The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 07, 1907, Image 7

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"Man may work from mn to (ran
bat woman 'n work in nerer done,"
In order to keep the home neat
nl pretty, the children well dreased
and tidy, women overdo and often
anffer in alienee, drifting along from
bad to worse, knowing well that
they ought to have help to overcome
the pains and achea which daily
make life a bnruVn.
It is to the women that Tjydla
E. Pink-hare's Vegetable Compound,
made fromnative roots and herbs,
comes as a blessing. When the spir
it are depressed, the head and hack
aches, there are dragging-down pains, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which unless
heeded t are soon follow "i ay the worst forma of 'Female Complaints.
Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound
keeps the feminine organism Ina strong ar.d healthy condition. Itourea
Inflammation, Pleeratlon, displacements, and organic troubles. In
preparing for child-birth and to carry woLien safely through the Change
of Life It Is most efficient.
Mrs. Augustus Lvon, of East Earl. Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pink
ham: "For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds
of achea and psian in the lower part of back and sides, T could not
sleep aetd had no appetite. Hince taking- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and following the advice which you gave me I feel like a
new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly.''
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness arc Invited to
write Mrs Plnkharn. at Lynn, Mass. Out of her v-ast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your
case. Her advice is free and always helpful.
Aud NrvMMM
TrUl bottle llo aidralKwa
If s woman can't find any other cx
ycuso or her husband not hnriiBr ante
to make, a living she will say ha MM
sn artistic temperament.
If you have not received the Argo
Red Salmon Cook Book ask your gro
cer or send a postal card to the
Alaska Packers Association, Rich
mond, Va., advertising department.
What For.
"You don't love him?"
"Lots him? I should say not!"'
"Then what did you set engaged
to him for?"
"Here it is on my third finger;
iBn't. it a beauty." Houston Post.
Argo Med Salmon Is cleaned and
packed entirely by machine, and not
touched by the hum .in hand. After
trying It you will use no other. At
all grocers.
Clothespin From Maine.
Pow persons every wondt r w here
clothespins come from, few ever
beard of Bryant's Point, Me., and yet
a man there has been quietly turn
ing trees into clothespins for years
and supplying the world with them,
amassing in the process as comfor
table a fortune as many a imtn makes
rn a more pretentious "hnstness in
some money centers. His name is
LewiB Mnnn, and he began with r
capital of $400. with which he pur
chased an old disused mill and began
the manufacture of clothespins. To
day he Is the largest Individual mak
er of this very necessary article in
the world. -Chicago Journal.
Proof of Merit.
The proof of the merit s of a plutrter is
the cures it effects, and tire voluntary
tastimnntalN of those who have used All
cock's Plasters during the past sixty years
is unimpeachable evidence of their superi
ority and should convince the most skep
tical. Self-praise is no recommendation,
hut certificates from those who have used
tLem are.
AllcocV'-s are the original and genuine
aorou plaster and iiave never been equaled
by those who have sought to trade upon
their reputation by making plasters with
holes in them. Avoid substitutes as you
would money.
No Trouble To His Memory.
Friend (tr) Bowly made widow)
I suppose you are going to erect a
lasting moiitiment to your husband's
Widow To his memory? No.
Poor lsadore haul none. It was only
yasw-rday that in turning out one
of hl old coats 1 found the pockets
full of letters I had given hint to
poBt. Bon Vtvaurt.
During Lent there is nothing more
delicious than Argo Red Salmon.
There are so many different ways of
preparing it, and it appeals to both
the eye ami the appetite.
A sleeping car company could mak.
lots more money if it buns the pas
sengers up on jm-kh. und they would
Sleep Just as well.
A Most Valuable Agent.
Tho glycerhuo employed in Dr. Pierce's
medicines greatly enhances the medicinal
properties wlib-li It extracts from native
medicinal roots utid holds In solution
in u.-h better than alcohol would. It alto
possesses medicinal proMrties of Its own,
being a valuable demulcent, nutritive,
antiseptic und antlferracnt, It adds
greatly to the efficacy of the I Hack Cherry
'jark, lIliKxlrout, Golden Seal root, Strum
root and Queen's root, contained In
"Golden Medical Discovery " In subduing
chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial,
throat and lung affections, for all of which
huso agonta ure recommended by stund
jrd medical authorities.
