The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 24, 1907, Image 4

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    Published Every Thursday.
B. W- P-K, Editor and Proprietor.
JANUARY 24, 1907,
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
AnvrRTim r uth.
Per square or K lines 3 tlmea N
Per g,uare each MttlMeiiueitt Insertion M.
Ail advertisements Inserted for lose than
lli'-uo month chanted by Ihu square.
I Sinon. I yrl
...$11.00. I I'JIlOn I 110.110
... 2.1.110. 10 00 WOO
.... WOO. I 05.00. I 75.00
One fourth column....
One Imlf eoluran
One Column
Noth'nn inen -ii for leu than II
Professional Cards one Tear IS
The beautiful mud roads in
Wells have been almost past trav
eling for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. (. W. Smith of
Hancock, visited J. A. McDon
oujih's. Mrs. Smith 19 a sister
of Jim.
Hartman Auderson, the Valley
miller, of Knid, who has been suf
ferinjc with creeping palsy, is now
slowly recovering.
George Shaffer, our ''Village
Blacksmith' has been housed up
for a week past; h ence, the merry
jingle of the anvil is not heard,
making New Grenada rather dull
in trade circles.
Mrs. William Alloway was quite
sick for ten days; but she is now
able to be about again.
Misses, Maude and Pearl Sliaf
fer, have been home during the
past two weeks.
Mrs Mary Galbraith cf South
Fork, Fa., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Catharine Duvall, and other
friends in this place.
Arnold Uoup, of near Shy Bea
ver, Huntingdon county, aud who
lived manyyears in Wells Valley
also a veteran of the Civil War.
died a few days ago. He was
brother of the late Samuel IIoup,
and of Mrs. V. D. Scbenck ai
Wells Tannery, and of Mrs. Geo
Thomas of near Enid.
M.A.Detwiler, the Rural Route
man, has taken up his abode in
Three Springs. We see his smil
ing face daily at 2 o'clock p. m
Mrs. Detwiler and daughter, An
na Lee, a e with her parents, J.
Bart Stevens and wife, near Dub
lin Mills.
By the way, when we said Itu
ral Route, it recalls the injustice
that is done at times to many for
the convenience of a few. Prior
to the establishment of their Ku
ral Route, New Grenada aud Wa
terfal) could have had no better
mail service, but tbo Rural Route
is now very unsatisfactory to
Uert Heeter purchased the
mansion of M. A. Detwiler, known
as the Hrideustiuo store and
Austin H Stevens, the magician
anil slight of hand peformer, of
Enid, was in our village Saturday
evening and enterttined our boys
with his various tricks, etc., in
the "black art."
Died, at Coles Summit, on Mon
day, January 14th, O. a. daughter
of Herbert and Jennie Fleck, aged
five years. The remains were in
terred in Bethel cemetery at New
Grenada on Thursday. Mrs.
Fleck is a daughter of Peter
B tilth of Coles Valley.
Peter lUitli is suffering with
pneumonia and is with his son
Frauk at Cole Summit
Dr. II. B. Campball took Rich
ard Madden of Taylor township,
this couotv, on Tuesday to Phiia
delphia to the Medico Chirurgi
cal Hospital.where he had a criti
eal operation performed for "ma
lignant san-oma" of the stomach
a form of cancer. Dr. Ernest
La Place performed the operation
assisted by Dr. Campbell and
four other physicians. Mr. Mad
den has been suffering for about
two years, Beomingly paying no
attention until his disease got
such, Wold on him as to cause
alarm. The prospects for his re
covery are not very encouraging.
He is still in the Hospital. His
wife and brother John went down
to see him last Saturday.
Piles get quick relief from Dr.
Sboop's Magic Ointment. lie
member it's made alouo for Piles
and it works with certainty and
satisfaction. Itching, painful,
protruding, or blind piles disapj
pear like magic by its use. Try
it and see! Sold at Dickson's
drug store.
