pounds to tho
square Inch on the submarine work
ers, and Colllster, losing his balance,
was sucked In. The pump was stop
ped for a moment and Colllster was
pulled out, dead. Dr. McCourt, the
iiinnel physician, found that the air
had been sucked from the lungs and
the lungs had collapsed, admitting
a rush of blood.
Joke Cost Him t wo Toe Tips.
Nathan Lessor, n subway express
conductor, is minus the tips of two
toes as the result of a prank some
one played with the bellrope signal.
As Cesser's train was pulling out of
the G.'and Central Station and bad
gone about 25 feet some one pulled
the bell and the train came to a
quick stop. The cars were crowded.
Lesser stood with a foot ou each
, platform of two cars. In tho Jolt
resulting from the sudden stop hie
right foot got caught between the
1 platforms. The tips of the first and
i second toes were nipped off and the
third toe was badly crushed.
Wholesale Markets.
nnltlmore. Flour Dull and tin.
changed; receipts, 5,425 barrels;
exports, 20,44.'! barrels.
Wheat Dull; spot, contract, 77;
spot, No. 2 red Western, 79 Vi ;
March, 77; April, 7S; May, 79;
steamer No. 2 red. TSVfc; receipts,
5,204 bushels; Southern on grade,
I "3Afi 77.
Corn Easier; spot, mixed, 40
I f?(49; white. 51 (ft 511; March,
49fi 497g; April. 0HO0!
May, 51 $(51; July, 52 Vi bid;
steamer mixed. 48ff48Vs; receipts,
154.S37 bushels; exports, 525,323
bushels; Southern white corn, 51 (ft)
52 Vi; Southern yellow corn, 49
Outs Easier; No. 2 white, 49 Vi
60; No. 3 white, 48Vi(?i49; No.
2 mixed, 48(3 4XVi: receipts. 5,084
bushels; exports, 110 bushels.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western domes
tic, 73 $i 74; choice, 78 bid; receipts,
2,251 bushels.
Butter Firm and lower: fancy
Imitation, 26(?t 27; fancy creamery.
33; fancy lndle, 22Q23; store-paok-d,
17 19.
Eggs Firmer; 17.
Cheese Active and unehnncod:
large, 15; medium, 15 U (" 15 'i ;
Wall, 15V4Cql5Vi. (
New York. Wheat Receipts, 24,-
000 bushels; exports, 26,100 bushels;
spot easy; No. 2 red, 83 Vi. elevator;
No. 2 red, 84 Vi. f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 Northern Duluth, 91 , f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, S6?i.
f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 81,700 bushels;
sxports. G8,59fi bushels; spot market
?asy; No. 2, 57 V4. elevator, and 53 Vi,
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 54; No.
2 yellow, 53 Vi, f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts, N7.000 bushels;
sxports, 1,250 bushels; spot market
itcady; mixed, -'fifft 32 pounds, 47 Vi;
natural white, 80081 pounds, 49Vi
(Tt51Vi; clipped white, 36 40
pounds, 50 Vi (" 53.
Cheese Firm, unchanged; re
ceipts, 811.
Eggs - Easier; receipts, 27,901;
State Pennsylvania, and near by,
brown and mixed, extra, 18Vi5il9;
firsts to extra firsts, 17Vi fl 18; Wes
tern, firsts, 17 Vi (official price,
17Vi); seconds, 17V.
Potatoes Irish steady; Southern,
late crop, per barrel, 2.00 3.50.
Philadelphia. Wheat dull an
M Q lc. lower; contract grade. March,
77 Vi ft 78c. Corn Bteady and In fair
demand; March, 50 50 Vic. Oats
firm and in good demand; No. 2
white natural, 49Vi&50c.
Butter steady and In fair demand;
?xtrn Western creamery, official price.
30 Vic.; street price, 3 1 Vi ; extra
nearby prints, 33.
Eggs steady and In fair demand;
nearby fresh and Western fresh, lbc.
at mark.
A Friendly Tip.
"Can I get off tomorrow?"
"You've been off a good deal late
ly." "I want to get my eyes examined."
"Well, got a good Job done. You'll
be looking for work after the first."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Etatb of Ohio, Citv or Toledo, i
Lucas Couwtv, f
FnAMC J. Chercy makes oath thnt he ia
senior partner of the firm of F. J.Ciikkkt
Co.. doing buaineaa in the City of Toledo.
County and State nforesaid, and thnt said
firm will pay tlieaum of nr. nuNDREti Dot.
I. a its for each and every case of catahkii
that cannot be cured by the uae of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Jrajik J. Chekev.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D.,
1886. A. W. Uleasox.
seal.) Notary Public.