In all cases whore there Is a wasting
away of flesh, less of appetite, with weuk
toniacli, as In tlio early stages of con
iLiiminihn. there can lie no doubt that civ-
cerlneacis as a valuable nutritive and '
aids Mio Golden Si ill root, htono root,
Qucefcs rofct and Black Cherrybark In
promcsUiiK ilgcstiou and building up the
flesh umfh(reriKth. controlling tho cougb
and brlntiig about a healthy condition
of the while system. Of course. It must
not be cmci-ted to work miracles.' It will
not cureuunsuiiiptlon except in its earlier
Stages, ft. will core very severe, obsti
nate. hanF-on, chronic cmiyhs, bronchial
slid HIT TTrgertl Tn'iiTilc.siiui! chruiilcjiore
tlnftt?i(p hoarseness. Ill acute coll Rol
It Is not so effective. Tils In tho lingering
bang-on coughs, or those of long standing,
even when accompanied by bleeding from
lungs, that it bus performed its most
marvelous cures.
Prof. Finley Klllngwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Med. Collcgo, Chicago, says of gly
cerine: " In dyspepsia it serves sn excellent purpose.
Holding- a fined uiiantity of the peroxide of
hydrotfen In solution, it is one of tin Ex it
manufactured product of the present lime In
Its action uiHin enfeebled, disordered stom
achs, especially If there Is ulceration or ca
tarrhal gastritis (catarrhal Inhaiumalloii - 1
stomach), it Is a most efficient- pieparatlon.
Olycerlnu will relieve many citn of pyrosis
(heart burn) and excessive gastric (sioiuactil
"Oolden Medical Discovery enriches and
purifies the blood curio blotches, pimples,
eruptions, scrofulous swellings and eld sons,
or ulcers.
Bend to Dr. H. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y..
for free booklet telling all about ilie native
medicinal roots composing this wonderful
nii-dlclnc. There Is no awubol in It.
"For over fifteen years," writes s
patient, hopeful llttlo Ills, woman,
"while a coffee drinker, 1 suffered
from Spinal Irritation and N'ervoui
trouble. I was treated by good phy
sicians, but did not get much relief.
"I never stfspecfd that coffee
might be aggravating my condition.
I was down-hearted and discouraged,
but prayed daily that I might find
something to help me.
"Several years ago, while at a
friend's house, I drank a cup of Pos
tum and thought I had never tasted
anything more delicious.
"From that time on I usod Postum
Instead of Coffee and soon began to
Improve In health, so that now I can
walk half a dozen blocks or more with
esse, and do many other things that
I never thought I would be able, to do
again in this world.
"My appetite is good, I sleep well
and find life is worth living, Indeed.
A lady of my acquaintance said she
did not like Postum, It was so weak
and tasteless.
"I explained to her the difference
when It Is made right boiled accord
ing to directions. She was glad to
know this becauBo coffee did not
agree with her. Now her folks Bay
they expect to use Postum tho rest of
their lives." Name given by Postum
Co., Battle Creek, Mloii. Road the
little book. "The Road to WUvlHe,"
In pkg.B. "There's a reason."
Some of the Tilings Done Daily in the
The nencnt Of Travel.
Travel broadens a man. Some
times when tbe engineer goes by the
red target or the operator Is taking
40 winks, be finds himself broaden
ed out otct half an to of land
scape. Travel shows h man the resources
of his country. He may look from
the car window and estimate the mfl
llona of feet of lumber required for
pickle ads. and corset billboards.
Travel teaches a man to respect
Ttls fcrioweltlzens 1n fact, at the
end of bis trip he will have learned
to raise bis bat to any man in uni
form. Travel develops the brain -vcn
one week of solving time-tables fits
a roan to tackle lb puzzles and how-old-ls-Ann?
propositions with a con
fident smile. Chicago Post.
A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells
How to Find Relief.
The thousands of women who suffer
backache, languor, urinary disorders
and other kidney
ills, will find com
fort In the words of
Mrs. Inuo Farrell, of
606 Ocean Ave., Jer
sey City, N. J-, who
says: "I reiterate
all .1 have said be
fore tn praise of
Doan's Kidney Pills.
I had been having
heavy backaches, and my general
health was affected when 1 began us
ing them. My feet -were swollen, my
eyes puffed, and dizzy spoils wore fre
quent. Kidney action was Irregular
and tho secretions highly colored.
