The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 28, 1907, Image 7

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Describes the Principal Ingredients
Contained in Pe-ru-na.
Are we claiming loo much for Pe
run it when wo Halm It to bo mi effec
tive remedy for chronic catarrh?
Have we abundant proof that I'orunn
U In reality such a catarrh remedy?
Iet us see what the United States Dis
pensatory says of the principal in
gredients of Peruna.
Take, for Instance, the ingredient
hydrastis canadensis, or golden seal.
The United States Dispensatory says
of this herbal remedy, that It Is large
ly employed In the treatment of de
praved mucous membranes, chronic
rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonic dys
pepsia (catarrh of the stomach),
chronic Intestinal catarrh, catarrhal
jaundice (catarrh of the liver), and
In diseased mucous membranes of the
pelvic organs. It is also recommended
for the treatment of various forms of
diseases peculiar to women.
Another ingredient of IVrtinn. cory
(lalls formosa, is clashed in the United
States IMspensatory as a tonic. So also
Is cubebs classed as a stomachic and
as a tonic for the mucous membranes.
Oedron seeds Is another Ingredient
of Pcruna, an excellent drug that has
been very largely overlooked by the
medical profession for the post fifty
years. The seeds are to bo found In
very few drug stores. The United
States Dispensatory says of the action
of oedron that it Is used as a bitter
tonic and in tho treatment of dysen
tery, and in Intermittent diseases as a
substitute for quinine.
Oil of copaiba, another ingredient
of Peruna, is claused by the United
States Dispensatory as a mild stimu
lant and diuretic. It acts on the stom
ach and Intestinal tract. It acts as a
stimulant on the genito-urinary mem
branes. Useful in chronic cystitis,
chronic dysentery and diarrhea, and
some chronic diseases of the liver and
Send to us for a free book of testi
monials of what the people think of
Peruna as a catarrh remedy. The
best evidence is the testimony of
those who have tried it.
Absent-Minded Man.
"I guess I had the most, absent
minded man In the world In my chair
this morning," fald a Seventeenth
Street barber yesterday. "He came
In and sat down near the door to
wnlt his turn. I yelled 'next' at
him two or three times when my
rhalr was -vacant, but he was dream
ing and didn't hear me. Finally I
touched him on the shoulder and
told him I was ready for him.
" 'What do you want me to do?'
he asked.
" 'Why, get In the chair If you want
anything,' I replied. 'This Is a bar
ber shop.'
"'Oh, yes,' he said, and then he
got Into the rhair. He leanod back
so I let the chair down and shaved
hint. He didn't have a word to say.
When I flnlshed him up he got out
of the chair and took the check over
to the cashier. He paid and started
out. When half way through the
door he stopped.
" 'Say,' he said to me, 'what did
you do to me?'
" 'I shaved you,' I said.
" 'Darn the luck,' he replied, 'I
wanted a haircut." Then he went
out scowling." Denver Post.
Off Came The Hats.
It Isn't hard to persuade women
to remove their hats "in meetln' "
when you know how to go about it.
Harry K. Shields, the singer who
assists the Rev. R. H. Crossfleld, the
evangelist, In hiB revival meetings,
I knows how. This Is the way he did
It recently at the First Christian
Church Eleventh and Locust
"We want a good song service this
afternoon," he Bald, "but before be
ginning, I want to ask t .e women
In the audience to join with me In
a breathing exercise. You know to
sing well you must breathe well.
First I'll ask you to raise your right
arm and take a full breath. Then
put your hand on the back of your
hat and remove one hat pin, then
the second.
"Ah, 1 see you're taking them
off. Now let's sing the first verse
of No. "
And the women didn't mind it a
bit. Kansas City Star.
Some of the Things Done Daily in the'
A robbers' den, presided over by a
beautiful woman, and yielding riches
In Jewels and silk like the fabled
cave of "The Forty Thieves," was
unearthed in the Bronx. The police
have taken near $10,000 worth of
diamonds, silks and silverware from
the house. Some of the silver bears
the monogram of the Waldorf-Astoria
and 8herry's, while the gems
found hidden are so fine that they
could have been stolen only from
very weathy persons; those that
adorned the woman alone were worth
several thousand dollars. The de
tectives have also captured the lead
er of the band. They say he has con
fessed, and that when they round up
the rest of the band they will have
destroyed one of the most gigantic
and perfect criminal organizations
In the history of New York.