1 tinned Iron tiist 11:1
MISSION WORK IN INDIA. 1 m ";hW w",":nn' vor M '
and being high caste, always
gains a respectful hearing il there
is a Huinco to speak at all. One
n nd tell then of His love and His ! ' the women had a very sore
salvation ! At last, we reached a I limb which I was able to doctor a
small village, principally compos i bit, and so much was this little
i d of pi tests, on the banks of the : act of ku dness appreciated that
Ganges twenty-live of fiom onesnd another would ejaculate,
living in a large old temple into I "Wall, wah!" "How kind!" "How
which we wero invited. If vow merciful !" "She does this with
could sod their faces you could j bor own hands!" After all wi s
understand a wee hit of how low I Hnished we sp ke a few words of hriiigs human souls. ; com fort aud promised to come
They all won the ftjgl of the god again and dress the wound, de
Rain on their foreheads, and it lighted to have such a good ex
reminded us ol ihe sign of the cuso. On the way out, wo were
t)Mt spoken of in I tevclatiou. Wo delayed unexpectedly however,
Udked to ihem; but they wanted j as the head man had heard of our
none of our religion nor any ot her attention to the women and he de
religion that would spoil their termined not t let us go without
trade, and take away their living j having received some hospitality
This trip was, principally, to
look out villages to which we
would g i later; buton our return,
Miss Roach and 1 stopped to see
whether we could m any way get
hold of the women. The first one
who saw us ran into he: house
and locked the door she waj so
frightened. We determined to
reach them through other means.
Just then, a man with a basket on
his head came aloug, and we ask
ed him to show us the house of
one of their pandits, so he did.
Several men were sitliug around.
The principal one asked us to sit
down, very kindly. This means
something to be asked to take a
seat so we talked in a frien ily
way with them, and gradually
the womeu began to peep out
from behind tlio doors aud show
themselves less s'.iy. We sung a
from his hand; so making us sit
down again, he sent for some
milk and sugar for us. I saw he
would feel hurt if we did not is
eept it, so we determined to take
cheerfully whatever he offered.
First ihree largo earthen cups
were placod before us and wash-
, ed quite chian: thou pints of hot
milk were p 30 red intj them with
plenty of native sugar. The milk
was really rich and good aud I
enjoyed it all with the exception
of the quantity, for they insisted
that we drink and drink, which 1
did until it was impossible to take
auymore. We were escorted
part of the way by two men,
whose conversation amused as
well as rather shocked me. It
ran something like this. "We
are most favored indeed to have
such hijrh ones as yourselves
bha jin anil linding them respect- ; come into our midst.
, er you incarnations and would
Wo consul
ful and pleased, promised to re
turn another day as it was grow- j bow down to you, etc., etj." I
ing late. This ;vas only a wedge i assured them there was only one
for another day, but wedges are i true Incarnation, aud that we
important, too. In the evening weio His servants. This nnc
we all went to another village.
Mr. Matthison to show the magic
1 intern; we to get the women.
Some one hundred aud fifty peo
pie gathered, and by our preseuc;
many women came who would
not have done so otherwise.
Wtnie M i', Matthison arranged
evening we returned to this vil
lage where about -100 people were
gathered in front of this man's
house to see and to hear the sto
ry of the birth and death of the
True Incarnation. Oh ! how I
wish I could describe that scene.
Tiie stars overhead, the high walls
the lantern, we sang to them and ! on all sides forming a court in
oh ! how they enjoyed it. The i the center, where all these dark,
men. gathered as close as they I white draped figures sat on the
dared, and expressed their ap-jgiund listening listening for
preciation by some of their most the first time to the Good News,
expressive exclamations, such as ! Hut you would 1 ave to see it to
"Wah! wah!" "Tins is very ! understand, and the maa is wait-
good ! " "Very good indeed ! "
There they sat for nearly three
hours listening to the Old Old
Story, and when the tejjMa ot
His death aud passion were
thrown on the screen there was a
great hush, broken only by sighs
r "ai, ai !" so expressive as to
make us know that hearts were day is "Long live Dr. King's New
touched aud that the Man of Sor-1 Discovery, King of Throat and
rows, bruised for our iniquities, j Ruug Remedies !"ot which Mrs.
had come very near this night, Julia Rider Paine, Trur,?, Mass..
ing tj go with this mail, so I
must close.
Lonj Live the kijg!
is the popular cry throughout
European countries, while in
America, theciy cf the present
even t the door of these darken
ed hearts. To day, Wednesday,
says j "It never fails to lve im
mediate relief and to quickly cure
wev-eni to some ot tiie villages ; a cough or cold." Mrs. Paine's
which we had "spied out" yester-1 opinion is shared by a majority of
day. Miss I each and her work- j the inhabitants of this country,
ers taking the right hand, while j New Discovery cures weak lungs
Shahyadi and 1 went to the left and Sore throats after all other
across : ome fields to several high i remedies havo failed; and for
caste v.llages. The women did ! c0ughs and c ldi it's the only
tirir rttrt Knf. i-tiru uhc tr ,,1
. . u. .w.j
us a bed to sit upon; but, unfor
tunately, nearly all the w.imen
were at work m the fields, so we
bad only a small audience tolls
ten to the Story. Hut who knows
what may have been accomplish
ed ''. His Word shall not return
unto Him void. After talking
a little with them, we. started off
across the fields to Raena, the
largest aud most important vil
lage in this locality. The two In
dian workers had been here the
day before, but had not baan able
to see the womes: as they were !