Hall 'a Catarrh Cure ia taken internally , and
acts directly on the blood and mucous eur
face of the sratem. end for teatimonials,
free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
Sold by nil Druggists, 79c.
Hall's Family Puis are the beat.
The Polite Km,
"How Were those eggs I left for
you last week, ma'am?'' asked the
honest agriculturist.
"Every one of them was rotten!"
Bhe replied vigorously.
"I am sorry," he said; then Iiowr
low and Inquires deferentially. "But
wore they perfertly satisfactory oth
erwise?" Judge.
1 FITS.St. Vltua'DanretNervnus Diseases ner-
I mnnentlycured by Dr. Kline's (irent Nerve
i Restorer. 3 trlril bottle nnd trentis" free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,081 ArchStPkiia., Pa.
Everything comes to the man who
pnys Hpot cash.
Terrible Itching Prevented Sleep
HundH, Arms, nnd Logs Affected
Cured In l Days by Cuticunt.
"I had ecr.emn nearly lifteen years. The
affected parts were my hands, nrms and
lega. They were the Worst in the winter
time and were always itchy, and I could
not keep from cratohin them. 1 had to
keep both hands bandaged all the time,
and at night 1 would hnve to scratch
through the bandages as t lie itcainu was
so severe, and ut times I would huvc to
tear everything oft' my handa to scratch
the skin. 1 could not rest or sleep
from tho same physical disturbances,
nm! the nature of their duties, in
uutny cases, quickly drift them Into
the horrors of nil kinds of female
complaints, organic troubles, ulcera
tion, falling and displacements, or
perhaps irregularity or suppression
causing hackaehe, nervousness, Ir
ritability, and sleeplessness.
Women everywhere should re
member that the mrdleine that holds
the record for the largest number of
actual cures of female ills is
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
made from simple native roots end herbs. For more than thirty years
It has been helping women to be strong, regulating the functions per
fectly and overcoming pain. It has also proved itself invaluable in pre
paring for child birth and the Change of Life.
Mrs. A. M. llHgermnnn, of Bay Shore. L. I . frrites : Dear Mrs.
Pinkbaiti: "I suffered from a displacement, exccsalve and painful
functions so that I had to He down or sit still most of the time.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman so
that I nm able to attend to my duties. 1 wisli every suffering woman
would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and seo whut relief
it will gWe. ;hem."
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female Illness arc Invited to write
Mrs. Pinkbara at Lynn. Mass for udvioo She is the Mrs Pinltham who
has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years, and before thnt she assisted her mothor-ln law Lydia E. I'ink
num in advising. Therefore she is especially well qualified to guide
sick women nscle to licnlth.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES mSPworld
Men's Shoes, M to ttl.fto. Hnya' Mimes, .1 to ! .. W "linns
HI...... MA t HI JIA Ml-.e. A t'tillUrenV lliten. ;.'::. Ill Ml ,IHt.
W I. DiiiiirbLS shoos are tei'intiuzed bv exuert judges of footwear
to bo the best in style, rlt ami wear prouuceit in this country. MC
part of tho shoo anil every detail ot mo niaKiiig is iookcu aner
and watchoil over by skilled bhocmakcrs, without regard to
limn or cost. If I could tako vou into mv larco factories ntl
llnwLl.m M',su n,nl .lintr vtn linw cnrefllllv V. L. DmaiaBl
slioes are made, you Would then understand why they hold th lr shape, tit MM
wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makea.
II . .. milHIH. 'dill'' "il'l 'Hi '' I- m uuj.r.i on i "in. ii ,.".r. ..
,i,c,'. iiillnti-mirshOP.. Tllkr !. Ill UK-. S'.lrt I'T llie W W ili-sm CVf rywlicc'.
Fail Color r.vtlfttutrdrxcluitrtiv- ' imH7 maiint jrt
AaV - .4 -iSs
IV. I.. IMII l.l. ts. Hi lit Muss.
several phyairians treat me, but they could
not give me a permanent cure, nor even
could they Btop the itching. After using
the Cuticura Soap, one box Cutioura Oint
ment and two bottles Cuticura Resolvent
for about six doys the itching had censed,
and now the aorea have disappeared, and
1 never felt better in my life than I do
now. Edwara Worell, Hand 30th, U. S.
Infantry, Fort Crook, Nebroska."
Indian Methods.