The Uppermost Stand
ard of Highest Quality
imptcted by the United States Government
I. w woo 11 XHMEBIIS. Ws an
9rowrn And mVer n flef HHrteipet
I'liims. Apricots. N rclnrlues,
Cherries, GrsBertnei In luree
assorts cnts.iJoosr berrles.Cor
rant, Klreweerrlci, If
Kudlsh, A iprffm llewber.
rli-a matl mn eilru lot Riopher
rlrs, feplenrild iteeori ulvul OIC
K AMENTA I. d Ml Ult
suit I on l v II BEDOI
PLANTS. Wrierr.rC'lilosTue
Fleecing Adventurous Unmbs.
Not long ago the sole and abBOrb
i Ing mlBBlon of Edmonton, In a com-
merclal way, was to bilk Ignorant
Klondike adventurers poor fellows
who thought that Alaska was per
I haps 100 miles west of Winnipeg
Into outfitting there for the land
I of gold. Thero were Englishmen
bound for the Klondike who brought
with them nr. far as Edmonton their
own baled hay a fact, though It
Beems Impossible, even for an Eng
lishman and others who brought
j traction engines to carry them thence
I merrily over the Rockies to the
Klondike, and yet others who had
barrelB rigged with axles and shafts
for horse draft, which In transit
nicely mingled nails, sugar, baking
powder and other goods Into one
homogenous fabric, and many other
similarly crazed and wholly Idiotic
men, who thought they knew where
the frontier was and how It might
be mastered. Emerson Hough, in
February Outing.
She Rented Wedding Finery.
Mrs. Louis Goldberg was in the
Essex Market Police Court on a sum
mons to show why she should not
return the gown which she bnd rent
ed for her wedding.
On February 3 Oussle Kllnger was
married to Louis Goldberg. She
rented her wedding dress of Sol Belr.
She says that he was to Include fan,
gloveB long, white gloves and
white silk stockings. For the entire
outfit she agreed to pay $3.
Belr sent for the gown on the
morning following the wedding. In
fact, he told Maglstate Flnelite that
he sent for It many times. The brldo
demanded a rebate of $1 because the
dealer had failed to send the fan,
stockings of any shoes; tho gloves
were little, short, stingy things, the
gown was not clean, and she could
not wear It, anyway.
"I lend a dress by another girl to
wear," she told the Magistrate, and
turned on Bier. "What didn't you
send the storklngs and long gloves?"
"But I gave her her money's
worth," Insisted Belr. "I get Bome
tlmes $10, $15, $18 for renting a
dress, I give it to her for $3. What
does she want ?"
Magistrate Flnelite decided, how
ever, that he had not kept his agree
ment with the woman, and said thai
he should return the $3, and that
she should then give back the dress
Weekly Review of Trade and latest
Market Reports.
New York. R. G. Dun ft Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade says:
"In most sections of the country
the movement of merehondise has re
sumed normal proportions, snow
blockades being removed, but tardy
deliveries still cause much comiilnlnt.
especially In regard to grain. Retail
stocks of winter goods were most sat
isfactorily depicted during the period
of low temperature, and the new
season will open under favorable
ausplcos. Wholesale and jobbing
houses report a liberal spring de
mand, particularly In dry goods,
while at the Interior there Is a vig
orous movement of agricultural Im
plements and other farm supplies. A
gratifying feature of many reports Is
the greater promptness of mercan
tile collections. Mills and factories
have so much forward business that
new contacts are not taken except at
full figures, and there is dissatisfac
tion because shipments are not more
prompt. Wages have been advanced
in several Important concerns and
there are no serious labor contro
versies. "Raw wool Is firmly held at East
ern markets, although In limited de
mand, most manufacturers uwaiting
something definite before taking raw
material freely. Footwear factories
in New England have contracts on
hand assuring activity until new
business comes forward, although
there Is a notable scarcity of orders
for fall delivery, and the only cur
rent activity Is the supplementary
spring purchasing by Eastern Job
bers and some Inquiry for early sum
mer shipment. Quotations are fully
maintained on all descriptions."
mxirn n. sW
Bre.Ks up COLDS
Trial Bonis 10c Al
Sand Cure For Dyspepsia.
A number of persons In West
chester, Pa., who are sufferers from
stomach troubles are trying the sand
cure. The sand, so a dispatch tells
us, comes from Mississippi In bags
of two quarts each. It is taken in
doses of a teaspoonful, and as often
as the patient feels trouble coming.
"When any animal has an attack
of stomach trouble," argues one of
the believers In the cure, "It goes
at once to the ground for some clay
or sand, and why should not a man?"
Why not, indeed? There Is no
reason under the sun for many's
going elsewhere than to the ground
for a cure when he has stomach
trouble, unless it be that when man
has stomach trouble he Is more un
reasonable than at any other time.
The sand cure will appeal strong
ly to tho great majority of people
whose stomachs are all right, and
in time these people, when their
stomachs' go wrong, may, by the
xerclse of will power, convince
themselves that duty to themselves
and to their families, to say nothing
of friends and country, demands that
they shall go to the ground for a
cure. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Solnr Wrinkle.