To-iday, however, I am a well woman,
and I am confident that Doun's Kid
ney Pille have made me so, and are
keeping mo well."
Sold by all dealers. SO -cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Bicycles And Automobiles.
The bicycle demanded physlclal
effort and a certain amount of ath
letic ability. After the novelty wore
off, riding OD the city streets became
unpleasant to many. Absolutely
smooth pavements are a rarity, and
the bicycle rider seldom meets with
consideration from the drivers of
wagons. Runs Into the country call
fur a good deal of physicist stamina
not to make them unplousajit In
their after effects. More than all
this, the rider of the "silent steed"
must be clothed in a special manner
or endure discomfort If he rides far
or fast. And the bicycle has not
Shown Itself well adapted to more
than a limited commercial use.
The autoraoblru has none of ihese
disadvantages. It curries you swift
ly wherever you wish to go, with
out great exertion and in such cloth
ing as you wish to wear, underneath
the necessary protection from the
dust or mud of the road. For short
distances it makes the owner Inde
pendent of the railroads. It is social,
as the bicycle never was. and works
In all weather. Cleveland Leader.
An Expert "Opinion.
A cookery teacher was giving a
lesson to a class of children and
'Hiestioning them on the Joints of
mutton. Tho neck, shoulder, leg and
loin had boon mentioned. "Now,"
said the teacher, "there is another
Joint no one has mentioned. Come,
Mary, I know your father Is a groom:
what does he often put on a horse?"
"A shilling each way. Miss," was
the unexpected answer. CussoII'b
Saturday Journal.
18 Long Years.
Shave, Etc., Iwt. Him r,n?,-2.
The visit of Morton Woodman, a
voang business man of Fall River,
to a barber shop In the vicinity of
Thlrty-fonrth Street and Broadway,
cost him l&ftfii', for which he re
reived a shave, a facial massage, hair
rut, shampoo, singe, shoe polish and
a line of conversation which resulted
In a visit to a wireless wire-tapping
establishment at 123 East Twenty
sixth 8treet. ' Thursday afternoon
the place was raided by Captain llc
Dermott of the East Twenty-second
Street Station, and a squad of men
and Detectives Draham and Murphy
ff the West Thirtieth Street 8tntlon.
The heavy doors of the imposing
brown-stone structure were battered
In and five prisoners taken. Maurice
Franks was identified by Woodman
as one of the men present when he
was separated from his money, and
he was charged with larceny.
SUitOO For Each Performance.
Signor Caruso and Mr. t'onried
camo to an understanding in refer
ence to the tenor's future contract
with the Metropolitan Opera Com
pany. The result was a niodernte
victory for both of them. Signor
Caruso did not succeed in 'YnislnB
i the price to $3000 for every per
formance, with a guarantee, of not
less than L-0 during the season. Ca
ruBO will receive under his new eon
tract, which begins a year from next
October, $2300 every time he sings,
and he will sing not less than 50
times. The new contract will run
for that season, and during ths sec
ond year the tenor is to receive
$2500 for the same number of representations.
Weekly Review of Trade and Latest
Market Reports.
R. O. Dun ft Co.'s weekly review
of trade, says:
Weather conditions have been
favorable for trade and transporta
tion In most sections, but a few ad
verse reports are still received, and
total transactions again felt the cur
tailing Influence of a holiday. At
the large cities there is n good at
'endanco of Interior merchants or
their representatives. producing
much activity in jobbing circles, no
lably those dealing tn dry goods, mil
linery and other distinctively spring
!tnei. Mercsntllo collections are im
proving, but some complaints are
leard regarding extensions, especial
:y from points that experienced great
tat interruption to traffic from the
recent storms. Industrial returns
ire uniformly encouraging, mills and
factories having so much business In
tight that no machinery Is Idle, ex
rept In rases where fuel deliveries
ire unsatisfactory or the labor sup
ply Inadequate. Farm staples are
fairly steady in price, liberal foreign
purchases precluding any possibility
f excessive stocks to be carried over
f r- m loot voor'a Inriro rinna nntl
! preparation for the new season prom
ise another hlg acreage in grain nnd
1 cotton.
Of most Interest In the textile
1 market In the Increased attendance
I of outside buyers in the jobbing een-
ters, aud there Is also definite im
provement in demand at first hands.