The preat medicine man of the
Creek Indians was nsked by a United
I had i States commission (of eminent physl
f'lothes do nnt
the chorus Ktrl.
make tho man or
A Natural Remedy -Oarflsk) Tea! It is
made of simple Herbs. Take it for constipa
tion, indigestion, sick-headache; it regu
lates the liver, purities the blood, brings
Good Health.
CuttM). "Can you cure cancer? We
have a patient who has been dying
for seventeen years, nnd we ate un
able to do anythinp for him." The
aged redman called for a hot iron,
and with It burned a big hole In the
leg of the man where the cancer
was gnawing. The physicians were
astounded. He explained briefly:
"Indian no cure cancer; Indian easy
cure burn!" Therefore burn, burn,
burn when a dog or snake bites you.
N. Y. Press.
Ast ronomy's I nt r iciicies.
Miss Dorothea Klumpke. the astro
nomer, was talking about the dlfllcul
tles and intricacies that astronomy
presents to the lny mind.
"For instance," she said, smiling,
"there Is tho well-known case of the
meteorite that fell on a Vermont
farm in 1R90.
"It wna a valuable meteorite,
the landlord nt once stepped up
rlnlmed It. 'All minerals and
tals on the land belong to me,
said. 'That's In the lease.'
"But tho tenant demurred. 'This
meteorite,' he said, "wasn't on the !
farm, you must remember, when the
lease was drawn up.'
"The landlord perceived the jus
tlce of that claim. He thought a i
moment. Then he said, decisively, 1
'I'clalm her as flying game.1
"But the tenant was ready for
him. 'She's got neither wings nor
feathers,' he said. 'Therefore, as
ground game, she's mine.'
"They continued their argument,
and in the heat of it a revenue officer, !
arriving with a truck, proceeded to I
put the meteorite uboard. 'I claim
her for the government,' he said,
'at on article introduced into the
DOUntry without payment of duty.' " !
Boston Budget.
fiSSSa. mask.
Penetrates to the Spot
Right on the dot.
Of Skin Tortured
DisCgured Babies
Price 23c and Sue
Warm Baths With
Bible Contains 773.746 Words.
The Bible contains 3,666,480 let
ters, 773,746 words, 31,173 Verses,
1,189 chapters and 66 books. The
word "and" occurs 46,277 times.
The word "Lord" occurs 1,855 times.
The word "reverend" occurs but
once, which is in the eight verse of
the One Hundreds and Eleventh
PBalm. The middle verse Is the
eighth verse of the One Hundredth
and Eighteenth Psalm. The twenty
first verse of the seventh chapter ol
Ezra contains all the letters of the
aluhabet except the letter "J." The
longest verse Is the ninth verse ol
the eighth chapter of Esther. The
shortest verse is the thirty-fifth verse
of the eleventh chapter of St. John.
There are no words or names ot
more than tlx syllables.
LaWdHBOal Liability $10.1.
Judge Adunis, in the Admiralty
Branch of the United States District
Court, issued an order limiting the
liability of the Joy Steamship Com
pany for the sinking of the steamer
; Larchmont recently, In which 160
HveB were lost, to 1108.11. In the
Slocum disaster more than u thou
sand people perished, ami the liabili
ty of the Company owning the vessel
wus fixed at $8000, the umount thnt
tho hulk sold for. Under a Federal
statute of 1851 tho liability of a
steamship company is limited to tho
value of the wreck.
Were it Impomilble to apeak anything-
but tho trutli we would huve
few friends.
Teople appreciate (lie delicate taate and
natural aotion of fWrield Tea.the mild herb
laxative Beat for liver kidneya and Iniwcla.
Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug
A. G. Wise, secretary of the St.
Helena committee in London, states
that since the withdrawal of the
troops, which has reduced the Island
to a state of bankruptcy, the only
occupation of the inhabitants of St.
Helena is catching rats. The gov
ernment pays two cents for each of
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
alluys paiu.curca wind colic, iiooa bottlo
ll;w the henpecked man does crow
when lie I away from home! "
H. H. Qaisn's Bona, of Atlanta, Ga un
Ibe only successful Dropsy Hpeolalista in the
world, kee ttielr libersl offer iu advertlaa
ii. em In another column ol this paper.
Many A will who hua mischief in her
eye has goodness In her heart.
Ttch eurcd in SO minute by Woolford'i
Sanitary Lotion ; never faila. Sold by Urug
a its. Mail orders promptly t!liHl by Br..
E. Detchon Med.Co.Ci-awfordsville.Iud 11.
When the lid Is on tight some men
have an excuse for being aobir.
Robert Beattie has been elected
a director of tho Guarantee Trust at
Safe Deposit Company, to succeed Jay
Cooke, Jr., who resigned.