There was a spot on the sun In
full view.
"I can't help It," said the orb of
day Impatiently to the observing
scientist; "here I am stuck up where
everybody can see me and now I've
got freckles measuring 3,500,000
square miles. If you've any com
plexion remedy for that trot it out."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Of Interest To Women.
To such women as are not seriously out
ot healtlAbut who have, exacting duties
to perlornV either In the way of house
h( Id caresXor in social duties and func
tlnWidXscriously tax their strength,
as werrjsioVirsIng mothers. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription has proved a most
valuable BupArtlng tonic and invigorat
ing nervine. By Its timely use, much
serious sickness and mitfc.rlnu may )m
avoided. The operating table and the
6 urgeons.' knjfe. would. t Is l,iclievcT,
seldom have tu be employed If this most
valuable woman1 remedy were resorted
tdln good time. . me "favorite rrescrip
tlo'n" has proven a great boon to expectant
mothers by proparlng tho system for tho
coming of buby, thereby ronderlng child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Bear In mind, please that Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription 1b not a secret or
patent medicine, against which the most
Intelligent people arc quito naturally
averse, because of tho uncertainty as to
their composition and harmless character,
but IS a mi on .m. OF KNOWN COMPOSI
TION, a full list of all Its Ingredients bolng
printod. In plain English, on every bottle
wrapper. An examination of this list of
ingrodlunts will disclose the fact that It Is
non-alcoholic In Its composition, chemic
ally pure, triplo-ronned glycerine taking
the place of the commonly used alcohol,
in Its make-up. In this connection- It
may not tie out of place to state that the
"Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Plerca is
the only medicine put up tor the cure uf
woman s peculiar woaKiiosses and ail
ments, and sold through druggists, all
the Ingredient of which have the un
animous endorsement of all tho leading
medical writers and teachers of all the
several schools of practice, and that too
as remedtss for the ailmunta for which
"Favorite Prescription" Is recommended.
A little book of these endorsements will
be sent to any address, post-paid, and
absolutely free If you request same by
postal card, or letter, ot Dr. B. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con
stipation. Constipation is the cause o(
many diseases. Cure the cause and you
euro the disease. Easy to taku as candy.
Left Thousands of Veterans With
Kidney Troubles.
The experience of David W. Mar
tin, a retired merchant, of Bolivar,
Mo., Is just like
thousands of oth
ers. Mr. Martin
says: "I think I
have bad kidney
disease ever since
the war. During
an engagement
my horse fell on
me, straining my
back and injuring
the kidneys. I have been told I had
a floating kidney. I had Intense pain
In the back, headaches and dluy
spells and the action of the bladder
was very Irregular. About three years
ago I tried Doan's Kidney Pills, and
found such great relief that I con
tinued, and Inside a comparatively
short time was entirely rid of kidney
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Whistles With Sweet Sounds.
If the present plans of the Board
of Supervising Inspectors of the
Steamboat Inspection Service are
cnrrled into effect nil craft plying In
New York harbor will be equipped
with whistles that will discourse
sweet music instead of ear-splitting
founds that disturb the peace of the
people In the greater city living close
to the North and East Rivers. The
subject was discussed at a meeting
of the Board. Director Stratton of
tho Bureau of Standards said that it
was possible, by applying exact
scientific principles, to measure the
carrying power of a whistle or a
siren, and also to determine the in
tensity of lights carried by vessels
at night. Mr. Stratton urged the
Board to require the use In New
York harbor of whistles giving forth
soft, melodious tones, Instead of
thoso that shriek out hideous noises
und make life miserable by day and
sleep almost Impossible at night.
Motornian Frozen At His Post.
Frank Antonio, a motornian on
the Crosstown line in Brooklyn, was
overcome by the cold early the other
morning while on his way from Erie
liasln to the barn at Box Street and
Manhattan Avenue, Oreenpolnt.
When tho car reached Jay and Wll
loiighhy Streets, Inspector .John
Thompson noticed that the car was
passing streets where the motornian
should have slowed down. The In
spector boarded the car and found
that Antonio was apparently frozen
at his post. One hand was on the
controller handle and the other on
the brake, but the motornian was
powerless to operate either. The In
spector took charge of the car and
had Antonio taken Inside, where he
became unconscious. The car was
raced to the Greenpoint barn, whence
Antonio was removed to the Eastern
District Hospital.
Diamonds In His Shoes.