New England manufacturers of
footwear report a fair volume of sop
j preroentary orders for late spring
and early summer delivery, which,
i In addition to contracts on hand, as-
I luraa full n,Arotlnn if ferlni'lia until
fall business is placed.
Crowd Needed No Vrgiug
A fire In Long Island City along
side a frame shanty, In which were
4 00 pounds of ilyuarolte, was watch
ed by hundreds of paBsengerB dis
embarking from the Thlrty-fonrth
Street terry boats nearby, who stop
ped to gaze on their way home from
work, unconscious of their danger.
They were rushed away en masse
by tbe police us soon as the blue
coats reached the scene. The crowd
needed no urging when it learned
what was In the shanty. Quick work
by two engine companies suppressed
the re. but not. until it had badly
I scorched the side of the djnamite
shanty. "The whole or Hnnters
Point would have gone up to the
sky if the fire once got in here,"
snld the foreman.
Tenement Fire Makes TrimHc.
Complaints of wholesale -robbery
Ivy firemen followed the extinguish
ing of a fire in the six-story teaeroent
liouse nt 149 Stanton Street., which
routed from their beds more than
200 persons, most of them children.
Two tenants, corroborated by wit
nesses, declaro that they catrrht tire
men, either of the regular lorce or
of the fire patrol, stealing Jewelry
from rooms In the upper section r
the house, which had not been at
tacked by the flames. The police
will conduct a searching Investiga
tion of the CO tn plaint, as mary simi
lar reports have been made of late,
especially on the East Side
1 -il On His Head.
Thrown from tho "L". structure at
-Sixth Avenue and Twenty-aeventh
Street, Alexander McDonald, a labor
er, landed on hjs head on tho Blde
walk in the midst of a crowd of
women shoppers. A panic ensued
the people van shrieking in every di
rection. McDonald sustained a com
pound fracture of the skull, and will
imihshlv rtio The maul was workinc
on the structure and stepped to the
side or the tram to let a souinnouna
rain pass. Something projecting,
either a contact shoe or a spike,
caught in his clothing as the train
whirled by, and be was tossed OMI
the guard mil.
fttoeks Lost Tly Messenger.
The loss ot 19T.0 shares of stock,
valued. at about $175,000 was report
ed by Sutro Dros. Co., bankers
and brokers, of this city. Tho cer
tificates were Intrusted to a messen
ger to bo delivered at various offices
In the financial district. The young
man reported to his employers that
ho had dropped the package In the
street. The stock was non-negotiable.
They Took Him To BadlCVWe.
John Daly, a coffee tester, of 326
West Seventeenth Street, harangued
a crowd of several hundred porsoni
In the street In Iront of addresB
on the Iniquities of n great city. Dalj
suid Mr. Thaw, on trial on a charge
of murder was innocent of wrong
doing. "The world Is coming to an
end; New York is rotten," said Daly.
Roundsman Qtilnn and PatroliuuM
McKettiick took Daly to Uellevuc
Hospital, where he will be detained
while his sanity is being determined
fftOOO For Ixiss Of Scalp.
Fourteen-yoar-old Amelia Klrwnn
was awarded $5000 damages against
the American Lithographic Company
for tho loss ot her scalp. Tho girl
was hurt In June, 1906, while em
ployed by the defendant. Her hair
caught in belting and she was whirl
ed In the air. She has beou in
Hellevue Hospital over since, and
when the case was called Thursday
she was carried Into court on a
Now that the raccoon skin is popu
lar for automobillng garments, there
Is a greater Incentive than ever to
hunt tho festive animal, which is In
digenous to nearly all parts ot tho
country within a stone's throw of
Creator New York. In truth, lino
coons have been treed and caught,
a score In a night, by people who
know how to .go about It. New
York Herald,
Medals of honor for distinguished
gallantry I" war in whicli tho United
States was engaged are held by 458 I
O. F. Bodley, ot Loudon, and
Henry Vaughn, of Boston, both
architects, havo arrived In Washing- .
ton at the invitation of Uishop hat
torleo to arrange the plans for tha
now cathedral which la to bo erect
ed In that city. Mr. Bodley says
that the old English gothic design
will be adopted and tbe cathedral
will be one oi tho finest In tbe
world. The edifice will cost more
than $2,000,000.