The Woman's Enfranchisement Bill
was practically killed In the British
House of Commons for the present
session. The gallery of the House
was crowded with women. A peti
tion signed by 21,000 women protest
ing against suffrage lo their sex was
A, French contractor of Snloiii?
Mass., sleeps with his dynamite in
bit bed to keep it from freotlng.
Live Mock.
New York. Beeves Feeling dull;
dressed beef slow at 7 ((( 9c. per
pound. Exports to-morrow, 100 cat
tle. CalveB receipts, 32 4; veals
steady to strong; common to good
veals, 6.000 8.50; choice and Har
lem veals, 9.00; no buttermilks or
barnyard calves offered i d reeled
calves steady; city dressed veals,
Si 13 Vic. per pound; country dress
ed veals, 8 4J12c.
Sheep And Lambs - Sheep nomi
nal: lambs steady; medium to prime
lambs, 7.50I&8.25.
Hogs Market about steady; good
light State hogs, 7.60.
Chicago. Cattle Market steady
to strong. Plain to best steers, 4.25
0 6.85; heifers, 2.65 0 5.25; cows,
3. 2 f.1t T..00; bulls, 3.25 04.60; calves,
2. fill ai T.2." ; Blockers and feeders,
2.50 5.25.
'..cgs Market strong to 5c. high
er. Choice heavy shipping, 6.92 Vi 0
6.97 Hi llRht butchers', 6.85 01
6.92 Vi; light mixed, 6.85 0 6.96;
choice light, 6.90 0 6.95; packing,
6.5O06.87 Vi ; pigs, 4.500 6.80; bulk
of sales, 6.85 0 6.90.
Sheep Market steady. Sheep
5.250 6.25; lambs, 7.000 8.00.
Handing Her Taffy.
The beautiful girl was In a pet.
"Now," she exclaimed Impetuously,
"you Bee I can stamp my foot!"
But the young man only smiled.
This made her furious.
"There," she snapped, bringing
her dainty heel down on the Blde
walk, "I'll stamp It again!"
"Oh, you are too extravugant."
"Yes. Anything as small as your
foot requires only one stamp."
And then Bhe smiled and said ho
was clever enough to write jokes for
a inlnlstrel show Chicago News.
Good Humor lieturns With Change to
Proper Food.
Fifteen hundred longshoremen nave
takon the placea o( the strlkere at
The warrant for a town meeting
at Cltrcmont, N. H., is over five feet
lone and contains 4 1 articles.
In the Maharajah's paluce at Dunn,
India, Is a 10x16 carpet so Inter--speised
with pearls and diamonds
that it Is said to be valued at more
than $1,000,000.
Lord Kitchener's father, who was
a Spartan parent, was also a soldier;
but in Ireland he turned his atten
tion to breedlug pigs as a source of
Writing from Athens Consul Gen
eral George Horton says that great
excitement exists among the millers
of Greece owi the rapid Increase in
importation of foreign flour.
United States capital is coning
Into Canada in huge sums, $20,
1)00,000 of It having been Invested
In fa-ms, factories, forests, mills
.ol mines within the past 10 years.
It Is stated that J. l'lerpont Mor
gan has been able to purchase seven
valuable Van Dyck pulutiugs from
the family ot the Marquta of Cat
taneo, of Italy. The other seven
the poaeesaed have been bought by
the Berlin Museum.
"For many years 1 was a constant 1
sufferer from iudig23lion, and ner- j
vousnesa amounting ulmost to pros
(ration," writes a Montana man.
"My blood was impoverished, the '
vision was blurred and weak, with
moving Bpots before my eye3. This
wee a ateady daily condition. I grew
m-veruperea, una eventually got so
nervous I could not keep my booka
poated, nor handle accounts satisfac
torily. I can't describe my auffer
lngs. "Nothlug I ato agreed with me, till
one day, I happened to notice Grape
Nuts in a grocery htm , and bought
a package, out ot curioalty to know
what it waa.
"I liked tho food from the very
firat, oating it with cream, and now
I buy it by the caso and use it dally.
I soon found that Grape-Nuts food
waa aupplylng brain and nerve force
aa nothing In the drug line over had
done or could do.
"It waan't long before I was ro
atored to health, comtort and huppl
neae. Through the uae of Grape-Nuts
food my dlgeatlon has been reetored,
my nervea are ateady once more, ray
eyealgbt ia good again, my mental
facultlea are clear and acute, and I
have become ao good-natured that
my friends are truly astonished ut
the change. I feel younger and bet
ter than 1 have tor 20 years. No
amount of money would Induce me to
aurrender what I have gained through
the uae of Grape-Nuta food." Namo
jiven by Poatum Co., Battle Creek,
Mich. "There'e a reaaon." Read the
little book, "The Road to Wellvllle,"
In pkgs.