The statement was recently pub
lished that a certain set of fashion
able young men were wearing dia
monds in their shoe tops. Diamond
ornaments In shoes hark back to
the days of the Revolutionary War
und were worn by merchants of
Boston in those days. Thomas Rus
sall, of Charlestown, who died lu
1796, was one of the moat active of
business men ot his day In Boston
and the first to engage in the Ameri
can trade with Russia after the
His dress was tvpical of his time
and is thus described lu an old print:
"He usually wore a coat of bo me
light-colored cloth, small clothes,
diamond buckles at the knees and
lu the shoes, silk stockings, powder
ed hair and cocked hat; In cold
weather a scarlet cloak." Boston
School Life In Texas.
The schoolmaster's life is not a
happy one sometimes, but In Texas,
at learn, It has Its compensations.
Here Is' a letter from an anxious
parent received recently by a teacher
In that State:
"Sir Will you In future give my
son easier sums to do at nites? This
is what he's brought hoam two or
three nites back: 'If (ore galllns
of bere will fill 82 pint bottles, how
many pints and half bottles will nine
galllns of bere fill?' Well, we tried,
and could make nothln' of It at all,
and my boy cried and laded and said
be didn't dare go bak In the morntn'
without doln' it So I had to go
and buy a nlnc-galltn' keg of bere,
which I could 111 afford to do, and
then he went and borrowed a lot
of wine and brandy bottles. We
filled them and my hoy put the an
swer down. I don't know whether
it Is right or not, as we spilt some
while doln' It." Dundee Advertiser.
I P And Buck For One Fare.
Justices Gilder8leeve and Amend
of the Appellate Term of the Su
preme Court handed down a ma
jority opinion that a passenger on
the lines of the New York City Rail
way Company Is entitled to a trans
fer carrying him to his destination
upon payment of one fare, even
though the transfer may be to a line
carrying In the opposite direction.
Justice MacLean dissented. Accord
ing to the opinion of Justices Qllder
leeve and Amend the Railway Com
pany is required to give a passenger
a transfer from the place of em
barkation to hU destination, wheth
er the line to which he Is transferred
runs in the same direction as that
he has left or not. The Traction
Company must furnish a continuous
trip between any two points for one
Lussoed Woiill-Bo Suicide.
Isaac Jacobson, a tailor of 125
Spruce Street, was so sure he wanted
to die that after Jumping oft the
ferryboat Somerset at the Main
Street Blip, Brooklyn, he wouldn't
look at the cork life buoys thrown
to him. So James J. Connolly, of
75 Talman Street, grabbed a rope,
noosed one end, and cast his lasso
so dexteriously that it want around
the drowning man's head at the first
Wholesale Markets.
Baltimore.- Flour Dull and un
changed; receipts, 6,715 barrelB.
Wheat -Quiet; spot, contract, 7H
70; No. 2 red, Western, 81fj
82; February. 79,41 79; March,
80R0 ; May, 01 Oil; steamer.
No. 2 red, 74 ; receipts, 12,984
bushels; Southern, on grade, 75
Corn Firm; spot, 50 Vi (a 50 ;
February, 60 ty Cq. 50 ; March, 50Mi
50; April. 50 ft 50; May.
52V4; steamer, mixed. 48 V4 f! 48 ;
receipts, 166.426 bushels; exports,
60,000 bushels; Southern, white 49
51; Southern yellow. 48 50.
Oats - Easier; No. 2 whiie, 45
46; No. 3 white. 45; No. 2 mixed,
43 44; receipts, 21,318 bushels.
Rye Firm; No. 2 Western, do
mestic, 7 1 0 7 2 ; choice, 7 5 01 76.
Butter Firm and unchanged; fun
cy imitation, 26ji27; fancy cream
ery, 3334; fancy ladle, 2122;
store packed, 17 20.
Eggs Firm at 26c.
Cheese Active und unchanged;
large, 14; medium, 14; small,
New York Wheat Receipts, 27,
000; exports, 119,816. Spot firm;
No. 2 red, 83 elevator; No. 2 red,
8'5, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth, 93, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
hard winter, 88, f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 103,20(1; exports,
1,000. Spot firm. No. 2, 5S eleva
tor, and 63 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
white, 54, and No. 2 yellow, 52 :;,
f. o. b. afloat.
Oats Receipts, 28,500; spot mar
ket firm; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 47;
natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 49 HQ
52; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs.,'
50 63.
Butter Strong; receipts, 5,960;
street price, extra creamery, 33fi
34; official prices, creamery, common
to extra, 22 33; held, common to
extra, 21 31; Western imitation
creomery, firsts, 23 24.
Cheese Firm, unchanged, re
ceipts, 3,667.
Eggs--Steady, receipts, 12,335;
brown and mixed firsts to extra
firsts, 26 27; Western' firsts,
25 (official price, 25); seconds,
24 25.