a l parda nashn; however, they
had spoken a good word for Jesus
Christ to the head man of the vil
lago who owns most of the land
in these parts, and who has come
here to ask that tiie lantern pic
tures migbt be shown in his vil
lage. We knew it would be diffi
cult to get any number of women
together, and doubted whether
we would have any opp rt unities
to see them . but God "pens doors
for his servants, and we were
kindly received by the men of the
village, one of whom asked us to
go to the house of the head man,
which we d;d very gladly. This
was the laig stand most impor
tant house in the place. One
chair a great luxury and a
stool were brought out aud we
were asked to be seated, and when
we inquired for the women, we
were kindly givt.u permission to
go inside to see them, win :h was
a sroat concession. Shahyadi
surecure. Guaranteed byTrout's
the druggist. ")0c and $1.00. Trial
b ittle freo.
1 numeration.
Commissioner of Immigration
Sargeant reports that 1,000,782 im
migrant aliens arrived in the Unit
ed States in the last fiscal year, and
that 65,018 nonimmigrant aliens
entered at the various ports. This
made an increase of 105, ;V.iS over
the previous year, notwithstand
ing that 19,482 wore turned back
by the inspectors.
The report says that the coun
try from which we formerly ob
tained most of our foreign popula
tion, i. e. Kngland, Ireland, Swe
den, Germany, Denmark and Scot
land, showed a decided tailing oh
in the immigrant tide, while con
siderable gains were made in the
totals front Italy, Russia, Greece
and Turkey. The accommodations
at Kills inland havo become en
tirely inadequate. Mr. Sargeant
says that many Japanese laborers
are coming in on contract work on
the railroads in the northwewt, by
first obtaining a resilience in Ha
waii and then coming under the
protection of a coastwise voyage.
Timber Land for Sale
The uudersigued oilers for sale
-00 acres of timber laud in ihe
lower erdof Ayr township, cov
ered with good oak and pine.
James J. Hahiuk,
Hig Covo Tannery,
1 1 7-St. Pa.
Kemp's Balsam
Will slop any couoh that
ran be stopped by any
medicine and cure rounds
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is always the best
rou(h cure. You cannot
afford to take chances on
any other kind.
coiifihs. colds, bronchitis,
(trip, asthma and consump
tion in first stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or harmful drug.
8 Fulton County Bank.
A Kicking Hap.
To cure a horse of kicking, the
following is said to bo i ti'eclivo :
Pill a grain sack hall lull of sand
and swiug it up to the ceiling
with a rope, so the sack will hang
just whore the heels of the horse
will have good play upon it. Tie
the horse in the stall with a good
strong rope and let him kick. At
the first kick the bag will swing
away and return, giving the horse
as good as he sout. For the next
few minutes there will be a lively
mix up, but the horse will soon
be thoroughly cowed. Eave tin.'
sack behind him for a week or so
and then remove it." Repeat if
" 3 for OaVnii Interest Fnlc on Time Deposlii
V Tliis old anil well known Financial Institution is now
j permanently located In its new room In the A. 1. Nacebulld-
A Ing, fjurgo additions have been made to the
and the number of Stockholders -has been increased to FIF
TKKN. which tflves all depositors a security of upward of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
v n
The Fulton County Bank does n ORNKKAL PANK
INO BU8INE89 it r.d extends eiery favor to their jxttrnns
i.nd friends, consistent with sound bunkinjr.
McConilellsburg, Pa. Cashier.
Highway Commissioner Hunter
announces that ho will ask the
Legislature to increase the ap
propriatiou for State roads from
11,500,000 to 16,000,000 a year.
This amount Mr. Hunter says
will enable thi department to
build between 200 and 400 miles
of road
Does Coffee disagree with you V
Pp-obably it does ! Then try Dr.
Shoop's Health Ooffee. "Health
Coffee'' is a clever combination of
parched cereals and nuts. Xota
grain of real coffee, remember, in
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its
llavor aud taste matches closely
old Java and M-cha Ct ffee. If
your storaacb, heart or kidneys
can't staud coffee drinking, try
Health Coffee. It is wholesome,
nourishing, rod satisfying. It's
safe even for the youngest child.
