The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 14, 1907, Image 5

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Wl'tl and General Interest, (latherca
i . . M.nne or Clipped from out
VjX County Superintendent
f!lem Cheanut of Hustontown,
w is in town Tuesday.
Mrs. T. VV. Walker of .Vercers
tiurg, is visiting nor parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Sloan, of this
Repairing of Watches, Clocks
Jewelry and Spectacles at the
Trwin Store.
John S. Harris has at his shop
a set of good solid rubber trimm
ed second hand single harness
that can be bought at a bargain.
Up to and including March 23,
1!H7, Harry E Hustoi! at Saltilb,
will pay TiO.", per bu. trade or cash
fo potatoes.
RbbMUUB want you to see their
Clothing for Men, Boys, and
Youths. New Spring sti los.
L. H. Booty, a promiuent citi
zen of Rupert, Pa., spent a fow
Jays last week with his friends,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stetler, near
Mr. Henry Shue of the Exten
sion, was otT duty yesterday on
account of a severe cold. Mr.
Shue is a good stone mason, and
Ins the option ou several jobs.
Come in and look our assort
mont of Watches over. Our pric
cs will please you. The Irwin
Tlios. P. Gariand, ol Belfast
townabip, has entered the politi
cal lit:ld as a candidate for the
nomination for the office of Coun
ty Treasurer.
Rkiknkks havo a nice line of
Dress Stuffs for Spring. See
Hon. Peter Morton is attending
the Road Makers' National Con
gross, which convenes at the Car
negie Hall, Pittsburg, the 12th,
18th and 14th mat., as a delegate
froija this State.
Carpets and Wall Paper -nice
new, bright stock -at Rkisnkks.
Hull and Bunder are telling
you a lot of store news in their
Court week advertisement found
elsewhere in this paper.
Up to and including March 2;,
in '7, Harry B. Huston at Saltillo,
will pay 50c per bu. trade or cash
for potatoes.
"Pr even tics" will promptly
chuck a cold or Grippe when tak
eu early or at the "sneeze stage."
Preventics cure seated colds as
well. Preven us are little candy
cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you
samples aud a book on Colds tree
if you will write him. Toe sam
pies prove their merit. Check
early colds with Preventics and
stop pneumonia. Sold in "c and
2")c boxes by Dickson's drug
Thomas, son of John M. Car
haugh. was cutting wood for Den
nis Everts a fow days ago. In at
tempting to cut a sapling which
stood in his way, the uxe glanced
aud gave Thomas an ugly gash in
the foot. He managed to walk
home nearly a mile distant, aud
has not walked siuce. He is,
however, getting along nicely,
and the wound, which is more
than two inches in length, is be
ginning to heal.
Captain Dotterman, of the Sal
vation Army, is visiting friends
in this vicinity.
General Peddin, whiie going to
church in the company of a small
boy the other night, got lost, and
by the tune he got the right road
again aud got to the church, the
doxologv had been sung.
The big meeting at the Anti
och church has closed.
Mrs. Amanda Peck, who had
beon very ill, is now convalescing.
Whatever eke Whip? Cnrr. mar
bo hhf Ol ju:t now, no one can
complain of the. scarcity of
grippe Nearly evprytiody in the
Cove has it. Among those who
have it in its worst form are, Mr.
and Mrs, Aaron Lay ton, Mrs. Si
mon Garland and Jilas Holly.
Mrs. Esther Gay ton has remov
ed to her new home at Flickers-
Squire Diehl tied Mrs. Eliza
beth Vanclief and Simon MoHott
together last Wednesday evening
with the strong cord of holy matrimony.
is the touch ol Buckler's Arnica
Sal 'e. It's the happiest combi
nation of Arnica flowers and heal
ing balsams ever compounded.
No matter how old the soro or
ulcer is. this Salve will cure it.
For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds
or piles, its an absolute euro.
Juuranteed by Trout's drug
store. 25:.
Announcements for the M. E. Ch irch lor
The Week Beginning March 17, 1907.
McConnellsburg. Sabbath
school. 080 a. m.; preaching ser
vice, 10:80 a. m., subject, Sancti
tication; Jr. Epworth L ague 2 p.
in ; Sr. Epworth Geague, 8:15 p.
m.; last preaching service for
this conforonce year, 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Wednnesday
evening 7 o'clock.
Knobsvillo. Sabbath School,
9:30 a. m.; class meeting, 10:30 a.
m.: prayer and praise service, 7
p. m. Pra-6r meeting Wednes
day evening 7 o'clock.
Ft. Littleton. Sabbath school,
9 a. m.; class meeting, 10:30 a. m.,
Epworth League, 7 p. m
The pastor will leave for Con
ference Monday, March IS Ty
rone, Pa John Con ley Grimes,
Letter to C. J. Brewer.
McConneilsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir : A man fed his hens
half meal and half sawdust; he
thought they wouldn't know the
difference. He concluded they
did when the eggs hatched wood
peckers. Another man painted his house
with a paint that was made of
half paint substitutes. He didn't
kuow the -difference not till he
paid the painter.
He had 20 gallons to pay for, 20
instead of 10. Got fooled 12. 50
on the paint.
He had 20 days' wagos to pay
for, 20 instead of ten. Fooled
$30 in wages.
He got a poor job besides. He
paid too much for his eggs, and
they hatched woodpeckers.
Yours truly,
13 F. W. DicVok & Co.
P. S. F. C Bare, Fort Little
ton, anc1 J. A. Boyd, Merce s
burg, sell our paint.
"In 1897 I had a stomach dis
ease. Somo physicians said Dys
pepsia, some Consumption. One
said I would not live until Spring.
For four years I existed on boiled
milk, soda biscuits, and doctors'
prescriptions. 1 could not digest
anything I ate; then I picked up
one of your Almanacs and it hap
pened to be my life-saver. I
bought a fifty-cent bottle of KO
DOL and the benefit I received
from that bottle all the gold in
Georgia could not buy. In two
months I went oack to my work,
as a machinist, aud in three
months I was well and hearty.
May you live lone and prosper."
C.N. Cornoll, Roding.Ga , (906.
The alnve is only a sample of the
great good that is done every
where by Kodol For Dyspepsia.
It is sold here by Trout's drug
For weak kidneys and lame
back use DoWitt'a Kidney and
Bladder Pills. Best for lumbago,
rheumatism, oladder aud other
troubles arising from bad blood.
They cleanse the Kidneys and
clear the system. Indorsed and
sold by Trout's drug store.
A landslide occurred at Little
Orleans ou the Cumberland ex
tension of the W. M. R. R. Sun
day evening. About 100 tons of
dirt aud rock coming down.
Traffic was delayed a couple
Whooping cough has the mid
dle of the road in this neighbor
hood just now. Don't become
impatient It's a six-weeks dis
ease two weoks coming, two to
stay, and two to get away.
, The first of April is nearly
here, and will bo marked by the
usual number of changes of resi
dence. Samuel Strait will move
into the house now occupied by
Charlie Mann, and Mr. Mann
will go into the at re house at
Mr. Hossler's.
Ned Mellott has finished the
contract of sawing for Mr. Strait
and has moved his mill to John
Kline's to cut a lot of timber.
Ned is a hustler.
We had a heavy fall of anow
last Sunday.
San Francisco
has satisfactorily adjusted i is differences w ilh the
Sunrise Kingdom concerning the school question,
Japan agreeing to prohibit coolies from going to
the United Statos.
Our "Jap ' Watches
were not even mentioned m the proceedings there
fore we shall continue to offer to you these wouder
ful watches atlLOO each, small size at $1.25. All
fully warranted for one year.
Let us mail you one.
WV. H. Ludwlg,
Jeweler and Silversmith
Trust Company Building, Chtmbersburg, Pa.
It will pay you to READ THIS "ad"
Racket Store Prices
for Court Week.
We have lidded to our stock tins season uu up-to-date stork of Wall I'aper.
These are all new fresh goods some are In -some to 0OIM in yet, 4c to 12a a
Also, we hove added to our Uuo, Buggy Harness, Front (Soars and Collars,
and these (roods are made by the best makers thut make harness. Don't buy
Ply Nets until you see ours. Wc can save you money on team collars and
Cobbler Sets .'t lasts and stand, 2 boxes of ualls. 1 hammer, 2 awls and
handles. 1 knife all for 45c. Knives and forks .'lN.4r-li't-7." and Bfa, Manure
Forks, 880 and 4Hc, steel shoeing hammers, 2.1c and SSo. Hasps, ls- atnd
25c, web halters, 14' and 25e, rope halters, 10c, leather halters 75c and ll.le,
wire plyers, 10-in., 800, teaspoons, 00 set, tablespoons. 12c, split rivets, l(l
in box, 4c, tubular rivets, 00 la box, 4c. The best axe you ever saw for 5.V.
Single bit axes, 45c. Dish pans, 10-14-25 and SSo.
12c yd, straw matting, 12 and 15c, Japanese mattiug 20 and ISO, carpets, IMS
25-:t5 and 5.).;, Tnis 19j OAT pat Is the Inavien you ever did see it is line.
Curtain polos, Sc. felt wind ;v shadea, Sc. A beauty in oil shades at 2.'lc.
See our 83a shade, as good as any BOO ones. Lace curtains, .'Kl-45-08-75 and
98o. This is a line assortment. Shippeusburg Work-shirts, 44", overalls,
48 to "5c, boys' overalls, 25 to 4!)c, men's work pants, heavy, 80a to 1.10,
men's dress pants, 11,16 to 2 50, boys' knee punts, 2' to 45c. We just go
our spring Hats in for this season, and they are up-to-date. Why pay $1.20
when you can net the same thing for 80o. Why pay $1 50 when you can get
the same for 11.20 LOOK around and see if we are not right.