Philadelphia. Wheat firm, c
higher; contract grade. February,
7979c. Corn quiet hut firm;
February, 5050c. Oats firm, fair
demand; No. 2 white natural, 47c.
Butter firm, good demand; extra
Western creamery, official price.
33c; street price, 34; extra
nearby prints, 36.
Eggs steady, fair demand; nearby
fresh and Western fresii, 28c, at
Cheese firm, good demand; New
York full creams, fancy, 14
14c; do., choice, 14; do., fair
to good, 13 14.
Steamship Crashes Into Pier.
While the steamship Astoria of the
Anchor Line was being wsn'ped into
her dock after a slow and sttrray
passage acroBB the Atlantic, sbo
crashed Into the pier shed, tearing
away a section of the roof fully 100
feet in length. The steumer Itself
was not badly damaged. There was
a mad ucramblo among the several
hundred persons who were on the
dock awaiting the arrival of the
steamer when the roof crashed down,
but all escaped Injury.
Live Stock.
New York. Beeves Dressed beer
quiet at 7c. to 9c. per pound, with
fancy beef bringing 9c.
Calves Veals steady; baruyurd
:md Wostern calves nominal: veals,
5.50 10.00; culls. 4.00 5.00;
pressed calves steady; city dressed
veulB, 8c. to 16c. per pound; country
dressed, 8c. to 13c.
Sheep and Laml)3 -Sheep steady,
lambs, 7.50 to 7.65 ; lio choice stock
here; culls, 5.00.
Hogs. Market about steady; State
hogs, pigs Included. 7. 50. ii 7.78.
Chicago. Cattle Market steady
to strong; common to prime steers,
4.00fr" 7.00; cowb, 2.76 4.75; heif
ers, 2.35ft 5.10; . bulls. 2.15ft4.50;
Blockers and feeders, 3.00ft 4.35.
Hogs Market 10c lower; prime
shipping hogs, 7.12 7.16; pack
ing, 7.00 ft 7.07; assorted, light,
7.02 7.05; pigs, 6.25 ft 6.80;
bulk of sales, 7.00 ft 7.10.
Sheep -Market steady; sheep, 3.00
ft) 6.00; yearlings, 4.60ft 6.65; lani
t.OOft 7.65.
Htate or Ohio, Citt or Toledo,
Frank .1. Cheney nukes oth thst he is
senior partner of th firm of F.J. Cheney ft
Co., doing business in tht City of Toledo,
t'ounty and State aforesaid, and that said
in in will pay therura of ONH HUNDRED DOIy
i Aiis for each and every cate of catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D.,
MM. A. W. Uleason.
(seal.) Notary Public.
Ball ' Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and
acta directly on the blood and mncoue aur
facea of the system. (Send for testimonials,
free. F. .). Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O.
(sold by all Dnifgiate, 'Sc.
Halls Family Pule are the best,
Ministerial duties do not prevent
the Rev. Joel H. Metcalf, of Taunton,
Mass., from pursuing astronomical
investigations. Mis study of the
stars has resulted in the discovery
of a new comet, which Is now being
closely observed by astronomers
throughout the world. It has been
named Metcalf's comet.
How Many Perfectly Well Women
Do You Know?
FITS, St. Vitua'Dancn :Nervou Disease per
manently cured by Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve
Restorer, ti trial bottlo and treatiso free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,081 ArcUSt.. Phlla., Pa.
Nature never mado a mistake not
even when woman was created.
Krzema Affected Whole System Un
able to Rest Night or Dtty Suf
fered 4 Years Cntlcura Cures.
"I suffered severely for four yeara from
" n, ivy. niy condition was.
i, as i couiu not real niglr. or day
and be free from a terrible itching sensa
tion from scratching on ;ny handa between
the fingers, my feet and face. I got the
beat of advice and treatment from six dif
ferent doctora who were anxioua to cure
me. One of the doctora told me that when
the poiaon wan eured, eczema (a worse
diaeaae) would fellow, which became true.
My eyesight was alTecteil. and 1 went to
a hospital especially for the eyes and got
relief, but eczema gut a terrible hold on my
eyatem. I was about to give up nil hope of
ever being cured, yet I could not be recon
ciled to such reaulta, aa my health had been
good and free from any diiuate all my life.
My age is seventy-three yeari. In my ex
tremity I happened to read of Cttticur
Remediea for akin diaeaaee. I was anxioua
about my condition and deaired to evade
any apur,iua imitation. This WSJ in July,
1905. and I called on a certain druggitt
for the CutiesrS Rsmadiss, I bought rive
boxes ( utienra Ointment, alao some Cuti
cura Soap and Cuticurn Pills aa I required
them. In four weeks' treatment my face
was smooth, and the itching gradually
left my hands mid feet and 1 could rest
eomfortahly, for which I am grateful and
happy. W. Field , IVnven. Jttltioi of the
Peace and Notary Public, ll.ntly, Del.