Sold by E R. McClain.
Business raining School
Pittsburg and Baltimore
Open All The Year Catalog Free.
It Is The
Cumberland, Wd.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice in Hereby t-iven that letter or nilniln
wtiMtion beve been vrented toth BBAeanlgftedl
upon ttM Bttate of Ml. Umbel Stoutens e.lute
of McConnellslmiv, Kullou county. I'u. CUMIeae
ed. All peraone hnvlDif olatnui .i - i n-i tniil tn
Mtfl will pfejteOt them properly uilllientlculeu
for ttettleineot, end tlioe owlut; the kuuic will
pleuse eel! i.nd settle.
Mel'onnellslur Va
1-3-07-31 AuuuulKtiutor.
Trespass Notice.
Tlio undersigned horeliy (,'ives notice
lit at ilie tandt ttntl prciiiisoH of tlio Kul
ton County Rod and Gun Club, an or
i jjaiiiiit in,, duly Incorporated by the
1 law of PenttMivenle, situated in the
townsnlpa of Weill and pram Cieek.
oounty "f Pulton and state of Penniyl
rania, tiie private property, and that
nil person tiro w arned not to trespass
mi snld land anil ' pr tniSM f Or the
purpose of hunting, nhinir, gathering
I tin' in- berries, on in any other tnan
nei whatever contrary to acts of as
Setnbly in snoh cases made and pi ovid
ed as the law will hi rigidly enforced.
Fulton Countv Rob and cun ct.uh.
Fulton County Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
1280 78
12 78
118 :o
i:in 8fi
From April Btil 1900 to Jan 1st
1900, loss by lire
Securing Charter, Attorney's
fees, can v ass i Dg, stationary,
books ami general expenses
(Charter closed from Jan 1st
Hint; to Jan. 1st llniT, loss by
lire .
ODloers fees and postage
Itetoi veil for policies issued
during the year of 1000
Property Inoludlng books sta'
tinne.ry, fto
Ain't of property insured .. 1296,186.0(1
J. It. BHARPE, Pres.
The above statctneut is ma le to take
the place of an assessment, The ofii-
cers desire to huve all the members of
the corrpany. and those who wish to
beOOIBS members, know the indebted
ness of the company, as the amount of
money to be raised will not justify the
expense of an assessment. The watch
word of the Company Is, and will be
"Keep down expenses."
The olllcers of the Company would
not charge anything (or their year's
work. The only charge being their
net cash expense.
The Company ha had only live
agents, each agent being limited to one
tOWDSblp. ThU year the Company
will be represented in every township
in the county.
All property insured must, be in Ful
ton county. Town properly ffCcepted,
SAMfKI. M. Carnkll
Hides Wsnled.
Tlio undesigned will pay for
greeu hides free from cuts, tlio
following prices : Steers and
heifers, 10c ; 30WB, 9c; bulls, So;
calf skins, GOto&Uc.; tallow, -1c.
Cut hides, J cent a pound less
thau foregoing prices; salted
hides, 11 to 12 cents.
Paul Wagner,
tvhererefthe F.-igiisii uingtHgeu tSpoJtes
The Thrlce-a-Weok World, now
that a great Presidential campaign Is
i foreshadowed, hopes to be a better pa
' per than it has ever been before, and
I ii has made its arrangement accord
ingly. Its new service covers the en
tire globe, and it reports everything
full;, "promptly and accurately. It is
the only newspaper, not a daily, which
is as good us a daily, and which will
keep yon as completely iuformed of
what is happening throughout the
The Thrlce-a-Week World is fair in
it political reports. 'You get the truth
from its columns, whether you are He-
ublican or Democrat, and that is whi t
i you want.
A special feature of the 1 hrice-a-
Week World has always been its aori
al fiction. It publishes novels by the
I host authors in the world, novels which
in book form sell for $1 .50 apiece, und
its high .standard in this respect will
be maintained in the future us in the
Till-; Tumck-a-Wkkk Wohi.ii's reg
ulur subscription price is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for loll papers.
Wo offer this uneiiiale,d newspaper and
I for one year for 11.76. The regular
l subscription price of the two papers is
I .01).
Valuable Town Property
at Private Sale.