Poor Paint is Expensive
If one is rich enough to repaint his
buililini'.i every year for t!ie pleasure
ol having a change of color scheme,
the quality of the paint used may rut
little limine. But if it is desirable to
cut the painting bills down to the least
amount possiblcicr year, it is of the
utmost importance that the paint lie
made of Pure White Lead and the
best of I.inteed Oil. There are imita
tions in the form of alleged White
Lead, and there are substitutes iu the
form of ready-prepared paints.
We guarantee our White Lead to I
absolutely pure, and the Dutch Boy
on the side of every keg is your safe
guard. Look . ir
"A Talk on Paint."
cite, vttlualiln Infor
fniuti'ii Ol Mm iiftlnt
suhjrvl, Hetitlrao
upon I uqui'.l
l " ':' of tt 1 i ir
10 Cll, it ncuival you r
Maw York. Boatoa, HuBiilo. Oliwel.nd.
Cincinnati. I In . ,,. Hi. l. u. 1 ' Ii f 1 iul.
pbl Joan T. I ... .1 Bro. Com rituoursh
Si. ... I . .. I 4 OU Oo.l
And gentle anointings with
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure,
afford instant relief, permit
rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy cure of torturing, dis
figuring eczemas, rashes,
itchings, and irritations of
infants and children when all
else fails. Guaranteed abso
lutely pure, and may be used
from the hour of birth.
AoA throuffhaut tho wur! 1. In d-'U" London. 87
Cii.-irtrrliouw Hi.: I'arli. d Hun dc la Palx: Austra
lift. H. i A Co., Hydnpy: IwI.a, D. K. Tanl. (')
cu'U; China. Hong Kong f)ni Co.; Japan, II ;ruy.
Lid.. Toklo; Ruwift. Fcrrfm xptrku). M-iiroir;
South AfMCft. Innnon. Ltd . .'ipc 'l imn, eto : I iS.A
fuller Dntfr A Cham. Cwrp . Sil I'rona,. It stun.
Mi'Mirire. Cuticutft buiA OB Cru vt uic Skin.
To convince nny
woman that I'ai.
tine hi i-. mi, v. ill
Improvo Ii, r nedt
i nnd 'i all wo claim
'fur I I U ...Ill
nd her Ira n i.i,,.a m.I
hox of Paulino with book of tnstiuc
tlntis and g' nulne testimonials. Send
your name and address on a imsiai card
and licnls
ni u c o u s
in -
K'uiiona, nuin ii nuiai eauirrli, uclvlo
catarrh nnd inflainnmiion caused bv fcuii
iiiiio ills ; soro eyes sore throat and
mouth, hy direct lo.-a treatment, lis cur
ative pour over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate rIIU.
Thousands of women are u.shm and rer
omne ndlng It every day. CM "cents at
.. i ;imsi rnymnll. Kcmembcr. however
ll. i'AJLTON CO., Jlo.tou, Mass.
II ill 1 1 mil ip wna isasa an
" j
1 1 IwU
The Uppermost Stand
ard of Highest Quality
taapaetsrl by tht Units (ittM (svaisiasat
You Feel Well
when your utoinach takes proper
care of the food you eat.
Parsons' Pills
aid digestion, gently expel all refuse'
mutter Irom me system make new
nch blood and insure health.
Tut up in glass vials.
Price 25 Cents. At all dealers.
I. S. lORaSOS a CO. lotion, Matt.
&V 1 J S O I ,1,,. r.ini ...'. .....
'..u, .1 MM. II .-k r ,,..n.. ..mI. I. ul U' I
tTreo. Ur. H. H. UHSS'S SUSS, St , AlU-U, M.
. DVKUTI-.K IN llll.i I'AfkK
H N li ia
' I'ii inu with ol
1H1 mi" wl n tn know about
l' i hi ynu witu 10
ftU'HI' I 1 1 , 1 1 1. MAlit r
ini with . a ' I'l Ni-IONMT lk
ulh in kim" nunii ta ami wium) r
iti.'ii wrl a lo w .Will-. i.mni.U
'Nutarv IMbll' I Wf t Hulitln( tUit IndlunuAv-
eu u'lii'.i"' 1. v araln wniiiu-
n ni Union Hotdleia and Bailor. war ItatlA
ntlitad to petition n ag.- al er Un reii it
i di tens U.i aha way La un lnxl o
l.uii hla oauiloa.