May 15, 19C6."
"I am not feeling very well," "I
am so nervous it seems as though I
Simula fly ' "My back aches as though
it would break."
How often do you hear these signi
ficant ezpressionn from women
friends. More than likely you speak
the same words yourself, and there
Is a cause.
More than thirty years ago Lydia
E Pink ham of Lynn, Mass. discovered
the source of nearl all the suffering
endured by her sex. "Woman's Ills,"
these two words are full of more
misery to women than anyothertwo
words that can be found In the
English language. Sudden fainting,
depression of spirits, reluctance to
go anywhere, backaches, headaches,
nervousness, sleeplessness, bearing
down sensations, displacements and
Irregularities are the bane o woman'a
The same woman who discovered
the cause of all this misery also
discovered a remedy. Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound made
from native roots and herbs holds
the reoord for a greater number of
absolute cures of female ills than any
other one remedy the world has ever
known and it is the greatest blessing
which ever came into the lives of
suffering women.
Don't try to endure, but cure the
cause of all Your suffering. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at
once removes such troubles. The
following letters prove this :
Mrs W. 8. Ford of 1938 Lansdowne
St., Hal tin, Md. writes :
Dear Mrs T'lnkhem;
''For four years my life -was a misery to
ma I auTered from irregularities, sup
pression, terrible dragging sensations and
extreme nervnuinoas. I had given up jp
hope of ever being well again when I.vdia
K. rinkham'a Vegetable ComjKmnd was
: h i . ! I II cured my wesknnsi and
made mo well and strong."
Miss Grace E. Miller, of 1213 Michi
gan St., Buffalo, N. Y. writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"I was lu h very lad condition of health
generally; irriulile, cross, backache and
eufferoi fro n a fetninlnn weakness. Lvdia
E. Pinkha-n's Vp;;etn!il) Comjiound, cored
me aftor all other IBsdtolnai had failed . '
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound did for Mrs. For 1 und
Miss Miller it will do for other won on
in like condition. Every suffer nir
woman in the United States is mi .ed"
to accept the following invitation It
is free, will bring you health and n.ay
save your life.
Mrs. Plaktiam's Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness arc I invited to
promptly communion'. with Mrs.
riukbara, at Lynn. Mass From the
symptoms given, th trouble may be
located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery adiised. Out of her
vast volume of experience in treating-
female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably
bus tho very knowledge that will
holp your case. Her advice is free
und always helpful.
Experience tsaches us
other kinds of mistakes,
how to make
Stimulate the ninod.
Brandrsth'l Pills are the great
purilicr. Thcv lire a luiutivc and
tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the
kidneys and the skin, thus cleansing the
system by the n.iturnl outlet of the bodv.
They stimulate the blood so aa to enable
nature to throw off all morbid humors
and cure all troubles arising from an im
pure atatc of the blood. One or two taken
every night will prove invaluable. ,
Each pill contains one grain of solid ex
tract of sarsapnrilla, which, with other
volualilr vegetable produets, make it s
blood pjnifltr of excellent eharuoter.
Ilrandrcth'a Pills hove been in use for
over a century and ure old in every drug
and medicine store, plum or sugar-coated.
ftntl all klMUofgaMM plants, ('an now furnlih all Itindt of i nfl i.ap.
plant, jfTuwn In the oihd air ami w 111 Maud ryivat ooiU r wit fr -n.
fePtlH of the nirm rritablH dttiK-n. We uw thu a.inifl planut
our thuuMtiiti a ru irui'l. farm. HlHiit rarf ruMy counted un l prntitTly
d. CuU rj ready lat of her. Lettuce, i I n a' d iutr platii. name
arlli r Kedfceu . m- . - ruua n.nhnt eff cile
Ti ji'ii (e rule i't tem nmail iota
' ; r O H- V',:
Kvkrd. t
ne or e
will give u eo per MM thnti i
tl.rt per thtUHiiiid larce lot ll.ooi
atl!l,8,';. t .;nt n . I., it- i i . ' uciirnLer Seen o err t- r pouml.
r, ' M'iK'ii- 8. .". Hie V oiled ml- Art ullU'ttl Vvt tut merit
baaetablthe d an Fxt-r1nieniHi btutlon on our mrm. to km all kiDdacH vcRvtablea, fan
eiany cabbage, i ni rtuiu oi tneau xpernria we w ill plMam pi . tw- y-u i.t ,.or time.