The undersigned offers at privato
sa'e, his house and lot situate on
Smith First Street, McCQonelltburg,
Pa, This property consists of one
full lot, Why 220 feet, on which is
erected a good ten-room, two-story-aiid
u-half house, good dry cellar,
wood house, wash house, good Btable,
und other outbuildings. The lot Is in
pltndid suite of cultivation, with ex
cellent fruit trees. Terms right to
quick buyer,
Isaac Hui4
Cumberland Valley Trains
Leave FortLoudou at". 48 a. m.,
11.47 a. m., 2 4H p. m, leave Mer
corsburgat8.04a. m.. 12.07 p. :n.,
and 3.05 p. m.
Arrive at Morcersburg at 7.47
a. m., 10 2S a. m., and 5.53 p. m.
Loudon, 8.07 a. m., 10.48 a. m.,
and (i. 13 p. m.
Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubls
can remember when It was simple indiges
tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of indi
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and in the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevadi. O . says: I had stomach
trouble and was In a bad slate as I had hrart troul-la
with It. I took Kndol Dyspepsia Cure for about four
months and it cured me.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. $1 .00 Size holdlnc 2 4 times the trial
size, which sells for 50c,
Proparod by E. O. DoWITT 4 CO., OHIOAQO.
I have just received a fine
lot of Cutter Sleighs at low
prices. Please call und
I also have a lot. of New
Hugies that I will run out at
Cost I Carriage
while they last. Thanking the
public for past fuvors, I ftin
Yours very truly,
Hustontown. Pa.
Tlic Cbarniln;: Woman
is not necessarily one of porfect
form and features. Mauy a plain
woman who could nevor servo ad
an artist's model, possesses those
rare quahtios that all the world
admires; neatness, clear eyes,
clein smooth skiu and thatspi i-rift-liness
of step and actlaL that, uo
company good health. A phyai
cally weak woman is nover attrac
tlve, not oven to herself. Electric
bitters restore weak women, ivo
strong nerves, uriirhteyos, smooth
velvety skin, beautiful complex
ion. Guaranteed at Trout's, (be
drugsrist Mo,
Many a woman goes out shop
ping dressed in silk and envelop
ed in perfumfi whoso hard work
ing husband hasn't hid anew
uit of doilies or a decent meal
in live yeara. Yes, aud many a
loafer stands on the street with a
Unking pipe in his lace, his tank
full of "booze ' and his mouth
.full of profanity, wbote hard
working wife hasn't had a uew
dress or a kind word since she
was married.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
ure all Coughs, and cxpela Colds from
the ay-stem by o"'iv movliiu 'So bowels.
Bak.U iwerl sppIsS, with soma woule hrln
ne all h-t brand will i,v ,.
Nat,ir,.,!ul,.d.v lu v,,,l,,. ".Mnml" to
relievo evutrMUnsatlTiowii toman If Dhyafihna
can hut fl, Kuturo'B ,,v i S fflffl
stflklnsly tru,, with wd i t"iMt,t!.Ji.
n ," ,urk, "' '"rt"1" tree In ( iillfnrrila-ciis.
r.uubu(rrada-,rT,-wu i,i,t .-a.-. IIont ui.l to this
peri hint Bark, t-ollil Extract ol Pimm, etc , iut
kinu l.cun, lurk Is given ii. Kr,-uu-st ih,sII,I
UnuU Till, , (ll,, Ij,,.,.,.,, w, , ,
Dr. Mnk ljil,ru,... (roln Ing,.,,,,,,,,, ,i
nojteffwtlve pr. rlptlou. Ju i ff. ,t n c.m.mi.
pat on. UPiouaiieM. Sour Xtomnrh. llul liivuth
8yO,pWiaon, eic..i hi3el promts uJ
No grilling, no unpli-iiauiit utter effects are ei.
perleneiU and Uz-rU are put up In beautiful
IlthograpiuKl im-ul bozusui .'.eeiiu and S cuuta
ht lox. aaaaaai
lor M,m..,lng new, nli-e. economic ul and
eft' ellvu. try a box ol
0 I 9
i , a i . j j . i
a.k o, for -1 1 1 1 1 - ii-
etaaunu dkaimj fll.l.!S II
Ooi.u metaltfc boxee, aealcti
Kininm. TIKI No 1.IHKH.
i... ii-i ami ... : nr VIII-
111 MON la n li , , i, mi., for Iweutv-Ave
yenra rrgunUd ii Beet.Safeat. Alwaya Krllal.k.
bOl 1) I1Y duik;oists HVl'.K YWHKKH
t'k!katar ' '. .1 (v., I'kll. .
i.s in ku, iii
ealcd with liliie
ia. Uuy ur ,.V
til l HlN I F.ll'H V
First Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cnp nod Towel with ench Shave
Kwiything Aiiilseptlo.