Vice President Henry Tatnall. of
the Pennsylvania, succeeds tbe late
Amos R. Little as a director of tbe
Philadelphia ft Trenton Railroad
Wholesale Markets.
Baltimore. Flour Dull and un
changed: receipts, 6,715 barrets.
Wheat Quiet; spot, contract, 79 y,
7; No. 2 red. Western. Rltft
R2; February. 79 14 79; March,
B0S0; May, Rl4a 82; steamer.
No. 2 red, 74; receipts. 12.9S4
bushels; Southern, on grade, 75
Corn Firm: spot, 50 M rt 50 J
February, 50tto0: March, 50V4
50; April, f.050; May
12 14; steamer, mixed, 48 4 a 4 8 :
receipts, 166,426 bushels; exports,
(0,000 bushels; Southern, white 49
51; Southern yellow, 48fr50.
Oats Easier; No. 2 white, 45 Vi
6; No. 3 white, 45; No. 2 mixed,
3V444; receipts, 21.318 bushels.
Rye -Firm: No. 2 Western, do
mestic, 71(rf7z; choice, 7 5C(76.
Butter Firm and unchanged; fan
cy Imitation, 260 27; fnney cream
ery, 33(fV34; fancy ladle, Slj22;
store packed, 17 20.
Eggs Firm at 26c.
Cheese Active and unchang-d ;
large, 14; medium, 14; small,
New York "Wheat Receipts, 27.
000; exports. 119,816. Spot firm;
No. 2 red, 83 elevator; No. 2 red,
85, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth, 93. f. o. b. afloat; No I
bard winter. 88, f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Recolpts, 103,200; exports,
1.000. Spot tlrm. No. 2. 58 eleva
tor, and 53 t. o. b. afloat; No. 2
White, 54. and No. 2 yellow, 52
f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts, 28.500; rpot mar
ket firm; mlxefl. 26 to 32 lbs., 47:
natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 49 Mi fa
1V2; clipped White. 36 to 40 lbs
fr0 53.
Butter St rang : rccel pts, 5 .9 6 0 j
street price, extra creamery, 33j'
it 4 : official prices, creamery, common
to extra, 22 S3; held, common to
sxtra, 21 31; Western imitation
creamery, firsts. 23 24.
Cheese Firm, unchanged, re
colpts, 3,667.
Eggs Steady, receipts, 12,335;
brown and mixed firsts to extra
firsts, 2527; Western firsts.
25 (official price, 26); seconds,
Philadelphia. Wheat firm, c.
higher; contract grade. February,
7979Vc. Corn quiet but firm;
February, 5050c. Oats firm, fair
demand; No. 2 white natural, 47c.
Butter firm, good demand
Western creamery, official
33 c; street price, 34;
nearby prints, 36.
Eggs steady, fair demand; nearby
fresh and Western fresh, 28c, at
Cheese firm, good demand; New
York full creams, fancy, 14
14 tie.; do., choice, 14; do., fair
to good, 13 14.
Live Stock.
New York. Beeves Dressed beef
quiet at 7c. to 9c. per pound, with
fancy beef bringing 9c.
Calves Veals steady; barnyard
and Western calves nominal; veals,
B.50 10.00; culls, 4.00 5.0d;
dressed calves steady: city dressed
veals, 8c. to 15c. per pound; country
dressed, 8c. to 13c.
Sheep and Lambs Sheep steady,
lambs, 7.50 to 7.65; no choice stock
'jere; culls, 5.00.
Hogs. Market about steady; State
logs, pigs included, 7.50 7.75.
Chicago. Cattle Market steady
to Btrong; common to prime steers,
I .007.00; cows, 2.754.75; helf-
I ers, 2.355.10; bulls, 2.154.50;
itockers and feedeis, 3.004.35.
Hogs Market 10c. lower; prima
shipping hogs, 7.12 7.15; pack
ing, 7.00 7.07; assorted, light,
7.027.05; pigs. 6.256.80;
bulk of sales, 7.007.10.
Sheep- Market steady; sheep, 3.00
I 6.00; yearlings, 4.C06.65; lambs
The most profitable business In
Morocco la smuggling in firearms.
Among the 5,000 car drivers in
Vienna the are 400 knights, 50
barons and 5 counts. ,
The total pack of tho United Stales
.. .. ., -,H I,, iti : K, Duan
Ul iiiiii.-i ......... v'".. " v v u ,a (, , ' 1 1 .
as a, on, moo cases.