Youra reaptKlfully Hi II. It I, I I t II I OM I' t V. M K-UFI T, S. O
vciin-isre ao i mtdctsi nvr or en ...Id Hire, t irom ottt t ( loff M MAtJ let
a third of. century. We abtp for ci-ttnlnAtiorj and tail III if tail r-ikvi-antrn
.ate rlel.verv. Yuu ktm .at nutlihiu if n..r ..t .., i . .
"iuiiiiy inn , i
We arc the Largeit Man uf adorers In the World.
. -t. to th rnntumee ei ! . . W. um ....I
ln Wini Iaih. Automo- W!i..!n AA itvlx ..( U.. a t i r ,
Mlsfsataad Mn.c.u.,o. .' 7'r T '
km r, IT,.-., nice uassn Carriage A Harness Mlg. Co.
Pi US 50. Elldiart. Indiana
1 1. .
In a new British microscope any
part of the spectrum can be used for
Illuminating the object. It promises
valuable results and proves that diff
erent rays show minute details differ
ently, certain diatoms, (or Instance,
being visible under green, but not
to be seen with the yellow.
The growing use of small, Individ
ual towels Instead of roller towels
has brought an Intrease In the no
tional expenditure. Few hotels now
use roller towels, the germ theory
having made such in Impression on
the public mind. Last year about
$4,800,000 was aneut for towels.
A kangaroo consumed at much
grasB as four to six Bheep.
Sixty-four balloons were sent out
of Paris during the siege of 1870-71.
The churches are the Portugese
polling places and votes in Portugul
are cast nowhere else.
Turbine propellers are steadily
growing In favor both In the British
Navy and tho merchant marine.
There were 363 stock and 234
mutual Ure Insurance companies In
the United States January 1, 1S07.
Workmen In one ot the streets
of Madrid dug up an old walnut-wood
chest containing 300 gold doubloon.
Billiard balls, boxes for handker
chief!; ink wells, combs, etc., are
now made from skimmed milk.
Mllkstone of "galallth," as It Is call
ed. Is a combination of skimmed
milk and formaline.
Japan has bought and Is buying
large uumberu of Normandy Worsen,
for the new calvary regiments of tho
empire. Prlse-wlnners at trottlug
i ,- are preferred. Many horses
of tho Breton bleed are also being
purchased for Japanese service.
Senator Clark Prefers Cars,
A few nights ago, when miserable
weather prevailed, sloppy under foot
and a storm ot half sleet pelting
down, a man in evening dress board
ed the Connecticut Avenue "owl"
ear, suys the Washington correspon
dent of the Chicago Record-Herald,
lie hud come from one of the down
town hotels, avoiding the cabbies
mnrshaled at the entrance.
Ho sat In the crowded und be
draggled car, drops of dampness
hanging to the brim of his silk tile,
wedged In between a white man
and a negro carrying an obtrusive
bundle. As he groped for his nickel
fure, half the passengers snickered
and made audible remarks about
some people who could afford cabs.
Half way up Connecticut Avenue the
passenger who excited so much com
ment alighted and trudged through
the storm to his place of uliode.
It was Senator William A. Clark,
of Montana, one of the richest men
In the country. Few, if any, in
Washington ever saw this mult i-
millonaire In a cab, but every day
ne may oe seen wultlng on a corner
or chasing his way through the ve
hicles of this thoroughfare to board
the economical trolley.
Fishing I. in, For Cod.
"A Ashing line worth $2,000?"
"Yes, sir."
"I don't believe it."
"It's the truth. It's a codflBh line.
It's one of those lines to which ytu
awo your Sunday morning fishballs
and your less appetizing but equally
helpful cod liver oil.
"These codfish lines, you see, are
frequently eight miles long. They
have 4,fi80 hooks. They'll often
land 2,500 cod. No wonder they
:ost $2,000, eh?" Minneapolis
70-Year-Old Man Not Too Old to Ac
cept a Food Pointer.
Npj 680- wisfls hM
So Sensitive.
Tho Coachman What's tho mat
ter with the butler? He looks down
hearted. The Maid Yes, poor fellow, he Is
worrying again.
The Coaclmiun And what is he
worrying about now?
The Maid He Is afraid the mad
am's pug dog looks more dignified
than he does.--Chicago News.
Garfield Tea in made of Herbs a great
point iu its favor! Take ir lor constipation,
indigestion and liver ilisuirlmnceH. Guar
anteed under the Pure t''ood and Drugs Act.
A tight mull and
qually dliUKcrntiH.
Piles Cured In fl to 14 Kays.
Paso Ointment la guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c.
While mun wants
below, be never gets
little tie
"For the last 20 years," writes a
Maine man, "I've bscn troubled with
Dyspepsia and liver complaint, and
have tried about every known remedy
without much in the way ot results
until I took up the food question.