We now have about all of our spring
stioes in stock, and it will do your heart
good as well as your pocket book to look
at them and have us name prices or look
on the box and see for yourself the price.
We mark our goods in plain figures, that
o-ory one gets just the same price. There
is something wrong when a merchant only
marks the cost on the box.
We want you to lake a little time, and go and see and be convinced for
yourself that we do exceed in quality and price not only in shoes but every
thing else we sell. We claim v e can save you 10 to 20 per cent. Try us.
Respectfully ,
Big Auction
Clear Ridge
of strictly all New Goods.
General store closing out. Auction
Saturday The 9th
commencing at 1 o'clock, also at night
commencing at 7 o 'clock sharp, and on
Wednesday Night The 13th
Saturday Night The 16th.
Stevens and Raker are both leaving the
county and their general line of Merchan
dise will go at Auction Sale regardless of
price. This is a great chance to secure bar
gains of all kinds. Shoes, Rubbers. Dry
Goods, Notions, and Hardware - going un
der the hammer. Here is the place to get
your spring and summer goods. Terms
six months.
Don't Miss This Auction.
Stevens & Raker.
James M. Chesnut, Auctioneer.
Cumberlaad Valley Trains
Hides Wanted.
J-ieave KortLoudou at 7.42a. m., Ttie undesigned will pay for
11.47 a. m., 2.43 p in.; leave Mr- Keen hides free from cut8, the
oeraburgatH.04a. m.. 12.07 p. m.,
and 3.05 p. m.
Arrive at Morcersburg at 7.47
fodowiutr prices i Steera aud
heifers, 10c; ?owa, 9c; bulls, Bo
calf akius, 00 to 80c; tallow, 4c
Cut hides, 1 cent a pound less
a, m., 10.28 a. m., and 5.53 p. ra. than foregoing prices; Baited
r j on, 1 jq : nmes, ii vo il' cents.
Loudon, 8.07 a. in., 10.48 a.m..
Paul Waonrb
and 0.18 p. m.
The Caroline Kngine Is one of the most useful things a fartie-r
Van own. With one of these useful machines he can aw wood, grind
fed. shell urn, pump water, mid many other things.
1 hare just received a carload of wire fenrfe. Anyone nwding
wire fence this spring will save money by calling to see my fence
sooo, as I have a complete line of Field, Poultry and Garden Crime
on hands, different heights and weights. Also a nice lot of yard
and lawn fence, the neatest and lest fence you ever saw. Prices
srtiaranteed just as cheap as the cheapest.
I have bUo a nice lot of wire Nails, Cut Nails. Hung Head Nails
Slatinir Nails, Wire Staples, nil of which 1 am selling a' just abou
what you would have to pay if you were buying them v'iolsale.
To anyone who is going to build It wit! pity you good money to
come und see me before yon get the hardware.
Front door sets
Inside door locks
Kim locks
llntt hinges
Strap hinges
Barn door hangers
Harn door track
Trace chains
llreast chains
'able chains
Heady raised paint
White lead
Scoop 'sliovels
Dirt shorels
Forks of all kinds
Cat-den spades
Garden Hakes
Simon saws, cross cut and hand
Diston saws. cross cut and hand
Double and single bit fcxefl
I'icks and grubbing hoes
Mtambtag supplies.
Mason hammers
Claw hammers
Shoeing hammers
1 latchets
Window gla- s
Pure IHx seed meal.
Collar pads and collars
Linseed oil
Machine oil
i hem mm a
Napping hammers
I am closing out some
Horse Blankets and Robes
at a very low price. Cjme and sco me if you want a bargain.
Thanking those who have so liberally patronized me, and kindly soliciting the continiunce of the same, I am
Vours respectfully,
Geo. B. TVVellott,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Heavy Goods at a Decided Reduction.
Overcoal Or 0 Heavy Suit,
this is your time to save money,
we will close our
and not an old Garment in tie lot
ail new and up to-date styles.
We are nan- getting in our Seersuckers and Summer Dress stuff for early
serving. See them.
If you are going to housekeeping this Spring or want to buy
any Furniture be sure and see our line before you buy. We are
prepared to show you the largest line of Furniture that has ever
been in the County. fVe have a nice line of Iron Beds, Bedroom
Suits, Kitchen Cabinets -yes, don't you want a Kitchen Cabinet?
the handiest thing in the kitchen, the housekeeper' s Friend. Kitch
en Chairs, Dining Chairs and Rockers. Give us a call. Thank
ing the public for their past patronage and wishing a share of
your future trade, we are yours for business.
Thomas B. Stevens & Son,
Cast of Postofficc- McConnellsburg, Pa.
mmmmm. .
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