Tho result of the first six months'
working of tbe Simplon tunnel have
been tabulated, and show that an
average of 8,000 passengers were
carried a day.
If not absolutely the oldest, the
Stora Kopparberget, In Sweden, Is
the oldest copper mine of which
there are any official flgiiro.i. It
has been worked continuously for
dearly 800 years.
Filipino laborers are leaving Ma
nila for Hawaii in parties of from
(0 to 100. Those men and tholr fam
ilies go to Hawaii as contract lab
orers on sugar plantations. Exten
sion ot sugar raising tn the Philip
pines canuot be carried on while the
door ot the great American market
is practically shut against Philippine 1
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and
the Well-informed of the World
it to learn a to the relative standing and" reliability ol the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that Ihe name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Iniormed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may lie made to contribute
to that end and tbe use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances ,1 simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is nlike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed liecaiise
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long nnd favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the. full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for--Syrupof
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the Calitornia Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
mishranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louirville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
Color mors goods brighter tuUaiu:r colors than any otter dye. One loe. 1 . k colors all fiber. Thry d . a In cold water better t baa any utber dya. You can
uyu any garment, wltliout rliiplug apart. Wrllo lor tree MKUt How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors. 4HO.MtOK UK.IU CO., UoionvUlo, lUtaaourl
If you don't bolUve that honest y
tbe belt policy, try it.
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days.
' Pazo Ointment ie guaranteed to cure uny
I caseof Itchiug.Blinu.BleediutrorProtruitliig
rueamuvo ituaye or mony rerunuea. ouc
Charity of r.amf P seals begins anil
ends with tallrinR nliout it.
" darfield Tea, nnturc'n remedy for a tor
pid, inactive or disordered liver; for con
stipation, sick-headai ho, indigestion.
Mitny a o-cnllecl tlf-raado man is
the handiwork of bin wife.
Girl Had Rnnninfc Sores From Krze
ma Hoy Tortured hy Toison Oak
Both Cuwd hy Cutlcura.
"Laat year, after having my little girl
treated by a very prominent physician for
an obatinate case of ei-jema, I resorted to
the Oatirura Remedies, and wag so well
pleased with the ulmogt instantaneous re
lief afforded that we distarded tbe phy
sician' prescription and relied entirely on
the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and
ttoticura Pills. When we commenced with
the Cutieura Kemediea her feet and limb
were covered with unning sore. In about
lix weeks we bnd her completely well, and
there has been no recurrence of the
"In July of this year a little hoy in our
family poiioned his bands and arms with
poison oak, and 111 twenty-four hours li?s
bands and arms were a mass of torturing
ore. We uaed only the Cuticura Rem
edies, washing liis bands and arm with
the Cuticura Soap, nnd anointing them
irith the Cuticura Ointment, and then
gave him the Cuticurii Resolvent, in
about three weeks hi hands and arms
healed up. So we have lots of cause for
feeling grateful for the Cuticura Remedies.
We find that the Cuticura Remedies are
t valuable household standby, living as we
do twelve miles from a doctor. Jlrs. Liuie
Vincent Thomas, Fail-mount, Walden's
Itidge, Tenn.. Oct. 13. 190o."
The majority of a man's good Inten
tions are carried out to the dump.
Tho reason a woman doesn't spend
more money on her clothes (in because
her husband doesn't htive any moro
for her to spend.
Every lady should have a copy of
the Argo Red Salmon Cook Rook. It
tells you thirty-nine different ways of
preparing Salmon. Ask your groetl
for it.
A kiss returned Is a kiss earned.
I'harlty for revenue only pays poor
A woman Is as vln of her small
s a man Is of bis largo head.
That Cough
makes your life a burden.
dropped on luffar will cure it, and cure us
wall cold, rraiupta and all throat troubles.
For Internal am much aa for Kxtornal ua?.
itVM three times as much Mfc All doatera.
I. 8. JOHNSON ft Oft. Ilofttou, Mut,
iiinii in kllUIV ii(i 111
PATENTS r (o ynu h to
I snow about THADX.MAHKST
Do veu wish io know about PENSIONS? Do
ynn wish to know shout PAY nud WiCNTVf
Then rl.e 10 W. . Wills. Attorner-ai-Lan
(Notary Pulill ) Wl'.ls Uuililing BIS Indiana Av
enue. Washington. I). C 2 y 111 sin Washing.