"A friend recommended Grape
Nuts food, after I Lad taken all aorta
of medicines with only occasional,
temporary relief.
"This was about nine months ago,
and I began the Grape-Nuts (or
breakfast with cream and a. little
sugar. Since then I have had the
food for at least one meal a day,
usually for briakfast.
"Words fall to express the benefit
I received from the use of Grape
Nuts. My stomach Is almost entirely
free from pain and my Uvar com
plaint la about cured, I have gained
flesh, sleep well, can eat nearly any
kind of food except greasy, starchy
things, and am strong and healthy
at the aga ol 70 years.
"It I can be the means of helping
any poor mortal who has been
troubled with dyspepsia as I hava
been, I am willing to answer any let
ter enclosing stamp," Name given
by Poatum Co., Battle Creek, Mich,
item! the little book, "The Road to
Wellvllle," in pkga. "There's a Reason."
Mrs. Wlnslqw's Soothing Syrup for Children
.hn nKenathcirumrt.rediK'obiidlamma
UOnTaUayi pain, cures wind colic, SScaliottle
Sometimes a woman face overdoes
It in the matter of telling her age.
Itch cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford'a
Panitarv Txiticn; never fails. Sold by Dmg
rists. Mail orders promptly filled bv Dr.
E DetchonMod.Oe.,OrawfordsvlU,Ind. $1.
The trouble with cooka Is that
family can't eat referenoea.
Garfield Tea, the EUirb laxative, ia mild
and potent ; take it to regulate a oluggieh
liver and to overcome constipation.
Graft ofu
US a OUSllleSh
i goes at. out disguised
Only One "Bromo Quinine"
That is iJaiativu Bromo (Juimne. Similar
ly named remedies sometimes deceive. The
hrst and original Cold Tablet is s White
Package, with black and red lettering, and
beam the n- tutv oi K. V. Giove. 2ic.
In ord.
what he
r to satisfy a man, give him
thinks he wants.
The Old-Monk-Cure will
straighten out a contracted
muscle in a )if(y.
Dop'l play possum with pal a,
but 'tends slriclly to business.
Price 23c and 90
Pure White Lead
is the Natural
Paint Pigment
Numero us
compou n d s
are being
offered to take
the place of
white lead an
a paint, but no
real substitute
for it has yet
been found.
Pure White
Lead lias a
property of
Willi (lie WIKKl
upon which it is used added to this
it has an elasticity which permits the
paint to fotlnw the natural expansion
and contraction of the wood. Pure
Whi e Lead (with its full natural te
nacity and elasticity, unimpaired by
adulterants), alone fulfills all the re
quirements of the ideal paint. Every
keg which Is-ar- t ie Dutch Hov trade
mark is positivJy ;us.ranteed to be ab
solutely Pure
White Lead
made bv the Old
Dutch Process.
"A Tslkon rsiat,"
alien vali.Ml'lt' Infills
i.ill. hi ou the psint
tmjai-t. S.-nt free
uiou I. ,1
All lead packed n
VhXl bear tnie mark.
I'll wktchttfT tf th fultuVf
ing 0tUn U uiaftt you i
New York. Bratoa. Buffalo, ClaveUnO.
OlftrlnDati, Cbiratfo, St. J. .. . l'luh,
delfhia f John T Lowlil Hr . . ( I- LU,
burgb NaUoaaJ I.t ml A OU )o I
Jr Baby , BeUB , natoy.. oiothnn
Hlalnsrth. Bottle, Washln, ".' VZ''
I pacific ooast liuHajraffll." Y;yg-
, ssnz sn sswTts.r'mir v vastc
H jfl' ft
-i i ii to know abtmi
NTS f Do you wish lo
Do you wiab tosnowabo I PKNblONSt i.
iiiw wua to know about rAY and uOl'NTY
1 lu-n
n'sfhliiftuii, P. C .1 yrara In Washliu-
lon Union Holdlen and Ballon war ladl-V-
bon wrlia to W. ii Willi. Auoriiar-at.lw
INoiarf i-udiii i. n iiiit.uuains.srj lii.iumt Av
-nUilsd to iwuslou en Kg- after thr roach i
H iwi.k.imr tieieria n lie bliu may be audUsd
half hit peuslon
full of pimples
polls Ills tor nuwy a OTIS. Oat rid at
Vaam by aldlug digssUoa with
Parsons' Pills
TUoy assist lUfMtloo, help the User lo Ss
Its work, mt ouie coustipaUoa. ,
Put up lu f laas vials.
Pits si seats Per ssle by ail dsaUra
I 1 JQMtON a fit , tmm. ...