Riizors SlerlllKeu,
'"Shop In roomlntclv occupied by M Mralte
Tonsorial Artist.
Strlcily up tn dalo Id all ulylea ff hair out
tlnr Uulolc, en!sy have. liny-rum, CrettmH-Wlt,!h-ni.KCi
without nxtrn charge. Frvnb
towel to i-i'h nuitoBis$r. !,ntpsi (mproved up,
pHratiH fur -ti:rtlirl:ig tools Parlora oppOHitc
Vulton UoHH.
Attorney at Law,
Ollice on Square,
McConiicllsbur, Pa.
All legal bus now and onlleoliona entrualed
will ccolve careful and prompt attention.
BOROI till Ol f-.UEKS.
Justice of the I'caof Ij. H. Wlbie.
Constable D. T. Kinlils.
Burjress Dr. H. S. Wisliart.
Councllmen Thomas N. Ilaminil,
Win. U. Nesblt, H. tf, Nacp, M. H.
ShalTner, 0. K barton, L. E Little,
(jeo. W. HnyH.
Clerk -r. If. Wiblc.
School Directors John Comeior,
C. B. Stevens, S. U. Woollct; L. H.
Wiblo, D. t,. Grlssinger, T. F. Sloan.
Board of Health H. S. Wis hart, M.
D. ; pres. John H Harris; sec'y. (j.
W. Hays; W. r, McKlbbin, M. D., J.
W. Mosser, M. D.
Tl.RMS Ol' COt HT.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county In the year shall couimenca
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, ut 1 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuosday next
following tnt' second Monday of June,
ut 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, nf, ! o'clock p. m.
President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges W.H. Bender, D.
T. Humbert.
lrothonotary, &.c Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney Goorge B. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. 0, Lsuver.
Sherlll .1. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff VV. H. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners David Hotz,
A. C. Truax.
Auditors- D H. Myors, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grunt Wink.
Cominissionet-H S. C. Grac?y, Wm.
C. Davis, S. A Nesliit.
Clerk B. Frank Henry.
County Superintendent - Chas. I
Attorneys W Scott Alexandor, J,
Nelsou Wipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. It. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John K Sipes, 8. W.
Kirk, F. P. Lynch, H. N. Sipes.
Fu'.suyterian. Kev. W. A. West,
D P.. Fustor. 'reaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services ut Crcen Hill on alternate
Sabbuthf ut 10:30 a. m. Sobbath
school ut BUG. Junior Christian Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Fndeavor
at 0:00. Frayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
MK.THonrsT episcopal Itev, J. C.
Grimes, Pastor. Sunday School
at 9:30 a,- m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at- 7:00. Epworth
Ieague at B:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United CHKSUYTrauAN itev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 0:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every othe- Sunday
evening at 7:00. The alteruute Sahhath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
Pastor. Sunday school 9:16
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 und every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian Fn
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Ukformkk Pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m.
Preaching an alteruute Subbaths at
10:00 a. m. und 7:00 p. in. Christian
Kndeavor at. 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Odd Fellows M'Counellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday et oiling In
toe Cleycnger's Hull in McCinnells-
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 44 mert'
evory Saturday evening in the New Ball
it Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hull at Wells Tannery.
HatvUouvllle Lodge Ho. 710 meets
every Suturduy oveniug in Cdl Fel
lows' Hull ut Hurrlsonvllle.
Waterfull Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hall at Now Gionada.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 001 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King PostG. A. P.. No. .K5 meets in
MoConnellsburg In Clevcnger's Hall
the first Saturday in every mouth at 1
p. IP.
Washington Camp, No. 450, P. O.
S. of A meets every Brill und t Bird
Saturday evening ut their hall at Nied
raore. Tuscarora Council, Itovul Arrant: in
mevts every Hist and third Monday
evening In Clevenger's Hull, McCon
nellsbuvffi Washington Camp No. 41)7, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 664, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontowrr, meets every Satur
urday evening In I'. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post O. A. R., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or Just
preceding full moon in Lashleyhall.
at 2 v. m., ut Buck Valley.
Woman's Belief Corps, No. Ho
meets at samo date and plaoe at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Post No.402,
O. A. :-., meets the second and four'.b
Saturdays In each month at Pleasant