Ion. 1 nlou Folitlers and Sailors war
entitled io pension en ttg.- at er they reach ivj
If pensioner d, ser.s iviio she may be en Itit-d to
hall his p,-uftinu
m in Mil an vmm
. Hi 11
I 1 J -
firowfii and offer n fine assortment
of A F PI-EH, PEt( HKH, I'EAliM,
I'ltims. A irleot. .Nectarines,
Cherries, Orupe vines In
osaurfj un it I a. ti ooavtii n les 4 111
rants, Ntruwbfrrlei, II.,,...
Itiidtstft, Asparagus cwher
rlfs and nn r ict a iut -rles,
Murenril.I meiitOU-
IMI ll. land MM I E
T K E K , (KX AM ' T Is
11. a vra. u t t , i..r .. 1 .1, ,,.
to ). 11 U A IklNs A lIKO MIdl' thlan.Va.
For Preserving, Purifying
and Beautifying: the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands.
Culimrs ntp ctmbtns dsllrstu medicinal and emnL
lltHt ,,.-,), from t'utlrura, tlia gust bkla
Cure, ti purral rd sapoi-areuus i"(rertlrMa, and iFi
iaot rclrxirtlng ot ?l vr .... n. u4 tti rouirlioui Ilia
WOriJ. llfnn at ImU'iIm- L'7 t"),atvk,n.. C I..-
f Hue tte I Falsi Auiirtlis, It. ' uum k ' ,' s ,i,' rT
I ' i A 1 11 ... ,.. A 1 , n - . . 1 '
ptsk vr
atnl all kinds of garden plant, ran now furnish all kinds of cat'bagu
plant , gri'Wii lu tho otntu air aud will iad grtmt ould tirown fruiu
aeods id Uio most rt liable stfudt-uitii- Wo usu the sanm plantsou
our thorn's ntl arm truck farm. Plant carefully courted and properlv
paufctri. (Joler; ready lout of !. lettuce. Onion and lien mini.,
tint or earllt-r Hedtneil espresa rmU-m promised, which, when ofr. flv
will gl us u per ctnt less than eMMito rutes. prices; UniM. lots
il.MJ per tfa;uaaiid largo lot $1 wi to 41 a thousand. O li it,.-
s tin K I- a rihiut.n U hllti hill 111 I III' II III In- r Ki mi ill. ...t. 51
F. i'. VMajjgMl. H C. Thy fcidtsu tatea Atfrt ultura.1 MFar'tineui
bas eatal.ll hetl an KaLtrioieuial Matluu on our farms, tp i i all kinds of vr Utiles, ean,
ClalJjr Lab bag us. 1b re.uits of those ojoaHments we will w p!eard to ulv,. m 'aToni
Hour rotuavtxuujr m- am. ui.nt'll t'UMrAK . M I'ilUt
m r
"II- )
its, a. o I
tn wonderful In rettjoWu' .mm tl,,-umv
puis. 1 1 tlxoa colors bOodice. aud
I fOMiorloih irom mrulnsr rrltow.
1U ttoniOfo, shiucIo ltora.v BoiTOfiif picture Id
- o colors mid rwohi.'t 6c. and rtciiler' naine
PAi'lK ' C lM Mi ;:VX CO New York
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
nun ni, io i.u. lii.yn- hbo.m, .l 1., SjlUfl. M ,,,. ,
Kiliue. 94 t ai.dU. IUUmV ,i l MM,..,,-. Ml,,,,,.. ... Ml. (si.
W. li. Douglas sliuf am rwogiiiwHl by ox purl IuiIkus bf lootwear
to bo Ilia best m st;lc,fit and wear iirotluead in tills rouatry. Gsch
pan. ui vuo iuud mm vmrj utimi tu tue making is looatia aiu-r
sod watolied ovrr b tkilleti shoemakers, -without rouard to
time or .. i If 1 ooukl take vou into uiv Larua t, , at
Mrocktun, Mans., and how you how earufully W. L. DoukIi.s"
shoes are made, you would than understand why they hold their shape, tit betu-t
asalnM Llh
I MSTWhtir.
Hog.ess Lard
nvr.mi a ...
a i t. i'l Ml Li, I'AV
k N r iv
If mi i. .1
wlih miss
ti... )